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[How To] Mirror Root Disk with Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) | UNIX Note[13/10/2013 07:23:25 a. m.]

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[How To] Mirror Root Disk with Solaris Volume Manager
by andy under Backup, Filesystem, Tips, Tutorial, UNIX, Volume Manager
As UNIX Systems Administrators, we want our systems up and running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Though this could be achievable with the UNIX Operating Systems, we cannot set aside the fact that our
hardware equipments is prone to wear and tear. One notable point of failure if our root or boot disks. Once
it dies out our only way is thru our backup and restore it. But there is another way that we could prevent
this if we have a spare identical disk as our root disk. We can have a redundant machine by having our
root disks mirrored and make our system much reliable and omit this point of failure. Here are the step-by-
step how to guide in mirroring our root/boot disk using the Solaris Volume Manager (SVM).
HDD0 - c0t 0d0 ( Pr i mar y di sk)
HDD1 - c0t 1d0
Partitions of HDD0:
/ - c0t 0d0s0
swap - c0t 0d0s1
backup - c0t 0d0s2 ( t hi s r epr esent s t he whol e di sk)
/ var - c0t 0d0s3
/ opt - c0t 0d0s4
unassi gned - c0t 0d0s7 ( t hi s woul d be used t o st or e our met adbs)
Make HDD1s partition table the same as HDD0:
r oot @sol ar i s# pr t vt oc / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 0d0s2 | f mt har d - s - / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 1d0s2
Create at least 2 (tough i prefer 3 which i will be using) state databases on each disk.
r oot @sol ar i s# met adb - af c 3 c0t 0d0s7 c0t 1d0s7
- a = add st at e dat abase
- f = f or ce ( t hi s i s needed f or HDD0 whi ch i s mount ed)
- c # = number of st at e dat abases i n each sl i ce
Initialize each disk.
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d10 1 1 c0t 0d0s0
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d11 1 1 c0t 0d0s1
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d13 1 1 c0t 0d0s3
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d14 1 1 c0t 0d0s4
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d20 1 1 c0t 1d0s0
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d21 1 1 c0t 1d0s1
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d23 1 1 c0t 1d0s3
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t - f d24 1 1 c0t 1d0s4
Initialize the mirrors.
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t d0 - md10
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t d1 - md11
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t d3 - md13
r oot @sol ar i s# met ai ni t d4 - md14

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[How To] Mirror Root Disk with Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) | UNIX Note[13/10/2013 07:23:25 a. m.]
Metaroot and editing of /etc/vfstab to boot to our mirror.
r oot @sol ar i s# cat / et c/ vf st ab ( t o check vf st ab bef or e met ar oot )
#devi ce devi ce mount FS f sck mount mount
#t o mount t o f sck poi nt t ype pass at boot opt i ons
f d - / dev/ f d f d - no -
/ pr oc - / pr oc pr oc - no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s1 - - swap - no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s0 / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 0d0s0 / uf s 1 no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s3 / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 0d0s3 / var uf s 1 no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s4 / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 0d0s4 / opt uf s 1 no -
/ devi ces - / devi ces devf s - no -
ct f s - / syst em/ cont r act ct f s - no -
obj f s - / syst em/ obj ect obj f s - no -
swap - / t mp t mpf s - yes -
r oot @sol ar i s# met ar oot d0 ( onl y use t hi s f or t he r oot sl i ce)
r oot @sol ar i s# cat / et c/ vf st ab ( t o check vf st ab af t er met ar oot )
#devi ce devi ce mount FS f sck mount mount
#t o mount t o f sck poi nt t ype pass at boot opt i ons
f d - / dev/ f d f d - no -
/ pr oc - / pr oc pr oc - no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s1 - - swap - no -
/ dev/ md/ dsk/ d0 / dev/ md/ r dsk/ d0 / uf s 1 no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s3 / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 0d0s3 / var uf s 1 no -
/ dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s4 / dev/ r dsk/ c0t 0d0s4 / opt uf s 1 no -
/ devi ces - / devi ces devf s - no -
ct f s - / syst em/ cont r act ct f s - no -
obj f s - / syst em/ obj ect obj f s - no -
swap - / t mp t mpf s - yes -
r oot @sol ar i s# vi / et c/ vf st ab ( t o edi t t he vf st ab t o boot t o our mi r r or )
#devi ce devi ce mount FS f sck mount mount
#t o mount t o f sck poi nt t ype pass at boot opt i ons
f d - / dev/ f d f d - no -
/ pr oc - / pr oc pr oc - no -
/ dev/ md/ dsk/ d1 - - swap - no -
/ dev/ md/ dsk/ d0 / dev/ md/ r dsk/ d0 / uf s 1 no -
/ dev/ md/ dsk/ d3 / dev/ md/ r dsk/ d3 / var uf s 1 no -
/ dev/ md/ dsk/ d4 / dev/ md/ r dsk/ d4 / opt uf s 1 no -
/ devi ces - / devi ces devf s - no -
ct f s - / syst em/ cont r act ct f s - no -
obj f s - / syst em/ obj ect obj f s - no -
swap - / t mp t mpf s - yes -
Reboot the system
r oot @sol ar i s# l ockf s - f a
r oot @sol ar i s# shut down - y - g0 - i 6
Attach the sub-mirrors to the mirror.
r oot @sol ar i s# met at t ach d0 d20
r oot @sol ar i s# met at t ach d1 d21
r oot @sol ar i s# met at t ach d3 d23
r oot @sol ar i s# met at t ach d4 d24
Monitor the progress of the syncing process
r oot @sol ar i s# whi l e t r ue; do met ast at | gr ep %; sl eep 3; cl ear ; done
Change the core dump directory
r oot @sol ar i s# dumpadm( bef or e changi ng)
Dump cont ent : ker nel pages
Dump devi ce: / dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s1 ( swap)
Savecor e di r ect or y: / var / cr ash/ e3500
Savecor e enabl ed: yes
r oot @sol ar i s# dumpadm- d swap
Dump cont ent : ker nel pages
Dump devi ce: / dev/ md/ dsk/ d1 ( swap)
Savecor e di r ect or y: / var / cr ash/ e250
Savecor e enabl ed: yes
Update the boot-device parameter to boot to either HDD0 or HDD1
Check the physical device path of both disk
r oot @sol ar i s# l s - l / dev/ dsk/ c0t ?d0s0
l r wxr wxr wx 1 r oot r oot 41 J un 5 16: 49 / dev/ dsk/ c0t 0d0s0 - >
. . / . . / devi ces/ pci @1f , 4000/ scsi @3/ sd@0, 0: a
l r wxr wxr wx 1 r oot r oot 41 J un 5 16: 49 / dev/ dsk/ c0t 1d0s0 - >
. . / . . / devi ces/ pci @1f , 4000/ scsi @3/ sd@1, 0: a
Change the major name (in this case sd) to disk for the boot-device. Setting the boot-device can be done
on the Solaris or the Open Boot (ok) prompt.
r oot @sol ar i s# eepr om" nvr amr c=deval i as r oot di sk0
/ pci @1f , 4000/ scsi @3/ di sk@0, 0: a
deval i as r oot di sk1 / pci @1f , 4000/ scsi @3/ di sk@1, 0: a"
r oot @sol ar i s# eepr om" use- nvr amr c?=t r ue"
r oot @sol ar i s# eepr omboot - devi ce
boot - devi ce=di sk net
r oot @sol ar i s# eepr om" boot - devi ce=r oot di sk0 r oot di sk1 net "
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[How To] Mirror Root Disk with Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) | UNIX Note[13/10/2013 07:23:25 a. m.]
Open Boot (ok) prompt
ok nval i as r oot di sk0 / pci @1f , 4000/ scsi @3/ di sk@0, 0: a
ok nval i as r oot di sk1 / pci @1f , 4000/ scsi @3/ di sk@1, 0: a
ok pr i nt env boot - devi ce
boot - devi ce di sk net
ok set env boot - devi ce r oot di sk0 r oot di sk1 net
Lastly, because of the behavior of SVM (the rule half +1 state database, so we could boot into the OS) we
need to add a parameter on /etc/system
r oot @sol ar i s# echo " set md: mi r r or ed_r oot _f l ag=1" >> / et c/ syst em
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Nagarani Kasturi
good stuff
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Vinodbabu Bande Acharya Nagarjuna University
simple & perfect.
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[How To] Mirror Root Disk with Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) | UNIX Note[13/10/2013 07:23:25 a. m.]
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Bhanu Kumar Specialist at IBM Hyderabad
Good one
Reply Like September 14, 2012 at 3:11am

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Anjan Mukherjee Calcutta, India
Really helpfull
Reply Like August 2, 2012 at 4:12pm
Abani J ana VS
it is not true ...............
Reply Like August 3, 2012 at 2:56am
Anjan Mukherjee Calcutta, India
kano dada......
Reply Like August 3, 2012 at 5:23pm
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[How To] Mirror Root Disk with Solaris Volume Manager (SVM) | UNIX Note[13/10/2013 07:23:25 a. m.]
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