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ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:

Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei

Rebecca Belvecchio


UNIT TITLE: How will we move in the future?

4, 5 and 6 Georgia Torney
Rebecca DelVecchio
Katrina Hall
4 10 weeks

Year 4
We can use design materials to optimise the
value of products and systems

Our designs can enhance our future with the
use of sustainable design

Year 5
Recognition of the need for design to
develop as the needs of our society change

The use of different materials and the role
they play in sustainable design

Year 6
The important considerations when
designing products and systems for a
sustainable future

The importance of focusing on the use of
renewable resources for a sustainable future

! How and why has transport
! Why do we choose different
materials to make things?
! How has design developed?

! Why are different materials
chosen in design?
! Why does design need to
! What might future design look

! What are renewable energy
! What needs to be considered
when designing for the future?
! What do we need to consider
when designing transport for the
Focus Area: 3.1
- Set learning
goals that
challenges for
of varying
abilities and
Through these
learning goals/
and also the
key concepts
(next page)
students are
able to interpret
this at their own
level of ability
yet are
challenged to
think outside
the box.
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio


" Design and technology
" Sustainability
Design for the future
Transport in the past, present and future

Thinking Skills



Critical research
skills when
researching design
for sustainability
and transport in
the past and

Present research
findings in a range of
ways including verbal
and written.
Use technology and
multimedia to
communicate ideas.
Use of self-
strategies to
develop an
understanding of
own learning.
Reflecting on
feedback and
individual learning.
Collaboration when
working in small
groups. Providing
useful feedback to

Computer design program
Books- information texts

Focus Area:
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Lesson 1: The history of transport forms

Activity 1: Research transport
Students will research modes of transport from the past up until today. Students are
expected to complete their research using a range of reputable resources - ie: non fiction
books, search engines. They will gather the information and arrange it in sequential

Activity 2: A timeline of design from the 1800's until today.
Students will complete a timeline of the development of design from the 1800s until
today using pictures and a brief description. This can be completed in small groups,
individually, or as a whole class. Students are free to choose their presentation style.

The students will be prompted to consider:
! What has been designed already?
! When were these designs developed?
! How have the designs evolved?
! Why has design advanced?

Lesson 2: Exploring the changing nature of design

Activity 1: Why were these products made the way they were?
Following on from the students introduction to the history of transport forms, students will
closely and critically compare transport from the past and present. The students will be
given examples of transport from the past and be asked to critically analyse the products
in light of modern day technologies, materials and the changing needs of society.

The students will be prompted to consider:
! Why were these products made the way they were?
! Why have certain materials been used?
! Why did this design need to change?

Activity 2: Why did this design need to change?
The students will then focus on What would you change to make this product better
suited for the future?. The students will work in pairs, select one transport product from
the past and redesign it to make it better suited for today.
Focus Area:
3.2 - For each
lesson and
activity I have
applied my
knowledge of
and effective
Focus Area:
3.4 - Selct and
such as ICT
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Lesson 3: Introduction to sustainability and its role in design

Show students a short video on an explanation of sustainability
What are the important things we need to think about sustainability?

Activity 1
Students will work as a class group to create a concept map for the room on the
importance of sustainability for our future, including important vocabulary and ideas
related to it to be on display throughout the term to remind and inspire students.

Activity 2
Focusing on the transport option the students have looked at in the previous lesson, they
will analyse how the changes they have made are (or are not) better suited to a
sustainable future.
! Do they help promote a low impact on the environment?
! What changes would you make to the transport options to make it more
Students will work in pairs or small groups to create criteria for what a sustainable
transportation design should adhere to and give their chosen transportation a star rating
after considering all aspects of it in relation to the important ideas of sustainability
discussed as a group.

Students will present their findings in a blog (individually, as groups, or as a class). The
class will come together as a group to reflect on what has been learnt so far about the
history of transport design and design for sustainability. The groups will present their
findings to the class with use of their blog. ACHHS106

As a class group create a scale to place each transportation based on where it lies in
terms of its supporting sustainability for the future.

ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

How can we: Take students beyond what they
already know? Challenge their ideas, beliefs and
attitudes? Enable them to use skills and knowledge
to collect new information? Provide a range of
experiences to develop our understandings?
How will students sort out, organise, represent and
present what they have found out? How can they
communicate and express what they know? How will
they use preferred ways to demonstrate their
knowledge, skills and values?
Lesson 4: Individual research about the
design process

Students are to begin their research into
the design process. They are to consider
materials and how these are sourced, the
carbon footprint of materials, availability
and accessibility. Students need to
consider sustainability and the effect their
material choices, design and construction
will have on the environment, now and in
the future. ACSHE217

Students will be given time to use the
resources available including computers,
programs, books, the internet, etc
ACELY1702 ; ACELY1707, ACHHS102,

The students can discuss their findings
towards the end of the lesson, share their
thoughts and ideas ACELA1501. This will
allow all students to benefit from the
research of others and further develop their
understanding of the design process.
Students will upload a brief reflection and
progress update to the online blog.

Lesson 6 : Individual research and
choice of transport.

Show the class a video of inspiring and
innovative designs.Samsung Young Design

After completing their individual research
about the design process students will
choose a mode of transport and do further
research in this area. ACELY1702

Then the students will be given a scenario
and asked to design a possible solution for
the proposed problem. The students will
apply their new knowledge from their
individual research sessions to design a
product that meets the needs of the

The class will have a group discussion and
present their findings about the design
process and how they are applying this to
their designs. Students will upload a brief
reflection and progress update to the online
In preparation for beginning their individual
designs the class will create an
assessment rubric with which their product
will be assessed. This rubric will be used by
the teacher and peers to assess the
Focus Area:
Focus Area:
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Lesson 5: Introduction to design briefs

Following on from the design process
lesson, students will be introduced to what
is required when creating their own design
Displayed will be a range of design briefs to
stimulate ideas. Students will start forming
their own ideas about what is required for
their individual design brief. ACELA1504

Students will write up a template for their
design brief, individually forming their own
questions and headings ACELA1797. Their
research from the previous lesson will act
as a basis.

As this is an introductory lesson the
students can discuss their findings towards
the end of the lesson, share their thoughts
and ideas ACELA1501.

Lesson 7: Creating design briefs and
beginning the design process

Using their new knowledge of design briefs
introduced in lesson 5 the students will
create a design brief around which their
transport will be designed.

The students will create a write up of a
design brief focusing on what is there a
need for? The design brief will need to
consider how the product will be designed
for a sustainable future and what this will
look like. ACSHE100

Students will apply their findings about
sustainable materials and energy forms to
make informed choices. The students will
be required to justify the choices they have
made in relevance to design for
sustainability. ACSHE083

Students will discuss their briefs and
justifications in small groups to receive peer
feedback on their progress and ensure they
are on track.
The class will review the assessment rubric
and discuss each criteria to ensure the
students are clear on the expectations.

Students will upload a brief reflection and
progress update to the online blog.

Focus Area: 3.2
Focus Area: 3.4
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

How can we extend and broaden the unit? What other perspectives or dimensions can we explore? What
are the ways which students can negotiate their own personal inquiries?
Lesson 8: Moving beyond the brief

Designing their own transport with labeled diagrams and making models.

Building on their design briefs students will work independently (or with their small group)
to create a diagram or model, with features labeled and explained to be presented to the
class. Students need to think about the practicality of their designs and how they can be
represented in a form outlining the process of creating their transport design.

Students can create a presentation of their design through the use of models,
PowerPoint, videos, posters, collage or another appropriate form.
Their presentation/design should outline the materials, how it is to be created, what
possible challenges they might face, and what the practical application will be. Where
appropriate students are to explain and justify their choices or other options/possibilities.
ACELY1700, ACELY1707

Students discuss as a class any difficulties they have found in taking the next step. From
what they have researched of the design process, would they feel confident in creating a
sustainable product design?

Students will upload a brief reflection and progress update to the online blog.

Lesson 9: Design emporium

Students will present their designs through a display of their models or diagrams and
explain their choices. ACELY1700

Students will be given the opportunity to speak with peers to discuss their design
Who would be the users? Who would benefit the most? What impact would it have on the
What would the cost be to individuals? the wider society? the environment?
Why is your design sustainable?

Students will provide feedback to the peers as to how they feel their design would work
and any adjustments that could be made.
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Using the class made rubrics students will assess peers designs against key criteria.

As a class students will briefly discuss the main ideas that have come out of the design
process for sustainable transport.
Students will then conduct a self- assessment questionnaire with space for reflection to
be collected by the teacher.
Students will upload a brief reflection and progress update to the online blog.

What are the cumulative and summative opportunities for assessment? How can teachers and students monitor
progress? What strategies can we use to cater for variance in learning styles and progress? How can we allow for
expected and unexpected outcomes? How can we provide opportunities for self, peer, teacher, parent
Lesson 1 Teacher roaming and questioning.
Observation of students research
Sequential ordering of timeline events.
Evaluate students
research skills
Lesson 2 Teacher roaming and questioning.
Assess if the students have used
critical thinking when making
comparisons between transport forms.
Teacher questioning to evaluate
students depth of understanding about
the changing nature of design.
Teacher will write anecdotal notes as
moving around the room.
To assess if students
are developing an
understanding of the
changing nature of
design and why
changes need to be
Lesson 3 Teacher roaming and questioning,
focusing on the main ideas of
What are the key concepts? What are
important components of design that
make a product sustainable?
Appropriate criteria for sustainable
To assess critical
thinking skills in relation
to sustainable design.
To assess knowledge
of sustainability
Focus Area:
Focus Area:
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Lesson 4 The teacher will monitor the students
progress and research during the
lesson. They will use the effective
feedback approach, applying the feed
forward method.

The teacher will monitor the students
admissions to their blog.

Peers will also give feedback to each
To improve the
students research
methods and provide
feedback for now and
future learning.
This information will
also inform the
teachers future

Lesson 5 The teacher will share the
requirements criteria with the students
and provide feedback to the students
on the progress and appropriateness
of their templates.

Peers will also give feedback to each
To assess students
application of prior
knowledge to the
required task.
This information will
also inform the
teachers future
Lesson 6 The teacher will take notes as the
students present their findings and
justify the choices they have made in
their designs. These will be compared
with previous anecdotal notes to
assess how students learning is
To assess application
of research and
justification of design
Lesson 7 The teacher will read each student's
proposed design brief and give
Is the design brief clear?
Is there a problem which is being

Peers will also give feedback to each
Ensure students are
clear on the purpose
and use of a design
Peer feedback allows
for the teacher to not
be running the entire
assessment process
and engages the
students in critically
evaluating the work of
Focus Area: 3.1
Focus Area: 3.3
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Lesson 8 Creation of design/model presentation
Teacher will roam and take anecdotal
notes on the suitability of students
design and their justifications of
materials, process and application.
To assess how
students are able to
apply the knowledge of
the design process,
sustainability ideas.
Lesson 9 Peer assessment, presenting
designs/models to class students will
spend time on assessing one or two of
their peers designs, ensuring
feedback is constructive and

Using rubric against chosen criteria.
To help students
develop critical
evaluation and
reflection skills and give
them a sense of
responsibility for their
own future learning.
For the teacher to
assess the students
development in
understanding of
sustainable design.
After each week Each student will make a weekly entry
to the class blog describing what they
did in inquiry for the week.

Each student will also comment on
another students entry to provide
constructive feedback.
Provide opportunities
for documentation of
learning, self and peer

Focus Area: 3.1
Focus Area: 3.3
ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Overall this was a successful inquiry unit. The topic of design and transport engaged
students and provided a useful platform for sustainability education. The students
showed growing independence in their work and demonstrated developing research and
critical thinking skills.

The class online blog was very successful and the students enjoyed updating it. The blog
helped students take ownership of their learning and was a useful tool for student
reflection. Students collaborated and communicated well when working in groups and
were able to use negotiation skills to design collaboratively.

Both peer and self-assessment proved to be useful assessment forms to complement the
teacher assessment. Students responded well to feedback from their peers and used this
to inform their future work. The self-assessment helped increase student voice and
motivation in their learning and provided useful information to the teachers to inform
future inquiry planning.

While some students showed confidence in designing their own products, other students
were unsure of where to begin. Here some students worked in small groups to help
formulate ideas and were directed to ways to prompt ideas such as forming concept
maps or searching for inspiration. The grouping helped cater for diversity in the
classroom and ensure the tasks were accessible by all students. The open nature of our
tasks also helped cater for diversity and ensure all students were appropriately
challenged. Timing also became an issue as the designing process could not be rushed
and the students worked through this at different paces. In these cases it was useful for
students to have further work to go on with in terms of presenting their designs and
adding to the blog. This ensured everyone always had something to work on.

ueoigia Toiney EBFB26u Assessment Task S:
Katiina Ball Inquiiy 0nit Plannei
Rebecca Belvecchio

Contribution of group members

Katrina Hall
Working as a group we planned our topic, wrote up key concepts, resources, thinking skills,
communication skills, personal learning and interpersonal development. I was the year 5
teacher so was responsible for the understandings and focus questions for this level. I
constructed the concept map with input from my group members as we brainstormed ideas. The
lessons I was responsible for were: Tuning in lesson 2 and Sorting out lesson 6 and 7 as well as
the reflections and assessment for these sections. Together we wrote the inquiry evaluation and
reviewed each others lessons.

Georgia Torney
As the group organiser my role was to take meeting minutes each time we came together to
collaborate. Alongside this role, I was the year 4 teacher - this entailed writing the key
understandings and focus questions for the year level. With collaboration from my team, I
designed Lesson 1 in the Tuning In stage, as well as Lesson 4 and 5 in the Finding Out stage,
including the corresponding reflection and assessment summaries. We worked as a team for
seamless collaboration so our inquiry unit would flow. Much discussion was had during and
outside our meetings. During our meetings we wrote our key concepts, resources, thinking skills,
communication skills, personal learning, interpersonal development and the inquiry evaluation,
as well as lesson ideas which we could later work on.

Rebecca DelVecchio
I was responsible for the year 6 understandings and focus questions, lesson 3 of Tuning in, the
two lessons for going further and the cohort description. We worked together in forming the
ideas for our cohort and were all open and constructive in our discussions around each of our
sections. While we did have responsibility for each of our own sections, there was a lot of
dialogue and discussion as we worked collaboratively in refining our individual lessons.

We all reviewed each others lessons and provided feedback and suggestions as necessary to
ensure our lessons sequenced well and could be adaptable over the three year levels. We
worked together to link AusVELS to each lesson.

Overall we agree that we have had equal contribution to this curriculum unit of work.


Katrina Hall Georgia Torney Rebecca DelVecchio

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