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Introduction to orthodontics

*- Ortho means straight and Dontics

mean teeth.
- Definition: is that branch of
dentistry that deals with the growth
and development of the face, oral
structures and occlusion ( , and
with the diagnosis, interception and
treatment of occlusal anomalies or any
dental problem.
!-what is the indication for
orthodontic treatment"
#- $esthetics: the appearance of
the teeth. %- &unctional:
$- 'peech: some letters are
affected by the position of the
(- )astication (
*- +)Ds (+embro)andibular
,oints Dysfunction
-- .rosthetics: )issing one of the
teeth or had to e/tract one tooth
in the past. In order to replace it,
the patient has to go to the
orthodontist to put another tooth.
'ometimes the space would be too
narrow or too wide for the
replacement, so you have to deal
with that.
0 1 .rophylactic: sometimes you
have to enstraight the teeth to
prevent the development of
another problem (2/. if the teeth
were very severe crowded, the
patient would face a problem in
brushing, so it may leads to dental
*- )alocclusion ( : If the
patient has a malocclusion, he needs
an ortho treatment to have a normal
- Definition: features of dental
alignment or occlusion at variance from
the ideal.
-+he variations from the ideal:
#- Dental variations: the problem
is in the teeth. (3umber of the
teeth, occlusion of the teeth,
$- Intra-arch (arch refers to
the ,aw, so inter arch means
the problems of each arch
separately from the other
- $nomalies in the teeth position
- Impaction: the tooth can5t erupt
- *rowding
- 'pacing
- )idline diastema: the space
between the upper central
(+a6e a loo6 on the figures in the
(- Inter-arch: the problems
between the two arches tougher
(in biting: we can be seen in -
different -D views:
- $nterio-posterior view
- 7ertical incisor view
- +ransverse view
** Incisal region (from canine to
** .osterior region (premolars
and molars
%- '6eletal variation: in the
('uch as that the upper ,aw is
*- Incisal inter-arch variation:
#- $nterio-posterior relationship:
- ('I Definition ((ritish 'tandard
#-*lass I
%- *lass II
$- *lass II division #
(- *lass II division %
--*lass III
(3o Information were )entioned
more than those in the slides
%- 7ertical Incisor relationship:
- Increased Overbite
- *omplete
- Incomplete
- +raumatic
- reduced overbite
- $nterior open bite
* Overbite: +he vertical overlap
between ma/illary and mandibular
incisor. On average it is the incisal
third of lower incisor.
-- +ransverse incisal relationship:
- *entre line discrepancy:
-none coincidence (
of the centre lines of
the ma/illary and mandibular
(8oo6 at the figure, page #%
*- .osterior inter-arch variation:
#- $nterio-posterior relationship:
- $ngle classification:
$ 1 *lass I molar relationship
( 1 *lass II molar relationship
* 1 *lass III molar relationship
%- 7ertical buccl segment
- 8ateral open bite: 3o vertical
overlap between ma/illary and
mandibular posterior teeth.
-- +ransverse buccal segment
-(uccl crossbite: 9here the (uccl
cusps of ma/illary teeth. +he term
may be applied to one or more
teeth and can be unilateral or
-8ingual crossbite: 9here the
mandibular teeth occlude lingually
to the palatal cusps of the
ma/illary teeth. +he term may be
applied to one or more teeth and
can be unilateral or bilateral.
* '6eletal 7ariation:
-'6eletal relationship: the
relationship between ma/illary ,aw
and mandibular ,aw.
- *lass I s6eletal relationship
- *lass II s6eletal relationship
- *lass III s6eletal relationship
('orry about 3ot )ention some
Information but they all are with
their figures in the slides

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