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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!

Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. May you be blessed for your good judgment
!I "amuel #$%&#, 'I().
First Samuel 25 tells the story of Abigail, the godly, wise wife who intervened to save her husband when he foolishly
insulted King David. In Muslim nations today, there are godly, wise women who stand in the ga for their husbands and
!hildren, even if they !annot oenly share their faith. "ray that many will be won through the lives of these #Abigails.$%
Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and Missionaries
ALA!IA: Missionaries to the &al'an region as' us to ray for #siritual brea'throughs among unrea!hed Muslim
oulations. "lease ray for the (oly Sirit)s emowerment uon the !hur!h in Albania as outrea!hes are !ondu!ted in
these areas.$ *bout +,- of *lbanians, in.luding the President, follow Islam. On.e de.lared an atheisti. state, *lbania
now grants freedom of religion in its /onstitution. Re.ently the *lbanian *llian.e gained go1ernment
re.ognition. 2or more information, see htt3%44tinyurl..om4mw+tl5b.
"#A$: A students re*uests rayer for the thousands of refugees who have entered +had to es!ae the !onfli!t in
+entral Afri!an ,eubli!. Some -./ of them are Muslims. About 01,111 have established themselves in 23D4amena,
the !aital, and another 21,111 in Moundou, the se!ond !ity. 5he Assemblies of 6od !hur!hes are heling to rovide
for them, and some Muslims are visiting the !hur!hes. "ray that the 7ord will wor' in the hearts of these disla!ed
eole. "ray for wisdom for astors and !hur!h members as they sei8e these oortunities to share 9esus3 love.
!%RT#&R! '#A!A: A student as's us to ray !on!erning a situation in whi!h Muslims have arrested some
women, a!!using them of wit!h!raft. She writes: #I don3t 'now what will haen to them without 6od3s intervention.
"ray that 6od will give the leaders wisdom to handle it and also ;that 6od will< save them.$
World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**
5he Middle =astern emirate of >atar ran's ?-
on the list of !ountries where +hristians suffer the most erse!ution.
Most of the oulation is made u of migrant wor'ers@ of >atar3s 2 million eole, only A11,111 are >atariBborn.
=vangeli!al +hristians, mainly migrants, number less than ?/. +hristians !an meet offi!ially in two designated
!omleCes, whi!h !an be monitored, and many meet informally in homes. 5hose who share their faith with Muslims
ris' deortation, and >atari +hristians fa!e death. Sea'ing about a son who wants to be!ome a +hristian, a >atari
says: #If he3s ?1 years old, his dad will show him verses from the >ur3an. If he3s ?5 years old, his dad will ta'e him to
a mos*ue to tea!h him lessons. If he3s 21 years old, a !ousin will 'ill him or the family will hire someone else to 'ill
him.$ "ray that the 7ord will rote!t (is eole, strengthen their faith, and oen doors of witness. "ray that 6od3s
Sirit, who !an !ir!umvent all restri!tions, will reveal himself to those who are see'ing (im.
For Muslim Women***
"ray for the mothers of 2igeria)s abdu!ted teens to be !omforted in their sorrow and grief. "ray for their daughters)
safety and release from !ativity. * 1ideo released by 6o7o 8aram this wee7 showed about 9&, of the girls: $; ha1e
been 3ositi1ely identified. <he leader demands the release of 3risoners in e=.hange. Pray for God>s inter1ention.
Prayer Resources
?Praying for Muslims% * Guide for 0ffe.ti1e Inter.ession offers many insights !on!erning Islam and a different rayer sub4e!t
ea!h Friday. 5his wee' we ray !on!erning the influen!e of godly women on their families: htt:DDtinyurl.!omDnyCu* .
%%Een Doors ublishes an annual list ran'ing the 51 nations where erse!ution against +hristians is most severe. See the full
21?0 Forld Fat!h 7ist at htt:DDbit.lyD?m!m2fu. +li!' on a !ountry on the ma or list to read its rofile and rayer re*uests.
%%%Muslim women need your rayersG Hou !an 4oin a rayer networ' and re!eive regular re*uests at htt:DDsayhelloinfo.!omD.
For a list of resour!es for rayer grous, see htt:DDtinyurl.!omDwaast4umaa.
Find information and rayer re*uests !on!erning Muslims around the world at htt:DDwww.A1Bdays.netD.
(ow should we ray for those imrisoned for their faithI ,ead htt:DDwww.elam.!omDarti!lesD(owBtoBrayBforBthoseBinBrisonD.
For news udates !on!erning erse!uted +hristians, visit htt:DDmorningstarnews.orgD and htt:DDwww.releaseinternational.orgD.
For rayer re*uests, visit htt:DDwww.oendoorsusa.orgDrayD and htt:DDwww.erse!ution.!omDubli!Dray.asC.
5o hel you answer Muslims3 *uestions about 9esus and the &ible, eClore htt:DDansweringislam.orgD.
Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
16 May 2014 West Africa Advanced School of Theology

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