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The probability of finding true love between individuals in same-sex marriages is much
higher than that among heterosexual marriages. People assumed that homosexuality is
about nothing but sex, society often undermines homosexuality believing it to be simply a
sexual perversion. The reality, however, is that homosexuality is multifaceted, and it is much
more about love and sensation than it is about sex. In fact, homosexual relationships are
based on mutual attraction, love and affection. Homosexual individuals dig deeper and are
often more committed to their relationships. In addition, homosexuals can have more stable
relationships than their straight counter parts. Statistic shows that, 59% of homosexual
individuals had been in a stable, loving relationship for three or more years and only 19%
admitted to cheating on a loved one--which is much lower than the national average.
Heterosexuals, On the other hand, showed instability in their love lives. Only 47% had been
in a stable, loving relationship, in fact, only 42% said that they had been involved in a
committed relationship for longer than three years. Of those who had married, over 50% had
been divorced. Almost half admitted to cheating on a spouse or loved one. Two thirds said
they were unhappy with their sex lives. Furthermore, homosexuals are more faithful and
passionate towards their hard-won relationships. Homosexual individuals face societal
pressures and deals with a great amount of stress due to societal attitudes. There are many
forms of stigma, prejudice and violence against lesbians and gay men. For example, gay
individuals tend to be more prone to suffer from depression because they feel rejected by
society. The lack of understanding and the way society has repeatedly condemned or
rejected their sexual orientation makes them feel worthless and hopeless. In addition, once
homosexuals overcome the lack of understanding or acceptance of families and friends, they
tend to treasure their relationships and to be more affectionate with their lovers both, in
public and in private. Therefore, homosexuals have deeper, loving relationships that should
be allowed to commit to one another--honest loves should not be frowned upon.

The first piece of writing that I believe reflects my beginning stage of wring was the summary
for The Mercys sake. I believe its an ineffective summary as it is poorly written. For
example, I had numerous grammar errors, specifically; I defy the rules for subject-verb
agreement. I used is and are in such that my sentences disagree in the number of verbs;
in other words, a singular subject was not paired with a singular verb nor was a plural subject
paired with a plural verb. Furthermore, I had a limited vocab list in which it restricted my
ability to express my thoughts in words. I was not able to clearly express my thoughts nor
was I able to express my ideas coherently. For instance, I mentioned, in Netherland a legal
criteria for euthanasia has been introduced, thus, legalizing euthanasia should be considered
universally. I meant to discuss the Netherlands as a case study to which has proven
euthanasia as a beneficial procedure, however, I failed to attend. Lastly, I failed to summarize
the most important aspects of my article. I did not include specific details to back up my
statements and I have numerous redundancies as I defined the different between a passive
and an active euthanasia which was unnecessary.
The second piece of writing that I believe reflects my middle stage of writing is the
persuasive essay on, vegetarianism. I believed this essay portrays a progression of my writing
skills. I was able to construct a creative yet, challenging thesis simultaneously; I was being more
credible by including numerous refutation augments. For example, I stated, It is commonly
argued that consuming raised and slaughtered animals is not crueltyit is, in fact, ethical
and humane. Non-vegetarians believe consuming meat is not immoral but a natural cycle of
life. I considered both opposing and supporting arguments of vegetarianism and logically
utilized all disputations towards vegetarianism as a valid argument to support my thesis. I
had also used a wide range of secondary sources to support my arguments. Further, I had
expanded my vocabulary list with the use of a wide variety of terminologies thus; I had a
sophisticated and purposeful language. Lastly, I had an appropriate style and tone. However,
there are still many practical skills I should consider while writing my essay, for example,
perhaps I should include more emotional appeals to enhance my discussions. I should also
clean up some minor errors in my writing convention such as, subject verb agreement and
plural forms in order for me to improve my writing skills.

using grammar conventions correctly. I ensured I used complete sentences without fragments or
run on sentences. Ive also utilized the information learned in class and interpreted into my work
as I portrayed a variety of literacy devices in my summary such as dashes, colons and semicolons.
For example, I have effectively used a semicolon to connect my 2 independent thoughts, Ive
stated, Television with its far reaching influence spreads across the globe; approximately
10,000 homicides cases a year are committed simply within the United State due to the
exposure to television. Further, my writing progression was evident through my diverse usage of
terminologies. I have intended to use great variety of terms. For instance, instead of using the
terms increase repetitively, Ive now introduce new terms such as, escalation or growth. Lastly,
I demonstrated an improving writing process as I was able to condense the article without
neglecting the details. I have included the words of the author and summarized her main idea.
However, I was not paraphrasing the quotes instead I directly inferred her words into my
summary. Thus, there are still areas of weakness I should improve upon.

The third piece of wring that I believe reflects my final stage is the persuasive paragraph on the
topic gender. I believe this paragraph reveals my final stage of my writing process because I
have fulfilled nearly all my previous goals and expectations as a writer. I have exhibited a high
degree of logic and coherence throughout my writing. My paragraph is well organized and
effective with good refutations and statistics. For example, I was able to refute against opposing
agreements as I stated, People assumed that homosexuality is about nothing but sex, society
often undermines homosexuality believing it to be simply a sexual perversion. The reality,
however, is that homosexuality is multifaceted, and it is much more about love and sensation
than it is about sex. This presents me as a credible and an effective writer. Further, I was also
able to develop a concise and effective thesis statement that summarizes my whole
argument. For instance, I argued, The probability of finding true love between individuals in
same-sex marriages is much higher than that among heterosexual marriages. I have clearly
stated my overall argument in the thesis statement thus, evidencing my progressing writing
skills as I am able to better summarize my arguments. Lastly, I was able to effectively
communicate my thoughts through my paragraph by using appropriate language and voice
with a high degree of effectiveness and consistency. However, there are still many aspects of
writing I would like t work on in the future.

The summary structure was constructed with choppy flow and unorganized thoughts.

In conclusion, I had a very positive experience with this class. This course really aided my
understanding of certain aspects of writing I had never understood before. I feel that I can now
express my ideas far more effectively. In the future my essays will be far stronger due to new
writing strategies learned here. I am more confident about writing effectively in future

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