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Crystal Johnson


Assignment and purpose
Interview a person who uses social media in a career in the area in which you
are interested in order to find out more about how social media is used in that
particular career field.
Guidelines for Your Write Up
1. Introduction and Background Information
Rue Chanttal was an androgynous female model who attended Bayler
University graduating with bachelors in public relations. As soon as Rue
graduated she was offered an internship that led later on became her career.
Rue plans on staying with the company and helping them grow more than it
already has.
I chose to interview Rue Chantal because she is in the field of my interest.
Clothing brand promotions is something I have done in the past. Also, I wear
products of ag and Co so I figured to get to !now the people of the company.
I contacted Rue via email and re"uested to meet with her in person. I stopped
by her office and spent about #$ minutes getting to !now her as well as
interviewing her.
%. Content and Body of Informational Interview
Rue Chantell
Crystal Johnson
Tell me about yourself
I am the social media manager for A& ' Co. &raduated from Bayler University
in %$1%1 with a Bachelors of (ublic Relations and a minor in communications.
!o" did you get started#
I used to model as a hobby in college, something fun to !eep me busy. )y boss
current boss was a scouter for one of the fashions shows I wal!ed in and she
re"uested I wor!ed for her for her new launching of her fashion line. As we
wor!ed together and got to !now each other she reali*ed not only did I have
modeling potential, but I was great with public spea!ing, persuasion, and written.
+he offered me an intern position with her mar!eting department, but had me
focusing on the social media because this was something that was still in the
midst of growing but did not have it own department. I was already studying
(ublic Relations at school so this was a perfect match for me.
What made you choose this path#
,hen I was growing up, now that I loo! bac!, I always had traits of what people
in the (ublic Relations field have. I have always had my way with my words, and
always had an e-tra charm when persuading people. ,hen I went to college, I
actually declared my ma.or as Biology, but it only too! one semester to reali*e
how much I hated science. I .oined a (ublic Relations club and ever since I fell in
love with the aspect of it and the consent communication between people.
Crystal Johnson
!o" much e$ening% "eekend or o$ertime "ork is re&uired# What
about tra$eling#
/here are no set schedules and time for this position. +ocial )edia is constantly
being updated and people are always trying to get in contact with you. Being that
our company is worldwide, we are contacted at all times of the day. 0ur goal is to
always !eep our name out there. /here are no off days. ,e do not sit at the des!
from 1 to 2 tweeting about our company.
3es we travel, wherever our clients goes, we go. Also we li!e to promote our
company at locations where our target mar!et is located such as malls, colleges
and many more locations.
no set time for this position. social media is constantly updated. %456 people are
always trying to get in contact with your via online and in order to !eep our name
out there there is no off day , we do not sit at the des! 172 tweeting about your
What are the greatest re"ards of your "orking here#
8efinitely the (er!s. Because we are the front line of the company and anyone
who is trying to get in contact with us or are trying to convince us to use their
products usually send us care pac!ages and goodies so we can showcase them.
9or e-ample, apparels, snac!s, gadgets and many more.
Crystal Johnson
What is the starting salary range for ne" professionals in this field#
It can vary per company but I would say on average around :42,$$$
!o" has the company changed since you 'oined
,e have e-panded greatly. ,e now have locations around the world. ,e have
tapped into every social media possible. ,e have also attracted a larger
demographics of people
What is a typical day for you#
,e are constantly on our devices, such as cell phones and ipads so we can have
first hand communications. Usually when I wa!e up I try and answer some
"uestions and information sent to us over social networ!s. 8uring the day we
li!e to filter our social media networ! and
What are some ad$ice you can gi$e to someone like me "ho is
aspiring to be in this position one day(
College is the place to do it; /he best place to ma!e all your connections. oin
clubs and stay active, but try and .oin clubs that will benefit you, such as (R++A.
/his club will loo! great on your resume and is an awesome way to ma!e more
connections. )a!e sure to ta!e classes that will help you better your
communications and persuasive s!ills. Also, in this field you to be a "uic! learner
and be able to "uic!ly adapt to change. 3ou also want to be sympathetic with
customers, but !now when to put your foot down.
Crystal Johnson
#. Include a )iscussion of the information you learned
I discovered that the .ob is constant and it is all day. It re confirmed that you
do have to stay up date with new social media platforms and you have to
always have your clients best interest and be able to e-press that under 14$
characters. /he most interesting information was learning about the per!s.
/his was a positive imprecision about the .ob. I did not find any negative
4. (rovide a Conclusion for your Report
/he information I received from this interview was e-tremely helpful. I learned a
lot of new things and gained important advice from Rue. It was great getting to
meet Rue in person. +he was friendly and e-tremely helpful. +he made me feel
comfortable. /his interview helped me learn about things I should focus more in
school for e-ample classes and clubs that I should .oin. If I could repeat this
e-perience I would have more "uestions prepared. +ome "uestions I would have
as!ed are< Is there room for growth in this field= Are there any openings for
internship opportunities= ,hat personality traits do you loo! for this position=
8ate< )ay 1, %$14
Crystal Johnson
Re< /han! you
8ear )s. Chantall<
/han! you so much for ta!ing time out of your busy schedule to tal! with me. I
greatly appreciated your e-planation of how you use social media in your
career. I intend to share your advice with my classmates and professors at
>ean University. I loo! forward to applying your suggestions to my own
career after graduation. Again, than!s for your help.
Crystal ohnson
Crystal ohnson
4$1 Burch Aall
>ean University
Union, B $6$C#
C!*C+,I-T ./R 0,AGIARI-1
I have not handed in this assignment for any other class.
If I reused any information from other papers I have written for other
classes, I clearly e-plain that in the paper
If I used any passages word for word, I put "uotations around those
words, or used indentation and citation within the te-t.
Crystal Johnson
I have not padded the bibliography. I have used all sources cited in the
bibliography in the te-t of the paper.
I have cited in the bibliography only the pages I personally read.
I have used direct "uotations only in cases where it could not be stated in
another way. I cited the source within the paper and in the bibliography.
I did not so over7use direct "uotations that the paper lac!s interpretation or
I chec!ed yes on steps 176 and therefore have been fully transparent
about the research and ideas used in my paper.
Crystal +. ohnson

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