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Acting 1 Pantomime Script

Noah Harrison and Jacob Bartscher

I. Introduction
A. Go to car, open trunk, pick up invisible bag, and start putting invisible bag(s) into
car (6).
B. Close trunk, walk to car door(s) and open, get in car, click seatbelt
a. Close door on finger (Problem #1) and grab finger, make pained face
C. Drive along, hit bump, tire pops (Problem #2)
D. Pull car over, turn off car, unbuckle, get out of car, go to trunk, open trunk, get
help to lift tire out of trunk
a. Unscrew tire (4 bolts)
b. Load on new tire, throw away old tire on side of road
E. Get back in car, buckle up, turn on car, put car in gear and drive away
F. Drive along, hit gas pedal repeatedly to show that gas has run out (Problem #3)
a. Pull car over, turn car off, unbuckle, get out, go to trunk, open trunk,
get gas can out, fill up car, put gas can back in trunk, go to car door,
get in car, buckle up, start car, drive away.
G. Drive, look behind you sand look depressed, pull over
a. Roll down window, act happy then sad and take something from
police officers hand (Problem #4)
H. Drive along, then passenger starts to eat, chokes (Problem #5)
a. Driver takes hands off wheel, hits passenger in back, food comes out
I. Drive along, then jerk hard and flail, act dead from car accident (Problem #6)

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