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Shield Sage

HD 1d10+con/lv
history: Shield Sages have forgone the major use of swords in exchange for an gr
eatly enhanced ability to protect themeselves and their companions. They are par
ticularly found of a special type of shield, a briseadh that is able to seperate
into 4 pieces in a cross shape and has extreamely sharp edges.
Class proficiency includes all types of shields and small/martial weapons
The will to protect- when an ally is within 30 ft of him/her a shield sage gaine
s +2 to strength/5 MA levels
The will of Fire-when there are 2 or more enemies within 25 ft of you you gain a
+1 moral bonus to ac for each past the first, this bonus applies only when you
are standing and able to act. This bonus inceases to +2 at level 8 and +3 and l
evel 16
Battle Prowess-when an AOO is triggered by changing stances, roll a sense motive
check+1/2MA level bonus against attack roll. Sucess will allow you to pinser hi
s weapon if small or medium between 2 parts of the shield. you kicking them squa
re in the chest (TOT)(DMG 1d6+str) causing them to stumble backward 5 FT (per di
fference)(balance check)(stumble) failing the check results in the opponent with
drawing his weapon, he may make no further attack that turn
you have 2 stances at level 1 and gain 1 additional stance at level 6, 12, and 2
At level 1 you start with 1 manuever in each stance available and unlock 1 addit
ional manuever from selected stance
every two MA levels you can unlock the next ability from 1 stance
Inner Focus-Certain Manuevers Grant you focus, you gain +1 str for every 20 focu
s at level 1
This ability increases by 1 every 7th level afterwards (8,15,22,29,36)
Overly Focused: if the sword sages focus level reaches 200 or above, they loss a
wareness of enemies around them, forcing them to attack head on and granting an
attacks made by other enemies a +6 to attack rolls
This Class gains two weapon fighting or multiweapon fighting if they have more t
han 2 arms at level 1
Stamina Pool-Most abilities require Stamina. Shield sages start with a base stam
ina pool of 100 which is increased by 10 every 5 levels
Stamina Recovery-at the beginning of each round you recover 5 stam, if you don't
move more than 5 ft that turn you recover 10 additional stam or 15 for not taki
ng a standard action. You make use a Full round action to recover 40 stam but it
provokes attacks of opportunity
Focus pool-Your Focus degrades 10 points every round you take no attack action
Flawless Stances-At level 20 changing to any stance is a free action
In addition you may enter the stances with extreme resolve(doubles current focus
usable once per 4 con mod per day(Min 1)
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1st +0 +2 +2 +0 (InsertSpecialHere)
2nd +1 +3 +3 +0 (InsertSpecialHere)
3rd +2 +3 +3 +1 (InsertSpecialHere)
4th +3 +4 +4 +1 (InsertSpecialHere)
5th +3 +4 +4 +1 (InsertSpecialHere)
6th +4 +5 +5 +2 (InsertSpecialHere)
7th +5 +5 +5 +2 (InsertSpecialHere)
8th +6/+1 +6 +6 +2 (InsertSpecialHere)
9th +6/+1 +6 +6 +3 (InsertSpecialHere)
10th +7/+2 +7 +7 +3 (InsertSpecialHere)
11th +8/+3 +7 +7 +3 (InsertSpecialHere)
12th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 (InsertSpecialHere)
13th +9/+4 +8 +8 +4 (InsertSpecialHere)
15th +11/+6/+1 +9 +9 +5 (InsertSpecialHere)
16th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 (InsertSpecialHere)
17th +12/+7/+2 +10 +10 +5 (InsertSpecialHere)
18th +13/+8/+3 +11 +11 +6 (InsertSpecialHere)
+14/+9/+4 +11 +11 +6 (InsertSpecialHere)
20th +15/+10+5 +12 +12 +6 (InsertSpecialHere)
Tower Defense-You become focused on protection from frontal assaults, dropping t
o 1 knee with your shield(s) dug into the ground you gain +8 shield bonusac to c
harge, bull rush and arrows(+4 against normal frontal attacks) directed at your
front and +4 to direction spell saving throws
While in this stance you can't strike normally but you can use manuvears
This stance requires a full round action
When being flanked you lose all shield bonus to ac
requires standard action to assume and reassume
Cogwheel-stam cost 10 immediate action (not affected by using other TD manuevers
When attacked by an enemy that moved more than 5 feet to attack you, they make a
reflex save again your ac, failure results in you seperating your shield and sh
ifting around them Pushing them forward with shield, causing them to stumble fo
rward an equal number of feet he traveled prior. Running into an ally results in
AoO. You return to your full stance after he passes provoking no AoO during thi
s time.
Generates 10 focus
eb and flow-stam cost 20 immediate action (not affected by using other TD manuev
when an enemy strikes your your shield you feel the vibrations through the metal
prompting you to strike. If your opponent fails to meet your ac you roll a stre
ngth check against his flat-footed ac. Success knocks him back 5ft (DCI) feet an
d does 1/2shield bonus/5 MA levels + strength mod in dmg
Generates 20 focus
Reflexive flip-stam cost 50 Immediate action (not affected by other TD manuevers
when attacked by an enemy that moved 10 feet or more, they make a sense motive c
heck against your concentration, failure results in him not noticing your 2 foot
step into him, lifting your shield as his momentum crashes into it. A strength
check against his flat ac Success allow you to throw him backwards into the air(
height rolled d20+str)(distance/enemy momentum)enemy takes in heavy armor is Nau
seated for 1d4 rounds(takes normal fall damage)
You may expend 30 focus to refresh this ability
Moving the mountain cost 80 Full round action
seperating the sheilds slightly you lock your gaze on 1 particular enemy or grou
p of enemies.Solidifying your resolve, locking your shields together you charge
forward up 2 30 ft without provoking A/O against enemy that is hit
Roll an opposing strength check against the first enemy, success knocks him asid
e deals 1d6 per 1/2MA level min 1. you continue forward into the next opponent t
aking-2 on str you no longer have an enemy to charge(after you finish charging e
nemies your momentum carries you 1d8 forward-1 per oppenentX5FT
Using Moving the mountain Makes a Shield Sage weary preventing him from using it
untill after he rests for 1 hour
stance of the four winds-You extended each arm outward at wide angles, preparing
to deal with surrounding enemies. free action
-You become unflankable and shift pure defense into fluid combat
-You recieve +4 to dexerity and -5 to armor class against two-handed weapons
Fast Reflex-cost 5 stam
Immediate action, refreshed if successfull
when an attack melee or ranged targets you, make a reflex save against their att
ack roll. If you beat it you parry their strike. Completion of this manuver gene
rates 10 focus
Lightning Pummel-cost 15 stam standard action(you may make it a full round actio
n to attempt it twice
Defending gets old sometimes and a good offense is a great defense
as a standard action you may make a 5ft step without provoking as part of this m
anuveur. You strike your enemy with each shield doing 1d4 damage plus half of yo
ur dex mod, the target rolls a reflex save vs your dex check per shield or the s
trikes are checked against flat ac
Success in the manuever grants +5 focus per hit
Swift Elbow-Costs 25 stam Immediate action(unaffected by Current stance Immediat
e actions)
If an enemy takes a 5 ft step or more to attack you, roll a reflex save against
his sense motive, Success allows you to catch him with your elbow as he steps in
(normal attack roll) dealing 1d6 damage per 5 ft momentum + strength mod. He wil
l also suffer from Nausea for 1d4 rounds(DC 10+1/2 shield sage+STR)
Success in the manuever grants +20 focus
Tornado Strike-costs 30 stam and expends all focus
you spin in complete circles per 10 focus expanded striking all creatures within
5 ft of you with your shield all enemies roll a reflex save against d20+dex to
take a 5 ft step backwards(impossible if the area is occupied) It deals 1d2+BAB
mod damage ignoring ac per complete circle to all struck enemies(also apply Shak
en to struck enemies no save)
Kento Stance-you keep your shields seperated and ready in fron of you, your feet
placed for fast precise movement free action
+4 ac to all frontal attacks and -2 ac against rear flanks
you gain an additional increase to your Str per 20 focus equal to your inner foc
us mod
Feint Strike-cost 5 stamina full round action
you use a slow thrust but stop short, followed by a fast strike from the opposit
e hand (sense motive verses your dex mod) It deals 1d6 per 4MA +str bonus
Sucess in the manuever generates +30 focus
Pinpoint Deflection-stam cost 5-Immediate action can be used multiple times
Against slashing or piercing attacks your senses go into overtime, allowing you
to stop their attack and reverse their blades force(roll strength check for slas
hing or roll Dex check against piercing) Either Success will in putting your opp
onent off balance, allowing you to strike with your other shield with a normal a
ttack against flat-ac
Generates 10 focus
Graceful Retreat-cost 10 focus and 10 stam As a Free action
You can quickly remove yourself from danger, using your weight and momentum as a
n advantage(dc of 14 acrobatics/success= no AOO)Moving 20 feet backwards from yo
ur current position taking 1d6 dmg if you hit a wall
this ability has a 1d4+1 CD
Focus true Strike-cost 50 Stam, focus per 10, min 10 standard action
After analyzing your oppenent you decided just where to strike, channeling your
focus you gain the following bonuses to a standard attack:
10-plus 2 to attack rolls
20-Plus 2 to damage rolls
30-Plus 20 additional movement that round prior to action
40-knocks enenmy back DCI 5 ft
50-provoke no AoO
60-ignore difficult terrain
70-enemy becomes dazed 1d4 rounds
80-can be used in a bull rush or charge
90-plus 5 to attack roll
100-additional 1 point for inner focus level
150-Becomes Double True Strike
200--Automatic Crit(still roll to confirm) if crit check crits then it becomes a
double crit)
Rovrik's Form-Battle crazed, you forgoe defending for a purely offensive combat
this stance sets the sage at 50% max stam upon enterting and while under its inf
luence you may not recover any stamina
Every turn you generate 20 focus, and lose 5 stamina at the end of each turn
You Grip your shields by the handles built near the top, weilding them like blad
-10 ac shield bonus
+5 foot to reach
+4 crit confirms +4 damage rolls to enemies 10 feet away
Richeous Fury -successfull strikes against you or any allies within 20 ft genera
te 20 focus
If your stamina hits zero while in this stance you are knocked unconcious for 1
turn per focus/10
Leaving this stance normal will reduce your focus level by 1/2
Frantic Movement-cost 10 stamina or 20 focus move action
You move near the speed of light stepping up to 40 feet away, ignoring enemies i
n the way, with no provoke
Generates 20 focus if stam was used
Blade Dance--costs 30 stam +4 to hit full round action(ignores frantic movement)
You twirl on the spot, deep into the rovrik's form, extending your blade like sh
ields in a circle of furocity, Make an attack roll on all enemies within 10 feet
of you,-2 after each attempt, if you strike at an enemy behind another you take
an additional -2 on attack roll unless you succeeded on hitting the 1 in front
of him
Generates 60 focus
Cry of Despair-costs 10 stamina standard action
You Roar Loudly, Roll an intimiate check+5 against all enemies within 15 feet of
you, failure to meet this makes all enemies lose 4 to ac for 1d4 turns
Gnerates 40 focus
Eviscerate-Cost 40 stam full round action(ignores frantic movement)
The sword sage makes an attack with both shields bring the points together again
st a single foe you make both attack rolls to initiate this ability, If it succe
eded on connecting your oppenent rolls a reflex save against 1/2 MA level or tak
e an additional 2d6 bleed damage(heal dc of 20) plus 2 d10+str mod+1/2 MA level
A shield sage may expend 100 focus to attempt this again in the same turn
Shield Sage Missile-req-at least 20 stam-reduces you to 10 stam when attempting(
full round action
you may use focus per 10 to increase the effects
The ground Crumples as the Shield Sage bends down and brings his blade shields t
ogether in front of him. A second later the sage explodes forward at insane spee
d(up to 20 feet from flat ground 60 if he has a wall to mount with) driving his
shields blades into the first enemy he hits(attack roll against dc10+dex) dealin
g 2d8 damage plus 1d4 per 10 focus used
KI Force
Entering this stance requires a minimum of 100 focus
You release your shields as Natural energy is channeled with extreme focus
The shields float in the air in front of you amd grant you a +6 to will save
your shields positioning gives you a +2 to ac armor bonus
The extreame focus needed to maintain this stance makes it really hard to move,
attempting to move more than 5 feet will drain 10 stam or 20 focus
in contrary, not moving gives you an additional 10 stam recovery
Force Push-cost 10 Focus per shield (full round action)
Shield Sages send their floating shields flying towards an enemy up to 30 ft awa
y(-2 roll per 5 ft after 10FT)
Make a ranged attack per shield using Dex bonus+BAB+shield AB for hit roll and d
eal 1d8+1/2MA+wiz per shield
instant Protection-cost 5 focus per ft away from target ally (immediate action)
Your heightened senses allow instant reaction to enemy attacks on allies, sendin
g a shield to aid an ally at lightning speed(add +8 ac against ranged +6 against
melee to ally ac for that attack) The shield returns immediatly after
Shield empowerment-costs 10 focus/per empowerment level
You channel focused magic into your shields even further grants a +2 to ac again
st all normal attacks for 2 rounds
You may sacrafice more focus for an increasing effect to ac bonus
Prismatic Discharge-cost Uses all of your focus
Your shields plunge into the ground up to 20 feet in front of you, deals 1d10 da
mage to anyone in that square(no saves)
The shield sage clasps their hands together Channeling all of their focus(any Ao
O is done against FFAC)(concentration(dc 16) The Shields discharge all of the st
ored focus as Natural energy in a 5 foot radius dealing 1d3 per every 10 points
of focus used(enemies hit by more then 1 blast are dealt 1d2 by additional blast
s(will save dc of 30 halves total damage

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