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RGC Ref No.

Prestigious Fellowship Scheme uner
Hum!nities !n Soci!l Sciences P!nel "#$% & "#$'
Applic!tion Form (HSSPFS$)
Please read the Explanatory Notes HSSPFS2 (Oct 12) careflly !efore co"plet#n$ th#s
%o safe$ard the #nterests of the researcher and the #nst#tt#on& a'ardee #nst#tt#on !ears
the pr#"ary respons#!#l#ty for pre(ent#on& detect#on and #n(est#$at#on of research
"#scondct& #ncld#n$ !t not l#"#t#n$ to "#ss#n$ of fnds& data fals#f#cat#on& pla$#ar#s"
and self)pla$#ar#s". Concern#n$ research $rant appl#cat#ons& the #nst#tt#on #s stron$ly
ad(#sed to se ant#)pla$#ar#s" soft'are !efore s!"#tt#n$ the appl#cat#on to the RGC.
*%o !e co"pleted !y the appl#cant+
1. Na"e
Srna"e ,ONG Other na"es CH-, CH.NG
Na"e #n Ch#nese (#f appl#ca!le)
Personal 'e!s#te (#f any) /
2. Crrent E"ploy"ent
Post %#tle/ -ssoc#ate Professor
0epart"ent/ En$l#sh 1an$a$e and 1#teratre
2nst#tt#on/ Hon$ ,on$ 3apt#st .n#(ers#ty
0ate of appo#nt"ent/ 1 Septe"!er 2444

5. Edcat#on (from undergraduate degree to PhD in chronological order)
0e$ree 2nst#tt#on 0ate of
of Stdy
0#ssertat#on %#tle
3-(Hons) C#ty
of H,
0ec 1::; %each#n$
En$l#sh as
%each#n$ of -rt#cles to
ES1 1earners
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1
RGC Ref No.
0e$ree 2nst#tt#on 0ate of
of Stdy
0#ssertat#on %#tle
6Sc -ston
Sep 1::< En$l#sh for
- 0#scorse -nalys#s
of En$l#sh and
Ch#nese 3s#ness
Re=est 1etters !y
Nat#(e and Non)nat#(e
Ph0 C#ty
of H,
0ec 1::: 0#scorse
Constrct#n$ 2dent#t#es
#n Net'or? 6ar?et#n$
;. Pre(#os -cade"#c E"ploy"ents (in chronological order)
Post %#tle 2nst#tt#on 0epart"ent
Sep 1::: @ Ane
Hon$ ,on$
-cade"y for
Perfor"#n$ -rts
<. 8or Crrent Research 2nterests
(Do not exceed 400 words)
Profess#onal and p!l#c d#scorse
6lt#"odal analys#s
2ntercltral Pra$"at#cs
1an$a$e and edcat#on
B. 3r#ef 0escr#pt#on of Career -cco"pl#sh"ent (up to half A4 page)
S#nce 2 9o#ned H,3. #n 2444& 2 ha(e $a#ned s!stant#al exper#ence #n teach#n$ a
ran$e of l#n$#st#cs corses at d#fferent le(els& fro" teach#n$ nder$radate le(el
corses to sper(#s#n$ Ph0 stdents. %he d#(erse ran$e& le(els and or#entat#ons of
the corses 2 teach #n the 0epart"ent allo' "e to "a?e s#$n#f#cant contr#!t#ons
to the 0epart"ent. %h#s #s poss#!le !ecase of or relat#(ely s"all tea" of
l#n$#sts. %h#s exper#ence has pro(en (ery sefl #n "y teach#n$ de(elop"ent.
3es#des th#s !readth of teach#n$ expert#se& 2 ha(e de(eloped a (ery stron$
reperto#re #n teach#n$ soc#al and fnct#onal l#n$#st#cs& #ncld#n$ d#scorse
analys#s& "lt#"odal#ty& soc#ol#n$#st#cs& lan$a$e pra$"at#cs& creat#(#ty #n
lan$a$e and fnct#onal $ra""ar. 6y 'ell)esta!l#shed and sccessfl teach#n$ #n
th#s clster of corses can !e de"onstrated !y the pos#t#(e feed!ac?s fro"
stdents. 3es#des teach#n$& 2 also ha(e sccessfl exper#ence #n sper(#s#n$
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 2
RGC Ref No.
nder$radate honors pro9ects& and 6- and Ph0 d#ssertat#ons. Stdents are
$#(en tas?s to acco"pl#sh e(ery 'ee? or e(ery t'o 'ee?s so that they ha(e a sense
of ach#e(e"ent and 2 can "a?e sre the#r research #s on the r#$ht trac?. 2 'as the
ch#ef sper(#sor of t'o Ph0 $radates. One of the" has !eco"e a fll professor #n
her spec#alty. %he other has p!l#shed her research f#nd#n$s #n top)t#er #nternat#onal
0r#n$ "y ser(#ce at H,3.& 2 can str#?e a $ood !alance !et'een teach#n$ and
research. 2n fact& 2 stron$ly !el#e(e they are co"ple"entary to each other. - $ood
researcher can ha(e "any #ns#$hts fro" stdents 'hen #nteract#n$ '#th the". -
$ood teacher shold ?eep a!reast of the crrent de(elop"ents #n the d#sc#pl#ne
he7she #s teach#n$. S#nce 2 9o#ned the 0epart"ent& 2 ha(e de(eloped a sccessfl
trac? record #n research and p!l#cat#ons. 2 ha(e p!l#shed #n top)t#er #nternat#onal
9ornals of h#$hest stand#n$ #n "y areas and ha(e esta!l#shed an #nternat#onal
reptat#on #n d#scorse analys#s. 6y expert#se and reptat#on are conf#r"ed !y an
#ncreas#n$ n"!er of #n(#tat#ons to referee art#cles& contr#!te to !oo?s79ornals&
part#c#pate #n research $rops& and present research f#nd#n$s #n 'or?shops and
conferences. 2 a" reco$n#Ced as an #nternat#onal expert #n d#scorse analys#s. 6y
co)ed#ted research "ono$raph #n profess#onal d#scorse #s a $ood p#ece of
e(#dence& and so #s a recent #n(#tat#on for "e to $est)ed#t a spec#al #sse #n
profess#onal co""n#cat#on for Information Design Journal. So"e of "y
p!l#cat#ons are #n fact #n(#ted contr#!t#ons& deal#n$ '#th the state of the art #n
d#scorse analys#s. 6y "ost recent 'or? #s a research "ono$raph on profess#onal
d#scorse to !e p!l#shed !y Ca"!r#d$e .n#(ers#ty Press.
D. Research Otpt (#ncld#n$ p!l#cat#ons) (up to five)
1. ,on$& C. C. ,enneth (244E) F- f#l#al son or a lo(#n$ "other/ e(alat#on resorces
as recontextal#Cat#on ces #n property transact#on reportsG Journal of Pragmatics
;4(5)/ ;51);<5 (SSC2 H -HC2)
2. ,on$& C. C. ,enneth (244:) F2nst#tt#onal d#scorse/ %he lan$a$e of the "ed#aG A.
Ren?e"a (ed.) Discourse Of Course. -"sterda"/ Aohn 3en9a"#ns.
5. ,on$& C. C. ,enneth (244:) F>e!)!ased and pr#nt)!ased $ra""ar #nstrct#on/ -
co"par#son of the#r l#n$#st#c and #nteract#onal featresG Computer Assisted
Language Learning 22 (1)/51)<<. (SSC2)
;. ,on$& C. C. ,enneth (2415) - corps)!ased stdy #n co"par#n$ the "lt#"odal#ty
of Ch#nese) and En$l#sh) lan$a$e ne'spapersG Visual Communication. (SSC2)
<. ,on$& C. C. ,enneth (2415). The Writing of Professional Discourse. Ca"!r#d$e
.n#(ers#ty Press.
E. Crrent %each#n$ Respons#!#l#t#es
(Specify courses or responsibilities and estimated time spent on each per wee)
0#scorse -nalys#s (24 hors)
En$l#sh& Cltres and Creat#(#ty (14 hors)
-nalyC#n$ 6lt#"odal#ty (< hors)
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 5
RGC Ref No.
:. Crrent -d"#n#strat#(e Respons#!#l#t#es
(Specify responsibilities and estimated time spent on each per wee)
6e"!er& Faclty 3road)!ased -d"#ss#on Co""#ttee (< hors)
6e"!er& -rts Faclty Ne'sletter Ed#tor#al Co""#ttee (1 hor)
6e"!er& Faclty 3road)!ased -d"#ss#on Co""#ttee (1 hor)
0epart"ent Research Se"#nar Coord#nator (2 hors)
6e"!er& Sen#or 6ana$e"ent Co""#ttee& 6- #n 1an$a$e Std#es (1 hor)
Career -d(#sor for En$l#sh 6a9ors and 0epart"ent 1#a#son Off#cer ('#th
Consel#n$ H 0e(elop"ent and Place"ent Centre) (1 hor)
14. Est#"ated a"ont of t#"e crrently spent on yor research
(e!g! estimated hours per wee)
Profess#onal d#scorse (12 hors)
6lt#"odal#ty (12 hors)
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e ;
RGC Ref No.
*%o !e co"pleted !y the appl#cant+
1. %#tle of proposed research for the Fello'sh#p
(Do not exceed "0 words)
- soc#o)h#stor#cally "ed#ated approach to $lo!al#Cat#on #n the p!l#c d#scorse of 6a#nland
2. 2"pact and o!9ect#(es
(A maximum of "00 words for the long#term impact and pro$ect ob$ectives)
(a) 1on$)ter" #"pact
Glo!al#Cat#on #s a per(as#(e pheno"enon affect#n$ e(ery aspect of or l#(es& fro" %I
ad(ert#se"ents to e(en ho' or 9o! perfor"ance #s e(alated 'h#ch has !een #ncreas#n$ly
#nflenced !y a $lo!al appra#sal FstandardG. >h#le $lo!al#Cat#on #s a h#$hly contested ter"
'#th "any "ean#n$s& the "ost #ns#$htfl def#n#t#on #s pro(#ded !y Ste$er (2445)/
FGlo!al#Cat#on refers to a "lt#d#"ens#onal set of soc#al processes that create& "lt#ply& stretch&
and #ntens#fy 'orld'#de soc#al #nterdependence and exchan$es 'h#le at the sa"e t#"e
foster#n$ #n people a $ro'#n$ a'areness of deepen#n$ connect#ons !et'een the local and
d#stantG (15). >#th the Fd#scrs#(e trnG #n the soc#al sc#ences& there has !een an #ncreas#n$ sh#ft
to the d#scrs#(e "an#festat#ons of $lo!al#Cat#on #n "any aspects of soc#al l#fe #n d#fferent
contr#es sch as "ed#a (6ach#n H (an 1ee'an& 2445)J tor#s" (%hrlo' H Aa'ors?#& 2414)
or edcat#on (Hose& 2445).
Follo'#n$ the #dea of centr#f$al and centr#petal forces of $lo!al#Cat#on& $local#Cat#on #s a ter"
#n#t#ally co#ned #n the !s#ness 'orld to refer to the strate$#es of #nte$rat#n$ local ele"ents #n
the process of $lo!al#Cat#on. S#nce then& the ter" has !een expanded #n other areas of en=#ry.
For exa"ple #n d#scorse analys#s #t 'as def#ned as Fa !#frcat#on a'ay fro" the h#stor#cally
po'erfl nat#on state #n t'o d#rect#ons/ one p'ard to'ards a 'orld #ncreas#n$ly do"#nated
!y "lt#nat#onal corporat#ons and #nternat#onal and spranat#onal ent#t#es Kand one
do'n'ard (as #t 'ere) to'ards re$#onal asp#rat#ons& n#che "ar?et#n$& local #n(ol(e"entsG
(S'ales& 244;/11). >h#le the soc#al sc#ences fnda"entally deal '#th soc#al and e(eryday l#fe&
there #s certa#nly noth#n$ 'ron$ '#th !orro'#n$ not#ons or concepts fro" the !s#ness c#rcles
#n the acade"#a !t 'hat #s pro!le"at#c #s that the ter" o(ers#"pl#f#es the h#dden forces of
po'er d#fferent#at#on #n the process of $lo!al#Cat#on. For exa"ple& #n a stdy co"par#n$ the
Cos"opol#tan of d#fferent contr#es (6ach#n H (an 1ee'en& 2445)& #t 'as fond d#fferent
contr#es tend to cap#tal#Ce on the s#"#lar cltral resorces of portray#n$ soc#al pro!le"s
fac#n$ 'o"en #n d#fferent contr#es all o(er the $lo!e& altho$h the solt#ons s$$ested are
d#fferent #"ply#n$ cltral (ales re"a#n#n$ #ntact. 2n local contexts& local sales letters ha(e
!een fond to ha(e an e=al "#x of $lo!al and local fla(ors #n the#r "o(e strctres (Chen$&
2414). -d(ert#se"ents are also "#xed '#th En$l#sh 'ords #n order to attract ad#enceGs
attent#on #n Hon$ ,on$ (> and Chan& 244D) and %a#'an (Hs& 244E). %hese std#es tend to
e=ate ex#stence of local ele"ents to cltral d#(ers#ty and #$nore the strat#f#cat#on of
s#"ltaneos (o#ces and h#stor#es that ta?e place #n those L$local#sedL $enres.
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e <
RGC Ref No.
Glocal#Ced $enres are #n fact $ood exa"ples of synchron#Ced d#scorse (3lo""aert& 244<) #n
'h#ch d#fferent (o#ces at d#fferent t#"e)scales are Fselect#(elyG co"pressed #nto a s#n$le text.
For exa"ple& trad#t#onal Confc#an (o#ces and #deolo$#es can !e recontextal#Ced as #ndex#cal
of !ac?'ardness or otdatedness #n a sc#ent#f#c paper !t as #ndex#cal of #nd#$enosness&
n#=eness or e(en trend #n a tor#st pa"phlet. On the other hand& conte"porary 'estern
(o#ces and #deolo$#es can !e #ndex#cals of fash#on& trend and ftre !t at the sa"e t#"e they
can !e recontextal#Ced as #rrele(ant& re"ote or e(en e(#l #n another context. %o "a?e the
s#tat#on e(en "ore co"plex& $lo!al#Cat#on #tself #s a "lt#)faceted pheno"enon that cts
across the do"a#ns of econo"y& cltre& sc#ence and edcat#on. %he s#"latene#ty of (o#ces
and do"a#ns #s the nor" of "ost $lo!al#Ced d#scorse !t #s #$nored #n "ost std#es deal#n$
'#th the #sses of $lo!al#Cat#on. %here #s no do!t that any d#scorse #s a response or
adaptat#on of oneLs n#=e cltre to the re(ol(#n$ context !t 'hat #s the "ost #"portant to
nderstand #s ho' sch adaptat#on #s "ade& for 'ho" and #n 'hat cond#t#ons& as 3loo"aert
con(#n#n$ly ar$es& Lhe$e"ony "ay l#e not so "ch #n s#n$le& n#f#ed sets of #deolo$#cal
ele"ents& !t #n connect#ons !et'een (ar#os setsL (1D;). - LsnapshotL analys#s of a part#clar
"o"ent #n a textLs h#story does an #n9st#ce to the r#ch and s#"ltaneos h#stor#es #n 'h#ch a
text #s e"!edded and to so"e extent sch ?#nd of analys#s #s an act of Ldo!le sychron#Cat#onL&
repeat#n$ a "#sta?e or fallancy so"eone has "ade #n the text !e#n$ analyCed. %he crrent
ar$"ents of hy!r#d#Cat#on or #nd#$en#Cat#on #n co""n#cat#on std#es and anthropolo$y "ay
!e o(erstated !ecase the presence of local ele"ents "ay not represent any real #nte$rat#on as
3lo""aert notes& F>hene(er d#scorses tra(el across the $lo!e& 'hat #s carr#ed '#th the" #s
the#r shape& !t the#r (ale& "ean#n$& or fnct#on do not tra(el alon$G (244</D2).
-fter all& $lo!al#Cat#on #s Fa set of social processes that are tho$ht to transfor" or present
soc#al cond#t#on #nto one of $lo!al#tyG(Ste$er& 2445/B& #tal#cs #n or#$#nal). >e need a "ch
"ore ro!st fra"e'or? than 'hat can !e pro(#ded no' to nderstand 'hat #s $o#n$ on #n th#s
co"plex set of soc#al processes. -ny flat analys#s '#thot ta?#n$ #nto cons#derat#on the fll
h#stor#es and s#"ltaneos Fl#fe'orldsG (Ha!er"as& 1:E;) of $lo!al#Cat#on #s #nade=ate to
address the co"plex #sses #n(ol(ed #n th#s #"portant $lo!al process. 3es#des l#n$#st#c
real#Cat#ons& $lo!al#Cat#on has #"portant (#sal aspects 'h#ch are sally do'nplayed #n recent
scholarsh#p. >e also lac? a "ore syste"at#c and #nte$rated l#n$#st#c and (#sal fra"e'or? for
co"par#son s#nce "ost of the pre(#os std#es ha(e sed d#fferent "ethodolo$#es '#th focs
on d#fferent $enres and re$#on7contr#es. %h#s proposed research '#ll reslt #n a deta#led
ethno$raphy of the crrent $lo!al#Cat#on pract#ces of Gan$Cho& one of the "a9or c#t#es #n
"a#nland Ch#na as 'ell as a fll)len$th research "ono$raph to !e p!l#shed !y a lead#n$
p!l#sher and at least t'o research art#cles to !e p!l#shed #n #nterd#sc#pl#nary 9ornals sch as
Visual Communication and Discourse Studies.
(!) O!9ect#(es
*Please l#st the o!9ect#(es #n po#nt for"+
%h#s stdy of $lo!al#Cat#on d#scorse pract#ces& #nfor"ed !y !oth l#n$#st#cs and soc#al
theor#es& a#"s at/

(a) analys#n$ the l#n$#st#c and (#sal "an#festat#ons of $lo!al#Cat#on #n the p!l#c d#scorse of
"a#nland Ch#na (Gan$Cho #n part#clar)J
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e B
RGC Ref No.
(!) trac?#n$ the soc#o)h#stor#cal tra9ector#es of $lo!al#Cat#on #n the p!l#c do"a#ns of
"a#ndland Ch#na (Gan$Cho #n part#clar)J
(c) stdy#n$ the (#e's of sta?eholders and sers #n(ol(edJ and
(d) de(elop#n$ a theoret#cal "odel of co"par#son and analys#s.

5. 3ac?$rond of research& research plan and "ethodolo$y/
(A maximum of seven A#4 pages in total in Standard %&' (ormat for items (a) and
(a) 3ac?$rond of research
+h!t is glo,!li-!tion !n wh!t c!n iscourse !n!l.sis o//er0
Glo!al#Cat#on has !een def#ned as Fthe #ntens#f#cat#on of 'orld'#de soc#al relat#ons 'h#ch l#n?
local#t#es #n sch a 'ay that local happen#n$s are shaped !y local e(ents occrr#n$ "any "#les
a'ay and (#ce (ersaG (G#ddens& 1::4/B;). -ltho$h or d#scorse and th#n?#n$ styles are
#ncreas#n$ly $lo!al#Ced and ho"o$en#Ced& the #nflence or extent of $lo!al#Cat#on re"a#ns
de!ata!le. 2t cold !e ar$ed that #n certa#n spheres of co""n#cat#on& #ts #nflence7extent
tends to !e stron$& 'hereas #n others #t tends to !e 'ea?er. For exa"ple& #n a stdy co"par#n$
Cosmopolitan ed#t#ons #n d#fferent contr#es& 6ach#n and (an 1ee'en (244D) fond d#fferent
contr#es to cap#tal#Ce on s#"#lar cltral resorces #n portray#n$ the soc#al pro!le"s fac#n$
'o"en arond the $lo!e& altho$h the s$$ested solt#ons #"pl#ed that the cltral (ales of
d#fferent contr#es re"a#n #ntact. 2n spheres of co""n#cat#on less s!9ect to $lo!al#Cat#on&
sch as #nst#tt#onal "eet#n$s and fa"#ly $ather#n$s& cltral #nflence on lan$a$e see"s to
!e stron$er and to ha(e a lon$er)last#n$ and "ore dra!le effect on ho' ent#t#es are perce#(ed.
> and N$ (2411) ta?e a s#"#lar pos#t#on concern#n$ 9ornal#st#c pract#ces #n "a#nland Ch#na
and Hon$ ,on$. %hey ar$e that $lo!al#Cat#on has had only "ar$#nal effects& sch as
#ncreas#n$ the se of the d#alo$#c story)tell#n$ strctre& '#th Ch#nese (ales& sch as the need
for har"ony& re"a#n#n$ #ntact as the nor"at#(e (#e' of 9ornal#s". Sn (2415)& #n contrast&
al#$ns herself '#th the (#e' that $lo!al#Cat#on has a stron$ #nflence #n her co"par#son of
ser(#ce calls recorded recently and a decade a$o #n Ch#na. She presents e(#dence to s$$est
that these calls no' featre a "ore csto"er)fr#endly style of #nteract#on and that sal#ent
d#fferences can !e fond o(er t#"e #n the 'ays that enterpr#ses #dent#fy the"sel(es& #n
e"ployeesG cho#ce of 'ords and express#ons& and #n the part#c#pat#on strctre of clos#n$
se=ences. %he d#screpancy #n the de$ree of #nflence that the t'o std#es #n Ch#na cla#" for
$lo!al#Cat#on can !e expla#ned !y the contexts #n 'h#ch the#r data 'ere collected. Aornal#st#c
d#scorse #s "ore s!9ect to #nst#tt#onal or !reacrat#c control than co""erc#al prof#t)
"a?#n$ d#scorse& '#th the latter ths en9oy#n$ $reater flex#!#l#ty #n ad9st#n$ #tself to the
pressres of $lo!al#Cat#on (Hlt$ren& 2411). G#(en the h#$hly contested natre of
$lo!al#Cat#on& #t #s #"portant to stdy the relat#(e #nflence of $lo!al#Cat#on on d#fferent
cltres #n "ore prec#se ter"s.
Glo!al#Cat#on #s of corse a hot top#c #n soc#olo$y and cltral std#es $#(en #ts per(as#(e
#nflence. G#ddens& as a conte"porary soc#olo$#st 'ho has 'r#tten extens#(ely on the area&
conceptal#Ces the #sse alon$ the l#ne of 'hat he calls Fdyna"#s" of "odern#tyG (G#ddens&
1::4). %he dyna"#s" #ncldes separat#on of t#"e and space& d#se"!edd#n$ "echan#s"s and
#nst#tt#onal reflex#(#ty. %he separat#on of t#"e and space& ?no'n as Ft#"e)space d#stanc#at#onG
or Fprocess of e"pty#n$ of t#"e and spaceG refers to Fthe cond#t#ons nder 'h#ch t#"e and
space are or$an#Ced so as to connect presence and a!senceG (G#ddens& 1::4/ 1;). 0#stanc#at#on
reslts #n d#se"!edd#n$ 'h#ch Fseperates #nteract#on fro" the part#clar#t#es of localesG
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e D
RGC Ref No.
(G#ddens& 1::1/24). %he f#nal sta$e 'old !e F#nst#tt#onal reflex#(#tyG of "odern#ty 'here
F"ost aspects of soc#al act#(#ty& and "ater#al relat#ons '#th natreG are sscept#!le to Fchron#c
re(#s#on of #n the l#$ht of ne' #nfor"at#on or ?no'led$eG (G#ddens& 1::1/24).
>h#le G#ddens #s "ostly correct #n pred#ct#n$ the crrent s#tat#on of $lo!al#Cat#on #n the F#rst
>orld or "ore prec#sely #n the -n$lo)-"er#can soc#ety& 'hat #s n?no'n or less clear #s the
extent to 'h#ch Fdyna"#s" of "odern#tyG #s appl#ca!le to the rest of 'orld. %here are at least
three pos#t#ons concern#n$ the #nflence of $lo!al#Cat#on on the rest of the 'orld/
hyper$lo!al#st& s?ept#cal and transfor"at#onal#st (Held& et al& 1:::). %he hyper$o!al#Cers
!el#e(e #n the f#nal scc"! of the 'hole 'orld to a $lo!al "ar?et econo"y 'here "ost
soc#al& pol#t#cal and econo"#c net'or?s are transnat#onal& lead#n$ to a $reater ho"o$ene#ty at
the end. %he s?ept#cal holds that ar$"ent that nat#onal $o(ern"ents or cltres ha(e the
po'er of re$lat#on and any #nterdependence #s sperf#c#al. F#nally& the transfor"at#on#st
re$ards $lo!al#Cat#on as the dr#(#n$ force respons#!le for fnda"ental soc#al& pol#t#cal and
soc#al transfor"at#ons of the crrent stats =o (G#ddens& 2442). -"on$ the three pos#t#ons&
the last one o!(#osly has a h#$her crrency !t all those pos#t#ons are all !ased on the FF#rst
>orldG exper#ence. Pre(#os research "ent#oned a!o(e on d#scrs#(e #nflence of
$lo!al#Cat#on #n -s#a can !e ro$hly "apped on these three pos#t#ons. 6ach#n and (an
1ee'en (2445) ta?es the transfor"at#onal perspect#(e& > and N$ (2411)& the s?ept#cal
pos#t#on and Sn (2415)& the hyper$lo!al perspect#(e !t these contrad#ctory f#nd#n$s are
"a#nly de to the lac? of cons#derat#on to spec#f#c contexts #n 'h#ch the data 'as collected
and the h#story of s#"ltaneos (o#ces and #deolo$#es 'h#ch are sally rn ot #n a flat
analys#s. >hat #s nclear #s ho' those confl#ct#n$ (o#ces are e"!edded and for 'hose
#nterests. .nt#l "ore #nterd#sc#pl#nary research of co"!#n#n$ h#story& deta#led o!ser(at#on and
#nter(#e's #s condcted& the 9d$e #s st#ll ot. -lso 'h#le soc#olo$y and d#scorse analys#s are
t'o d#st#nct d#sc#pl#nes& cross)fert#l#Cat#on of #deas !et'een the" #s not only fr#tfl !t
#nd#spensa!le to nderstand#n$ of lar$e)scale soc#al #sses !ecase $lo!al#Cat#on has an
#"portant d#scrs#(e aspect #n add#t#on to #ts econo"#c& soc#al and cltral "an#festat#ons as
Sta$er (2445)& one of the "ost #"portant theor#sts #n $lo!al#Cat#on& scc#nctly ar$es/
FK$lo!al#Cat#on conta#ns #"portant discursie aspects #n the for" of #deolo$#cally char$ed
narrat#(es that pt !efore the p!l#c a part#clar a$enda of top#cs for d#scss#on& =est#ons
to as?& and cla#"s to "a?e. %he ex#stence of these narrat#(es sho's that $lo!al#Cat#on #s not
"erely an o!9ect#(e process& !t also a plethora of stor#es that def#ne& descr#!e and ad(ance
spec#f#c po'er #nterests& !t also shape the personal and collect#(e #dent#t#es of !#ll#ons of
peopleG (preface& #tal#cs #n or#$#nal).
- d#scrs#(e approach '#th de cons#derat#on to the co"plex conf#$rat#ons of s#"ltaneos
(o#ces #s 'hat th#s proposed research #s try#n$ to de(elop. For exa"ple a recent stdy on
$lo!al ne's #n Hon$ ,on$ and 3r#ta#n !y the #n(est#$ator (,on$& 2412) f#nds that $lo!al ne's
#n Hon$ ,on$ tend to portray #nternat#onal actors as FOthersG 'h#le $lo!al ne's #n 3r#ta#n
seldo" fore$rond do so. 2t #s hence ar$ed that the $lo!al ne's #n Hon$ ,on$ #s only
F#ndex#callyG $lo!al #nstead of !e#n$ $lo!al#Ced. 2n other 'ords& $lo!al actors or e(ents are
only deployed as a Fsy"!ol#c cap#talF (3ord#e& 1::1) rather flly #nte$rated #nto the
"a#nstrea". %he f#nd#n$s ha(e #"portant #"pl#cat#ons !ecase pre(#os research on
$lo!al#Cat#on tends to focs on the F#rst >orld or -n$lo)-"er#can contr#es 'h#ch so"eho'
de"onstrate d#fferent scale of #nflence of $lo!al#Cat#on& fall#n$ #nto the pro!le" of 'hat
3lo""aert (244<) calls Fsynchron#Cat#onG of an #sse 'h#ch happens at a d#fferent t#"e)space
scale. %he #n(est#$ator has also condcted extens#(e research #n $enre analys#s fro" a
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e E
RGC Ref No.
co"parat#(e perspect#(e. One of h#s "ost #nflent#al p!l#cat#ons #s th#s area #s ,on$ (1::E)
'h#ch ar$es Ch#nese and En$l#sh re=est letters ha(e d#fferent "o(e and rhetor#cal strctres
cased !y the#r d#fferent l#n$#st#c patterns and ass"pt#ons a!ot 'r#ter)reader relat#onsh#ps.
-nother "ore recent p!l#cat#on #s h#s stdy of d#fferent deploy"ent of e(alat#(e lex#s #n
Ch#nese and En$l#sh research art#cles& a$a#n reflect#n$ d#fferent soc#o)cltral ass"pt#ons of
the 'r#ters (,on$& 244B). - soc#o)cltral and do"a#n)cross#n$ approach to profess#onal
d#scorse #n $eneral and $enre analys#s #n part#clar #s also proposed #n h#s forthco"#n$ !oo?
#n profess#onal d#scorse (,on$& 2415a).
From Critic!l *iscourse An!l.sis (C*A) to 1ultimo!l Critic!l *iscourse An!l.sis
Cr#t#cal soc#al research a#"s to Fach#e(e a !etter nderstand#n$ of ho' soc#et#es 'or? and
prodce !oth !enef#c#al and detr#"ental effects& and of ho' the detr#"ental effects can !e
"#t#$ated #f not el#"#natedG (Fa#rclo$h 2445/ 242)5). Cr#t#cal soc#al research shold start '#th
the =est#ons (#!#d& 242) sch as (1) Ho' do ex#st#n$ soc#et#es offer people '#th the
poss#!#l#t#es and resorces for r#ch and flf#ll#n$ l#(esM (2) Ho' do they deny people these
poss#!#l#t#es and resorcesM (5) >hat are the sorces that prodce po(erty& depr#(at#on& "#sery&
and #nsecr#ty #n peopleGs l#(esM (;) >hat poss#!#l#t#es are there for soc#al chan$e that 'old
redce or el#"#nate the soc#al pro!le"s and enhance the =al#ty of or l#(esM Cr#t#cal
0#scorse -nalys#s (C0-)& as a for" of cr#t#cal soc#al research& #s 'ell)pos#t#oned to address
these =est#ons !y exa"#n#n$ d#fferent texts and con(ersat#ons as the focs and '#ll !e
adopted as the "a#n fra"e'or? of th#s proposed stdy. C0- #s Fanalys#s of the d#alectal
relat#onsh#ps !et'een d#scorse and other ele"ents of soc#al pract#cesG (Fa#rclo$h 2445/24<).
>#th an or#$#nal focs and or#entat#on to'ards l#n$#st#c data& C0- std#es spec#f#cally deal
'#th personal& #nst#tt#onal and profess#onal d#scorses 'h#ch Ftest#fy to "ore or less o(ert
relat#ons of str$$le and confl#ctG (>oda? 2441/ 2). %he recent years ha(e seen a sh#ft of
attent#on of C0- fro" l#n$#st#c to other se"#ot#c "an#festat#ons of #ne=al#ty (3ednare? and
6art#n 2414J Aones and Ientola 244EJ 6ach#n and 6ayr 2412J 6ayr and 6ach#n 2412J
OLHalloran 244;J .ns'orth 244E). 6ost of these std#es adopt syste"#c)fnct#onal l#n$#st#cs
or Hall#day)#nsp#red soc#al se"#ot#c approach as the#r analyt#c fra"e'or?s. 6any sefl
#ns#$hts ha(e !een $enerated fro" those std#es espec#ally #n relat#on to #deat#onal "ean#n$s
(Cheon$ 244;J He"er 244E)& #nterpersonal "ean#n$s (3ednare? 2414) and co"pos#t#onal
"ean#n$s (%sen$ 244EJ (an 1ee'en 244E). Ne(ertheless& so"e "ean#n$ potent#als of sefl
resorces sch as fac#al express#ons& postres and $estres are not yet explored (cf. 3ell and
6#l#c& 2442). -lso there re"a#n so"e !rn#n$ #sses to !e resol(ed. F#rst& (#sal and l#n$#st#c
resorces are essent#ally t'o d#fferent channels and "ean#n$)"a?#n$ de(#ces. Soc#al se"#ot#c
approach 'h#ch leans to'ards l#n$#st#c data "ay not !e appl#ca!le to so"e "lt#"odal
d#scorse. Second& the co$n#t#(e d#"ens#on (#.e. the role of "ental sche"ata) #s do'nplayed #n
soc#al se"#ot#c approach to (#sal analys#s. %h#rd& there cold !e other #"portant #ns#$hts
'h#ch are #$nored& sch as the role of nconsc#os #n the prodct#on and recept#on of
d#scorse (0eleCe 1::4J 1acan 1:DD). 6ore co"prehens#(e "odels of "lt#"odal analys#s
ha(e !een proposed (Rose 2412J Scollon and Scollon& 2445& Spencer 2411) and h#$hl#$ht the
need to expand the ex#st#n$ "lt#"odal cr#t#cal analys#s to #nclde #ns#$hts of other
approaches (sch as psychoanalys#s& content analys#s& "ed#ated d#scorse analys#s) s#nce
"lt#"odal#ty #s a "lt#d#sc#pl#nary pheno"enon. For exa"ple #n the#r !oo? Discourse in
Place (2445)& Scollon and Scollon de(elops a deta#led fra"e'or? of s#tated act#on !y
#nte$rat#n$ #nteract#onal soc#ol#n$#st#cs& "lt#"odal se"#ot#cs and soc#al theor#es. %he
attent#on #s #ncreas#n$ly pa#d to the s#tated act#on of the part#c#pants and ho' #t #s "ed#ated
!y d#scorse tools.
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e :
RGC Ref No.
Contr!sti2e !n!l.sis o/ pu,lic iscourse !n its multimo!l m!ni/est!tions
%here has !een a call #n recent years for contrast#(e rhetor#c research to Floo? for patterns
across text $enres #n a $#(en cltreG (Connor& 2442/ <4B). -s texts are constrcted '#th#n
soc#al and cltral con(ent#ons and constra#nts& $enres represent cltral expectat#ons and
reslt #n d#fferent d#scorse patterns and styles (.pton H Connor& 2441). Hence& contrast#(e
d#scorse analys#s #s not "erely a s!)!ranch of l#n$#st#cs& !t has also de"onstrated h#$hly
sefl appl#cat#ons #n #ntercltral co""n#cat#ons and #n lan$a$e learn#n$ and ac=#s#t#on.
Contrast#(e analys#s of "ed#a d#scorse has also attracted so"e attent#on recently !ecase of
the "a9or #nflence the "ed#a ha(e on or da#ly l#(es and l#teracy de(elop"ent and the need to
ascerta#n the #nflence of $lo!al#Cat#on on local cltres. Ne'spapers of d#fferent contr#es are
o!(#osly one of the contested s#tes of $lo!al#Cat#on and ha(e !een co"pared fro" d#fferent
perspect#(esJ ne(ertheless research f#nd#n$s do not see" to con(er$e. On one hand& there are
std#es po#nt#n$ to the o!(#os #nflence of $lo!al#Cat#on or -"er#can#Cat#on on local
9ornal#st#c styles. For exa"ple& #n the#r analys#s of %ha# and En$l#sh (#olence ne's (,nox and
Patpon$& 244E)& %ha# ne'spapers exh#!#t a d#st#nct H#$hl#$ht)-ntecendent)Report)React#on
rhetor#cal strctre& 'h#le the Ncles)Satell#te or 2n(erted Pyra"#d strctre #s do"#nant #n
En$l#sh ne's. (an 1ee'en (244B) also #dent#fy so"e #nterest#n$ d#fferences #n 9ornal#st#c
styles !et'een I#etna"ese and En$l#sh ne'spapers. On the other hand& the !i"Cheng"#huan"
$e or the trad#t#onal Ch#nese #ndct#(e se=ence has l#"#ted traces #n a s"all n"!er of the
Ch#nese ne'spapers #n Hon$ ,on$ std#ed !y Scollon at el. (2444). %hey conclde that the
#ndct#(e style of 'r#t#n$ #s at "ost an opt#on of !#l#n$al 9ornal#sts 'or?#n$ #n Hon$ ,on$
#nstead of an #nherent co$n#t#(e pattern. S#"#lar f#nd#n$s are also reported #n ,!ota (1::D)
'ho ar$es !oth #ndct#(e and dedct#(e pattern can !e fond #n Aapanese ne's #te"s and
there #s noth#n$ #nherent a!ot the class#cal Aapanese %i"shoo"ren"%etsu pattern& 'h#ch #s
e=#(alent to the Ch#nese !i"Cheng"#huan"$e. 2n a s#"#lar (e#n& %ho"son et al. (244E) also
ar$e that the dedct#(e pattern of Ncles)Satell#te #s fond across ne'spapers #n En$l#sh&
French& Aapanese and 2ndones#an. %o conclde& "ost std#es tend to a$ree there #s a preference
of 2n(erted Pyra"#d strctre o(er #ndct#(e pattern #n "ost ne'spapers #n d#fferent
lan$a$es. Ho'e(er& all these std#es are !ased on l#n$#st#c "an#festat#ons of d#scorse
patterns& #$nor#n$ the "ean#n$s and fnct#ons of (#sals and layots 'h#ch can !e as #"portant
as 'ords.
-ltho$h so"e std#es (e.$. Greer and 6ens#n$& 244;J 1#n and Aeffres (2441) ha(e #dent#f#ed
the "lt#"odal featres of ne's d#scorse and the#r d#str#!t#on co"pared '#th other channels
or "ed#a or$an#Cat#ons& "ost of the" focs on the ne'spapers of a s#n$le contry& #$nor#n$ the
potent#al d#fferences #n the 'ays "lt#"odal featres create "ean#n$s #n d#fferent cltres.
So"e recent atte"pts ha(e !een "ade to co"pare the se of (#sals #n ne'spapers fro"
d#fferent contr#es (Econo"o& 244B& 244DJ ,nox& 244D). ,nox (244D) co"pares three
En$l#sh)lan$a$e onl#ne ne'spapers (the &ang%o% Post of %ha#land& the People's Dail( of
Ch#na and the S(dne( )orning $erald of Australia* and #dent#f#ed a s#"#lar tendency to'ards
ato"#Cat#on of ne's texts '#th 'h#ch readers #nteract o(er short t#"e scalesG (,nox& 244D/1:).
-ltho$h ,noxGs stdy can #dent#fy an #nterest#n$ pattern on ne'spaper 'e!s#tes& #t #s !ased
on En$l#sh lan$a$e data #n 'h#ch a "ore cons#stently ho"o$enos or $lo!al#Ced pattern #s
expected !ecase of the tar$et $lo!al ad#ence. >hat #s "ore re(eal#n$ #s the (er!al @(#sal
co"par#son of local ne'spapers #n d#fferent lan$a$es. Std#es !y Econo"o (244BJ 244E) are
except#ons and co"pare the "lt#"odal featres of ne's #te"s a!ot asyl" see?ers #n Gree?
and -stral#an ne'spapers. 2t 'as fond #n her stdy that Gree? ne'spapers tend to se "ore
pro(o?#n$ photos to con(ey att#tdes& 'hereas -stral#an ne'spapers tend to se "ore netral
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 14
RGC Ref No.
photos spple"ented !y "ore e(alat#(e headl#nes. 2t #s ar$ed to !e the reslt of the "ore
ho"o$enos ad#ence #n Greece& 'ho share a "ore or less s#"#lar stance a!ot the #sse and
of the "ore d#(ers#f#ed ad#ence #n -stral#a& 'ho see" "ore d#(#ded #n the#r op#n#ons. %hese
f#nd#n$s are #"portant #n #dent#fy#n$ ho' (#sals can !e sed to pos#t#on readers #n the#r
#nterpretat#on of the ne's& as Econo"o (244E) ar$es& F%he Gree? photos create closer
#n(ol(e"ent& e"pathy& pos#t#(e apprec#at#on and 9d$"ent of the asyl" see?ers centrally
dep#cted #n all the photosK On the other hand& the -stral#an photos create so"e e"pathy ...
#n a "ore detached 'ayG (2DD)E).
%he #n(est#$ator has recently p!l#shed a paper (,on$& 2415!) #n a cross)cltral co"par#son
of << pa#rs of $lo!al ne's #te"s #n Ch#nese) and En$l#sh)lan$a$e ta!lo#d ne'spapers
collected dr#n$ a t'o)"onth per#od #n 244:. 0ra'#n$ on 3ate"an (244E)& the ne's art#cles
'ere analyCed #n ter"s of the#r !ase n#t real#Cat#ons& 'h#ch can !e s!)d#(#ded #nto three
cate$or#es/ text)typo$raph#c& photo)p#ctor#al and d#a$ra")representat#onal n#ts. %he reslts
sho' that Ch#nese ne's tends to e"ploy "ore photo)p#ctor#al ele"ents& sch as photos& #cons
and arro's& exe"pl#fy#n$ the ato"#Cat#on or co"part"ental#Cat#on approach #n layot des#$n.
2cons and arro's are also ar$ed to ha(e the #nterpersonal fnct#on of !#ld#n$ rapport '#th
the ad#ence and the or$an#Cat#onal fnct#on of help#n$ readers to na(#$ate. En$l#sh ne's
tends to adopt lar$er p#ctres as !ac?$rond& on 'h#ch other ele"ents are e"!edded #n a "ore
co"plex "anner& exe"pl#fy#n$ the $raph#c co"pos#te approach #n (#sal layot. En$l#sh ne's
also featres "ore text)typo$raph#c n#ts !ecase of e"!edded typo$raph#c n#ts& sch as
cap#tal#Ced and !old)face fonts& that s!st#tte for the stress patterns #n spo?en En$l#sh.
0#a$ra"s (sch as ta!les and l#sts)& 'h#ch ser(e the fnct#on of pro(#d#n$ add#t#onal
#nfor"at#on& are "ore co""on #n Ch#nese ne's. 2t #s ar$ed that altho$h Ch#nese
ne'spapers exh#!#t a $lo!al#Ced F#n(erted pyra"#dG strctre #n the textal parts& a "ore
fra$"ented approach of ato"#Cat#on #s st#ll preferred #n Ch#nese ne'spapers.
Reconte3tu!li-!tion !n ente3tu!li-!tion
0er#(ed fro" 3a?ht#nGs #dea of d#alo$#s" (1:E1)&recontextal#Cat#on #s the ter" sed to
descr#!e the co"plex pheno"enon and #s def#ned as Fthe dyna"#c transfer)and)transfor"at#on
of so"eth#n$ fro" one context to anotherG (1#nell 1::E/ 1;<). Recontextal#sat#on has
#ntratextal& #ntertextal and #nterd#scrs#(e d#"ens#ons (1#nell 1::E). 2ntratextal
recontextal#sat#on& as the ter" s$$ests& happens #n the sa"e text or d#scorse 'here a
se$"ent of text or d#scorse refers !ac? to so"eth#n$ already "ent#oned. %echn#cally&
anaphor#c reference can !e re$arded as a cate$ory of #ntratextal recontextal#sat#on. %h#s #s a
"ore local pheno"enon that #s of less concern #n th#s stdy. 2nstead #t #s "ore #nterested #n the
last t'o types of recontextal#sat#on/ #ntertextal and #nterd#scrs#(e. Fa#rclo$h (2445/<1)
def#ned #ntertextal#ty as Fa "atter of recontextal#sat#onNa "o(e"ent fro" one context to
anotherG& 'h#ch d#ffers fro" h#s earl#er def#n#t#on of FFthe const#tt#on of a text fro" d#(erse
d#scorsesGG Fa#rclo$h (1::</15<). %he latter can !e re$arded as focs#n$ on texts or
d#scorses that ta?e the pr#"e role of 9xtapos#t#on. %he "ore recent def#n#t#on& follo'#n$ the
l#ne of ar$"ent of Frecontextal#sat#onG al#$ns the focs on the context& h#$hl#$ht#n$ the
al"ost nl#"#ted n"!er of contexts that can !e #n(o?ed for cross#n$ and "#x#n$. %he ne'
def#n#t#on also pro9ects lan$a$e as ha(#n$ a $reater a!#l#ty to const#tte contexts #n a "ore
dyna"#c 'ay. -nother #"portant related concept #s encontextal#Cat#on (3a"an and 3r#$$s
1::4) 'h#ch refers to Fthe process !y "eans of 'h#ch d#scorses are sccess#(ely and
"etad#scrs#(ely recontextal#Ced& so that they !eco"e a ne' d#scorse assoc#ated to a ne'
context and acco"pan#ed !y a part#clar "etad#scorse 'h#ch pro(#des a sort of preferred
read#n$ for the d#scorseG (3lo""aert 244</;D). 6ore recent fra"e'or?s of
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 11
RGC Ref No.
recontextal#Cat#on are Frese"#ot#sCat#onG (2ede"a& 2445) for the transfor"at#on processes
across spaces& e(ents& t#"es and "odes and Fd#scorse #t#nerar#esG or Fd#scorse cyclesG
(Scollon& 244E)& 'h#ch #nclde n#ne processes/ act#on& pract#ce& narrat#(e& athor#Cat#on&
cert#f#cat#on& "etony"#Cat#on& re"odal#Cat#on& "ater#al#Cat#on and f#nally
(!) Research plan and "ethodolo$y
%he ?ey fra"e'or? that #nfor"s th#s proposed research #s Scollon and ScollonGs nexs
analys#s 'h#ch #s Fthe stdy of the se"#ot#c cycles of people& o!9ects& and d#scorses #n and
thro$h "o"ents of soc#o)cltral #"portanceG (244;/ x). %he central ar$"ent of the
Scollons #s that se"#ot#c act#(#ty can only !e o!ser(ed at the "o"ent of occrrence and a
nexs #s an #nteract#on #n real t#"e and space of three d#fferent Fa$$re$ates of d#scorseG/
Fthe d#scorsers #n place& so"e soc#al arran$e"ent !y 'h#ch people co"e to$ether #n soc#al
$rops (a "eet#n$& a con(ersat#on& a chance contact& a =een) @ the #nteract#onal order& and the
l#fe exper#ences of the #nd#(#dal soc#al actors @ the h#stor#cal !odyG (#!#d/ 1:). Nexs analys#s
shold co"!#ne three of a!o(e and cannot !e done '#th one or t'o alone/
Sorce/ Scollon and Scollon (244;)
S#nce the fra"e'or? of nexs analys#s co"!#nes #ns#$hts fro" #nteract#onal soc#ol#n$#st#cs&
(#sal se"#ot#cs and soc#al theor#es (dra'#n$ on espec#ally the pract#ce theory of 3ord#e)& 2
a" not $o#n$ to ela!orate these #deas here o'#n$ to the lac? of space. 2nstead 2 '#ll otl#ne the
three phases of analys#s #n the nexs analys#s !elo'.
%he three ?ey act#(#t#es of nexs analys#s are (1) en$a$#n$ the nexs& (2) na(#$at#n$ the nexs
and (5) f#nally chan$#n$ the nexs. %he f#rst phase (en$a$#n$ the nexs) #s !as#cally a!ot
Freco$n#t#on and #dent#f#cat#onG of the ?ey d#scorses 'h#ch are s#$n#f#cant to soc#al act#on and
#s const#tted !y < steps/ Esta!l#sh#n$ the soc#al #sse& f#nd#n$ the crc#al soc#al actors&
o!ser(#n$ the #nteract#on order& deter"#n#n$ the "ost s#$n#f#cant cycles of d#scorse& and
esta!l#sh#n$ the Cone of #dent#f#cat#on. %he act#(#t#es #n th#s phase #n(ol(ed #nclde/ d#scorse
sr(eys& scene sr(eys and focs $rops. %he data $enerated '#ll #nclde "e"!ersG
$eneral#Cat#ons& netral o!ser(at#ons& #nd#(#dal exper#ence as 'ell as #nteract#ons '#th
"e"!ers. %he sta$e of research @ na(#$at#n$ the nexs of pract#ce ) #s the "ost s#$n#f#cant and
t#"e cons"#n$. 2t #dent#t#es the se"#ot#c cycles or the nexs of h#stor#cal !od#es& d#scorses
#n place and #nteract#on order "ent#oned a!o(e. %he d#scorse cycles ha(e to !e "apped !y
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 12
RGC Ref No.
the follo'#n$ not#ons/ h#stor#cal !ody (=est#ons sch as Fho' ha!#tal or #nno(at#(e #s the
act#on for the personM Fho' n#=e #s the act#onMG etc)& se"#ot#c a$$re$ates& o(ert d#scorse&
#nternal#Ced d#scorse pract#ces& "ed#tat#onal "eans (cltral o!9ects and cltral concepts)&
ant#c#pat#ons and e"anat#ons& po#nts and #nter(als& t#"escales& l#n?s and #nteract#ons a"on$
se"#ot#c cycles& transfor"at#ons and rese"#ot#Cat#ons as 'ell as c#rc"ferences. %he last
phase of the research @ chan$#n$ the nexs @ #s a!ot FanalyC#n$ chan$e #n the nexs of
pract#ce thro$h re)en$a$e"entG (#!#d/ 1DD). 2t #s done Fthro$h en$a$#n$ #n the ne$ot#at#ons
'#th that nexs of pract#ce to !r#n$ ot yor analys#s and nderstand#n$ !ac? #nto the se"#ot#c
ecosyste"G (1DD).
Rese!rch Pl!n
%he t#"e fra"e !elo' !roadly follo's that as s$$ested #n the Scollons (244;/ 1<2)1<E). %he
stdy #n Gan$Cho '#ll !e condcted '#th the ass#stance of Professor -nn#e 8an$& 0ean of
2nternat#onal Colle$e of Gan$don$ .n#(ers#ty of Fore#$n Std#es 'ho #s a spec#al#st #n p!l#c
and !s#ness d#scorse analys#s and #ntercltral co""n#cat#on and has l#(ed #n Gan$Cho
for o(er 14 years.
Aanary ) Fe!rary 241; (2 "onths)
Reco$n#t#on and #dent#f#cat#on of nexs of $lo!al#Cat#on pract#ces (#ncld#n$ "ed#a& p!l#c
locat#ons& schools& n#(ers#t#es and hosp#tals) #n Gan$Cho
0#scorse sr(ey ("ed#a content sr(eys and p!l#c op#n#on)
Scene sr(ey
Focs $rop

6arch @ Ane 241; (; "onths)
Na(#$at#n$ the nexs of $lo!al#Cat#on pract#ces (#ncld#n$ "ed#a& p!l#c locat#ons& schools&
n#(ers#t#es and hosp#tals) #n Gan$Cho
6app#n$ of the nexs of pract#ce
Condct#n$ d#scorse analys#s on the ?ey act#ons and pract#ces #dent#f#ed
0o!le chec?#n$ the analyses '#th part#c#pants
Aly @ -$st 241; (1 "onth)
Chan$#n$ the nexs of $lo!al#Cat#on pract#ces (#ncld#n$ "ed#a& p!l#c locat#ons& schools&
n#(ers#t#es and hosp#tals) #n Gan$Cho
-nalyC#n$ chan$es #n the nexs of pract#ce
0o!le chec?#n$ the analyses '#th part#c#pants
Septe"!er @ 0ece"!er 241; (< "onths)
Consol#dat#n$ f#nd#n$s and 'r#t#n$ p the f#nd#n$s #n Hon$ ,on$
Or$an#C#n$ the f#nd#n$s and analyses
0#sse"#nat#n$ f#nd#n$s #n conferences
>r#t#n$ a fll)len$th "ono$raph on the p!l#c d#scorse #n Gan$Cho
>r#t#n$ t'o papers spec#f#cally on the "ethodolo$#cal #sses of $lo!al#Cat#on nexs
analys#s for Aornals sch as Visual Communication and Discourse Studies

(c) - "ax#"" of t'o non)text pa$es of attached d#a$ra"s& photos& charts& and ta!le
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 15
RGC Ref No.
etc& #f any.
(d) Reference (a "ax#"" of three pa$es for references #s allo'ed for l#st#n$ the
p!l#cat#ons c#ted #n Sect#on 1 @ 2. -ll references shold !e pro(#ded #n fll and
#nclde all athors.)
3a?ht#n& 6. 6. *1:54s+ (1:E1) The Dialogic Imagination+ ,our -ssa(s. E. Hol=#st (ed.)
%rans. Caryl E"erson and 6#chael Hol=#st. -st#n and 1ondon/ .n#(ers#ty of %exas
3ate"an& A. (244E) )ultimodalit( and .enre. 1ondon/ Pal$ra(e.
3ate"an& A.& 0el#n& A. H Henschel& R. (244;) F6lt#"odal#ty and e"p#r#c#s"/ Prepar#n$ for a
corps)!ased approach to the stdy of "lt#"odal "ean#n$)"a?#n$G& #n E. Ientola& C.
Charles H 6. ,alten!acher (eds.) Perspecties on )ultimodalit(& pp. B<)ED. -"sterda"/
Aohn 3en9a"#ns.
3a"an& R. and 3r#$$s& C. (1::4) FPoet#cs and perfor"ance as cr#t#cal perspect#(es on
lan$a$e and soc#al l#feG Annual /eie0 of Anthropolog( 1:/ <:)EE.
3ednare?& 6. (2414) FCorps l#n$#st#cs and syste"#c fnct#onal l#n$#st#cs/
#nterpersonal "ean#n$& #dent#ty and !ond#n$ #n poplar cltreG 2n 3ednare?& 6 H 6art#n&
A. R. (eds.)(2414)/ 25D)2B<.
3ednare?& 6 H 6art#n& A. R. (eds.)(2414) 1e0 Discourse on Language+ ,unctional
Perspecties on )ultimodalit(2 Identit(2 and Affiliation. 1ondon/ Cont#n".
3ell& P. H 6#l#c& 6. (2442) Goff"anGs gender adertisements re(#s#ted/ co"!#n#n$ content
analys#s '#th se"#ot#c analys#sG I#sal Co""n#cat#on Iol 1(2)/ 245@222.
3lo""aert& A. (244<) Discourse. Ca"!r#d$e/ Ca"!r#d$e .n#(ers#ty Press.
3ord#e& P. (1::1) Language and S(m3olic Po0er. Oxford/ Pol#ty Press.
Connor& .. (2442). FNe' d#rect#ons #n contrast#(e rhetor#cG& T-SOL !uarterl(& 5B(;)/ ;:5)
Chen$& 6. (2414) O%he $lo!al#Cat#on and local#Cat#on of persas#(e "ar?et#n$
co""n#cat#on/ - cross)l#n$#st#c soc#o)cltral analys#sP& Journal of Pragmatics& ;2(2)&
Cheon$& 8. %. (244;) F%he constral of #deat#onal "ean#n$ #n pr#nt ad(ert#se"entsG 2n
OLHalloran& ,. (ed.) (244;)/ 1B5)1:<.
0eleCe& G. (1::4) The Logic of Sense. Ne' 8or?/ Col"!#a .n#(ers#ty.
Econo"o& 0. (244B) F%he !#$ p#ctre/ %he role of the lead #"a$e #n pr#nt featre stor#es&G #n 2.
1assen& A. Strnc? H %. Iester$aard (eds) )ediating Ideolog( in Te4t and Image& pp. 211)
255. -"sterda"/ Aohn 3en9a"#ns.
Econo"o& 0. (244E) FPll#n$ readers #n/ ne's photos #n Gree? and -stral#an !roadsheets&G
2n E. %ho"son H P. R. R. >h#te (eds) Communicating Conflict+ )ultilingual Case Studies
of the 1e0s )edia2 pp. 567"589. London/ Cont#n".
Fa#rclo$h& N. (1:E:) Language and Po0er. Harlo'& Essex/ 1on$"an.
Fa#rclo$h& N. (2445) Anal(sing Discourse+ Te4tual Anal(sis for Social /esearch. 1ondon/
Force(#lle& C. A. H .r#os)-par#s#& E. (eds.)(244:) )ultimodal )etaphor. 3erl#n/ 6oton de
G#ddens& -. (1::4) The Conse:uences of )odernit(. Stanford& C-/ Stanford .n#(ers#ty Press.
Greer& A. H 6ens#n$& 0. (244;) F..S. ne's 'e! s#tes !etter& !t s"all papers st#ll la$&G
1e0spaper /esearch Journal 2<(2)/ :E)12;.
Ha!er"as& A. (1:E;) The Theor( of Communicatie Action Iol.1 and 2. Ca"!r#d$e/ Pol#ty
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1;
RGC Ref No.
Hose& Al#ane. 2445. OEn$l#sh as a l#n$a franca/ - threat to "lt#l#n$al#s";< Journal of
Sociolinguistics D/ ;& <<B)<DE.
Hs& A)1. 244E. FGlocal#Cat#on and En$l#sh 6#x#n$ #n -d(ert#s#n$ #n %a#'an/ 2ts 0#scorse
0o"a#ns& 1#n$#st#c Patterns& Cltral Constra#nts& 1ocal#Ced Creat#(#ty& and Soc#o)
psycholo$#cal EffectsG Journal of Creatie Communications 5/2/ 1<<)1E5.
Hlt$ren& -. ,. (2411) F3#ld#n$ rapport '#th csto"ers across the 'orld/ %he $lo!al
d#ffs#on of a call centre speech style&G Journal of Sociolinguistics 1<71/ 5B@B;.
Aones& C. HIentola& E. (eds.) (244E) ,rom Language to )ultimodalit(+ 1e0 Deelopments in
the Stud( of Ideational )eaning. 1ondon/ E=#nox.
,nox& A. (244D) FI#sal)(er!al co""n#cat#on on onl#ne ne'spaper ho"e pa$esG& Visual
Communication B(1)/ 1:)<5.
,nox& A. H Patpon$& P. (244E) FReport#n$ !loodshed #n %ha# ne'spapers/ - co"parat#(e case
stdy of En$l#sh and %ha#&G 2n E. %ho"son H P. R. R. >h#te (eds) Communicating Conflict+
)ultilingual Case Studies of the 1e0s )edia2 pp. =>7"595. London/ Cont#n".
,ress& G. H (an 1ee'en& %. (244B) /eading Images+ The .rammar of Visual Design.
1ondon/ Rotled$e.
,on$& ,. C. C. (1::E) F-re s#"ple !s#ness re=est letters really s#"pleM - co"par#son of
Ch#nese and En$l#sh !s#ness re=est lettersG. Te4t 1E/ 145)1;1. (Crrent na"e/ Te4t and
)))))). (244B) FE(alat#(e resorces #n En$l#sh and Ch#nese research art#clesG Repr#nted '#th
"od#f#cat#ons #n )ultilingua 2<(172)/ 1E5)21B.
)))))). (2412) FGlo!al#sed or $local#CedM - co"par#son of the l#n$#st#c featres and actor
representat#on of $lo!al ne's headl#nes #n 3r#ta#n and Hon$ ,on$G Journal of Intercultural
))))))). (2415a) The Writing of Professional Discourse. Ca"!r#d$e/ Ca"!r#d$e .n#(ers#ty
))))))). (2415!) F- corps)!ased stdy #n co"par#n$ the "lt#"odal#ty of Ch#nese) and
En$l#sh) lan$a$e ne'spapersG Visual Communication.
,!ota& R. (1::D) F- re)e(alat#on of the n#=eness of Aapanese 'r#tten d#scorse/
#"pl#cat#ons for contrast#(e rhetor#c&G Written Communication 1;/;B4)E4.
1acan& A. (1:DD) -critis+ A Selection. 1ondon/ Rotled$e.
1#n& C. -. H Aeffres (2441) FCo"par#n$ d#st#nct#ons and s#"#lar#t#es across 'e!s#tes of
ne'spaper& rad#o stat#ons& and tele(#s#on stat#ons&G Journalism and )ass Communication
!uarterl( DE(5)/ <<<)<D5.
6ach#n& 0. and (an 1ee'en& % (244D) .lo3al )edia Discourse. 1ondon/ Rotled$e.
6ach#n& 0. and 6ayr& -. (2412) Critical Discourse Anal(sis+ A )ultimodal Approach&
1ondon& Sa$e.
6ayr& -. H 6ach#n& 0. (2412) The Language of Crime and Deiance. 1ondon/ Cont#n".
OLHalloran& ,. (ed.) (244;) )ultimodal Discourse Anal(sis+ S(stemic",unctional
Perspecties. 1ondon/ Cont#n".
Rose& G. (2412) Visual )ethodologies. 1ondon/ Sa$e.
Scollon& R. (1::E) )ediated Discourse as Social Interaction. Harlo'& Essex/ 1on$"an.
Scollon& R. H Scollon& S. (2445) Discourse in Place. 1ondon/ Rotled$e.
Scollon& R. H Scollon& S. (244;) 1e4us Anal(sis+ Discourse and the -merging Internet.
1ondon/ Rotled$e.
Sta$er& 6. 3. (2445) .lo3ali?ation. Oxford/ Oxford .n#(ers#ty Press.
Spencer& S. (2411) Visual /esearch )ethods in the Social Sciences. 1ondon/ Rotled$e.
Sn& H. (2415) FCsto"er)e"ployee #nteract#on fro" a d#achron#c perspect#(eG& #n P. 8l#n$ H
0. Q. ,RdRr (eds.) Chinese Discourse and Interaction+ Theor( and Practice. 1ondon/
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1<
RGC Ref No.
E=#nox& p!l#cat#on deta#ls pend#n$.
%hrlo'& C. H Aa'ors?#& -. (2414). Tourism Discourse+ Language and .lo3al )o3ilit(.
3as#n$sto?e H Ne' 8or?/ Pal$ra(e 6ac6#llan.
%ho"pson& E.& >h#te& P. R. R. H ,#tley& P. (244E) FO!9ect#(#ty and hard ne's report#n$ across
cltres #n En$l#sh& French& Aapanese and 2ndones#an 9ornal#s"&G Journalism Studies :(2)/
%sen$& C. (244E) FCoherence and cohes#(e har"ony #n f#l"#c textG 2n .ns'orth& 1. (ed.)
(244E)/ ED)14;.
(an 1ee'en& %. (244;) Introducing Social Semiotics. 1ondon/ Sa$e.
(an 1ee'en& %. (244B) F%ranslat#on& adaptat#on and $lo!al#Cat#on&G Journalism D(2)/ 21D)25D.
(an 1ee'en& %. (244E) FSpace #n d#scorseG 2n .ns'orth& 1. (ed.)(244E)/ 5;);:.
.n$erer& F. (2444) FNe's stor#es and ne's e(ents/ - chan$#n$ relat#onsh#pG& 2n F. .n$erer
(ed.) -nglish )edia Te4ts @ Past and Present+ Language and Te4tual Structure& pp. 152)
1;:. -"sterda"/ 3en9a"#ns.
.ns'orth& 1. (ed.)(244E) )ultimodal Semiotics+ ,unctional Anal(sis in Conte4ts of
-ducation. 1ondon/ Cont#n".
.pton& %.-.& H Connor& .. (2441) F.s#n$ co"pter#Ced corps analys#s to #n(est#$ate
textl#n$#st#c d#scorse "o(es of a $enreG& -nglish for Specific Purposes 24/ 515)51:.
>oda?& R. (2441) F>hat C0- #s a!otMG 2n R. >oda? H 6eyer& 6. (eds.) )ethods of Critical
Discourse Anal(sis. 1ondon/ Sa$e.
>& 0. H N$& P. (2411) F3eco"#n$ $lo!al& re"a#n#n$ local/ %he d#scorses of #nternat#onal
ne's report#n$ !y CC%I); and Phoen#x %I Hon$ ,on$G& Critical Arts+ A Journal of
South"1orth Cultural and )edia Studies 56A=*+D5)ED.
>& 0. and ,. Chan. 244D. F6lt#l#n$al "#x #n Hon$ ,on$ -d(ert#s#n$& pre) and post)1::DG
-s#an Aornal of Co""n#cat#on& 1D(5)/ p. 544)51E.
;. >or?plan
(Do not exceed )*0 words)
(a) %#"eta!le of the proposed research
Please refer to the research plan.
(!) Proposed 0rat#on of the Fello'sh#p (p to 12 "onths)
Please refer to the research plan.
(c) %he 'or? to !e nderta?en dr#n$ the Fello'sh#p
Please refer to the research plan.
<. Otpts to !e del#(ered at the end of the Fello'sh#p
- fll)len$th research "ono$raph to !e p!l#shed !y a lead#n$ p!l#sher
-t least t'o research art#cles to !e p!l#shed #n #nterd#sc#pl#nary 9ornals sch as
Visual Communication and Discourse Studies
Presentat#ons #n local and #nternat#onal conferences
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1B
RGC Ref No.
B. Cost and 9st#f#cat#on
(#) Rel#ef %eacher
6onthly salary (T;D&2;4) x 12 6onths U 1<V $rat#ty and
5V 6ed#cal expenses
Ast#f#cat#on /
- rel#ef teacher has to !e h#red at the ran? of 1ectrer 22 to let the P2 condct #ntens#(e f#eld
'or?& o!ser(at#ons& focs $rop and d#scorse analyses 'h#ch are so #nno(at#(e& spec#al#Ced
and #ntens#(e that #t has to !e condcted !y the P2 h#"self altho$h he '#ll ha(e so"e local
ass#stance of Professor -nn#e 8an$ of Gan$don$ .n#(ers#ty of Fore#$n Std#es. %he P2 also
needs t#"e to consol#date or #nte$rate h#s f#nd#n$s& and 'r#te the" p #n a "ono$raph and
research art#cles. %he rel#ef teacher '#ll !e h#red for 12 "onths.
(##) Other Staff (Half)t#"e R-)
6onthly salary (D&444) x < 6onths H,T5<&444
Ast#f#cat#on /
- half)t#"e R- '#ll !e re=#red to help the P2 to consol#date the f#nd#n$s and present the" #n
"ono$raph and 9ornal art#cles and to pro(#de $eneral cler#cal spport.
(###) %ra(el

0est#nat#on N"!er of
Ast#f#cat#on Proposed costs
Gan$Cho D "onths %ransportat#on to and fro"
Gan$Cho and H, and local
transportat#on costs #n Gan$Cho
S!)total H,T1B&444
(#() S!s#stence
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1D
RGC Ref No.
0est#nat#on N"!er of
per day
Ast#f#cat#on %otal
Gan$Cho D "onths T544 Food and
S!)total H,TB5&444
(() 0#sse"#nat#on of otpts H,T14&444
Proofread#n$ and other p!l#cat#on costs
%otal a"ont re=ested H,TD:2&:1:
D. Grants ('#th a"onts spec#f#ed) crrently held and held '#th#n the recent /i2e .e!rs
(onl.) as Pr#nc#pal 2n(est#$ator (Please state those that are relevant to the wor to be
undertaen under the proposed (ellowship!)
Sorce of
Pro9ect %#tle -"ont Grant Per#od
FRG of H,3. 0#scorse and d#scr#"#nat#on/ -n
#nterd#sc#pl#nary approach
T144&444 6arch 2412 @
-$st 2415
GRF of RGC 6ed#ated 1an$a$e .se/ 3#ld#n$
the F#rst 3#l#n$al and 6lt#"odal
Corps #n Hon$ ,on$
T<B;&BE< 1 Aan 244: @ 51
Ane 2411
-NC211-R8 2NFOR6-%2ON
E. Proposed re(#e'ers
(a) 1#st of proposed re(#e'ers

Na"e Prof. Aohn 3ate"an Prof. Gnther ,ress Professor Carey
Post Professor Professor of
Se"#ot#cs and
Professor of
%echnolo$y and
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1E
RGC Ref No.
.n#t70epart"ent En$l#sh 1#n$#st#cs Cltre&
Co""n#cat#on and
Co""n#cat#on and
2nst#tt#on .n#(ers#ty of 3re"en&
2nst#tte of
Edcat#on& 1ondon
2nst#tte of
Edcat#on& 1ondon
%el 7 Fax
E)"a#l !ate"enWn#)!re" G., C.Ae'
-rea of Expert#se 6lt#"odal#ty&
I#sal Ethno$raphy&
%echnolo$y and
(!) 0eclarat#on of any past and present relat#onsh#p !et'een the appl#cant and the
no"#nated re(#e'ers (minimum one tic per reviewer)/
Natre of relat#onsh#p Re(#e'er
(1) (2) (5) (;) (<)
Sper(#sor or Sper(#see of Ph0
or 6Ph#l std#es

-d(#sor or -d(#see #n research
std#es7research pro9ects

Collea$es #n the sa"e
or$an#Cat#on (please spec#fy #f #n
the sa"e depart"ent)

Colla!orators #n research
pro9ects7pro$ra""es (Co)2 or Co)
P2 of proposals 'hether fnded or

Co)athors of

Partners or co)or$an#Cers of "a9or

1on$)t#"e personal fr#ends

%eacher at nder$radate std#es

HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 1:
RGC Ref No.
Natre of relat#onsh#p Re(#e'er
(1) (2) (5) (;) (<)
Fello' "e
"!ers of the sa"e ed#tor#al !oard

Others (please spec#fy)

None X X X

(c) 2nd#cate the natre of the relat#onsh#p declared #n (!) (e.$. 'hen and 'here the
relat#onsh#p 'as 7 #s de(eloped& na"e 7 natre of pro9ect& p!l#cat#ons or e(ents
:. 0#sse"#nat#on plan (up to one A4 page)
Please refer to "y research plan a!o(e.
14. -ppl#cantGs nderta?#n$
(a) Co""#t"ent of yor t#"e to the Fello'sh#p
X 144V
Y less than 144V
(Please state your proposed commitments in teaching and administrative duties
alongside with the proposed (ellowship)
(!) 2 nderstand that 2 ha(e to cont#ne to ser(e at the #nst#tt#on for at least one year
pon the co"plet#on of the Fello'sh#p.
(c) 2 nderstand that the RGC '#ll release the co"plet#on report to the p!l#c.
11. 0eclarat#on !y the appl#cant
(a) Has a s#"#lar or related proposal !een s!"#tted to the RGC #n the fnd#n$ cycle
24157241; or appro(ed !y the RGC #n other fnd#n$ sche"esM
Y 8es (Please state the proposal reference number ++++++++++++++)
X No
(!) 2 conf#r" the #nfor"at#on pro(#ded #n th#s for" #s trthfl and a$ree that the
appl#cat#on '#ll !e seen !y persons 'ho are #n(ol(ed #n the re(#e' of the
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 24
RGC Ref No.
1. Staff el#$#!#l#ty re=#re"ent
2 conf#r" that/
(a) the appl#cant& #n the staff $radeZZZZZ & "eets flly the st#plated staff el#$#!#l#ty
re=#re"ent for HSSPFS and #s not de!arred fro" apply#n$ for RGC $rantJ
*'here the appl#cant #s ne'ly appo#nted& the #nst#tt#on has for"ally entered #nto
a contract of ser(#ce '#th h#"7her on or !efore the s!"#ss#on deadl#ne of th#s
fnd#n$ exerc#se and the contract re=#res h#"7her to report dty on or !efore 1 6ay
(!) the appl#cant #s7'#ll !e e"ployed on per"anent ter"
the appl#cant #s7'#ll !e e"ployed on f#xed ter" contract
*2f the appl#cant #s7'#ll !e e"ployed on a f#xed ter" contract& the appl#cant '#ll st#ll
!e el#$#!le for the Fello'sh#p at the t#"e of the fnd#n$ a'ard !e#n$ "ade #n Ane
the next year.+
(c) the #nst#tt#on '#ll #nfor" the RGC as soon as the appl#cant ceases to !e el#$#!le
to apply& rece#(e or hold the Fello'sh#p& and '#ll '#thdra' the appl#cat#onJ
(d) the #nst#tt#on nderstands that the Fello'sh#p& #f $#(en& '#ll !e '#thdra'n #f the
offer #s not act#(ated '#th#n one year of the fnd#n$ a'ard.
2. 2nst#tt#onal state"ent
((or items (a) and (b), up to one A4 page)

(a) Ho' '#ll the Fello'sh#p f#t '#th#n rele(ant #nst#tt#onal research and career
de(elop"ent of the appl#cantM
(!) >hat spport the #nst#tt#on has already pro(#ded and '#ll contr#!te to pro(#de
for the de(elop"ent of the appl#cantGs research pro9ect and for the 'or? the
appl#cant proposes to nderta?e dr#n$ the Fello'sh#pM
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 21
RGC Ref No.
5. 2nst#tt#onal nderta?#n$
(-his application is not valid without the endorsement by a senior authori.ed person
on behalf of the applicant/s institution!)
2f the appl#cat#on #s sccessfl& the #nst#tt#on nderta?es to "ana$e the $rant and "a?e
arran$e"ents to release the appl#cant fro"/

Y "a9or teach#n$ dt#es and all ad"#n#strat#(e 'or?
Y all dt#es other than those stated at para$raph (a) of Sect#on (14) of Part 22
-thor#sed S#$natre
Pos#t#on7%#tle #n the 2nst#tt#on
Off#c#al sta"p
HSSPFS1 (Oct 12) Pa$e 22

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