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For office use only:

Date Sent:
Date Rec'd;
Information from this form will appear In Horizons and other infor- This form is prepared to help you give accurate background informa-
mation formats published by Mission Services Association. tion about yourself and your mission work.
Please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate
'Please do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you may want to provide.
This is not an application form, it is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicize
your work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensive
to you, please feel free to leave them blank.
(Month Day Year)
Name In full
Spe/f out all names First/Name
LyyA' Assist
M/^/e Name Lssf Name
Complete address on field: ^
(Number - Street - /C'fy Sfafs - Zip number - Country)
^Phone number on field: Case of Emergency call #:
Ask for:
(First - Middle - Last name and address)
Your complete address while In USA: .
(Number Street - City - Sfafa - Zip)
^ ^ QfLo'^s
(Number ' Street ' City ^ Stale - Zip) '
Your USA phone number: area code phone number ^^' /
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
Number & Street
(Full name ot church)
City State Zip
Number & Street
(Full name of church)
City: State Zip
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
Fin-ii-Number&street 3oljche
(Full name ol church) ^
City: aATLmx- 3,3,^ 2ip
^ Clx^/u^'h
Number & Street
6 2^7 D. li^ S+.
(Full name ol church)
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders in
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churchestosupportyourmlssionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)
^'^N^n^: ViQck. Number &Street A
City: State
Number &Street Hcb/e
State "A" Zip
Place of Birth
Date of birth _
fNumCer S Street)
(Add date of arrival and naturalization date
(Mortlh) (Day) (Year) (Month) (Day)
Where baptized?
if applicable.)
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married ^ Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife
Date of marriage li? , /^/ V" Where married? (LAjt/vtj
C3 '\a.n
(Month) Ih) (Day) (Year)
Who solemnized your wedding? Qib
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year in the order of your children's birth days. (If your
children have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
Name Place of birth Month, Day Year
^ IT L-
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Place Position .Service , Dates .
-[7^.Qy CKrtyWCk^ /U 'tn'-sfei- V^/
VtjlUnvft. Ck /A/ ^ ^ ^^
(/k}) ^"7 ^ Pv
, , ' y ' I a >,\
EDUCATION (high school and later):
.... Degrees granted and date
Name of school Location Number of years y^ist honorary degrees)
(3^2^/>M /^' ^ C4fLm:lL ^ t9i)3
Lincoln Ck- Lu^'tn . ^ I ^ 7
Scru-jU^' %, Se/n ^M ^ ^)S"J
What influenced you to become amissionary? 0"^ ^/YUSSt^f L-&^
d.'ylc^i -h iW|? y^j -/jw;se ox 4^'eU>
What is your purpose In missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
you need more space):
k^iie.iLslu^ -tP-^'huu . /n /yi^-jxio
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher Pilot.
Homemaker Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher Radio
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment Maintenance Benevolent Office Work Production of Bible
Correspondence Courses Production of Christian literature in the National Language Village
Evangelism ^ Name other:
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent)
Father's name and his home address:
f 7f!i ^ (FitH Middle Leal name)
Living Deceased _ Number &Street
City ^RtatP I^ Zip phone
His occupation Is he a Christian? Yes f ^ No
What positions of leadership has he held in the local church? ^ ^
What Christian service does he now do?
Mother's ftnt^Roatden name
(Firsi Middle - Laai name)
Living Deceased Number & Street
r^ity ^State Z\p-h2S2d Phone
Is she a Christian? Yes ^ No Her occupation If employed outside the
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church?
Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No
If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
Xe/fA / r^f 6^ds.s
(First Middle - Last name. II applicable, tiat both Mr. and Mrs. loll names.^
Number and Street.
/?^ / A6i- , City
State Un Zip ^2-^2-/ Phone ^
Where attend church? CkU^-hii^
Number &gtrppt^^ WA^'h iei^eilkcAty state zip
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent? ^
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?
Does the forwarding agent receive asalary? In what form should funds be sent? (jJ^C^
Please give the full name of the mission: v/nXL
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? ^
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this mission;
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, please explain the details of HOWto do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may Inquire
Mission Services Association Is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
If you have additional Information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA In preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send it. MSA Is depending upon you. Thanks.
For office use only;
Date Sent;
Date Rec'd: ' I'B
Information from this form will appear In Horizons and other infor- This form Is prepared to help you give accurate background informa-
matlon formats published by Mission Services Association. tion about yourself and your mission work.
Please type or print clearly *Do not abbreviate
Please do not write on this form anything other than that requested. Attach extra sheets for additional information you may want to provide.
This is not an application form. It is not an official form endorsing you and your work. It is simply a worksheet designed to help us publicize
your work that may help produce new friends for you, prayers and financial assistance. If any questions seem too personal or seem offensive
to you, please feel free to leave them blank.
Date: 1 .
{Month Day fwr)
Name in full
Tm Spall out all names first Name Middle Name Last Name
Complete address on field: CqClImu!^ ,
(Numtar Street City State Zip number Country)
Phone number on field: In Case of Emergency call #: /4y
Ask for:
(First - Middle Lest name and address)
. % fKcittx fili' fios$ ^ I
(Number Street City State Zip)
hone niimhRr
Your complete address while In USA
(Number Street City - State Zip)
Your USA phone number: area code lii phone number
Name and address of Livinglink church or churches:
Number & Street
(Full name of church)
City state Zip
Number & Street
(Full name ol church)
City: State Zip
Names and addresses of other sponsoring churches whose elders recommend you:
C.lvjU.'^'dd-ir^ ClX\A^(U^ Number &Street ^0'2>
(Fuii name ol church) ^ ^ ^
City: Q&ft-'n-L- State Zip
^ CiMU<r
Number & Street
(p^l id.
(full name o! church)
City: State
Please send letters of recommendation from the elders In
your sponsoring churches which will encourage other
churchestosupportyourmissionary work. Certainly the
words of these elders will help to convince others
regarding the worthiness of your mission work. Please
help MSA to spread your news through HORIZONS by
sending these elders' letters from your sponsoring
churches as soon as possible. MSA will be happy to help
you contact these elders if you will send the full
addresses of the churches.
Recommendations by Christian Leaders: (List names here and enclose a copy of each letter.)
Name: Number & Street
City: State Zip
Please sketch a map directing visitors to your location on the mission field.
City _
Place of Birth
Date of birth _
(Number & Street)
{Add date of arrival
(Month) (Day)
Number & Street
and naturalization date
(Month) (Day)
Where baptized?
if applicable.)
On an extra sheet please describe any details regarding your conversion which you might care to mention..
Married Single Divorced Widowed
Please give the complete name of your husband or the maiden name of your wife
^ ^^ Where married? Date of marriage
(Month) th) (Day) (Year)
. /UinL<.(<YC.
Who soiemnized your wedding
List children by full name giving the place, birthday, month and year in the order of your children's birth days. (If your
children have been adopted please indicate.) In case you are single, please list your brothers and sisters by name in
this space.
Name \ r icii.. Place of birth Month,
Day Year
Please list places of previous Christian service and what service you did as a brief career summary. Give
approximate dates:
Place Position
EDUCATION (high school and later):
Name of school
C-CjiuyK /cc^ . //, $ c
Number of years
Degrees granted and date
(List honorary degrees)
What influenced you to become amissionary? ^ J''CrimryuS^L^y^ ~jyLLp^
Ci^lcci lu.i^ -(n '.U
What is your purpose in missions? Or what do you hope to accomplish on the mission
Your own explanation in some detail might be Influential in leading others into full-time service. (Use extra sheets if
you need more space):
1/ I ... . A y- ^ .. . ^ A . ^ r !
^il lie LJZrfiXlH.
Describe briefly in outline form the nature of your daily duties on the field:
Which of the following terms most nearly describes your missionary status?
Evangelist Bible College Teacher Bible Reader Public School Teacher
Homemaker Doctor Nurse Social Worker Music Teacher
ministry Radio follow-up Christian Service Camp Linguistics Maintenance of
mission equipment
Correspondence Courses
Evangelism X Name other:
Maintenance Benevolent Office Work X Production of Bible
Production of Christian literaturp In the National Language Village auction of Christian literature m
Languages you know (fluent/non-fluent)
Father's name and his home address:
-^0itAl ne 'id-e /2^
. tFirat ^ Middle. Leal namep~^
)(. Deceased Number &Street ^'^0 f^
nity ^ RtatP Zip PhnnP " 3^4
His occupation lt.-c A lg gChristian? Yes No
What positions of leadership has he held In the local church?
What Christian service does he now do?
Mother's full maiden name
(First Middle Last iteme)
Living Deceased Number &Street
City ^ State 7rp
Is she a Christian? Yes No Her occupation If employed outside the
What leadership positions or Christian service has she rendered to the local church?
Do you have relatives in mission work? Yes No
If so, please list their names, location, kinship and details on a separate sheet with a brief explanation of their
missionary activity.
AGENT:^ , A , ^
^;lt ! m- ^/Loss
(FIrat Middle - Last name If applicatle. Hal both Mr. and Mrs. lull namea.)
Number and Street ^ Q-^^y ^ ^
State ^7^^ Zip Phone
Where attend church?
[Full named'
Number & SsSSIkfeU!i ^ Zip
What duties are performed by the forwarding agent?
Should money be sent to the forwarding agent only?
Does the forwarding agent receive asalary? In what form should funds be sent? ^/l ^c jC-.
Please give the full name of the mission: ^(LO-H \/iyA.
Does the mission have official tax exempt status? ^
Please give details of HOW checks should be written to this migRinn-^fv^S F Ch^shkl^n
(I.CL. V V^
If funds are to be sent directly to the missionary on the mission field, pleaseexplain th^detailsof HOW to do it, so we
can give your explanation to HORIZONS readers and others who may inquire
Mission Services Association is depending upon you to keep her informed regarding your missionary activity.
Thanks so very much; you are the BEST source for your information we know, so you are a vital partner.
If you have additional information that you think will be helpful to the staff of MSA in preparing news stories about
your ministry, please feel free to send It. MSA is depending upon you. Thanks.
Rick, Terri, and Jonathan Absher, after three short-term
mission trips, have made a commitment to full-time mission
service with Una Esperanza Viva (A Living Hope). This work was
established in 1981 by Brenda Vartenisian Gutierrez and is
located in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Juan and Brenda are
sharing the Gospel in this city of 600,00 and its outlying areas
through the nine churches and one Christian Service Camp they
have served or started.
Spiritual nurturing and prayer partners with Juan and Brenda
will be a primary area of service. Other significant areas of
service for the Absher's will include: leadership training, men's
and women's Home Bible Studies, providing transportation,
preaching, teaching, and working with the short-term mission
groups who visit and serve with Una Esperanza Viva.
Rick was born September 12, 1945 in Evansville, Indiana, but
most of his growing up years were spent in Carmi, Illinois. He
is a 1979 graduate of Johnson Bible College. Rick has served as
a new church evangelist and in established churches. He has also
studied at the Southern Baptist Theological and Lincoln Christian
Terri was born March 24, 1955 in Carmi, Illinois. She and
Rick were married on March 24, 1974. Jonathan is their only son
and he is 10.
Recommending the Abshers are the elders and preacher of the
First Christian Church in Carmi, Illinois, as well as, the elders
of the Rushville (IN) Church of Christ where Rick has ministered
since March 1, 1987.-
Rick and Terri will be residing at 322 N. Harrison Street,
Rushville, Indiana 46173, phone 317-932-5478 until June 1, 1990.
Funds for their living link and service support should be made
payable to First Christian Church, Una Esperanza Viva and sent to
their forwarding agents Keith and Pat Gross, RR 1 Box 261, Carmi,
'Illinois" 62821, phone 618-382-7439.
Una Esperanto. Viva
(A Living Hope)
"Praise be to God and Father of our lord Jesus Qirist!
In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a
LIVING HOPE through the resurrection of Jesus Christ
frcm the dead" I Peter 1:3
Rick, Terri and Jonathan Absher have made a decision
and coTsnittment to serve the Lord as full time mission
aries in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Ihey have begun
the process of presenting the work in Mexico to area
churches, and will be working full time raising support
as of June 1, 1990. Ihe sunnier and fall months will be
filled with canps, VBS's, and mission presentations
in various churches. They hope to be on the mission
field by January 1, 1991.
Mexico is divided into 31 states and a federal
territory v^ch is v^t gives it its formal title
ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS (United States of Mexico).
Mexico's flag is divided into three parts. The
green stands for independence, the \^ite for religion
and red for union.
The basic unit of money used is called the peso.
It takes 2,658 pesos to equal one American dollar.
Saltillo, once the capital of Texas is now the
capital city of Coahuila. It is located in the mountains
at an elevation of 5,300 feet and has a population of
Ikia Esperanza Viva (A Living Hope) is a mission
work based in Saltillo which was started in 1981 by an
American, Brenda Vartenisian Gutierrez. Brenda married
Juan, a graduate of Colegio Biblico, in 1983. This
dedicated couple along with all of Juan's family have
worked faithfully for many years. Much progress is being
made in Saltillo and its outlying areas in spreading the
gospel among the Mexican people through the nine churches
and one Christian service canp they have started or
Rick, Terri and Jonathan, after three short-term
mission trips, have now made a coimittment to full time
mission service with Iftia Esperanza Viva. This decision
cores after much prayer, sixteen years of marriage and
ten years in the ministry.
Rick, a 1979 graduate of Johnson Bible College,
will be using his experience and education in teaching,
preaching, and leadership training. This will be accom
plished through translators (Juan and Brenda) until
gaining a good carenand of the language. He has a start
in that by the end of I^y, 1990, he will have ccnpleted
two years of high school Spanish. Another area of
immediate help will be in the transporting of church
menhers to and from worship services and other church
functions. At this time Juan and Brenda are often on
the road 4-5 hours each Sunday providing this service.
Reporting to supporters, bookkeeping duties and
hcme schooling will occupy much of Terri's time. Again,
after learning the language the opportunities will be
greater such as teaching in a Youth Group setting or
participating with a ladies' Bible study group. Plans
have already been made for a private tutor to assist
the whole family with their Spanish.
Another area of assistance will be helping with
the day to day activities of groups visiting Saltillo.
Because of its location, Una Esperanza Viva plays host
to many short term mission visitors. Rick and Terri
will also be regular prayer and Bible study partners
with Juan and Brenda.
Jonathan, 10, is looking forward to living in
Mexico. He hopes to contribute to the work on the
mission field in many ways. The language difference
does not bother him. He discovered v^le visiting
there that kids can ccfftmunicate easily vhen involved
in soccer, football, baseball, etc.! Jonathan plans
to continue piano lessons and use this talent vrtiile
in Mexico.
Prayer support
Financial support
Funds for a 12 or 15 passenger van
Adequate and appropriate schooling for Jonathan
Buyer for our house in Rushville
Safety in surrrner traveling
Trouble free entry into Mexico
Address until June 1, 1990:
Rick and Terri Absher
322 N. Harrison Street
Rushville, IN 46173
Funds for Rick, Terri and the mission vrork should be
made payable to:
First Christian Church, Una Esperanza Viva
earmarked, Abshers
and mailed to their forwarding agents:
Keith and Pat Gross
R 1 Box 261
Carmi, IL 62821
The Absher family can be reached through their forwarding
agents after June 1.

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