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Desert Oasis

Sabina Bacino
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
The hot desert oasis is very tropical
surrounded by palm trees with
bright green leaves and the endless
sandy mountains. The blinding sand
makes traveling difcult. At sea
level, the tall and bold palm trees re-
This is the Desert Oasis
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
ect off of the crystal blue waters beneath. The wa-
ter is so clear you could see right through to
where the little, colorful shes swim. The majestic
water are reeds that stick up reaching for the sky
above. The beaming hot sun pounds against your
skin as if you are in lava. There is sometimes a
faint breeze, which eventually leads to sand
storms. The sand blows everywhere, blinding
eyes. Across the sky is a baby blue, silky blanket
knitted for a young boy. The humid air makes it
hard to breathe. The camels traveling through the
mountainous sand carry settlers and their things
for trade. Misty mornings come, which are some-
times the only cool parts of the day. Waking up
and looking over the mountains, while hoping to
see new land. The evenings are quiet with the
faintest sound of birds chirping, from a land not
too far away. So still like a single ower standing
still in a hurricane of madness. A heat wave hits
skin like you have been struck by lightning, and
as you kneel to the oor after a full day of work;
the sand scratches against bare skin. The beautiful
paradise looks like a dream, but one wrong turn
and everything can go wrong. Upon this land will
be born the civilization of Bacino Waters. A civili-
zation whose
design has been inspired from the study
of past civilizations such as the Mayans,
the Aztecs, the Romans, the Greeks, the
Arabs, and many more. This book will
document the steps needed to be taken
for the design of a successful civilization;
specically in regards to modications of
the physical environment, infrastructure
development, and the favorable characteristics of
government, spiritual belief systems, and culture.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
We need the tonic of wildness...At the same time that we are earnest to explore and learn all things, we require
that all things be mysterious and unexplorable, that land and sea be indenitely wild, unsurveyed and
unfathomed by us because unfathomable. We can never have enough of nature.
! Henry David Thoreau, Walden: Or, Life in the Woods
The Mesopotamians used chinampas (oating gardens) so they could have more land to farm.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Part I - Analysis of the Problem
The initial step in building a successful civiliza-
tion is to secure basic human needs such as food
and water. Due to its geographic location, the ma-
jor challenges that the civilization of Bacino Wa-
ters faces in attaining a sufcient supply of food
include the following:
1. The water in the oasis may not be clean and
there is a limited amount, so it will have to be con-
served. If the people of Bacino Waters do not con-
Image 1.1
The tropical desert oasis
Civilization changes the lands
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
serve the water, it will run out and people could
die from thirst. The water could also be dirty and
if dirty water is drank, a disease could spread
through the civilization. Without water, the peo-
ple could not bathe, drink, and it would be very
difcult to live.
2. Another problem is food. With the very lim-
ited amount of everything, it will be very hard to
survive. Bacino Waters does not contain many sh
in the oasis and the civilization will have to nd a
way to catch the sh. In the desert, very few trees
grow, this means that there are a small amount of
coconuts, and there is no land for farming. Ani-
mals rarely travel to the desert oasis, so hunting is
rarely an option. This complicates the problem.
Without the right amount of food and water, the
people of the civilization could get sick and die.
3. With the small amount of recourses for cloth-
ing, the hot sun can cause skin cancer and without
the right clothing (to protect skin), a lot could go
wrong. The only recourses to make clothing with
are the trees, coconuts, and reeds. That is not a lot
to protect peoples skin in the hot desert. The peo-
ple of Bacino Waters must nd a way to create ma-
terials to protect skin from the changing climate.
Bacino Waters are very open with nothing stop-
ping predators from entering. This means it can
be very dangerous. This tropical oasis has no pro-
tection from the mysteries beyond it. If dangerous
animals come to the civilization, people could get
hurt, or if another civilization tries to attack,
Bacino Waters has nothing holding it back. People
will have to nd a way to protect the land.
Part II - Proposed Solutions
In order for a civilization to prosper, the people of
the civilization will have to be able to modify the
geographic area around it in order for the people
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
of Bacino Waters to develop a consistent, and reli-
able food supply. An environmental modication
is when the civilization changes the environment
to t its needs. For example, building earth steps
into hills to create more at land for farming, just
like the Greeks did (Frey 249 & 250). Another ex-
ample of physical modication to the land is to
create irrigation systems to provide water for the
elds, and building
reservoirs for
more stored water
and later use. If a
civilization cannot
modify their land
to t basic needs
(food and water),
it will never thrive.
Being that the civilization of Bacino Waters is
located in a desert oasis, there is little land to
plant food and crops. Bacino Waters have several
problems the civilization of Bacino Waters had to
phase. One is that there is no land for farming be-
cause of the hot sand lying across the land. All
the food is limited. To x this problem, Bacino Wa-
ter farmers built oating gardens, or chinampas,
in the water, just like the Aztecs did (Frey 274-75).
The Aztecs
Image 1.3 - Irrigation Systems
These are the irrigation systems the Mesopotamians used to supply the land
with water.
Image 1.2 - Chinampas
These are the chinampas the Aztecs
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
constructed these gardens from mud and plants.
The way these gardens were made was when the
Aztecs brought wasteland under the water by
sinking timbers to serve purpose as walls. Then
lling in the area between the timbers with mud,
boulders, and reeds, which came to be chinampas.
This made more land for planting crops, which
helped increase the food massively.
Another problem Bacino Waters had was the wa-
ter. The water in the oasis is limited. The environ-
mental modications made by the people of
Bacino Waters were similar to the environmental
modications made by the Mesopotamians (Frey
37). The Mesopotamians made irrigations sys-
tems, which supplied the land with lots of water.
Irrigation systems passed through many villages
as it carried water from the river to the elds. To
make the irrigation systems, farmers got together
and cleared silt from the canals to keep from clog-
ging. Farmers also scooped water from one reser-
voir to another to make sure the water levels were
balanced. Everyone collaborated to make this gi-
ant water source.
Bacino Waters are very out in the open. There are
no boundaries to who comes in our out. This can
be very dangerous. The solution to this problem
was that the civilization built walls for protection
like the Mesopotamians (Frey 34-39). The Mesopo-
tamians built strong walls around the cities. The
walls were made of mud bricks that were baked
in the sun until it hardened. People still use things
like this today. For example, putting a gate around
a house to keep strangers from getting in and pets
from running away.
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Another problem having to do with protection is
nding shelter. A place to sleep and live. The peo-
ple of Bacino Waters built underground houses
just like the Arabs (Frey 77-80).
Image 1.4 - Strong Walls
These are the strong walls that the ancient Mesopotamians used to pro-
tect their city.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
The rst duty of government is to protect the powerless from the powerful.

Law and Government
Image 2.1 Hammurabi
This is Hammurabis coin.
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Lessons on Democracy
An important lesson to learn from
Athens is to let all citizens be equal.
In Athens, a Direct Democracy
around 500 B.C.E. treated all citizens
equally. To be considered a citizen in
Athens, people had to be free men
over the age of 18, who were born in

Maintaining Civil Order
Athens Democracy
Image 2.2 Athens Democracy
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Athens. In the Athenian government, a direct de-
mocracy is a type of government where every citi-
zen can vote on every issue. In order for every citi-
zen to take part in the citys government equally,
each year, the names of all citizens 30 years or
older were collected. 500 of those names were
chosen. This was the Council of 500. They would
run the business of government and suggest new
laws. The assembly would then approve the laws
proposed by the council. The assembly, or law-
making group, would meet every 10 days on a
hill. In order for an assembly to take place, there
had to be at least 6,000 citizens at the meeting. As
Frey states, If not enough people showed up,
slaves would round up more citizens with ropes
dipped in red paint. Men were embarrassed to ap-
pear at the meeting with their clothes stained with
red marks (Frey 261). According to Frey, Any
free man could speak in the Assembly and vote on
a new law or a proposal to go to war (Frey 257).
Athenss government is like our U.S government
by being democratic. The only difference is that
our government is a representative democracy,
and the Athenian government is direct. The differ-
ence is that a representative democracy is diverse
and founded on the principle of elected ofcials
representing a group of people. Therefore, we
learned to let all citizens be equal, so now, all of
the citizens of Bacino Waters will be treated
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
A lesson from Sparta is the adoption of an age
limit for how old you have to be to take part in
the Spartan government. To be part of the Spartan
government, citizens had to be over the age of 60
and from a noble family.
This means there was no room for amateurs; hope-
fully the government would be ofcial, and
only intelligent men would be part of it. In Sparta
they had the Council of Elders. As Frey states,
The Council of Elders consisted of two kings and
28 other men. The two kings inherited their posi-
tion and shared equal powers. The other 28 mem-
bers, in the council of elders, were elected by the
assembly (Frey 265). During the election to
choose the men to serve in the Council of Elders,
they had a method of doing it. According to Frey,
The candidates who received the loudest support
were elected (265). The men in the Council of Eld-
ers would serve for life. They had a lot of power
too. They prepared laws for the Assembly to vote
on and could stop any laws they didnt like that
were passed by the Assembly. The Assembly was
made of male citizens in Sparta. Although the As-
sembly was large, they had very little power, and
the people of the assembly could only vote yes or
no. They could not debate. We still have age limits
today. In the U.S., we have to be 18 or older to
council of 500
Image 2.3 Council of 500
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
vote on who we believe the president should be,
and a Presidential candidate has to be at least 35
years old to run for ofce. In conclusion, a lesson
learned from
Sparta is how
important the
law of age limits
can be.
An important lesson to learn from the Roman Re-
public is how you should never underestimate
the lower class. In Rome there were two main
types of people, Patricians and Plebeians. The Pa-
tricians were a small group of wealthy landown-
ers and upper-class men who made up 5% of the
population. The Plebeians were the lower-class
men. They were mostly peasants, laborers, crafts-
people, and shopkeepers. They had no say in the
government and made up 95% of the population.
The patricians did not treat the plebeians fairly, so
the plebeians got together and rebelled. This was
called the Conict of Orders. The Conict of Or-
ders is when the plebeians wanted more political
rights. As Frey states, Angry over their lack of
power, the plebeians marched out of the city and
camped on a nearby hill. They refused to come
back until the patricians met their demands
(Frey 319). Patricians soon got worried and real-
ized that
the plebeians made up most of their civilizations
army, and if they were attacked, they would have
no one to ght back. They soon came to the conclu-
sion that they would have to compromise. The ple-
beians began to earn more rights. They got to elect
Tribunes to speak for them and Council of the
Plebs to create laws supporting them. They later
gained the power to veto. More things began to
council of elders
Image 2.4 Council of Elders
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
get better for the plebs. Although they had some
rights, they still had less power than the patricians
so they demanded more. As Frey states, Over the
next 200 years, the plebeians used a series of pro-
tests to gradually win political equality (Frey
320). The plebs rst demanded the laws to be writ-
ten down. This was called The Twelve Tables.
The Twelve Tables stated that laws must be writ-
ten down. As time went by, Plebeians kept on gain-
ing rights. By 287 B.C.E., plebeians gained the
right to not only pass laws for themselves, but for
all Roman citizens. They then gained lots of
power. Just like today, Rome had a representative
democracy just like we do today in the United
States. A lesson learned from the Roman govern-
ment is to never underestimate people who may
look weak, because all of their work put together
can turn out to be something big. In the civiliza-
tion of Bacino Waters, citizens will never underes-
timate anyone, and always believe in themselves,
as well as others.
Codes of Laws
There are many threats that can affect the civiliza-
tion Bacino Waters, and solid laws will help keep
the citizens tamed, keep the civilization safe, and
Image 2.5 Plebeians in War
This is a painting of the Plebeians ghting in war.The plebe-
ians made up most of Romes army.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
make Bacino Waters a great, and enjoyable place
to live. Some major threats are crimes such as theft
and murder, unequal rights, overthrow/
corruption of the government, not enough mili-
tary, medical care (taxes), and not enough re-
courses to give to the people.
There is a whole book of laws, but these are
the 5 most important ones:
I. Anyone under the age of 18 cannot participate
in the government.
II. Murder and theft is illegal, if accused you
must show up to court. If you do not go to court
you shall be publicly harassed. If you commit
theft, you shall return the item or pay the person
back of whom you stole from.
III. Citizens must pay taxes for others medical
care, if a citizen refuses to pay their taxes, their
family and them will not get any help from the
civilization in the future.
IV. Everyone has equal rights; if someone has less
rights thapn another, they will be granted more
V. A citizen must get approval to modify the en-
vironment and if a person does not follow this
law, nes will be played, and the citizen would
have to do community service for a year.
These laws and penalties will create a successful
civilization by telling people the way to live and
showing them that if citizens do not follow these
laws, and if citizens disobey the laws, the govern-
ment will take it seriously and there will be conse-
quences. In Hammurabis code, people learned
how to live from its harsh laws, and exact punish-
ments. This set of laws will do the same with the
civilization of Bacino Waters.
Just like now a days, people have important
laws that they have to follow important laws just
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
like citizens had to do in their civilizations back
Political Leadership of Julius Caesar
An important lesson to learn from Caesar is in or-
der to have a successful civilization, you have to
make the citizens like you, just like he did. Politi-
cal leaders can learn that while ruling a civiliza-
tion, there are steps you have to take in order to
get on top. For example, one historian tells us that
Caesar was made dictator for a 10-year period
and he instantly became the most powerful gure
in the Republic. When he was dictator, he did
many things that made citizens love him and
things that raised his status. One thing he did was
that he gave work to thousands of Romans by
making new buildings and roads, and to keep the
poor happy, he staged entertainment, gladiator
contests, for free in public for all citizens. Caesar
paid for it all.
Caesar also stopped the use of slavery in certain
areas and provided jobs for the poor. For the
landless peasants, and soldiers who had fought
with him, he gave land to
them. This made Caesar very popular and loved.
Caesar started to become more popular day by
day. Eventually, he started to act like
a king. In fact, he practically was a king, but he
was not called one. Some things that made him
seem like king upset citizens, but other things
were just because of his ambition. As part of his
ambition he stamped his face on coins. He had his
statue put in the temple and wore royal purple.
One day Caesar wanted to see if his people would
accept him being crowned king. He and his sec-
ond hand man Mark Anthony called up a meeting
with all citizens. Mark Anthony put a crown on
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Caesars head to see what the crowds reaction
would be.
They all booed
him angrily.
Then he re-
moved the
crown and they
cheered. They
tried this a sec-
ond time, but he
got the same re-
sults. He re-
mained unof
cially king. As time went by Caesar started to
claim new lands. He was becoming so powerful
and the Senators began to worry. As Political Lead-
ership of Caesar Augustus states, The aristocrats
of Rome and many Senators feared that if Cae-
sars power continued, the republican govern-
ment would never be restored and Caesar would
hand down his leadership to an heir. The sena-
tors then made a plan to murder Caesar, and they
did, on March 15, 44 B.C.E. Caesar was attacked
and stabbed him 23 times. They thought this
would make the people of Rome happy, but they
were very wrong. The people of Rome were furi-
ous. They loved Caesar and were ready to rebel.
The senators were forced to ea Rome. Because of
Caesars actions, Political leaders as well as the
citizens of Bacino Waters have learned that if you
make citizens like you, your civilization will
thrive, but dont get too carried away or someone
may turn on you.
Political Leadership of Augustus
Augustus taught the people of Rome many les-
sons including the importance of keeping citizens
happy, giving them freedom, info structure, and
Image 2.6 Julius Caesar
This is the political leader Julius Caesar and
the Senate made him dictator for a 10-year
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
their basic human needs; in addition we can learn
from his strict laws that the people did not always
love him for. Augustus followed in Caesars steps,
but made sure to not make the same mistakes Cae-
sar did. Augustus was loved just like Caesar was.
Augustus did a lot of the same things Caesar did
when he ruled. According to the article Political
Leadership of Caesar Augustus, Augustus did all
of the things he could to make Rome a better
place. As the article states, To show prosperity of
his reign, Augustus began a program to make
Rome safer and more beautiful. This program in-
cluded 82 temples and building statues, theaters,
and a large outdoor arena, or forum. One of the
buildings built by Augustus became very famous.
It was called the Pantheon. The Pantheon was
built to serve as a temple to all the Gods of Rome,
and because of actions like these, Augustus was
greatly loved and respected. Augustus learned
from Caesar that citizens didnt want a king. He
would never ask for that title, but he still wanted
an important place in leaders help. Instead, he re-
ferred to himself as First Citizen. He knew
what happened when the Senate turned on Cae-
sar, and Augustus wanted to make sure that
didnt happen to him so, as Political Leadership
of Caesar Augustus states, To ensure loyalty of
the army, he had every soldier swear allegiance to
him, rather than the Senate. He also made some-
thing called the Praetorian Guard. The Praetorian
were special units made up of 500-1,000 soldiers
each! They were all responsible for protecting
him. Although Augustus did all of these great
things for Rome, he also was too strict at times.
He made ridiculous rules having to do with mar-
riage, divorce, and childbearing. He promoted
marriage and having children, but if citizens were
not married and didnt have children, these citi-
zens lost the right to inherit money and property.
If citizens were married and had many children,
the result would be tax relief. Another law citizens
did not like was mentioned as Political Leader-
ship of Caesar Augustus. The article states,
Augustus also issued laws, or edicts, that at-
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
tempted to ban im-
public displays. For
example, theater audi-
ences had to refrain
from rowdy behavior.
Actors could not en-
gage in conduct that
might offend family
values. Citizens be-
lieved some of these
rules were too harsh,
and limited their free-
doms. Aside from that Augustus did so many
great things to improve Rome. Augustus ruled for
41 years. People loved him, and followed Caesars
steps to success. When he died, the Romans hon-
ored him as a god. The civilization of Bacino Wa-
ters learned that if a leader is loved, and follows
the right steps to success, you will be loved, and
maybe even worshiped.
This is the Political Leader Caesar
Augustus and he was claimed to be
First Citizen.
Image 2.1 Augustus Ceaesar
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Decline of Western Rome
Ut Desiderium Romanum
Western Rome was a huge empire with many
different emperors, and a vast territory, but many
problems lead to the decline; although many prob-
lems such as the urban decay and unemployment
affected Romes downfall, the main problem
cause Rome to go down in tears, and this problem
was military spending. The military was a very
important part of the Roman Empire. In order to
provide the Military with what was needed, it af-
fected others including the government. As De-
cline of the Western Roman Empire states, Main-
taining an army to defend the border of the Em-
pire from barbarian attacks was a constant drain
on the government. The reason for this is be-
cause, in order to pay for the army means more
taxes for citizens of Rome. It also left little re-
courses for other important activities and needs,
such as providing public housing and maintain-
ing quality roads and aqueducts. This made the
Roman citizens frustrated, and soon, citizens lost
the desire to defend the Empire. Eventually the
empire began to hire soldiers from the unem-
ployed city mobs, or even from foreign countries.
This army was not trustworthy, or reliable, but
still happened to be very expensive. The emperors
In 476 B.C.E., the last emperor in the west was driven from his
throne. The western half of the empire began to dissolved into sepa-
rate kingdoms. They were ruled by different tribes.
Image 2.2 Decline Of Western Rome
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
were forced to once again raise taxes, which made
citizens furious. This lead to the Western Roman
Empires downfall, because as we learned from
Caesar and Augustus, you citizens are upset with
you, your civilization will never thrive.
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As a man believes, so he will act.
-Sam Harris
Belief Systems
Type to enter text
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The Key to Moral Values
It is important to have a belief system because in
order for a civilization to thrive, people need a be-
lief system; it teaches citizens moral values, pro-
motes good, and sets boundaries. A belief system
helps children as well as adults learn how to love,
be kind, be happy, and live in a safe environment.
A belief system teaches people to be respectful,
follow the rules, and how to behave. Without a be-
lief system, citizens will harm each other and do
Figure 3.1 Easter Island Heads
Impact of Belief Systems
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
wrong, and things could get chaotic. In history, a
civilization has never thrived without a belief sys-
tem. It promotes good; for example, it encourages
people to follow the laws of Bacino Waters civili-
zation. With a belief system, there will be no vio-
lence, and peace will reign all over. Stealing will
not occur, and the citizens will be safe. Citizens
will enjoy where they live, and the people they
live with. Belief systems are the key factor to a suc-
cessful, thriving civilization. In order to better un-
derstand the importance of belief systems within
a civilization and how they can inuence the ac-
tions and decisions of a people, please consider
the following moral dilemma: In 1842, a ship
struck an iceberg and more than 30 survivors
were crowded into a lifeboat intended to hold 7.
As a storm threatened, it became obvious that the
lifeboat would have to be lightened if anyone
were to survive. The captain reasoned that the
morally right thing to do in this situation was to
force some individuals to go over the side and
drown. Since the only possibility for rescue re-
quired great efforts of rowing, the captain decided
that the weakest would have to be sacriced.
They, after all, would be the one most likely to die
anyways. In Hinduism the people in the boat
would not support the captains decision because
Hinduism is about respect, non-violence, and no
bullying/harm. This proves that making people
jump out of the lifeboat and drown is against Hin-
duisms beliefs. As
Frey states, Hindus
believe that all life
forms have a soul, so
Hindus respect all
forms of life and
avoid doing them
harm, Making some-
one jump out of the
lifeboat is not follow-
ing Hindu beliefs.
This is the ways of
dharma. As Frey
states, To follow
Dharma is the teaching or religion of
Hinduism. To follow ones dharma means
to live as one should.
Image 3.1 Dharma
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
ones dharma means to perform ones duties and
so to live as one should. This means to respect all
forms of life and respect others life. Forcing some-
one to jump out of a boat and sacrice their own
life for your own good is not following dharma. If
you do not follow the law of dharma, you will get
karma, which explains the importance of living ac-
cording to dharma. According to Frey, Karma
governs what happens to peoples soul in the after
death. Hindus believed his or her soul was re-
born into a new body
after death, and this is
dependent on the souls
karma. If people do
bad, they get reborn
into a lower caste, and
if you do good you get
reborn into a higher
caste, which sets you
up to have a better life.
People are living
things, not bait. There-
fore, with the Hindu teachings of respecting all
forms of life, the passengers would not agree with
the captains idea.
In Buddhism, Buddhists would not support the
captains idea because Buddhism is a very peace-
In Confucianism there is a system called the Five Basic Relationships
which says to respect those above you.
Image 3.3 Confucianism
The Eightfold Path is a list of eight
actions that must be practiced.
Image 3.2 Buddhism: The Eight-
fold Path
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
ful practice. In the Eightfold Path, Right Action
clearly states, Do not kill, steal, or lie. Be honest
(Frey 159). The rst part in this passage states to
not kill. In Buddhism, they believe in enlighten-
ment and selessness. Making another human
jump out of a lifeboat for the sake of your own
needs is a selsh act and that causes suffering.
That is not following the path to enlightenment.
So, because of this the passengers on the boat
would not agree with the captain. Throwing liv-
ing human beings overboard is wrong and selsh
for a Buddhist.
On the other hand, Confucius would agree with
the captain because Frey makes the claim that,
According to Confucianism, there are ve basic
relationships: ruler and subject, husband and
wife, father and son, older sibling and younger sib-
ling, and friend and friend. All people must re-
spect and obey those above them. In this case, the
captain is the ruler and the passengers are the sub-
jects. They must obey the ruler. If the weakest per-
son is lower in the basic relationships, then he or
she must obey the captain. If that means jumping
off the boat and sacricing, it is part of Confucian
belief to do that. If following the teachings of Con-
fucianism, it is the passengers moral obligation to
do as the captain orders.
As you can see, it is very important to have a be-
lief system if you want a successful civilization.
Having a belief system shows moral values and
supports the type of civilization that will develop.
The civilization of Bacino Waters would want to
be known for loyalty, humor, freedom, respect,
and love. These 5 things will tell citizens how to
behave and live in their civilization. A belief sys-
tem knows what is right and wrong; it shows the
proper behavior and sets the rules straight. It de-
scribes a civilization and shows what it is all
about. In order for a civilization to thrive, having
a belief system is key.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Moral Values
In an effort to create a successful civilization, the
people of Bacino Waters have established their
own belief system. This belief system shares simi-
lar moral values and teachings with other world
religions and helps the people of Bacino Waters
know right from wrong, how to behave, and form
them into good, fair, and behaved citizens. The
moral values that the civilization of Bacino Waters
will be known for are trust, peace, and respect.
These moral values are very important because
each word represents an important quality for
Bacino Waters civilization to have. Citizens are a
big part of having a civilization and if the civiliza-
tion is going to thrive, citizens need to know
boundaries and moral values. Citizens who are
trustworthy, loyal, and lled with peace will con-
tribute massively to succeeding. Here are some ex-
The rst tenet in the belief system to the people of
Bacino Waters is called Truzo. Truzo stands for
The 10 Commandments are a set of principles relating to law that the
Christians were to follow.
Image 3.4 Christianity: 10 Commandments
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Truthful and it is specically prominence to be-
ing loyal, letting others know that they can count
on you, and never to lie. Bacinos gain Truzo by go-
ing to confession monthly. During this time, Baci-
nos go to a sacred place and tell their god how
they have sinned by kneeling down before him.
Bacinos will then perform a ritual by preforming a
series of actions based on a prescribed order. Dur-
ing confession they ask god for his forgiveness.
Bacinos will think about what they have done
wrong and prom-
ise they will not
do it again.
Threw this they
notice that their
actions were
wrong and feel
guilt for what
they did. Truzo
is a good and re-
spective way to
be cleared from
sins. No lying is one of the 10 Commandments in
Christianity so it is very important to be truthful.
Just like the 10 Commandments is meant to pre-
vent lying and promote truthfulness and trust, so
is Truzo for the citizens of Bacino Waters. Being
able to tell the truth is one thing, but telling the
truth about what you have done wrong is hard to
do; Truzo will help to do it. After you confess
your sins it feels better and the guilt begins to de-
crease. Truzo makes for a better civilization be-
cause it teaches citizens that telling the truth is
very important in order to get along with other
citizens and function in Bacino Waters.
Being respectful is a very important quality for a
citizen to have. You have respect for family,
friends, and acquaintances. Respect is very impor-
tant and should always be used. That is why it is
important to have Esqua or Respect. The citi-
zens of Bacino Waters practice Esqua by doing 2
chores a day that their parents or siblings would
The 5 basic relationships was a system to let
citizens understand to respect those above
Image 3.5 Confucianism
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
usually do. This shows a sign of respect to their
elders and shows a sign of respect and thankful-
ness. Kids and teens can do simple chores around
the house like cleaning and gardening so their par-
ents can take a break for a while. Adults can offer
to do community service or work a longer shift
during their work. It is important to respect those
above you in the ve basic relationships. As Frey
States, According to Confucianism, there are ve
basic relationships: ruler and subject, husband
and wife, father and son, older sibling and
younger sibling, and friend and friend. All people
must respect and obey those above them (208).
Esqua respects this rule and encourages it. Doing
these chores twice a day shows a sign of respect,
that you do things for people with a higher status,
and you respect everyone, but especially them.
Esqua is important in a civilization because it tells
citizens who to respect and show gratitude to-
wards, it also shows how to do so.
Lastly, there is the practice Isse, which symbolizes
peace. Isse demonstrates how to live peacefully,
and be happy. It teaches the quality of quietness
and nonviolence. To practice Isse, you go to a
quiet part of town and sit down alone to meditate.
Bacinos will sit down with their legs crossed and
gently place their hands on their knees; palms up.
They will then close their eyes and try to envision
a place that is peaceful, or a safe place with happy
and calm people. It is not meditating to a god, but
meditating so you can feel the purity of peace. Ac-
cording to Frey, Right purpose is to live a life of
selessness (not selshness), love, and nonvio-
lence (159). This is part of the Eightfold Path. Fol-
lowing the Eightfold Path is a necessity to nding
enlightenment for Buddhists. By practicing Isse
you will get the opportunity to follow the path to
enlightenment. By following the path to enlighten-
ment you will live a peaceful and just life lled
with happiness and nonviolence. Isse is the prac-
tice of nding peace. It is important to practice
Isse in a civilization because a peaceful civiliza-
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
tion makes for a
great one.
The Moai
In the civilization of
Bacino Waters, a sa-
cred place based on
the Moai in Easter Is-
land will be a sacred
place for citizens to
reect whenever
they want or talk to
their god/gods. It is
also a perfect spot
for practicing Isse,
or daily meditation.
In Bacino Waters
their version of the
heads will be called Isse Heads. Isse is the practice
of meditation that is based on Buddhist belief. The
Moai is another name for the Easter Island Heads.
It was a ceremonial place where you could com-
municate with the gods. This communication was
necessary for guidance and acceptance. The citi-
zens of Bacino Waters will use a similar form of
communication, known as meditation. The citi-
zens meditation will focus on self-meditation
and communication. Bacinos feel that the running
of a successful community is one in which the peo-
ple known themselves the best. This personal un-
derstanding will allow for a peaceful environ-
ment. Having communication within oneself less-
ens stress, reduces judgments, and lessens the de-
sire for violence. Once a day, citizens go to the Isse
Heads and meditate. This meditation gives time
for citizens to push aside daily distractions and
provides time to focus on the development and en-
ergy of ones own spirit. This embodies the prac-
tice of Isse. According to Gray, M, they (the
Moai) were not only symbols. To the people who
erected and used them, they were actual reposito-
ries of sacred spirit. The Isse Heads in Bacino Wa-
ters are similar to the real Easter Island heads in
Meditation was a way of following the
path to enlightenment for Buddhists.
Image 3.6 Buddhism: Meditation
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
that they symbolize the sacred spirit and provide
a center gathering space in which the practice of
meditation can be performed. The Moai are ar-
ranged in a straight line. Unlike this, Isse Heads
are arranged in a circle. The straight line is open
and provides a direct route between land and sky.
The circle in Bacino Waters acts a shelter, which
protects citizens from outside distractions and al-
lows for a deeper concentration. Bacinos nd this
sacred place important and valuable because it is
a quiet, peaceful place where they can meditate
and nd their inner being and become closer to en-
lightenment. At the Isse Heads, people meditate
to nd the essence of whom they are inside, and
collectively it denes the civilization.
Coat of Arms
On my shield, I have 4 symbols/pictures. There is
a purple lion, a red arrow, an emerald crescent,
and a golden scale. The lion represents individu-
als who are leaders and are bold. The color purple
on the lion represents loyalty, and strength. All to-
gether this symbol represents strength, and cour-
age. The arrow quickly ying through the sky rep-
resents speed and directness. The color red,
painted on the arrow represents the speed of light,
so fast that it creates a hot red re. This symbol
overall represents having endurance. The crescent
In the civilization of Bacino Waters, the Isse Heads are based on the
Moai in Easter Island
Image 3.7 Isse Heads
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
shows that I am a second child, and the color em-
erald is my birthstone. Last but not least, there is
the scale. The scale is completely balanced to rep-
resent equality. The gold color of this scale repre-
sents being proud of whom you are. The back
rounds of these symbols are blue and pink, to rep-
resent happiness. Holding all of these symbols to-
gether is a glowing orange sun to represent life
and hope on earth.
Role of the Church
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
In Medieval Europe, the role of the Catholic
Church was to provide education for some, help
the poor, and offered salvation if believers fol-
lowed the churchs teachings. The church was
very important and was the center of medieval
life. Sometimes the church was even more power-
ful than the king for example, the power struggle
between Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII. In
1073, King Henry was thinking Pope Gregory had
too much power so he wanted to appoint the
church ofcials as had been done by kings in the
past. He called a meeting with the Council of
Bishops and declared that Pope Gregory was no
longer pope. Gregory excommunicated King
Henry in return. As Frey states, This meant that
Henry was thrown out of the church and, there-
fore, could not gain salvation (33). To citizens in
Medieval Europe, salvation was very important.
According to Frey, Most people in medieval
Europe believed in God and afterlife, in which the
soul lives on after the bodys death (34). Henry
then stood in the snow outside of the church bare-
foot for three days until Pope Gregory agreed to
give him salvation again. This proves that the
church can be more powerful than the king. Not
only did the church promise salvation to those
who followed the churchs teachings, but they
also provided education to some. The church was
the rst place to hold a university in Medieval
Europe. People also came to the church for infor-
mation. The church would explain world events This is my coat of arms and each symbol and color on the shield symbol-
izes a special trait.
Image 3.8 My Coat of Arms
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
like storms, disease, and famine, which were
thought to be punishments by god. By 1050, the
church was also the largest landholder in Europe.
The church thus had great economic and political
power. The people of the church were often the
only people who could read. As Frey tells us,
they kept records for monarchs and became
trusted advisors (Frey 33). The church raised
money by tithe, or tax. Each person was expected
to give one tenth of his money, produce, or labor
to help support the church. In conclusion, the
church was the center of medieval life. It helped
keep everything in order and promised one of the
most important things in medieval Europe, salva-
This is a photo of a Roman Catholic Cathedral in Medieval times.
As you can see they tend to have a gothic theme for the architec-
ture in Medieval times.
Image 3.9 Roman Catholic Cathedral
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1

A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.
- John F. Kennedy
Figure 4.1: Ideas
Type to enter text
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Humanisms Effect on European Society
The Start of Today
European society changed as a result of the
new questions, ideas, and ways of thinking
Figure 4.1 Francesco Petrarch
Francesco Petrarch was the founder of Humanism.
New Ideas Advance and
Threaten Society
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
brought on by the Humanist mindset of the Ren-
aissance in many ways. Humanists were different
from people in medieval times. The Humanists be-
lieved that things should be based off of science
and logic, unlike the medieval mindset, which be-
lieves that everything revolves around the church.
Understandings of government, social standing,
the relationship with the Catholic Church, paint-
ing, sculpture, literature, and science and mathe-
matics all changed. The Renaissance was a time
when people thought differently. In the Renais-
sance, the Humanists, started by Francesco
Petrarch, began to take over. Humanists have a dif-
ferent way of thinking. As Frey states, Human-
ists believed that all people had the ability to con-
trol their own lives and achieve greatness. Hu-
manists studied humanities, which is the, areas
of study that focus on human life and culture,
such as history, literature, and ethics (Frey 320).
Humanism is about the importance and dignity of
each person. This is different from a medieval
mindset, which believe that everything revolved
around the church. According to Frey, The
church was the center of medieval life in western
Europe. In the middle ages, people gave up so
many things to believe in the church for salvation
Travel & Commerce, The Growth of the City, and Humanism were the three
chief causes to the Renaissance.
Image 4.1 Humanism
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
and mainly, the people wanted protection. When
the time of Renaissance came along, everything
changed because of Humanism. With all the
changes, many kinds of advancements occurred.
In government, Humanists separated the state
and its right to rule for the church. They showed
the modern foundation of thinking about politics
and government. Social standings changed too; in
feudal times people were born into a certain social
status. If a person were born a peasant, the person
would stay a peasant and always were of lower
status than a noble. According to Frey, Renais-
sance thinkers prized individual achievement
more than a persons class or family, (Frey 321),
kind of like we do today. This was a big change
for everyone. The Catholic Church began to have
conict because of Humanists thoughts. As Frey
states, The church taught that laws were made
by God and that those who broke them were sin-
ful (Frey 321). This taught followers to follow
Gods teachings in order to save souls after death.
For the life of the church, after life was more im-
portant than life on earth. Humanists had differ-
ent beliefs. Humanists believed that they should
use their knowledge for everything; this also led
to questioning everything unlike the people of the
Catholic Church
who simply did
what god said with-
out a question.
Some Humanists
got punished for
their ideas like Gior-
dano Bruno, an Ital-
ian Humanist who
got burned at the
stake for his ideas.
Then came the ad-
vancements in
painting, sculpture,
literature, and sci-
ence and mathemat-
ics. One main ad-
vance made by the Renaissance painters was as
Giordano Bruno was an Italian Humanist
who suffered greatly for his thoughts and
new ideas.
Image 4.2 Giordano Bruno
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Frey states, ... the discovery of perspective. Paint-
ers use perspective to create the appearance of
depth on a at surface (Frey 326). This allowed
sculptures and paintings to have emotion and
more depth/feel. It looked 10 times more real and
made viewers think that there a real person in
front of me, then they blink an eye and see that its
stone! Then there came the Renaissance sculptors
who were inuenced by the humanist interest in
realism. They began to make sculptures that
looked like real people with real emotions as well
as more depth and feel. According to Frey, They
seemed to symbolize the humanist ideals of inde-
pendence and individuality (Frey 327), which
Humanism is all about. Renaissance art forms
were changed by the ideas of Humanists interest
in classical ideas and the rise of Humanism. Ren-
aissance writers became interested in individual
experiences and the world around them. Because
of Humanism, secular topics became more in com-
mon. According to Frey secular means, Relating
to earthly life rather than to religion or spiritual
matters (Frey 328). Before, most of the things
written were about god and the church. Now it
was more common to write about the world and
the writers own experiences in life. Science and
mathematics had massive advancements as well.
Before the Renaissance, peoples understanding of
the natural world was based on ideas in ancient
Greek and Roman texts. When the Humanist
spirit took hold, people started to question old
ideas and began to observe things carefully in-
stead of relying on old stories. Instead, they relied
on experiments that scientists began to preform.
As Frey states, They analyzed the results using
mathematics and logic. This approach to research
changed the study of science (329). In conclusion,
the Humanists helped develop the age of Renais-
sance. Humanists made a new way of thinking for
people everywhere. Some like the new ideas, how-
ever others, like the Catholic Church, did not ap-
preciate it very much, and there were conse-
quences involved. Other than that, humanists be-
lieved in logic and science. They did not believe in
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
everything they were told; instead they learned to
question things.
Impact of Humanism Within the Civilization of
Bacino Waters
The Beginning of Humanity
The ideas of Humanism will promote new
ideas and traditions within Bacino Waters by ques-
tioning the civilizations laws, beliefs, and educa-
tion. Humanists believe that every individual
should have an equal opportunity to succeed. Ac-
cording to Frey, Humanists believed in the worth
and potential of all individuals (Frey 315). In the
Renaissance, humanists questioned everything by
balancing religious faith with the power of the hu-
man mind. Humanists accordingly would ques-
tion the fourth law of Bacino Waters. IV. Every-
one has equal rights; if someone has fewer rights
than another, the other person will be granted
more rights (Bacino 14). Since humanists believe
that all people have the ability to control their
own lives, a humanist would question this law by
asking, Why should everyone have equal rights
when some people earn it more than others? A
humanist mindset would also question the rst
law. According to Bacino, I. Anyone under the
age of 18 cannot participate in the government
(Bacino 14). Humanists would question this law
because a humanist believes that every person
should have dignity and respect no matter how
young or old they are. Having a certain age allow-
ing citizens to do something is not fair and neither
is not giving everyone an equal amount of dignity
to start with so all people can get an opportunity
to achieve greatness. Humanists would also ques-
tion the beliefs of Bacino Waters because some
lack of testing and are being logical. In medieval
times, everyone believed in salvation and because
of this, cititzens would do whatever the church
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
told them. Humanists would not do the same
thing as medieval thinkers. Humanists would
automatically question the church. They would
think to themselves, why do people believe in sal-
vation just because the church says so? There is
not proof, and, if we will really have salvation in
our afterlife by following the churchs rules, I will
need to see logic rst. Humanists would also ques-
tion the fact that the church is sometimes more
powerful than the government just because of a
belief. As Bacino recounts, Sometimes the church
was even more powerful than the king for exam-
ple, the power struggle between Henry IV and
Pope Gregory VII (Bacino 28). In the end of this
story, King Henry stood in the snow barefoot just
because he wanted salvation. The thing is, there
was no real proof he would get salvation. Al-
though Humanists tried to balance science and
logic, Humanists would still not agree with this.
Humanists believe in science and logic, not just fol-
low something someone says. Humanists ques-
tions things and need proof in order to believe it.
Although some could argue, the government is
more powerful than the church today. Humanism
may be the reason for this. Lastly, a humanist
would want the education of Bacino Waters to be
based off of more than the church; they would
want science, culture, logic, and mathematics to
be taught. The humanists are very involved in
Humanists based their beliefs mainly off of science and mathemat-
Image 4.3 Science and Mathematics
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
science, math, arts, and nature. Humanists
changed the age of Renaissance forever by ques-
tioning everything from why birds y to the
churchs teachings. Today humanism is pretty
much the way of thinking all around. People of to-
day question things, and humanists were the start
of that.
The Danger of New Ideas
A New Thought, A New Threat
After the Humanists started questioning eve-
rything, the multiple teachings and practices of
the Catholic Church caused people to think that
the church was corrupt and political conicts be-
gan to develop. During the time of the Reforma-
tion, Humanists new thoughts were weakening
the churchs power. Corruption, simony, and in-
dulgences were a big part of that. People began to
feel troubled by the way many church ofcials got
money to support the church. One practice used
was selling a release from punishment for sins
called indulgences. It was unfair to citizens that
people receiving indulgences did not have to
make up for sins by doing good deeds. When the
pope started selling indulgences for money, many
Catholics became deeply disturbed and believed
that indulgences were being abused. Indulgences
were not the only thing the church sold, another
This is a photo of simony happening. Simony is the practice of
buying and selling spiritual things for cash.
Image 4.4 Simony
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
practice was developed called simony. Simony is
the practice of buying and selling spiritual or holy
things. These practices lead people to question the
practices and teachings of the Catholic Church
even more. During the Reformation era political
conicts with European rulers like The Great
Schism occurred as well. Political conicts oc-
curred when kings and queens tried to increase
personal power and this caused conict with the
pope. As Frey states, At times they led to scan-
dals that damaged the churchs reputation, (349).
These disagreements contributed to questioning
the popes authority. One massive conict called
The Great Schism is the division in the church.
The Great Schism called Catholics to be divided
and confused. The church started to get threat-
ened for so many things, and the Reformers ques-
tioning the Catholic Churchs beliefs got conse-
The ideas and questions of Reformers differ
from the traditional teachings of the Catholic
church is that people like Martin Luther, Jan Hus,
and John Wycliffe are all ghting to purify the
church with new thoughts by questioning the
churchs practices and teachings, which threat-
ened its power. These reformers did not want all
these people in between god and themselves; re-
formers just wanted the bible and him or herself
allowing Catholics to become closer to god. One
of the reformers, John Wycliffe, challenged the
churches right to money. According to Frey,
When the Great Schism began, he publicly ques-
tioned the popes authority. He also attacked in-
dulgences and immoral behavior on the part of
the clergy, (350). Wycliffe believed that the Bible,
not the church was the main source of religious
authority and brought Catholics closest to god.
Wycliffe had the bible translated from Latin to
English so common people could read it as well,
and this lead to bad things for Wycliffe. According
to Frey, The pope accused Wycliffe of heresy, or
opinions that contradict church doctrine, (350). A
doctrine is the ofcial teachings of a religion or
church. Reformers had different beliefs than the
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
teachings of the church. Reformers wanted to be-
come closer to god and allow any language read
the bible, which Reformers believed was the clos-
est you can get to god.
The Catholic Church used a certain strategy in
order to deal with reformers like Luther and other
Protestants who were unlucky. Luther was in con-
ict with the church in regards to indulgences.
The church felt it was okay to gain more followers
by the selling of indulgences. Luther disagreed
with this and he did not believe it was the path to
salvation. Luther created a list of arguments called
theses that spoke against indulgences. The church
disliked his theses and the way he was gaining fol-
lowers. In return the Catholic Church excommuni-
cated him and threatened to silence him. As Frey
states, The Roman emperor declared Luther a
heretic and forbade the printing or selling of his
writings, (353). The church was threatened by Lu-
thers new ideas and became scared that he
would gain new followers. People who tried to
take away corruption from the church were pun-
ished by the church, so in conclusion, new beliefs
is a dangerous game, but sometimes the new
ideas are the best ideas.
Strategies for Dealing with Threatening Ideas
The civilization of Bacino Waters has a strat-
egy to deal with individuals whose ideas that may
threaten its civilizations political or religious be-
lief systems and how to know what ideas to ac-
cept, compromise upon, or reject. The strategy has
different parts and becomes a process. Anyone
who has a new idea or invention goes to the Inven-
tion Headquarters. At the Invention Headquar-
ters, there are different people you have to go
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
through until you get to the nal decision maker.
The rst group a person with a new idea would
meet with is a group of 8 people called the Coun-
cil of Visionaries. The Council of Visionaries job is
to listen to citizens new ideas and thoughts and
vote whether it is useless, threatening, crazy/
dangerous, or good and benecial. The council
takes notes on the ideas presented to them and the
majority of votes win. If it is a bad idea and is com-
pletely useless but not threatening just gets de-
clined. A person with a threatening idea to the civi-
lization gets sent to prison or banned from the civi-
lization depending on how extreme it is and de-
pending on if the person tries to get other citizens
follow him or her. If somebodys idea is abso-
lutely crazy and dangerous, that person will be
sent to a clinic where people help him or her to be-
come sane, and if someone has an idea that seems
benecial to the civilization of Bacino Waters and
looks like it has potential, the council will send
that person and his/her idea to the next step. The
next step is to meet with a group called the Brain-
stormers. The Brainstormers is a group of 3 wise
citizens who study the dangers and benets of
new ideas. The Brainstormers job is to look at the
notes taken by the Council of Visionaries and read
through them. Then the Brainstormers let the per-
son give evidence to support his or her new idea.
If the Brainstormers nd a single aw in the idea,
the citizen with the idea
will be declined and pun-
ished in a very innocent
way for wasting every-
ones time. The punish-
ment will be based on the
aws. Here how the pun-
ish the people:
1-2 aws: Community
Service Clean Up for 1
3-4 aws: Community
Service Clean Up for 3
In the civilization of Bacino
Waters ideas are very impor-
tant and it is a long process to
Image 4.5 Ideas
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
5 or above: Community Service Clean Up for 1
If the evidence is valid and the idea is benecial,
along with it being humane and siding with the
ideas of Bacino Waters, it will get sent to the mas-
ter of the whole operation. The mastermind of
ideas in the civilization of Bacino Waters is one sin-
gle man who goes by BLINK. BLINK is one the
smartest men in Bacino Waters and his ideas are
all visionary and benecial. He never had one
aw in his ideas and that made him reach the top.
BLINKs role in this process is to make the nal de-
cision. It is very hard to get to him and passing
him is a whole different story. He looks at notes
from the Council of Ideas, he listens to opinions
from the Brainstormers, and he takes 3 days to
look at the evidence for the new idea, think about
it, and study it. On the third day the person with
the idea will either never here from BLINK again
or get asked to visit him in a meeting. The person
will go to a small room at the very top of Inven-
tion Headquarters into a small room with just
themselves and BLINK. BLINK will give feedback
about the idea and the citizen with the idea will
tell BLINK why he or she thinks his or her idea is
worth spreading throughout the civilization of
Bacino Waters. For an idea to spread BLINK is
looking for 3 main things:
1. Benecial for Bacino Waters
2. Evidence that the idea will work
3. A trustworthy citizen who has the idea to
make sure they do not try to take over the church
or government
This decision can be hard because a lot of ideas
that seem crazy may turn out to be the best one.
Oscar Wilde said, An idea that is not dangerous
is unworthy of being called an idea at all.
Thats where the fourth thing comes along:
4. Risky
After this long and hard process, BLINK will see if
the new idea meets the criteria, and he make his
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
decision within 5 minutes after talking with the
man or woman with the idea. If BLINK declines,
all of this would have been worth nothing, but if
BLINK accepts, the idea will automatically start to
spread all throughout the civilization improving it
so the citizens are happier. New ideas are all
about making things better and allowing success.
With new ideas becomes more new ideas as well
as new potential, and that is exactly why it is so
important to the civilization of Bacino Waters that
ideas are to the best of its ability.
A New World on a Little Canvas
Michelangelo was one of the worlds greatest
painters and sculptors in history; he was an Ital-
ian sculptor and painter who brought beauty and
emotion to everyone through his work, and he
would do great things for the civilization of
Bacino Waters. Beauty and emotion are some of
what the civilization of Bacino Waters is known
for. The buildings, nature, and people all demon-
strate these qualities. Sometimes citizens can get
lost in work and stress and tend to forget the beau-
tiful things surrounding themselves every day. Mi-
Michelangelo was a famous italian painter and sculptor.
Image 4.6 Michelangelo
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
chelangelo would remind citizens of these things
every day by making tremendous sculptures of
people worth remembering and by making paint-
ings of celebrations and beautiful nature. Al-
though Michelangelo is extraordinarily talented,
and creative, this famous painter wouldnt always
be the best person to have in a civilization either.
Michelangelo was known for having a bad tem-
per. Some say it is because of his hard childhood.
According to Frey, His mother died when he was
six years old. His father was stern and demand-
ing. Perhaps this troubled early life and contrib-
uted to Michelangelos famously bad temper,
(335). This would cause some ruckus throughout
the civilization of Bacino Waters. Having a bad
temper is not a very good quality. It causes people
to get frustrated and annoyed with others very
easily, and when this happens the person with the
bad temper will overreact tremendously making a
big scene. Michelangelo was also known for being
erce with words when he was mad, some say in
this way he did not have the best personality or at-
titude, but it didnt matter much because of the tal-
ent shared from him to the world. The thing that
was so different from Michelangelo and other
painters is that Michelangelos pictures came
alive. A person could simply look at it and feel pre-
sent in the picture. Viewers of Michelangelos
paintings can look at a little canvas then in one
blink of an eye, viewers feel as if a new world has
surrounded them, and Bacino Waters need this
creativity. Michelangelo could cause troubles in
Bacino Waters because of his temper, but it would
all be worth it because of the peace and joy given
to the civilization through Michelangelos beauti-
ful works of art.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
As long as we are persistence in our pursuit of our deepest destiny, we will continue to grow. We cannot
choose the day or time when we will fully bloom. It happens in its own time.
-Denis Waitley
Looking to the Future
Image 5.1- The Future
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Looking to the Future
The people of Bacino Waters hope that the civiliza-
tion continues to thrive while being lled with
love, hope, joy, trust, loyalty, beauty, creativity, jus-
tice, equality, and care. Citizens want to live a
long and safe life for as long as possible, and re-
member the beauty of the place lived in, all the
suffering done to create it, all the work and intelli-
gence used to form a government, remember to
follow the codes of law, never letting go of the be-
Image 5.1 Looking Into the Future
Looking to the Future
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
lief system and remembering ones moral values,
thinking about how important ideas are, and now
looking back at all of it, and then looking into the
future to nd that all of it was truly worth it. It
was this work, strength, and perseverance that
made for a successful civilization.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Ancient World. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers Curriculum Institute, 2011.
Frey, Wendy. History Alive!: The Medieval World and Beyond. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers Curriculum
Institue, 2011. Print.
Bacino, Sabina Tuesday, June 3, 2014 2:42:51 PM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:ef:c1

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