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Lab 1 1100 Email Support

About this Lab MicroLogix

MicroLogix 1100 Series B controller now supports email natively. In RSLogix 500 v7.20
SM!" #email protocol$ con%iguration is a&&e& an& email can 'e initiate& 'y an (t)ernet MS*
instruction. !)is 'ypasses t)e a&&itional )ar&ware 17+1,-(!,(-I. previously nee&e& %or
email. /n /S0II string email message can 'e sent to any computer cell p)one or pager
capa'le o% receiving email to alert t)e appropriate personnel wit) alarm in%ormation an&1or
pro&uction status.
!)e %ollowing sections explain w)at you2ll 'e &oing in t)is la' session an& w)at you will
nee& to &o to complete t)e )an&s,on exercises.
!)is la' ta3es approximately 20 minutes to complete.
What You Will Accomplish In This Lab
/s you complete t)e exercises in t)is )an&s,on session you will4
Learn )ow to sen& an email message %rom a MicroLogix 1100 Series B controller
Who Should Complt This Lab
!)is )an&s,on la' is inten&e& %or in&ivi&uals w)o4
.oul& li3e to &emonstrate email capa'ility in MicroLogix 1100 Series B controller
Tools and !rr"uisits
500 #version 7.50$
MicroLogix 1100 Series B #%irmware v.6$
/r*oSo%t Mail Server
Microso%t 7utloo3 (xpress
Start th so#t$ar and opn a pro%ct
/t t)e 8es3top &ou'le clic3 on t)e RSLogix 500 icon to open.
In t)e tool 'ar icons clic3 on New to create a new pro9ect4
(nter "rocessor -ame EMAIL an& scroll &own t)e list to select Bul. 1763 MicroLogix
1100 Series B controller as s)own4
0lic3 OK.
RSLogix 500 pro9ect s)oul& loo3 li3e t)is4
!)is is a goo& time to intro&uce a 3ey s)ortcut a&&e& to RSLogix 500 to ta3e your win&ows
arrangement 'ac3 to t)e &e%ault settings. !o &o t)is you normally )a& to go t)roug) t)e
menu se:uence4 Winow !" #rr$nge% !" &e'$ul( )ro*ec( !" OK. ;ou can now accomplis)
t)e same tas3 'y 9ust using t)e 3ey com'ination +(rl,K.
Con#igur Communication channls
!o con%igure SM!" support &ou'le clic3 on +-$nnel +on'igur$(ion4
*o to +-$nnel 1 ta'.
<ollow t)e con%iguration as s)own in t)e screens)ot4
.nc-ec/ B77!" (na'le
Leave 8=0" .nc-ec/e4 .e will 'e using a <ixe& I" a&&ress. !)e local "0 )as a
stan&,alone email server t)at will 'e a'le to receive t)e email sent %rom t)e
MicroLogix 1100 controller.
#-(.>$ +-ec/ SM!" 0lient (na'le4 ena'le SM!" con%iguration
0on%igure t)e I" /&&ress an& Su'net Mas3 %iel&s wit) t)e in%ormation s)own 'elow4
0) #ress1
Su2ne( M$s/1
.)en SM!" client is ena'le& a new ta' 0)an.1 ? SM!" appears in t)e win&ow. 0lic3
on +-$n.1!SM3) to open.
In t)is la' we will use a stan&alone email server installe& on t)e local "0 #/r*oSo%t Mail
Server <reeware$. !)is service starts automatically an& is precon%igure& to receive
email messages %rom t)e MicroLogix 1100. In your speci%ic application your 45$il
Ser6er will 'e provi&e& 'y your IS" #Internet Service "rovi&er$ as a &omain name %or
t)e email server #i.e.$. <or t)is la' you s)oul& con%igure t)is screen as
45$il Ser6er4 enter t)e email server name #t)e &e%ault &omain name in 0)annel 1
ta' will 'e appen&e& to t)e en& o% t)e email server name$ or its I" a&&ress w)ic) is an& t)en 4n(er
7ro5 #ress4 enter any string wit)out space to i&enti%y t)is controller. !ype in
my_1100 an& t)en 4n(er
#u(-en(ic$(ion4 i% ena'le& you must )ave a vali& login to access t)e email server.
.e will leave it is$2le.
3O #ress809!8:94 (nter up to 10 &estination email a&&resses. <or t)is la' we are
using a local email server. !)e email server )as an account %or one email. ;ou
must use t)e name o% t)at account in !7 /&&ressA0B typing4
Cmyemail@mailserver.com2 an& t)en 4n(er
0lic3 #;;l< an& t)en OK. ;ou are &one wit) con%iguring communications an& email
support %or t)is controller.
Crat Mssag and String &ata 'ils
-ow we will a&& a couple &ata %iles to support email using MS* instruction. 0reate a
Message %ile #M*D$ 'y rig)t clic3 on &$($ 7iles %ol&er an& select New4
<or %ile D c)ange !ype to Mess$ge4
0lic3 OK. <ile M*D s)oul& appear in t)e 8ata <iles %ol&er in t)e 0ontroller 7rganiEer.
0reate a String %ile to store t)e actual email message4 su'9ect line an& 'o&y text. Rig)t
clic3 on &$($ 7iles an& select New.
<or %ile 10 con%igure type to S(ring an& (lements = #email su'9ect line an& email 'o&y
0lic3 OK. <ile S!10 s)oul& appear in t)e 8ata <iles %ol&er in t)e 0ontroller 7rganiEer.
Lastly create a &ata %ile to store routing in%ormation. Rig)t clic3 on &$($ 7iles an&
select New.
<or <ile 11 select type Rou(ing 0n'or5$(ion4
0lic3 OK. ;our 8ata <iles %ol&er s)oul& loo3 li3e t)is in t)e 0ontroller 7rganiEer4
8ou'le clic3 on S310 to create our email message. !)e 1
string element is t)e email
su'9ect an& t)e 2
string element is t)e email 'o&y text. Bot) strings are limite& to
F2 c)aracters max. Bot) strings also support em'e&&e& varia'les inline in&irection
%or intgr an& long %ile elements.
<or S!1040 &ou'le clic3 on t)e S(ring 3ex( 'iel to enter t)e email su'9ect line
Su2*ec(1 &$($ 'ro5 >5<?ML1100@ an& press 3$2.
<or S!1041 we will create t)e email 'o&y text. Let2s monitor t)e element 0 value in
Integer %ile -7. !ype a line similar to t)e one 'elow. !o inclu&e t)e value o% t)e
Integer %iel& it must 'e enclose& 'y 'rac3ets #example [N7:0]$. "ress 4n(er to
accept t)e line
+lose S!10 w)en &one.
8ou'le clic3 on t)e N7 A 0n(eger %ile an& place a num'er into N710. !)is is t)e &ata t)at
will 'e sent in t)e email t)en press 3$2 an& close N7.
Crat Mssag instruction #or Email
In t)e opene& la&&er program L/8 2 con%igure a stan&ar& MS* instruction to sen&
email. 8ou'le clic3 on rung 0000 so it 'ecomes e&it ena'le&4
!ype MSB in t)e %iel&4
"ress 4n(er.
In t)e MS* <ile %iel& type MB:10 an& press 4n(er. "ress OK at t)e pop,up win&ow.
!)e MS* Setup Screen pops up as s)own4
8ou'le clic3 on 0)annel 0 #Integral$ an& 0)ange 0)annel to 1 C0n(egr$lD. 0)annel 1 is
t)e (t)ernet port.
<or email we will use 6F50I< .rite communication comman& 'y &ou'le clic3 on t)e
%iel& an& select EF5+07 Wri(e in t)e &rop&own menu4
Recall our email message strings are store& in 8ata <ile S!10 wit) 2 elements in total.
So enter t)e %ollowing %or &ata Tabl Addrss an& Si( in Elmnts as s)own4
In t)e !arget 8evice section t)e &ata Tabl )##st points to one of the ten &estination
email a&&resses in 0)an.1,SM!" con%iguration. Recall in t)e 0)an. 1,SM!"
con%iguration you can enter up to 10 &estination email a&&resses #!7 /&&ressA0B to
!7 /&&ressADB$. =ere t)e 8ata !a'le 7%%set value ranges %rom 100 to 10D to
correspon& to eac) &estination a&&ress. (nter 100 so t)is MS* instruction will
sen& email to @3O #ress809@
(nter R01110 %or Routing In%ormation <ile4
!)e *eneral ta' s)oul& loo3 li3e t)is w)en &one4
0lic3 on t)e Mul(iGo; ta'.
!)e 8estination I" a&&ress o% t)is MS* instruction is t)e local controller2s I" a&&ress.
.e may use t)e actual I" a&&ress o% t)e controller or t)e @universalG local I" a&&ress
o% C127.0.0.12. !ype in 1= in t)e !o /&&ress %iel&4
+lose t)e Setup Screen. !)is MS* instruction is con%igure& to sen& out an email to t)e
email a&&ress entere& in !7 /&&ressA0B in 0)an.1,SM!" con%iguration.
0lic3 t)e Heri'< )rogr$5 'utton. ;our rung s)oul& 'e accepte& wit) no errors4
0lic3 t)e S$6e 'utton. Save t)e program wit) %ile name 4M#0L.
&o$nload Email application
-ow we are rea&y to &ownloa& our program to t)e MicroLogix 1100 controller. !)e
current con%iguration %or our la'2s MicroLogix 1100 is 8=0",&isa'le& an& using static
I" a&&ress o% 10.D1.100.F1. !o &ownloa& our program go to +o55s H S<s(e5
Browse t)e 4(-erNe(I0) &river to select your station2s MicroLogix 11002s I" a&&ress4
0lic3 &ownlo$.
I% prompt %or Revision -ote 9ust clic3 OK.
Select Jes to procee& wit) &ownloa&4
I% t)e %ollowing prompt appears clic3 Jes4
IM!)*TA+T, 0lic3 to apply communication con%igurations.
0lic3 OK at t)e message on power cycle unit i% t)is message appears. I% not continue
wit) t)e next step.
I% prompte& to c)ange controller to Run mo&e select No. !)e Message instruction is
only execute& once w)en t)e controller goes into RI- mo&e an& we want to wait
an& veri%y a %ew more t)ings.
0lic3 Jes to @8o you want to go 7nlineJG
-ow lets use t)e L08 &isplay o% t)e MicroLogix 1100 controller to veri%y our I" a&&ress
settings. "ress t)e 4S+ 'utton to return to t)e top main menu.
Ise t)e &own arrow 3ey to select #6$nce Se( menu an& press t)e OK 'utton.
Ise t)e &own arrow 3ey to select 4N43 c'g an& press t)e OK 'utton.
0on%irm t)at t)e 0) $ress o' <our con(roller is set to 1D2.1+F.1.2
"ress t)e 4S+ 'utton again to go 'ac3 to t)e main menu.
*un application and -ri#. rcption o# Email
.e will use Microso%t 7utloo3 (xpress to rea& emails %rom our local email server.
7pen Microso%t 7utloo3 (xpress 'y selecting S($r( " )rogr$5s " Ou(loo/ 4x;ress.
I% as3e& %or a "asswor& type C1=3E2

Browse to t)e 0n2ox %ol&er %or incoming messages.
0)ange t)e controller mo&e %rom Remote "rogram to Remote Run 'y selecting Run4
!)e MS*.8- #&one 'it$ s)oul& )ig)lig)t green to in&icate t)at t)is MS* complete&
success%ully #an email is sent$ an& t)e email reac)e& an SM!" server4
!)e %ollowing list s)ows possi'le errors t)at coul& arise w)en an email message instruction
&oesn2t complete success%ully4
SM!" (rror 0o&es4 I% MS*.(R is green #MS*.8- is not complete$ t)en an
error )as occurre& %or t)is message. 7pen up t)e MS*2s Setup Screen to
see t)e error co&e4
00 ? -o error #success%ul &elivery to t)e Mail relay Server$
&6 ? 0an2t communicate wit) #eit)er$ -ame Server
&& ? *eneral SM!" error
<or speci%ic SM!" error a&& a rung4 @M)/ M01,0233G to an integer register
to evaluate4
0x01&& #677$ ? SM!" mail server I" a&&ress not con%igure&
0x02&& #755$ ? !o #&estination$ a&&ress not con%igure& or invali&
0x05&& #DFD$ ? <rom #reply$ a&&ress not con%igure& or invali&
0x06&& #1265$ ? Ina'le to connect to SM!" mail server
0x05&& #1501$ ? 0ommunication error wit) SM!" mail server
0x0+&& #1757$ ? /ut)entication re:uire&
0x07&& #2015$ ? /ut)entication %aile&
-ow go 'ac3 to 7utloo3 (xpress an& clic3 on t)e SenIRec6 'utton to up&ate your
In'ox. Keri%y on t)e list i% you &i& receive a new email message t)at s)oul& 'e
similar to t)is4
This concluds th Lab2 Congratulations4 You %ust snt out an mail #rom a
MicroLogix 1100 controllr2 Thin5 o# applications that could bn#it #rom this
#atur $hn using *oc5$ll Automation solutions2

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