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$789:;< 45 1he name of Lhls organlzaLlon shall be ML8CL8 CCun1? uLMCC8A1lC CCMMl11LL.
$789:;< =5 1he purpose of Lhe Mercer CounLy uemocraLlc CommlLLee shall be furLherlng good governmenL,
encouraglng grass rooLs parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe uemocraLlc arLy, recrulLlng and supporLlng uemocraLlc candldaLes for
rlmary and Ceneral LlecLlons, developlng an open convenLlon sysLem for endorslng uemocraLlc candldaLes ln
rlmary LlecLlons, and fulfllllng Lhe duLles asslgned Lo lL under 1lLle 19 of Lhe new !ersey 8evlsed Code.
)3%&!-1 &&5 212+13$0&6
$789:;< 45 1he CounLy CommlLLee shall be composed of duly elecLed CommlLLeemen and CommlLLeewomen ln Lhe
elecLlon dlsLrlcLs of Mercer CounLy.
$789:;< =5 Any CommlLLeeman or CommlLLeewoman vacancy occurrlng wlLhln Lhe Mercer CounLy uemocraLlc
CommlLLee shall be fllled aL a meeLlng of Lhe Munlclpal uemocraLlc CommlLLee or Ward CounLy CommlLLee ln
whlch Lhe vacancy occurs.
$789:;< >5 noL wlLhsLandlng any provlslon of 1lLle 19 of Lhe 8evlsed SLaLuLes of Lhe SLaLe of new !ersey, members
of Lhe CounLy CommlLLee shall be elecLed blennlally aL Lhe prlmary for Lhe general elecLlon ln even numbered
years ln Lhe manner provlded ln 1lLle 19 of Lhe 8evlsed SLaLuLes. Members shall Lake offlce on Lhe flrsL SaLurday
followlng Lhelr elecLlon, on whlch day Lhe Lerms of all members Lherefore elecLed shall LermlnaLe. 1he blennlal
reorganlzaLlon meeLlng of Lhe counLy commlLLee shall be held on Lhe llrsL 1uesday followlng Lhe prlmary elecLlon
ln even numbered years ln Lhe manner provlded ln 1lLle 19 of Lhe 8evlsed SLaLuLes.
)3%&!-1 &&&5 1-1!%&"# "/ "//&!13$
$789:;< 45 Cfflcers. 1he CommlLLee shall elecL Lhe followlng offlcers aL Lhe blennlal reorganlzaLlon meeLlng:
!"#$% - 1he Chalr shall be responslble for carrylng ouL Lhe goals and dlrecLlves as seL forLh hereln.
'$() !"#$% - 1he vlce Chalr shall be of Lhe opposlLe gender of Lhe chalr and shall asslsL Lhe chalr as seL ln Lhe duLles
of Lhe chalr above and shall acL as Chalr lf Lhe offlce of Lhe chalr should become vacanL for any reason.
'$() !"#$%- .
'$() !"#$%- 1
'$() !"#$% #/0 2
'$() !"#$% - 1he CommlLLee shall elecL a 1
vlce Chalr and a 2

vlce Chalr of Lhe opposlLe gender. 1he CommlLLee shall furLher elecL a 3
vlce Chalr and a 4
vlce Chalr of Lhe
opposlLe gender. 1he vlce Chalrs shall be responslble for carrylng ouL Lhe pollces of Lhe CommlLLee as dlrecLed aL
Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe chalr.
3)(4%0$/5 6)(%),#%7 - 1he 8ecordlng SecreLary shall be responslble for Lhe recordlng, readlng and malnLenance of
Lhe mlnuLes of all meeLlngs of Lhe CommlLLee.
!4%%)+84/0$/5 6)(%),#%7 - 1he Correspondlng SecreLary shall be responslble for malnLalnlng Lhe llsL of all Lhe
members and offlcers and offlclal correspondence of Lhe CommlLLee and shall provlde noLlce Lo all meeLlngs of Lhe
CommlLLee Lo all members, offlcers and uemocraLlc elecLed Cfflclals ln Mercer CounLy.
9%)#+:%)% - 1he Lreasurer shall be responslble for all flnances of Lhe CommlLLee lncludlng Lhe malnLenance and
flllng of all accounL and elecLlon reporLs.
6)%5)#/,+;#,;<%=+ - 1he Lwo SergeanLs-aL-Arms shall lead Lhe pledge of alleglance and preserve Lhe order aL all
meeLlngs of Lhe CommlLLee.
$789:;< >5 A nomlnaLlng CommlLLee shall be selecLed by Lhe CounLy Chalr aL leasL flve days before Lhe
reorganlzaLlon meeLlng and Lhe names of Lhe members of Lhe nomlnaLlng CommlLLee shall be senL Lo Lhe
members of Lhe CounLy CommlLLee wlLh Lhe MeeLlng noLlce. 1he nomlnaLlng CommlLLee shall accepL appllcaLlons
for nomlnaLlon Lo offlce for Lhe purpose of ensurlng LhaL all candldaLes are duly reglsLered and recognlzed
uemocraLs resldlng ln Mercer CounLy. nomlnaLlon CommlLLee members shall noL be nomlnaLed for any offlce Lo
Lhe CommlLLee.
$789:;< ?5 All CounLy CommlLLee Cfflcers shall have obLalned more Lhan flfLy percenL of Lhe voLe of CommlLLee
Members ln order Lo be elecLed. ln Lhe evenL LhaL more Lhan Lwo candldaLes run for Lhe same offlce and no
lndlvldual candldaLe geLs more Lhan flfLy percenL of Lhe voLe, Lhere shall be a runoff of Lhe Lop Lwo.
)3%&!-1 &@5 1A1!'%&@1 *&31!%"3
$789:;< 45 1here may be Lhe poslLlon of LxecuLlve ulrecLor who wlll be appolnLed by Lhe CounLy Chalr and who wlll
serve aL Lhe dlscreLlon of Lhe CounLy Chalr.
)3%&!-1 @5 2'#&!&6)- !0)&3
$789:;< 45 Lach MunlclpallLy or Ward shall form a Munlclpal or Ward CounLy CommlLLee CrganlzaLlon and elecL a
Munlclpal Chalr ln accordance wlLh 1lLle 19.
)3%&!-1 @&5 !"22&%%11$
$789:;<45 1he Chalr shall appolnL members of Lhe followlng sLandlng commlLLees ln a number sufflclenL Lo carry
ouL Lhe purpose of each commlLLee and shall deslgnaLe a chalr Lo each commlLLee. ConslderaLlon ln selecLlng Lhe
members Lo each commlLLee shall be glven Lo afflrmaLlve acLlon goals and equal represenLaLlon among males and
females. Members of Lhe SLandlng CommlLLees musL be reglsLered democraLs ln Mercer CounLy and Lhe ma[orlLy
of each sLandlng commlLLee musL be comprlsed of CounLy CommlLLee members.
>)=?)%+"$8@ 1he Membershlp CommlLLee shall be responslble for promoLlon and recrulLmenL of membershlp ln
Lhe CounLy CommlLLee.
A%45%#= #/0 B4%C+"48@ 1he rogram and Workshop CommlLLee shall be responslble for developlng, organlzlng
and produclng programs and workshops for Lhe purpose of educaLlng CounLy CommlLLee Members and lnLeresLed
democraLs lnLo Lhe varlous aspecLs of parLy bulldlng and campalgn Lechnlques
D$/#/()@ 1he llnance CommlLLee shall work wlLh Lhe Chalr Lo ensure Lhe flnanclal goals as seL forLh by Lhe Chalr
wlLhln Lhe scope of Lhe approprlaLe elecLlon flnance laws and Lo ensure Lhe flnanclal vlablllLy of Lhe CounLy
!4/E)/,$4/@ 1he ConvenLlon CommlLLee shall be responslble for carrylng ouL Lhe call of Lhe annual CounLy
uemocraLlc ConvenLlon for Lhe purpose of endorslng candldaLes for rlmary elecLlons.
)3%&!-1 @&&5 211%&#B$
$789:;< 45 1he flrsL meeLlng of Lhe CounLy CommlLLee shall be Lhe 8lennlal CrganlzaLlon MeeLlng Lo be held on Lhe
flrsL 1uesday followlng Lhe rlmary LlecLlon ln even numbered years ln accordance wlLh Lhese bylaws and Lhe
8evlsed SLaLuLes of Lhe SLaLe of new !ersey.
$789:;< =5 1here shall be aL leasL Lwo regular meeLlngs of Lhe Mercer CounLy uemocraLlc CommlLLee held each
year. Cne of Lhese meeLlngs may be held ln or abouL Lhe monLh of lebruary for Lhe purpose of conducLlng such
buslness LhaL ls expecLed Lo lmpacL Lhe commlLLee ln Lhe upcomlng elecLlon year. A second meeLlng may be held
ln or abouL Lhe monLh of SepLember ln preparaLlon for Lhe upcomlng general elecLlon.
$789:;< >5 Speclal meeLlngs may be held aL any Llme, upon Lhe call of Lhe CounLy Chalr or upon wrlLLen requesL
slgned by 1/3 of Lhe elecLed members of Lhe CounLy CommlLLee upon presenLaLlon Lo Lhe CounLy Chalr.
$789:;< ?5 All members of Lhe Mercer CounLy uemocraLlc CommlLLee shall be noLlfled, by wrlLLen noLlce, Lhree
days prlor Lo Lhe daLe of Lhe Mercer CounLy uemocraLlc CommlLLee 8eorganlzaLlon MeeLlng and Len days noLlce
prlor Lo Lhe daLe of any regular or speclal meeLlng.
$789:;< C5 MeeLlngs shall be conducLed accordlng Lo 8oberLs 8ules of parllamenLary procedure.
)3%&!-1 @&&5 )21#*21#%$
$789:;< 45 Whenever an amendmenL Lo Lhe ConsLlLuLlon and 8y Laws ls Lo be broughL before Lhe CounLy
CommlLLee, a sLaLemenL of Lhe proposed amendmenL musL be lncluded ln Lhe meeLlng noLlce and senL Lo all
members aL leasL Len days prlor Lo Lhe meeLlng.
$789:;< =5 ln order Lo adopL an amendmenL Lo Lhe consLlLuLlon and 8y Laws, 2/3 of Lhe members ln aLLendance
musL voLe ln lLs favor.
)3%&!-1 &A5 D'"3'2
$789:;< 45 1wenLy flve percenL of Lhe duly elecLed CounLy CommlLLee members musL be ln aLLendance ln order Lo
consLlLuLe a quorum aL Lhe reorganlzaLlon meeLlng and aL any oLher meeLlng of Lhe CounLy CommlLLee Lo conducL

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