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Extension of existing ROS navigation map from 2D to 3D

The current ROS stack provides a navigation package that can only be used in two
dimensions. However for most AUV/UAV related applications, we would need 3D
navigation. This proposal is to extend the existing package for use in BBAUV and to
contribute back to the ROS open source code base.

This proposal deals with the navigation package developed by the ROS open source
community, which can be found at (
planning/navigation.git). Our aim for this project is to extend the capabilities of the
current package, and to fix bugs that may be preventing people from extensively
using it. Since the current package is 2D, it is hard to adapt for use in underwater or
airborne vehicles. Once we extend it to 3D, it can be used not only by us, but also by
any other person that is interested in using ROS navigation for their project, due to
the open source nature of the contribution. Another extension that will be useful
would be the ability to send set point information from the navigation map (as of
now, the package produces velocity commands) and full support for ROS Hydro.
Many projects use PID based control systems that can benefit greatly from having
set point data over velocity. This system can be used with the UWSim simulator,
which makes testing very easy.

Current involvement:

I am already a part of the BBAUV team, and therefore familiar with their ROS code
base. I do the mission planning for BBAUV and am also doing navigation. Examples
involve the code that I used for SAUVC 2014. GSoC for me is an opportunity to take
the work that Ive done for BBAUV and contribute some of it back to the open source
ROS community whose code we have been using.

Previous experience in ROS:
Like I have previously mentioned, I do the mission planning for BBAUV, which
involves knowing almost every aspect of our ROS code base and also of the system.
The version of ROS that Im most familiar with is ROS Hydro.

Previous experience in OpenCV:
Generation of real time environmental mesh based on Microsoft Kinect depth and
visual data to do path finding for a Quad rotor vehicle.

Physically accurate relativistic ray tracing in C++ to visualize effects of general
relativity on fast moving particles. This was not done in OpenCV but rather as an
extension to PBRT, which is an open source ray tracer developed by Matt Pharr and
Greg Humphers (Nvidia).

Prior experience in UWSim/Gazebo:
Bare bones simulator. Code sent in directly.

Are you willing to do other AUV related software tasks:

Do you have any summer plans?
Yes. Software development for BBAUV for Robosub 2014.

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