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Many people sense a planetary shift is

going on. There is global economic
instability, climate change, increased solar
activity, unusual magnetic eld changes
and more frequent occurrences of both
extreme weather and geological events.
On December 21, 2012, there will be the
great alignment of Earth with the center of
the Milky Way, which happens just once
every 25,000 years. The date also marks
the end of the Mayan calendar. Some fear
the end of the world as we know it, while
others perceive a shift into higher
consciousness is unfolding that a more
heart-based world is being born while Old
World structures are falling apart.
Most people dont know exactly whats
going on, but know that something is
indeed going on. Many of us also sense a
shift internally and perceive that time is
accelerating, nding it difcult to keep up
at times. Were constantly bombarded by
an ever-increasing number of choices.
Emotions peak and ebb to extremes in the
span of hours, even minutes. Uncertainty
seems to be on the rise about our personal
direction as well as that of the world.
Amid the stress and chaos, there is
increasing awareness of our global
interconnectivity. A momentum is building
among those who want to come together
to make a difference, give back to society
and take care of each other and our
planet. Social networking is bringing
people together, and there is both an
energetic spark in the air and a growing
sense of hope that something new will
Flickers of hope are qualities of the
heart and spirit. The heart feelings
of emotional well-being, care and
compassion are enhanced by:

Spi ri t ual pract i ces l i ke

meditation and prayer that
connect us to something
greater than ourselves

Heart connection with others

close friendships within
and outside the family

Gat her i ng wi t h ot her s

f requent l y f or upl i f t i ng
purposes such as church,
social causes, etc.
We call these actions that help nurture us
emotionally, mentally, physically and
spiritually aspects of heart-based living.
As the planetary shift continues and
peopl e experi ence great er st ress,
overstimulation, overload and stress-
induced physical and mental health
problems, the imperative to shift toward
heart-based living increases.
"This article, originally published on, is reprinted with permission from the author, Deborah Rozman, Ph.D."
3 Ways to Keep Up with the Planetary Shift
... there is increasing awareness of
our global interconnectivity.
Image bohringer Friedrich/CC 2.5
As lifes pace continues to accelerate, well be
presented with even more choices and
possibly have less time to make them. The
good news is that when we approach our
choices with sincere heart intent, its easier to
access the intuition and energy required to
shift quickly into the most benecial mental
and emotional states. We have a choice to
ride the waves of change or be caught in the
Nearly two decades of HeartMath
research on stress reduction and
emotional well-being have addressed
the areas of:
Incoherence: When a person feels stress,
overwhelm, anxiety, uncertainty or fear, the
heart sends chaotic and incoherent signals to
the brain-mind, triggering more stressful
responses. The higher cortical functions are
inhibited meaning the heart and brain are
out of alignment so solutions to personal
or world problems are elusive.
Collectively, these negative emotions are
regi st ered i n t he heart and brai ns
electromagnetic elds, generating a global
stress and incoherence wave that goes out to
those around us and around the globe. Stress
and incoherence are intensied by instant
mass media reports, spreading news about
natural disasters, social upheaval, economic
turmoil and more.
Coherence: When you feel genuine hope,
care and compassion, your heart is sending
harmonious and coherent signals to the brain-
mind, replacing feelings of separation with a
sense of connection. The heart and brain are
aligned and in sync. The higher cortical
functions are enhanced, facilitating objective,
sober assessment and intuitive perception.
You perceive more wholeness, and solutions
to problems are more apparent.
Positive emotions such as hope, care,
compassion and appreciation can generate a
collective global coherence wave that sends
an electromagnetic eld out to those around
us and across the globe. Increasing heart
alignment and focusing on heart-based living
have the potential to create a global
coherence wave that facilitates new solutions
for the worlds problems.
More than ever people need to understand
the physiology of coherence that underlies
heart-based principles and the science behind
global coherence. Scientic researchers have
come together to make people more aware of
the potentials of consciously creating a
collective coherence wave. The Institute of
HeartMath along with a prestigious scientic
advi sory board l aunched the Gl obal
Coherence Initiative to unite people in heart-
focused coherent care and compassion and
measure those effects.
Learn more about global coherence and the
Global Coherence Initiative
No. 1: Practice genuine appreciation and care for
everything in your life, especially anything you may
take for granted. Increasing heartfelt positive
emotions like appreciation and care helps you move
through difcult times with greater ease, security and
grace. When youre not aligned with your heart, the
textures and richness of life can quickly diminish.
Intentionally generating positive feelings such as
appreciation, care or compassion increases
physiological coherence and adds greater texture
and richness to our lives. Sunsets appear more
beautiful, spring days feel fresher, and even food
seems to taste better.
No. 2: Practice care, not overcare, for yourself and
others. We are all going through the planetary shift
together. Ask yourself Is my care producing or
reducing stress? Be aware of how you feel about an
issue at hand, place your focus in the heart area and
breathe in a positive feeling or attitude to create
more coherence. Be objective, as if the issue or
problem belongs to someone else. Relax in the heart
area and become neutral about the issue, allowing
your heart intelligence to offer new perspectives and
You can increase the potency of your care and
intentions and the effectiveness of your choices and
actions. Listening to what your heart prompts you to
do can make your caring more effective. Excessive
care, or overcare, related to an issue or situation can
create stress, negative emotions or incoherence, so it
is important for your care to be balanced.
No. 3: Watch out for negative projections the
down slant. Negative projections actually are
negative thoughts and feelings about you, someone
else or the future. For example, say youre planning
to meet someone with whom you have a hard time
communicating. Instead of projecting judgment or
anxiety, generate appreciation, care and calm. Youll
enter the meeting with a more balanced and intuitive
Three Ways to Keep Up with the Planetary Shift
Image: Single-slit-diffraction-ripple-tank/Image:Licensed BSD, copyright 2011 Armedblowsh/Wikemedia
More Ideas from HeartMath:

You and people around the world can track

your personal stress levels for free with
HeartMaths online Personal Tracker,
Stress and Well-Being Survey and
Community Tracker.

Read an in-depth discussion about care

versus overcare and learn about HeartMaths
stress-clearing tools and techniques in the
book I wrote with HeartMath founder Doc
Chi l dre, Transformi ng Anxi ety, The
HeartMath Solution for Overcoming Fear
and Worry and Creating Serenity.

Our scientically developed and tested

emWave technology is helping people
around the world monitor and manage stress
levels, self-regulate emotions and increase
personal coherence. Learn more about this
highly effective and widely acclaimed
technology at emWave Desktop for Mac and
PC and emWave2.

Join us in the Global Coherence

Initiative. Membership is free.
Sign up for the free Institute of HeartMath
newsletter. You will also receive access to our free
subscriber downloads to PDFs, MP4 and audio
programs as well as results of the latest scientic
Image bohringer Friedrich/CC 2.5
Deborah Rozman, Ph.D., is President and
CEO of the for-prot Quantum Intech Inc
(dba HeartMath Inc.) Deborah has been
deepl y commi t t ed t o awar enes s
development and personal growth for 40
years. Deborah is co-author with Doc
Chi l dr e of Tr a ns f or mi ng Ang e r,
Transforming Stress, Transforming Anxiety,
Transforming Depression and Stopping
Emotional Eating.
Check this out!
The emWave2 helps you to align your breathing and heart rhythms,
and through changing your emotional focus, shows you how to change
your physiology. emWave2 includes an emotion-refocusing technique
called Quick Coherence to help increase coherence levels and
sharpen your ability to transform stress on-demand
The sensor detects the users pulse and converts it into real-time
displays of coherence levels through colorful lights and/or audio cues.
Using the emWave2 is easy.
You simply hold it in your hand with your thumb placed on the
sensor button. The emWave2 takes a pulse reading from your thumb
and instantly develops a breathing sequence based on your heart
rhythms and emotions.
emWave2 include the option to store and review session information
- to compare coherence levels over time - and to print session
information to share with ones health professional.
You can purchased on, or through the
developers online site They have a lot more great items!
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