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Marlau8 10 vs.

leaLure Comparlson

23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 1
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 2
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012345 0#&+#(65
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lmptoves scoloblllty, by mokloq Jotoboses scoleJ wltb Motlou8/My5Ol tepllcouoo mote
cooslsteot, wltb blqbet petfotmooce.

Compauble wlLh MySCL 3.6 buL wlLh lmprovemenLs. MySCL's parallel repllcauon can only
run Lransacuons for dlerenL daLabases ln parallel - each daLabase per slave ls slngle-
Lhreaded. 1he Marlau8 lmplemenLauon can run muluple Lransacuons wlLhln same
daLabase ln parallel. up Lo 10x repllcauon performance lmprovemenL vs. MySCL.


ln 10.0.
Allows Motlou8 to oct os o powetfol Joto collecuoo eoqloe fot 8l/OlAl ooJ ooolyucol
oppllcouoos. Mokes complex tepllcouoo otcbltectotes eoslet to ose ooJ moooqe.

Allows a slave daLabase server Lo repllcaLe from muluple masLer servers. lf you've spllL
your daLa over several masLers - muluple daLabases, appllcauons, shardlng - Mulu-source
8epllcauon can pull all Lhe daLa LogeLher onLo one slave for analyucs, backup, eLc.

ln 10.0.
<8.=#8 >&#/)#*-./
AJvooceJ tecbooloqy tbot mokes Motlou8s scole ooJ tepllcouoo feototes wotk.

Makes complex repllcauon hlerarchles such as Mulu-Source 8epllcauon and advanced
performance feaLures llke arallel Slave 8epllcauon posslble. 1ags evenLs wlLhln a
repllcauon hlerarchy wlLh a unlque, unlversal ldenuer spannlng muluple domalns, buL
sLrlcLly ordered wlLhln each domaln. MySCL 3.6's C1lu does noL allow for lndependenL
domalns, and Lhus ls llmlLed ln supporung complex repllcauon. Marlau8's C1lu ls more
powerful and exlble. hups://

ln 10.0.
ScalablllLy - conunued
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 3
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012345 0#&+#(65
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Allows u8As ooJ uevOps eoqloeets to spllt op blq Jotobose tobles octoss moluple setvets,
fot petfotmooce ooJ scole.

Splder ls a sLorage englne conLrlbuLed by a 3rd parLy. lL allows for a Lable Lo be sharded.
SupporLs xA Lransacuons. Shards may be repllcaLed for PA.

opuonal 3rd
parLy lnsLall

ln 10.0.
>#=8" 7#&--./+/BD
nelps u8As ooJ oJmlolsttotots moooolly potuuoo lotqe tobles octoss moluple fles oo o
sloqle setvet, teJocloq l/O cooteouoo ooJ ollowloq fot mote potollel ptocessloq.

1able paruuonlng leLs a u8A or admlnlsLraLor conLrol how a Lable ls spllL across muluple
CS les, for hlgher performance over large daLa seLs. 1he lmprovemenLs done ln MySCL
3.6 whlch have been merged Lo Marlau8 10.0 lnclude 1) LxCPAnCL A81l1lCn daLa ln a
paruuon can be moved Lo a non-paruuoned Lable and vlce versa, 2) querylng speclc
paruuons (expllclL paruuon selecuons)

ln 3.6.

ln 10.0.
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 4
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
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mptoves Motlou8s petfotmooce osloq o JtJ potty stotoqe eoqloe wltb oJvooceJ
loJexloq ooJ comptessloo. uses less clu, stotoqe, ooJ oetwotk tesootces, speeJloq
occess ooJ opJotes to Joto. coo moke lotqet tepllcouoo otcbltectotes wotk fostet.

lnLegraLed wlLh Marlau8 10, 1okuu8 uses advanced lndexlng and compresslon LhaL
allows for up Lo 20x fasLer updaLes/lnseruon, and up Lo 90 less Puu/ash. lasLer
updaLes/lnseruons reduce slave lag for repllcauon. hups://

3rd parLy

ln 10.0.
?E,&.9"A ?//.(6
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1be oew looou8 lo My5Ol 5.6 locloJes slqolfcoot lmptovemeots lo mooy oteos. 1bese
lmptovemeots bove beeo oJJeJ to Motlou8 10.0

1he new lnnou8 Lakes advanLage of Lhe laLesL enhancemenLs ln operaung sysLems and
hardware archlLecLures.

ln 3.6

ln 10.0.
AJJs o powetfol mooltotloq tool fot teol-ume petfotmooce moooqemeot, tbot coo be
oseJ botb by oJmlos ooJ by ootomouoo tools.

Allows a developer or u8A, or l1 auLomauon Loollng Lo dlrecLly monlLor performance of a
daLabase node ln real ume Lhrough querles Lo a monlLorlng Lable bullL lnLo Lhe sysLem.

ln 3.6.

ln 10.0.
?E,&.9"A $@&"#A
nelps Motlou8 booJle lotqet oombets of coocotteot osets e[cleotly.

lncrease Lhe scalablllLy of an lnsLance of Lhe daLabase server when Lhere are many
concurrenL connecuons. hups://
- only
ln LnLerprlse

avallable slnce
erformance - conunued
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 3
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
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Mokes Motlou8 too eveo fostet osloq losloo-lo 55us.

lmproves Lhe performance of luslon-lo SSus when used wlLh Marlau8. uses Lhe aLomlc
wrlLe feaLure of Lhe luslon-lo dlrecLlS le sysLem, and ellmlnaLes lnnou8 overhead Lo
guaranLee AClu conslsLency.

ln 10.0.
?/A","/A"/$ >#=8"
Mokes Motlou8s opumlzet wotk beuet, speeJloq poety ptocessloq.

lmproves opumlzauons by gaLherlng sLausucs for use by Lhe opumlzer abouL Lhe slze and
sLrucLure of Lables, lndependenL of speclc sLorage englne feaLures.

ln 10.0.

lets Motlou8s opumlzet speeJ op o lotqet tooqe of 5Ol opetouoos.

1hrough Lransformauon, apply exlsung opumlzauons Lo a broader range of SCL
sLaLemenLs. hups://
Marlau8 10 lncludes many opumlzauons noL ln MySCL 3.6 - for a compleLe llsL see

ln 10.0.

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nelps Motlou8s opumlzet locteose petfotmooce fot ooo-loJexeJ colomos lo tbe u8.

lmproves opumlzauons on columns wlLhouL lndexes, by capLurlng Lhe dlsLrlbuuon of
values on such columns and uslng LhaL dlsLrlbuuon Lo ad[usL Lhe query plan.

avallable slnce
noSCL Capablllues
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 6
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
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lowetfol coooecuoo tool, oble to oJopt Motlou8 to occess ooJ ptocess o wlJe tooqe of
volooble Joto fles ooJ sootces tbot woolJ otbetwlse be botJ to ose.

CCnnLC1 ls a exlble Lool Lo access dlverse daLa sources dynamlcally, lncludlng
unsLrucLured les such as log les ln a folder, or any daLabase wlLh an Cu8C connecLor,
from wlLhln Marlau8. hups://

ln 10.0.
2"I%"/*" )$.&#B"
osy occess to sepoeouol oometlc Joto loslJe poetles.

CreaLe numerlcal sequences LhaL are sLored ln memory and can be used ln your querles.
uocumenLauon: hups://

ln 10.0.
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use Joto ftom cossooJto olooqslJe Joto lo Motlou8, ooJ lotetopetote Jltectly wltb o
wlJely oJopteJ 8lq uoto tecbooloqy.

Comblne daLa from Apache Cassandra wlLh your daLa ln Marlau8, read and wrlLe
Cassandra daLa, and connecL many Marlau8 servers Lo one Cassandra rlng, creaung a
hlgh-avallablllLy clusLer. hups://

ln 10.0.

(1/#E+* O.8%E/)
use Motlou8 to stote ooJ ptocess oosttoctoteJ Joto slmllot to No5Ol Jotoboses.

uynamlc Columns sLore dlerenL, labeled daLa ob[ecLs ln each row of a Lable slmllar Lo
noSCL Lechnologles. hups://

ln 10.0.
noSCL Capablllues - conunued
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 7
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
nlqb petfotmooce, low-level occess to toble Joto. A bollJloq block fot sopblsucoteJ ooo-
telouoool Joto ptocessloq loslJe Motlou8.

PandlerSockeL glves you dlrecL access Lo lnnou8/xLrau8 and SluL8. lL supporLs slmple
C8uu operauons on Lables, wlLh subsLanually reduced Cu, dlsk, and neLwork usage
compared Lo ordlnary SCL query access Lo daLa.

ln 10.0.
1toospoteotly stotes Joto osloq memcocbeJ, o popolot key/voloe tecbooloqy, lo Jotobose
tobles, oJJloq Jotobose Jotoblllty to memcocbeJ, ooJ ollowloq 5Ol occess to
memcocbeJ Joto fot complex poetles ooJ ooolyucs.

An lnnou8 plug-ln LhaL dellvers a memcached lnLerface LhaL sLores and reLrleves daLa
from lnnou8 Lables uslng Lhe slmple, hlgh-performance memcached Al. 1urns Lhe
daLabase lnLo a key/value sLore for slngle-row C8uu operauons. erslsLs memcached
daLa ln lnnou8. Access memcached daLa Lhrough SCL sLaLemenLs.

ln 3.6.

23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 8
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
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5lmpllfes loteqtouoo of Joto lo oew stotoqe eoqloes, ellmloouoq extto wotk fot u8As.

lor sLorage englnes LhaL supporL Lhls capablllLy, Marlau8 10 lncludes Lhe ablllLy Lo use
Lables for whlch no expllclL C8LA1L 1A8LL sLaLemenL has been run. 1he Sequence and
lederaLedx sLorage englnes now supporL Lable dlscovery.

ln 10.0.
2LJP 74Q<?M2
osy woy to qet o soopsbot of lostolleJ Jotobose compooeots.

8eporLs lnformauon and lnsLallauon sLaLus on complled-ln and dynamlc plug-lns.

ln 10.0.
uevOps feotote ollows oppllcouoos to sbotJowo tbe Jotobose ptoqtommoucolly.

Added SPu1uCWn sLaLemenL Lo SCL synLax - shuLs a server down gracefully. Same
permlsslons as mysqladmln shuLdown. hups://

ln 10.0.
S+88 I%"&1 =1 I%"&1
lets u8As ot uevOps eoqloeets moooolly fx petfotmooce lssoes wbeo looq-toooloq
poetles block web oppllcouoos.

Allows a u8A or admln Lo klll a slngle query execuung on a connecuon/Lhread, wlLhouL
kllllng Lhe enure connecuon.

ln 10.0.
Cperauons - conunued
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 9
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
J/8+/" R4>C:
ctlucol uevOps feotote - ellmlootes Jowoume ooJ lets ptoJocuoo oppllcouoos keep
toooloq wbeo oew oppllcouoo feototes cbooqe Jotobose scbemos.

uo many of your schema changes wlLhouL lnLerrupung Lhe sysLem. MySCL 3.6 lnLroduces
Lhe concepL of onllne AL1L8, whlch has been merged Lo Marlau8 10.0

ln 3.6.

ln 10.0.

lets uevOps eoqloeets Jloqoose looq-toooloq poety lssoes oo toooloq, ptoJocuoo

Pelps developers and u8As dlagnose performance lssues. LeLs you geL Lhe query plan for
acuvely runnlng querles. Cpuonally, can auLomaucally run SPCW LxLAln on querles ln
Lhe slow query log and capLure Lhe plan ln Lhe log.

ln 10.0.
0"E.&1 2$#-)-*)
Clves uevOps eoqloeets o vlew loto u8 memoty moooqemeot fot tooloq ooJ ptoblem

Adds a memory usage column Lo Lhe processllsL, and allows Lhls value Lo be reLurned
Lhrough SPCW S1A1uS. uslng Lhls new feaLure, u8As and developers can evaluaLe per-
connecuon memory usage Lo dlagnose problems.

ln 10.0.
?E,&.9"A C&&.&
Mokes loq fles mocb eoslet to lotetptet fot fostet ptoblem solvloq.

All errors now lnclude descrlpuve LexL ln Lhe log, benemng boLh developers and u8As.

ln 10.0.
SecurlLy and Compllance
23.03.14 SkySCL Ab. 10
!"#$%&" (")*&+,-./
012345 0#&+#(65
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lo o uevOps eovltoomeot, ollows l1 opetouoos to petmlt Jevelopets to bove foe-qtolo
occess to cettolo Jotobose ocuvlues ooJ mooltots wltboot comptomlsloq secotlty.

u8As can now creaLe roles wlLh cerLaln permlsslons and asslgn users Lo Lhe roles.

ln 10.0.

R%A+$ 78%B+/
lJeoufy, Jloqoose, ooJ cottect poteouol secotlty bteocbes. comply wltb ooJltoblllty

1he Marlau8 AudlL lugln lnLroduces Lhe capablllues of Lracklng user access Lo daLa.
lollow ln real ume who's dolng whaL ln your daLabases.
- only
ln LnLerprlse

ln 10.0.
lets yoo Jeleqote ootbeoucouoo fot occess to tbe Jotobose to o popolot ootbeoucouoo
All (lAM) oseJ to ootbeoucote osets fot otbet oppllcouoos oo uolx-boseJ O5s.

1he plugln enables luggable AuLhenucauon Modules (AM) for Lhe daLabase server,
whlch ls an auLhenucauon framework used by Llnux, lree8Su, Solarls, and oLher
operaung sysLems. hups://

- only
ln LnLerprlse

slnce 3.3

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