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Mathematics Olympiad Training

CEMS, SSJ Campus , Kumaun University, Almora

Center of Ecellence in Mathematical Sciences(CEMS) is situated in the
Department of Mathematics, SSJ Campus, Kumaun University, Almora !t "as esta#lished
in $%&& #y the 'oint effort of SE(C (Uttara)hand Council of Science and *echnolo+y) and
Kumaun University for raisin+ the standard of Mathematics trainin+ and learnin+ in the state
of Uttara)hand !t has conducted ,-.M and ,CM (DAE) sponsored Advanced trainin+
pro+rammes for /ectureres and 0hD Scholars !n $%&1 Center has started long!term
"isitor #rogramme to help the students of MSc (Mathematics) in the state
After its inception, the center has received many visitin+ 2mathematicians from !!Sc,
-an+alore, *!3(, Mum#ai, .(!, Allaha#ad, !MSc, Chennai, !!*, Mum#ai, !S!, Kol)ata and
!S!, Delhi !n informal discussion it "as felt that if the level of mathematics is to #e raised in
Uttara)hand then 4utreach pro+ramme should #e initiated in a #i+ "ay *he main focus of
discussion "as to prepare school2+oin+ students for Mathematics 4lympiad (M4 is #ein+
held here for a lon+ time #ut participation of students in !,M4 is far #elo" e5pectation !t
"as felt that an intensive trainin+ of pro#lem2solvin+ s)ills at school level "ill enthuse
students to"ards mathematics and in lon+ term "ill transform it into a mathematical orieted
youn+ force Ultimately it "ill translate to the entry in colle+e mathematics stream of "ell
2trained students 3rom June , $%&6 the center is startin+ its most am#itious pro+ramme of
trainin+ the students of school level (7
, &%
and &&
)for Mathematics 4lympiad !n the
first phase the trainin+ "ill #e imparted for $egional Mathematical Olympiad %$MO& for
the students of Almora District !n the month of March, $%&6 center "ill conduct a test for
the selection of students for 4lympiad trainin+
A tentative schedule is +iven #elo"8
'istri(ution of registration form !!!!!!!!!!!!!! )irst *ee+ of 'ecem(er, ,-./
0ast 'ate of su(mission of form !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,
*ee+ of )e(ruary, ,-.1
'ate of Test !!!!!!!!!!!!!! /
*ee+ of March ,,-.1
'eclaration of result !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,
*ee+ of April, ,-.1
Start of training !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,
*ee+ of June, ,-.1
!n March, $%&6 0rof SA Katre of 0une University is visitin+ the center .e is "ell
)no"n person in the olympiad trainin+ pro+ramme at national level *here "ill #e a one2day
orientation programme for school students and teachers 9e are also thin)in+ of
conductin+ some sessions in pro(lem !solving under the supervision of 0rof SAKatre in
"hich school2students and school teachers "ill participate9e are also plannin+ to distri#ute
the resource materials for mathematics olympiad Dates of this orientation pro+ramme and
trainin+ session "ill #e announced later 9e hope that this pro+ramme "ill +ive a ne"
dimension to school students as "ell as teachers in mathematics pro#lem:solvin+ activities
9e re;uest to the principals of the schools to spread a"areness of this pro+ramme amon+
their students and teachers
Test will take place on Sunday
3or updates of the pro+ramme visit the center<s "e#pa+e fre;uently8
***3cemsalmora3org 3 3or any ;uerry please feel free to contact8
0rof .S Dhami
(Coordinator, CEMS)
Department of Mathematics
Kumaun University
Almora, Uttara)hand
e2mail8 drhsdhami>+mailcom
0hone8 76&$%7$?&&
Dr San'ay Kumar 0ant 0rof =i'ay 0ande
Assistant Coordinator .ead
CEMS Department of Mathematics
SSJ Campus, Kumaun University SSJ Campus, Kumaun University
Almora, Uttara)hand Almora, Uttara)hand
e2mail8 san'pant>+mailcom e2mail8 vi'pande>+mailcom
0hone8 %7@&%A$@$1? 0hone8 76&&A66B6&

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