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Default Difficulty

Task DC
Trivial 5
Easy 10
Moderate 15
Hard 20
Very Hard 25
Formidable 30
Nearly Impossible 35
Strength Tasks
Break an Object
Easy (DC 10): Force open a stuc !ooden door
Har (DC!0): "rea open a solid door #eld by a loc$
"rea %ree o% rope bonds
"ery Har (DC !#): "rea open a solid door #eld by a
!ooden bar or elaborate loc
$%r&iable (DC '0): "rea c#ains or manacles$ "rea
open a #eavy door #eld by a metal bar or a master!or loc
C%ntest: &us# a door open !#en someone else is #oldin' it
closed (a'ainst )tren't#*
Easy (DC 10): )cale a cli%% !it# plenty o% #and#olds
(%erate (DC 1#): +limb a rou'# stone !all
Har (DC !0): +limb a s#eer sur%ace !it# scant #and#olds
$%r&iable (DC '0): +limb an oiled rope
Easy (DC 10): ,ump a %e! %eet %art#er t#an you normally
Har (DC !0): T#ro! a 'rapplin' #oo in t#e middle o% a
lon' -ump
Easy (DC 10): Tread !ater in rou'# conditions
Har (DC !0): )!im in stormy !aters
$%r&iable (DC '0): )!im %ree o% a vorte.
,&*r%-ise Tasks
(%erate (DC 1#): &us# t#rou'# an eart#en tunnel t#at is
too small
Har (DC !0): Han' on to a !a'on !#ile bein' dra''ed
be#ind it
"ery Har (DC !#): Tip over a lar'e stone statue$ /eep a
boulder %rom rollin'
De.terity Tasks
Easy (DC 10): 0al across an icy sur%ace
(%erate (DC 1#): 0al on a narro! led'e
Har (DC !0): +ross a !ildly s!ayin' rope brid'e
"ery Har (DC !#): 0al across a ti'#trope$ )lide do!n a
staircase !#ile standin' on a s#ield
C%nceal an Object
Easy (DC 10): &er%orm simple %eats o% slei'#t o% #and
C%ntest: &alm an ob-ect !#ile under close observation
(a'ainst 0isdom*
Disar& a Tra* 1
Easy (DC 10): /eep a pit trap %rom openin' !#en it2s tri'3
(%erate (DC 1#): /eep a scyt#in' blade trap %rom tri'3
Har (DC !0): &revent a poison needle or 'as trap %rom
"ery Har (DC !#): 4isarm an intricate trap
$%r&iable (DC '0): 4isarm a ma'ic trap
(%erate (DC 1#): +ontrol a #eavily laden cart on a steep
Har (DC !0): )teer a c#ariot around a ti'#t turn or
around an obstacle in your pat#
O*en /%ck 1
(%erate (DC 1#): &ic a simple loc
Har (DC !0): &ic a typical loc
"ery Har (DC !#): &ic an elaborate loc
$%r&iable (DC '0): &ic a master!or loc
$%r&iable (DC '0): &ic a ma'ical loc (re5uires %eat*
C%ntest: Hide in an obscured area (a'ainst 0isdom*
(%erate (DC 1#): )!in' %rom a c#andelier
"ery Har (DC !#): )omersault over a creature o% t#e
same si6e
,&*r%-ise Tasks
Easy (DC 10): )ecurely tie up a prisoner
Har (DC !0): 0ri''le %ree o% rope bonds
"ery Har (DC !#): )lip out o% manacles
C%ntest: 0ri''le %ree o% a 'rapple (a'ainst )tren't#*
1 requires proficiency with thieves tools
C%nstituti%n Tasks
,&*r%-ise Tasks
Easy (DC 10): 7ua%% an entire stein o% ale in one 'o
(%erate (DC 1#): Marc# overland %or t!elve #ours in a
day$ 8oll do!n a steep slope !it#out tain' dama'e
Har (DC !0): )tay a!ae %or %orty #ours$ )!im %or an
#our strai'#t
"ery Har (DC !#): Marc# overland %or ei'#teen #ours in
a day$ )!im %or t#ree #ours strai'#t$
$%r&iable (DC '0): Marc# overland %or t!enty33%our
Da&age an Dying
,nstant Death0 9ou die i% t#e remainin' dama'e a%ter 0
e5uals or e.ceeds your #it point ma.imum$
$alling 1nc%nsci%us0 :t 0 #it points you %all unconscious$
Ends i% you re'ain any #it points$
Death Sa-ing Thr%+s0 0#enever you start your turn !it#
0 #it points; you must mae a +<N save (4+ 10*$ T#ird
success; you become stable$ <n your t#ird %ailure; you die$
T#e successes and %ailures do not need to be consecutive;
and t#e number o% bot# is reset to 6ero !#en you re'ain
any #it points or become stable$
Natural 1: +ounts as t!o %ailures$
Natural 20: you re'ain 1 #it point$
Da&age at 0 Hit 2%ints0 Eac# time a creature !it# 0 #it
points taes dama'e; it su%%ers a deat# savin' t#ro! %ailure$
I% t#e dama'e e5uals t#e creature2s #it point ma.imum; it
4istracted 20
=n%ocused 15
4isinterested 10
Vi'ilant 5
&aranoid 0
Tra-el 2ace
5(a.0 Distance *er Turn5
# &in0 1 h%ur 1 ay
8us#ed 15 1;>00 %t$ 3 miles 25 miles
Fast 10 ?00 %t$ 2 miles 15 miles
Moderate 5 @50 %t$ 1 mile 10 miles
+autious 0 200 %t$ 0$5 mile 5 miles
,ntelligence Checks
4ecall /%re
Easy (DC 10): 8ecall commonlyno!n %acts$ Identi%y a
common symbol
(%erate (DC 1#): 8ecall speci%ic details about commonly
3no!n %acts; or va'ue in%ormation about sli'#tly obscure
%acts$ Identi%y an uncommon monster$
Har (DC !0): 8ecall speci%ic details about obscure %acts;
or va'ue in%ormation about truly esoteric %acts$ Identi%y a
spell as it is bein' cast (#i'#er33level spells mi'#t be #ard3
er*$ =nderstand a dialect o% a no!n lan'ua'e$
"ery Har (DC !#): 8ecall speci%ic details about truly eso3
teric %acts no!n only to a %e!$ Identi%y an especially rare
monster$ 4ecip#er a simple messa'e in an un%amiliar lan3
'ua'e$ Identi%y t#e persistent e%%ects o% a spell$
$%r&iable (DC '0): Identi%y a uni5ue monster
Easy (DC 10): Find a simple trip!ire or a pit covered !it#
branc#es and leaves (!#en searc#in'*
(%erate (DC 1#): Find t#e si'ns o% a creature passin'
across dry 'round and deduce its nature and t#e direction
o% its travel$ Find a #idden compartment in a c#est$
Har (DC !0): Find a secret door$ Find a pressure plate in
t#e %loor or locate a transparent trip!ire$
"ery Har (DC !#): Find a particularly !ell3#idden secret
door or !ell3dis'uised pressure plate
,&*r%-ise Tasks
Easy (DC 10): +ommunicate a simple idea to a creature
t#at doesn2t s#are your lan'ua'e
(%erate (DC 1#): 4educe !#at ind o% !eapon caused
an in-ury$ Estimate t#e value o% a piece o% -e!elry$ &ull to3
'et#er a dis'uise to #elp an ally pass as a city 'uard$
Har (DC !0): 4etermine #o! to cause part o% a tunnel to
collapse$ Estimate t#e value o% a 'emstone
"ery Har (DC !#): Estimate t#e value o% a rare; anti5ue;
or e.otic item
C%ntest: &ass o%% a %or'ed document as real (a'ainst Intelli3
6is%& Checks
3&inister $irst 3i
Easy (DC 10): Identi%y a common ailment or poison %rom
its symptoms
(%erate (DC 1#): )tabili6e a dyin' creature
Har (DC !0): Identi%y a rare ailment or poison
Hanle an 3ni&al
(%erate (DC 1#): Aet an animal to eep movin' !#ile
Har (DC !0): Train an animal %or a speci%ic tas$ +alm an
a''ressive !ild animal$
"ery Har (DC !#): +alm a paniced animal$ 8ear a !ild
$%r&iable (DC '0): Tame a !ild animal
(%erate (DC 1#): Eavesdrop on a conversation t#rou'#
a door
"ery Har (DC !#): Eavesdrop on a !#ispered conversa3
tion t#rou'# a door
C%ntest: Hear someone !#o2s tryin' to be silent (a'ainst
Sense (%ti-e
(%erate (DC 1#): 4iscern !#o amon' a ca'ey 'roup is
t#e leader$ 8ead a person2s motives or attitude$
Har (DC !0): Interpret enemies2 #and si'ns
"ery Har (DC !#): )ense an outside in%luence on a per3
son; suc# as an enc#antment spell
C%ntest: 8eco'ni6e a lie (a'ainst +#arisma*
C%ntest: )ee t#rou'# a dis'uise (a'ainst +#arisma*
Har (DC !0): Find a tiny item suc# as a 'em in t#e midst
o% a lot o% ot#er items
C%ntest: )pot a creature t#at is #idin' (a'ainst 4e.terity*
Track Creatures (re7uires feat)
Easy (DC 10): Trac a creature t#rou'# sno! or mud
(%erate (DC 1#): Trac a creature t#rou'# a %orest$
Har (DC !0): Trac a creature across dirt or 'rass
"ery Har (DC !#): Trac a creature across bare stone
$%r&iable (DC '0): Trac a creature across dirt or 'rass
a%ter a rain%all
,&*r%-ise Tasks
Easy (DC 10): Hunt and %ora'e %or %ood !#ile travelin' in
t#e !ilderness
(%erate (DC 1#): :void natural #a6ards; suc# as 5uic3
Har (DC !0): /eep %rom 'ettin' lost !#ile travelin' in
t#e !ilderness
Charis&a Checks
C%ntest: Fast3tal or con someone (a'ainst 0isdom*
C%ntest: :dopt a dis'uise (a'ainst 0isdom*
C%ntest: Impersonate someone2s voice (a'ainst 0isdom*
C%ntest: Aive %alse assurance to dull suspicion (a'ainst
C%ntest: Tell a convincin' lie (a'ainst 0isdom*
8ather 4u&%rs
Easy (DC 10): Aat#er t#e common 'ossip in a to!n or
nei'#bor#ood$ Bearn about t#e local po!er %i'ures
(%erate (DC 1#): Find !#at you need in an un%amiliar
city$ Find out !#o2s really in po!er
Har (DC !0): 0easel out local in%ormation only a %e!
ot#er people no!
"ery Har (DC !#): 4i' up obscure ne!s or lore %rom a
Har (DC !0): Aet an unruly cro!d to move out o% t#e
!ay$ "ad'er allied soldiers into a %i'#tin' mood$ Aoad a
person into action$
C%ntest: &ry in%ormation out o% a prisoner (a'ainst 0is3
Easy (DC 10): Entertain a cro!d !it# a tall tale
Easy (DC 10): Aive a pleasin' speec#
(%erate (DC 1#): Aive a rousin' or inspirin' speec#$
(%erate (DC 1#): +alm and com%ort a distrau'#t person
C%ntest: &ersuade someone to do somet#in' (a'ainst 0is3
C%ntest: +onvince someone to bac do!n %rom a con%ron3
tation (a'ainst 0isdom*
$alling Da&age
1dC blud'eonin' dama'e %or every 10 %eet; to a ma.imum
o% 20dC$
Creature Si9e
Si9e S*ace Surr%un $ills
Tiny 2$5 D 2$5 %t$ > 1
)mall 5 D 5 %t$ > 1
Medium 5 D 5 %t$ > 1
Bar'e 10 D 10 %t$ 12 1$5
Hu'e 15 D 15 %t$ 1C 2
Aar'antuan 20 D 20 %t$ 20 2$5
6anering (%nsters
4egi%n Enc%unter Change (!0)
4esolate 1? E 20
)parely in#abited 1F E 20
Typical re'ion 15 E 20
T#icly in#abited 13 E 20
4ensely in#abited 11 E 20
:utomatically %ails any ability c#ec t#at involves si'#t$ :t3
tac rolls a'ainst t#e creature #ave advanta'e; and t#e crea3
ture2s attac rolls #ave disadvanta'e$
+annot attac t#e c#armer or tar'et t#e c#armer !it# #arm3
%ul abilities or ma'ical e%%ects$ T#e c#armer #as advanta'e on
any ability c#ec to interact socially !it# t#e creature$
Deafene :utomatically %ails any ability c#ec t#at involves #earin'$
4isadvanta'e on ability c#ecs and attac rolls !#ile t#e
source o% its %ear is !it#in line o% si'#t$ +annot !illin'ly
move to a position !#ere it !ould end a turn closer to t#e
source o% its %ear t#an !#ere it started$
8esistance a'ainst nonma'ical dama'e; and t#e creature2s
tar'ets #ave resistance a'ainst its nonma'ical dama'e$ +an
move t#rou'# an ob-ect or anot#er creature; but can2t stop
:n invisible creature is impossible to see !it#out t#e aid o%
ma'ic or a special sense$ For t#e purpose o% #idin'; t#e crea3
ture is #eavily obscured$ T#e creature2s location can be de3
tected by any noise it maes or any tracs it leaves$ :ttac
rolls a'ainst t#e creature #ave disadvanta'e; and t#e crea3
ture2s attac rolls #ave advanta'e$
+annot move; spea; or tae any action t#at is not purely
mental$ )ub-ect drops !#atever it2s #oldin' and %alls prone$
T#e creature automatically %ails )tren't# and 4e.terity savin'
t#ro!s$ :ttac rolls a'ainst t#e creature #ave advanta'e$
<nly movement option is to cra!l; unless stands up$ 4isad3
vanta'e on attac rolls$ :n attac roll #as advanta'e a'ainst
t#e creature i% t#e attacer is !it#in 5 %eet o% it$ <t#er!ise; an
attac roll #as disadvanta'e a'ainst t#e creature$
)peed becomes 0; and it cannot bene%it %rom bonuses to its
speed$ :ttac rolls a'ainst t#e creature #ave advanta'e; and
t#e creature2s attac rolls #ave disadvanta'e$ T#e creature #as
disadvanta'e on 4e.terity savin' t#ro!s$
+annot move or tae actions$ :utomatically %ails )tren't#
and 4e.terity savin' t#ro!s$ :ttac rolls a'ainst t#e creature
#ave advanta'e$
:n unconscious creature drops !#atever it2s #oldin' and %alls
prone$ T#e creature cannot move; tae actions; or perceive
its surroundin's$ T#e creature automatically %ails )tren't#
and 4e.terity savin' t#ro!s$ :ttac rolls a'ainst t#e creature
#ave advanta'e$
S*ecial 3cti%ns
C%u* e
:ttac unconscious creature !it#in 5 %eet; i% you #it t#e creature and deal dama'e; t#e
creature drops to 0 #it points; re'ardless o% #o! many #it points it #ad$ I% t#e creature
!as already at 0 #it points; it dies$
Move up to #al% your speed$ I% you leave a #ostile creature2s reac# durin' t#is move3
ment; you do not provoe an opportunity attac %rom t#at creature$
=ntil your ne.t turn; attac rolls a'ainst you #ave disadvanta'e; and you mae 4e.terity
savin' t#ro!s !it# advanta'e$ 9ou lose t#is bene%it i% you cannot move or tae actions$
=sin' at least one %ree #and; you try to 'rab and #old a creature no more t#an one si6e
lar'er t#an you by main' a success%ul )tren't# c#ec contested by t#e creature2s
)tren't# c#ec or 4e.terity c#ec (t#e creature c#ooses t#e ability*$ I% you succeed; t#e
creature2s speed becomes 0 and cannot increase until t#e 'rapple ends$
(%-ing a 8ra**le Creature0 0#en you move; you can dra' or carry a 'rappled crea3
ture !it# you; but every 5 %eet costs you 5 e.tra %eet o% movement; unless t#e creature is
t!o or more si6es smaller t#an you$
4estraining a Creature0 :s a separate action; you can restrain a 'rappled creature by
main' anot#er success%ul )tren't# c#ec contested by t#e creature2s )tren't# c#ec or
4e.terity c#ec$ I% you succeed; t#e creature is restrained$ 0#ile you2re restrainin' it;
attacs a'ainst you #ave advanta'e; your attacs #ave disadvanta'e; and you #ave disad3
vanta'e on 4e.terity savin' t#ro!s$ 9ou can stop restrainin' t#e creature at any time$
Ening a 8ra**le0 9ou can release a 'rappled creature !#enever you lie; and you
must do so i% you can2t tae actions or i% you lose control o% t#e 'rabbin' limb$ I% a
%orce; suc# as t#e blast created by t#e spell thunderwave; removes a 'rappled creature
%rom your reac#; t#e creature is %reed; unless t#e %orce also tar'ets you and moves you
!it# t#e creature$
:s an action; a 'rappled creature can escape by succeedin' on a )tren't# or 4e.terity
c#ec contested by your )tren't# c#ec$
+reature you aid 'ains advanta'e %or t#e ne.t relevant ability c#ec #e or s#e maes to
per%orm t#at tas be%ore your ne.t turn$
:lternatively; you can aid anot#er creature in one o% its attacs a'ainst a creature !it#in
5 %eet o% you$ I% t#e creature you #elp attacs t#e tar'et be%ore your ne.t turn; t#e attac
roll is made !it# advanta'e$
4istract or ot#er!ise #inder anot#er creature !it#in 5 %eet o% you$ T#e creature #as
disadvanta'e on t#e ne.t relevant ability c#ec or attac roll it maes be%ore your ne.t
:n%ck D%+n
/noc a creature prone t#at is no more t#an one si6e lar'er t#an you by main' a suc3
cess%ul )tren't# c#ec contested by t#at creature2s )tren't# c#ec or 4e.terity c#ec$
Sh%rt 4est E :t least 1 #our
9ou can spend one or more o% your Hit 4ice durin' a s#ort rest; up to your ma.imum number o% Hit
4ice$ For eac# Hit 4ie you spend in t#is !ay; roll t#e die and add your +onstitution modi%ier to it$ 9ou
re'ain #it points e5ual to t#e total$ 9ou can decide to spend an additional Hit 4ie a%ter eac# roll$ <nce
you #ave spent all your Hit 4ice; you must complete a lon' rest to re'ain t#em$
/%ng 4est E :t least > #ours
Must #ave at least 1 #it point to tae a lon' rest$ :t t#e end o% t#e rest; you re'ain all your #it points and
#al% o% your Hit 4ice (round up*$
+annot bene%it %rom more t#an one lon' rest in a 2@3#our period$

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