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Our Chapter Today Graduates: 68 In Session: 11 Next Graduation: 7/9/14

Nurse's Week Celebration

Thanks to Skip Mazey, Napoleon Saa and Darnell Fall for providing background music for the
Celebration of Nurses
G4V-LL Presentation Vietnam Veterans Association, Chapter 47
Thanks to the members for making us feel a part of the !eterans Community Five members of our local
team presented the "#! $rogram, passing information about application, %ualification, donations and
e&pected 'ait time for participants
From Headquarters
(e have several ne' chapters and coordinators to 'elcome since our last ne'sletter)
- DC*(+S,-N"T.N / 0.S1$, S-M.NS
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G$%!A"# &'" VE!# #'C%AL (E)%A
(e have a social media team 'orking to get "#! the best e&posure possible (e encourage everyone to 3-51 the
national "#! page at https)99'''facebookcom9"uitarsFor!ets as 'ell as our o'n individual chapter pages The
more 3-51S 'e have the more e&posure 'e are perceived to have by potential donors
.ur "#! 'eb site http)99'''guitars#vetsorg9 is undergoing regular updates and should be fully up and running
Guitars 4 Vets, Loma Lin*a Chapter +,
(a., /0,4
Volume 2014 Issue 05
ditors: !arnell "all
Norm #illi$rid%e
&' (ox 502
#oma #inda) *+ 92,54
: .ur Chapter Today ; From ,ead%uarters < South'est Chapters
= 6ecent Changes and +dditions # 1vents
> ,ot Deals ? Tips and Tricks
@ Motivational Auotes B "eneral Ne's C"#!D
%n !his E*ition
L'G '$" V'L$N!EE" '$"#
(e encourage all instructors to log their volunteer hours in the !+ !oluntary Services system Chapters 'ith
multiple instructors may 'ant to ask their !S office to establish a "#! !olunteer "roup to consolidate all the
teacher hours for that chapter This information is important to the !+ and to "#!
Note .rom t/e editor: 0ere at #oma #inda I1m %oin% to re2uest t/at su$%rou3s $e 4reated under t/e
5G4V Volunteer Grou36 .or Instru4tors and Su33ort Volunteers-
E$rofound thanks to you all for your continued support and dedication (e could not do this 'ithout
each and every one of youF you are all greatly appreciated $lease feel free to share this 'ith your teamsG
7 (ernie 8am3. 9 National */a3ter *oordinator
Chapters of the Southwest Region
Hill $rotzmann 'ill assist 6oger ,e'ins, "#! Hoard Chairman and $resident, to help funnel all non*operational
opportunities through him to the Hoard for consideration Therefore, instead of taking such things through 1ric or
$atrick, going for'ard please email Hill $rotzmann directly cc 6oger and 'e 'ill get proper attention for them and
discussion about them
This 'ill also help the ,A team of 1ric and Hernie keep their focus on program delivery 'hile presenting your
ne' opportunities at the correct level +s al'ays Hill is glad to discuss and brainstorm
The goal here is to empo'er more trust by ,A in the leadership on the ground) you!
Recent Changes and Additions
+t the 3oma 3inda !+ Medical Center Certified $eer Support Specialist employed as part of the !+ Medical
Treatment Team may no' refer !eterans to the "#! $rogram +ll !+ clinicians can find the application9referral
form and cover letter at either the H,.ST or Social (ork Services front desk
i1h )esert (usic &esti2al
0une ;B*;I, ;J:# at the !ictorville Fairgrounds for
more information go to)
"#!*33 'ill have a booth 'ith information, t*
shirts and caps, one "ibson "uitar 0*:BJ for Silent
+uction (e 'ill also have a number of other
guitars of lesser value, some ne' some used +ll
donated to help our !eterans (e 'ill be accepting
donations on both days
Hot !ea"s
,onorably*discharged veterans can get a County*issued photo -D from a County !+ office
The San Hernardino County Hoard of Supervisors approved issuance of Military !eteran -D Cards similar to those
currently available in several California counties including 5ings County and Hutte County ,onorably*discharged
veterans can apply for an -D card from the County !+ office in ,esperia, 6ancho Cucamonga or San Hernardino
and be issued a card
For an application form and more information go to) http#$$hss%s&county%go$'A$'eteran()!%htm
The main purpose of the -D Card is to make our countyKs veterans easily and surely recognizable to any area
merchant that offers a benefit to veterans 'ho patronize their business Some local merchants already offer various
benefits to veterans, such as a discount on purchase, a free item, or preferred status (ith this card, the veteran 'ill
not need to carry a copy of their military discharge papers to prove their !eteran status, nor 'ill they need to go to
the 3oma 3inda !+ hospital to apply for an -D card 'hich may or may not be issued
This program has the potential to benefit all involved) !eterans 'ill have ready proof of their status as an
honorably*discharged veteran and they 'ill benefit from patronizing !et*Friendly businesses Husiness o'ners
may recognize increased sales as veterans and those 'ho support them choose to fre%uent !et*Friendly businesses
over competitors County !+ 'ill also benefit as 'e identify veterans 'ho may be eligible for federal monetary
benefits that 'e can help them obtain, 'hich in turn helps the community at large
Tips and Tric*s
$racticing guitar a little every day is much better than a 'hole lot a couple of times a 'eek ,ave a
strategy CplanD, set a reasonable goal and a deadline 3earning to play a song you like is much easier
than struggling 'ith a tune you are not familiar 'ith or donLt like -f learning to play guitar 'as easy
everybody 'ould be doing it - believe anybody can learn to play and have fun 'ith the guitar H2T you
ought to kno' that it 'ill take time, energy, focus and above all commitment So suit*up, sho'*up and
donLt %uit
+otiationa" ,uotes
:I don1t ;no< an=t/in% a$out musi4) In m= line =ou don1t /a>e to-: 9l>is &resle= ?19,591977@
-enera" .ews
!eteran, 'ith service dog for $TSD, faces possible eviction LTheyLre discriminating against me,L says
veteran David $eavey
CHC Ne's $osted) May :>, ;J:# ?):: $M +T 3ast 2pdated) May :>, ;J:# ?)>I $M +T
+ military veteran, 'ho has a service dog to help deal 'ith his post*traumatic stress disorder, is facing a possible
eviction because of his dog
David $eavey 'as medically released from the military nine years ago after being diagnosed 'ith $TSD
,e served for :B years
Aead t/e entire arti4le at: /tt3://<<<-4$4-4a/ne<s/4anada/no>a9s4otia/>eteran9<it/9ser>i4e9do%9.or9
Comments or suggestions) $lease email Darnell Fall at "#!33!+MCMgmailcom
-f you 'ish to subscribe send email to "#!33!+MCMgmailcom on the SubNect line) S2HSC6-H1

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