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Warning Against Riba (Usury)

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By: Shaikh: Abdul 'Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn
May Allah grant him His Mrcy
Translatd by: !alal Abualrub
Madinah "ublishrs and #istributors
Tabl o$ %ontnts
2- My work on this book.....................................................
3- Shaikh ibn Baz said..........................................................
4- The rebuttal.....................................................................
5- llah blesses the Musli! econo!y as lon" as the
Musli!s #reser$e %is &aw...................................................
'- (cono!ic #ree!inence does not re)uire Riba................
*- +inancial institutions can and do sur$i$e without Riba....
,-They call Riba -l-+a-idah-. -Interest-. etc.....................
/- Riba is disallowed because llah disallowed it...............
10- 1hat llah disallowed does not bene2it !ankind............
11- Riba is a #rohibited ty#e o2 transactions.........................
12- Qiyas is only allowed where there are no Te3ts in the
Quran or Sunnah.................................................................
13- Riba is disallowed any way you look at it.......................
14- llah allowed the 4Salam5 ty#e o2 transactions...............
15- The Musli! econo!y does not need Riba......................
1'- The Musli! econo!y needs to i!#le!ent llah6s &aw
to sur$i$e and 2lourish..........................................................
1*- 7o!#arin" the 'Haram to the 'Halal to 8usti2y the
'Haram is
ll thanks and #raises are due to llah. 1ho! we
thank and seek 2or hel# and 2or"i$eness. 1ho!soe$er
llah "uides. will ne$er be !isled and who!soe$er %e
!is"uides. will ne$er 2ind so!eone to "uide the!. I testi2y
that none has the ri"ht to be worshi##ed. e3ce#t llah.
lone without #artners. and that Muha!!ad is llah5s
sla$e and Messen"er.


9O you who believe! Fear Allh

as He should be feared
and die not excet in a state of !slm


















9O man"ind! #e dutiful to your $ord% &ho created you

from a sin'le erson >da!?% and from him >da!? He
created his wife ;%aww@ >($e?=% and from them both He
created many men and women( and fear Allh throu'h
;by doin" all that %e > AB CD EB FD GD ? ordered and abstainin" 2ro! all
that %e > AB CD EB FD GD ? 2orbade=
;as Musli!s >with co!#lete sub!ission to ll@h > AB CD EB FD GD ??=
&hom you demand >your !utual ri"hts?% and >do not cut
the relations o2? the wombs >kinshi#?) Surely% Allh is *ver
an All+ &atcher over you:;4<1=.





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9O you who believe! ,ee your duty to Allh and fear Him%
and sea" >always? the truth) He will direct you to do
ri'hteous 'ood deeds and will for'ive you your sins) And
whosoever obeys Allh and His -essen'er >Muha!!ad

?% he has indeed achieved a 'reat

Herily. the best s#eech is llah5s ,alam >S#eech
and the best "uidance is that sent with Muha!!ad > F

?. Herily. the worst !atters are !atters o2
inno$ation >in reli"ion?. and e$ery inno$ation is a #id.ah.
e$ery #id.ah is /halalah >sin. heresy? and e$ery /halalah

is in %ell2ire
;will be entered into Iaradise and sa$ed 2ro! %ell2ire=
;llah > AB CD EB FD GD ? s#eaks with what %e wills whene$er %e wills.
this is one o2 %is ttributes. none is e)ual or si!ilar to %i!=
;. or. > JKBLD MN O PQ RS KDCD TD KBUD GD ? or. Salla allahu .alaihi wa+sallamV this
state!ent !eans. !ay llah6s #eace. honor and blessin"s be on
;!eanin". those who in$ent the #id.ah=
;This is ,hutbat al+.Ha0ah. which llah6s #ostle. #eace be
u#on hi!. tau"ht to his co!#anions to recite be2ore they start any
s#eech. e3cludin" business transactionsV re2er to. Whutbat al-

This is a short rebuttal o2 a research #a#er written by
Xr. Ibrahi! ibn bdullah n-Yasir. in which he tried to
Z%a8ah. by Shaikh Yasir ad-Xin al-lbani. !ay llah "rant hi!
%is Mercy. Musli! >143'? re#orted the be"innin" o2 the
,hutbah 2ro!. [All than"s and raises)))\. until. [)))-uhammad
is Allah's slave and -essen'er\. 2ro! Zbdullah ibn Zbbas.
!ay llah be #leased with the! both. h!ad >353'?. bu
Xawood >1,0/?. at-Tir!idhi >1023?. an-Yasaii >13,*? and ibn
Ma8ah >1,,2? re#orted the 2ull te3t o2 the .Hadith. until the last o2
the three Ayat. 2ro! Zbdullah ibn Mas6ud > ]D ^Q _D MN O PN `S CD ?. The rest
o2 the .Hadith is 2ound in these re2erences. with sli"ht di22erences
in the words< h!ad >13,15?. Musli! >1435?. an-Yasaii >15'0?.
ibn Ma8ah >44?. and so 2orth. 2ro! aabir ibn Zbdullah. !ay
llah be #leased with the! both.=
assert the #er!issibility o2 !ost ty#es o2 Riba >usury?
transactions that ha$e #roli2erated in the recent ti!es
throu"h the nu!erous 2inancial institutions that ha$e been
established throu"hout the world. %ence. we thou"ht that
(n"lish s#eakin" Musli!s would bene2it 2ro! this translated
res#onse. written by Shaikh bdul 6ziz ibn bdullah ibn
Baz. !ay llah "rant hi! %is Mercy. Shaikh ibn Baz was
the brand -ufti in Saudi rabia. one o2 the noted scholars
o2 our ti!e and a staunch su##orter and de2ender o2 the
-anha0 >Methodolo"y? o2 the as+Salaf as+Sali.h. Ibn Baz
s#ent his li2e callin" to the correct Isla!ic 7reed. de2endin"
the Sunnah and re2utin" the !is"uided e22ort by those who
de2ied the Sunnah and inno$ated in the reli"ion. %e. !ay
llah reward hi! with Iaradise. was kind and "entle when
re2utin" !is"uided #eo#le and their ideas. %owe$er. he did
re2ute !is"uided ideas. no !atter who issued the!. %is
letters to $arious kin"s and rulers. as well as. #eo#le o2
authority and Shaikhs. de!onstrate the 2act that scholars o2
the Sunnah are knowled"eable in the current a22airs and.
unlike others. 2ir!ly and with knowled"e en8oin
ri"hteousness and 2orbid e$il. %owe$er. when they en8oin
ri"hteousness and 2orbid e$il. they 2ollow the way the
co!#anions i!#le!ented these !a8or tenets o2 the Isla!ic
&aw. This is because en8oinin" "ood and 2orbiddin" e$il are
acts o2 worshi#. nd 8ust as one is re)uired to re2er to the
Sunnah to ac)uire knowled"e in the #ro#er !anner o2
#rayin". 2astin". 1a"at. .Ha00. and 2ihad. one is also
re)uired to re2er to the Sunnah to ac)uire knowled"e in the
#ro#er !anner o2 en8oinin" "ood and 2orbiddin" e$il. so as
to a$oid Fitnah and reach the best results. ll Musli!s are
re)uired to i!#le!ent the Sunnah the way the Iro#het5s
co!#anions understood and #racticed it. as they learned it
2ro! the Iro#het. #eace be u#on hi!. Shaikh ibn Baz
2ollowed this way in his rebuttal to Xr. Ibrahi! n-Yasir as
he tried to assert the #er!issibility o2 $arious Riba
transactions. I in$oke llah to reward I!a! ibn Baz 2or his
e22orts and 2or !ore than a hal2 a century o2 teachin" and
de2endin" the Sunnah.
1e should state that the -anha0 >!ethodolo"y? o2
As+Salaf As+Sali.h. !eanin" the co!#anions and the
2ollowin" two "enerations o2 Isla!. was blessed in our ti!e
by the #resence o2 se$eral noted scholars o2 Hadith and
Isla!ic auris#rudence. These scholars co!bined both $ast
knowled"e in the reli"ion. in addition to ha$in" 2ir!
adherence to the Quran and the Sunnah. the way the Salaf
understood and i!#le!ented the!. !on" the! were
I!a! al-lbani. I!a! ibn Baz and I!a! ibn Zcthai!een.
These three scholars died in a !atter o2 a year and a hal2
2ro! each other. thus. brin"in" "rie2 and a loss to those who
lo$e the Sunnah. all o$er the world. 1e should re!ind the
Musli! youth and all those who lo$e Muha!!ad. #eace be
u#on hi!. that 8ust because these scholars died. it does not
!ean that they should 2or"et their teachin"s and e!brace
the ideas o2 so!e Shaikhs o2 !is"uidance. who allow usury
transactions usin" $arious de$ious ways and !ethods.
!on" the reasons they use 2or allowin" so!e ty#es
o2 Riba. is the 2act that !illions o2 Musli!s li$e as
!inorities in western countries. %owe$er. when llah
le"islated the Isla!ic 7reed and &aw. %e did not allow us
to disobey %i! and sto# 2ro! rulin" by other than what %e
has re$ealed. when we li$e a!on" 7hristians. aews or idol-
It is a!azin" 2or so!e Musli!s to e$en consider this
idea. &iterally. this !eans that when they are a!on"
Musli!s. they act like Musli!s. but when they are a!on"
disbelie$ers. they act like the! and disobey llah the
(3alted. Xo they think that llah disallowed adultery.
usury. alcohol consu!#tion. lyin" and cheatin" while one is
li$in" in Musli! lands onlyd Xo they think that llah will
be #leased with the!. when they indul"e in Riba. while
li$in" in the 1est. e$en thou"h %e ordered the! to 2ear and
obey %i! where$er we !ay bed %ow can they earn llah6s
blessin"s and #leasured I2 a Musli!s ruler uttered this kind
o2 state!ent. you would 2ind those. who now acce#t these
ideas. because their Shaikhs allow the!. accuse the ruler o2
bein" a ,afir. because he is rulin" by other than what llah
Indeed. it is a sad situation to see so!e Musli!s
bitterly and harshly attack 2ollowers o2 the Sunnah because
they disallow usury. while de2endin" those who !ade what
llah has disallowed. an allowed !atter. Musli!s are
re)uired to 2ear and obey llah and i!#le!ent %is &aw no
!atter where they are and who they li$e with. llah6s law is
to be i!#le!ented. at least by indi$idual Musli!s. no !atter
where they reside. because it is llah6s (ternal &aw. ll
success co!es 2ro! llah lone.
s we stated. this short rebuttal. by Shaikh ibn Baz.
asserts the i!#er!issibility o2 all ty#es o2 Riba transactions
and co!es at a ti!e when se$eral so-called scholars are
issuin" Fatwas. !eanin" reli"ious decrees. allowin" so!e
and e$en !ost ty#es o2 Riba.
These 2alse. de$iant and erroneous Fatwas were and
still are. es#ecially welco!ed by so!e Musli! "rou#s and
indi$iduals who li$e in ,afir countries. who o2ten end u#
i!itatin" the ways o2 the ,uffar >disbelie$ers? in the
societies they li$e in. Such #eo#le )uickly e!brace the
!is"uided Fatwas that allow Riba. because they think that
these Fatwas le"alize and 8usti2y their indul"in" in the
$arious ty#es and 2or!s o2 usury that e3ist in the #resent
I ask llah to bene2it these Musli!s and all the
Musli! 3mmah >Yation? 2ro! this rebuttal. so that they all
re2rain 2ro! #artici#atin" in Riba. in #articular. and in all
what llah has #rohibited 2or the!. in "eneral. llah willin".
I in$oke llah. the (3alted. to bless the e22orts o2 scholars
o2 the Sunnah. who are 2acin" tre!endous challen"es in
recent ti!es. They o2ten de2end the reli"ion o2 llah and
%is stated li!its on se$eral 2ronts at the sa!e ti!e. as well
as. a"ainst $arious kinds and ty#es o2 attacks on the reli"ion
by the ene!ies o2 Isla! and the inno$ators in the reli"ion.
May llah reward the! and bless all their e22orts.
My Work on This Tratis
I should note here that this book contains a
translation o2 the meanin's o2 the Ayat >$ersus? 2ro! the
Quran and the Hadiths >sayin"s? o2 the Iro#het > F

? that Shaikh ibn Baz )uoted and re2erred to in his

I should also note that all what is between brackets
is an addition that clari2ies the !eanin"s o2 so!e words and
conce#ts that Shaikh ibn Baz re2ers to. +inally. all the
subtitles in this book are !y work.
I sou"ht to !ake this translation as easy and clear as
#ossible. I2 I had succeeded in #resentin" this translation in
the best way and 2or!. it is because llah alone has "uided
and aided !e to do so. %owe$er. i2 there is any !istake in
this book. it is !y 2ault and also the result o2 the #lots o2
Satan. and llah and %is Messen"er are 2ree o2 it. nd the
end o2 our s#eech is< all than"s and raises are due to
Allah% $ord of all that exists.
aalal bualrub
Madinah Iublishers and Xistributors
Shaikh Abdul 'Aziz ibn Abdullah ibn Baz said:
I read a research #a#er written by Xr. Ibrahi! ibn
bdullah n-Yasir under the title [Mau'i$ >The Iosition
o2? Ash(Shari)ah Al(&slamiyyah >the Isla!ic &aw? min
>ee"ardin"? Al(Masari$ >+inancial Institutions?.\ In this
research. Xr. Ibrahi! tried to render as law2ul what llah
has #rohibited. by relyin" on de$iant !ethods. weak #roo2s
and 2alse doubts. It is !y duty. there2ore. to e3#ose this
!is"uided research by Xr. Ibrahi! and to de!onstrate how
he de2ied the Book o2 llah. the Sunnah o2 the Messen"er >

? and the consensus o2 the scholars o2 the

3mmah >Musli! Yation?. all o2 who entirely disallow any
ty#e o2 Riba >usury? transactions. +urther. it is i!#erati$e
that I re2ute the so-called #roo2s that Xr. Ibrahi! relied on
in his )uest to allow Riba Al+Fadhl
and Riba An+4asee+
. Xr. Ibrahi! n-Yasir only disallowed the ty#e o2 usury
that was #o#ular be2ore Isla! and which entails the lender
de!andin" those who owe hi! !oney to. [(ither #ay o22
your debts in cash. or #ay later with an interest\. when the
;barterin" "oods o2 a better )uality and a lesser a!ount 2or the
sa!e ite! o2 a lesser )uality and a lar"er a!ount. such as 1
kilo"ra! o2 a su#erior ty#e o2 dates 2or two kilo"ra!s o2 an
in2erior ty#e o2 dates=
;interest on lent !oney=
ter! 2or their loan neared its end. fnly this 2or! o2 usury is
disallowed to Ibrahi!. while all other ty#es o2 Riba are
#er!itted. In 2act. whoe$er reads throu"h Xr. Ibrahi!6s
research will realize that this is the !ain assertion in his
research. llah willin". I will e3#lain the truth in #lain and
2orce2ul ter!s. so that the truth beco!es a##arent and
2alsehood beco!es destroyed and annihilated. fnly llah.
the (3alted. the Most %onored. is sou"ht 2or all ty#es o2
hel#. fur reliance and total de#endence is on llah lone.
and there is neither #ower nor stren"th e3ce#t 2ro! %i!.
Th *buttal
In the be"innin" o2 his research. Xr. Ibrahi! said.
[1e can state that there will be no Isla!ic #ree!inence
without 2irst achie$in" econo!ic #ree!inence. +urther.
there can be no econo!ic #ree!inence without establishin"
2inancial institutions. which cannot o#erate without relyin"
on Interest >Riba. usury?.\
The answer to this 2alse. swee#in" state!ent starts
with a"reein" that the 2irst #art o2 this state!ent is correct.
7ertainly. the Musli! 3mmah >Yation? is obli"ed to
establish their econo!ies on stron" 2oundations. relyin" on
and usin" the #er!issible !eans that llah has allowed 2or
the!. (cono!ic stren"th will hel# the 3mmah #er2or!
what llah ordained 2or the!. abandon what %e #rohibited
2or the! and be aware re"ardin" their ene!ies6 #lots a"ainst
llah said.
] HH

: 3


what translated !eans. 9Hel you one another in Al#irr

and At5a6wa >$irtue. ri"hteousness and #iety?( but do not
hel one another in sin and trans'ression:;5<2=.


9O you who believe! Fulfill >your? obli'ations:;5<1=.












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9O you who believe! &hen you contract a debt for a fixed
eriod% write it down) $et a scribe write it down in 0ustice
between you) $et not the scribe refuse to write as Allah has
tau'ht him% so let him write) $et him >the debtor? who
incurs the liability dictate% and he must fear Allah% his
$ord% and diminish not anythin' of what he owes) #ut if the
debtor is of oor understandin'% or wea"% or is unable
himself to dictate% then let his 'uardian dictate in 0ustice)
And 'et two witnesses out of your own men) And if there
are not two men >a$ailable?% then a man and two women%
such as you a'ree for witnesses% so that if one of them >two
wo!en? errs% the other can remind her) And the witnesses
should not refuse when they are called on >2or e$idence?)
7ou should not become weary to write it >your contract?%
whether it be small or bi'% for its fixed term% that is more
0ust with Allah% more solid as evidence% and more
convenient to revent doubts amon' yourselves% save when
it is a resent trade which you carry out on the sot amon'
yourselves% then there is no sin on you if you do not write it
down) #ut ta"e witnesses whenever you ma"e a commercial
contract) $et neither scribe nor witness suffer any harm:







9O you who believe! *at not u your roerty amon'

yourselves un0ustly excet it be a trade amon'st you% by
mutual consent:;4<2/=.
] .



9And ma"e ready a'ainst them all you can of ower:

There are !any other Ayat >$erses? in the Quran on
this to#ic. orderin" llah5s sla$es to hel# one another in
what will brin" about their !aterial and reli"ious bene2it.
llah ordered Musli!s to hel# one another in #iety
and ri"hteousness. includin" 2ul2illin" the ter!s o2 their le"al
contracts and #rotectin" their !utual ri"hts usin"
#er!issible !eans. %e also warned the! a"ainst
trans"ressin" each other5s ri"hts and #ro#erties. llah also
co!!anded Musli!s to #re#are e$erythin" #ossible
re"ardin" #ower and stren"th to #re#are a"ainst their
ene!ies. Stren"th. coo#eration. ri"hteous le"islation and
care2ul #re#aration will allow the Isla!ic econo!y to thri$e
sa2ely. as well as. hel# Musli!s increase their wealth. and
ac)uire their needs and le"al bene2its usin" the !ethods that
llah has allowed 2or the!.
+urther!ore. llah warned %is sla$es a"ainst lyin".
treachery. Shahadatu a8+1ur >2alse testi!ony?. hidin" the
truth and ille"ally ac)uirin" other #eo#le5s ri"hts.







9And eat u not one another's roerty un0ustly >in any

ille"al way. stealin". robbin". decei$in". etc.?% nor 'ive
bribery to the rulers >8ud"es be2ore #resentin" your cases?
that you may "nowin'ly eat u a art of the roerty of
others sinfully:;2<1,,=. llah also e!#hasized the
i!#ortance o2 al+Amanah >#reser$in" the trust?. when %e
said. ;4<5,=.
] "


what translated !eans. 99erily! Allah commands that you

should render bac" the trusts to those to whom they are

: f

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95ruly% &e did offer AlAmanah >the trust or !oral

res#onsibility or honesty and all the duties which llah has
ordained? to the heavens% and the earth% and the mountains%
but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it >a2raid o2
llah6s Tor!ent?:;33<*2=. llah also warned %is sla$es
a"ainst betrayal. when %e said.


what translated !eans. 9O you who believe! #etray not

Allah and His -essen'er% nor "nowin'ly betray your
Amanat >thin"s entrusted to you. and all the duties which
llah has ordained 2or you?:;,<2*=. In addition. llah
described %is belie$in" sla$es in Surat Al+-u+minun
>cha#ter 23 in the Quran? and Surat Al+-a.ari0 >cha#ter
*0? in that they #reser$e their trusts and 2ul2ill their
co$enants. when %e said.


: '

95hose who are faithfully true to their Amanat >all the

duties which llah has ordained. honesty. !oral
res#onsibility and trusts. etc.? and to their covenants:
Allah Blsss th Muslim +conomy As ,ong As
th Muslims "rsr- His ,a.
1hene$er Musli!s sincerely #reser$e llah6s
7o!!and!ents and reco!!end one another to #reser$e
the ri"hteous Isla!ic &aw. then llah will !ake their
conditions better and will bless their wealth and work.
llah will also hel# the! achie$e their "oals and ac)uire
sa2ety 2ro! their ene!ies.
llah. the (3alted. the Most %onored. asserted all
these !eanin"s. when %e said.


9O you who believe! #e afraid of Allah% and be with those
who are true >in words and deeds?:;/<11/=.

















9O you who believe! Stand out firmly for 0ustice% as
witnesses to Allah% even thou'h it be a'ainst yourselves% or
your arents% or your "in% be he rich or oor% Allah is a
#etter :rotector to both >than you?) So follow not the
lusts >o2 your hearts?% lest you may avoid 0ustice% and if you
distort your witness or refuse to 'ive it% verily% Allah is
*ver &ellAc6uainted with what you do:;4<135=.



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9O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allah and be 0ust
witnesses and let not the enmity and hatred of others ma"e
you avoid 0ustice) #e 0ust; that is nearer to iety% and fear
Allah) 9erily% Allah is &ellAc6uainted with what you do:
] .



9And ma"e ready a'ainst them all you can of ower:



and. 9O you who believe! 5a"e your recautions:;4<*1=.

There are !any other Ayat on this sub8ect.
+conomic "rminnc #os not *'uir or
#/nd on Riba
s 2or the second and third #arts o2 Ibrahi!5s
state!ent. [There can be no econo!ic #ree!inence without
2inancial institutions. and no 2inancial institutions without
Interest >Riba?\. they are utterly 2alse. There are !any
Te3ts in the Quran. so!e o2 which we ha$e already
!entioned. that contradict Ibrahi!5s 2alse state!ent.
+urther. the established Isla!ic econo!ic #ractices since the
ti!e o2 the Iro#het. salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla!. until the
#resent ti!e when banks are widely established. a22ir! the
2alsehood o2 this state!ent. Musli! econo!y has always
been stron" durin" !ost o2 the #ast 2ourteen centuries.
without relyin" on banks and certainly without relyin" on
Riba. Xurin" this lon" #eriod o2 ti!e. the Musli!s
increased their wealth and had their business transactions
duly or"anized ;and 2ul2illed= 2or the!. In addition. and
throu"hout this ti!e #eriod. !any Musli!s were able to
a!ass "reat wealth usin" the #er!issible Isla!ic 2inancial
llah "a$e $ictory to early Musli! "enerations o$er
their ene!ies. until Musli!s and the Isla!ic State beca!e
!asters o2 the world. 2or !any centuries. Xurin" these
"lorious centuries. Musli!s used to re2er to what llah has
re$ealed 2or 8ud"!ent in their rule o$er llah5s sla$es.
They did not ha$e any need 2or banks or usury. eather. i2
one says that usury and banks were and still are the true
causes behind !any #roble!s and di$isions a!on"st
Musli!s and behind the weakness in Musli! econo!ies. the
hatred that s#read between the! and the shatterin" o2 the
Isla!ic unity. one will surely be sayin" the truth. This is
because usury causes hatred and en!ity between #eo#le.
eradicates llah6s blessin"s and warrants %is #unish!ent.
8ust as llah said. ;2<2*'=.







what translated !eans. 9Allah will destroy Riba >usury?

and will 'ive increase for Sada6at >deeds o2 charity. al!s.
+urther!ore. we !ust state here that because o2
Riba. debts kee# on accu!ulatin" and !ulti#lyin". leadin"
the indebted indi$iduals and nations to su22er 2ro! risin"
une!#loy!ent and recessions
. In such conditions. those
who ha$e ca#ital #re2er to lend their !oney in return 2or
hi"h interest returns. instead o2 in$estin" in bene2icial
#ro8ects. such as buildin" 2actories. construction #ro8ects.
and so 2orth.
fn the other hand. the $arious business transactions
that llah has allowed will surely bene2it the Musli!
3mmah. and !ankind on the whole. and will ensure an
increase both in wealth and #iety 2or the!. lso. what
llah le"islates and allows will certainly #ro$ide work 2or
the une!#loyed and hel# 2or the #oor. so that they ac)uire
an honorable !eans o2 li$elihood. %ence. the entire
co!!unity will bene2it 2ro! the absence o2 Riba and 2ro!
be""in" others 2or hel# and indul"in" in the i!#er!issible
!eans o2 a!assin" wealth.
llah allowed Musli!s to establish co!#anies.
2actories and $arious #roducti$e institutions that bene2it the
#eo#le by #roducin" wea#ons. clothes. 2urniture. and so
2orth. lso. llah allowed Musli!s to #artici#ate in
;The reader should re!e!ber the #li"ht o2 countries who were
considered #otential econo!ic #owerhouses a 2ew decades back.
but were brou"ht to their knees because o2 Riba. The econo!ies
o2 countries like Brazil. Me3ico and r"entina. to na!e a 2ew.
al!ost colla#sed because o2 their inability to #ay the hu"e
accu!ulati$e ser$ices >or Ribag? on their national debts. let alone
#ayin" the #rinci#al. het. there still so!e Musli!s who ad$ocate
usury. e$en thou"h llah and %is Iro#het disallowed it. They do
not conte!#late the econo!ic disasters brou"ht to indebted
nations because o2 Riba.=
a"ricultural #roduction. which in turn bene2its all Musli!s.
es#ecially the needy a!on" the!.
s co!#ared to all these bene2icial !ethods o2
econo!ic acti$ity that llah #er!itted 2or Musli!s. Riba
har!s and works a"ainst healthy econo!ies and #ublic
interest. o2ten causin" se$ere econo!ic disasters. as all
those who ha$e a sound !ind would concur. Musli!s !ust
ne$er 2or"et that relyin" on usury as a le"iti!ate business
transaction eradicates llah5s blessin"s. results in bein"
dictated to by the ene!ies >,afir debtor nations? and brin"s
llah6s wrath. 1e ask llah to sa$e Musli!s 2ro! such an
e$il 2ate and to bestow on the! "ood sense. correct
"uidance and 2ir!ness on the Iath o2 the Truth.
0inancial &nstitutions %an and #o Sur-i-
Without Riba
Second. Ibrahi! clai!ed that. [ 2inancial
institution to any econo!y is 8ust like the heart to the
hu!an body.\
"ain. this is not a true state!ent. 2inancial
institution can always 2unction without the need 2or usury.
8ust as was the case with Musli! econo!y in #ast centuries.
es#ecially durin" the early ti!e o2 Isla!. Xurin" that
"olden era. Musli! econo!y was the #urest. the lar"est and
the stron"est. without e$er needin" to rely on Riba. llah
"a$e $ictory to %is reli"ion and raised the 2la" o2 Isla! hi"h
throu"h these early belie$ers. bestowin" on the! $ast
#ro$isionsV truly. the riches o2 the earth were unco$ered 2or
the!. llah hel#ed the 3mmah with these resources.
allowin" the! to 2i"ht their ene!ies and sa$in" the! 2ro!
usin" what %e #rohibited 2or the!. Those who study
Isla!ic history 2ro! the ti!e o2 the Iro#het. salla allahu
Zalaihi wa-salla!. until the ti!e when $arious 2inancial
institutions were established in the !odern era. will realize
that what we ha$e stated here is the certain truth. fn the
other hand. Musli!s will su22er econo!ically. and llah6s
blessin"s will decrease. as a result o2 de$iatin" 2ro! llah5s
&aw and abandonin" what %e ordered and the business
transactions %e has allowed. In the later case. Musli!s will
ac)uire llah5s 1rath and su22er !any trials and cala!ities.
because o2 their de2yin" what llah has ordained on the!
llah said.





: 3

what translated !eans. 9And whatever of misfortune befalls

you% it is because of what your hands have earned) And He
ardons much:;42<30=.





: e







9And if the eole of the towns had believed and had the
5a6wa >#iety?% certainly% &e should have oened for them
blessin's from the heaven and the earth% but they belied
;This. o2 course. bene2its those who belie$e that all success
comes from Allah and that truly% He is the Only $ord and ,in'
of all that exists=
>the Messen"ers?) So &e too" them >with #unish!ent? for
what they used to earn >#olytheis! and cri!es. etc.?:;*</'=.




) N
















9And if only the eole of the Scriture >aews and

7hristians? had believed >in Muha!!ad? and warded off
evil >sin. ascribin" #artners to llah? and had become Al+
-utta6un >the #ious? &e would indeed have blotted out
their sins and admitted them to <ardens of leasure >in
Iaradise?) And if only they had acted accordin' to the
5aurat >Torah?% the !n0eel >bos#el?% and what has >now?
been sent down to them from their $ord >the Quran?% they
would surely have 'otten rovision from above them and
from underneath their feet:;5<'5-''=.



9And whosoever fears Allah and "ees his duty to Him% He

will ma"e a way for him to 'et out >2ro! e$ery
di22iculty?) And He will rovide him from >sources? he
never could ima'ine) And whosoever uts his trust in
Allah% then He will suffice him:;'5<2-3=. and.


9And whosoever fears Allah and "ees his duty to Him% He

will ma"e his matter easy for him:;'5<4=.
Thy call Riba1 2Fa-idah (&ntrst)34
Third. Ibrahi! also clai!ed that. [The )uestions that
we ha$e not 2ound answers to until now #ertain to how the
Fa6ihs >scholars o2 Isla!ic auris#rudence? assess the
econo!ic si"ni2icance o2 al+Fa+idah and why they do not
allow loans that incur interestd\
Riba is not "rmittd1 Bcaus Allah did not
"rmit it4
The answer to this #ortion o2 Xr. Ibrahi!6s research.
is that the Fa6ihs. i.e.. the scholars who ha$e knowled"e in
the reli"ion. ha$e considered usury .Haram >i!#er!issible?
because =various versus of the Quran and> authentic
Hadiths of the :rohet% salla allahu .alaihi wa+sallam%
rendered it .Haram. Surely. there are se$eral authentic
Hadiths that clearly state that any loan that incurs interest.
e$en i2 the interest was !inute. is .Haram >i!#er!issible?.
het. this writer. Ibrahi!. !ay llah "uide hi! back to the
True Iath. chose to i"nore all these Hadiths and only
discusses the Te3ts in the Quran on this sub8ect. which are
"eneral in !eanin". %e tried to restrict the i!#er!issible
Riba to only one ty#e that in$ol$es lendin" !oney to a
needy #erson with interest. s 2or the other ty#es o2 Riba.
he tried to classi2y the! under the .Halal >allowed?
transactions. clai!in" that #eo#le need these ty#es o2
dealin"s in the #resent ti!eg %e also clai!s that in #resent
ti!es. both 2inancial institutions and !ankind need Riba
transactions to 2ul2ill their needs and to succeed in their
What Allah #isallo.d dos not Bn$it
Xr. Ibrahi! also !entioned so!e "eneral state!ents
by ibn juda!ah. ibn Tai!iyyah and ibn l-jayyi! about
allowin" the #ractices that bene2it Musli!s in "eneral. which
also do not cause any har! 2or Musli!s.
%owe$er. we !ust stress that these !entioned
scholars restricted this rulin". by only allowin' the
beneficial ractices that do not contradict any 5ext in the
Quran or Sunnah. 7onse)uently. we !ust state that the
ar"u!ents that Ibrahi! !entioned in this #art o2 his
research are not rele$ant to the to#ic under discussion.
The. 4bene2icial #ractices5. that these I!a!s allowed are
!atters o2 !0tihad >#ersonal o#inion? that do not contradict
a clear 5ext in the Quran or the Sunnah)
It is a 2act that clear Te3ts in the Quran and the
Sunnah state that both Riba Al+Fadhl and Riba An+4asee+
ah are not #er!issible 2or Musli!s. 1e should also add
that the scholars stated that #rohibitin" Riba Al+Fadhl also
in$ol$es #rohibitin" the !ethods and !eans that lead to it.
;as i2 Riba constitutes the entire econo!ic acti$ity in co!#le3
1estern econo!ies=
1e should re!ind the reader that when so!e o2 the
co!#anions bartered two Sa. o2 in2erior dates 2or one Sa.
>around 3 kilo"ra!s? o2 "ood dates >i.e.. Riba al+Fadhl?.
the Iro#het. salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla!. said.

: m &


: &



[5his is Riba itself! 5his is Riba itself! /o not do this)\ ;l-

Bukhari k Musli!=.
+urther!ore. the Two Sahihs ;al-Bukhari and
Musli!= narrated that. bu SaZeed l-Whudri said that. the
Iro#het. salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla!. said.

m I








: o











: o






[/o not sell 'old for 'old unless e6uivalent in wei'ht% and
do not sell less amount for 'reater amount or vice versa(
and do not sell silver for silver unless e6uivalent in wei'ht%
and do not sell less amount for 'reater amount or vice
versa( and do not sell 'old or silver that is not resent at
the moment of exchan'e for 'old or silver that is resent)\
lso. Sahih Musli! narrated that 4cbadah ibn s-Sa!it
said that the Iro#het. #eace be u#on hi!. said.

m R







] &















) Q






[<old for 'old% silver for silver% wheat 'rain for wheat
'rain% barley for barley% dates for dates% salt for salt; e6ual
in wei'ht% e6ual in amount and from hand to hand >the
#ay!ent is not delayed?) &hen these tyes are not the same
"ind% then sell as you li"e as lon' as it was from hand to
hand)\ There are !any other authentic Hadiths on this
sub8ect in the Two Sahihs ;as Sahih l-Bukhari and Sahih
Musli!s are called=. as well as. other books o2 Hadith.
s 2or the Hadith that states. [Riba involves the
4asee+ah\. the scholars stated that it only indicates the 2act
that !ost Riba transactions are o2 a 4asee+ah ty#e. not all
o2 the!. The #re$ious two Hadiths. as well as. se$eral
other authentic Hadiths clearly de!onstrate that there are
se$eral other ty#es o2 Riba. In 2act. Riba transactions
usually co!bine both Riba al+Fadhl and Riba An+4asee+ahg
7onse)uently. those who indul"e in Riba with the banks.
and the owners o2 these banks. co!bine two ty#es o2 Riba.
Riba an+4asee+ah
and the interest itsel2 that is collected
thus. carryin" the burden o2 both ille"al transactions.
Riba is a "rohibitd Ty/ o$ Transaction1 +-n
Whn it "ro-ids a Mutual Bn$it
1e should state here that Riba is not #rohibited only
because usury transactions re)uire the needy to #ay the
;delayed #ay!ent that incurs interest=
;an addition that !akes the transaction o2 Rib al+Fadhl ty#e=
incurred interest. Riba is .Haram >#rohibited? because o2
the in8ustice it e3erts on the needy who ha$e to #ay the
accu!ulatin" interest. and also because it is a rohibited
tye of transactions. 7ertainly. 2orcin" the needy to #ay
the Riba on their debts is a "reat in8ustice. es#ecially since
;Isla!ically= the lender is re)uired to be #atient with the
needy borrower. not ille"ally increase the #rinci#al o2 his
In addition. Riba is still disallowed e$en when it
brin"s a !utual bene2it 2or both the lender and the indebted
#erson. Isla! does not take this !utual bene2it 2ro! Riba
into consideration. eather. Riba is .Haram any way you
look at it. The Iro#het. salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla!.
clearly stated this 2act in !any o2 his Hadiths. such as the
abo$e stated Hadiths. I2 Isla! considered !utual
a"ree!ent and bene2it 2ro! Riba by the lender and the
borrower a 2actor that allows Riba transaction. llah would
ha$e in2or!ed us o2 this 2act in %is blorious Book. or by
the words o2 %is Messen"er. #eace be u#on hi!. llah

: U








] &

what translated !eans. 9And &e have sent down to you the
#oo" >the Quran? as an exosition of everythin'% a
'uidance% a mercy% and 'lad tidin's for those who have
submitted themselves >to llah as Musli!s?:;1'<,/=.
I!a! Musli! narrated in his. Sahih. that bdullah
ibn Z!r ibn l-Zas stated. that the Iro#het salla allahu
Zalaihi wa-salla! said.





: 3



what translated !eans. [*very :rohet whom Allah sent

before me was re6uired to 'uide his eole to what is the
best of what he "nows for them% and to warn them a'ainst
the worst of what he "nows for them)\ It is a 2act that our
Iro#het salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla! is the best o2 llah6s
#ro#hets and !essen"ers and that he #er2ectly deli$ered
llah6s Messa"e.
7onse)uently. i2 Isla! had considered the !utual
bene2it 2ro! Riba a 2actor 2or allowin" it. then the Iro#het >

? would ha$e in2or!ed the Musli!

3mmah >Yation? o2 this 2act. fn the contrary. the 2act is
that the Iro#het > F

? clearly stated in his

Hadiths that all ty#es o2 Riba are .Haram >i!#er!issible?.
and 8ust as llah stated in !any Ayat. the Sunnah exlains
the Quran.
llah said.





9And &e have also sent down unto you >f Muha!!ad? the
reminder and the advice >the juran?% that you may exlain
clearly to men what is sent down to them% and that they
may 'ive thou'ht:;1'<44=.

: U








9And &e have not sent down the #oo" >the Quran? to you
>f Muha!!ad?% excet that you may exlain clearly unto
them those thin's in which they differ% and a 'uidance and
a mercy for a fol" who believes:;1'<'4=. There are !any
other Ayat in the Quran on this to#ic.
Qiyas is 5nly Allo.d Whr Thr ar no
T6ts in th Quran or Sunnah
Ibrahi! then said that Shaikh easheed eidha
allowed sa$in"s accounts that "ain interest. The o#inion
that he !entioned is an error in 8ud"!ent that is based on
discredited #ersonal conclusions that clearly contradict the
rele$ant Te3ts ;o2 the Quran and Sunnah=. The scholars
stated that Musli!s are not allowed to rely on !0tihad
>#ersonal 8ud"!ent? where a Te3t e3ists. eather. !0tihad is
only e!#loyed where there are no Te3ts. in which case.
only )uali2ied #ersons are allowed to #er2or! !0tihad.
1hen a scholar tries his best in his !0tihad and issues a
correct o#inion. he will "ain two rewards ;one 2or !0tihad
and one 2or correctness=. fn the other hand. when a
scholar #er2or!s his best !0tihad but issues the wron"
o#inion. he will only "ain one reward 2or his !0tihad ;yet. the
erroneous o#inion las in this case- is still in$alid=. The
Iro#het > F

? said.




[&hen the ruler >or the 8ud"e. or the scholar? erforms

!0tihad and reaches the correct conclusion% he will 'ain two
rewards) &hen he erforms !0tihad but reaches the wron'
conclusion% he will 'ain one reward)\ ;l-Bukhari and
Musli! collected this Hadith 2ro! Z!r ibn l-Zas=.
lso. I!a! Musli! re#orted a Hadith collected 2ro! bu
%urairah. !ay llah be #leased with hi!. re#ortin" si!ilar
7onse)uently. Musli!s are not allowed to #er2or!
!0tihad concernin" !atters o2 the reli"ion where there is a
clear rulin" that llah has re$ealed in the Quran or in the
Sunnah o2 %is Iro#het. salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla!.
+urther!ore. and accordin" to the consensus o2 the
scholars. all Musli!s are re)uired to adhere by the Te3ts o2
the Quran and Sunnah and to i!#le!ent their rulin"s.
llah alone is sou"ht 2or each and e$ery !atter. and there is
neither #ower nor stren"th e3ce#t 2ro! %i!.
+ourth. Ibrahi! said towards the end o2 his research.
[In su!!ary. and a2ter co!#arin" the Riba that the Quran
#rohibited to bankin" transactions. it is clear that bankin"
transactions are )uite di22erent 2ro! the Riba transactions
that the Quran warned a"ainst. This is because in the
#resent ti!e. there are new ty#es o2 transactions and as
such. are not entailed in the #rohibited Riba !entioned in
the clear Te3ts in the Quran. %ence. we !ust assess these
new ty#es o2 transactions re"ardin" the bene2its they brin"
2or the sla$es and their satis2yin" their le"al needs. thus
i!itatin" the #ractice o2 the Messen"er o2 llah. salla allahu
Zalaihi wa-salla!. when he allowed the sellin" o2 the Salam.
%e did this. e$en thou"h the Salam entails sellin" a "ood
that the seller does not yet ha$e. There2ore. the scholars
stated that sellin" as+Salam was allowed. because #eo#le
needed it. &ikewise. the scholars relied on the e3a!#le o2
allowin" as+Salam transactions and other rele$ant e3a!#les
to allow !any bene2icial #ractices without which #eo#le6s
needs will not be 2ul2illed or satis2ied.\
Riba is `Haram Any Way 7ou ,ook at it
In res#onse to this swee#in" clai!. we should 2irst
state the 2act that the current bankin" transactions are not
di22erent 2ro! the #rohibited Riba transactions. +urther.
llah sent Muha!!ad as the +inal Messen"er 2ro! %i!.
and re)uired all !ankind. startin" with the Iro#het6s
conte!#oraries u# until the Xay o2 aud"!ent. to i!#le!ent
%is 7o!!and!ents that %e re$ealed to %is Messen"er.
salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla!. There2ore. all new ty#es o2
dealin"s should carry the sa!e rulin"s as old ty#es o2
dealin"s. as lon" as both ty#es are essentially the sa!e. 1e
!ust also state that ha$in" di22erent na!es does not chan"e
the true reality o2 these dealin"s. 1hat !atters. is the true
substance and the true essence o2 these ty#es o2 dealin"s.
+urther. it is a well-known 2act that the ai!s and
"oals o2 those who indul"ed in Riba in the #ast are si!ilar
to the ai!s o2 those who indul"e in Riba in the #resent ti!e.
e$en thou"h they chan"ed the na!es o2 the transactions
they use. %ence. di22erentiatin" between the old ty#es o2
business transactions and the new ones. because o2 the
di22erent na!es and styles. while disre"ardin" the ai!s and
"oals behind such transactions. is indeed a !is"uided
!ethod. +or e3a!#le. the Iro#het. #eace be u#on hi!.
considered the re)uest o2 those who said. durin" the battle
o2 .Hunain. [Make 2or us a /hat+Anwat
as they
>disbelie$ers? ha$e /hat+Anwat.\ si!ilar to what the
7hildren o2 Israel said to Iro#het Moses. #eace be u#on
] O


9?-a"e for us an ilahan >a "od? as they have aliha
>"ods??:;*<13,=. The Iro#het. salla allahu Zalaihi wa-
salla!. did not consider the di22erence in the words whereas
the true essence was still the sa!e. +or instance. llah. the
(3alted. #unished the aews when they set u# their nets on
+ridays so that the nets catch 2ish on Saturdays. durin"
which they were #rohibited to 2ish. llah did not e3cuse the
aews 2or this de$iant beha$ior. e$en thou"h the aews
collected the 2ish on Sundays. The ai!s were the sa!e.
e$en thou"h the !eans and !ethods to reach these ai!s
$aried. There are !any other si!ilar e3a!#les in the Quran
and Sunnah.
Allah /rmittd th Salam Transaction
1e should add by statin" that the writer "ains no
bene2it 2ro! allowin" the current ty#es o2 Riba transactions
by co!#arin" the! to as+Salam transactions. As+Salam
ty#e o2 transactions was allowed because Allah allowed it.
a 2act that de!onstrates the "reatness o2 the Isla!ic
;a tree that the disbelie$ers used to re$ere and han" their
swords on. durin" the e$e o2 the battle. to be $ictorious in battle.
so they clai!ed=
le"islation that ai!s to bene2it the Musli! 3mmah at lar"e.
+urther. llah restricted the Salam ty#e o2 transactions in a
way that !ade it di22erent 2ro! the disallowed ty#es o2
business transactions. As+Salam entails the #ro!ise o2
deli$erin" a certain "ood with known characteristics on a
certain 2uture date. but the #ro2it is #aid on the s#ot. Both
the seller and the buyer share in the bene2it o2 As+Salam< the
seller bene2its 2ro! the #rice to s#end on his current needs.
and the buyer bene2its 2ro! the Salam when he recei$es it
since he bou"ht it 2or a lesser #rice. %ence. both #arties to
the Salam transaction "ain a bene2it. none o2 the! is har!ed
in any way. as there is no Riba >usury. addition. or interest?
in this case. and 2inally. no "oods with an unknown )uality
are bein" sold. s 2or the Riba transactions. they in$ol$e a
certain addition to the #rinci#al with the #ay!ent di22ered.
or barterin" "oods 2or a lar"er a!ount o2 the sa!e ty#e o2
"ood. llah. the Most 1ise. 1ho le"islates what brin"s all
ty#es o2 bene2its to Musli!s. !ade Riba transactions a
!a8or sin
. 7onse)uently. the needy will be sa$ed 2ro!
1' ;=
;llah. the (3alted. the Most %onored. said.
] mD noQ pBO qD rKNsN tS nD uvDwx pO yD qD rzN r{NnD yB |Q u}D sD ~N r{NnD oQ pBO PN N BD DnD
qN uD RS B pO mD zQ x }D pSO D pQD TS N BtDvQ OrpNuD u}D B|Q N RS DpSO EN S z Q uvDwx pO
EB D DGD MBN O D RS DpSO ~D wB D GD uvDwx pO mS }D D N D uFD D CQ rS zD mS zQ PQ vx_D
N uD LS D _Q u`BpO TS N uD RQ qD GN pQuD
95hose who eat Rib will not stand >on the Xay o2 eesurrection?
excet li"e the standin' of a erson beaten by Shaitn >Satan?
leadin' him to insanity) 5hat is because they say; @5radin' is
only li"e Rib%A whereas Allh has ermitted tradin' and
forbidden Rib) So whosoever receives an admonition from his
incurrin" hu"e interests. while encoura"in" the wealthy not
to rely on Riba. lso. Riba leads to abandonin"
establishin" $arious bene2icial #ro8ects and industries
2terwards. the writer uttered a baseless. 2alse clai!
that. [Ieo#le need banks and $arious bankin" transactions.
as their li$elihood de#ends on the!\
$ord and stos eatin' Rib% shall not be unished for the ast(
his case is for Allh >to 8ud"e?( but whoever returns >to Rib?.
such are the dwellers of the Fire B they will abide therein:
;2<2*5=. l-Bukhari re#orted. without a chain o2 narration. that
Zbdullah ibn Zbbas. !ay llah be #leased with hi!. said that
the last Ayah to be re$ealed to llah6s Messen"er. salla allahu
Zalaihi wa-salla!. was this Ayah.
] unD uD nD mD noQ pBO Or`NzD Or{NBO MBD O OG_N D GD uzD ]D {QvD m D zQ uvDwx pO qS |Q
TS N`S sN mD R`QzQ S zN qS QD TS pD OrKND S D OrND tS D wS D vQ mD zQ MBQ O PQ pQrUN _D GD
qD usD GN wD S CN wD Q `DD JpD|Q wD D RS zD qS DGD OrN B D D w RS D TS N pD qS |Q
S D uzD -S DD sD TS N GD yD qD r}N KDS nN
9O% you who believe! #e afraid of Allh and 'ive u what
remains >due to you? from Rib >2ro! now onward? if you are
>really? believers. And if you do not do it% then ta"e a notice of
war from Allh and His -essen'er but if you reent% you shall
have your caital sums) /eal not un0ustly >by askin" !ore than
your ca#ital su!s?% and you shall not be dealt with un0ustly >by
recei$in" less than your ca#ital su!s?:;2<2*,-2*/=. +urther. al-
Bukhari and Musli! re#orted that bu %urairah. !ay llah be
#leased with hi!. said.
Muslim +conomy dos not 8d Riba
In res#onse. we state that Musli!s bene2ited 2ro!
the Isla!ic econo!ic syste! 2or the #ast 2ourteen centuries.
OrN`QDFS O- D S B pO unD <OrpNuD -Q u{D vQr}N pSO D rUN _D MBQ O uzD GD mB N
N wS x pO- <D uD MBQ uvQ wN S x pOGD EN S D GD Q S `BpO ]QpBO ~D wB D MBN O yB |Q
x D pSuvQ EN sS DGD uvDwx pO EN sS DG D Q uzD TQ RQRDpSO ]pxrD BpOGD ~D rS nD Q S AB pO
N oS D GD Q u`DD S }N pSO Q u`DzQ S }N pSO .-Q D Q uD pSO
[llah6s Messen"er salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla! said. 4Avoid the
seven 'reat destructive sins)5 The #eo#le in)uired. 4f. llah6s
#ostleg 1hat are theyd5 %e said. 45o 0oin others in worshi
alon' with Allah% to ractice sorcery% to "ill the life which Allah
has forbidden excet for a 0ust cause >accordin" to Isla!ic &aw?%
to eat u Riba >usury?% to eat u an orhan's wealth% to 'ive
bac" to the enemy and fleein' from the battlefield at the time of
fi'htin'% and to accuse% chaste women% who never even thin" of
anythin' touchin' chastity and are 'ood believers)5\ lso. ibn
Ma8ah narrated that bu %urairah. !ay llah be #leased with
hi!. re#orted that llah6s #ostle. #eace be u#on hi!. said.
uvDwx pO- qD rN S UD uvrN uD wN D nS D qS D D Q `S nD E N FN wB pO .-PN zB N
[Riba is seventy tyes% the least of which e6uals one havin'
sexual intercourse wit his own mother!\=
;%i"h interest rates ti"hten the !oney su##ly and slows the
econo!y. while lower interest rates loosen !oney su##ly and
rein$i"orates the econo!y. This is why the cnited States +ederal
eeser$e lowered interest rates se$eral ti!es durin" the year 2001.
so that the slowin" econo!y reco$ers !o!entu! throu"h
increased a$ailability o2 !oney su##lies. which translate into
lon" be2ore banks e$er e3isted. Xurin" this lon" #eriod o2
ti!e. the #ro8ects and industries that e3isted in the Musli!
1orld did not rely on #rohibited ty#es o2 dealin"s. +urther.
we state the 2act that in !odern ti!es. #eo#le do not need
to deal in Riba to sustain their li$elihood.
1e should note here that all ty#es o2 !istakes and
in8ustices result 2ro! indul"in" in the #rohibited ty#es o2
dealin"s. This is es#ecially true when the society is not
2ul2illin" its obli"ations towards its !e!bers. such as bein"
sincere. trustworthy and truth2ul with other #eo#le. while
shunnin" all ty#es o2 ille"al dealin"s that entail Riba.
<harar ;hidden inability to deli$er #ro!ised "oods and
ser$ices=. deceit and cheatin".
Muslim +conomy 8ds to &m/lmnt Allah's
,a. to Sur-i- and 0lourish
Iro$idin" 2or #eo#le6s needs. hel#in" the! ac)uire
their bene2it and ensurin" !eanin"2ul coo#eration between
the! will only be achie$ed throu"h abidin" by Isla!ic &aw.
It re)uires truth2ulness and Amanah >honesty? and #rohibits
lyin". deceit and all the ty#es o2 dealin"s that llah does not
llah said.
!ore hirin" and s#endin" on econo!ic e3#ansion. new #lants and
hi"her custo!er de!and. ($en Mr. Riba hi!sel2 knows this 2act.
which a!azin"ly esca#es the attention o2 !any Musli!s who are
2ascinated by the calls to incor#orate interest into Musli!

: 3



what translated !eans. 9Hel you one another in Al#irr

and At5a6wa >$irtue. ri"hteousness and #iety?( but do not
hel one another in sin and trans'ression:;5<2=.
] "





and. 99erily! Allah commands that you should render bac"

the trusts to those to whom they are due( and that when you
0ud'e between men% you 0ud'e with 0ustice:;4<5,=.


and. 9O you who believe! #etray not Allah and His

-essen'er% nor betray "nowin'ly your Amanat >thin"s
entrusted to you. and all the duties which llah has ordained
2or you?:;,<2*=.
lso. llah said.











W ;


what translated !eans. 9O you who believe! &hen you
contract a debt for a fixed eriod% write it down) $et a
scribe write it down in 0ustice between you) $et not the
scribe refuse to write as Allah has tau'ht him% so let him
write) $et him >the debtor? who incurs the liability dictate%
and he must fear Allah% his $ord% and diminish not
anythin' of what he owes:;2<2,2=. and. ;33<*0-*1=





: !


9O you who believe! ,ee your duty to Allh and fear Him%
and sea" >always? the truth) He will direct you to do
ri'hteous 'ood deeds and will for'ive you your sins) And
whosoever obeys Allh and His -essen'er >Muha!!ad

?% he has indeed achieved a

'reat achievement
+urther. the Messen"er o2 llah salla allahu Zalaihi wa-
salla! said.


m '











;will be entered into Iaradise and sa$ed 2ro! %ell2ire=







[5he seller and the buyer have the ri'ht to "ee or return
'oods as lon' as they have not arted or until they art( if
both arties so"e the truth and duly described the defects
and 6ualities >o2 the "oods?% then they would be blessed in
their transaction( if they told lies or hid somethin'% then
the blessin's of their transaction would be lost\;l-Bukhari
and Musli!=.
lso Musli! and h!ad narrated that bu SaZeed al-
Whudri radhiya allahu Zanhu said that the Iro#het salla
allahu Zalaihi wa-salla! said.

m R







] &













w jC



[<old for 'old% silver for silver% wheat 'rain for wheat
'rain% barley for barley% dates for dates% salt for salt; e6ual
in amount and from hand to hand >!eanin" the #ay!ent is
not delayed?) 5hose who 'ive more or as" for more% then
both who ta"e the increase and those who 'ive it are the
same% and both will have committed Riba)\ lso. aabir ;ibn
Zbdullah al-nsari. radhiya allahu Zanhu= said. [The
Messen"er o2 llah salla allahu Zalaihi wa-salla! cursed
those who take Riba and those who "i$e it. write it and
witness it. then said that. 45hey all are the
In addition. Zc!ar ibn l-Whattab narrated that the
Messen"er o2 llah. #eace be u#on hi!. said.

m R








7 \








] &




[5he barterin' of 'old for 'old entails Riba% excet if it is

from hand to hand and e6ual in amount( wheat 'rain for
wheat 'rain entails Riba% excet if it is from hand to hand
and e6ual in amount( dates for dates entails Riba% excet if
it is from hand to hand and e6ual in amount( and barley
for barley entails Riba% excet if it is from hand to hand
and e6ual in amount\;l-Bukhari and Musli!=. %e salla
allahu Zalaihi wa-salla! also said.

] g


[5hose who cheat us are not some of us\;Musli!. without a

chain o2 narration. h!ad. ibn Ma8ah and ad-Xari!i. The
correct words 2or this Hadith are. [5hose who cheat are not
some of us\=. lso. the Iro#het salla allahu Zalaihi wa-
salla! said.




[Should ! inform you about the 'reatest of the 'reat sinsC-

They said. -hes. f llah6s #ostleg- %e said.




-5o 0oin others in worshi with Allah and to be undutiful to

one's arents)- The Iro#het. #eace be u#on hi!. then sat u#
a2ter he had been reclinin" >on a #illow? and said.

m T



-And ! warn you a'ainst 'ivin' a false statement or a false

testimony\;l-Bukhari and Musli!=. There are !any other
Hadiths on this to#ic
%om/aring th `Haram to th `Halal to 9usti$y
th `Haram is #isallo.d
Yo Musli! is allowed to render #er!issible what
llah has rendered .Haram. by co!#arin" the disallowed
!atter to another !atter that llah has allowed. Indeed.
whoe$er does this will ha$e co!!itted a !a8or sin and will
be sayin" about llah what he has no knowled"e o2. lso.
such a #erson will ha$e o#ened a door o2 Fitnah >!ischie2?
and sinnin" 2or the #eo#le.
The scholars who use Qiyas state that Qiyas is only
allowed ;and #ertains to= when a !inor as#ect o2 the
reli"ion does not ha$e a de2inite rulin" in the Quran or
Sunnah. In this case. the scholars a##ly a "eneral rulin"
;throu"h !0tihad= that includes the !atter under discussion
;There2ore. Riba is a co!#le3 to#ic and is nothin" like what it
is !ade to a##ear. that it only entails "i$in" loans and re)uirin"
and deri$es a rulin" 2or it. whereas be2ore. it did not ha$e a
s#eci2ic rulin".
llah disallowed !ankind to say about %i! what they
ha$e no knowled"e o2. and !ade this act bi""er than Shir"
>ascribin" #artners to llah? itsel2. %e also stated that Satan
calls u#on his 2ollowers and co!!ands the! to "o on this
de$iant #ath. 8ust as he calls the! into sin and i!!oral acts.
llah said.
] O




@ ;

@ &









what translated !eans. 9Say >f Muha!!ad?; ?>But? the

thin's that my $ord has indeed forbidden are AlFawa.hish
>"reat sins. unlaw2ul se3ual beha$ior. etc.? whether
committed oenly or secretly% sins >o2 all kinds?%
unri'hteous oression% 0oinin' artners >in worshi#? with
Allah for which He has 'iven no authority% and sayin'
thin's about Allah of which you have no "nowled'e?:
;*<33=. and ;2<1',-1'/=.





) "





7] V



9O man"ind! *at of that which is lawful and 'ood on the

earth% and follow not the footstes of Shaitan >Satan?)
9erily% he is to you an oen enemy) ;Shaitan >Satan?=
commands you only what is evil and Fa.hsha >sin2ul?% and
that you should say a'ainst Allah what you "now not):
1e ask llah to i!#ro$e the "eneral situation o2
Musli!s and to bestow on the! the Fi6h >knowled"e and
understandin"? in the reli"ion. 1e also ask llah to "uide
Musli! scholars to call the #eo#le to llah and to e3#lain
llah6s 7o!!and!ents to the!. while warnin" the! a"ainst
de2yin" %is &aw. 1e ask llah to sa$e Musli!s 2ro! the
e$il o2 their own sel$es and the e$il o2 those who call to all
ty#es o2 !is"uidance. 1e ask llah to "uide Ibrahi! back
to the True Iath. so that he #ublicly re#ent. 2ro! what he
has written. !ay that llah 2or"i$e hi!.
llah said.
] &




9And all of you be' Allah to for'ive you all% O believers%

that you may be successful: ;24<31=.
] "










and. 99erily% those who conceal the clear roofs% evidences

and the 'uidance% which &e have sent down% after &e have
made it clear for the eole in the #oo"% they are the ones
cursed by Allah and cursed by the cursers) *xcet those
who reent and do ri'hteous deeds% and oenly declare >the
truth which they concealed?) 5hese% ! will accet their
reentance) And ! am the One &ho accets reentance% the
-ost -erciful:;2<15/-1'0=.
There is no doubt that Ibrahi!5s article needs a !ore
detailed rebuttal. but I ho#e that what I ha$e stated in this
rebuttal is clear enou"h 2or those who seek the truth. llah
is sou"ht 2or e$ery ty#e o2 hel#. and %e is Su22icient 2or us
as a %el#er. May llah bestow %is #rayer and #eace on
Muha!!ad. our Iro#het. and on his 2a!ily. co!#anions
and those who 2ollowed the! with e3cellence. until the Xay
o2 aud"!ent.
Abdul A8i8 ibn Abdullah ibn

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