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IlmFest 2014: Mercy 2 Mankind

Conference Notes
Gregory (Abdl Mid! Morse
Alhamdulillah (all praise and thanks to Allah) for #ilmfest 2014 and special thanks to the ones
whose hard work has paid off by giving us the most important type of knowledge that which
brings us closer to Allah and !is "essenger (peace be upon him)#
$haykh Abdulbary %ahya
$haykh Abdullah !akim &uick
$haykh Abu 'esa (iamatullah
$haykh Ahsan !anif
$haykh )amal 'l "ekki
$haykh "ohammed *a+ih
$haykh "uhammad Alshareef
$haykh (avaid A,i,
$haykh -mar $uleiman
$haykh .eda /edeir
$haykh $aad 0asleem
$haykh 1aleed /asyouni
2stadha %asmin "ogahed
/oonaa "ohammed
All Al3"aghrib volunteers4

"y written notes for #ilmfest day 1 3 knowledge of 5slam conference about the 6rophet
"uhammad (upon him be peace) "ercy 2 "ankind7 Alhamdulillah 5 learned much more7
2) 1e are the only 2mmah (community) to have authenticated history7 -ne cannot understand
some of the &ur8an without the seerah (the recorded life of the 6rophet upon him be peace)7
9) 6rophet8s (peace be upon him) characteristics# 0auba (repentance) good
manners:treatment:relations akhla+ (virtue) ibadah (worship) patience:forbearance
consideration humility compassion7
4) ;on8t even go close to ,ina (fornication and adultery) as it is a path and not a simple act7
"odesty and chastity are of utmost importance to stop that path7
<) ;uha (morning light) is the most productive part of the day7 0he source of the 6rophet8s
(peace be upon him) strength was salah (prayer)7 1e are a summary of the people we surround
ourselves with7 =enuine happiness has 9 components# thankfulness to Allah patience in trials
repenting for sins7 0he 6rophet (peace be upon him) was at the service of the people during the
day and at the service of Allah during the night7 9 important things to integrate# go to bed
remembering Allah eliminate negative people from your life get to know !im including through
5slamic education7
>) ?orruption in the land and sea will bring about great changes here on earth7 0rue "uslims
do not harm one another with tongue or hand7 $trong community re+uires 9 elements7 1) all3
purpose 5slamic center with prayer education helping the poor outreach dawah (call to 5slam)
more than @ust a mas@id (mos+ue)7 2) strengthening the relationship between one another
perhaps by pairing people and bring them together to support each other with share cropping
as an eAample7 9) strengthen relations between believers and people of other faiths7 0he
?onstitution of "edinah was all3encompassing of all people7
B) *or women 3 embrace femininity which involves gentleness and tenderness7 1omen are the
foundation of the community7
C) Dery few people are reliable and trustworthy near to 1 in 1007 6rophet "uhammad (peace be
upon him) was considered a friend by all and !e cared for all always made time for others
needs especially marriage7 !e returned belongings of enemies before !e was forced out into
eAile for hi@rah (migration)7 1hen !e was angry did not bring or put others down but defended
those who were good7
E) 6rophet (peace be upon him) at age 20 become part of committee of "akkah and was the
youngest person ever to be apart because they could tell he was a future leader7 !is first issue
was to enforce fair dealing and treaties7 5slam is more than theology7 =ive credit where credit
due even to kafir (disbelievers) or mushrik (polytheists) as non3"uslim can still be noble or @ust
and deserve credit7 ?annot live isolationist lives7 $eerah (recorded life of the 6rophet upon him
be peace) itself is a miracle enough and proof of legitimacy7
10) 0he 6rophet8s (peace be upon him) wives said !e was better in the house than out in
public and !e provides a genuine eAample and role model of a family man7
#ilmfest notes for day 2#
11) -nly the 6rophet (peace be upon him) deserves the love and following that celebrities get7
!e has 9 rights on us# belief love and obedience7 -ne is not a true believer until the 6rophet
(peace be upon him) is more beloved to them than their parents their children or even their self7
(ot only should one be ready to die for him but ready to live for !im7 !e deserves to be obeyed
and we should be played doing so7 5f more than <0F chance the 6rophet (peace be upon him)
said something then accept it and act on it7 Adopt a lifestyle which is prophetic more productive
meaningful and fulfilling including sleeping eating daily habits routines and patterns and all
aspects of life7 "ust love and honor the members of !is household !is wives who were the
mothers of the believers and !is companions7
12) $ports trick youth because they get absorbed in it thinking it is not haram (forbidden) and
becomes more important than it should be7 2mmah ("uslim community) become too concerned
with dunia (this world)7 0he 6rophet (peace be upon him) picked youth to do important @obs and
sought their council fre+uently7 9 advice# have ta+wa (=od3consciousness) everywhere follow
bad deeds with good deeds and it will erase it have good character7 0a+wa (=od3
consciousness) is feeling shame and gratitude must have alone with others even strangers7
After a sin have good faith that Allah will forgive it as sin can raise someone up and make them
a good "uslim7 .eali,e the 2mmah will not change on its own everyone is important to
bringing change on the day of @udgement we will see the real celebrities7
19) 6eople are crying for change in this world from halal (permissible) to ri,+( sustenance)
political change7 ><F of "uslims are under 2< years old7 5slamic revival ten points7 1) 5ncrease
in ta+wa (=od3consciousness) will remove difference of the heart7 2) .eturn to authentic
sources and learn Arabic7 9) *ocus on 5slamic character more than rituals as the essence of the
message is character7 4) !ikma (wisdom) and balance meaning not how much knowledge but
how you use it7 <) !ealthy empowered families opposite to the globali,ation of culture of
corruption when family is the roots of the tree of the 2mmah7 >) $hura (mutual consultation)
including leaders families communities7 B) ?ooperation and unity including
operational:functional for eAample )halid bin 1alid and Abdullah bin "asud changing roles of
fighter and 5mam so the opposite takes the lead in the right function7 C) $pecial emphasis on the
youth as the mas@id cannot only be for men over 9< years old put youth into leadership7 E)
'mpowerment of new "uslims7 10) -utreach dawah (call to 5slam) providing 5slamic solutions
to real problems for Allah7 =reat eAample in Gibya ambassador who opened a 9 story medical
clinic offering free treatment on the ground floor with the 2nd floor for learning about 5slam and
the 9rd floor for embracing 5slam7
14) 1hen people gather together for no reason eAcept Allah then the Angels are boasting
about them7 ?ompanions loved the 6rophet (peace be upon him) so much they would count the
white hairs on his beard7 /rothers and sisters to !im meant people who did not meet !im but
believe and love him in his 1
2mmah after !im7 6rophet (peace be upon him) was handsome
and beautiful above average height physically fit prominent forehead wide radiant eyes wide
eyelashes eAtremely black pupils and whites of eye eAtremely white when eAtremely happy
!is smile showed !is molar teeth long neck slender long fingers thick black hair towards
shoulders 1B white hairs on his beard mostly on the lower lip fair in compleAion walked at a
+uick pace7 Allah knows best who to send !is message with7 0he 6rophet (peace be upon him)
made people feel special was approachable honest @ust forgiving compassionate patient
forbearing7 !e would smile and shed tears7 !e would cry for Allah in prayer dua8a
(supplication) d,ikr (remembrance)7 !e was guaranteed Hannah (paradise) forgiving all sins
had the greatest bounty yet would cry all night in prayer soaking the ground and !is beard with
tears as a grateful and humble slave of Allah7
1<) 1oman go to @ail or face a fine for covering their head but nudity is allowed7 $ociety is
backwards7 *aith is >0 something parts and shyness is one of those attributes7 $hyness defines
2mmah ("uslim community)7 0he Angels stand up when a shy person enters a room7 -ne who
is shy and bashful has hayya (shyness) does not hurt others feelings does not use vulgar
harsh or coarse words often does not say no or remains +uiet7 /e more shy of Allah than shy of
asking a +uestion to come closer to !im7 (o e+uality in 5slam but there is @ustice7 )indness to
parents is shyness7 1hen alone should still be shy to Allah7 0he worst of people and most
corrupt of people have no shyness7 5f man is not brave enough to ask a woman8s father for her
hand in marriage then he is not the right one for her7
1>) Gife is two types# one of dunia (this world) one is akhirah (the hereafter)7 -ne of the body
one of the heart which have different ages7 $ome live only the life of the body which is living
only for themselves not asking why or how we got here and they only make problems7 0he
real life is of the heart7 0his world is not real life @ust a test and we can never be satisfied in
dunia (this world) @ust passing time as the real life is the hereafter7 ;unia (this world) comes
from Arabic words dana meaning worthlessness and dia meaning short7 0his world is like a
defective goat with small ears7 0he greatest even in a personIs life is their death7 0he best
people have the best character of them the wisest are those who always think of death7
1inners are those who go to paradise the true losers lose themselves and their family on
+ayimah (the day of @udgement)7 9 tips# go to Allah right now and submit to !im be ready all
the time to meet Allah since nobody knows when death will come live the life of the 6rophet
(peace be upon him) and follow !is eAample in all one does7 5+ra (recite) kum kum# =et
knowledge be close to Allah perhaps by praying at night and share knowledge7
1B) ?an only learn about being a gentleman and husband from the 6rophet (upon him be
peace)7 All other eAamples are baseless and misguided7 (o person is complete until they are
part of a family7 Allah created woman from man and for man7 "any languages of love though
will use < for eAamples7 ?ouples speak different languages7 2 +uestions7 1) which languages
do you use for othersJ 2) what language do you want to receive love withJ 0he answers are
often different and men and women tend to be different as well7 All < are essential though
everyone has a preference7 1) verbal speak the heart7 a) K5 love youL (like a strong knot)7 b)
praise of spouse affirmation lies are allowed to strengthen romance7 2) +uality time attention
companionship7 9) gift3giving ignore negative embarrassed reactions not only money but
poems thoughts or others7 "en prefer big gifts infre+uently and women like little gifts more
fre+uently7 4) help each other out physically generally cooking cleaning taking care of
household is for woman men take care of finances once in a while reverse the role to show
appreciation and that one is not a slave7 <) physical seAuality7 a) non3seAual touching including
hugging kissing s+uee,ing massaging of shoulders7 b) con@ugal act7
1C) After a difficult day people want sleep the 6rophet (peace be upon him) would salat (pray)7
$ome pray to get it out of the way7 $leep makes us comfortable we feel better and en@oy it so
we do not get tired of it7 "ake salat (prayer) like sleep7 -nce a week make a long prayer7 5f
one cannot remember the surah (chapter) of the &uran recited in the last prayer it is a sign of a
problem as well as being unable to focus or concentrate7 0he heart is always occupied7 ;,ikr
(remembrance) is the only way to reclaim life since our time per day in prayer is not long and
doing other even mundane activities is long7
1E) 1e are all in poverty compared to the wealth of Allah7 0he 6rophet (peace be upon him)
complains to Allah and not about Allah7 ?oncern if Allah is pleased with !im7 9 responses in
hardship# 1) anger Kwhy meJL ?omplaining about Allah7 2) patience7 9) enduring7 1e are full
of impurities and hardship cleans us7 6eople of 0aIif throw stones at 6rophet (peace be upon
him) for his dawah (call to 5slam) but !e tells the Angel which comes willing to punish them to
spare them7 *ocus is on deen (religion) and not !is own ego7 1hen problems appear in a
"uslim salah (prayer) suffers first before people go off from faith7 $alah (prayer) protects us
from evil deeds and shamelessness and is a shield as is d,ikr (remembrance)7 $haitan ($atan)
always only real enemy and having one single enemy will unite us a tactic the 1est has used
countless times7
20) %unus was the first 6rophet revealed in the &uran7 $tory of %unus shows Allah with our
patience will bring victory7 (ever wish to be left to your own efforts7 "an from nation of %unus
in 5ra+ embraced 5slam on day of 0aIif after bringing the 6rophet (upon him be peace) grapes7
*ollowing !im is more than @ust love7
21) 0he 6rophet (peace be upon him) made a farewell @ourney before falling ill in the final year7
5llness caused fainting and indescribable pain7 Goss of revelation is a catastrophe for mankind7
A catastrophe is only going to destroy those who change their course because of it7
22) 'veryone is a leader and will be accountable for it7 Gaws of leadership7 Gaw of the ability
roof# %our pro@ect can only go as far as your -1( ability will allow7 9 types of people7 1)
?reative thinkers7 2) ;elegators7 9) /usy bees and hard workers7 2) Gaw of the mic# 1hen you
speak up do people listenJ 1hen you ask them to stand do they standJ 9) Gaw of future
present# dealing with day to day is easy but it takes a leader to chart where everyone is
heading7 4) Gaw of addition (before subtraction)# leaders create value in the community before
they ask of others7 <) Gaw of strength# people follow those who are strong or have strong
vision7 >) Gaw of ducks law of eagles# birds of a feather flock together same goes for people7
B) Gaw of caring# touch the hearts before asking for hands7 C) Geader comes before vision#
people accept leaders before they accept the direction7 E) Gaw of growth to grow eAponentially
lead leaders7

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