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Human Resources Management (HRM)

Department of Management and Marketing

School of Business Administration
Assessment Plan
October !!"
(replaces plan dated August !!#)
$% &itation of appropriate goals from Oakland 'ni(ersit)*s Mission Statement%
1. Current and Relevant (Faculty Development and Innovative Methods)
2. Prepare students for Careers
tudent Development
1. Campus (and nationally affiliated) tudent !r"ani#ation
2. Prepare students for Careers
% Specification of academic unit goals that flo+ from the cited uni(ersit) goals%
Increase educational effectiveness $ithin the conte%t of continuous improvement
&dvance tudent 'no$led"e
(uild colla)orative relationships $ithin the *niversity and in the e%ternal
Curricular revie$
,% Operationali-ation of the unit*s goals into ob.ecti(es for student learning%
+he ,RM de"ree o)-ectives are attached as a separate document.
o Develop the s/ills needed to administer the personnel function
o Develop an understandin" of concepts and techni0ues needed to ac0uire1
develop and utili#e an or"ani#ation2s human resources.
o 3earnin" o)-ectives represent the common )ody of /no$led"e of the
&&C( and the ociety for ,uman Resource Mana"ement (as codified )y
the ,RCI for the P,R certification e%am).
/% Description of the methods b) +hich progress to+ard the operationali-ed unit goals
+ill be measured%
+he ,RM area $ithin the (& uses multiple methods to assess pro"ress. +he attached report
details the methods. 4ot every method is used in each t$o year assessment cycle. In recent
reports1 the ,RM de"ree $as primarily assessed usin" &ssessment Center methodolo"y.
&ccordin" to 5illiam C. (yham (1667)1 &ssessment Centers use multiple evaluation techni0ues.
+hese evaluative tools are desi"ned to assess )ehavior (s/ills) most relevant for a position.
,istorically1 8 different evaluation techni0ues $ere used. +he ne%t time $e use the &ssessment
Center $e $ill use only three e%ercises. +he -o) analysis e%ercise assessed students9 /no$led"e
and s/ills a)out an important )ut relatively narro$ technical issue. 5e $ant to replace
this e%ercise $ith an e%ercise that $ill address a )roader issue1 such as occupational health and
safety. 5e are e%aminin" safety in several course pro-ects to "et a )etter idea of students2
$or/in" /no$led"e of safety )efore draftin" our safety e%ercise. &ssessment Center materials
are in the &ppendi%. ,o$ever1 for this reportin" cycle due to the curricular transition $e have
not conducted an &ssessment Center. In our last report (2::;) $e indicated that )ased on our
earlier assessment findin"s1 $e $ere in the middle of a curricular revision (phased in startin" Fall
2::7). +his chan"e involves an addition to our ma-or re0uirements. +hese chan"es have allo$ed
us to )e"in to collect assessment data $ith some ne$ methods. +hese are contained in this report.
4e$ re0uirements re0uire students to either complete a ma-or<related internship or pass the P,R
e%am. In order to mar/ pro"ress $e $ill have evaluations of internships or test scores. For this
reportin" cycle $e have -ust )e"un collectin" test scores and $e also have one internship e%it<
intervie$. +he test scores $e have collected are voluntary on the part of the students. 4one of
the students reportin" test scores to us this round $ere under the ne$ catalo" re0uirements. &s
this re0uirement phases in $e $ill return to the &ssessment Center to see if the pro)lems $e
uncovered have )een resolved )ecause of the curricular chan"e. 5e anticipate conductin" the
&ssessment Center a"ain in the :=<:6 academic year. In addition to test scores and the one e%it
intervie$1 $e also surveyed ,RM alumni for this assessment revie$. &lthou"h $e mailed
appro%imately ;:: cards out1 only 22 alums responded. +he survey instrument and the summary
results are contained in the &ppendi%. &s $e phase to the ne$ re0uirements $e anticipate
conductin" some focus "roups $ith students and internship providers to "et additional
assessment data. 5e $ould anticipate the ne$ focus "roups to occur no sooner than :=<:6.
+herefore our "roup uses the follo$in" methods (althou"h not in every report).
&ssessment Center (planned for :=<:6)
Focus >roup (planned for hopefully :=<:6)
&lumni urvey (ummer :?1 contained in this report)
P,R @%am cores (on<"oin"1 contained in this report)
Internship @%it Intervie$s (on<"oin"1 initial de)riefin" in this report)
#% 0ist the indi(idual(s) +ho ha(e primar) responsibilit) for administering the
assessment acti(ities%
+his is a "roup activity. &ll area faculty ((arclay1 Mar/el1 ch$art#1 +yler1 and Aor/) have
contri)uted. 5e also try to involve mem)ers of our ,R &dvisory >roup )y providin" them
$ith information on curricular chan"es and our assessment reports. 5e $ould li/e to note that
Professor +yler1 $ho participated in all discussions durin" the last t$o years1 passed a$ay in
&u"ust 2::?. 5e are currently do$n one faculty mem)er. ,o$ever1 if $e are allo$ed to
replace Professor +yler1 $e anticipate that our ne$ collea"ue $ill also participate in our
1% Describe the procedures used in )our academic unit for translating assessment results
into program changes%
&fter an assessment activity has )een completed (&C1 focus "roups1 surveys1 etc.)1 area
faculty are provided $ith copies of the results. +he area then meets (in person and
virtually) to discuss possi)le chan"es.
o @%ample. &fter revie$in" some of the initial (voluntary) P,R test scores1 $e
decided to try to )uild additional course content in BsafetyC. everal !R> 8D:
pro-ects have )een modified to )uild content area e%pertise in the safety area. +he
fact that the certification institute had a separate /no$led"e area for safety and $e
do not have a safety course su""ested )uildin" additional e%periences into the
curriculum. +he Fall 2::? !R> 8D: literature revie$ and survey pro-ects no$
have a safety focus. In addition1 the (aldri"e &$ard pro-ect in !R> 8D8 has )een
removed and a Btress and (urnoutC pro-ect has )een added that also spea/s to
safety. +he ne$ pro-ect involves creatin" a proposal for a $ellness pro"ram at an
&ssessment reports and chan"es are also shared $ith the ,R &dvisory >roup for
feed)ac/. +he "roup $as supportive of our curricular chan"eE they "enerally do not "ive
much feed)ac/ on the reports per se. 5e $ill )e providin" the list $ith a copy of this
report )y re0uest.

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