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CityGuide Documentation by Sarath K v2.


Using this Application easily you can develop a
City Guide Android application for your city.

Created: 01/01/2013
By: Sarath K

Thank you for purchasing my product.If you
have any questions that are beyond the scope
of this help file ,Please feel free to contact
with me via
Thanks so much!

Table of Contents

1.Auto detect position or Static position
2.Easily Add AdMob Advertisement
3.Social Fan Page integration with webview
4.Easy to change App Splash Screen, Background, Logo etc
5.Full Native(Java) Android Application and Source Code included
6.Step by Step help guide

This application is developed using Google Place Api
(Details : )
So, first you have need to collect a google place api then
put it here.
Just go to
CityGuide>src>com.pskpartha.CityGuide.extra >
file and replace .

String apiKey=..your place api key;
You can follow this link: Details about How to get a
place api :

If you want to learn how to import file in eclipse
then follow this tutorial

1. .Auto detect position or Static position

It can detects the user position and find the nearest data
depends on user position. Then it is showing data with sorting by

- If you want it for any fixed place then find the latitude and
longitude of that place. (
1.Then put those value here : NewCityGuide > src >extra>

2. And Stop a method from here:

Find out the showCurrentLocation( ) method and put to / before
that method name. Like these

** Mind it, then auto detection user position will not

2.Easily Add AdMob Advertisement

Now, you can add AdMob easily where you want and how many
you want just replacing your publisher key. First, go to website and create a account with your
email id.
Then , go link and
Click Android App and then fill up the from with your apps
It, will be better just check out these video one by one to get your
publisher id:
Go to this address >

and follow the following tutorial:

194 - Downloading Admob SDK
195 - Adding External Jar
196 - Adding Admob Ad via XML
197 - Adding Ad Unit Id and Ad Size
198 - Adding Admob Ads via Java
199 - Putting an App on the Market

after getting the publisher id just replace this with my publisher
id from main.xml file. Go, CityGuide>res>layout>home.xml

If you want more AdMob in more page just put these code where
you want to show Ad.

3.Social Fan Page integration with webview

There are 3 webview are available in this app.They are in the top
of the home screen.

1.Facebook fan page
2.Twitter fan page

Just go to
CityGuide>src>com.pskpartha.CityGuide.extra >
file and replace these link with your company link.

4.Easy to change App Splash Screen, Background, Logo

To change the splash screen,app icon, logo etc. Just go to res > drawable
folder. In different folder you will find different splash screen banner with
different size. Actually these different size is for different phones screen
size for compatible. If you put in hdpi folder then it has his own size, same
like for others.

You can find details from here:Just design same screen with your own
design and put it in those folder. If your image size is 320x480 then put it
in ldpi. If it is 480x640 then put it in mdpi.If 480X819 then put it in hpdi and
if 600x1024 then put it in x-large folder.But keep it mind that image name
will be same in different folder.
If you want to know more about icon design then check
out this link:
If you put a new icon then you should need to indicate
it from AndroidManifest.xml file. Open this file and find
out two lines like this.


To change app name just go res >Values>String.xml file
and change app_name .

<string name=app_name>Your Application Name </string>

5.User Interface is Device Compatible(Mini,Nexus,Tab

Full layout means User Interface of this application are
device compatible. Just need to put more image in
different folder in different size. You will find more about
this is here.

6.Full Native(Java) Android Application and Source Code

Full Application is in Native Android platform with java

Then export it as a apk file

Feel free to contact with me for more help

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