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2003 IELTS Speaking Test Part2, Part3

1 Mobil phone
2 A famous person
3 A school frien
! A person to stu" #ith
$ %our fa&orite restaurant
' An interesting builing
( A book "ou like
) A letter
* +ins of music
1, A traitional festi&al
11 A perfect trip - holia".
12 An interesting hobb"
13 An en&ironmental problem
1! A kin of e/treme #eather
1$ Learning English
1' 0etting ne#s
1( A skill to learn
1) M" best frien
1* A kin of transportation
2, A kin of sport
21 %our fa&orite color
22 1a&orite shopping center
23 A happ" e&ent
2! A part"
2$ A foreign countr"
2' %our fa&orite photograph
2( A neighbor
2) An important place
2* A school sub2ect
3, T"pes of films - mo&ies
31 3e#spapers 4 maga5ines
32 An ieal 2ob
33 Something to o#n
3! Most important in&ention
6escribe a piece of e7uipment "ou often use at home or at #ork.
%ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is:
9hat "ou o #ith it. ;o# it is use.
;o# long "ou ha&e ha it.
;o# important it is to "ou.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk informative and interesting.
a) My favorite piece of euipment is my mo!ile phone. It is also known
as a cell phone" a hand phone" or a pocket phone.
!) I am sure you are familiar with it" or even have one yourself.
a) #s the name indicates" it is a telephone that is carried on your person" and can !e used wherever you
!) That is to say" you can make or receive calls while traveling" or while sitting in a net !ar or restaurant.
a) #s far as for how long I have had my mo!ile phone concerns" I have had it for a!out two years now.
!) I received it as a gift from my parents on my 1$th !irthday.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk a!out my mo!ile phone specifically. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irstly" over the past two years" my mo!ile phone has !ecome an important part of my daily life.
!) (hat I mean to say is that I cannot imagine living without the advantages it presents. #llow me to
a) *econdly" over and a!ove it !eing a communication tool" mo!ile phones have many additional uses.
!) 'or instance" one can o!tain a great deal of information" like the weather forecast or the latest prices or
the stock e%change" from your mo!ile phone.
a) In addition" I would like to mention the fact that a cell phone is a!le to provide me with some security.
!) (hat I mean to say is that when I find myself in a difficult situation" I can call for assistance.
a) ,astly" I would like to mention that my mo!ile phone is a very convenient piece of euipment for
some!ody like myself.
!) 'or e%ample" it is so compact and lightweight that I am a!le to carry it in one of my pockets without it
!eing a nuisance.
-. *o" there on some thoughts on why my mo!ile phone is my favorite piece of euipment.
PA<T 3
1. (hat impact has electrical euipment had on human life over the past ten years.
That/s an interesting uestion. I !elieve the impact has !een tremendous. #llow me to e%plain my views
!y shortly mentioning the following aspects0
1a. 'irstly" electrical euipment has completely changed the way in which we communicate with one
1!. 'or e%ample" in recent times mo!ile phones have !ecome the most popular telecommunication tool in
the world. These phones are ine%pensive and convenient.
2a. *econdly" electrical euipment has made our lives at home easier.
2!. 'or instance" today we have electrical euipment to do the washing in the laundry" and the dishes in
the kitchen.
3a. ,astly" I !elieve that electrical euipment has had a profound influence on our lives.
3!. (hat I am trying to say" is that our lives will never !e the same as !efore.
2. (hat are the differences of the life in the past and the present.
That/s a !road uestion. #s far as the differences of the life in the past and the present are concerned" I
would like to e%plain my views !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that the world has !ecome a much smaller place now as compared to say fifty years
1!. 'or instance" world wide T1 reception has made it possi!le for us to watch important events such as
the 2lympic 3ames on our T1/s as they happen.
2a. In addition" communications have !ecome much faster" cheaper" and more convenient as ever !efore
in the past.
2!. 'or e%ample" telecommunications !y satellite has made it possi!le to make and receive calls !y
mo!ile phone from anywhere in the world" to any place in the world.
3a. ,astly" much more information has !ecome availa!le to many more people than ever !efore.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that the Internet has made it possi!le for us to find out virtually anything on any
su!4ect that we would like to study. #ll you have to do is visit your local net !ar and download whatever
you need.
3. 5ow will technology develop in future.
That/s an interesting uestion. #s to how technology will develop in future" I would like to e%plain my
views !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I guess that if we consider the speed at which technology is developing at the moment" we
have no idea of what it will produce in future.
1!. 'or instance" in the field of telecommunication we have seen tremendous progress over the past ten
or twenty years.
2a. In addition" I think that our paradigms and world views will undergo radical changes in future.
2!. 'or e%ample" things like the transplanting of human organs" test tu!e !a!ies" and now cloning of
humans" have forced us to rethink our views on ethics.
3a. In addition" I think that glo!ali6ation will !ecome a far greater reality than is the case today.
3!. To !e more specific" nations and governments will eventually work together in the fight against glo!al
issues like poverty" ignorance" pollution" overpopulation" conservation of our resources" and so on.
&. (hat role does technological development play in people/s lives.
1a. More industries and 4o!s are created.
1!. 7ell phones" aircraft" space craft" computer accessories" satellites.
2a. ,ife is !ecoming more comforta!le.
2!. (ashing machines" tum!le driers" steam irons" computers" Internet" fa% machines" scanners"
computer8assisted drawings 97#:).
3a. More leisure time !ecause of time saved.
3!. More traveling" sport" ho!!ies" entertainment.
). (hy do many foreign countries develop faster than 7hina.
1a. More resources 9raw materials).
1!. 2il" coal" gold" diamonds" forests.
2a. *maller populations.
2!. 7hina 1"3 !illion" #merica 0"$ !illion.
3a. More favora!le climatic conditions.
3!. 7hina more floods" large desert.
$. (hy did 7hina/s ;ast develop faster than 7hina/s (est.
1a. 3eography.
1!. *ea" plains" mountains.
2a. :emographics.
2! *tudy of the !irths" deaths" illnesses" distri!ution of population" etc.
+. (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of computers.
#dvantages0 'ast" accurate" large volumes of information. ,arge calculations.
:isadvantages0 <eople loose their 4o!s. =ids addicted to games.
-. (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
#dvantages0 3lo!al contacts and sources of information. 7onvenient and ine%pensive communication
:isadvantages0 3lo!ali6ation could lead to social and cultural pro!lems. 7ould infringe on our privacy.
>ncontrolled. 7an spread unfavora!le material 9for e%ample pornography" terrorism) fast and wide.
6escribe a #ell=kno#n person. %ou shoul sa"8
9ho he-she is.
9hat makes him-her famous:
9h" "ou amire him-her.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) The most important person that I would like to talk a!out" is a man called 7onfucius.
!) I am sure you have heard or read a!out him !efore.
a) 5e is known as the greatest philosopher and writer of all times in 7hina.
!) 'or e%ample" he is regarded as the founder of the 7hinese literature.
a) 5e lived a!out )00 ?7 in the region that is known as *han :ong province today.
!) The site of his tom! was later developed !y his followers into the first university in 7hina.
#s to why I would like to talk a!out him" there are several reasons. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning
some of them shortly.
a) 'irst of all" I firmly !elieve that he was a very gentle and easy8going person.
!) In other words" he did not !elieve that pro!lems and conflicts should !e solved !y violence.
a) *econdly" he o!viously was a man who possessed great wisdom.
!) @ou 4ust have to read his writings" and listen to his sayings to agree with me.
a) ,astly" he is my favorite famous person !ecause of the influence that his teachings have in #sia to this
!) 'or instance" countries like 7hina" Aapan" and =orea" still use his teachings as the !asis to arrange
their societies.
+. *o" that in !rief" was my favorite famous person.
PA<T 3
1. :o you want to !ecome famous.
Bo. I would definitely not like to !ecome famous. #llow me to e%plain myself !y shortly mentioning the
following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that it is not always pleasant to !e famous.
1!. 'or instance" one has to accept that you do not have the lu%ury of privacy any more.
2a. In addition" I think that !eing famous places you under a lot of stress.
2!. 'or e%ample" everyone is watching you all the time to see if you make any mistakes. *hould this
happen" you must reali6e that you cannot e%pect any pity from anyone" as you are e%pected to !e perfect.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that it is hard to cope with fame.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that" from what I have seen happening to many pop stars" many of them are
not a!le to handle the stress" and they resort to drug a!use to help them cope. :rugs are completely
against my principles" and I would not want to !e in a situation where it !ecomes a way to cope with life.
&a. *o you see" I would prefer not to !e a famous person.
2. :escri!e how one could !ecome a well8known person in 7hina.
That/s an interesting uestion. #llow me to e%plain my personal views !y shortly mentioning the following
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that one has to achieve something special or posses some special talent to !ecome
1!. 'or instance" sporting personalities have special physical and mental talents that allow them to e%cel
in a particular sport.
2a. In addition" I think that the work that one does during your career often leads to one !ecoming
2!. 'or e%ample" government officials rise in the ranks to the point where the decisions that they have to
make affect the country as a whole. Then everyone knows what that person has decided and he or she
will invaria!ly !e famous.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that there are people who !ecome famous !ecause of the mistakes that
they have made.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that criminals often !ecome famous. 'or e%ample" #dolf 5itler committed many
crimes and was responsi!le for the *econd (orld (ar. In the (est there are famous criminals like ?onny
and 7lyde in #merica" the 3reat Train Co!!ers and Aack the Cipper in ;ngland" and more recently
2sama ?en ,adin in #fganisthan.
3. (hat kind of people can !ecome famous in 7hina.
<oliticians like Mao De :ong and Aiang De Min" soldiers that !ecame heroes" philosophers like 7onfucius"
sportsmen and sports woman like :eng @aping" scientists" etc.
&. (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of !eing famous.
#dvantages0 'ame" respected !y many" lots of money" many fans E admirers E friends" travel" good life"
:isadvantages0 Bo privacy" often un!eara!le stress" criticism from pu!lic.
). (hat do you think of the privacy of a well8known person.
They should accept that they shall not have much privacy in future. ,ike cele!rities who are owned !y
their fans.
$. (ould the well8known persons in T1 commercials influence you.
They often do influence people" especially youngsters" !ut I try to minimi6e their influence in my own life
!y deciding what are my principles" !elieves" customs" etc. and sticking to them irrespective of what a
famous person says or does. I do however" try and keep an open mind.
+. :o you often talk a!out well8known people with your friends. If so" what do you talk a!out.
#!out cele!rities only when they are in the news. (e talk a!out historical E famous people like leaders"
writes" philosophers" etc. more often.
-. (hat do you think of the relationship !etween a well8known person and advertising.
They will invaria!ly !e used !y the advertising industry. They have !een proven to !e a successful
advertising medium.
6escribe a frien in "our school time or #hom "ou like most.
%ou shoul sa"8
9ho he-she is.
9hen "ou became friens.
;o# he-she influences "ou.
9h" "ou like him-her.
a) I made many friends in school" !ut the friend I would like to tell you a!out is called FFF.
!) I am sure you have a friend like this in your life as well.
a) I met FFF a!out FFF years ago at the school that we attended together" and we soon !ecame friends.
!) 2ur friendship has lasted to this day.
a) 2ur friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years.
!) These days" for e%ample" we share all our secrets with each other.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out FFF as a friend. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) I guess the main reason why FFF and I !ecame such good friends" is that we have the same interests.
!) 'or e%ample" we !oth love listening to music" and we spend many hours together listening to our
favorite 7:Gs.
a) #nother reason why we have !ecome such good friends is that we !oth would like to go and study
a!road in the near future.
!) *o we often chat a!out what possi!le ma4ors we would study" and what university we would like to
a) # third reason why sEhe is my friend is that we share many principles.
!) 'or e%ample" we !oth !elieve that we should not damage our health !y smoking cigarettes.
a) ,astly" I !elieve that FFF has had a positive influence on my life since we have met.
!) FFF is always friendly" cares a!out hisEher family and friends" and is always willing to listen to others.
-. *o now you know why FFF is such a good friend.

PA<T 3
1. (hat are the differences !etween adults and children in terms of making friends.
I !elieve there are great differences.
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that children make friends much easier than adults.
1!. May!e it is !ecause they do not have so many inhi!itions as adults do.
2a. *econdly" I think that the friendships that adults have are longer lasting than that of children.
2!. 'or e%ample" adults have life8long friendships" !ut children easily move on to new friends.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that !oth adults and children have different kinds of friends.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that !oth groups have casual friends and !est friends.
2. 7an adults make friends with children.
@es" !ut it must !e !alanced. <arents with their children. Teachers" lecturers" and professors with their
students. ?ut youngsters should keep on respecting their elders" and adults should not e%ploit children.
3. (hat are the most important factors to consider when making friends.
,oyalty" respect" honesty" unselfishness" willingness to give and work towards the friendship.
&. (hat are the possi!le reasons for the !reak in a friendship.
:istrust !ecause of lies in the past. 2ne person may move to a new home far away. The interests of one
person may change. # third person might appear on the scene. In the case of lovers this is called a Hlove
). (hy do adults often find it difficult to make friends.
They have more inhi!itions than children. May !e afraid of getting hurt. May have !een disappointed in
the past.
$. (hat are the friendships !etween the elderly like.
They don/t often have many friends" !ut those that they have are very strong friendships. They often have
many shared life e%periences.
6escribe a person #hom "ou #oul like to stu" or #ork #ith.
%ou shoul sa"8
9ho she-he is.
9hen o "ou #ork-stu" together.
9hat "ou often o together.
9h" "ou like to #ork-stu" #ith him-her.
9hat "ou can learn from him-her.
9h" he-she is important to "ou.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to talk a!out some!ody that I would like to study with" I would like to mention my friend FFF.
!) I have many friends" !ut FFF is my !est friend.
a) I met FFF a!out FFF years ago at the school that we attended together" and we soon !ecame !est
!) 2ur friendship has lasted to this day.
a) 2ur friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years.
!) These days" for e%ample we share all our secrets with each other.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out FFF. #llow me to e%plain !y
mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) I guess the main reason why I would like to study whit FFF" is that we have the same interests.
!) 'or e%ample" we !oth love listening to music" and we spend many hours together listening to our
favorite 7:Gs.
a) #nother reason is that we !oth would like to go and study at the same university a!road in the near
!) *o we often chat a!out what possi!le ma4ors we would study" and what university we would like to
a) # third reason why I would like to study with FFF is that we share many principles.
!) 'or e%ample" we !oth !elieve that we should not damage our health !y smoking cigarettes.
a) ,astly" I !elieve that FFF has had a positive influence on my life since we have met.
!) FFF is always friendly" cares a!out hisEher family and friends" and is always willing to listen to others.
*o now you know why FFF is the person I would want to study with.

PA<T 3
1. :o you like to work alone or with a partner.
I like to work alone. #llow me to e%plain myself !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I am a loner !y nature.
1!. (hat I mean is that !ecause I am the only child" I have always done things on my own.
2a. In addition" I think that working with a partner limits your creativity.
2!. 'or e%ample" when I am alone I am a!le to come up with e%cellent and original ideas" !ut when I am
with someone else" I tend to follow that persons ideas.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that one has to have very special talents to work successfully with a
3!. (hat I mean to say is that I simply do not have any such talents. I easily get frustrated if someone is
slow or inaccurate.
2. (hat do you think of teamwork or team spirit.
*ometimes it is essential. More input and views to solve pro!lems. Team spirit can lift someone up to
greater heights and achievements.
3. (hat kinds of people are good to work with.
Those that are friendly" e%perienced" full of understanding" kind" reasona!le" hardworking" unselfish" strict
!ut fair.
&. (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of working E studying !y yourself.
#dvantages0 More opportunities for innovative thinking !y yourself.
:isadvantages0 Bo input from others to !roaden your perspectives.
6escribe a restaurant or caf>. %ou shoul sa"8
9here it is.
9hat it looks like.
9hat kins of ser&ices are pro&ie:
9hat kin of foo "ou like there.
9h" "ou like it.

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
1. 2f all the restaurants I could tell you a!out" the *miling :ragon restaurant is pro!a!ly the one that I
would like to talk a!out the most.
2. The reason for my latest visit there has to do with the fact that I wanted to introduce my foreign ;nglish
teacher to some 7hinese dishes.
3. The *miling :ragon is well known for its seafood dishes. I would mention the !akes fish and fresh
I always en4oy a visit the *miling :ragon for a num!er of reasons. <lease allow me to e%plain !y
mentioning some of them !riefly.
&. 'irstly" the food is of a good uality and well prepared. 'or e%ample" they prepare only fresh fish" which
they purchase at the fish market in :alian.
). *econdly" the waiting staff is always friendly" polite" and helpful. (hat I mean to say is that they will
advise you on any specials on offer" and they tend to any need you may have swiftly and efficiently.
$. Thirdly" the restaurant is always spotlessly clean. Therefore" I never feel em!arrassed to invite my
family" friends" or foreigners to 4oin me there for a meal.
+. ,astly" it is situated conveniently near the university" in a respecta!le neigh!orhood. That means that I
am a!le to take my girlfriend there after dark" without fearing that we will !e in danger on our way there
and !ack.

PA<T 3
1. :o you like cooking.
Bo. #s a matter of fact" I hate cooking. #llow me to e%plain myself !y shortly mentioning the following
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that cooking is a waste of time.
1!. 'or instance" I prefer to get some fast food" and warm it up when I get home in the evenings.
2a. In addition" standing in the kitchen in front of hot stove is not my idea of a good time.
2!. I would" for e%ample" much rather spend that time reading an interesting !ook" or looking at some
we! pages that I have not seen !efore.
3a. ,astly" I think that one really has to !e interested in cooking to go to so much trou!le.
3!. To !e more specific" some people like to test out unknown dishes. I have no pro!lem with that" as long
as they do not ask me to eat it.
2. (hat do you cook for your friends when they visit you.
(hatever they like most. :umplings" seafood" vegeta!les" soup" etc. *ometimes fast food from the
supermarket. *ometimes only snacks like nuts" !iscuits" etc. 2ften I get them take8aways from ='7 or
3. (ho usually does the cooking in a 7hinese family.
The mother. 'ather and daughter may help out at times.
&. (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of fast food.
#dvantages0 7onvenient" tasty" ine%pensive" clean" good for the environment" usually en4oyed in a
pleasant social setting 9picnic).
:isadvantages0 >nhealthy 94unk food). 7ooking skills of young woman are lost. Traditional dishes !ecome
). (hy is fast food so popular.
7onvenient" tasty" ine%pensive" clean" good for the environment" usually en4oyed in a pleasant social
setting 9picnic).
$. (hat is canned food. Is it healthy.
'ood that is packaged in tin cans. Bot too unhealthy as long as the can is not opened" !ut it usually
contains preservatives that can !e unhealthy. *hould !e used in con4unction with fresh food.
+. (here do 7hinese people go when they eat out.
Cestaurants" fast food outlets.
-. (hat changes have taken place in 7hinese eating ha!its in recent times.
More pre8prepared meals and fast food. ,ess traditional dishes are prepared. Meals are often taken in a
:escri!e an interesting !uilding. @ou should say0
(here it is located.
(hat it looks like.
(hat services are provided.
(hy you like it.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
1. a) 2f all the interesting !uildings I have seen" the 30) meter tall Cadio and T1 Tower in *henyang
comes to mind.
!) It is located in the city center near the 3overnment *uare.
2. a) The design of the tower is that of a needle with a !rood !ase.
!) *ituated near the top is what" in my opinion" looks like a massive ham!urger.
3. a) The primary function of the Tower is telecommunications.
!) ;ngineers use it to send telephone signals far and wide.
There are a couple of reasons why I find the T1 Tower such a fascinating !uilding. #llow me to e%plain !y
mentioning some of them !riefly.
&. a) To start" the tower contains a revolving restaurant.
!) (hat I mean to say is that one can sit down for a meal while the view over the city is forever changing.
It takes &) minutes to complete one revolution.
). a) *econdly" the engineering skills and technologies that were applied to !uild it are mind8!oggling to
!) (hat I mean is that this fills me with a great sense of pride a!out my nation and my country.
$. a) ,astly" to me the tower is a sym!ol of the strength of the 7hinese people.
!) 'or e%ample" it has e%perienced many storms without !eing !lown over.
+. *o" in short" those are my views on an interesting !uilding.

PA<T 3
1. (hat role do old and new !uildings play in modern society.
I !elieve they !oth have a role to play" !ut I shall concentrate on old !uildings. #llow me to e%plain my
views !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that old !uildings should !e renovated and preserved whenever it is possi!le and
1!. The entrance to ?eiling <ark is a good e%ample. It has recently !een renovated" and has now !ecome
a popular tourist attraction
2a. In addition" I think that old !uildings are good e%amples of traditional 7hinese architecture.
2!. 'or e%ample" the ;mperors tom! in ?eiling <ark. It clearly shows what the !uildings during the Iing
dynasty looked like.
3a. ,astly" I think that young people need to !e shown what the !uildings in previous generations looked
3!. This is an e%cellent way for them to keep in contact with the proud history of their nation.
2. (hat changes have taken place in architecture in the past two decades.
Much more modern and even daring. :esigns have !ecome more interesting" e%citing" and functional.
More effective !uilding methods and materials are utili6ed. 5igh8rise !uildings are changing the character
of cities.
3. :o you think it is necessary to protect old !uildings.
@es. They remind us of the past. 7an !e used in education. They are e%amples of traditional architecture.
If lost" they cannot !e replaced.
6escribe a kin of book "ou like. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat kin of books "ou like most.
9hat the" are about.
9h" "ou like them most.
9hat effects books brought on "ou:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) ?ecause I like reading widely" it is difficult for me to choose a specific type of !ook. I am sure you can
appreciate my dilemma.
!) #nyway" I have always en4oyed reading auto!iographies.
a) #n auto!iography is a !ook" which a person has written a!out his or her life.
!) 'or e%ample" famous people write a!out their e%periences throughout life.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out auto!iographies. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irstly" I have !een a!le to learn valua!le lessons from the lives of others.
!) 'or e%ample" the determination shown !y people like Bewton and Bo!el has inspired me to persist
with my studies.
a) #uto!iographies can !e very interesting and revealing.
!) In the case of politicians" for e%ample" we often find that they e%plain the reasons for actions that they
took while in office.
). *o it is clear that I will keep or reading auto!iographies in future.
6escribe a letter. %ou shoul sa"8
9hen "ou recei&e it.
9ho sent it to "ou:
9hat it #as about.
9hether it #as important to "ou, an #h".
a) If I had to descri!e a letter that I received" I would like to tell you a!out one I received from the visa
!) I am sure you have received many important letters in your life too.
a) The letter was to let me know that the authorities had approved my visa application.
!) That is to say" I had !een informed that my visa would !e mailed to me in a few days.
a) I received the letter yesterday afternoon 4ust as I was returning from a visit to my !est friend.
!) In other words" I was not e%pecting it at all" and so it was a complete surprise to me.
There are several reasons as for why this particular letter was important to me. #llow me to e%plain !y
mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" the process of applying for a visa is complicated and takes a long time to complete.
!) 'or e%ample" my friend Ao has !een working on it for three months now" and still has had no success.
a) *econdly" the letter will change the whole course of my life from now onwards.
!) 'or instance" it at last gives me the opportunity to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams of !eing a!le to study
at a university a!road. The resulting ualification will open many new career paths to me.
a) ,astly" the letter has confirmed to me that if I persist in a matter" I will eventually win.
!) That is to say" all the hours that I spent standing in ueues and filling in forms were not in vain.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on an important letter that I received.
PA<T 3
1. (hat is the difference !etween a letter and e8mail.
That/s an interesting uestion. I would like to e%plain !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" e8mail is a kind of letter as well. The only difference is that it is not physically mailed" !ut sent
electronically !y means of a telephone line.
1!. 'or instance" I could write a letter on paper" place it in an envelope" and mail it at the post office" or I
could send a letter to a friend !y e8mail.
2a. In addition" I think that e8mail is much more convenient than an ordinary letter.
2!. 'or e%ample" I do not have to go out to the post office to mail it. This is nice when the weather is !ad"
or you do not have much time.
3a. In addition" e8mails are much faster than conventional letters.
3!. To !e more specific" an ordinary letter may take days to eventually get to its destination.
&a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that e8mails are a much safer way to communicate.
&!. (hat I mean to say is that a conventional letter may end up at the wrong address" or even worse" get
completely lost along the way.
2. :o you think post offices will eventually disappear.
@es. Bo more letters and stamps. Bowadays parcels are sent !y courier. More and more private
telephone companies are !eing esta!lished.
3. (hat is the difference !etween a diary and a letter.
,etter is to someone else. Many types0 ?usiness0 notices" reuests" applications" replies" orders" etc.
'riendly0 'riends" family" invitations" replies" etc.
:iary is private. :escri!e e%periences" activities" feelings" opinions.
&. :o you think one should keep a diary.
@es. # way to e%ercise e%pressing intimate feelings like frustration" anger" happiness" etc. 2ne way to
keep record of events in your life.
). :o you think everyone should do some creative writing.
Bo. Bot every!ody is interested in" or has the talents" educational !ackground" time" and opportunities.
$. 5ow will communications change in the ne%t )0 years.
7hanges will !e dramatic. Bo landlines" only satellites. 7ommunication will !e e%tremely fast" convenient"
effective" and in audio and 3: visual formats. There might !e other dimensions which we cannot even
imagine today.

6escribe a kin of music. %ou shoul sa"8
9hether "ou like music or not.
9hat kin of music "ou like most.
9hat role music pla"s in people?s li&es.
a) If I had to descri!e a kind of music that I like" I would say that it is pop music.
!) I am sure you are familiar with that kind of music
a) I like music very much.
!) That is to say" I cannot imagine what my life would !e like without music.
a) I !elieve music plays an important part in people/s lives.
!) 'or e%ample" we can use it to sooth our minds after a hard day at work" or it can provide us with the
rhythm to dance to.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out pop music. #llow me to e%plain
!y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" pop music is lively" and suits me at my age.
!) (hat I mean to say is that us youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with the way we feel
a) *econdly" usually has a good rhythm.
!) 'or instance" it is suita!le for us to dance to in the nightclu!s.
a) ,astly" pop music is simple to understand.
!) That is to say" I like it !ecause it does not have complicated lyrics" and it helps me to rela% after I have
!een studying hard for some time.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite type of music.

PA<T 3
1. 5ow long do you listen to music everyday.
1a. 2h let me think a while. I guess I listen to music for a!out half an hour every day.
1!. I would" for e%ample" listen when I get home from school" or in the evenings !efore I go to !ed.
2a. 2n weekends" however" I listen to music much more.
2!. 'or e%ample" I would invite my !est friend over to my place" and we would listen to our favorite 7:/s
for a few hours at a time.
3a. In the holidays I listen to music even more.
3!. 'or instance" my friends and I would go to a music shop in one of the large shopping malls and listen
to the new releases.
2. (hy is it easier for children to play a musical instrument.
Beurologically fresher than adults. More de%terity than adults.
3. :iscuss the influence of music on the youth of 7hina.
Bot as negative as is often the case in the (est. 7hinese youngsters often loose out !ecause they do not
know the classics.
&. (hat influence does western music have in 7hina.
Influence is still small. (ill !ecome greater with more open policies.

6escribe a traitional festi&al in @hina. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9hen it is celebrate.
;o# it is celebrate.
9hat "ou usuall" o on that a".
9hat "ou like an #hat "ou islike about it.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e a traditional festival" I would choose to speak a!out the 7hinese Bew @ear 'estival.
!) I think you have heard of it as the *pring 'estival.
a) This festival is on the first day of the 7hinese Bew @ear.
!) That is to say" that it is the start of a vacation for lots of people.
a) The vacation will often last for 10 or 1) days.
!) This is !ecause the ,antern 'estival is on the 1)th day of the first lunar month" and will then !e the end
of the vacation.
There are several reasons as for why I like the *pring 'estival. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some
of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" family mem!ers that have not seen each other for some time will get together at this time.
!) (hat I mean to say is that people will go to a lot of trou!le and e%pense to !e with their families at this
a) *econdly" it is a very 4oyous time of the year" with !est wishes !eing sent all around.
!) 'or instance" there are firework displays" dinner parties" and dumplings at midnight" and the elder
generations give money to the youngsters.
$. *o" those were some thoughts on why I like the 7hinese Bew @ear 'estival.

PA<T 3
1. (hat is the concept of a holiday in 7hina.
That/s an interesting E good E !road E tough uestion. #s to what the average person in 7hina understands
!y a holiday" I would like to shortly mention the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that it depends on the person/s personal circumstances.
1!. (hat I mean to say is that a factory worker would consider a day off from work to spend at home as a
holiday. 5owever" the media tycoon would not regard it as a holiday. To him two weeks skiing in the
#ustrian #lps would !e more like a holiday.
2a. In addition" I am convinced that it depends on the relationships a person is involved in.
2!. 'or e%ample" a family man and a !achelor will certainly not have the same ideas on what a holiday
should !e like.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that the concept of a holiday differs !etween different cultures.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that !ecause of differences in customs" religions" and climate" people spend
their holidays in completely different ways.
2. (hy are holidays so important to modern people.
I !elieve that holidays are important to modern people for several reasons. #llow me to e%plain my views
!y shortly mentioning two of them.
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that modern people have a much more stressful life than the previous generation.
1!. 'or instance" !ecause of the tough competition for the availa!le 4o!s" we are under much more
pressure to perform and e%cel in our careers. Therefore we need a time of rest once in a while.
2a. *econdly" I think that many of us have !een forced to !ecome city dwellers" and in the process" we
have completely lost contact with nature and the outdoors.
2!. (hat I mean is that they need a holiday to get out of the city once in a while. <roof of this is the fact
that more and more people are choosing outdoor activities like hiking" mountaineering" and cycling to
spend their free time.
3. :o you think it is important to o!serve the traditional festivals and customs.
@es. Important part of our culture and heritage. Ceminds children of their roots. ?rings families and
communities together. ,eads to stronger nationalism.
&. (hat changes have taken place in terms of spending festivals and holidays in the past decade.
Bot much. *till most of the practices. May!e !it more modern like eating in restaurant instead of at home.
). (hat are the differences as regards the cele!ration of festivals in the different parts of 7hina.
Bot much. The principles !ehind the cele!rations are the same. May!e influenced !y the local weather to
some e%tent.
6escribe a perfect trip or holia". %ou shoul sa"8
9here "ou #oul go.
9hen "ou #oul go.
9hom "ou #oul go #ith.
9hat "ou are going to o.
9h" "ou think it #as perfect.
a) If I had to descri!e a perfect trip" I would like to tell you that I would love to undertake a trip to the 6oo.
!) I am not sure if you have !een there !efore.
a) I would like to go there in the summer.
!) That is to say" I want to go there when the weather is fine" and all the animals are active.
a) I would take some of my friends with" and also my ?iology teacher.
!) (hat I mean to say is that I would like some nice company" !ut would also want some!ody who would
!e a!le to e%plain many of the things that we are going to see there to me.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to go to the 6oo. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning
some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" I love nature and the outdoors.
!) (hat I mean to say is that we would !e out in nature the whole day.
a) *econdly" I would !e a!le to see many interesting animals.
!) 'or instance" I have heard that there are tigers" !ears" wolfs" and many other animals.
a) ,astly" it would !e a perfect trip for me !ecause of the scenes that I would !e a!le to see.
!) I have heard" for instance" that there is a !eautiful lake" and that one can actually clim! the Ii <an
+. *o" those were some thoughts on what I !elieve would !e a perfect trip.

PA<T 3
1. :o you like to travel alone or with your friends.
(ell" that depends on where I am traveling to" and for what reason. <lease allow me to e%plain !y
mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" if I were going on a pleasure I would take some friends along.
1!. 'or instance" we would visit the 6oo or the !otanical gardens" or visit some other friends in a
neigh!oring city.
2a. If" however" I were to go on a study trip" I prefer to go alone.
2!. 'or e%ample" last year" I undertook a trip and visited some historical sites in the *handong province.
Then I spend most of my traveling time reading a!out the sites !eforehand" and when getting there"
making enuiries from the local guides and inha!itants.
3a. ,astly" when I travel to go and visit relatives" I like to go with my family.
3!. To !e more specific" when I visit my grandparents in the countryside" I take my parents along. They
are not too familiar with the new roads" and in any case" they cannot drive. *o I have the responsi!ility to
see that we get there and !ack safely.
2. (here have you traveled to !efore.
,ocal places of interest like Ii <an mountains. 2ther cities near!y or far away E other provinces in 7hina E
other country near or far away.
3. (hat are the !enefits of traveling.
;ducational. ;%posure to information" cultures" e%periences" makes one more world wise and increases
your general knowledge.
&. (hy do so many people like traveling these days.
7urious a!out other countries E cultures E people. (ant to share in new e%periences. ?usiness people
have more contacts E customers a!road. <eople have more family a!road" more students are studying
). (hat are the differences in the past and the present as regards traveling.
'aster" more convenient" more comforta!le" longer distances" greater variety of travel modes" relatively
less e%pensive.
$. 5ow do you think the tourist industry will develop in 7hina in future.
1ery well. 7hina has much to offer at reasona!ly afforda!le prices. Batural !eauty" e%citing cities" variety
of climates" friendly people" well developed infra8structure.
+. (hat should the government do to attract more tourists to 7hina.
#dvertising campaigns in the target countries. 2pen !anking facilities more. Improve facilities at the main
attractions. Train guides in more foreign languages.
-. (hat can ordinary people do to attract more tourists to 7hina.
*tudy the history and facts a!out 7hina more. ?e friendly and helpful to each and every tourist. :o
volunteering work at attractions.

6escribe an interesting hobb". %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9hen "ou began to o it.
;o# long "ou spen on it.
;o# often "ou o it.
9h" "ou like it.
a) If I had to descri!e an interesting ho!!y" I would choose to speak a!out my stamp collection.
!) I am sure you have met someone who is interested in stamps.
a) I have !een collecting stamps for the past two years now.
!) That is to say" for two years I have chosen stamp collecting to !e my only ho!!y.
a) I regularly spend time working on my collection.
!) I guess I spend a!out two hours every week on my ho!!y. This is mainly over weekends" as I do not
have time during the week.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out collecting stamps. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" when you collect stamps" you are a!le to learn more a!out the world" and you will not !e
!ored easily.
!) (hat I mean to say is that you can get stamps from every country in the world.
a) *econdly" you are a!le to meet new friends through your ho!!y.
!) 'or instance" you have a common interest with someone else" and you can discuss your collections for
many hours.
a) ,astly" the ho!!y will teach you some self8discipline and how to !e very systematic.
!) That is to say" you have to tend to your collection regularly" and you have to sort the stamps according
to internationally recogni6ed systems.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite ho!!y.


PA<T 3
1. :o you like ho!!ies reuiring teamwork.
Bo. I personally do not fancy ho!!ies that reuire teamwork. <lease allow me to shortly mention the
following reasons0
1a. 'irstly" in my 4o! I have to deal with customers the whole day from early morning to late afternoon.
#fter work" I really 4ust want to !e alone for a while.
1!. Therefore" I would rather tend to my stamp collection on my own than play in a !asket!all team.
2a. In addition" I think that teamwork should !e practiced in sports like !asket!all or foot!all.
2!. (hat I mean is that your ho!!y should !e something where you do not have to co8operate with others
to achieve success.
3a. In addition" I think that your ho!!y should !e an opportunity for you to practice your own creativity.
3!. To !e more specific" in a !asket!all game one cannot !e selfish" as you have to consider what is !est
for the team as a whole. 2n the other hand" when you want to !e creative" you need to !e a!le to
implement your own ideas without having to consider others.
2. (hat do 7hinese people usually do in their spare time.
(atch T1. <artake in karaoke. ;at out at favorite restaurant. 1isit friends and family. 2utdoors0 walking"
sport" cycling. Travel to unknown destinations.
3. (hich of the following ho!!ies do you think are interesting0
*urfing the Internet0 Many interesting sites.
(atching T10 Bews" documentaries" soap operas.
,istening to music0 'avorite artists. Bew releases. J3olden 2ldiesK.
=eeping a pet0 ,earning it new tricks. 2!serving its ha!its.
&. (hat do you think of e%pensive ho!!ies.
Bot good. 5o!!y should not !e a lia!ility !ut a pleasure.
6escribe an en&ironmental problem. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
;o# long it has e/iste.
9hat effect it has ha on people?s li&es.
9hat #e can o to sol&e it.
a) If I had to descri!e an environmental pro!lem I would choose to speak a!out the air pollution in the
cities of 7hina.
!) I am sure you have e%perienced the pro!lem yourself.
a) To start" I would mention that the pro!lem has e%isted since we have so many vehicles moving around
in our cities.
!) That is to say" in the past" when animals were used to transport goods and people" we did not have this
pro!lem to the same e%tent as today.
a) The increase in the num!er of industries has also greatly contri!uted to the pro!lem.
!) 'or e%ample" in the past people were mainly farmers" and did not cause much pollution.
There are several solutions that I would like to talk a!out. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some of
them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" we have to reduce the num!er of vehicles in the streets of our cities.
!) (hat I mean to say is that we should force people to make use of pu!lic transport more often.
a) *econdly" we have to reduce the pollution that factories are causing.
!) 'or instance" there should !e large fines on companies that let poisonous gasses into the air.
a) ,astly" we will have to reduce the num!er of !uildings that !urn fossil fuels like coal for their central
!) That is to say" local governments should have incentives for the owners of !uildings to switch to
electricity or gas for the heating of their !uildings.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on how I !elieve we can solve the pro!lem of air pollution.


PA<T 3
1. (hat causes environmental pro!lems.
That/s a !road uestion. There are many causes of course. #llow me to e%plain some of them !y shortly
mentioning a few.
1a. 'irstly" one of the ma4or causes of pollution are the e%haust fumes from motor vehicles.
1!. 'or instance" in cities where many vehicles move around in a relatively small area the whole day" we
can actually see the air pollution.
2a. *econdly" industries often cause air8 and water pollution.
2!. (hat I mean to say is that factories often emit poisonous gasses into the air" or spill poisonous liuids
into rivers or streams.
3a. Thirdly" machines cause noise pollution.
3!. To !e more specific" motor vehicles" aircraft" and trains make a lot of noise. This is often so severe
that it can affect the health of people.
&a. ,astly" soil pollution can make the land unsuita!le for agriculture.
&!. 'or e%ample" the radioactive pollution after the accident at 7herno!yl in Cussia made vast tracts of
good agricultural land useless forever.
2. (hat should the government do to protect the environment in 7hina.
5ighest priority. ,oss of environment would cause national catastrophe. *pend much more money on
research" repairs" and education. ;ducate people" especially children 9T1" newspapers" school su!4ects).
7reate more green !elts in our cities. 7onstitute new and stricter laws and penalties. <artake in
international efforts more.
3. (hat other measures can you think of to protect the environment in 7hina.
:eclare more Bational <arks and (ilderness areas. 7reate more ?otanical 3ardens. 7hange agricultural
practices to make farms more environmental friendly. *tricter control on the use of insecticides and
&. 5ow should we educate children to appreciate the importance of conservation in 7hina.
Take them out into nature to e%perience it first hand. Make careers in conservation more attractive !y
!etter salaries.
). (hat are the differences !etween the older and younger generations as regards the protection of the
environment in 7hina.
2lder people are not as educated on the issues involved

6escribe a kin of e/treme #eather. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9hen it happene.
9here "ou #ere at the time.
;o# "ou felt at the time.
a) If I had to descri!e a kind of e%treme weather" I would choose to speak a!out a snowstorm that I
!) I am not sure if you have e%perienced a snowstorm yet.
a) ,ast winter we had a severe snowstorm here in *henyang.
!) That is to say" for two days we had heavy snowfalls accompanied !y gale force winds.
a) I was still a scholar at the time" and my life was disrupted too.
!) 'or e%ample" our school had to !e closed for a week after the storm" and we missed many classes.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk a!out that snowstorm. #llow me to e%plain !y
mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" many workers suffered !ecause of the storm.
!) (hat I mean to say" that people could not go to work" and lost some of their normal income for that
a) *econdly" the economy of the city was hurt.
!) 'or instance" factories were closed and could not produce as they usually did.
a) ,astly" the storm caused a lot of damage all over the city.
!) That is to say" many !uildings were damaged !y the wind" and had to !e repaired at great cost.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on an e%treme kind of weather that I e%perienced.


PA<T 3
1. (hat should you do in the case of !ad weather.
(ell" it depends on who you are. <lease allow me to e%plain shortly !y mentioning a few points.
1a. 'irstly" if you are a healthy and strong person" you do not have to worry a!out the weather too much.
1!. 'or instance" such people go out to clim! mountains and often have to cope with the worst conditions
2a. *econdly" elderly or ill people should avoid the !ad weather at all costs.
2!. (hat I mean to say is that such people could easily get pneumonia for e%ample" which could actually
kill them.
3a. ,astly" it depends of course what is meant !y !ad weather.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that even mountaineers" stay in their camp during a !li66ard. 5owever" to an
elderly lady suffering from a common cold" a walk out in the snow could !e detrimental to her health.
2. :o you think that !ad weather has an effect on how people feel.
@es. 3loomy weather leads to depression. *pring and summer leads to happiness and a positive
inclination. *now causes disruptions" losses" and suffering. ;%treme cold or heat leads to irritation.
3. To what e%tent does the climate of a region affect the culture of that region.
?ecause of the severe winters0 7lothing had to !e adapted. 'ood has !ecome more rich in oils and fats.
,eisure activities had to !e more indoors. Many new terminologies in the language. #rts and music.
&. (hat changes in the climate have you o!served in your lifetime.
(inters are not so severe as in the past. *ummers are hotter. ,ess rain and snow. More sandstorms.
). (hat climatic changes do you predict in the following years.
,ess rain" higher temperatures" more floods.
Talk about learning English. %ou shoul sa"8
9hen an #here "ou began stu"ing English.
9hat the most interesting thing in an English class is.
9hat the most effecti&e #a" of learning English is.
9hat ifficulties "ou ha&e #hen learning English.
9hat the a&antages of learning English are.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) I have studied ;nglish on a full8time !asis for a period of a!out si% months.
!) I am sure as a native ;nglish speaker you will not !e a!le to understand my e%periences.
a) I studied ;nglish at a private ;nglish school called Aiahua in the city of *henyang.
!) That is to say" it is a relatively small school with a limited num!er of students.
a) There are many difficulties when studying ;nglish.
!) 'or e%ample" you have to !uild a new voca!ulary" and the pronunciation of many of these words is
completely foreign to you.
There are several advantages to studying ;nglish. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some of them
a) 'irst of all" you are developing yourself as a person. There is a saying that Jknowledge is powerK.
!) (hat I mean to say is that if you are a!le to speak a second language you have the power to do more
a) *econdly" it is a reuirement at most universities a!road that you have to have a working knowledge of
!) 'or instance" I am studying H;nglish 'or #cademic <urposes/" also known as ;#<" which will ena!le
me to attend classes held in ;nglish at a university.
a) ,astly" ;nglish is the most widely used language worldwide.
!) That is to say" if you know ;nglish you have access too much more information through !ooks and the
Internet than a person who does not know ;nglish.
+. *o" those were some of my thoughts on studying ;nglish.


PA<T 3
1. (hat pro!lems do you have when studying ;nglish.
There are many" !ut I would like to shortly mention the following0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that acuiring sufficient voca!ulary of which the meanings are understood is a
1!. 'or instance" one cannot compile good sentences if you do not know the correct meaning of a large
num!er of words.
2a. In addition" I think that the correct pronunciation of many of the ;nglish words is a pro!lem to many
2!. (hat I want to say is that words may !e spelled differently !ut are pronounced in the same way" like
H(ales/ and Hwhales/" for e%ample.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that synonyms" i.e. different words that have the same meaning can !e a
3!. (hat I mean to say is that it is difficult to know in what conte%t Hsnake/ is used as apposed to Hserpent/.
2. :o you think that ;nglish is the most important language in the world.
Most widely spoken languages0 7hinese Mandarin --) million" 7hinese @ue 97antonese) $$ million"
*panish 332 million" ;nglish0 322 million. ;nglish is glo!al !usiness language. 7ommon medium !etween
3. :o you think that ;nglish can replace 7hinese as the language of 7hina.
Bo. Tradition of 7hinese language too long. ,anguage is important part of the 7hinese culture.
Cesistance to change from people will !e great.
&. (hat other languages are taught in 7hina.
*ome people study Aapanese" 'rench or Cussian.
). :o you think that a person/s age is a factor when learning ;nglish. (hy.
@es. Beurological" cultural" and social factors.
$. (hat difficulties would a foreigner have when studying ;nglish.
<ronunciation" grammar" and spelling.
+. #t what age should children start studying ;nglish.
Bot too early. 'irst master mother8tongue language completely.
6escribe a #a" of getting the ne#s. %ou shoul sa"8
9hether "ou get ne#s e&er" a".
9hether the ne#s is national or international.
;o# "ou get ne#s, A&ia ne#spaper, TB, Internet, raio or other peopleC.
;o# most @hinese people think about the importance of getting up to ate ne#s e&er"a".
a) If I had to descri!e the way of getting news I would choose to speak a!out T1 news.
!) I am sure you watch the T1 news as much as possi!le.
a) I get the latest news on the T1 on a daily !asis.
!) That is to say" I usually watch the 20h00 !roadcast 4ust !efore I start with my evening studies.
a) The news on T1 covers national as well as international news.
!) 'or e%ample" national stories are received from the stations local correspondents" and international
items are !ought from networks like 7BB and ITB a!road.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out T1 as a way of getting the
news. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" T1 news is always up to date.
!) (hat I mean to say" is that the time it takes to produce a T1 newscast is much shorter that producing a
a) *econdly" although news !roadcasts on the radio are fast too" the news on T1 is highlighted !y vivid
pictures of what is happening.
!) 'or instance" we can actually see what is happening at an important event like the 2lympic 3ames.
a) ,astly" the news on T1 is concise.
!) That is to say" that it deals only with the main aspects of a story. This suits me fine" as I do not have the
time to read all the details as given in a newspaper.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on how I get to know a!out the latest news.


PA<T 3
1. :o you think the information on the Internet is !elieva!le or not.
That/s an interesting E good E !road E tough uestion. It depends on what information you are referring to. I
would like to shortly mention the following possi!ilities where I think the information is !elieva!le0
1a. 'irstly" I often read the weather forecast on the Internet.
1!. (hat I mean is that I know for sure that people who have a vast amount of technology to their
disposal" and are e%tremely e%perienced in what they are doing" are compiling the forecast.
2a. *econdly" I often use the dictionaries that are availa!le on the Internet.
2!. 'or e%ample" the 2%ford dictionary is well known throughout the world" and I !elieve one can safely
use information gained from there.
3a. ,astly" I think that news items on the net are !elieva!le.
3!. To !e more specific" news organi6ations take great care in checking information !efore it is pu!lished.
This is done for two reasons. They would not want to get involved in a lia!ility court case" and they would
like to protect their reputation as a relia!le source of information.
2. (hat is the most effective way of getting the news.
Bewspapers" maga6ines" radio" television" Internet
3. (hat do you think of the importance of privacy.
It depends on who you are. 7ele!rities cannot e%pect privacy. I want to !e private some times. ,ike with
my girlfriend E !oyfriend E family. The government and !anks should keep my personal information private.
&. (hat do you think of the ways in which 4ournalists get their stories.
*ome of them are ruthless and inconsiderate in their attempts to get a scoop 9as to now dramatic
unpu!lished story).
). (hat role does the media play in the lives of the pu!lic. :o you think this is a healthy situation.
There must !e a !alance. The media should !e controlled to some e%tent. <u!lic has the right to know"
!ut some matters" like those on national security are too sensitive to pu!lish.
$. 5ow do 7hinese people usually gather information.
Cadio" television" newspapers" maga6ines. Many do not have Internet facilities yet.
+. :o you think the media should !e a!solutely free.
Bo. There should !e a !alance.

6escribe one of "our friens. %ou shoul sa"8
9ho he-she is:
;o# long "ou ha&e kno#n each other:
;o# "ou got to kno# each other:
9hat "ou usuall" i together:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) I have many good friends" !ut my !est friend is called FFF.
!) I am sure you have a !est friend too.
a) I met FFF a!out FFF years ago at the school that we attended together" and we soon !ecame !est
!) 2ur friendship has lasted to this day.
a) 2ur friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years.
!) These days" for e%ample we share all our secrets with each other.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out FFF as my !est friend. #llow
me to e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) I guess the main reason why FFF and I !ecame !est friends" is that we have the same interests.
!) 'or e%ample" we !oth love listening to music" and we spend many hours together listening to our
favorite 7:Gs.
a) #nother reason why we have !ecome !est friends is that we !oth would like to go and study a!road in
the near future.
!) *o we often chat a!out what possi!le ma4ors we would study" and what university we would like to
a) # third reason why sEhe is my !est friend is that we share many principles.
!) 'or e%ample" we !oth !elieve that we should not damage our health !y smoking cigarettes.
a) ,astly" I !elieve that FFF has had a positive influence on my life since we have met.
!) FFF is always friendly" cares a!out hisEher family and friends" and is always willing to listen to others.
*o now you know why FFF is my !est friend.


PA<T 3
1. :o you have many friends. #re they casual acuaintances or close friends.
I am pleased to say that I have many friends. #llow me to e%plain my relationship with them !y shortly
mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that one has to have some close friends.
1!. 'or instance" I have a friend who I spend a lot of time with" share all my secrets with" and consult
whenever I have to make an important decision.
2a. In addition" I think your colleagues" in other words those people that you are working with on a daily
!asis" are neither casual acuaintances nor good friends.
2!. (hat I mean to say is that you are forced to spend a large part of your day with them" !ut you rarely
!ecome friends.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that everyone invaria!ly has a large num!er of casual acuaintances.
3!. To !e more specific" these are people that you meet from time to time" !ut never get to know them
2. :o you prefer to spend time with your family or with your friends.
*pending time with !oth groups are important to me. There should !e a !alance. 2ne should not !e
3. :o you prefer many friend or only one or two close friends.
7lose friends are more meaningful. @ou are a!le to discuss the issues of the day" your dreams"
aspirations" pro!lems" and personal feelings with them. *hare common interests E ho!!y with them.
&. 5ow does one make friends.
?y !eing a friend. 'or e%ample" !e availa!le to assist in times of trou!le or to do someone a favor when
). :o you spend as much time with your family as with your friends.
@es. I try to keep a !alance.

6escribe a kin of transportation "ou like best. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
;o# often "ou use it.
9h" "ou like it best.
9hat the a&antages an isa&antages of it are.
a) If I had to descri!e the type of transportation I like !est" I would choose train transport" also called rail
!) I am sure you have made use of a train often !efore.
a) In most modern countries there is a well8developed railway system.
!) That is to say" one can travel or send goods to almost any destination.
a) I travel !y train whenever I have the opportunity.
!) 'or e%ample" when visiting friends or relatives" I prefer traveling !y train as opposed to flying or going
!y !us.
There are several reasons as for why I prefer train transport. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some of
them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" traveling !y train is relatively ine%pensive.
!) (hat I mean to say is that most people can afford to make use of the train when they need to.
a) *econdly" trains 9also called railroads) can !e used to transport large uantities of goods over great
!) 'or instance" many products such as machinery are very large and heavy" and therefore difficult to
transport !y air or road.
a) ,astly" I !elieve there is a human factor involved in a train trip.
!) That is to say" you have the opportunity to meet and talk to some interesting people on a long train trip"
and who knows" you might even make some new friends.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on the kind of transportation I like !est.


PA<T 3
1. 7an you say something a!out the transportation in your hometown.
@es" I can certainly say a few things as I use the system myself on a daily !asis. #llow me to e%plain !y
shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that the transportation system in my hometown is very effective.
1!. 'or instance" millions of people commute to work and !ack every day. To achieve this is no mean
2a. In addition" I think that the system is uite comforta!le and ine%pensive.
2!. 'or e%ample" one can travel on a !us from almost anywhere in the city at a nominal fee.
3a. ,astly" I !elieve that the transportation system in my hometown will change considera!ly in the future.
3!. To !e more specific" the city administrators will have to consider the possi!ility of implementing an
underground rail system. This would not only solve many pro!lems" !ut would also !e a!le to handle a
larger num!er of people" and in addition" reduce the pollution.
2. (hat is the most common means of transportation in 7hina.
?usses are used for daily commuting to and from work. Trains are for longer distances.
3. :o traffic 4ams often occur in your hometown.
@es" especially in the peak hours. That is in the mornings and afternoons when most workers commute
!etween their workplace and their homes
&. 5ow could the pro!lem of traffic 4ams !e solved.
7onvince people to use pu!lic transport more often.
). 5ow has the transportation systems changed in 7hina in recent years.
More convenient" comforta!le"

Talk about a kin of sport. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is:
9hether it is popular:
9ho likes it:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e a sport" I would choose to talk a!out ta!le tennis
!) I am not sure if you have played it !efore. It is more commonly known as ping8pong.
a) Ta!le tennis is e%tremely popular in 7hina.
!) That is to say" many people of all ages like to play.
a) 7hina is often regarded as the world champions.
!) 'or e%ample" we often win medals in this sport at the 2lympic 3ames.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out ta!le tennis. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" it is an indoor sport.
!) (hat I mean to say is that we are a!le to play it irrespective of the weather conditions. In my
hometown" this is important !ecause of the long winters.
a) *econdly" the euipment needed to play ta!le tennis is ine%pensive.
!) 'or instance" you can use any ta!le of a reasona!le si6e. #l you then need is a !all" two !ats" and a
a) ,astly" ta!le tennis is a socia!le sport.
!) That is to say" two or four people can play at one time" while a num!er of spectators can en4oy the
game as well.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite sport.


Talk about a kin of sport. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is:
9hether it is popular:
9ho likes it:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e a sport" I would choose to talk a!out ta!le tennis
!) I am not sure if you have played it !efore. It is more commonly known as ping8pong.
a) Ta!le tennis is e%tremely popular in 7hina.
!) That is to say" many people of all ages like to play.
a) 7hina is often regarded as the world champions.
!) 'or e%ample" we often win medals in this sport at the 2lympic 3ames.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out ta!le tennis. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" it is an indoor sport.
!) (hat I mean to say is that we are a!le to play it irrespective of the weather conditions. In my
hometown" this is important !ecause of the long winters.
a) *econdly" the euipment needed to play ta!le tennis is ine%pensive.
!) 'or instance" you can use any ta!le of a reasona!le si6e. #l you then need is a !all" two !ats" and a
a) ,astly" ta!le tennis is a socia!le sport.
!) That is to say" two or four people can play at one time" while a num!er of spectators can en4oy the
game as well.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite sport.


Talk about "our fa&orite color. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is:
9h" "ou like it:
9hether the color affects "ou in some aspects:
a) If I had to descri!e my favorite color" I would choose yellow.
!) I am sure you have a favorite color too.
a) Many artists are known to use yellow in their paintings.
!) 'or e%ample" 1incent van 3ogh is famous for the yellow sunflowers in some of his paintings.
a) Many countries have yellow in their national flags.
!) 'or e%ample" *outh #frica has a !road yellow !and in their newly designed flag. This sym!oli6es the
energy and warmth to !e found in the nation.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out yellow as my favorite color.
#llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" to me" yellow sym!oli6es the sun.
!) (hat I mean to say is that it reminds me of energy and warmth.
a) *econdly" yellow is a !right color as apposed to dull colors like !rown and gray.
!) 'or instance" !rown and gray usually make me feel depressed.
a) ,astly" yellow is a practical color.
!) That is to say" you can wear yellow with almost any color" and it does not get dirty too easily.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite color.

PA<T 3
1. :o different colors have different meanings in 7hina.
@es" definitely. #llow me to e%plain !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" it is significant that the national flag of 7hina has a red !ackground.
1!. Ced is sym!olic" for e%ample" of a vi!rant life" which we !elieve are one of the dominant
characteristics of the country and its people. It also signifies good luck" so a !ride would wear some red
on her wedding day.
2a. In addition" I think that yellow has a specific meaning to 7hinese people.
2!. 'or e%ample" we !elieve that it sym!oli6es the energy radiated !y the sun" which in turn is the primary
source of life. In addition" however" it also signifies the o!scene" as apposed to !lue in the most of the
western cultures. 'or e%ample" here a H!lue movie/" would !e called a Hyellow movie/.
3a. ,astly" I think that white has a special meaning to us.
3!. To !e more specific" in times of sadness and mourning" we use white to e%press our feelings" as
apposed to !lack in most of the western cultures.
2. :o you think a specific color can represent a specific temperament.
@es. ?lack for melancholy temprament. @ellow for flegmatic. Ced for sanguine. ?lue for choleric.
3. :o you think it is wise to 4udge a person according to his favorite color.
Bo. There are many other factors involved.
&. :o you think people/s favorite color will change" as they grow older.
@es. <eople !ecome more wise and mellow with age.
6escribe a shop or shopping center. %ou shoul sa"8
9here it is:
9hat it sells:
;o# often "ou go there, an #h":
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) The 5igh Mall shopping center is well known in the city of *henyang.
!) If you have !een here for some time" you have pro!a!ly !een there.
a) It is situated at 21+ ,ong *treet" opposite the pu!lic li!rary.
!) (hen traveling from 3overnment *uare" you should take !us no. 2&2" and it will take you there.
a) It is what is called a Hone8stop/ shopping mall.
!) It means I am a!le to do most of my shopping in one center at the same time.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out the J5igh MallK. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) The 5igh Mall contains a wide variety of shops and stores.
!) 'or e%ample" there is a large department store that sells almost anything" a Mac :onald/s outlet" a
4eweler" and so on.
a) It has a good security system" so I always feel save there.
!) 'or instance there are many security officers on duty" looking out for ro!!ers and so on.
a) *econdly" it is a nice place to kill some time in the evenings or on weekends.
!) 2ne can spend hours !rowsing through the shops" or sit in a restaurant" have something to drink" and
watch the crowds.
Those are some thoughts on my favorite shopping center.

PA<T 3
1. (hat is the difference !etween a shopping mall and a small shop.
I would like to e%plain the differences !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" one of the ma4or differences is that shopping malls tend to !e more convenient than small
1!. 'or instance" at the mall there are a variety of shops" allowing one to do a great deal of shopping in
one place.
2a. In addition" I think that shopping malls in general are less e%pensive than small shops.
2!. 'or e%ample" the mall can !argain for reduced prices from the suppliers as they purchase goods in
!ulk and carry large stocks.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that malls are open longer than small shops.
3!. To !e more specific" they are open over the weekends. This is !ecause they have many employees
who are a!le to work in shifts.
2. (hat trend will shopping centers follow in future.
?ecome !igger. ?etter service like free delivery. (ider range of products 9variety). Improved facilities like
for disa!led and mothers that are !reast8feeding. Bo ueues at tills. 2ne8stop shopping.
3. (hat do think a!out the future of e8!usiness.
It will increase as the teething pro!lems are sorted out and customers needs are determined and met.
&. (hat do consumers value the most0 price or uality.
?oth are important. # cheap product is often of inferior uality" !ut a e%pensive price does not guarantee a
good uality.
6escribe a happ" e&ent in "our life. %ou shoul sa"8
9hen an #here it happene.
9hat it #as.
9hether it has an" special meaning to "ou.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) (ell" let me think. My twenty8first !irthday was a happy event in my life.
!) I am sure yours was as well.
a) In terms of when and where it happened"
!) it was almost three years ago" while I was studying in #ustralia.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out this !irthday. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
It was a happy and special event to me for several reasons.
a) 'irstly many of my friends were present.
!) These included some new #ustralian friends" as well as my !est friend who was visiting me at the time.
a) 'urthermore" I received many useful presents.
!) 'or e%ample" my girlfriend gave me a scarf" which she had knitted specially for me.
a) ,astly and the most important is the fact that I then officially !ecame an adult.
!) I reali6ed that I now had the responsi!ility to shape the rest of my life on my own.
*o you can see" I shall remem!er my twenty8first !irthday for as long as I live.

PA<T 3
1. (hat is the difference !etween achieving happiness !etween )0 years ago and at present.
That/s an interesting uestion. #llow me to e%plain myselfEmy personal views !y shortly mentioning the
following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that values have changed tremendously over the past fifty years.
1!. 'or instance" then family and friends were regarded as important in achieving happiness. Today
however" children move away to other cities or even countries and families spend very little time together.
2a. In addition" I think that for long times in our history people regarded a state of peace as the ultimate in
2!. 'or e%ample" there were times in our history that wars were prevalent" and people would yearn for
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that then many people thought that a good meal was the ultimate in
3!. To !e more specific" after the (orld (ars" a large part of the 7hinese people were in dire straits" and
a good meal would have !een the definition of happiness.
2. 5ow do 7hinese people usually cele!rate a happy event.
?y having a party at home or a favorite restaurant with some family or friends.
3. (hat is the role of cameras and video cameras in the cele!ration of a happy event in 7hina.
1ery important. ;veryone wants to !e a!le to recall pleasant memories.
&. :o you think the concept of happiness is the same for everyone.
Bo. *ome people are made happy easily. *ome choose to always !e unhappy. <eople have different
ideas on what happiness is. <eople have different values and worldviews.
). (hat would make you happy.
3et a $.) score on the I;,T* test. 3etting a visa to #ustralia. To get a degree and find a high8income 4o!.
'inding a good spouse and having si% children. Traveling to unknown destinations. 5ave a home of my
6escribe a part" "ou attene. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat part" it #as.
9h" the part" #as hel.
9ho attene the part":
9hat "ou i at that part".
a) If I had to descri!e a party I attended" I would mention my graduation party.
!) I am sure you will know what I am talking a!out.
a) The party was held to cele!rate me and my friends graduating from high school.
!) That is to say" we were so happy to finish our twelve years of schooling that we had to cele!rate in a
!ig way.
a) Me and si% of my friends attended the party.
!) In other words" it wasn/t a very large party.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk a!out this party specifically. #llow me to e%plain
!y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" we were cele!rating an important event in our lives.
!) (hat I mean to say is that we were now moving from childhood into adulthood.
a) *econdly" it was the last time that we could all !e together.
!) 'or instance" two of my friends where leaving a few days later to go and study in #ustralia.
a) ,astly" it was the first time that our parents allowed us to have a party on our own.
!) That is to say" !efore this party we always had to have a teacher or an adult supervising us. Bow we
were allowed to go out and have a good time on our own responsi!ility.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite party.

PA<T 3
1. (hat are the differences !etween a formal and informal party.
That/s a good uestion. #llow me to e%plain my personal views on a formal !y shortly mentioning the
following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that you need to !e invited to a formal party.
1!. 'or instance" the party will !e for a certain num!er of guests only.
2a. In addition" I think that you should let the hosts know well in advance if you are going to attend the
party or not The reason for this is that there are many preparations to !e made.
2!. 'or e%ample" the hosts need to know for how many guests food has to !e prepared.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that one has to dress up for a formal party.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that you cannot attend a formal party in casual wear. @ou will definitely make a
fool of yourself" and even em!arrass the hosts.
2. :o most people prefer informal parties. If so" why do formal parties still take place.
2fficial visits !y 1I</s 91ery Important <erson). 3raduation ceremonies. 3rand opening of a new
!uilding E shopping mall.
3. (hy do some people intentionally arrive late at a part.
They are attempting to get some attention from their fellow partygoers. >sually people with
underdeveloped self8images.
&. 5ow do you usually cele!rate your !irthday.
:inner party. 3ifts from friends and family. Ceceive telephone calls with congratulations from far8away
family and friends.
). 5ow do you feel a!out parties at your work.
I !elieve it is a good practice" !ut should not !e overdone. It improves the relationships !etween
colleagues. 7an get to know co8workers !etter. ?uilds team spirit. Motivates workers and staff.
9hich foreign countr", that "ou ha&e not been to, #oul "ou like to &isit: %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9hen "ou #oul like to go there.
9h" "ou #ant to go there.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e a foreign country that I have not !een to" and would like to visit" I would choose
!) I am not sure if you have !een there !efore.
a) I would like to visit ;ngland in their summer.
!) That is to say" during the months of Aune or Auly.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out ;ngland. #llow me to e%plain
!y shortly mentioning some of them.
a) 'irst of all" I have heard that the ;nglish countryside" especially in the south" is very !eautiful at that
time of the year.
!) 'or e%ample" I would like to visit the all the famous places like the (hite 7liffs of :over.
a) *econdly" I would want to spend a few days and nights in the capital city" which is called ,ondon.
!) (hat I mean to say is that there are so many famous places that I have heard or read a!out which I
would like to see. 'or e%ample0 Trafalgar *uare" the Tames river" (indsor 7astle" and so on.
a) ,astly" I would like to spend some time with a typical ;nglish family.
!) That is to say" I want to get to know more a!out their culture. (hat they eat" what they like to wear"
what they do in their spare time" and so on.
$. *o" those were some thoughts on a country that I would like to visit.

PA<T 3
1. (hat is the a!ove8mentioned country like in your imagination.
That/s a tough uestion. #llow me to e%plain myself !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I imagine that ;ngland is a very !eautiful country.
1!. 'or instance" I have seen pictures of it in !ooks and on the Internet" and it confirmed my perceptions
of the place.
2a. In addition" I imagine that their cities do not have too much pollution.
2!. 'or e%ample" I have heard on the radio that the government is going to a lot of trou!le and spending
large amounts of money to reduce the pro!lem of pollution.
3a. ,astly" I imagine that the ;nglish people in general are kind and generous.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that" during the second (orld (ar" they as a nation helped many people from
5olland and 'rance to escape from the Ba6i/s. 2n the negative side I have seen news reports of racial
violence in some areas" and have heard that hooliganism is a pro!lem at foot!all matches.
2. 5ow do you know the a!ove8mentioned country.
I read many !ooks from the reference li!rary" watched documentaries on television" visited many we!
sites on the Internet.
3. (hat interests you most there.
The scenery in the rural areas" the diversity of the people" the cities and what they have to offer in terms
of entertainment" the general culture of the local people" and the universities.
&. (hat would you do when you first get there.
'ind an information center" !uy a good map" and enuire a!out the different tourist attractions.
). (hat kind of difficulties do you think you would face there.
'inding my way around. *peaking to local people who do not know ;nglish or 7hinese. =now what food
to !uy" and where to !uy it.
$. 5ow different do you think the culture is there compared to 7hina.
1ery different. The food" clothes" customs" language" and festivals will all !e different from what I am used
to in 7hina.
6escribe one of "our fa&orite photographs. %ou shoul sa"8
9here "ou got it.
9ho took it for "ou:
9hat "ou can see from it.
9h" "ou like it &er" much.
a) If I had to descri!e my favorite photograph" I would choose the one that was taken on my graduation
from high school.
!) I am sure you have many such photographs.
a) 2n the photograph you can see me ne%t to my parents" and some classmates in the !ackground.
!) (e are all happy and smiling.
a) The photograph was taken !y my !rother who also attended the graduation ceremony.
!) 5e was so kind to take many photos of me that day.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out this photograph. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" it !rings !ack many fond memories to me.
!) (hat I mean to say is that it reminds me of a very special day in my live.
a) *econdly" it is an e%cellent way to keep record of special events in your life.
!) 'or instance" everyone on the photograph is much older now" and when I look at it" it makes me smile
to see how young we all were at the time.
a) ,astly" I like the photograph !ecause I will use it in future again.
!) That is to say" one day I will !e a!le to show it to my children when they graduate from school.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite photograph.

PA<T 3
1. 5ow does one take a good photograph.
That/s a !road uestion. I am not a good photographer myself" !ut let me have a crack at it !y shortly
mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that one has to !e vigilant to see when the opportunity to take a good photograph
1!. 'or instance" when walking down the street" one should watch the people carefully to see an
interesting face in the crowd.
2a. In addition" I think that one has to have suita!le euipment.
2!. 'or e%ample" you should have a good uality camera" and may!e even a tripod.
3a. ,astly" I think that one has to !e creative and may!e a !it artistic.
3!. To !e more specific" you have to know something a!out composition" the effect of light" and so on.
2. (hy and when do people use a camera.
'un0 To make a movie. To capture a memora!le moment like children growing up" or a graduation
2fficial0 'or T1 news items. *pies use it to gather information. ;state agents show the properties that are
for sale. *cientists" engineers" !usiness people" and advertising agencies use it to descri!e something
accurately. It can !e used to record the details after a plane crash or traffic accident. Models use it to
compile a portfolio which they present to agencies in an attempt to get a contract.
3. (hat is the role that media photographers play in making people famous.
3reat role. 3ive them e%posure to the pu!lic.
&. (ho are the so8called papara66i.
<rofessional photographers who speciali6e in getting sensational photos of famous people. They often
use unconventional techniues like telephoto lenses. They are considered a ma4or nuisance !y
cele!rities. 'or e%ample" they were directly responsi!le for the death of <rincess :iana of ;ngland.
). #re there any other means of keeping memories !esides photographs.
?y diligently keeping a diary. ?y keeping old newspapers and maga6ines which contain reports on
historical events or interesting stories" photographs andEor articles. ?y keeping important documents.
$. (hy do some people look more !eautiful on a photograph.
*ome people are simply more photogenic. Make8up artist could change the persons appearance
+. :o photographs always reflect the truth.
Bo. It could show something out of conte%t. In times of war this techniue is used to misinform the enemy.
It is called Hdisinformation/. #dvertisers use lighting etc. to make their product look !etter as it is.

6escribe an important historical place. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9here it is.
9h" it is important.
'irst of all" let me say" I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e an important historic place" I would choose
?eiling <ark in the city of *hen @ang.
!) I am not sure if you have heard of it !efore.
a) It consists of vast gardens and lakes" and it also houses the tom! of
an emperor from the Iing :ynasty.
!) That is to say" it is not 4ust an historical site" !ut also a !eautiful and peaceful place" and always8
worthwhile visiting.
a) It is situated in the north of the city" and can !e reached easily from
the city center as well as from the university.
!) 'or e%ample" there is a !us stop in front of the main entrance to the
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk a!out ?eiling <ark as an historic place. #llow me
to e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" I !elieve history is important to any family" city" or nation. In other words" we should know
where we come from.
!) (hat I mean to say" is that ?eiling <ark houses many historical
!uildings like the tom! of an emperor from the Iing :ynasty that remind us of where our roots are.
a) *econdly" historic places are a useful tool in the education of our
!) 'or instance" we can take them to visit the <ark and e%plain to them
what it consists of. They are then a!le to e%perience the place
first hand which will make a lasting impression on them. I !elieve
this is much !etter than taking them to some !oring museum.
$. *o" those were some thoughts on one of my favorite historic places.

PA<T 3
1. (hat role do historical places play in the future.
That/s an interesting E good E !road E tough uestion.
#llow me to e%plain myselfEmy views !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that historical places will play a greater role in future.
1!. 'or instance" it will !ecome more and more difficult to keep in contact with our history" and then these
places will help us very much to do so.
2a. In addition" I think that historical places are going to !ecome important tourist attractions.
2!. 'or e%ample" foreign visitors will always !e interested in our history" and will to an increasing degree
have to visit our historic places to get some idea of what our country was like in the past.
3a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that our historical !uildings have an important function to play in the
preservation of our architectural heritage.
3!. To !e more specific" more and more old !uilding are !eing demolished to make way for new and
modern ones. The !uildings in historic places will eventually !e the only e%amples of our traditional
2. :o you think the government will !e a!le to protect historical !uildings.
@es. ,egislation with heavy penalties. ;ducation of the pu!lic.
3. (hat kind of influence do historical places have on people and their culture.
;ducation. Bational pride.
&. 5ow will tourism affect historical places in future.
*hould !e availa!le to tourists !ut not damaged !y them.
). (hat do the 7hinese pu!lic think of the protection of historical places.
They are concerned. :eterioration of the 3reat (all.
$. 7ould historical places assist in the education of children.
@es certainly.

6escribe a school sub2ect "ou like &er" much. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9ho taught "ou.
;o# he-she taught "ou.
9h" "ou like this sub2ect.
'irst of all" let me say" I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e my favorite school su!4ect" I would choose to speak a!out the su!4ect ?iology.
!) I am not sure if you liked ?iology when you were at school.
a) In high school Mr. ,iang was my favorite teacher" and he taught me ?iology.
!) That is to say" he was such a good teacher and made the study material so interesting that I came to
love the su!4ect that he taught.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out ?iology as a su!4ect that I liked
very much. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" I love nature and the outdoors.
!) (hat I mean to say is that ?iology ena!les me to know more a!out nature" and I am a!le to go out and
often practically see what I have learnt.
a) *econdly" in ?iology we learn a lot a!out animals.
!) 'or instance" we get to know why animals !ehave in the way that they do. I love animals" so I find it
very interesting to know more a!out them.
a) ,astly" I !elieve that the destruction of the environment is the greatest pro!lem facing our planet today"
and we need to find solutions to
the pro!lems.
!) That is to say" I would like to !ecome a !iologist one day" and make a contri!ution in our fight to save
the environment from total destruction.
$. *o" those were some thoughts on a school su!4ect that I like most.

PA<T 3
1. (hat is the most important su!4ect for kids. (hy.
That/s an interesting E good E !road E tough uestion.
I !elieve that history is the most important su!4ect that children should !e taught in our schools. #llow me
to e%plain !y shortly mentioning the following points0
1a) 'irstly" children should know where they come from and where their roots are.
1!) (hat I mean is that if you know where you are from" it is much easier to decide where you want to go"
and what you want to do with your life.
2a) In addition" I think that children are a!le to learn many lessons from history.
2!) The saying Jhistory repeats itselfK is a good e%ample of what I mean. If they knew what mistakes had
!een made in the past" they can try and avoid making the same mistakes when they are grown up.
3a) ,astly" I think that children need strong role models.
3!) (hat I mean to say is that in history there are many people who/s e%ample one could follow with
positive results.
2. :o you like teachers or not.
Bo. Too strict. Aust always want to give me work.
@es. 7an learn from them.
3. (hat makes someone a good E !ad teacher.
3ood0 <atience" kindness" fairness" !alanced. =nowledge of the su!4ect. ;%perience.
?ad0 2pposite of the a!ove.
&. In your opinion" should different su!4ects !e taught in the same way.
Bo. *ome are more practical. *ome reuire more reasoning skills. *ome reuire memory skills.
). #re your school su!4ects going to help you later in life.
Bot all of them. *ome are meant to give us a !road !ackground.

6escribe a t"pe of film "ou like. %ou shoul sa"8
;o# often "ou #atch it.
9hat the features of this t"pe of film is.
9h" "ou like it.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e a type of film I like" I would choose to speak a!out comedies.
!) I am sure you have seen many comedies in your life.
a) #s far as how often I watch a comedy is concerned" I guess it is as much as possi!le.
!) That is to say" when I rent a movie" I always find out if there are any new ones availa!le that I have not
There are several features of comedy films I would like to talk a!out. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning
some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" comedies are great fun.
!) (hat I mean to say is that I have a good laugh while watching.
a) *econdly" comedies seldom contain violent scenes.
!) 'or instance" you would not easily find murders" shooting" fighting" and so on in a comedy.
a) ,astly" comedies often contain e%cellent acting !y famous stars.
!) 'or e%ample" Co!!ie (illiams in HMrs. :ou!tfire/ is considered one of the most e%traordinary
performances ever !y an actor.
$. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite kind of film.

PA<T 3
1. (hat is the difference !etween 7hinese and #merican films.
That/s an interesting E good E !road E tough uestion. #llow me to e%plain my personal views !y shortly
mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that 7hinese films are more realistic than those from #merica.
1!. 'or instance" many #merican movies are !ased on science fiction.
2a. In addition" much more money is spent on the production of #merican movies.
2!. 'or e%ample" the film HTitanic/ has !een cited as Hthe most e%pensive film ever made/.
3a. In addition" I think that #merican films are much more li!eral than 7hinese ones.
3!. To !e more specific" the amount of violence in them are much greater than their 7hinese
&a. ,astly" I am of the opinion that 7hinese films mainly use the comedy genre" where #merican movies
cover all types.
&!. (hat I mean to say is that 7hinese producers seldom attempt to make drama or horror movies.
2. :o people preferences change as regards to their favorite kind of movie as they grow older.
@es. Bot so much action" science fiction" horror" and thrillers when they grow older. They then like more
drama" documentaries" and auto!iographies.
3. (hen do you usually go to the cinema and with whom.
2n weekends" with my friends.
&. (hy are special effects used in so many films. (hy.
To make it more interesting. To create unreal situations. To enhance real situations.
). (hat do you think of animated films.
:o not like them. (ant to see the real thing.
$. In your opinion" what could cinemas do to attract more people.
Ceduce prices during the week. :iscounts for pensioners and students. 2pen for longer hours. *how the
latest releases.

6escribe a ne#spaper or maga5ine that "ou like. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9hat it contains.
;o# often "ou rea it.
9h" "ou like it.
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e my favorite newspaper" I would choose to speak a!out the *henyang :aily.
!) I am not sure if you have seen a copy !efore.
a) Its readers are the general pu!lic of *henyang.
!) That is to say" e%cept for the latest news" it also has sections for woman" !usiness people" on sport"
and so forth.
a) I !uy the *henyang :aily every morning on my way to the university and read it !efore classes" and in
my lunch hour.
!) 'or e%ample" I would glance through the headlines in the morning and read a whole article in the
There are several reasons as for why I prefer this newspaper to others. #llow me to e%plain !y mentioning
some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" it is an independent paper.
!) (hat I mean to say" it is not owned !y a specific group of people" and so it/s reporting is fair and
a) *econdly" it has a section specifically meant for students like myself.
!) 'or instance" it will report fully on any ma4or event that has happened on campus. It often interviews
students on current affairs.
a) ,astly" !ut not the least" is the fact that it always has a cartoon.
!) That is to say" someone or something is 4oked a!out. This gives me a good laugh" which is an e%cellent
way to start the day.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on my favorite newspaper.

PA<T 3
1. (hat types of newspapers or maga6ines can you get here.
1a. 'irstly" here you can get many types of maga6ines. *ome of them are very general in nature.
1!. 'or instance" news maga6ines will cover all types of news that would !e interesting to a large part of
the community.
2a. In addition" there are maga6ines for specific groups of people.
2!. 'or e%ample" there are fashion maga6ines for the ladies" and sports maga6ines for the men.
3a. ,astly" there are some foreign maga6ines availa!le at selected outlets like !ookshops and news
3!. To !e more specific" Time Maga6ine is popular amongst the academics and !usiness people" as it
gives o!4ective reviews on the latest world events.
2. (hat role do newspapers play in the community.
They provide an essential service0 <rovide news" comments 9politics" issues of the day)" and information
9weather forecasts" and sport information like game times and places" game results for e%ample).
3. In your opinion" will the electronic media replace the printed media in future.
It is hard to say. @our guess is as good as mine. The printed media might adapt to the challenge and rise
to the occasion.
&. (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of the printed media.
#dvantages0 More detailed stories. More information. *peciali6ed sections like sport" fashion" !usiness"
and arts.
:isadvantages0 Takes longer to pu!lish. The news is not as fresh as in the electronic media.
). (hat are the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic media.
#dvantages0 'ast. 1ivid pictures.
:isadvantages0 *tories are very concise.
$. (hat are the differences !etween newspapers and maga6ines.
Bewspapers0 ,arge variety of readers. 2ften pu!lished daily.
Maga6ines0 *peciali6ed readership. <u!lished weekly or monthly.
+. (hat type of person should a 4ournalist !e.
2utgoing" unafraid" enuiring mind" pioneering spirit" !alanced views.
-. (hat role do 4ournalists play in society.
They play an important. 'or e%ample" they have to look for and report on 9e%pose) corruption.

6escribe "our ieal 2ob. %ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9here "ou #ant to o it.
9hat about the #orking hours.
'irst of all" let me say" I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
a) If I had to descri!e my ideal 4o!" I guess it would !e that of a dentist.
!) I am sure you have visited the dentist !efore and would know what I am talking a!out.
a) I would like to !e a dentist in a small town in the country.
!) That is to say" away from the pollution and traffic of the large cities.
There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically a!out !eing a dentist. #llow me to
e%plain !y mentioning some of them !riefly.
a) 'irst of all" I like the working hours.
!) (hat I mean to say" is that doctors however" have to tend to emergencies at all hours" !ut dentists only
see patients during office hours.
a) *econdly" a dentist has a clean environment to work in.
!) 'or instance" he is in his consulting rooms the whole day" and is not affected !y the weather conditions.
a) ,astly" dentist can decide on how hard they want to work.
!) That is to say" if he would like to take a day off" he simply instructs his receptionist not to !ook any
patients for that day.
$. *o" those were some thoughts on my ideal 4o!.

PA<T 3
1. (hat factors affect people/s decision in choosing 4o!s.
That/s an interesting E good E !road E tough uestion. #llow me to e%plain myselfEmy personal views !y
shortly mentioning the following points0
1a. 'irstly" I !elieve that the amount of studying involved to !e a!le to do a 4o! will affect people/s decision
in choosing that or another 4o!.
1!. 'or instance" to !ecome a medical doctor" one has to study for seven years. This is a long time" and
costs a lot of money.
2a. In addition" I think that the working conditions that one will e%perience will affect people/s decision.
2!. 'or e%ample" a 4o! in an office is more suita!le to the ladies than one out in the open.
3a. In addition" I am of the opinion that the pay that one will receive for doing a particular 4o! is important
to people.
3!. (hat I mean to say is that one has to earn sufficient money to maintain a certain standard of living.
&a. ,astly !ut not the least" I think that one has to en4oy what your are doing in your 4o!.
&!. To !e more specific" it does not make sense to do a 4o! where you earn a large salary" !ut you hate
what you are doing.
2. (hat do you think of the differences !etween employers and employees.
;mployers have power" can order employees. ;mployers have more responsi!ilities. ;mployees only
have to work. ;mployers earn more than employees. ;mployers take more risks than employees.
3. (hat do you think the relationship !etween employers and employees will !e like in future.
I !elieve they will work more closely together to the !enefit of themselves and the company.
&. (hat image do you have of your !oss.
<ositive0 5e is strict !ut fair" kind" helpful" e%perienced" and knowledgea!le.
Begative0 5e is corrupt" unfair" unkind" unhelpful" does not have much e%perience" and does not know his
4o! well.
). (ould you like to work for a !oss one day.
@es0 I do not like too many responsi!ilities.
Bo0 I want my own !usiness where I can implement my own ideas.
$. (hat are the ualities of a good !oss.
5e should !e strict !ut fair. 5e should know all aspects of the work and workplace well. 5e has to have a
lot of e%perience. 5e should care for his employees.
+. (hat are the differences !etween men and woman when choosing a 4o!.
Men0 They are looking at the long8term prospects of their careers.
(oman0 They are usually only looking for an income to live on until they get married and have children.
6escribe the most important in&ention before the computer.
%ou shoul sa"8
9hat it is.
9hat it is use for.
9hat the a&antages an isa&antages of it are.
T2<I7 3&.1
T5; #>T2M2?I,;
1. *ince its invention" the automo!ile has !ecome one of the most important means of transport in the
world. #utomo!iles have completely changed the lifestyles of almost all people in the world.
2. 2n the positive side" people can go anywhere !y car more rapidly compared to on foot or riding a
horse in the past. #nd thus people can reali6e their dreams of traveling to far off places.
3. 2n the negative side" automo!iles are the main source of air pollution in the world. This creates the so8
called Jgreen8houseK effect" which leads to many serious environmental pro!lems.
#s for the applications of the automo!ile are concerned" I would like to highlight the following0
&. 'irstly" it has totally changed the way in which we travel. In the past" animals like horses" mules" and
camels were used for traveling and the transportation of goods. 7ompared to previous ways of traveling"
automo!iles are more comforta!le and faster.
). In addition" the automo!iles have made it possi!le for us to transport large uantities of goods and
people at one time. 'or e%ample" mega8trucks and !usses are well suited for these purposes.
$. ,astly" the invention of the automo!ile has resulted in many new industries !eing formed. The repairs
and spare8parts industries for e%ample" provide 4o!s to millions of people all over the world.
T2<I7 3&.2
T5; T;,;<52B;
'irst of all let me say" I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.
1. *ince its invention" the telephone has !ecome one of the most important telecommunication
instruments in the world. ;%cept for a few undeveloped countries in the world" all modern people use
telephones on a daily !asis.
2. 2n the positive side" it ena!les us to communicate immediately. 'or e%ample" we
can speak to a friend in a foreign country whenever we would like to.
3. 2n the negative side" it can !e e%tremely distur!ing at times. #nyone who has received repeated calls
while sleeping would appreciate what I am trying to say.
#s for the applications of the telephone are concerned" I would like to e%plain !y mentioning the following0
&. 'irstly" the telephone is a great time8saver. ,etters and documents can !e fa%ed to a friend" another
office" or a university anywhere in the world.
). In addition" the telephone is a convenient tool in conducting our daily !usiness. In some cases"
!usiness people can place orders" make enuiries" or arrange a meeting. #lso we can make emergency
calls to the hospital" fire station or police when needed.
$. ,astly" many new developments have taken place around the conventional telephone. 'or e%ample"
mo!ile phones" videophones" and the Internet are commonly used today.
*o" those were some thoughts on the telephone.
1. *ince its invention" television 9T1 as it has !ecome known) has !ecome the most important
telecommunication instrument in the world. There are very few communities in the world that do not have
a T1 in every household.
2. 2n the positive side" it has made a great contri!ution to mankind since its invention. 'or e%ample"
documentary programs" such as J:iscoveryK enrich our lives.
3. 2n the negative side" it has resulted in people not having time to spend with one another. 'or e%ample"
parents and children do not spend so much time talking to each other as in the past.
#s for the applications of T1 are concerned" I would like to e%plain !y mentioning the following0
&. 'irstly" T1 is used widely in long distance education. 'or e%ample" the T1 >niversity in 7hina is the
largest university in the world. It has millions of students throughout the country" following many diverse
). In addition" T1 is a great source of entertainment. (hat I mean to say is that we can watch movies"
soap operas" T1 series" and live performances !y artists in the comfort of our own homes.
$. ,astly" today T1 is one of the largest sources of information. (e can watch vivid pictures of the news"
and so get to know what is happening in the world. 'or e%ample" we can see important events like the
2lympic games" conflicts and wars" and speeches as they happen.
+. *o" those were some thoughts on T1 as the most important invention.


PA<T 3
1. *ometimes people are afraid of new ideas. (hy.
#s to why people are afraid of new ideas" I could mention the following possi!le reasons. 'irstly" people
might not have access to new information" and are therefore not a!le to imagine how to develop a new
idea. *econdly" people are afraid of failing. (hat I mean to say is that they do not have sufficient self8
confidence to make their ideas !ecome real. 'or e%ample" they have seen how many others !efore them
have failed in starting a new !usiness" and they are afraid of making the same mistakes" and possi!ly
loosing a lot of money in the process. ,astly" people are afraid of the unknown. 2ne has to !e
adventurous to attempt something that is new to you.
2. (hen do people get new ideas.
'irstly" I would like to mention that people get new ideas when their needs change. 'or e%ample" people
needed to speak to some!ody far away immediately" and so #le%ander ?ell invented the telephone.
#nother e%ample would !e that people had the need to travel faster and in more comfort" and so 5enry
'ord designed the first automo!ile. *econdly" we are constantly looking for more effective and convenient
ways to do things. This has led to many inventions like the computer" mo!ile phones" the Internet" and fa%
3. :o you have any new ideas that could improve our lives.
I am sorry" !ut I do not have an idea at the moment that could improve our lives. 5owever" I am sure that
when I have completed my studies and have gained some e%perience in my field" I would !e a!le to
come up with a num!er of ideas that would change our lives for the !etter. I have always had an open
mind for new ideas" and will definitely !e on the look out for ways in which I can improve the lives of my
people and the rest of the world.
&. If a good friend of yours has a new idea" which he thinks can earn a lot of money" !ut you do not think it
is a good idea" will you 4oin in.
If he thinks it is a good idea" !ut I do not agree" I will try and show him why I think he will !e making a
mistake. I will however keep an open mind and give him the opportunity to e%plain his idea in more detail.
(e can learn a lesson from the life of Bo!el" who invented dynamite. 5e failed many times" and even lost
an eye in his attempts" !ut he never gave up.
). 7an you descri!e the processing of a new idea from the original to the new product.
Bot really. I have no e%perience in this field" !ut I could make a few guesses if you do not mind. I !elieve
a new idea is !orn in some!ody/s mind. (hen the idea has !een thought over" it has to !e put into
practical terms. *hould it seem that the idea is practical" a proto8type can !e !uilt. It then has to !e tested
in a real life situation. If the tests were positive" the ne%t step would !e to produce it on a small scale. It
has to !e advertised in the market. If it seems that there is a demand for such a product" money can !e
infested to produce it on a large scale.

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