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Subtle Secrets of the Damned! [ The REAL Hell!

"Bohorro, the Tunnel formed wthn each !n"ersal#s$stem or TREE!
The neglect to understand fully the relationship between Fact and Fantasy, is the
Neglect to Percieve the REAL Universe! n fact !his universe is but one of very
"any! #reat trees floating in the Abyss"al$#arden, Each a inspired universal$
creation, shi""ering in wondrous$colours and %containing% infinite lifefor"s!
& 'aving said that, (es have %viewed% the e)ternal$reality of a !ree a Universe!
ts har"onic$colours or *ibrations bestowing a for" of orchestral$sound throughout
the %#reat$#arden% +E,EN-. And as previously divulged in another upload, this
Eden or Abyss"al$garden, is patrolled or !endered by the %/pider$0ueen$1f$
/pace%. (es and have had visions of 'ER! /trange but delightfully %ntense%.
/he can transcend ALL !i"e ALL space, /he is of course ""ortal as it 2ere!
'er bodily$secretions "entioned in "y 3oo4 % Elder$tapes% as %/ecretions of "uch
power%! 5
/he spins "any %/ilver$webs% which %hang% uncere"oniously on frag"ents of
the Abyss"al$"atri). 'ere, on these silver$webs are %cocoons% which
harbour6contain re"nants of ,ar4$/ouls, s"all$spar4s of the glorious godhead.
/he the /0/ had A7uired the" fro" the %roots% of certain trees +Universes- the
Roots leading in so"e cases to the %Place of 'orror% which is FE, by the
3ohorro$tunnel. !his place is full of spectres, ghouls which %consu"e% the living$
soul fro" the cast$out ,ar4$8agi and %others% who" have "is$appropriated their
life in that particular$tree. 2hen these spectres have consu"ed nearly ALL of the
Lifeti"es$fla"e + the s"all$spar4 left behind-, the beginning of a new$soul is ta4en
to the silver$web. 9ocooned and left until the /0/ decides to re"ove it and
%Replace$it% bac4 on the L12E/! rung of the Ladder of Universal$trees! !here it
the new$soul will again begin to a7uire *irtues6:nowledge by A/9EN/1N through
the trees!
'12E*ER! As is consistent with Evil$souls, so"e of these %hung$cocoons%
are %Pierced% by the 0lipoth or /'ELL/! And fro" their in;estion of the spar4s,
bubbles are for"ed which float ai"lessly within the #reat$garden! 3ubbles which
contain a "ind and self of the for"er inhabitant of the cocoon! !errible isnt it!!
2ell progressive$ascension is going to 'eaven whilst descending bac4 down to
the base$tree is going to 'ell! !he 0LP1!' the /'ELL/ are as REAL as you
or ! /o"eti"es %8agi% or dar4$occultists%, ,ar4 because they see4 "ore than
the Light can En%light%en the". 8anage to %3rea4$through% via "agical$techni7ues
into the Abyss"al$garden! N12 heres the point! Each !ree, that is UN*ER/E,
has its own$guardian alloted to it. A #uardian who" can be 8agically$called
upon by way of /#L/ and certain 9alls, or spells! t has been Long 4nown that
the guardian for !'/ Particular$universe is 4nown as /'U#AL 9'1R1N<1N.
/hugal being the dog li4e ;ac4al for" i""ersed with the Fe"ale counterpart of
"agine then, how "any guardians or sentinels there really ARE!! For there
are "any, "any$trees of 4nowledge out there! (ou do 4now there was "ore
than one tree "entioned in the 3ible> And the %Fruit% of !'A! !ree is really the
9elestial$planets> As said E,EN is the Abyss"al$garden. And the "icros" of
your /na4e$fire the :UN,ALN , is the 8acros" of the ever$undulating FRE
which R1A8/ through the Abyss"al$garden! 'ence !1 :N12 thy own fire
within through 4undalini$practice is !1 :N12 the #arden and its inherent
secrets!! Part !wo to be uploaded. !R!ho"pson

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