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Max Burrous

Math 7
Period 6
Geometry of Stonehenge
The Geometry of Stonehenge
Stonehenge is one of the most visited places in England as well as one of the
most mysterious. It is one of the most ancient monuments but there are many
aspects of it that are unknown and may stay that way forever. However, learning
about the geometry of Stonehenge may help to understand its purpose. No one
knows exactly who built Stonehenge but some suspect it to have been the Greeks,
the Druids, or even aliens. History has shown that the Druids had used Stonehenge
as a place of worship and ritual as well as an ancient burial place. It was built
between 3000 and 2000 BC and it took an estimated 1500 years to build. It was built
out of different types of stones, the most amazing being Bluestones and Sarsen
stones, which originated up to 240 miles away. This meant the builder had to carry
these stones that were up to 4 tons each for over 240 miles. About 900 other henges
were built but Stonehenge was was the biggest and the most popular. The name
Stone henge is known to come from the meaning floating stone.
In a recent publication Solving Stonehenge it is revealed that every stone
corresponds to a mirrored symmetrical plan. This is evidence that geometry played
a role in every phase of construction. This geometry made Stonehenge flawless and
mathematically precise. Studies have shown that it marks the alignment of the moon,
stars, sun, and weather periods. On mid summer mornings, the first rays of sun
would go on top of the heel stone and hit the exact center of the monument. This
shows how advanced the builders were with there mathematics.
There was math used throughout the design and it was reflected in the
geometrical form of the stones; their height, width, shape, distance apart and
orientation. The most amazing fact is in that every part of the building has been
revolves around the number three. Stonehenge is formed with a circle and a
hexagon and a 56 sided polygon. It also has an inner horseshoe that was formed
with a trilithon. The building was also related to the speed of light, because the 56
holes encircling the center its radius is related to the speed of light. While the outer
circle constructed of 30 monoliths related to the square of the reciprocal of the
speed of light.
There were thirty beams in all, but only ten reached the apex. Every third
beam was 56ft long. The remaining beams were shorter, at 48ft long. These were
supported by cross members at the top, just short of the apex itself. Connecting the
beams were three rings of cross members. The first ring, which is the largest, can be
measured as being at half the height of the building. The second ring of cross
members is at two thirds the height of the building and the third is where the roof
covering would end. This made a window that direct light could penetrate virtually
the whole of the interior. From the level of the lintels of the outer Sarsens, a
further thirty beams formed a buttress. At ground level, these formed the shape of a
star. The distance between each point of the star equals the height of the building.
The height of the Sarsen Circle is exactly one third of the overall height of the
building. The distance from the Sarsen Circle to the stone footings of the buttresses
is one third of the diameter of the Circle. From the center of Stonehenge, the
distance to the Sarsen Circle is exactly the height of the building.
Though there is so much still not known about Stonehenge, one thing is for
sure it took multiple civilizations over 1500 years to build Stonehenge. It was used
for many purposes but it is the math and geometric formula behind the design and
the materials that has made it unique and one of the most mysterious monuments
still today .


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