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Unit 2: Reading Questions (chapters 6)

1. French motives in the New World included the desire to

a. compete with Spain for an empire in America.
b. provide a place for French religious dissenters to settle.
c. establish agricultural communities to produce profitable staple crops.
d. convert Indians to Protestantism.
2. en!amin Fran"lin#s plan for colonial home rule was re!ected b$ the
individual colonies because
a. it did not seem to give enough independence to the colonies.
b. it did not provide for the common defense.
c. the$ did not feel that the$ had been well represented at the Alban$
d. the ritish approved it.
&. In the colonial wars before 1'()* Americans
a. demonstrated an astonishing lac" of unit$.
b. received more support from France than ritain.
c. were not involved in combat.
d. functioned as a unified fighting force.
). France had to give up its vision of a North American New France when
a. +ing ,ouis -I. died.
b. it was defeated b$ the ritish in 1'1& and 1'/&.
c. farming proved to be unprofitable.
d. its fishing industr$ faltered.
(. In the peace arrangements that ended the French and Indian War*
a. France surrendered all of its territorial claims to North America.
b. 0ngland turned Florida over to Spain.
c. Spain ceded all of ,ouisiana* including New 1rleans* to ritain.
d. France lost all its valuable sugar islands in the West Indies.
/. France was finall$ able to !oin in the scramble for colonies in the New World
as a result of the
a. Protestant ta"eover of the French government.
b. revocation of the 0dict of Nantes.
c. St. artholomew#s 2a$ 3assacre.
d. end of the religious wars.
'. 4overnment in New France 5%anada6 was
a. almost completel$ autocratic.
b. noted for its trial b$ !ur$.
c. democratic.
d. similar to that of the 0nglish colonies.
7. A "e$ reason France needed to control the 1hio .alle$ was to
a. stop Spain from e8tending its empire.
b. help win the War of 9en"ins#s 0ar.
c. stop the Indian attac"s on its outposts.
d. lin" its %anadian holdings with those of the lower 3ississippi .alle$.
:. New 0ngland colonists were outraged when ritish diplomats returned
;;;;;;;;;; to France in 1')7.
a. <udson a$ c. Newfoundland
b. ,ouisbourg d. Acadia
Unit 2: Reading Questions (chapters 6)
1=. 2uring the French and Indian War*
a. colonial militiamen were impressed with the seeming invincibilit$ of the
ritish regulars.
b. ritish officials were disturbed b$ thelu"ewarm support of man$ colonials.
c. ritish officers praised the s"illful fighting abilit$ of colonial troops.
d. the colonists lost confidence in their own militar$ capabilit$.
11. >he French wanted to control ,ouisiana because the$
a. would then control the mouth of the 3ississippi.
b. feared 2utch e8pansion into the territor$.
c. wanted to "eep the area unfortified.
d. li"ed its climate.
12. 2uring a generation of peace following the 1'1& >reat$ of ?trecht* ritain
provided its American colonies with
a. a large militar$ presence for protection.
b. decades of salutar$ neglect.
c. all of these.
d. higher ta8es passed b$ Parliament.
1&. When William Pitt became prime minister during the French and Indian War* he
a. ended Parliament#s practice of reimbursing the colonies for their war@
related e8penditures.
b. focused his militar$ strateg$ on the capture of French %anada.
c. relied heavil$ on the older* more cautious generals in the ritish Arm$.
d. ordered a full@scale assault on the French West Indies.
1). As a result of 4eneral raddoc"#s defeat a few miles from Fort 2uAuesne*
a. 4eorge Washington was left without a militar$ command.
b. 4eneral raddoc" was forced to leave the militar$.
c. the ritish controlled the frontier.
d. the frontier from Penns$lvania to North %arolina was open to Indian
1(. ?nli"e the first three Anglo@French wars* the French and Indian War
a. was fought initiall$ on the North American continent.
b. won the ritish territorial concessions.
c. did not affect American colonists# attitudes toward 0ngland.
d. united ritish colonists in strong support of the mother countr$.
1/. >he ritish invasion of %anada in 1'(/ during the French and Indian War
a. resulted in victor$ for ritain.
b. followed sound strategic planning.
c. concentrated on Buebec and 3ontreal.
d. ended in defeat.
1'. >he soldier and e8plorer whose leadership earned him the title CFather of New
FranceC was
a. 2es 3oines. c. Antoine %adillac.
b. Dobert de ,a Salle. d. Samuel de %hamplain.
17. >he immediate purpose of the Alban$ %ongress of 1'() was to
a. prevent the French from attac"ing American outposts.
b. reAuest the help of the ritish militar$.
c. "eep the IroAuois tribes lo$al to the ritish.
d. support 4eorge Washington#s desire to head the colonial militia.

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