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Teacher: Kristen Drabek

Grade: Kindergarten

Level of Certification: Early Childhood/Elementary Education

Subject: History

Lesson: Timeline Ladder- Past, Present and Future

Time: 45 minutes

K-H2.0.1: Distinguish among yesterday, today, tomorrow.
K-H2.0.2: Create a timeline using events from their own lives (e.g., birth, crawling,
walking, loss of first tooth, first birthday, first day of school, first pet).
K-H2.0.4: Describe ways people learn about the past (e.g. photos, artifacts, diaries,
stories, videos). I would take this standard out, because like you said, I do not think
I could get to this is one day/session.

Ladder sheet
Review worksheet

Prior knowledge needed: To have already introduced the concept of past, present
and future. To have already reviewed the vocabulary terms. The chart activity would
be used at the beginning of class to review the terms as a class.

Teacher Planning

Summary: Students will learn the concept that everyone has their own personal
history. They will understand the idea of past, present and future. They will
comprehend and be able to organize the order of their life events from first to most

Focus: Distinguish between yesterday/past, today/present and tomorrow/future.
What is the difference between the three terms?

Learning Target: Students will be able to distinguish and organize events that
occurred in the past, present and future (have not yet occurred) and understand the
sequence of their own lives thus far.

Key Vocabulary: Past (events that have already occurred), Present (here and now),
Future (events that have not yet occurred), Timeline (a visual of events in the order
in which they occurred)

Learning/Teaching Experience

Introduction: As a class, review vocabulary terms and complete Past, Present and
Future review worksheet by organizing photos (generic photos of a baby from birth,
to a child that looks their age, a high school student, a college grad, then that same
person with a family; these stages would indicate past present and future) into the
correct category on the chart. Then explain how we are going to be organizing our
own personal photos based on when they occurred on our own individual timelines.
Model the activity by showing an example of personal timeline created.

Prior to Lesson: Send home letter to parents explaining the lesson. Have each
parent send their child to school with photos representing each year of their childs
life. (If parents do not have photos, I would ask the parents to write down
milestones that happened in their childs life, and then I would have the student
draw pictures to represent those). Have parents include age of child on the back of
each photo. Pictures may be of major or minor milestones including birth, crawling,
walking, 1
tooth, 1
day of school, picture day, vacations, sports, etc.

As a class, review the meaning of past/yesterday, present/today and
Review vocabulary terms: Past, Present, Future
Have volunteers take turns to complete the review assignment on the board
by pasting the pictures in the correct column. (To help refresh their memory)
Introduce vocabulary term: Timeline
Explain that we will all be creating our own timelines of our past, present and
futures using the pictures we brought to class.
Model the activity by showing an example of my personal timeline.
Each student will receive a blank ladder timeline sheet.
As a class, help students write their name (literacy) and number (math) each
step of the ladder with a number representing each year/age of the student
depending on current age (Birth, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/today, Future).
Students will color their ladders with crayons.
Students will then organize their photos onto their ladder timeline. The
oldest picture will be put at the bottom of the ladder and the rest in
sequential order up the ladder with the most recent photo at the top.
Help glue pictures onto timeline.
The Future step will be a drawing of something they want in their future. It
can be what job they want, a place they would like to visit, to get married,
buy a car/house, etc.
Students can finish decorating their timelines with crayons and stickers.

Monitoring: Float around the room during the activity to show students that you
are available to answer questions and/or help place photos in correct order. Also,
float to ensure that students are correctly completing the activity and understanding
the order concept of past, present and future. Help with gluing.

Assessment: Observe whether or not students understand the order of
pictures/events from past to present/future by walking around during the activity
to see if they are properly putting their pictures together in the right order. Help
them if they are having a hard time by giving them context clues. Decide if proper
amount of effort was used to complete activity. When the students present their
timeline, assess if they put the events in the right order, if they understand that their
photos start in the past, some represent the present, and their oral prediction is
something that could actually happen in the future. (Creativity, understanding,
participation, presentation).

Cognitive Demand of Lesson Sequence:

Q- What is the difference between these photos (the photos they brought to class)
and the photo of today and a possible future photo (a dream or wish such as
graduating high school, getting married, getting a pet dog)? (Understanding-
explaining, analyzing- comparing)
A- These photos are of events that have already happened, this photo is of what is
happening right now, and this future photo is something that has not happened yet.

Q- Can you organize your photos in order from past to present? (Creating-
constructing, analyzing- organizing, applying- using their knowledge of past, present
and future to build timeline)

Q- Can you illustrate a picture of something that you wish to happen but has not
already occurred demonstrating your possible future? (Applying)
A- Students would draw a picture that symbolizes something they want to do, get, or
accomplish in their life that they have not already done (get a pet dog, graduate high
school, learn to play the piano, get a trampoline, have a baby brother/sister, get an A
on a test, learn to bike ride).

Q- Why are these photos constructed in this order? (Understanding)
A- they are in this order because this photo (first/bottom) took place before this
photo (next photo up on timeline), and this photo etc.

Once everyone has finished, have each student share their favorite picture on
their timeline and their future picture with the class. Have them tell where
they were and what they were doing in the photo.
As a class, discuss how every photo before their picture of them today
represents their past.
Discuss how their today picture signifies the right here and now and what is
currently happening.
Talk about how the picture they drew for their future is something they
dream about, but it has not happened yet.
Timelines will be placed up on the wall in the classroom.


Student participated in discussions:
Yes Somewhat No

Can demonstrate understanding of past, present, and future in sequence with
Yes Somewhat No

Student understands the concept of the future by drawing something that has not
already happened:
Yes Somewhat No

Student is attentive and demonstrates good behavior:
Yes Somewhat No

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