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100 South 8th Street

Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $2,440.00 $61,843.86
Expenses $65,617.90
Over/ (Under) ($3,774.04)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - We congratulate our High School graduates: for Girard - Audrey Bauer,
Tristen Broce, John Hey, Rylee Karhoff, Seth Little, and Devin Walsh; for Arma Andrew Ash-
bacher, Joseph Polhlopek, and Noah Popejoy. Gods blessing be with them always and that they
may continually open up their minds and hearts to Gods guidance and grace! May they continually
walk in Gods way! I would like to apologize to Devin Walsh and her family for not mentioning her
name last Sunday. It was unintentional as she was sitting at the back and I did not see her. I pre-
sume no one else among the graduate was around. I felt bad about it and I am sorry.
Our PSR classes for the school year 2013-2014 ended last April 30
! Armas PSR ended was end-
ed last May 4
with a PSR cookout. We thank all our children who came to our PSR classes, their
parents for supporting and encouraging their kids to attend, and our catechists: for Girard -Kandell
Amershek, Janel Scales, Missy Sisney, Chris Sponsel, Barb Duling, Butch Reif, Mary Leritz, Autumn
VanLeeuwen, Linda DeGarmo, Savanna OToole, Pat Westhoff, Mary McClaskey, and Dr. Adam
Paoni; our substitute catechists: Jerry Hanson, Dave and Linda Garrett, Joan Davied, Marilyn Hey,
Barb Mikrut, and Teresa Davenport. We thank Janel Scales and Barb Duling for successfully coor-
dinating our afternoon PSR session and Michelle Puckett for our evening session; for Arma Ariel
and Aubri Ashbacher, Lucinda Bonine, and Lindsay Waterman. It was another fruitful year!
Now it is time to look ahead for the next school year of our PSR! In the past three years the role
of Director of Religious Education (DRE) has been performed by me. PSR survived, but I am not
sure how effective I am. I have been looking for someone who I can appoint to that voluntary posi-
tion (voluntary as we cannot afford to pay even a part time staff for that), someone with the skill and
who can give the time for the job. God has provided us one for Girard who has been active with

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
4:00 PM

Wally Rons & Pat Westhoff

Sharon Giacometti
Marcel Normand

Mary & Georganne Galichia
8:00 AM
Joseph Polhlopek

Henry Ashbacher
& Joe Polhlopek
Tracey Bogina
Pat Westhoff

Tom & Debra Amershek

Next Sunday(05/25/2014) Next Saturday (05/24/2014)












4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Ad Dantis
Junior Lepoglow
Ad Dantis
Pro Populo
NO Eucharistic Adoration
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Ad Dantis
Verl Diskin
Pro Populo
Mary Masser

Mass Schedules & Intentions for May 17th-25th:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, TBA Next Meeting, TBA
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman

Graduation: The Play Must Go On; So It Is With Life!
All across the nation this week, we are honoring our youth who are gradu-
ating. The curtain is closing on many wonderful years, crucial years, but suc-
cessful ones, for the most part. Both Arma and Girard are holding their high
school graduations TODAY (Sunday). Most graduates will go forth seeking
further knowledge and skills they will use in their future careers.
We realize that graduation has a sadness and a finality about it that is much
like the sadness of death. In departing, they leave behind a host of friends
and many amazing experiences. Yet, when seen from a more positive view,
they are commencing a newer and fuller life as they step forward into the
challenging role of an adult. Our country was discovered long ago, but for
these young people, the discovery of America is still ahead! Their lifes ful-
fillment has barely begun. Life will go on; we cannot stop it, nor can we turn
it back. The path they choose now, whether it be college, the work force, or
the military, will affect the rest of their lives and no doubt their eternal lives
beyond the grave! Weve always held that, at this time of their lives, God
gives them special graces. To illustrate, on a similarly important occasion,
President Lincoln declared that he was driven to his knees by the conviction
that he had nowhere else to go. So it will be with them and so it should
always be in a time of decision. Remember that fear and lack of faith go
hand in hand.
Youth is the time for high ideals. They may never realize them fully, but
these very ideals are what will guide them throughout their lives. It is only
reasonable that they should pray more each year. Just dont pray for an easier
life; instead, pray to be a strong individual. William Penn once said, Unless
God rules our lives, tyrants will rule them. Then it makes sense that, unless
God rules over you, bad habits will, and it takes only ONE to destroy you!
The best contribution that young graduates can make to their country is to
become better persons. They will become the ideas which they build in their
minds and the visions which they form in their hearts. What lies behind them
and what lies before them are tiny matters compared to what lies WITHIN
THEM!! Up to a point, our lives are shaped by heredity, environment, and
changes in our world. However, there comes a time when it lies within our
grasp to shape our lives into what we wish them to be. Only the weak blame
parents, their race, or their lack of fortune for not succeeding. We have the
power within us to implement the wish by DEEDS!
Someday, well all receive Gods grade card. Well be graded on how we
treated one another and how we obeyed His commandments. Our graduating
seniors have a lifetime ahead of them to improve their grades. Some of us
dont have that much time, but we shouldnt give up. The semester (life)
isnt over yet! Start this summer
Article by Marcel Normand

We Thank our advertisers for your support!
PSR since I came to Saint Michael and Saint Joseph. I am
pleased to announce (although I already announced it last
May 4
, Sunday mass, during our 8
grade recognition at
Saint Michael) that I have appointed Michelle Puckett as
our volunteer DRE. I am also happy to say that she has
freely accepted the position. May God bless her and her
family as she helps us nurture our children to spiritual
maturity! If you are interested to be a catechist or to help
in our PSR classes, please contact her! Please continue to
pray with me that we will be provided with someone who
can volunteer for the same position in Saint Joseph, alt-
hough the need is not as pressing as that of Saint Michael
as we dont have that many kids. I would encourage more
of our parents to send their kids to our Sunday PSR in
Arma, next school year. Thank you!
When I wrote this article, I am sitting in the airport at
Los Angeles, CA for about 6 hours layover waiting for my
flight to Seoul, South Korea. As I get there, there will be
another 3 hours layover before the final flight for Cebu,
Philippines. I will arrive there by May 13 at 11:50PM,
close to midnight of May 14
. Thank you again to all of
you for all your prayers and well wishes for my safe trip!
I appreciate it, and I will miss all of you! Two important
events are coming up this week for my vacation. Some of
you know the Filipinos Nino Tuazon and Michelle Lla-
mas, both Med Tech at Girard Medical Center I will be
presiding at their wedding at the Cebu Cathedral this
Thursday, May 15
. Include them in your prayers. Then
my nieces wedding is also schedule on May 17
, in
another city in Cebu close at a church not far from the cathedral.
My nephew whos a priest and me will be presiding at the wed-
ding. Then, the following day, my brothers, sisters, nephews, and
nieces and I will be sailing for Leyte, our home island. I will be
celebrating my birthday on May 20
by visiting the typhoon vic-
tims in my home island, which is about 60 miles north from my
hometown. Hopefully I can give them our donation fairly. But
certainly it would benefit some if not many of them. Thank you
again for all your generosity. God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Ice Cream Social
Mark your calendars - Sunday, Ice Cream Social, June 22 from
1:30pm to 3:00pm. It will be held in the hall and St. Joseph
Church Lawn. The Golden Anniversary Committee would like to
invite everyone. More information will follow in a few weeks.

Hickory Bend, LLC
100 South 8th Street
Arma, KS 66712
Tel. (620)347-4525
Mailing Address:
PO Box 948
Arma, KS 66712
Weekly Bulletin
Saint Joseph Church, Arma
Last Week July 2013 to date
Contributions $2,440.00 $61,843.86
Expenses $65,617.90
Over/ (Under) ($3,774.04)

MA55 5cHbUL
Sat. 5:30pm 4:00pm
Sun. 10:00 am 8:00 am

Sat. 2:00-2:30pm 3:15-3:45pm

Weekdays before Mass;
anytime by appointment.

Fr. Roger Lumbre

Janel Scales/Marcel Normand
Bookkeeper/Bulletin Editor

Georganne Galichia

Rectory Office Hours
Wednesdays 9AM-Noon
Tel. (620) 347-4525
Saint Joseph Parish Mission Statement:
The faith-filled parishioners of Saint Joseph Catholic Church of Arma, in union with the Blessed
Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, value tradition and prayer. We are committed to strong
leadership, responsive community service, and forming caring, welcoming, intimate relationships
with our fellow brothers and sisters. We seek to become a more diverse, vibrant, active church

Notes from the Pastor - We congratulate our High School graduates: for Girard - Audrey Bauer,
Tristen Broce, John Hey, Rylee Karhoff, Seth Little, and Devin Walsh; for Arma Andrew Ash-
bacher, Joseph Polhlopek, and Noah Popejoy. Gods blessing be with them always and that they
may continually open up their minds and hearts to Gods guidance and grace! May they continually
walk in Gods way! I would like to apologize to Devin Walsh and her family for not mentioning her
name last Sunday. It was unintentional as she was sitting at the back and I did not see her. I pre-
sume no one else among the graduate was around. I felt bad about it and I am sorry.
Our PSR classes for the school year 2013-2014 ended last April 30
! Armas PSR ended was end-
ed last May 4
with a PSR cookout. We thank all our children who came to our PSR classes, their
parents for supporting and encouraging their kids to attend, and our catechists: for Girard -Kandell
Amershek, Janel Scales, Missy Sisney, Chris Sponsel, Barb Duling, Butch Reif, Mary Leritz, Autumn
VanLeeuwen, Linda DeGarmo, Savanna OToole, Pat Westhoff, Mary McClaskey, and Dr. Adam
Paoni; our substitute catechists: Jerry Hanson, Dave and Linda Garrett, Joan Davied, Marilyn Hey,
Barb Mikrut, and Teresa Davenport. We thank Janel Scales and Barb Duling for successfully coor-
dinating our afternoon PSR session and Michelle Puckett for our evening session; for Arma Ariel
and Aubri Ashbacher, Lucinda Bonine, and Lindsay Waterman. It was another fruitful year!
Now it is time to look ahead for the next school year of our PSR! In the past three years the role
of Director of Religious Education (DRE) has been performed by me. PSR survived, but I am not
sure how effective I am. I have been looking for someone who I can appoint to that voluntary posi-
tion (voluntary as we cannot afford to pay even a part time staff for that), someone with the skill and
who can give the time for the job. God has provided us one for Girard who has been active with

Altar Servers:


E. M. E.

Gift Bearers
4:00 PM

Wally Rons & Pat Westhoff

Sharon Giacometti
Marcel Normand

Mary & Georganne Galichia
8:00 AM
Joseph Polhlopek

Henry Ashbacher
& Joe Polhlopek
Tracey Bogina
Pat Westhoff

Tom & Debra Amershek

Next Sunday(05/25/2014) Next Saturday (05/24/2014)












4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
7:00 AM
5:30 PM
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:30 PM
8:00 AM
10:00 AM

Ad Dantis
Junior Lepoglow
Ad Dantis
Pro Populo
NO Eucharistic Adoration
NO Eucharistic Adoration
Ad Dantis
Verl Diskin
Pro Populo
Mary Masser

Mass Schedules & Intentions for May 17th-25th:
Saint Josephs Upcoming Events

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursdays from 8:30am to 3:00pm

Finance Council Parish Council
Next Meeting, TBA Next Meeting, TBA
At 6:00pm After 5:30pm Mass

St. Ann Altar Society Knights of Columbus
Next meeting, TBA 1st Tuesday of Month, 7pm
Rectory at 6pm St. Michael Parish Hall

Parish Pastoral Council Officers:
Chair: Pat Westhoff Members at Large: Betty Rons, Dustin Ashmore,
Joe Broyles, Debbie Amershek Secretary: Karen Pryer

Worship Committee: Parish Finance Council:
Chair Karen Pryer Chair Fred Bogina
E.M.Es Joann Black Members Joe Polhlopek,
Ushers/Greeters Bill Harman Judy Wingebach,
Altar Society Judy Smerchek Linda Broyles
Lectors Marcel Normand
Music Jan Harman

Graduation: The Play Must Go On; So It Is With Life!
All across the nation this week, we are honoring our youth who are gradu-
ating. The curtain is closing on many wonderful years, crucial years, but suc-
cessful ones, for the most part. Both Arma and Girard are holding their high
school graduations TODAY (Sunday). Most graduates will go forth seeking
further knowledge and skills they will use in their future careers.
We realize that graduation has a sadness and a finality about it that is much
like the sadness of death. In departing, they leave behind a host of friends
and many amazing experiences. Yet, when seen from a more positive view,
they are commencing a newer and fuller life as they step forward into the
challenging role of an adult. Our country was discovered long ago, but for
these young people, the discovery of America is still ahead! Their lifes ful-
fillment has barely begun. Life will go on; we cannot stop it, nor can we turn
it back. The path they choose now, whether it be college, the work force, or
the military, will affect the rest of their lives and no doubt their eternal lives
beyond the grave! Weve always held that, at this time of their lives, God
gives them special graces. To illustrate, on a similarly important occasion,
President Lincoln declared that he was driven to his knees by the conviction
that he had nowhere else to go. So it will be with them and so it should
always be in a time of decision. Remember that fear and lack of faith go
hand in hand.
Youth is the time for high ideals. They may never realize them fully, but
these very ideals are what will guide them throughout their lives. It is only
reasonable that they should pray more each year. Just dont pray for an easier
life; instead, pray to be a strong individual. William Penn once said, Unless
God rules our lives, tyrants will rule them. Then it makes sense that, unless
God rules over you, bad habits will, and it takes only ONE to destroy you!
The best contribution that young graduates can make to their country is to
become better persons. They will become the ideas which they build in their
minds and the visions which they form in their hearts. What lies behind them
and what lies before them are tiny matters compared to what lies WITHIN
THEM!! Up to a point, our lives are shaped by heredity, environment, and
changes in our world. However, there comes a time when it lies within our
grasp to shape our lives into what we wish them to be. Only the weak blame
parents, their race, or their lack of fortune for not succeeding. We have the
power within us to implement the wish by DEEDS!
Someday, well all receive Gods grade card. Well be graded on how we
treated one another and how we obeyed His commandments. Our graduating
seniors have a lifetime ahead of them to improve their grades. Some of us
dont have that much time, but we shouldnt give up. The semester (life)
isnt over yet! Start this summer
Article by Marcel Normand

We Thank our advertisers for your support!
PSR since I came to Saint Michael and Saint Joseph. I am
pleased to announce (although I already announced it last
May 4
, Sunday mass, during our 8
grade recognition at
Saint Michael) that I have appointed Michelle Puckett as
our volunteer DRE. I am also happy to say that she has
freely accepted the position. May God bless her and her
family as she helps us nurture our children to spiritual
maturity! If you are interested to be a catechist or to help
in our PSR classes, please contact her! Please continue to
pray with me that we will be provided with someone who
can volunteer for the same position in Saint Joseph, alt-
hough the need is not as pressing as that of Saint Michael
as we dont have that many kids. I would encourage more
of our parents to send their kids to our Sunday PSR in
Arma, next school year. Thank you!
When I wrote this article, I am sitting in the airport at
Los Angeles, CA for about 6 hours layover waiting for my
flight to Seoul, South Korea. As I get there, there will be
another 3 hours layover before the final flight for Cebu,
Philippines. I will arrive there by May 13 at 11:50PM,
close to midnight of May 14
. Thank you again to all of
you for all your prayers and well wishes for my safe trip!
I appreciate it, and I will miss all of you! Two important
events are coming up this week for my vacation. Some of
you know the Filipinos Nino Tuazon and Michelle Lla-
mas, both Med Tech at Girard Medical Center I will be
presiding at their wedding at the Cebu Cathedral this
Thursday, May 15
. Include them in your prayers. Then
my nieces wedding is also schedule on May 17
, in
another city in Cebu close at a church not far from the cathedral.
My nephew whos a priest and me will be presiding at the wed-
ding. Then, the following day, my brothers, sisters, nephews, and
nieces and I will be sailing for Leyte, our home island. I will be
celebrating my birthday on May 20
by visiting the typhoon vic-
tims in my home island, which is about 60 miles north from my
hometown. Hopefully I can give them our donation fairly. But
certainly it would benefit some if not many of them. Thank you
again for all your generosity. God bless you all! Fr. Roger

Ice Cream Social
Mark your calendars - Sunday, Ice Cream Social, June 22 from
1:30pm to 3:00pm. It will be held in the hall and St. Joseph
Church Lawn. The Golden Anniversary Committee would like to
invite everyone. More information will follow in a few weeks.

Hickory Bend, LLC

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