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The first real insight of an organization for a management comes only during his
or her vocational summer training period. The training synthesizes the theoretical
concepts learnt in the Lecture rooms and its practical orientation in any organization. As
an essential part of the MBA program students are expected to undergo summer training
for a period of eight to ten weeks with a company for real life working environment and
market intricacies after the completion of first year.
It is very important for a M.B.A. student. It gives practical knowledge to
student. esearch study is the !ack!one of any management program. A management
graduate has to fre"uently do research work during his entire course span. esearch for
summer training is the first step which the trainee takes towards the long #ourney ahead. I
was fortunate enough to have undergone my summer training at $veready co. Ltd.%
The pro#ect is carried out to translate the theoretical knowledge of su!#ect into
the practical field work. This pro#ect is too carried out in partial fulfillment of MBA Third
&emester 'ourse from (Technical $ducation ) esearch Institute* +hazipur.
'ustomer satisfaction is still one of the single strongest predictors of customer retention.
It,s considera!le more expensive to attract new customers than it is to keep old ones
happy. In a climate of decreasing !rand loyalties% understanding customer service and
measuring customer satisfaction are very crucial.
There is o!viously a strong link !etween customer satisfaction and customer
retention. 'ustomer,s perception of &ervice and -uality of product will determine the
success of the product or service in the market.
/ith !etter understanding of customers, perceptions% companies can determine
the actions re"uired to meet the customers, needs. They can identify their own strengths
and weaknesses% where they stand in comparison to their competitors% chart out path
future progress and improvement. 'ustomer satisfaction measurement helps to promote
an increased focus on customer outcomes and stimulate improvements in the work
practices and processes used within the company.
'ustomer expectations are the customer0defined attri!utes of your product or
service you must meet or exceed to achieve customer satisfaction.
There are many reasons why customer expectations are likely to change over time.
1rocess improvements% advent of new technology% changes in customer,s priorities%
improved "uality of service provided !y competitors are #ust a few examples.
This survey has !een conducted to get an overview of the A Study on
Consumer Preference for Eveready Battery. The main purpose of the study is to
know the expectations of those customers who use $veready !atteries and the satisfaction
levels of customers with the services provided !y the $veready 'ompany. The o!#ectives
are predefined and the task is to accomplish them.
The study was confined geographically to Lucknow. The potential respondents are
the consumers% who have use for the $lectronic product. The whole process during the
report is well planned2 the primary data collection is done from the respondents.
The summer training report is divided in to 3 chapters. The first chapter includes the
introduction to the organization% organizational structure. The second chapter includes the
products and services offered !y the company and challenges for the company. The third
chapter includes the o!#ective of the study% importance of the study and scope of the
study. The fourth chapter includes the research methodology. In this report descriptive
kind of research is done. The fifth chapter includes the data analysis ) interpretation. The
sixth chapter includes the findings and recommendation. The seventh chapter includes the
conclusions ) limitations% !i!liography ) references and annexure.
&ometimes words fall short to show gratitude% the same happened with me during
this pro#ect. The immense help and support received from Eveready Pvt. Ltd. Company
overwhelmed me during the pro#ect. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all
the people who have guided and helped me directly or indirectly in the course of
completion of my pro#ect.
I feel immense pleasure to express a deep sense of gratitude to my !eloved 6ead
of 7epartment Mr. a!ul Anand S"ng! and Training ) 1lacement In charge #r. $eetu
S"ng! 8Technical $ducation ) esearch Institute 1ost +raduate 'ollege% +hazipur9 who
has given me an opportunity to do my &ummer Training in $veready 1vt. Ltd.'o.
I would like to thanks Eveready Pvt. Ltd. Company for giving me an
opportunity to do my internship in their esteemed organization. My special appreciation
extends to Mr. Am"t S"ng!% Eveready Pvt. Ltd. Company Lucknow for his constant
encouragement throughout this period.
My special thanks to my friends who !eing a part of the same internship%
supported me throughout my internship and with whose help I could complete my work
efficiently and effectively. Their consistent help kept me motivated and going.
PAS&A$' ()MA S*$+&
A B*E, &*S'-.
Eveready *ndustr"es *nd"a
$veready Industries India% Ltd 8$IIL9 8previously known as ;nion 'ar!ide India%
Limited9 is the flagship company of the B.M. <haitan +roup. The !rand $veready has
!een present in India since .=>?.
$IIL@s principal activities are the manufacture and market of !atteries% flashlight cases%
electrolytic manganese dioxide and arc car!ons. It also manufactures photo0engravers
platesAstrips for printing% castings% hard facing and tu!e rods% car!on electrodes and other
related products. The company also produces and markets tea. The +roup@s operating
facilities are located at <olkata% 'hennai% 6ydera!ad% BCI7A% +urgaon and Bavi
Mum!ai. 7uring the fiscal year 4>>4 the group sold its wholly su!sidiaries 7ufflaghur
Investments Limited and Batex Investment and Marketing Limited. Batteries accounted
for ?.D of fiscal 4>>4 revenues2 Tea% 5ED2 Flashlight cases% =D2 $lectrolytic Manganese
dioxide% .D2 1urchased products% .D and Cthers% nominal.
$IIL is the world,s third largest producer of car!on zinc !atteries% selling more than a
!illion units a year. $IIL is India,s largest selling !rand of dry cell !atteries and
flashlights 8torches9% with dominant market shares of a!out :GD and E?D respectively.
$IIL started its operation in India in .=>?. The first dry cell !atteries were imported from
the ;&A and sold in the ma#or cities of the country. These !atteries were primarily used
in imported torches.
$veready Battery 'ompany% Inc.
Type &u!sidiary
Industry Batteries
.E=G 8as the American $lectrical Bovelty )
Manufacturing 'ompany9
6ead"uarters &t. Louis% Missouri% ;.&.
<ey people /ard M. <lein% '$C
$nergizer !atteries
$veready !atteries
1arent $nergizer 6oldings
$veready !atteries
$nergizer !atteries
In .=5=% the company set up its first !attery plant in <olkata. This was followed !y
another !attery manufacturing plant in 'hennai in the year .=?4. A torch manufacturing
plant was set up at Lucknow in .=?E. Today it is one of the largest torch manufacturing
plants in &outh $ast Asia. The plant manufactures the full range of !rass% aluminum and
plastic torches.
In .=G=% the now infamous factory in Bhopal was opened.
By the time of the Bhopal 7isaster in .=E:% the company was ranked twenty0first in size
among companies operating in India. It had revenues of s 4 !illion 8then e"uivalent to
;&H.3> million9. Fifty0one per cent of the company 8known at the time as ;'IL9 was
owned !y ;nion 'ar!ide 'orporation2 remaining shares were held !y 4:%>>>
stockholders. Ten thousand people were employed in five operating divisions that
manufactured !atteries% car!on products% welding e"uipment% plastics% industrial
chemicals% pesticides% and marine products. $IIL !ecame part of the /illiamson Magor
+roup through McLeod ussel Ltd in the latter half of .==: following the sale of ;nion
'ar!ide 'orporation@s stake in ;'IL. ;'IL is primarily a dry0cell !attery manufacturer at
the time% !ut as part of the /illiamson Magor +roup $IIL launched three !rands of
packet tea under the +reendale Brand um!rella 0 Tez% Iaago and 1remium +old. 'oupled
with $IIL,s!rands of packet tea are now easily availa!le in most states in India. In .==3%
the $veready !rand was extended to its packet tea !usiness.
Eveready *ndustr"es
$IIL has the license for the $veready !rand only in India% Bhutan and Bepal from
$nergizer 6oldings% so it had to create a new !rand for export to other markets where
$nergizer 6oldings still has the rights to the $veready !rand. The !rand LAJA was
launched in .===. LAJA !atteries and flashlights have !een sold in 7u!ai% Bahrain%
Iordan% &udan% $gypt% Bangladesh% Mauritius% &ri Lanka% Azer!ai#an% Mexico% ;&%
Le!anon% &audi Ara!ia% $thiopia and Bigeria.
In 4>>?% $IIL cele!rated its .>> anniversary in India. That same year% $IIL separated its
!ulk tea !usiness and de0merged McLeod ussell. $$IL also ac"uired the ailing B1L &oft
$nergy &ystem in 4>>?.
.=>?K Bational 'ar!on starts its Indian operations with sale of !atteries imported from
.=4GK $ver eady 'ompany India sets up the first arc car!on factory at 'anal oad%
.=5:K $veready 'ompany incorporated as a private company on .4 Bovem!er.
.=5=K 'amper down /orks 0 first modern !attery plant esta!lished at 'onspire in
.=:.K ;nion Batteries merges with $veready 'ompany and the name is changed to
Bational 'ar!on 'ompany.
.=?.K enamed as ;nion 'ar!ide India Ltd% a su!sidiary of worldwide multinational%
;nion 'ar!ide 'orporation.
.=?EK 'ompany set its torch manufacturing plant in Lucknow % one of the largest in south
.=?=K Bame of the company changed to ;nion 'ar!ide India Limited.
.=E:K Bhopal disaster at ;nion 'ar!ide India LT7 plant in Bhopal.
The Bhopal 7isaster took place in the early hours of the morning of 7ecem!er 5% .=E:% in
the heart of the city of Bhopal in the Indian state of Madhya 1radesh. A ;nion 'ar!ide
su!sidiary pesticide plant released :> tones of methyl isocyanine 8MI'9 gas% immediately
killing nearly 5%>>> people and ultimately causing at least .?%>>> to 44%>>> total deaths.
Bhopal is fre"uently cited as one of the world@s worst industrial disasters. The
International Medical 'ommission on Bhopal was esta!lished in .==5 to respond to the
.==?K &ale of shares of ;nion 'ar!ide 'orporation in ;nion 'ar!ide India Ltd to Mc
Leod ussel 8I9 Ltd. !elonging to the /illiamson Magor +roup and a new name 0
$veready Industries India Ltd 8$IIL9.
.==GK Mc Leod ussel 8India9 Ltd% merged with $IIL% !ulk tea !usiness !rought into $IIL
4>>>K Bishnauth Tea 'ompany merged with $veready Industries India Ltd.
4>>?K Brand $J$$A7L is a hundred years old.
4>>=K $IIL ac"uires controlling stake in ;niross &A of France% which is a leading
rechargea!le !attery manufacturer.
$veready Industries have !usiness interests spreading across !atteries% flashlights%
lighting solutions% alternative lighting solutions% and packed Tea.
Minc0car!on !atteryK A zinc0car!on !attery which is commonly used for Toys% 'ameras%
Torches% /alkman% '70players% adios% clocks and cordless mikes.
Alkaline BatteryK $veready ;ltima Alkaline !attery is the is one of one of the most
popular !atteries used in electronic gadgets of modern times.
echargea!le BatteryK @$veready echarge@ is one of the pioneers as a !rand of
rechargea!le !atteries and chargers to !e introduced in India.
Battery +uide
digiL$7 TorchesK These torches use power efficient L$7s in place of the incandescent
Brass TorchesK Ieevan &athi !rass torchlight has !een a relia!le% dura!le and repaira!le%
making it a must0have evening companion especially in the villages. It is one of the most
trusted !rands in rural India across all product categories.
Aluminum ) 1lastic TorchesK These torches have strong dura!le !odies% slide switches
for easy handling and come in a wide range of models and colors.
Lighting &olutions
'ompact Fluorescent LampsK In 4>>3% $veready forayed into the lighting !usiness with
the launch of a range of 'ompact Fluorescent Lamps.
6alogen LampsK $veready offers halogen lamps for outdoor lighting and video0shooting.
+eneral lighting serviceAincandescent lampsK A range of incandescent !ul!s in different
sizes% voltages and colors are used widely in household and commercial lighting% apart
from porta!le% decorative and advertising lighting.
In .==4% ediffusion L)% the agency on record% cracked the N+ive me ed, tagline that
$veready Industry continues to use. In 4>>:% Amita!h Bachchan was appointed as !rand
am!assador for a period of two years% during which the agency came up with another
N+ive me ed, campaign. Following the Bachchan ads% it was only earlier in 4>>= that
$veready released an ad titled NBoxing,.
$veready Industries has launched an advertising campaign for $veready ;ltima to
highlight its latest offering% $veready ;ltima Batteries. The entire animation has !een
worked on !y creating controlled trails of light concept which is derived out of light
painting. ecogniza!le shapes were made with a torch and captured on a digital still
camera. The film comprises over 5>>> such photographs% played !ack "uickly% one after
the other% like in a flicker !ook.
$veready products are availa!le under the mother !rand name E/EEA#. 0Batter"es
and L"g!t"ng Solut"ons1 and also extended !rand names like
$J$$A7L ;LTIMA 8Alkaline Batteries9
$J$$A7L $'6A+$ 8echargea!le Batteries9
$J$$A7L I$$JAB0&AT6I 8Brass Torches9%
$J$$A7L 7igiL$7 8L$7 Flash Lights9%
$J$$A7L 'FL 8'ompact fluorescent lamps9%
$J$$A7L 1$MI;M +CL7 A IAA+C A T$M 81ackaged Tea9
$veready has a wide distri!ution network all over the country with .? !ranches% :>
godowns and :%>>> distri!utors. Cur products are availa!le at grocery% general provision%
music% electrical% hardware% stationery% gift Anovelty stores% at the chemists, shops and at
photo studios and printing centre,s. &o much so% that many of our products are even
availa!le at the paan and cigarette shops.
According to A' Bielsen% $veready !atteries are availa!le in 5.5 million outlets out of a
total universe of 3.5 million FM'+ outlets. The distri!ution structure extends coverage
out to ?>>>0population villages.
The company employs a strong sales force so that they can operate the extensive sales
network successfully.
As $veready walks ahead in second century of existence% we have the following
o!#ectives 0
To consolidate our !enchmark supplier position in all traditional outlets for
!atteries and flashlights.
$mploy a systematic and scientific approach towards increasing our reach and
"uality of reach.
To leverage our sales ) distri!ution competencies into identified newer channels
To service the outlets with a diversified range of products. This includes !atteries%
flashlights% homelights% packet tea% 'FLs and !ul!s.
To constantly explore new selling arrangements in identified markets to improve
effectiveness of servicing
$veready has its manufacturing units spread all across the country in order to maximize
logistical efficiency and reduce time0to0market. The 'ompany,s state0of0the0art
manufacturing units are located in <olkata% Boida% ;ttaranchal% 'hennai% Lucknow and
Maddur. The company has high0speed manufacturing units% !oth for !atteries and
flashlights% with in0house facilities for metal flashlights along with a fully automated
in#ection0moulding set0up for plastic flashlights. Eveready also has a full0fledged
machine design group at 'hennai with capa!ilities of making special0purpose machines
for !oth captive consumption and customer0specific re"uirements.
The manufacturing units of $veready are I&C =>>> and I&C .:>>> certified. $veready
has a sophisticated ) 7 la!oratory for design and testing of !atteries. The la!oratory is
BABL accredited.
The company also has its own flashlight design and development unit with the latest
computer aided design facility.
$veready also has a state of the art packaging unit for packet tea at 'huapara T.$.
Management 3 Eveready *nd"a
$ame #es"gnat"on
B M (!a"tan Bon0$xecutive 'hairman
S Sa!a /hole Time 7irector
# A $anda Bon $xecutive 7irector
P & av"kumar Independent 7irector
S #asgupta Independent 7irector
S Sarkar Independent 7irector
$ame #es"gnat"on
# (!a"tan Bon0$xecutive Jice 'hairman
Amr"tans!u (!a"tan /hole Time 7irector
A (!a"tan Bon0$xecutive 7irector
S +oenka Independent 7irector
/ B!andar" Independent 7irector
$veready is a market leader in the .?>> crore dry cell market in India. At present this
!rand holds around :3 D market share. Bippo follows with a market share of 4ED.
$veready was one of the first !rands in this segment. A flagship !rand of BM 6aitian
group% this !rand is !racing for a marketing war against its competitors. The !rand has a
history dated as way !ack as .=5:.The !rand is carefully nurtured !y the company. Lots
of money is !eing spent on !rand !uilding in a seemingly low involvement product
7uring the early nineties the !rand created ripples in the market !y its (+ive me edO
campaign. The campaign changed the way !atteries are perceived and the campaign was a
hit among the target audience. The ad highlighted the color OedO and for the next .G
years (redO was the central point in the !rand campaign. The +ive me ed campaign gave
an instant recognition for the !rand among the T+ which was young .?04?. The rationale
was the popularity of walkmans and porta!le music players which created a new market
for !atteries.
Buoyed !y the success of the campaign and wanting to create more punch to the !rand%
$veready roped in Amita!h Bachchan to endorse the !rand. It was a costly affair and
from then on the (+ive Me edO campaign got diluted. Big B and the campaign did not
get together. /hile the campaign was aimed at younger crowd% B was a misfit. Again
should you need a cele!rity to endorse a !attery is another "uestion altogether.8 company
says that Big B campaign raised the market share from :.D to :3D since 4>>59.
Bow another campaign was kicked off !y $veready changing the positioning of the
!rand. /hile O+ive me redO positioned the !rand as an energetic and sturdy !rand% the
new campaign aims to look at more features rather than image. The new positioning
strategy is to highlight the $M7 8$lectro magnesium9 factor which will make the !attery
last more and give a good .?D more performance than its competitors.
The current campaign is full of hyper!ole with Amita!h again as a shopkeeper. The ad
seems like a parody of the successful 'ad!ury@s 4Pappu Pass &o gayaO campaign
8which had some novelty around it9. The $veready campaign yet again failed to utilize
the charisma of Amita!h. The product may sell more !ecause of the features not the
The company also changed its !ase line to (utc! to !a" E5traO from the highly
successful O give me redO. The only reason can !e that the company officials and ad
agency is !ored !y the !aseline not !ecause the customer has re#ected the !aseline.
4(utc! to !a" E5tra "s actually diluting the intended positioning on the features. The
new !aseline have striking resem!lance with Maggi <etchup@s !aseline O It,s differentO
where there is no difference as such. <utch to hai extra loses significance !ecause the ad
is a hyper!ole with no tangi!le !enefits shown. &o there is a risk that customer will not
!elieve that there is something extra in $veready.
All said and done% $veready is having a ma#or say in the market with its esta!lished !rand
and virtually no serious competition. But with the disruptive innovations like i1od and
Mp5 players that do not need conventional !atteries% $veready should !e alert to the
changing market dynamics and a possi!ility of disruption. Already signs are there in the
form of Mo!ile phones used as a /alkman where the !attery used is not the conventional
For now its
6. Compan"ons!"p7
$veready is a high value companion tie consumer of all socio0economic levels%
out trade% supplier and shareholders.
A !rand means added value. It is the only steering mechanism availa!le to !uild
profita!le growth.
$veready possess concerned a!out environmental issues.
'orporate identity of $veready is highly visi!le.
$veready ensures widest availa!ility.
4. 'ang"2le d"fferent"at"on7
In competitive markets% strategic profita!le growth can only come from intrinsic
differentiation% which is tangi!le.
)7 and marketing team have to innovate constantly to achieve this
differentiation to offer !etter value.
eal !enefit% even it is small% must !e measured% Bo attri!ute is small if
communication properly.
$veready Industries India is endeavoring to !ecome the second largest car!on zinc !attery
maker in the world. At present% the company produces ..4 !illion !atteries and the vision
was to take it to two !illion !atteries over the next few years. If the company manages to
achieve a 1roduction capacity of two !illion !atteries% then it would pip $nergizer and
!ecome the second largest car!on zinc !attery maker in the world. The largest car!on
zinc !attery maker was Matsushita with 4.E !illion Batteries. Mr. 7eepak <haitan%
executive vice chairman and managing director $veready Industries India said% the
company was currently the third largest car!on zinc manufacturer with a capacity of ..4
!illion !atteries% which included exports and original e"uipment manufacturers 8C$Ms9.
As part of its vision% $veready was adding a new line in <olkata and a +reenfield facility
in ;ttaranchal with a capital expenditure of s :> crore. The pro#ect would !e financed
through internal accruals. The ;ttaranchal facility would start off with production of
!rass flashlights and then start producing !atteries. Further% the company was also eyeing
the 'hinese market and was in discussions with three companies for a Ioint venture%
where $veready would have 4?0:? per cent stake. <haitan said% the decision on the
specific company would !e reached !y the end of the financial year. Meanwhile% 'alcutta
6igh 'ourt has approved the demerger of !ulk tea !usiness of $veready. <haitan said.
McLeod ussell will !e re!orn in the next :0G weeks. 6e added that the demerger would
enhance shareholder value.
(E. S'E$+'&S -, E/EEA#.K
The key strength of $veready lies in its : core assets% which areK
Brand N$J$$A7L,. It is the result of a continuous and well0orchestrated !rand
development strategy that maximizes the value from each consumer touch0point.
A distri!ution system that is deeply entrenched. Today it is having :>>>
Its skills of efficient mass0manufacture. 6ence% it reduces the cost.
Its human capital comprise of highly efficient employees.
The special features present in $vereadyK
$veready has a totally computerized !attery testing facility 0 the only !attery
testing la!oratory accredited !y Bational Accreditation Board for Testing )
'ali!ration La!oratories 8BABL9 0 where !atteries can !e tested as per BI&% I$'
and I$' standards
$veready,s research team constitutes highly "ualified &cientists% $ngineers%
'hemists and Technicians dedicated to maintaining technology leadership in
Minc0'ar!on !atteries% Flashlights and related components.
The esearch 'entre has 1ilot 1lant facilities% Analytical testing facilities such as
Atomic A!sorption &pectrophotometer 8AA&9% 1olar graph% P0 ay 7iffract meter
8P79 and a 'hemical La!oratory. The $veready esearch 'entre is capa!le of
providing world0class testing and research support to meet stringent customer
re"uirements from across the world.
+"ve Me ed4
The company wants L$7 0!ased flashlights and lighting solutions to account for a "uarter
of its turnover in two years.
$veready is no longer #ust a !attery maker. And 7eepak <haitan % executive vice
chairman and managing director of the India,s largest !attery company% says the
company,s new mantra is (to light up people,s lives*.
/hile that sounds like a great social responsi!ility mission% <haitan is candid enough to
say that the approach makes eminent !usiness sense% too. NCnce a person gets used to
light% he will never go !ack to darkness, is the $veready !oss,s philosophy.
(Lighting up lives* has also meant a huge change in the positioning of the company%
which was largely known as a dry cell !attery giant with more than :G per cent market
$veready had created ripples in the market during the early nineties with its O+ive me
edO campaign% which changed the way !atteries were perceived. The ad highlighted the
color (ed* which has !een the central point in its !rand theme and gave it instant
recognition. <haitan can now start thinking of changing the !rand theme to (+ive me
6ere,s why. $veready% which is targeting to dou!le its turnover to s 4%>>> crore in two
years% says the share of !atteries in the total turnover will come down from the current
level of 3> per cent to :? per cent% while flashlights and lighting solutions would account
for around 4? per cent.
And the star attraction in the lighting space would !e $veready,s !attery0operated L$7
8light emitting diode9 0 !ased lamps for household consumption. Branded 6omeLite at
the time of launch in Iuly 4>>=% it will !e re!randed $veready ;ltima% the um!rella !rand
for the company,s high0end products. The name ;ltima was chosen as it connotes
superiority. (/hen we entered the market% the product was already availa!le. For one
product of ours% there were five 'hinese ones availa!le at a much lower price. But
eventually people realised that our products were superior%* said <haitan.
<haitan has a point% as he expects ;ltima to sell more than two million pieces !y the end
of March this year% with rural sales accounting for 3> per cent of the volumes. The
product has gained significant traction in power0deficient states such as ;ttar 1radesh%
Bihar% /est Bengal and Assam. <haitan !elieves that sales from the countryside would
increase five times in the next couple of years.
Apart from the innovativeness of the product% what has helped is $veready,s formida!le
distri!ution network. (/e can even reach out to villages that have a population of
?>%>>>%* says <haitan. $veready,s salesmen touch nearly 5.4 million of India,s .4 million
retailers at least once a fortnight.
<haitan is also !anking on the rising prosperity in the villages. (/ith the growth in +71
8gross domestic product9% :>0?> million will come out of poverty. Moreover% the cost of
food is going up and farmers are making more money%* he says.
'lever pricing is clearly one ma#or reason for the success of the product. The L$70!ased
!attery operated lamps are priced at s 4?>0:?> and a month,s !attery would mean
shelling out s :? at one go compared to kerosene% which is !ought almost every
alternate day at s 4% al!eit an expensive option in the long0run.
<haitan knows the price dynamics. (For volumes in India% the price point is very
important%* he says. The company is already planning to launch the lamps for as low as
s .>> apiece. Though similar products are availa!le at a lower price% <haitan is
unpertur!ed. (/e want them to !e there in the market. Cnce people get used to light% they
can choose the superior product.*
The !usiness philosophy o!viously is simple K as long as missions like (power for all*
remain only a vision% sales of !attery0operated lamps will surge. Cnce villages are
electrified% they can switch to !ul!s. And $veready sells !ul!s% too.
The company wants L$7 0!ased flashlights and lighting solutions to account for a "uarter
of its turnover in two years.
$veready is no longer #ust a !attery maker. And 7eepak <haitan % executive vice
chairman and managing director of the India,s largest !attery company% says the
company,s new mantra is (to light up people,s lives*.
/hile that sounds like a great social responsi!ility mission% <haitan is candid enough to
say that the approach makes eminent !usiness sense% too. NCnce a person gets used to
light% he will never go !ack to darkness, is the $veready !oss,s philosophy.
(Lighting up lives* has also meant a huge change in the positioning of the company%
which was largely known as a dry cell !attery giant with more than :G per cent market
$veready had created ripples in the market during the early nineties with its O+ive me
edO campaign% which changed the way !atteries were perceived. The ad highlighted the
colour (ed* which has !een the central point in its !rand theme and gave it instant
recognition. <haitan can now start thinking of changing the !rand theme to (+ive me
6ere,s why. $veready% which is targeting to dou!le its turnover to s 4%>>> crore in two
years% says the share of !atteries in the total turnover will come down from the current
level of 3> per cent to :? per cent% while flashlights and lighting solutions would account
for around 4? per cent.
And the star attraction in the lighting space would !e $veready,s !attery0operated L$7
8light emitting diode9 0 !ased lamps for household consumption. Branded 6omeLite at
the time of launch in Iuly 4>>=% it will !e re!randed $veready ;ltima% the um!rella !rand
for the company,s high0end products. The name ;ltima was chosen as it connotes
superiority. (/hen we entered the market% the product was already availa!le. For one
product of ours% there were five 'hinese ones availa!le at a much lower price. But
eventually people realised that our products were superior%* said <haitan.
<haitan has a point% as he expects ;ltima to sell more than two million pieces !y the end
of March this year% with rural sales accounting for 3> per cent of the volumes. The
product has gained significant traction in power0deficient states such as ;ttar 1radesh%
Bihar% /est Bengal and Assam. <haitan !elieves that sales from the countryside would
increase five times in the next couple of years.
Apart from the innovativeness of the product% what has helped is $veready,s formida!le
distri!ution network. (/e can even reach out to villages that have a population of
?>%>>>%* says <haitan. $veready,s salesmen touch nearly 5.4 million of India,s .4 million
retailers at least once a fortnight.
<haitan is also !anking on the rising prosperity in the villages. (/ith the growth in +71
8gross domestic product9% :>0?> million will come out of poverty. Moreover% the cost of
food is going up and farmers are making more money%* he says.
'lever pricing is clearly one ma#or reason for the success of the product. The L$70!ased
!attery operated lamps are priced at s 4?>0:?> and a month,s !attery would mean
shelling out s :? at one go compared to kerosene% which is !ought almost every
alternate day at s 4% al!eit an expensive option in the long0run.
<haitan knows the price dynamics. (For volumes in India% the price point is very
important%* he says. The company is already planning to launch the lamps for as low as
s .>> apiece. Though similar products are availa!le at a lower price% <haitan is
unpertur!ed. (/e want them to !e there in the market. Cnce people get used to light% they
can choose the superior product.*
The !usiness philosophy o!viously is simpleK as long as missions like (power for all*
remain only a vision% sales of !attery0operated lamps will surge. Cnce villages are
electrified% they can switch to !ul!s. And $veready sells !ul!s% too.
$veready has always pursued and advocated the !est prevailing management practices.
The team is alert to changes in the domestic and international markets resulting in higher
standards of excellence. /hen the T-M wave from Iapan hit India in the mid E>,s% the
organization planned the realignment of its management system with focus towards
customer satisfaction. The organization was restructured and a Basic Training 1rogram
8BT19 launched for deployment ) implementation of T-M practices
In our success story spanning over a century% $veready has !een powered !y its peopleQ
a uni"ue com!ination of youth and experience. The vision and leadership of a sta!le
senior0management is only matched !y the motivation and energy of the youth !rigade.
Aware of the potential of our strength% our human resource% $veready has taken care to
create an atmosphere that not only attracts the !est talents% !ut also nurtures and grooms
them into leaders of standards matched !y the !est in 'orporate India. 6ere is a place
where the dream0laden !eginners can look forward to start a value0adding and rewarding
career. $xperienced middle0level executives can hope for a worthwhile career transition
into an organizational experience marked !y opportunities to practice creative leadership
with autonomy ) accounta!ility . 6igh performing senior professionals can look forward
to a strategic leadership role to shape ) realize the company,s vision and contri!ute to
organization !uilding . $ven as the company eyes growth for itself% it is as much
committed to the growth of its employees. +ood performance and high potential never
goes un0recognized or unrewarded. This is the secret of our highly motivated workforce
committed to excellence.
A happy individual always performs well. <eeping this in mind% $veready strives to
strike a healthy work0life !alance for its employees. The $veready workplace exudes
warmth of a friendly% human touch as much as it !oasts world0class professionalism. It
!ustles with activity offering a vi!rant work culture. $veready !elieves in !uilding and
nurturing one !ig family of $veready citizens who develop a strong and deep emotional
!onding with the organization. It also helps in developing socially responsi!le corporate
As $veready surges ahead to !uild NThe Bext 'entury of 1ower,% it not only relies on the
rock0solid sta!le top management% !ut also expects the young% vi!rant workforce to take
the company ahead with their ideas and innovation. After all% it is the power of people%
the power of ideas that gives $veready the power to march full steam ahead.
*nterns!"p 8 Campus
$veready is always on the lookout for young minds% who are not #ust talented% !ut with a
strong orientation of practical creativity and are raring to excel. It endeavors to identify
future !usiness leaders and train them in the most structured ) process !ased manner. It
scouts for the !est talents from Business &chools% I'AI% I'/AI and $ngineering
'olleges from all across India for its different operations like &ales ) Marketing% 6uman
esources% and Finance ) Manufacturing.
$veready follows the usual procedure of group discussions% personal interview )
psychometric evaluation !efore selecting the candidates as management trainees from the
A management trainee during hisAher first year in the company is given assignments
across all functions of the organization% which allows him or her to understand the
company,s structure and its !usiness processes. Most importantly% it allows them to
understand and inculcate the culture and ethos that $veready stands for. 7uring the course
of hisAher professional life an employee is also provided with opportunities to gain cross0
functional expertise through a planned process of career planning and career
development. 'ross0functional assignments are encouraged and practiced in the company.
$veready also encourages summer internships for students from various Business &chools
and $ngineering 'olleges. As summer interns% students get to work on identified live
pro#ects. Bright and hardworking students are identified during the internship programme.
The company also practices the process of (1re 1lacement Cffers* to talented summer
interns from Business schools% who are identified during the course of their engagement
for which the individual undergoes the process of their internship pro#ect presentations%
psychometric evaluation and personal interview.
$veready ac"uired 1ower 'ell% the erstwhile B1L &oft $nergy &ystems Ltd% in
4>>?.1owercell initially operated as a su!sidiary of $veready under the name 1ower cell
Battery India Ltd. In April 4>>3% it was amalgamated with $veready and !ecame the
1ower cell 7ivision of $veready.
1ower cell manufactures and markets dry cell !atteries under two !rands 1ower cell )
&hakti. It also markets torches under !rand name 1ower 'ell.
1ower cell 7ivision is also coming up with 'ompact fluorescent lamps 8'FLs9 and
Incandescent lamps 8+L&9 under the !rand name 1ower 'ell LIT$M.
#"str"2ut"on $etwork
1ower cell 7ivision has a separate national network of distri!utors esta!lishing a direct
reach of 5>>%>>> outlets which support the entire range of products under the !rand
1ower 'ell and &hakti.
Product portfol"o
The Battery product range includes 'ar!on Minc ange ) Alkaline Batteries.
TorchesK /ide range of models includes the latest L$7 !ased models.
'ompact Fluorescent Lamps 8'FL9K BI& approved -uality 8/ide range of shapes )
wattages availa!le to cater to all lighting re"uirements9
Incandescent Bul!s 8+L&9K /ide range BI& approved "uality !ul!s in 'lear% Milky and
decorative range.
P-#)C'S -, E/EEA#.
.. $J$$A7L ;LTIMA 8Alkaline Batteries9
4. $J$$A7L $'6A+$ 8echargea!le Batteries9
5. $J$$A7L I$$JAB0&AT6I 8Brass Torches9%
:. $J$$A7L 7igiL$7 8L$7 Flash Lights9%
?. $J$$A7L 6CM$LIT$ 8Alternate Lighting &olutions9
G. $J$$A7L 'FL 8'ompact fluorescent lamps9%
3. $J$$A7L 1C/$CB 86omecare products9 and
E. $J$$A7L 1$MI;M +CL7 A IAA+C A T$M 81ackaged Tea9 etc.
AB-)' '&E P-#)C'S -, E/EEA#.
Car2on 9"nc

$veready Industries India Limited. Is the world,s third largest producer of 'ar!on Minc
!atteries% selling over . !illion !atteries every year. 1resent in all segments of 7ry cell
!atteries% $veready holds the dominant market share in every segment.
ec!argea2le K
$veready Industries India Limited is the first entrant and the leading !rand in the
organized echargea!le !attery category. N$veready echarge, !atteries can !e recharged
up to a thousand times.
Packet 'ea7
After .>> years% has curved a niche in the packet tea industry. $nd of 4>>G saw a
change... the packet tea !rands were upgraded to !ring it in line with the changing market
scenario. The association of $veready with Tez% 1remium +old% Iaago and 'lassic will
not only connote assurance% trust and "uality% !ut help !uild in the consumer proximity.
$veready Industries India Limited is the largest manufacturer of flashlights in &outh Asia.
&ince pioneering the porta!le lighting revolution in the country a century ago% $veready
has en#oyed an uninterrupted leadership position in this segment. An unparalleled
distri!ution network ensures that $veready torches are always availa!le within easy
reach% wherever you are. From remote villages to the city heights% $veready flashlights
light up lives across the length and !readth of the country.
Eveready d"g"LE#K
$veready has BC/ launched an altogether new @category@ of torches 0 The L$7 torches.
The category is !eing called O$veready digi L$7OR.and will have many models in its
portfolio. This category will offer to the consumers a torch which hasRLow !attery
consumption. Focused white light &lide switch for easy operation &trong dura!le !ody.
In an $ndeavour to satisfy ever0changing consumer needs% $veready has developed
1oweron% a mos"uito coil which provides powerful protection against the all0pervasive
mos"uito menace. $veready 1oweron the new generation fast action mos"uito coil comes
in 5 variantsK ed .4 hours, protection ed .> hours, protection +reen E hours protection
the coils come in a heat sealed pouch which protects the coil from moisture% fungus and
dust. The pleasantly fragrant coils repel mos"uitoes powerfully and effectively% providing
1ower on protection from Malaria% 7engue and Filarial.
The launch of LAJA marked the entry of $veready Industries India Limited. Into the
glo!al market. Making its presence felt in .? countries% commencing its worldwide
#ourney with its launch in &ri Lanka% Bangladesh and Mauritius and then moving on to the
more distant markets of Middle $ast% Africa% Latin America% ;&A and ;nited <ingdom%
LAJA is a recognized !rand in the markets of &udan% $thiopia% 7#i!outi% $ritrea% $gypt
and &ri Lanka. $veready Industries India Ltd.% a H.?> million company% is one of the
most reputed FM'+ companies in India% with formida!le strengths in manufacturing%
marketing and distri!uting a diverse range of products covering Batteries% Flashlights and
1acket Tea. $veready is the world,s third largest producer of car!on zinc !atteries% selling
more than a !illion units a year. Its car!on zinc !atteries dominate the Indian market with
a complete range for all e"uipment types. /ith such formida!le strengths in the domestic
market% $veready Industries India Ltd. launched its products in the +lo!al market under
the !rand name LAJA. Making its presence felt in .? countries% LAJA is now a !rand to
watch out for.
A"m : /"s"on : M"ss"on
For over a century% our corporation has !een a partner to consumers with our expertise in
porta!le power and light. Today% we endeavor to !e the perfect 'ompanion to consumers
!y providing value0for0money !rands with Tangi!le 7ifferentiation in "uality $very day%
we seek 'onsumer 1roximity to ensure the en#oyment of !etter living. Cur core
competence will !e !ased on these three core values for the total synergy and future
profita!le growth of our corporation
;ual"ty Pol"cy : Processes
$veready has a totally computerized !attery testing facility 0 the only !attery testing
la!oratory accredited !y Bational Accreditation Board for Testing ) 'ali!ration
La!oratories 8BABL9 0 where !atteries can !e tested as per BI&% I$' and I$' standards.
$veready@s research team constitutes highly "ualified &cientists% $ngineers% 'hemists and
Technicians dedicated to maintaining technology leadership in Minc0'ar!on !atteries%
Flashlights and related components. The esearch 'entre has 1ilot 1lant facilities%
Analytical testing facilities such as Atomic A!sorption &pectrophotometer 8AA&9% 1olar
graph% P0ay 7iffract meter 8P79 and a 'hemical La!oratory. The $veready esearch
'entre is capa!le of providing world0class testing and research support to meet stringent
customer re"uirements from across the world.
Launched in mid-1973, leading player in industrial batteries segment.
6olds 4GD market share in industrial batteries segment.
&ales grew by 46% to 314 cr. in 200.
'ater with products like all purpose of !atteries% power reser!e, "las#lig#ts,
My grid, digital memories, etc.
A household name in India was formed in .=34.
1roduces and sells over .> !illion !atteries a year.
First Indian dry !attery company to !e certified !y I&CK .:>>. and I&CK =>>.
international standards.
6as a strong distri!ution network.
6olds 54D market s#are in $ndia.
,)')E PLA$S7
$veready may have to wait another 405 months !efore it can !ring its newest
ac"uisition% France0!ased rechargea!le !atteries company ;ncross. Cn Iune 4>>=
$veready ac"uired an E>D stake in ;ncross.
Jice chairman and managing director 7eepak khaitan wants the company to enter
in other product portfolio to earn more profit. %s reported a & percent drop in
%pril-'une pro"it to (s.1&.1& crore "rom (s.16.04 crore year.
The company is weighing options of re0entering the !randed tea market through a
sourcing pact with group company McLeod ussel India Ltd and launching
foreign fast moving consumer durable brands in $ndia.
<ork"ng w"t! us
In our success story spanning over a century% $veready has !een powered !y its people0 a
uni"ue com!ination of youth and experience. The vision and leadership of a sta!le senior0
management is only matched !y the motivation and energy of the youth !rigade.
Aware of the potential of our strength% our human resource% $veready has taken care to
create an atmosphere that not only attracts the !est talents% !ut also nurtures and grooms
them into leaders of standards matched !y the !est in 'orporate India. 6ere is a place
where the dream0laden !eginners can look forward to start a value0adding and rewarding
career. $xperienced middle0level executives can hope for a worthwhile career transition
into an organizational experience marked !y opportunities to practice creative leadership
with autonomy ) accounta!ility. 6igh performing senior professionals can look forward
to a strategic leadership role to shape ) realize the company,s vision and contri!ute to
organization !uilding. $ven as the company eyes growth for itself% it is as much
committed to the growth of its employees. +ood performance and high potential never
goes un0recognized or unrewarded. This is the secret of our highly motivated workforce
committed to excellence.
A happy individual always performs well. <eeping this in mind% $veready strives to
strike a healthy work0life !alance for its employees. The $veready workplace exudes
warmth of a friendly% human touch as much as it !oasts world0class professionalism. It
!ustles with activity offering a vi!rant work culture. $veready !elieves in !uilding and
nurturing one !ig family of $veready citizens who develop a strong and deep emotional
!onding with the organization. It also helps in developing socially responsi!le corporate
As $veready surges ahead to !uild NThe Bext 'entury of 1ower,% it not only relies on the
rock0solid sta!le top management% !ut also expects the young% vi!rant workforce to take
the company ahead with their ideas and innovation. After all% it is the power of people%
the power of ideas that gives $veready the power to march full steam ahead.
Battery +u"de
Pr"mary Battery7
A primary !attery is a !attery that is designed to !e cycled 8fully discharged9 only once
and then discarded. Although primary !atteries are often made from the same !ase
materials as secondary 8rechargea!le9 !atteries% the design and manufacturing processes
are not the same. 1rimary !atteries should not !e recharged. Although attempts at
recharging a primary !attery will occasionally succeed 8usually with a diminished
capacity9% it is more likely that the !attery will simply fail to hold any charge% will leak
electrolyte onto the !attery charger% or will overheat and cause a fire. It is unwise and
dangerous to recharge a primary !attery.
Some 'ypes of Pr"mary Batter"es7
A zinc0car!on dry cell or !attery is packaged in a zinc can
that serves as !oth a container and anode. The cathode is a mixture of manganese dioxide
and car!on powder. The electrolyte is a paste of zinc chloride and ammonium chloride
dissolved in water. Minc0car!on !atteries are the least expensive primary !atteries and
thus a popular choice for low0drain devices. They can !e used in remote controls%
flashlights% toys% or transistor radios% where the power drain is not too heavy.
Alkaline !atteries are a type of primary !attery.
'ompared with zinc0car!on !atteries% while all produce approximately ..? volts per cell%
alkaline !atteries have a higher energy density and longer shelf0life. The alkaline !attery
gets its name !ecause it has an alkaline electrolyte of potassium hydroxide% as opposed to
the acidic electrolyte of the zinc0car!on !atteries which are offered in the same nominal
voltages and physical size.
Secondary Battery7
A secondary !attery is commonly known as a
rechargea!le !attery. It is usually designed to have a lifetime of !etween .>> and .>>>
recharge cycles% depending on the composite materials. &econdary !atteries are%
generally% more cost effective over time than primary !atteries% since the !attery can !e
recharged and reused. A single discharge cycle of a primary !attery% however% will
provide more current for a longer period of time than a single discharge cycle of an
e"uivalent secondary !attery.
Battery &andl"ng and Ma"ntenance7
The following guidelines offer specific advice on !attery handling and maintenance. This
advice is necessarily not all inclusive. ;sers are cautioned to o!serve specific warnings
on individual !attery la!els and to use common sense when handling !atteries.
Battery Caut"on7
7o not attempt to recharge primary !atteries. This kind of !attery is not designed
to !e recharged and may overheat or leak if recharging is attempted.
Be careful of the polarity while loading a !attery. everse polarity may cause
damage to the e"uipment% in which the !attery is wrongly loaded.
/hen recharging secondary !atteries% use a charging device that is approved for
that type of !attery. ;sing an approved charging device can prevent overcharging
or overheating the !attery. Many chargers have special circuits !uilt into them for
correctly charging specific types of !atteries and will not work properly with other
7o not use secondary 8rechargea!le9 !atteries in smoke detectors. &econdary
!atteries have a high self0discharge rate. 1rimary !atteries have a much longer
shelf life and are much more dependa!le in emergencies.
'onsult the smoke detectors user manual for the recommended !attery types.
7o not attempt to refill or repair a worn0out or damaged !attery.
7o not allow direct !odily contact with !attery components. Acidic or alkaline
electrolyte can cause skin irritation or !urns. $lectrode materials such as mercury
or cadmium are toxic.
7o not lick a = J !attery to see if it is charged. Lou will% of course% !e a!le to
determine whether or not the !attery is charged% !ut such a test may result in a
!urn that may range from simply uncomforta!le to serious.
7o not dispose of !atteries in fire. The metallic components of the !attery will not
!urn and the !urning electrolyte may splatter% explode% or release toxic fumes.
Batteries may !e disposed of% however% in industrial incinerators that are approved
for the disposal of !atteries.
7o not carry !atteries in your pocket. 'oins% keys% or other metal o!#ects can short
circuit a !attery% which can cause extreme heat% acid leakage% or an explosion.
E5tend"ng Battery L"feK
In a device% use only the type of !attery that is recommended !y the manufacturer
of the device.
To find a replacement !attery that works with a given device% call the
manufacturer of the device or ask the retailer to check the manufacturer,s !attery
cross0reference guide.
&tore !atteries in a cool% dry place. This helps extend their shelf life. efrigerators
are convenient locations.
7o not store !atteries in a freezer. Always let !atteries come to room temperature
!efore using them.
&tore !atteries in their original !oxes or packaging materials. The !attery
packaging has !een designed for maximum shelf life.
/hen storing !attery0powered devices for long periods 8i.e.% more than a month9%
remove the !atteries. This can prevent damage to the device from possi!le !attery
leakage. Also% the !atteries can !e used for other applications while the !atteries
are still (fresh.*
;se a marking pen to indicate% on the !attery casing% the day and year that the
!attery was purchased. Avoid writing on or near the !attery terminals.
7o not mix !atteries from different manufacturers in a multi0cell device 8e.g.% a
torch9. &mall differences in voltage% current% and capacity% !etween !rands% can
reduce the average useful life of all the !atteries.
/hen using !atteries in a multicell device 8e.g.% a torch9% use !atteries of the same
age and similar discharged capacity. This kind of matching will make it more
likely that all the !atteries will discharge at the same rate% putting less stress on
any individual !attery.
7o not use !atteries in high0temperature situations 8more :? degree '9 unless the
!attery is designed for that temperature range9.
Locate !atteries as far away from heat sources as possi!le. The electrical potential
of the !attery will degrade rapidly if it is exposed to temperatures higher than
those recommended !y the manufacturer.
&ome !atteries may not operate to its optimum level if used !elow Mero degrees
'elsius. In case of dou!t check with the manufacturer in such applications.
S<-' A$AL.S*S
Main strength lies in its distri!ution network.
More than :>>> vans sells there product all over India.
/ell known for its marketing skills.
Among the top 4> !est marketing companies of India.
'ost of production.
Beeds improvements in "uality.
Bew markets in India especially ur!an.
$ntering foreign markets.
Markets for cordless !atteries and rechargea!le !atteries with chargers.
'ompetitor !rand has availa!le in lesser price% which compare to our product have
little higher.
Local !rands have more sales as compare to our products.
Awareness among the rural customers is very less.
-2=ect"ves of t!e study
To find out the consumer preference of $veready
To find out the satisfaction levels towards service provide !y $veready.
To find out the ma#or competitor of $veready.
To study the market analysis of $veready
To study the distri!ution channel of $veready
*mportance of t!e study
The importance of a pro#ect report is following.
The study will help to know that what additional features ) what facilities should
!e increase.
The importance of pro#ect study is that it is helpful to make future policy of the
To find out the consumer preference of $veready
To find out the satisfaction levels towards service provide !y $veready.
To find out the ma#or competitor of $veready.
To study the market analysis of $veready
To study the distri!ution channel of $veready
Scope of t!e study
esearcher has !een conducted in the Lucknow 'ity2 it helps in accelerating demand of
the !atteries in the market. The study will also help to know the market share and will
also help the creating ) providing high "uality service in !atteries operators which
increase the !rand loyalty !atteries operators to words idea.
The study will also help in improving marketing sales promotion and new strategy of the

esearc! Met!odology
esearch is a common language refers to a search of knowledge. esearch is scientific )
systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic% infect research is an art of
scientific investigation. esearch Methodology is a scientific way to solve research
pro!lem. It may !e understood as a science of studying how research is don,t
scientifically. In it we study various steps that are generally adopted !y researchers in
studying their research pro!lem. It is necessary for researchers to know not only know
research method techni"ues !ut also technology. The scope of esearch Methodology is
wider than that of research methods.
The research pro!lem consists of series of closely related activities. At times% the first step
determines the native of the last step to !e undertaken. /hy a research has !een defined%
what data has !een collected and what a particular methods have !een adopted and a host
of similar other "uestions are usually answered when we talk of research methodology
concerning a research pro!lem or study. The pro#ect is a study where focus is on the
following pointsK
esearc! #es"gn73
A research design is defined% as the specification of methods and procedures for ac"uiring
the Information needed. It is a plant or organizing framework for doing the study and
collecting the data. 7esigning a research plan re"uires decisions all the data sources%
research approaches% esearch instruments% sampling plan and contact methods. '!e
study was descr"pt"ve k"nd of researc!.
esearch design is mainly of following typesK
.. $xploratory research.
4. 7escriptive studies
5. 'ausal studiesA$xperimental studies
6. E5ploratory researc!73
The ma#or purposes of exploratory studies are the identification of pro!lems% the more
precise Formulation of pro!lems and the formulations of new alternative courses of
action. The design of exploratory studies is characterized !y a great amount of flexi!ility
and ad0hoc veracity.
>. #escr"pt"ve researc!73
7escriptive research in contrast to exploratory research is marked !y the prior
formulation of specific research -uestions. The investigator already knows a su!stantial
amount a!out the research pro!lem. 1erhaps as a esult of an exploratory study% !efore
the pro#ect is initiated. 7escriptive research is also characterized !y a 1replanned and
structured design.
?. Causal stud"es:E5per"mental stud"es
A casual design investigates the cause and effect relationships !etween two or more
varia!les. The hypothesis is tested and the experiment is done. There are following types
of casual designs
a. After only with control design
!. Before after with control design
c. Before after without control design
d. 'onsumer panel design
e. $x0post facto design
esearch 7esign has !een classified into four su!sections they areK
.. &ample selection and size2
4. &ampling procedure2
5. 7ata collection2 and
:. Analytical tools
Sample Select"on and s"@e
The first step of research is sample selection% for which the respondents were consumers
in Jaranasi city. The total consumers covered were .4>. The same "uestionnaires were
distri!uted% !ut only .>> fully0completed "uestionnaires were received. esults are !ased
on the response of these .>> respondents% and in this E> respondent chosen $veready
Sampl"ng Procedure
There are !asically two methods of samplingK0
Pro2a2"l"ty sampl"ng
It is also known as random sampling. ;nder this sampling design every item of the
universe has an e"ual chance of inclusion in the sample. It is% so to say% a lottery method
in which individual units are picked from the whole group not deli!erately !ut !y some
mechanical process. 6ere it !lind chance alone that determines whether one item or the
other is selected. The results o!tained from pro!a!ility sampling can !e assured in terms
of pro!a!ility.
$on Pro2a2"l"ty sampl"ng
Bon 1ro!a!ility sampling is that sampling procedure which does not afford any !asis for
estimating the pro!a!ility that each item in the population has !een included in the
sample. In this type of sampling% items for the sample selected deli!erately !y the
researcher2 his choice concerning the items remains supreme.
,or t!e study t!e consumers are selected 2y t!e conven"ence sampl"ng
met!od. The selection of units from the population !ased on their easy availa!ility and
accessi!ility to the researcher is known as convenience sampling
#ata Collect"on met!od
#ata Collect"on Met!od
Pr"mary Secondary
1u!lished &ources ;npu!lished &ources
7irect personal Interview
Indirect personal Interview +ovt. pu!lication
Information from correspondents eport 'ommittees
Mailed "uestionnaire ) 'ommissions 1rivate 1u!lication
-uestion filled !y enumerators esearch Institute
The task data collection !egins after research pro!lem has !een defined. There are two
methods for data collection.
Pr"mary data
1rimary data may !e descri!ed as those data that have !een o!served and recorded !y the
researcher for the first time to their knowledge.
Secondary data
&econdary data are those data which have !een already collected and analyzed !y some
earlier agency for its own use2 and later the same data are used !y a different agency.
For the present study% the survey method was used for collecting primary data. A
structured "uestionnaire was used for the purpose. The "uestionnaire included multiple
choice "uestions. The main source of secondary data has !een the leafy #ournal of
'onsumer Behavior% and Indian #ournal of Marketing. The study employs primary data
collected !y communicating with the respondents with the help of structured
"uestionnaire. The study mainly deals with the !ehavior of individual towards 'onsumer
1reference for $veready Batteries in Lucknow.
Analyt"cal #ata
The data thus collected% was ta!ulated% interpreted and analyzed with a view to make the
study meaningful. In the present study% hypothesis testing% percentage% fre"uency and
cross ta!ulation methods have !een used for analysis.
-.. )o you use batteries*
8a9 Les 8!9 Bo
'a2le3 6
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Les .>> .>>
Bo > >
Total .>> .>>
C!art3 6
It is found that 100 % customers use batteries.
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that all of t!e persons use
-4K 7o you know the !rand $veready for its !atteriesS
8a9 Les 8!9 Bo
'a2le3 >
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Les .>> .>>
Bo > >
Total .>> .>>
C!art3 >
It is found that 6AA B customers know about Eveready brand for batteries.
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that all of t!e persons know
a2out Eveready 2rand for batteries.
-5K /hich company,s !attery do you useS
8a9 $veready +b, )uracell +c, -ippo +d, ot#ers
'a2le3 ?
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
$veready E> E>
7uracell 5 5
Bippo 3 3
others .> .>
Total .>> .>>
It is found that 80 % customers use Eveready brand for batteries, ?% customers use
Duracell brand for batteries,7% customers use Nippo brand for batteries10%
customers use oter brand for batteries.
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that most of te persons use
Eveready brand for batteries.
-4. /#at type o" batteries you use generally*
+a, %%0(06 +b, )0(20 +c, %%0rec#argeable +d, %%%0(03
'a2le3 C
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
AAA>G 4: 5>
7A4> 44 43.?
AAArechargea!le 4> 4?
AAAA>5 .: .3.?
Total E> 100
In the a!ove graph it is showed 5>D of customers use AAA>G batteries% 43.?>D of
customers use 7A4> !atteries% 4?D of customers use AAA(ec#argeable batteries% .3.?D
of customers use AAAA>5 !atteries.
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that most of customers use
AAAA>3 batteries.
-&. 1urpose o" using t#e batteries*
+a, 2orc#es +b, 3loc4s +c, 5ome lig#ts +d, (emotes +e, 3alculator +", 2oys
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Torches 4> 2&
'loc4s 4G 54.?
home lights E 10
emotes .4 .?
'alculator .> .4.?
Toys : &
Total E> 100
In the a!ove graph it is showed 4?D of customers using !atteries for Torches% 54.?D
using !atteries for clocks% .>D using !atteries for 6ome light% .4D using !atteries for
emote% .4.?D using !atteries for 'alculators% ?D using !atteries for Toys.
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that most of customers using
!atteries 'locks.
-6. 5ow o"ten you purc#ase batteries*
+a, 6ort# nig#tly +b, 7ont#ly +c, 8uarterly +d, 9early
'a2le3 E
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Forth nightly .4 1&
Mont#ly :? ?G.4?
-uarterly .E 44.?
Learly & G.4?
Total E> 100
In the a!ove graph it is showed .?D of customers purchasing !atteries Forth nightly%
?G.4?D of customers purchasing !atteries Monthly% 44.?>D of customers purchasing
!atteries -uarterly% G.4?D of customers purchasing !atteries Learly.
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that most of customers purchasing
!atteries Monthly.
-7. 6actors you consider to :udge a product*
+a, 1roduct ;uality +b, 1rice +c, 1romotion +d, )istribution co!erage +e, <rand name0
=oodwill +", %"ter sales ser!ice
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
1roduct "uality 4> 2&
1rice 1& .E.3?
1romotion 10 .4.?
distri!ution coverage .? .E.3?
Brand nameA goodwill .4 .?
After sales service E .>
Total E> 100
It is found that 2& % customers :udging t#e product on t#e basis o" 1roduct ;uality,
1.7&% customers :udging t#e product on t#e basis o" 1rice, .4.?% customers :udging
t#e product on t#e basis o" 1romotion, .E.3? % customers :udging t#e product on t#e
basis o" )istribution co!erage, .? % customers :udging t#e product on t#e basis o"
<rand name0=ood will, 10D customers :udging t#e product on t#e basis o" %"ter sale
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that most of t!e persons =udg"ng
t!e product on t!e 2as"s of !roduct "uality.
-. %ccording to you w#ic# company produce economical batteries*
+a, >!eready +b, -ippo +c, )uracell +d, ?t#ers
'a2le3 G
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
$veready :> :>
Bippo 4? 4?
7uracell .> .>
Cthers 4? 4?
Total .>> .>>
C!art3 G
The a!ove report w#ic# company produce economical batteries generally s#ows t#at
40% respondent say t#at >!eready, 2&% respondent say t#at -ippo, 10% respondent
say t#at )uracell and 2&% respondent say t#at ?t#ers
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that Eveready company produce
econom"cal 2atter"es mostly.
-=K 7o you think promotional activities have impact on purchasing the !atteriesS
8a9 Les 8!9 Bo
'a2le3 H
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Les :? ?G.4?
Bo 5? :5.3?
Total E> 100
C!art3 H
'!e a2ove report on t!e 2as"s of know t!e tink promotional activities ave impact on
purcasin# te batteries sows tat $%.&$ % respondent to say yes ' ().7$ % says no
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that promotional activity effect the
-10. $" yes, w#ic# promotional acti!ities a""ect t#e purc#asing*
+a, -ewspaper +b, 2ele!ision +c, (adio +d, $nternet +e, 7aga@ine
8f9 <ill board 0 5oardings 0 =low sign +g, -one o" t#em
'a2le3 6A
1articular -o o" respondent 1ercentage
Bewspaper 10 .4.?
Tele!ision 1& .E.3?
adio .> .4.?
Internet .> .4.?
!ill !oard A hoardings A glow sign .? .E.3?
Bone of them 4> 4?
Total E> 100
C!art3 6A
The a!ove report which promotional activities affect the purchasing generally s#ows t#at
12.&% respondent say t#at newspaper, 1.7&% respondent say t#at tele!ision, 12.&%
respondent say t#at radio,12.&% bill board 0 #oardings 0 glow sig. 1.7&% respondent
say t#at internet and 2&% -one o" t#em
From the a!ove analysis it can !e interpreted that the maximum respondent are saying
t#at none o" t#em.
-..K 7o you think wide availa!ility affects the purchase decision of a consumerS
8a9 Les 8!9 Bo
'a2le3 66
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Les ?> G4.?
Bo 5> 53.?
Total E> 100
C!art3 66
'!e a2ove report on t!e 2as"s of know w"de ava"la2"l"ty affects t!e purc!ase dec"s"on
of a consumer s!ows t!at %&.$% respondent to say yes ' )7.$% says no
From the a!ove analysis the researcher came to know that wide availa!ility affects the
purchase decision of a consumer.
-.4K According to you who are the decision makers at the time of purchasingS
8a9 Lourself 8!9 1arents8c9 +randparents 8d9 &pouse 8e9 'hildren 8f9 Friends
+g, $" ot#ersAAAAAAA..
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Lourself .? .E.3?
1arents .3 4..4?
Friends E 10
&pouse .> .4.?
'hildren ? G.4?
If other 4? 5..4?
Total E> 100
C!art3 6>
The a!ove report you who are the decision makers at the time of purchasing generally
s#ows t#at1.7&% respondent say t#at 9oursel" , 21.2&% respondent say t#at parents,
10% respondent say t#at "riends,12.2&% spouse 6.2&% respondent say t#at c#ildren
and 31.2&% $" ot#er
From the a!ove analysis it can !e interpreted that the maximum respondent are saying
t#at ot#er a"ter t#at parents.
-.5K 7o you consider yourself to !e !rand loyal for purchasing !atteriesS
8a9 Les 8!9 Bo
'a2le3 6?
1articular Bo of respondent 1ercentage
Les :? ?G.4?
Bo 5? :5.3?
Total E> 100
C!art3 6?
'!e a2ove report on t!e 2as"s of cons"der yourself to 2e 2rand loyal for purc!as"ng
2atter"es s!ows t!at $%.&$% respondent to say yes ' ().7$ % says no
'!e ma5"mum num2er of respondent to says yes after tat no.
The a!ove report on the !asis of use !atteries shows that .>> D respondent to say
use batteries.
The a!ove report on the !asis of ;se 'ompany !atteries show that E>D
respondent to say uses $veready !atteries.
The a!ove report type of !atteries you use generally shows that30% respondent
say t#at %%0(06, 27.&% respondent say t#at )0(20, 2&% respondent say t#at
%%0rec#argeable and 17.&% respondent say t#at %%%0(03
The a!ove report purpose of using the !atteries generally shows that 4?D
respondent say that Torches% 54.?D respondent say that clocks% .>D
respondent say that home lights and .?D respondent say that remotes%.4.?D
respondent to 'alculator ?D respondent for toys
The a!ove report K how often you purchase !atteries generally shows that .?D
respondent say that Forth nightly% ?G.4?D respondent say that monthly%
44.?D respondent say that "uarterly and G.4?D respondent say that yearly
The a!ove report on the !asis of know the !rand $veready for its !atteries
shows that .>> D respondent to say use !atteries every persons know the !rand
$veready for its !atteries
The a!ove report K factors you consider to #udge a product generally shows that
4?D respondent say that 1roduct "uality% .E.3?D respondent say that price%
.4.?D respondent say that promotion% .E.3?D distri!ution coverage % .?D
Brand nameA goodwill and.>D respondent say that After sales service
The a!ove report you which company produce economical !atteries generally
shows that :>D respondent say that $veready% 4?D respondent say that
Bippo% .>D respondent say that 7uracell and 4?D respondent say that
The a!ove report on the !asis of know the think promotional activities have
impact on purchasing the !atteries shows that ?G.4? D respondent to say yes )
:5.3?D says no
The a!ove report which promotional activities affect the purchasing generally
shows that .4.?D respondent say that newspaper% .E.3?D respondent say
that television% .4.?D respondent say that radio%.E.3?D !ill !oard A
hoardings A glow sig. .4.3?D respondent say that internet and 4?D Bone of
The a!ove report on the !asis of know wide availa!ility affects the purchase
decision of a consumer shows that G4.? D respondent to say yes ) 53.?D says
The a!ove report you who are the decision makers at the time of purchasing
generally shows that .E.3?D respondent say that Lourself % 4..4?D
respondent say that parents% .>D respondent say that friends%.4.?D spouse
G.4?D respondent say that children and 5..4?% $" ot#er
2#e abo!e report on t#e basis o" consider yoursel" to be brand loyal "or
purc#asing batteries s#ows t#at &6.2& % respondent to say yes B 43.7&% says
After completion of the research work the researcher came to some conclusions which
could help the company in development ) improvement of service process. This is
helpful in future development of the company. The following points come in the
suggestion parts which came after the analysis and conclusion of the researchK0
The company should improve the "uality of the product.
The company should improve its promotional activities through advertisement%
free gifts coupons etc. &ince the price of the product is also an important factor
which influence the purchasing decision so the company should design the
products price according to the customer affordance level.
'ompany should instruct the sales representatives not to make extra ordinary
commitments on !ehalf of the company for sale.
The distri!ution channel should !e arranged according to the convenient of the
From the a!ove study it can !e concluded that $veready is performing well in the
existing market condition in the area of Lucknow% !ut the market of Lucknow is highly
competitive and there is a scope of huge improvement with the changing scenario an
marketing condition of less developed area of Lucknow% so there is an extensive need of
improving company image and !etter utilization of resources to utilize the market
The results of current time are satisfactory !ut the company should try to attract
more customers towards the company.
From a!ove analysis and survey we can conclude as follows
The researcher found that the market position of $veready is good.
The customers are satisfied with the promotional activities of $veready.
The result shows that the companies which are providing more facilities are
leading in the market.
The researcher found that the companies% who are spending more money on their
promotional activity ) market attractive schemes with low price% are successful in
the market.
The result shows that the companies which employee,s cooperation is good are
leading in the market.
L"m"tat"ons of t!e esearc!
The research is confined to a certain parts of Lucknow and does not necessarily shows a
pattern applica!le to all of 'ountry.
.. &ome respondents were reluctant to divulge personal information which can affect
the validity of all responses.
4. In a rapidly changing industry% analysis on one day or in one segment can change
very "uickly. The environmental changes are vital to !e considered in order to
assimilate the findings.
5. &ometime the customer did not give right information a!out himself.
:. &ometime the gap of communication was come in !etween the interaction.
?. The study is confined to the existing customers of $veready only.
Books:Maga@"nes eferred73
(otler% P!"l"p 8 Armstrong% +raw3 Pr"nc"ple of Market"ng%
1earson $ducation% Bew 7elhi 4>>3. 1u!lisher0 7orling
<indersley 8India9 1vt. Ltd.
(otler% P!"l"p3 (Market"ng Management7 Analys"s% plann"ng%
*mplementat"ons 8 control% 1earson $ducation% Bew 7elhi
4>>5% ..
t h
(ot!ar" C. . I esearc! Met!odology 4
revised edition
4>>: pu!lished !y Bew Age International Ltd.
Ber"3 (Market"ng esearc! 0'ata Mc +raw3&"ll1% .==5 4
Market"ng Strategy and Management3 Mr. M"c!ael J.
+upta CB3An *ntroduct"on to Stat"st"cal Met!od 8Jikas9%
.==?% =
t h
Eveready *n3!ouse $ewsletters.
B)S*$ESS MA+A9*$E 8 $E<S PAPE7
The Times of India
The $conomic Ti mes
:1s% 1itch% Business ) $conomy
Business /ord) Business &tandard
Business Today
www. $veready!
CccupationRRRRRRRR. .
1hone num!erRRRRRRR.
;6* )o you use batteries*
0a1 Les
021 Bo
;&* )o you 4now t#e brand >!eready "or its batteries*
0c1 Les
0d1 -o
;?7 w#ic# companyCs battery do you use*
0a1 $veready
021 7uracell
0c1 Bippo
0d1 Cthers
;(* /#at type o" batteries you use generally*
0a1 AAA>G
021 7A4>
0c1 AAArechargea!le
0d1 AAAA>5
;$* 1urpose o" using t#e batteries*
0a1 Torches
021 'locks
0c1 6ome lights
0d1 (emotes
0e1 'alculator
0f1 2oys
;E7 6ow o"ten you purc#ase batteries*
0a1 6ort# nig#tly
021 Monthly
0c1 -uarterly
0d1 Learly
;7* 6actors you consider to :udge a product*
0a1 1roduct "uality
021 1rice
0c1 1romotion
0d1 )istribution co!erage
0e1 Brand nameA goodwill
0f1 After sales service
;8* %ccording to you w#ic# company produce economical batteries*
0a1 $veready
021 Bippo
0c1 7uracell
0d1 Cthers
;+* )o you t#in4 promotional acti!ities #a!e impact on purc#asing t#e batteries*
0a1 Les
021 -o
;6A7 If yes% which promotional activities affect the purchasingS
0a1 Bewspaper
021 Television
0c1 adio
0d1 Internet
0e1 Magazine
0f1 <ill board 0 5oardings 0 =low sign
0g1 Bone of them
;61* )o you t#in4 wide a!ailability a""ects t#e purc#ase decision o" a consumer*
0a1 Les
021 -o
;6&* %ccording to you w#o are t#e decision ma4ers at t#e time o" purc#asing*
0a1 Lourself
021 1arents
0c1 +randparents
0d1 &pouse
0e1 3#ildren
0f1 friends
0g1 If othersRRRRRRR..
;6)* )o you consider yoursel" to be brand loyal "or purc#asing batteries*
0a1 Les
021 -o
;6C7 7o you want to give any suggestionsS
'&A$( .-)

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