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G.R. No. 149177
November 23, 2007

Nippon Engineering Consultants (Nippon, a !apanese
"onsultan"# $irm provi%ing te"&ni"al an% management
support in t&e in$rastru"ture pro'e"ts national permanentl#
resi%ing in t&e (&ilippines. )&e agreement provi%es t&at
*itamaru +as to e,ten% pro$essional servi"es to Nippon
$or a #ear. Nippon assigne% *itamaru to +or- as t&e
pro'e"t manager o$ t&e .out&ern )agalog /""ess Roa%
(.)/R pro'e"t. 0&en t&e .)/R pro'e"t +as near
"ompletion, 1(02 engage% t&e "onsultan"# servi"es o$
Nippon, t&is time $or t&e %etaile% engineering 3
"onstru"tion supervision o$ t&e 4ongabon54aler Roa%
6mprovement (44R6 (ro'e"t. *itamaru +as name% as t&e
pro'e"t manger in t&e "ontra"t.
2asega+a, Nippon7s general manager $or its 6nternational
1ivision, in$orme% *itamaru t&at t&e "ompan# &a% no
more intention o$ automati"all# rene+ing &is 6C/. 2is
servi"es +oul% be engage% b# t&e "ompan# onl# up to
t&e substantial "ompletion o$ t&e .)/R (ro'e"t.
*itamaru %eman%e% t&at &e be assigne% to t&e 44R6
pro'e"t. Nippon insiste% t&at *itamaru7s "ontra"t +as $or a
$i,e% term t&at &a% e,pire%. *itamaru t&en $ile% $or
spe"i$i" per$orman"e 3 %amages +8 t&e R)C o$ 9ipa Cit#.
Nippon $ile% a :)1.
Nippon7s "ontention; )&e 6C/ &a% been per$e"te% in
!apan 3 e,e"ute% b# 3 bet+een !apanese nationals.
)&us, t&e R)C o$ 9ipa Cit# &as no 'uris%i"tion. )&e "laim
$or improper pre5termination o$ *itamaru7s 6C/ "oul% onl#
be &ear% 3 ventilate% in t&e proper "ourts o$ !apan
$ollo+ing t&e prin"iples o$ le, lo"i "elebrationis 3 le,
)&e R)C %enie% t&e motion to %ismiss. )&e C/ rule% &at
t&e prin"iple o$ le, lo"i "elebrationis +as not appli"able to
t&e "ase, be"ause no+&ere in t&e plea%ings +as t&e
vali%it# o$ t&e +ritten agreement put in issue. 6t &el% t&at
t&e R)C +as "orre"t in appl#ing t&e prin"iple o$ le, lo"i
0&et&er or not t&e sub'e"t matter 'uris%i"tion o$ (&ilippine
"ourts in "ivil "ases $or spe"i$i" per$orman"e 3 %amages
involving "ontra"ts e,e"ute% outsi%e t&e "ountr# b#
$oreign nationals ma# be assaile% on t&e prin"iples o$ le,
lo"i "elebrationis, le, "ontra"tus, <t&e state o$ t&e most
signi$i"ant relations&ip rule,= or $orum non "onveniens.
N>. 6n t&e 'u%i"ial resolution o$ "on$li"ts problems, 3
"onse"utive p&ases are involve%; 'uris%i"tion, "&oi"e o$
la+, an% re"ognition an% en$or"ement o$ 'u%gments.
!uris%i"tion 3 "&oi"e o$ la+ are 2 %istin"t "on"epts.
!uris%i"tion "onsi%ers +&et&er it is $air to "ause a
%e$en%ant to travel to t&is state? "&oi"e o$ la+ as-s t&e
$urt&er @uestion +&et&er t&e appli"ation o$ a substantive
la+ +8" +ill %etermine t&e merits o$ t&e "ase is $air to bot&
parties. )&e po+er to e,er"ise 'uris%i"tion %oes not
automati"all# give a state "onstitutional aut&orit# to appl#
$orum la+. 0&ile 'uris%i"tion an% t&e "&oi"e o$ t&e lex fori
+ill o$ten "oin"i%e, t&e <minimum "onta"ts= $or one %o not
al+a#s provi%e t&e ne"essar# <signi$i"ant "onta"ts= $or t&e
ot&er. )&e @uestion o$ +&et&er t&e la+ o$ a state "an be
applie% to a transa"tion is %i$$erent $rom t&e @uestion o$
+&et&er t&e "ourts o$ t&at state &ave 'uris%i"tion to enter
a 'u%gment.
6n t&is "ase, onl# t&e 1
p&ase is at issueA'uris%i"tion.
!uris%i"tion, &o+ever, &as various aspe"ts. Bor a "ourt to
vali%l# e,er"ise its po+er to a%'u%i"ate a "ontrovers#, it
must &ave 'uris%i"tion over t&e plainti$$8petitioner, over t&e
%e$en%ant8respon%ent, over t&e sub'e"t matter, over t&e
issues o$ t&e "ase an%, in "ases involving propert#, over
t&e res or t&e t&ing +8" is t&e sub'e"t o$ t&e litigation. 6n
assailing t&e trial "ourtCs 'uris%i"tion &erein, Nippon is
a"tuall# re$erring to sub'e"t matter 'uris%i"tion.
!uris%i"tion over the subject matter in a 'u%i"ial
pro"ee%ing is "on$erre% b# t&e sovereign aut&orit# +8"
establis&es an% organiDes t&e "ourt. 6t is given onl# b#
la+ an% in t&e manner pres"ribe% b# la+. 6t is $urt&er
%etermine% b# t&e allegations o$ t&e "omplaint
irrespe"tive o$ +&et&er t&e plainti$$ is entitle% to all or
some o$ t&e "laims asserte% t&erein. )o su""ee% in its
motion $or t&e %ismissal o$ an a"tion $or la"- o$ 'uris%i"tion
over t&e sub'e"t matter o$ t&e "laim, t&e movant must
s&o+ t&at t&e "ourt or tribunal "annot a"t on t&e matter
submitte% to it be"ause no la+ grants it t&e po+er to
a%'u%i"ate t&e "laims.
6n t&e instant "ase, Nippon, in its :)1, %oes not "laim
t&at t&e R)C is not properl# veste% b# la+ +8 'uris%i"tion
to &ear t&e sub'e"t "ontrovers# $or a "ivil "ase $or spe"i$i"
per$orman"e 3 %amages is one not "apable o$ pe"uniar#
estimation 3 is properl# "ogniDable b# t&e R)C o$ 9ipa
Cit#. 0&at t&e# rat&er raise as groun%s to @uestion
sub'e"t matter 'uris%i"tion are t&e prin"iples o$ lex loci
celebrationis an% lex contractus, an% t&e <state o$ t&e
most signi$i"ant relations&ip rule.= )&e Court $in%s t&e
invo"ation o$ t&ese groun%s unsoun%.
Lex loci celebrationis relates to t&e <la+ o$ t&e pla"e o$
t&e "eremon#= or t&e la+ o$ t&e pla"e +&ere a "ontra"t is
ma%e. )&e %o"trine o$ lex contractus or lex loci
contractus means t&e <la+ o$ t&e pla"e +&ere a "ontra"t
is e,e"ute% or to be per$orme%.= 6t "ontrols t&e nature,
"onstru"tion, an% vali%it# o$ t&e "ontra"t an% it ma#
pertain to t&e la+ voluntaril# agree% upon b# t&e parties
or t&e la+ inten%e% b# t&em eit&er e,pressl# or impli"itl#.
En%er t&e <state o$ t&e most signi$i"ant relations&ip rule,=
to as"ertain +&at state la+ to appl# to a %ispute, t&e "ourt
s&oul% %etermine +&i"& state &as t&e most substantial
"onne"tion to t&e o""urren"e an% t&e parties. 6n a "ase
involving a "ontra"t, t&e "ourt s&oul% "onsi%er +&ere t&e
"ontra"t +as ma%e, +as negotiate%, +as to be per$orme%,
an% t&e %omi"ile, pla"e o$ business, or pla"e o$
in"orporation o$ t&e parties. )&is rule ta-es into a""ount
several "onta"ts an% evaluates t&em a""or%ing to t&eir
relative importan"e +it& respe"t to t&e parti"ular issue to
be resolve%.
.in"e t&ese 3 prin"iples in "on$li"t o$ la+s ma-e re$eren"e
to t&e la+ appli"able to a %ispute, t&e# are rules proper
$or t&e 2
p&ase, t&e "&oi"e o$ la+. )&e# %etermine
+&i"& stateCs la+ is to be applie% in resolving t&e
substantive issues o$ a "on$li"ts problem. Ne"essaril#, as
t&e onl# issue in t&is "ase is t&at o$ 'uris%i"tion, "&oi"e5o$5
la+ rules are not onl# inappli"able but also not #et "alle%
Burt&er, Nippon7s premature invo"ation o$ "&oi"e5o$5la+
rules is e,pose% b# t&e $a"t t&at t&e# &ave not #et pointe%
out an# "on$li"t bet+een t&e la+s o$ !apan an% ours.
4e$ore %etermining +&i"& la+ s&oul% appl#, 1
s&oul% e,ist a "on$li"t o$ la+s situation re@uiring t&e
appli"ation o$ t&e "on$li"t o$ la+s rules. /lso, +&en t&e
la+ o$ a $oreign "ountr# is invo-e% to provi%e t&e proper
rules $or t&e solution o$ a "ase, t&e e,isten"e o$ su"& la+
must be plea%e% an% prove%.
6t s&oul% be note% t&at +&en a "on$li"ts "ase, one
involving a $oreign element, is broug&t be$ore a "ourt or
a%ministrative agen"#, t&ere are 3 alternatives open to
t&e latter in %isposing o$ it; (1 %ismiss t&e "ase, eit&er
be"ause o$ la"- o$ 'uris%i"tion or re$usal to assume
'uris%i"tion over t&e "ase? (2 assume 'uris%i"tion over t&e
"ase an% appl# t&e internal la+ o$ t&e $orum? or (3
assume 'uris%i"tion over t&e "ase an% ta-e into a""ount
or appl# t&e la+ o$ some ot&er .tate or .tates. )&e
"ourt7s po+er to &ear "ases an% "ontroversies is %erive%
$rom t&e Constitution an% t&e la+s. 0&ile it ma# "&oose
to re"ogniDe la+s o$ $oreign nations, t&e "ourt is not
limite% b# $oreign sovereign la+ s&ort o$ treaties or ot&er
$ormal agreements, even in matters regar%ing rig&ts
provi%e% b# $oreign sovereigns.
Neit&er "an t&e ot&er groun% raise%, forum non
conveniens, be use% to %eprive t&e R)C o$ its 'uris%i"tion.
1st, it is not a proper basis $or a motion to %ismiss
be"ause .e". 1, Rule 1F o$ t&e Rules o$ Court %oes not
in"lu%e it as a groun%. 2n%, +&et&er a suit s&oul% be
entertaine% or %ismisse% on t&e basis o$ t&e sai% %o"trine
%epen%s largel# upon t&e $a"ts o$ t&e parti"ular "ase an%
is a%%resse% to t&e soun% %is"retion o$ t&e R)C. 6n t&is
"ase, t&e R)C %e"i%e% to assume 'uris%i"tion. 3r%, t&e
propriet# o$ %ismissing a "ase base% on t&is prin"iple
re@uires a $a"tual %etermination? &en"e, t&is "on$li"ts
prin"iple is more properl# "onsi%ere% a matter o$ %e$ense.
KAREN E. SALVACION, #%n"&, $'&( Fd&%!" N.
Sa)va!%"n, *&., +a$'& and Na$(&a) G(a&d%an, and
G.R. N". ./012 A(3(s$ 14, 4..0
FACTS; Greg 4artelli, an /meri"an tourist, +as arreste%
$or "ommitting $our "ounts o$ rape an% serious illegal
%etention against *aren .alva"ion. (oli"e re"overe% $rom
&im several %ollar "&e"-s an% a %ollar a""ount in t&e
C&ina 4an-ing Corp. 2e +as, &o+ever, able to es"ape
$rom prison. 6n a "ivil "ase $ile% against &im, t&e trial "ourt
a+ar%e% .alva"ion moral, e,emplar# an% attorne#7s $ees
amounting to almost (1,000,000.00.
.alva"ion trie% to e,e"ute t&e 'u%gment on t&e %ollar
%eposit o$ 4artelli +it& t&e C&ina 4an-ing Corp. but t&e
latter re$use% arguing t&at .e"tion 11 o$ Central 4an-
Cir"ular No. 9F0 e,empts $oreign "urren"# %eposits $rom
atta"&ment, garnis&ment, or an# ot&er or%er or pro"ess o$
an# "ourt, legislative bo%#, government agen"# or an#
a%ministrative bo%# +&atsoever. .alva"ion t&ere$ore $ile%
t&is a"tion $or %e"larator# relie$ in t&e .upreme Court.
ISSUE; .&oul% .e"tion 113 o$ Central 4an- Cir"ular No.
9F0 an% .e"tion G o$ Republi" /"t No. F42F, as amen%e%
b# (1 124F, ot&er+ise -no+n as t&e Boreign Curren"#
1eposit /"t be ma%e appli"able to a $oreign transientH
)&e provisions o$ .e"tion 113 o$ Central 4an- Cir"ular
No. 9F0 an% (1 No. 124F, inso$ar as it amen%s .e"tion G
o$ Republi" /"t No. F42F, are &ereb# &el% to be
6N/((96C/49E to t&is "ase be"ause o$ its pe"uliar
"ir"umstan"es. Respon%ents are &ereb# re@uire% to
"ompl# +it& t&e +rit o$ e,e"ution issue% in t&e "ivil "ase
an% to release to petitioners t&e %ollar %eposit o$ 4artelli
in su"& amount as +oul% satis$# t&e 'u%gment.
.upreme Court rule% t&at t&e @uestione% la+ ma-es $utile
t&e $avorable 'u%gment an% a+ar% o$ %amages t&at
.alva"ion an% &er parents $ull# %eserve. 6t t&en
pro"ee%e% to s&o+ t&at t&e e"onomi" basis $or t&e
ena"tment o$ R/ No. F42F is not an#more present? an%
even i$ it still e,ists, t&e @uestione% la+ still %enies t&ose
entitle% to %ue pro"ess o$ la+ $or being unreasonable an%
oppressive. )&e intention o$ t&e la+ ma# be goo% +&en
ena"te%. )&e la+ $aile% to anti"ipate t&e ini@uitous e$$e"ts
pro%u"ing outrig&t in'usti"e an% ine@ualit# su"& as t&e
"ase be$ore us.
)&e .C a%opte% t&e "omment o$ t&e .oli"itor General
+&o argue% t&at t&e >$$s&ore 4an-ing .#stem an% t&e
Boreign Curren"# 1eposit .#stem +ere %esigne% to %ra+
%eposits $rom $oreign len%ers an% investors an%,
subse@uentl#, to give t&e latter prote"tion. 2o+ever, t&e
$oreign "urren"# %eposit ma%e b# a transient or a tourist
is not t&e -in% o$ %eposit en"ourage% b# (1 Nos. 1034
an% 103I an% given in"entives an% prote"tion b# sai%
la+s be"ause su"& %epositor sta#s onl# $or a $e+ %a#s in
t&e "ountr# an%, t&ere$ore, +ill maintain &is %eposit in t&e
ban- onl# $or a s&ort time. Consi%ering t&at 4artelli is 'ust
a tourist or a transient, &e is not entitle% to t&e prote"tion
o$ .e"tion 113 o$ Central 4an- Cir"ular No. 9F0 an% (1
No. 124F against atta"&ment, garnis&ment or ot&er "ourt
Burt&er, t&e .C sai%; <6n $ine, t&e appli"ation o$ t&e la+
%epen%s on t&e e,tent o$ its 'usti"e. Eventuall#, i$ +e rule
t&at t&e @uestione% .e"tion 113 o$ Central 4an- Cir"ular
No. 9F0 +&i"& e,empts $rom atta"&ment, garnis&ment, or
an# ot&er or%er or pro"ess o$ an# "ourt, legislative bo%#,
government agen"# or an# a%ministrative bo%#
+&atsoever, is appli"able to a $oreign transient, in'usti"e
+oul% result espe"iall# to a "itiDen aggrieve% b# a $oreign
guest li-e a""use% Greg 4artelli. )&is +oul% negate
/rti"le 10 o$ t&e Ne+ Civil Co%e +&i"& provi%es t&at <in
"ase o$ %oubt in t&e interpretation or appli"ation o$ la+s, it
is presume% t&at t&e la+ma-ing bo%# inten%e% rig&t an%
'usti"e to prevail.=
5 >n Bebruar# 4, 19G9, Greg 4artelli # Nort&"ott, an
/meri"an tourist, "oa,e% an% lure% petitioner *aren
.alva"ion, t&en 12 #ears ol% to go +it& &im to &is
apartment. )&erein, Greg 4artelli %etaine% *aren
.alva"ion $or $our %a#s, or up to Bebruar# 7, 19G9 an%
+as able to rape t&e "&il% on"e on Bebruar# 4, an% t&ree
times ea"& %a# on Bebruar# I, F, an% 7, 19G9. >n
Bebruar# 7, 19G9, a$ter poli"emen an% people living
nearb#, res"ue% *aren, Greg 4artelli +as arreste% an%
%etaine% at t&e :a-ati :uni"ipal !ail. )&e poli"emen
re"overe% $rom 4artelli t&e $ollo+ing items; 1. 1ollar
C&e"- No. 3FG, Control No. 021000F7G511FF111303, E.
3,903.20? 2. C>C>4/N* 4an- 4oo- No. 104510G7IG5G
((eso /""t.? 3. 1ollar /""ount A C&ina 4an-ing Corp.,
E.K8/LI410I02G52? 4. 6151225305GG77? I. (&ilippine
:one# ((234.00 "as&? F. 1oor *e#s F pie"es? 7.
.tu$$e% 1oll ()e%%# 4ear use% in se%u"ing t&e
Beb 24, 2009
Cada)%n vs. POEA
G.R. N". L546/007, D!. 8, 4../
GENER/9 RE9E; / $oreign pro"e%ural la+ +ill
not be applie% in t&e $orum.
EMCE()6>N; 0&en t&e "ountr# o$ t&e $orum &as
a Nborro+ing statute,N t&e "ountr# o$ t&e $orum
+ill appl# t&e $oreign statute o$ limitations.
EMCE()6>N )> )2E EMCE()6>N; )&e "ourt o$
t&e $orum +ill not en$or"e an# $oreign "laim
obno,ious to t&e $orumCs publi" poli"#.
Ca%alin et al. are overseas "ontra"t +or-ers re"ruite% b#
respon%ent5appellant /64C $or its a""re%ite% $oreign
prin"ipal, 4ro+n 3 Root, on various %ates $rom 197I to
19G3. /s su"&, t&e# +ere all %eplo#e% at various pro'e"ts
in several "ountries in t&e :i%%le East as +ell as in
.out&east /sia, in 6n%onesia an% :ala#sia. )&e "ase
arose +&en t&eir overseas emplo#ment "ontra"ts +ere
terminate% even be$ore t&eir e,piration. En%er 4a&rain
la+, +&ere some o$ t&e "omplainants +ere %eplo#e%, t&e
pres"riptive perio% $or "laims arising out o$ a "ontra"t o$
emplo#ment is one #ear.
0&et&er it is t&e 4a&rain la+ on pres"ription o$
a"tion base% on t&e /miri 1e"ree No. 23 o$ 197F
or a (&ilippine la+ on pres"ription t&at s&all be
t&e governing la+
/s a general rule, a $oreign pro"e%ural la+ +ill not be
applie% in t&e $orum. (ro"e%ural matters, su"& as servi"e
o$ pro"ess, 'oin%er o$ a"tions, perio% an% re@uisites $or
appeal, an% so $ort&, are governe% b# te& la+s o$ t&e
$orum. )&is is true even i$ t&e a"tion is base% upon a
$oreign substantive la+.
/ la+ on pres"ription o$ a"tions is sui generis in Con$li"t
o$ 9a+s in t&e sense t&at it ma# be vie+e% eit&er as
pro"e%ural or substantive, %epen%ing on t&e
"&ara"teriDation given su"& a la+.
2o+ever, t&e "&ara"teriDation o$ a statute into a
pro"e%ural or substantive la+ be"omes irrelevant +&en
t&e "ountr# o$ t&e $orum &as a <borro+ing statute.= .ai%
statute &as t&e pra"ti"al e$$e"t o$ treating t&e $oreign
statute o$ limitation as one o$ substan"e. / <borro+ing
statute= %ire"ts t&e state o$ t&e $orum to appl# t&e $oreign
statute o$ limitations to t&e pen%ing "laims base% on a
$oreign la+. 0&ile t&ere are several -in%s o$ <borro+ing
statutes,= one $orm provi%es t&at an a"tion barre% b# t&e
la+s o$ t&e pla"e +&ere it a""rue%, +ill not be en$or"e% in
t&e $orum even t&oug& t&e lo"al statute &as not run
against it. .e"tion 4G o$ our Co%e o$ Civil (ro"e%ure is o$
t&is -in%. .ai% .e"tion provi%es;
<6$ b# t&e la+s o$ t&e state or "ountr# +&ere t&e "ause o$
a"tion arose, t&e a"tion is barre%, it is also barre% in t&e
(&ilippine 6slan%s.=
6n t&e lig&t o$ t&e 19G7 Constitution, &o+ever, .e"tion 4G
"annot be en$or"e% e, propio vigore inso$ar as it or%ains
t&e appli"ation in t&is 'uris%i"tion o$ .e"tion 1IF o$ t&e
/miri 1e"ree No. 23 o$ 197F.
)&e "ourts o$ t&e $orum +ill not en$or"e an# $oreign "laims
obno,ious to t&e $orum7s publi" poli"#. )o en$or"e t&e
one5#ear pres"riptive perio% o$ t&e /miri 1e"ree No. 23 o$
197F as regar%s t&e "laims in @uestion +oul% "ontravene
t&e publi" poli"# on t&e prote"tion to labor.
ITLE: Tenchavez vs. Escano
27 #ears ol% Oi"enta Es"ano +&o belong to a prominent
Bilipino Bamil# o$ .panis& an"estr# got marrie% on
Beburar# 24, 194G +it& (astor )en"&aveD, 32 #ears ol%
engineer, an% e,5arm# o$$i"er be$ore Cat&oli" "&aplain 9t.
:oises 9avares. )&e marriage +as a "ulmination o$ t&e
love a$$air o$ t&e "ouple an% +as %ul# registere% in t&e
lo"al "ivil registr#. / "ertain (a"ita Noel "ame to be t&eir
mat"&5ma-er an% go5bet+een +&o &a% an amorous
relations&ip +it& )en"&aveD as +ritten b# a .an Carlos
"ollege stu%ent +&ere s&e an% Oi"enta are stu%#ing.
Oi"enta an% (astor are suppose% to rene+ t&eir vo+s8
marriage in a "&ur"& as suggeste% b# Oi"enta7s parents.
2o+ever a$ter translating t&e sai% letter to Oi"enta7s %a% ,
&e %isagree% $or a ne+ marriage. Oi"enta "ontinue%
leaving +it& &er parents in Cebu +&ile (astor +ent ba"-
to +or- in :anila.
Oi"enta applie% $or a passport in%i"ating t&at s&e +as
single an% +&en it +as approve% s&e le$t $or t&e Enite%
.tates an% $ile% a "omplaint $or %ivor"e against (astor
+&i"& +as later on approve% an% issue% b# t&e .e"on%
!u%i"ial Court o$ t&e .tate o$ Neva%a. .&e t&en soug&t
$or t&e annulment o$ &er marriage to t&e /r"&bis&op o$
Cebu. Oi"enta marrie% Russell 9eo :oran, an /meri"an,
in Neva%a an% &as begotten "&il%ren. .&e a"@uire%
"itiDens&ip on /ugust G, 19IG. (etitioner $ile% a "omplaint
against Oi"enta an% &er parents +&om &e allege% to &ave
%issua%e% Oi"enta $rom 'oining &er &usban%.
ISSUE: 0&et&er t&e %ivor"e soug&t b# Oi"enta Es"ano is
vali% an% bin%ing upon "ourts o$ t&e (&ilippines.
Civil Co%e o$ t&e (&ilippines %oes not a%mit %ivor"e.
(&ilippine "ourts "annot give re"ognition on $oreign
%e"rees o$ absolute %ivor"e bet+een Bilipino "itiDens
be"ause it +oul% be a violation o$ t&e Civil Co%e. .u"&
grant +oul% arise to %is"rimination in $avor o$ ri"& "itiDens
+&o "an a$$or% %ivor"e in $oreign "ountries. )&e
a%ulterous relations&ip o$ Es"ano +it& &er /meri"an
&usban% is enoug& groun%s $or t&e legal separation
pra#e% b# )en"&aveD. 6n t&e e#es o$ (&ilippine la+s,
)en"&aveD an% Es"ano are still marrie%. / $oreign
%ivor"e bet+een Bilipinos soug&t an% %e"ree% is not
entitle% to re"ognition neit&er is t&e marriage o$ t&e
%ivor"ee entitle% to vali%it# in t&e (&ilippines. )&us, t&e
%esertion an% se"uring o$ an invali% %ivor"e %e"ree b#
one spouse entitle% t&e ot&er $or %amages.
02EREB>RE, t&e %e"ision un%er appeal is &ereb#
mo%i$ie% as $ollo+s?
(1 /%'u%ging plainti$$5appellant (astor )en"&aveD entitle%
to a %e"ree o$ legal separation $rom %e$en%ant Oi"enta B.
(2 .enten"ing %e$en%ant5appellee Oi"enta Es"aPo to pa#
plainti$$5appellant )en"&aveD t&e amount o$ (2I,000 $or
%amages an% attorne#sC $ees?
(3 .enten"ing appellant (astor )en"&aveD to pa# t&e
appellee, :amerto Es"aPo an% t&e estate o$ &is +i$e, t&e
%e"ease% :ena Es"aPo, (I,000 b# +a# o$ %amages an%
attorne#sC $ees.
Qt&is is a "ase %is"usse% in .u""ession un%er
Bi%ei"ommisar# .ubstitution (+&i"& .ir 1ani"on sai% to
&ave been rule% "orre"tl#, i.e. no $i%ei"ommisar#
5C&arles an% 9innie !ane 2o%ges (&usban% an% +i$e
provi%e% mutuall# in t&eir respe"tive +ill a provision
+&erein t&e# +oul% give all t&eir estate to t&e surviving
spouse, an% upon t&e %eat& o$ t&e surviving spouse, t&e
remain%er o$ +&at &as been in&erite% b# t&e surviving
spouse $rom t&e earlier %e"ease% spouse +oul% be
be@ueat&e% to t&e brot&ers an% sisters o$ t&e later
5:rs. 2o%ges %ie% $irst. :r. 2o%ges +as appointe%
spe"ial a%ministrator an% later e,e"utor o$ t&e +ill. No
li@ui%ation +as ma%e.
5Epon %eat& o$ :r. 2o%ges, :agno +as appointe%
/%ministrati, o$ :rs. 2o%ges estate an% +as initiall# also
:r. 2o%gesC estate but (C64 too- over. (robate
pro"ee%ings $or bot& estate initiate%, t&e t+o
a%ministrators ((C64 an% :agno %i$$ere% in t&e allege%
s&are o$ :rs. 2o%ges in t&eir "on'ugal partners&ip
propert# t&at s&e "oul% &ave be@ueat&e% to &er &eirs.
(C64 :agno
)&e estate le$t b# :rs. 2o%ges R 182
o$ &er s&are in t&e "on'ugal estate
(/ppl# (&ilippine la+,
not+it&stan%ing /rt1F o$ our Civil
"o%e +&i"& man%ates t&e appli"ation
o$ )e,as la+, :r.2o%ges being a
"itiDen o$ )e,as
)e,as la+
appli"able, +&erein
no s#stem o$
legitime provi%e% so
estate o$ :rs.
2o%ges "oul% not
be less t&an &er
s&are or (H S182
5t&ere +as also an allegation on t&e part o$ :agno ($or
t&e brot&ers an% sisters o$ :rs. 2o%ges t&at :r. 2o%ges
ma%e a renun"iation o$ t&e in&eritan"e in a mani$estation
to t&e E. in&eritan"e ta, aut&orities (probabl# to es"ape
in&eritan"e ta, liabilities, +&i"& +as allege%l# rati$ie% b#
t&e &eirs in t&e (&ilippines.
("ourt, t&oug&, %i% not rule on allege% renun"iation. Bor
purposes o$ t&e %is"ussion, Court assume% t&at
renun"iation +as not up&el%
0>N (&ilippine 9a+, as allege% b# (C64, s&oul% be
applie% an% not )e,as la+H
)e,as la+ applies, but be"ause o$ estoppel (H an% it is
#et to be provenT
Qnote; in .u""ession, it +as &el% in t&is "ase t&at t&ere
+as no $i%ei"ommissar# substitution so t&e 1st &eir
institute% (:r. :agno &a% no obligation to preserve t&e
properties in&erite% $rom &is +i$e $or t&e bene$it o$ t&e
latterCs ot&er &eirs (t&e siblings
Qno proo$ #et o$ +&at )e,as la+ is, but (C64 allege%l#
averre% t&at un%er t&e la+s o$ )e,as (alt&oug& it +as
arguing t&at R( la+s appl#, t&ere is su"& legitime o$ 184
o$ t&e sai% "on'gal estate
SSSso (C64 +oul% be estoppe% to "laim t&at t&e estate o$
:rs. 2o%ges s&oul% be less t&an as "onten%e% b# it
(+&i"& is initiall# at least 182 o$ t&e estate, for
admissions b a !ar" re#a"ed "o "he effec"s of forei$n
#a%s& %hich have "o be !roven in o'r co'r"s #i(e an
o"her con"rover"ed fac"& crea"e es"o!!e#.
6..EE. )2/) C/N 4E 1EC61E1 4U )2E C>ER);
V Regar%less +&at la+ is appli"able an% 0>N :r.
2o%ges %i% renoun"e &is s&are, it is "lear $rom t&e
inventor# submitte% b# :r. 2o%ges &imsel$ as e,e"utor o$
&is +i$eCs estate t&at t&ere are properties +&i"& "onstitute
t&e estate o$ :rs. 2o%ges +&i"& s&oul% be %istribute%
among &er &eirs pursuant to &er +ill
V 6t is no+ be#on% "ontrovers# t&at +&atever be t&e
provisions o$ )e,as 9a+ appli"able, t&e estate o$ :rs.
2o%ges is /) 9E/.) 184 >B )2E C>N!EG/9 E.)/)E
>B )2E .(>E.E.
5E,isten"e an% e$$e"ts o$ $oreign la+s being @uestions o$
$a"t, an% it being t&e position no+ o$ (C64 t&at t&e estate
o$ :rs. 2o%ges, pursuant to t&e la+ o$ )e,as, s&oul% onl#
be 183 o$ t&e "on'ugal estate, su"& "ontention "onstitutes
an% a%mission o$ $a"t, an% "onse@uentl#, it +oul% be in
estoppel in an# $urt&er pro"ee%ings in t&ese "ases to
"laim t&at sai% estate "oul% be less, irrespe"tive o$ +&at
mig&t be proven later to be t&e a"tual provisions o$ )e,as
V .pe"ial (ro"ee%ing $or t&e settlement o$ testate estate
o$ :rs. 2o%ges "annot be "lose%, s&oul% pro"ee%, t&ere
&aving no proper an% legal a%'u%i"ation or %istribution #et
o$ t&e estate
V :agno remains to be t&e /%ministratri, o$ :rs.
2o%gesCs estate
02/) C/NN>) 4E 1EC61E1;
V 0>N :r. 2o%ges renoun"e% &is s&are
V 0>N estate o$ :rs. 2o%ges is more t&an 184 o$ t&e
"on'ugal propert#
SSS"ase is reman%e% to trial "ourt to allo+ t&e parties to
present evi%en"e in relation to t&ese issues
RE96NG )2/) :R.. 2>1GE.C. E.)/)E C/NN>) 4E
9E.. )2/N 184 >B )2E C(( O.. B6N16NG )2/) N>
EO61ENCE UE) >B )EM/. 9/0.H Court sai% t&at
evi%en"e s&oul% still be presente% re; +&at )e,as la+
"ontains but (C64 no+ "annot allege t&at t&e estate is
less t&an 184T
QElementar# is t&e rule t&at $oreign la+s ma# not be ta-en
'u%i"ial noti"e o$ an% &ave to be proven li-e an# ot&er $a"t
in %ispute bet+een t&e parties in an# pro"ee%ing, +it& t&e
rare e,"eptional n instan"es +&en t&e sai% la+s are
alrea%# +it&in t&e a"tual -no+le%ge o$ t&e "ourt, su"& as
+&en t&e# are +ell an% generall# -no+n, or t&e# &ave
been a"tuall# rule% upon in ot&er "ases be$ore it an%
none o$ t&e parties "on"erne% "laim ot&er+ise.
)26R1 16O6.6>N
G.R. N". 40;884 : O!$"<& 44, 1646
Petitioners, v. MA. *OSEFA ECHIN, Respondent."rala+
!ose$ina E"&in (respon%ent +as &ire% b# petitioner /)C6
>verseas Corporation in be&al$ o$ its prin"ipal5"o5
petitioner, t&e :inistr# o$ (ubli" 2ealt& o$ *u+ait (t&e
:inistr#, $or t&e position o$ me%i"al te"&nologist un%er a
t+o5#ear "ontra"t, %enominate% as a :emoran%um o$
/greement (:>/, +it& a mont&l# salar# o$ E.K1,200.00.
En%er t&e :>/,
"ra1a+ all ne+l#5&ire% emplo#ees
un%ergo a probationar# perio% o$ one (1 #ear an% are
"overe% b# *u+aits Civil .ervi"e 4oar% Emplo#ment
Contra"t No. 2.
Respon%ent +as %eplo#e% on Bebruar# 17, 2000 but +as
terminate% $rom emplo#ment on Bebruar# 11, 2001, s&e
not &aving allege%l# passe% t&e probationar# perio%.
/s t&e :inistr# %enie% respon%ents re@uest $or
re"onsi%eration, s&e returne% to t&e (&ilippines on :ar"&
17, 2001, s&oul%ering &er o+n air $are.
>n !ul# 27, 2001, respon%ent $ile% +it& t&e National
9abor Relations Commission (N9RC a "omplaint
$or illegal %ismissal against petitioner /)C6 as t&e lo"al
re"ruitment agen"#, represente% b# petitioner, /malia
6-%al (6-%al, an% t&e :inistr#, as t&e $oreign prin"ipal.
4# 1e"ision
"ra1a+ o$ November 29, 2002, t&e 9abor
/rbiter, $in%ing t&at petitioners neit&er s&o+e% t&at t&ere
+as 'ust "ause to +arrant respon%ents %ismissal nor t&at
s&e $aile% to @uali$# as a regular emplo#ee, &el% t&at
respon%ent +as illegall# %ismisse% an% a""or%ingl#
or%ere% petitioners to pa# &er E.K3,F00.00, representing
&er salar# $or t&e t&ree mont&s une,pire% portion o$ &er
>n appeal o$ petitioners /)C6 an% 6-%al, t&e N9RC
a$$irme% t&e 9abor /rbiters %e"ision b#
"ra1a+ o$ !anuar# 2F, 2004. (etitioners
motion $or re"onsi%eration &aving been %enie% b#
"ra1a+ o$ /pril 22, 2004, t&e# appeale% to t&e
Court o$ /ppeals, "onten%ing t&at t&eir prin"ipal, t&e
:inistr#, being a $oreign government agen"#, is immune
$rom suit an%, as su"&, t&e immunit# e,ten%e% to t&em?
an% t&at respon%ent +as vali%l# %ismisse% $or &er $ailure
to meet t&e per$orman"e rating +it&in t&e one5#ear perio%
as re@uire% un%er *u+aits Civil .ervi"e 9a+s. (etitioners
$urt&er "onten%e% t&at 6-%al s&oul% not be liable as an
o$$i"er o$ petitioner /)C6.
4# 1e"ision
"ra1a+ o$ :ar"& 30, 2007, t&e appellate
"ourt a$$irme% t&e N9RC Resolution.
6n brus&ing asi%e petitioners "ontention t&at t&e# onl#
a"te% as agent o$ t&e :inistr# an% t&at t&e# "annot be
&el% 'ointl# an% soli%aril# liable +it& it, t&e appellate "ourt
note% t&at un%er t&e la+, a private emplo#ment agen"#
s&all assume all responsibilities $or t&e implementation o$
t&e "ontra"t o$ emplo#ment o$ an overseas +or-er,
&en"e, it "an be sue% 'ointl# an% severall# +it& t&e $oreign
prin"ipal $or an# violation o$ t&e re"ruitment agreement or
"ontra"t o$ emplo#ment.
/s to 6-%als liabilit#, t&e appellate "ourt &el% t&at un%er
.e". 10 o$ Republi" /"t No. G042, t&e N:igrant an%
>verseas Bilipinos /"t o$ 199I,N "orporate o$$i"ers,
%ire"tors an% partners o$ a re"ruitment agen"# ma#
t&emselves be 'ointl# an% soli%aril# liable +it& t&e
re"ruitment agen"# $or mone# "laims an% %amages
a+ar%e% to overseas +or-ers.
(etitioners motion $or re"onsi%eration &aving been %enie%
b# t&e appellate "ourt b# Resolution
"ra1a+ o$ !une 27,
2007, t&e present petition $or revie+ on "ertiorari +as
(etitioners maintain t&at t&e# s&oul% not be &el% liable
be"ause respon%ents emplo#ment "ontra"t spe"i$i"all#
stipulates t&at &er emplo#ment s&all be governe% b# t&e
Civil .ervi"e 9a+ an% Regulations o$ *u+ait. )&e# t&us
"on"lu%e t&at it +as patent error $or t&e labor tribunals
an% t&e appellate "ourt to appl# t&e 9abor Co%e
provisions governing probationar# emplo#ment in
%e"i%ing t&e present "ase.
Burt&er, petitioners argue t&at even t&e (&ilippine
>verseas Emplo#ment /"t ((>E/ Rules relative to
master emplo#ment "ontra"ts ((art 666, .e". 2 o$ t&e
(>E/ Rules an% Regulations a""or% respe"t to t&e
N"ustoms, pra"ti"es, "ompan# poli"ies an% labor la+s an%
legislation o$ t&e &ost "ountr#.N
Binall#, petitioners posit t&at assuming arguen%o t&at
(&ilippine labor la+s are appli"able, given t&at t&e $oreign
prin"ipal is a government agen"# +&i"& is immune $rom
suit, as in $a"t it %i% not sign an# %o"ument agreeing to be
&el% 'ointl# an% soli%aril# liable, petitioner /)C6 "annot
li-e+ise be &el% liable, more so sin"e t&e :inistr#s liabilit#
&a% not been 'u%i"iall# %etermine% as 'uris%i"tion +as not
a"@uire% over it.
)&e petition $ails.
(etitioner /)C6, as a private re"ruitment agen"#, "annot
eva%e responsibilit# $or t&e mone# "laims o$ >verseas
Bilipino +or-ers (>B0s +&i"& it %eplo#s abroa% b# t&e
mere e,pe%ien"# o$ "laiming t&at its $oreign prin"ipal is a
government agen"# "lot&e% +it& immunit# $rom suit, or
t&at su"& $oreign prin"ipals liabilit# must $irst be
establis&e% be$ore it, as agent, "an be &el% 'ointl# an%
soli%aril# liable.
6n provi%ing $or t&e 'oint an% soli%ar# liabilit# o$ private
re"ruitment agen"ies +it& t&eir $oreign prin"ipals,
Republi" /"t No. G042 pre"isel# a$$or%s t&e >B0s +it& a
re"ourse an% assures t&em o$ imme%iate an% su$$i"ient
pa#ment o$ +&at is %ue t&em. .-ippers Enite% (a"i$i" v.
"ra1a+ e,plains;"&anroblesvirtuala+librar#
. . . >T?' "<)%3a$%"ns !"vnan$d %n $' &!&(%$#n$
a3&#n$ n$&d %n$" <- and <$@n $' )"!a)
a3n$ and %$s +"&%3n ,&%n!%,a) a& n"$ !"$&#%n"(s
@%$' $' $&# "+ s(!' a3&#n$ so t&at i$ eit&er or bot&
o$ t&e parties %e"i%e to en% t&e agreement, t&e
responsibilities o$ su"& parties to+ar%s t&e "ontra"te%
emplo#ees un%er t&e agreement %o not at all en%, but t&e
same e,ten%s up to an% until t&e e,piration o$ t&e
emplo#ment "ontra"ts o$ t&e emplo#ees re"ruite% an%
emplo#e% pursuant to t&e sai% re"ruitment agreement.
O$'&@%s, $'%s @%)) &nd& n(3a$"&- $' v&- ,(&,"s
+"& @'%!' $' )a@ 3"v&n%n3 $' #,)"-#n$ "+
@"&A&s +"& +"&%3n B"<s a<&"ad @as na!$d.
(emp&asis supplie%
)&e imposition o$ 'oint an% soli%ar# liabilit# is in line +it&
t&e poli"# o$ t&e state to prote"t an% alleviate t&e plig&t o$
t&e +or-ing "lass.
"ra1a+ Oeril#, to allo+ petitioners to
simpl# invo-e t&e immunit# $rom suit o$ its $oreign
prin"ipal or to +ait $or t&e 'u%i"ial %etermination o$ t&e
$oreign prin"ipals liabilit# be$ore petitioner "an be &el%
liable ren%ers t&e la+ on 'oint an% soli%ar# liabilit# inutile.
/s to petitioners "ontentions t&at (&ilippine labor la+s on
probationar# emplo#ment are not appli"able sin"e it +as
e,pressl# provi%e% in respon%ents emplo#ment "ontra"t,
+&i"& s&e voluntaril# entere% into, t&at t&e terms o$ &er
engagement s&all be governe% b# prevailing *u+aiti Civil
.ervi"e 9a+s an% Regulations as in $a"t (>E/ Rules
a""or% respe"t to su"& rules, "ustoms an% pra"ti"es o$
t&e &ost "ountr#, t&e same +as not substantiate%.
6n%ee%, a "ontra"t $reel# entere% into is "onsi%ere% t&e
la+ bet+een t&e parties +&o "an establis& stipulations,
"lauses, terms an% "on%itions as t&e# ma# %eem
"onvenient, in"lu%ing t&e la+s +&i"& t&e# +is& to govern
t&eir respe"tive obligations, as long as t&e# are not
"ontrar# to la+, morals, goo% "ustoms, publi" or%er or
publi" poli"#.
6t is &ornboo- prin"iple, &o+ever, t&at t&e part# invo-ing
t&e appli"ation o$ a $oreign la+ &as t&e bur%en o$ proving
t&e la+, un%er t&e %o"trine o$ pro"essual presumption
+&i"&, in t&is "ase, petitioners $aile% to %is"&arge. )&e
Courts ruling in E165.ta$$buil%ers 6ntl., v. N9RC
6n t&e present "ase, t&e emplo#ment "ontra"t signe% b#
Gran spe"i$i"all# states t&at .au%i 9abor 9a+s +ill govern
matters not provi%e% $or in t&e "ontra"t (e.g. spe"i$i"
"auses $or termination, termination pro"e%ures, et"..
4eing t&e la+ inten%e% b# t&e parties (lex loci intentiones
to appl# to t&e "ontra"t, .au%i 9abor 9a+s s&oul% govern
all matters relating to t&e termination o$ t&e emplo#ment
o$ Gran.
6n international la+, t&e part# +&o +ants to &ave a $oreign
la+ applie% to a %ispute or "ase &as t&e bur%en o$ proving
t&e $oreign la+. )&e $oreign la+ is treate% as a @uestion o$
$a"t to be properl# plea%e% an% prove% as t&e 'u%ge or
labor arbiter "annot ta-e 'u%i"ial noti"e o$ a $oreign la+.
2e is presume% to -no+ onl# %omesti" or $orum la+.
En$ortunatel# $or petitioner, it %i% not prove t&e pertinent
.au%i la+s on t&e matter? t&us, t&e 6nternational 9a+
%o"trine o$ presumed-identity approach or processual
presumption "omes into pla#. 0&ere a $oreign la+ is not
plea%e% or, even i$ plea%e%, is not prove%, t&e
presumption is t&at $oreign la+ is t&e same as ours. )&us,
+e appl# (&ilippine labor la+s in %etermining t&e issues
presente% be$ore us. (emp&asis an% un%ers"oring
)&e (&ilippines %oes not ta-e 'u%i"ial noti"e o$ $oreign
la+s, &en"e, t&e# must not onl# be allege%? t&e# must be
proven. )o prove a $oreign la+, t&e part# invo-ing it must
present a "op# t&ereo$ an% "ompl# +it& .e"tions 24 an%
2I o$ Rule 132 o$ t&e Revise% Rules o$ Court +&i"&
.EC. 24. Proof of official record. )&e re"or% o$ publi"
%o"uments re$erre% to in paragrap& (a o$ .e"tion 19,
+&en a%missible $or an# purpose, ma# be evi%en"e% b#
an o$$i"ial publi"ation t&ereo$ or b# a "op# atteste% b# t&e
o$$i"er &aving t&e legal "usto%# o$ t&e re"or%, or b# &is
%eput#, an% a""ompanie%, i$ t&e re"or% is not -ept in t&e
(&ilippines, +it& a "erti$i"ate t&at su"& o$$i"er &as t&e
"usto%#. 6$ t&e o$$i"e in +&i"& t&e re"or% is -ept is in a
$oreign "ountr#, t&e "erti$i"ate ma# be ma%e b# a
se"retar# o$ t&e embass# or legation, "onsul general,
"onsul, vi"e "onsul, or "onsular agent or b# an# o$$i"er in
t&e $oreign servi"e o$ t&e (&ilippines statione% in t&e
$oreign "ountr# in +&i"& t&e re"or% is -ept, an%
aut&enti"ate% b# t&e seal o$ &is o$$i"e. (emp&asis
.EC. 2I. 0&at attestation o$ "op# must state. 0&enever
a "op# o$ a %o"ument or re"or% is atteste% $or t&e
purpose o$ t&e evi%en"e, t&e attestation must state, in
substan"e, t&at t&e "op# is a "orre"t "op# o$ t&e original,
or a spe"i$i" part t&ereo$, as t&e "ase ma# be. )&e
attestation must be un%er t&e o$$i"ial seal o$ t&e attesting
o$$i"er, i$ t&ere be an#, or i$ &e be t&e "ler- o$ a "ourt
&aving a seal, un%er t&e seal o$ su"& "ourt.
)o prove t&e *u+aiti la+, petitioners submitte% t&e
$ollo+ing; :>/ bet+een respon%ent an% t&e :inistr#, as
represente% b# /)C6, +&i"& provi%es t&at t&e emplo#ee is
sub'e"t to a probationar# perio% o$ one (1 #ear an% t&at
t&e &ost "ountr#s Civil .ervi"e 9a+s an% Regulations
appl#? a translate% "op#
"ra1a+ (/rabi" to Englis& o$
t&e termination letter to respon%ent stating t&at s&e %i%
not pass t&e probation terms, +it&out spe"i$#ing t&e
groun%s t&ere$or, an% a translate% "op# o$ t&e "erti$i"ate
o$ termination,
"ra1a+ bot& o$ +&i"& %o"uments +ere
"erti$ie% b# :r. :ustap&a /la+i, 2ea% o$ t&e 1epartment
o$ Boreign /$$airs5>$$i"e o$ Consular /$$airs 6nslami"
Certi$i"ation an% )ranslation Enit? an% respon%ents
"ra1a+ o$ re"onsi%eration to t&e :inistr#, +&erein
s&e note% t&at in &er $irst eig&t (G mont&s o$ emplo#ment,
s&e +as given a rating o$ NE,"ellentN albeit it "&ange% %ue
to "&anges in &er s&i$t o$ +or- s"&e%ule.
)&ese %o"uments, +&et&er ta-en singl# or as a +&ole, %o
not su$$i"ientl# prove t&at respon%ent +as vali%l#
terminate% as a probationar# emplo#ee un%er *u+aiti "ivil
servi"e la+s. Ins$ad "+ s(<#%$$%n3 a !",- "+ $'
,&$%nn$ K(@a%$% )a<"& )a@s d()- a($'n$%!a$d and
$&ans)a$d <- E#<ass- "++%!%a)s $'&a$, as &C(%&d
(nd& $' R()s, @'a$ ,$%$%"n&s s(<#%$$d @&
#& !&$%+%!a$%"ns a$$s$%n3 "n)- $" $' !"&&!$nss
"+ $' $&ans)a$%"ns "+ $' MOA and $' $&#%na$%"n
)$$& @'%!' d"s n"$ ,&"v a$ a)) $'a$ K(@a%$% !%v%)
s&v%! )a@s d%++& +&"# P'%)%,,%n )a@s and $'a$
(nd& s(!' K(@a%$% )a@s, &s,"ndn$ @as va)%d)-
$&#%na$d. )&us t&e sub'e"t "erti$i"ations
, , , ,
)&is is to "erti$# t&at t&e &erein atta"&e% translation8s
$rom /rabi" to Englis&8)agalog an% or vi"e versa
+as8+ere presente% to t&is >$$i"e $or revie+ an%
"erti$i"ation an% t&e same +as8+ere $oun% to be in or%er.
T'%s O++%!, '"@v&, ass(#s n" &s,"ns%<%)%$- as $"
$' !"n$n$s "+ $' d"!(#n$Ds.
)&is "erti$i"ation is being issue% upon re@uest o$ t&e
intereste% part# $or +&atever legal purpose it ma# serve.
(emp&asis supplie%
Respe"ting 6-%als 'oint an% soli%ar# liabilit# as a "orporate
o$$i"er, t&e same is in or%er too $ollo+ing t&e e,press
provision o$ R./. G042 on mone# "laims,
.EC. 10. :one# Claims.Not+it&stan%ing an# provision o$
la+ to t&e "ontrar#, t&e 9abor /rbiters o$ t&e National
9abor Relations Commission (N9RC s&all &ave t&e
original an% e,"lusive 'uris%i"tion to &ear an% %e"i%e,
+it&in ninet# (90 "alen%ar %a#s a$ter t&e $iling o$ t&e
"omplaint, t&e "laims arising out o$ an emplo#er5
emplo#ee relations&ip or b# virtue o$ an# la+ or "ontra"t
involving Bilipino +or-ers $or overseas %eplo#ment
in"lu%ing "laims $or a"tual moral, e,emplar# an% ot&er
$orms o$ %amages.
)&e liabilit# o$ t&e prin"ipal8emplo#er an% t&e
re"ruitment8pla"ement agen"# $or an# an% all "laims
un%er t&is se"tion s&all be 'oint an% several. )&is
provision s&all be in"orporate% in t&e "ontra"t $or
overseas emplo#ment an% s&all be a "on%ition pre"e%ent
$or its approval. )&e per$orman"e bon% to be $ile% b# t&e
re"ruitment8pla"ement agen"#, as provi%e% b# la+, s&all
be ans+erable $or all mone# "laims or %amages t&at ma#
be a+ar%e% to t&e +or-ers. 6$ t&e re"ruitment8pla"ement
agen"# is a 'uri%i"al being, t&e "orporate o$$i"ers an%
%ire"tors an% partners as t&e "ase ma# be, s&all
t&emselves be 'ointl# an% soli%aril# liable +it& t&e
"orporation or partners&ip $or t&e a$oresai% "laims an%
%amages. (emp&asis an% un%ers"oring supplie%
WHEREFORE, t&e petition is 1EN6E1.
G.R.N". 487421, O!$"<& 47, 1667
FACTS: (etitioner Citiban- is a ban-ing "orporation %ul#
aut&oriDe% un%er t&e la+s o$ t&e E./ to %o "ommer"ial
ban-ing a"tivities n t&e (&ilippines. .abeniano +as a
"lient o$ bot& (etitioners Citiban- an% BNC4 Binan"e.
Respon%ent $ile% a "omplaint against petitioners "laiming
to &ave substantial %eposits, t&e pro"ee%s o$ +&i"& +ere
suppose%l# %eposite% automati"all# an% %ire"tl# to
respon%ent7s a""ount +it& t&e petitioner Citiban- an% t&at
allege%l# petitioner re$use% to %espite repeate% %eman%s.
(etitioner allege% t&at respon%ent obtaine% several loans
$rom t&e $ormer an% in %e$ault, Citiban- e,er"ise% its rig&t
to set5o$$ respon%ent7s outstan%ing loans +it& &er
%eposits an% mone#. R)C %e"lare% t&e a"t illegal, null
an% voi% an% or%ere% t&e petitioner to re$un% t&e amount
plus interest, or%ering .abeniano, on t&e ot&er &an% to
pa# Citiban- &er in%ebte%ness. C/ a$$irme% t&e %e"ision
entirel# in $avor o$ t&e respon%ent.
ISSUE: 0&et&er petitioner ma# e,er"ise its rig&t to set5o$$
respon%ent7s loans +it& &er %eposits an% mone# in
RULING: (etition is partl# grante% +it& mo%i$i"ation.
1. Citiban- is or%ere% to return to respon%ent t&e prin"ipal
amount o$ (31G,G97.34 an% (203,1I0.00 plus 14.IW per
2. )&e remittan"e o$ E. K149,F32.99 $rom respon%ent7s
Citiban-5Geneva a""ount is %e"lare% illegal, null an% voi%,
t&us Citiban- is or%ere% to re$un% sai% amount in
(&ilippine "urren"# or its e@uivalent using e,"&ange rate
at t&e time o$ pa#ment.
3. Citiban- to pa# respon%ent moral %amages o$
(300,000, e,emplar# %amages $or (2I0,000, attorne#7s
$ees o$ (200,000.
4. Respon%ent to pa# petitioner t&e balan"e o$ &er
outstan%ing loans o$ (1,0F9,G47.40 in"lusive o$$ interest.

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