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Hyundai Car Purchasing Tips

In order to make a well-informed decision about your first car purchase, such as a
new Hyundai model, here are 10 tips that will help you. These tips include: decide whether you
want to buy or lease your new Hyundai car; understand how much car you can afford; research
the type of car that best meets your needs; locate a dealer; look for deals and sain!s; test drie
the car of your choice; ne!otiate the price; understand your options for purchasin! the car; look
at "and consider# all warranty options; and, understand the dealership$s return policy.
Choose Between Buying or Leasing
%ne of the bi!!est decisions that you need to make when purchasin! a car for the first-time is
between purchasin! or leasin! your Hyundai. The pros to ownership include the fact that you
keep the car as lon! as you want, you are not restricted to the number of miles that you are
permitted to drie durin! the life of car and you are free to do as you wish with the ehicle under
your ownership.
The benefits of leasin! include lower monthly costs since it costs more to finance a ehicle
because you are payin! interest char!es, finance char!es, ta&es and depreciation. 'ou also
hae !reater fle&ibility in returnin! the car for a newer model with the need to sell or find a buyer
for your e&istin! car. 'ou should compare and contrast the costs associated with both buyin!
and leasin! a car before you decide which option is best for you.
Understand How Much Car You Can Afford
The amount of car you can buy is based on seeral determinants. How much of the ehicle$s
total purchase price can you defray with a down payment is one of those determinants that will
affect your new car buyin! decision. The more you can afford to put down, the lower your
monthly payments will be. (or e&ample, a car that has a cost of )1*,000 with a )+,000 down
payment on a ,- month loan at *. will cost you rou!hly )+// a month in payments. The same
)1*,000 ehicle purchase with a )1,000 down payment with the same loan terms would cost
you )+0 more a month or )0++. 'ou should also be aware that most financial professionals
recommend that a new car purchase should not e&ceed 01. of your net income.
Research the Type of Car That Best Meets Your Needs
There are plenty of resources aailable to you online for obtainin! information on the type of car
you are lookin! to buy, such as a Hyundai. 2any of these resources are ob3ectie, third-party
websites and sources that can proide you with an unbiased opinion of the different types of
cars that you determine are within your bud!et and meet your driin! needs. 'ou want to make
sure that you look at the ehicle$s safety crash test ratin!s and the aailability of certain safety
features, such as side impact airba!s and antilock brakes.
Locate a Deaer
(indin! a dealer is not a difficult task howeer findin! the ri!ht dealer for your car buyin! needs
may be a little more challen!in!. The 4ualities you want to look for in an auto dealer include a
lar!e inentory of new and used cars, a friendly and initin! showroom and a professional sales
staff that can assist you and answer your 4uestions.
Loo! for Deas and "a#ings
5heneer possible you should look for rebated, incenties and other adertised sain!s
associated with your new car buy. 2any manufacturers, such as Hyundai, will announce the
aailability of certain discounts and sain!s desi!ned to entice you into purchasin! their cars. 6
recent incentie aailable for the +01, Hyundai 7lantra proides a discount on the 289: listed
price of )1/,010 of ),+- for an inoice price of )1-,*-+. 6lthou!h the incentie is set to e&pire,
often manufacturers will renew their pro!ram.
Test Dri#e the Car of Your Choice
It is always adised that you test drie the ehicle wheneer possible. Takin! your new car on
the road in order to !et a feel for how it performs and handles will allow you to confirm your
decision to make the purchase or look at another purchase option. The test drie should proide
you with information about the controls, ad3ustability of the seats and the aailability of
enhanced features such as ;luetooth wireless connections.
Negotiate the Price
'ou should understand that the listed price on a ehicle can be ne!otiated. 6sk the
salesperson about any mana!er specials or deals that may be offered. This may be in addition
to any rebates or incenties that are already in place.
Understand Your $ptions for Purchasing the Car
5hether you choose to buy or lease, you should ask for the different options aailable for your
new car. 'ou may find that financin! your purchase throu!h the dealership may be easier than
!oin! throu!h your financial institution. <ompare rates and choose the option that !ies you the
best deal at the lowest cost to you.
Loo! at the %arranty $ptions
=ew cars will come with a standard warranty coer certain parts for a limited period of time. If
the amount of coera!e proided is not sufficient, you may consider purchasin! an e&tended
coera!e warranty. >nderstand that this type of decision will result in a hi!her cost added to
your purchase price. 6lso, be aware that a serice contract is not the same as a coera!e
warranty. 8erice contracts "which may be marketed as an e&tended warranty# are optional and
should only be considered if you choose to do business with the dealership for your serice and
repair needs.
Understand the Deaership&s Return Poicy
6 source puts the alue of depreciation of a new car at nearly +0. once the ehicle leaes the
dealership. If you find yourself hain! buyer$s remorse after you made the purchase and are
lookin! to return the car, you should in4uiry about the dealership$s return policy. 'ou may be
able to !et out of a deal and only hae to pay a small restockin! fee, proided you do not
dama!e or iolate the dealer$s return policy.
5hether you are purchasin! a new or used Hyundai, Hyundai of ?reensbur! is your top source
for Hyundai cars in the :ittsbur!h area. 5ith oer 1* years of e&perience and an e&perienced
sales team, Hyundai of ?reensbur! proides outstandin! serice and customer satisfaction and
can help you drie off in a new Hyundai today. (or more information, please isit our website
at www.!reensbur! or call our representaties at ----++/-+1@@.

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