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2014-05-19 ADL refuses to address evidence of racketeering in Bet Tzedek - the Los

Angeles "House of Justice" - an affiliate of the Greater Log Angeles Jewish

ADL, which advertises itself as a champion of civil rights, has refused for several ears to
address mounting evidence of rac!eteering " senior officers of #et $%ede!, the Los
Angeles &'ouse of (ustice&, an affiliate of the )reater Los Angeles (ewish *ederation+ #et
$%ede! is headed " ,andor ,amuels, former -hief Legal .fficer of -ountrwide *inancial
-orporation and former Associate )eneral -ounsel of #an! of America -orporation+

David /asterna! 0former /resident1, ,andor ,amuels 0/resident2-3.1, $err *riedman 0former 34ecutive
Director1 5 of #3$ $63D37 0the Los Angeles &'ouse of (ustice&1, an affiliate of the L., A8)3L3, (39:,'
*3D3;A$:.8+ $he evidence shows the three of them colluding in rac!eteering in the courts+<
= 'ighl
decorated *#: veteran, renowned fraud e4pert (ames 9edic! opined that their conduct in the Los Angeles
,uperior court was &fraud&+ <
= #ut ADL refuses for ears to address the evidence of rac!eteering in #et
OccupyTLV, May 19 - Joseph Zernik, PhD, of Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O', for(ar)e) !o Ra**i
Laura O(ens, $+,nai Horin - -hi#)ren of .ree)om synaoue', a re/ues! !o )issocia!e herse#f from
+e! T0e)ek, a prominen! Los "ne#es Je(ish chari!y, an) 1an)or 1amue#s, i!s presi)en!2 3
The re/ues! fo##o(e) fun)-raisin a)5er!isemen!s, (i)e#y pu*#ishe) *y +e! T0e)ek, fea!urin Ra**i
O(ens, (hich s!a!es6 3
Jus!ice for a## is no! on#y a *asic "merican princip#e, i! is one of !he foun)a!ions of Ju)aism2
+e! T0e)ek e7emp#ifies !he commi!men! an) compassion of 8us!ice for e5eryone2 9 am
prou) !o *e a sma## f#ame in !he !orch !ha! carries !his #ih! in!o !he !(en!y-firs! cen!ury2
The re/ues!, for(ar)e) !o Ra**i O(ens says6
+e! T0e)ek is no!hin #ess !han a Je(ish racke!, hea)e) *y 1an)or 1amue#s, one of !he
archi!ec!s of !he epi)emic of mor!ae an) forec#osure frau), an) corrup!ion of !he s!a!e an)
:1 cour!s from coas! !o coas!2
The fac! !ha! 1an)or 1amue#s #ikes !o fin) co5er un)er !he man!#e of Je(ish chari!y an) in
par!icu#ar ho#ocaus! sur5i5ors, is a cynica# p#oy2 +u! !he fac! !ha! !he Los "ne#es Je(ish an)
#ea# communi!y con!inues !o pro5i)e his such co5er is ine7cusa*#e2 3
9n para##e#, !he re/ues! (as a#so for(ar)e) !o "DL, !he "n!i Defama!ion Leaue2 Rep#y, in)ica!in
rea)in of !he messae (as recei5e) from "DL;s Mr To)) &u!nick, *u! no o!her response2 3
This (as no! !he firs! !ime !ha! "DL, (hich a)5er!ises i!se#f as a champion of 8us!ice an) ci5i#
rih!s, fai#s !o a))ress )e!ai#e) e5i)ence of racke!eerin *y +e! T0e)ek an) i!s presi)en! 1an)or
1amue#s2 Re/ues!s, (hich (ere repea!e)#y for(ar)e) !o "DL an) i!s )irec!or "*raham .o7man on
!his ma!!er o5er !he pas! se5era# years2 They a## remain unans(ere) (i!hou! e7cep!ion2 3
The no!e !o Ra**i Laura O(ens a#so inc#u)e) a shor! messae, )e!ai#in some of !he e5i)ence for
!he ma8or ro#e of 1an)or 1amue#s, +e! T0e)ek;s presi)en! as a key fiure in !he mor!ae an)
forec#osure frau) epi)emic in !he :ni!e) 1!a!es2
1an)or 1amue#s is former -hief Lea# Officer of -oun!ry(i)e .inancia# -orpora!ion an) former
"ssocia!e &enera# -ounse# of +ank Of "merica -orpora!ion2
The e5i)ence sho(s, !ha! in such capaci!ies, s!ar!in in !he ear#y <===s, 1an)or 1amue#s (as a key
fiure in es!a*#ishin corrup! prac!ices in -oun!ry(i)e, an) #a!er in +ank of "merica, re#a!i5e !o !he
>s!ream#inin> of o5ernmen!-*acke) resi)en!ia# mor!ae appro5a# an) frau) in forec#osure
proce)ures2 The ou!come of !hese prac!ices is an unprece)en!e) frau) on !he :1 !a7 payer, on
shareho#)ers, an) on homeo(ners na!ion(i)e2 3
9n para##e#, +e! T0e)ek, un)er !he #ea)ership of 1an)or 1amue#s (as au!hori0e) *y !he -i!y of Los
"ne#es as !he so#e aency !o han)#e a## ci!i0ens; comp#ain!s of rea# es!a!e an) mor!ae frau)2
9n ear#y <==?, 1an)or 1amue#s (en! fur!her an) #aunche) a campain aains! rea# es!a!e an)
mor!ae frau) in synaoues an) churches across 1ou!hern -a#ifornia, prominen!#y a)5er!isin
himse#f un)er !he (e* si!e of +e! T0e)ek as a >.rau) +us!er>2 3
9n 5ie( of 1amue#;s campain aains! rea# es!a!e frau), a re/ues! (as fi#e) 1an)or 1amue#s in his
+e! T0e)ek office, in his capaci!y as Presi)en! of +e! T0e)ek, !o s!op rea# es!a!e frau) *ein
perpe!ra!e) *y -oun!ry(i)e an) i!s Lea# Depar!men!2 3
4 @i!hin <A hours, !he en!ire (e* si!e of
+e! T0e)ek (as remo5e)2 @hen i! came *ack up a fe( )ays #a!er, no men!ion (as foun) any
#oner of !he .rau) +us!er campain2
1oon af!er(ar), a re!a#ia!ion campain (as #aunche)6 +ryan -a5e LLP, s!ar!e) appearin in !he
Los "ne#es 1uperior -our! on *eha#f of -oun!ry(i)e, un)er e5er chanin par!y )esina!ions,
>P#ain!iff>, >Defen)an!>, >-ross Defen)an!>, >Rea# Par!y in 9n!eres!>, >9n!er5enor>, an) more222 a##
(i!h no #ea# foun)a!ion a! a##2 Moreo5er, 1an)or 1amue#s himse#f appeare) in !he case un)er !he
*ous par!y )esina!ion BPerson in 9n!eres!C2
9n January <==D, -oun!ry(i)e co##apse), fo##o(in !he pu*#ica!ion *y !he %e( Eork Time of frau)
*y -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea# Depar!men! un)er !he #ea)ership of 1an)or 1amue#s !hrouh !he fi#in in
!he :1 +ankrup!cy -our! in Pennsy#5ania of BRecrea!e) Le!!ersC as e5i)ence2 3
4 The co##apse of
-oun!ry(i)e (as one of !he e5en!s, (hich )efine) !he onse! !he onoin financia# an) socio-
economic crisis, (hich resu#!e) in *ai#ou!s in hun)re)s of *i##ions of )o##ars from !he :1 !reasury !o
-oun!ry(i)e an) #a!er +ank of "merica as i!s paren! corpora!ion, an) misery for mi##ions in !he
:ni!e) 1!a!es an) *eyon)2
9n March <==D, 1an)or 1amue#s, in his capaci!y as -hief Lea# Officer of -oun!ry(i)e, (as a#so
)irec!#y responsi*#e for !he frau) *y -oun!ry(i)e an) i!s Lea# Depar!men! in !he :1 Dis!ric! -our!
in Te7as2 Tha! case resu#!e) in a Memoran)um Opinion *y Ju)e Jeff +ohm, (hich (as a#so *ase)
on a year-#on s!u)y *y !he office of :1 Trus!ee of !he prac!ices of -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea#
Depar!men! in !he cour!s from coas! !o coas!2 The Memoran)um rea)s as a ca!a#o of #ea# frau)
prac!ices *y -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea# Depar!men!2 3
On Ju#y 1, <==D, !he merer of -oun!ry(i)e in!o +ank of "merica, effec!i5e#y enforce) *y !he :1
o5ernmen!, (as comp#e!e), an) 1an)or 1amue#s *ecame "ssocia!e &enera# -ounse# of +ank of
"merica, un)er +ank of "merica;s &enera# -ounse# Timo!hy Mayopou#os2 The e5i)ence sho(s !ha!
(i!h i!, frau) in !he Los "ne#es 1uperior -our! *y -oun!ry(i)e;s Lea# Depar!men! an) 1amue#;s
+e! T0e)ek;s co##eaues, Da5i) Pas!ernak an) Terry .rie)man came !o a !emporary ha#!2 34
Ho(e5er, (i!hin <A hours af!er !he ous!er of Timo!hy Mayopou#os in 777, such frau) (as resume),
no( )irec!#y un)er !he office of +ank of "merica &enera# -ounse#2 Therefore, 1an)or 1amue#s
shou#) *e consi)ere) a#so as a key fiure in es!a*#ishin in +ank of "merica !he same #ea# frau)
prac!ices, pre5ious#y es!a*#ishe) in -oun!ry(i)e2 3
9! shou#) *e no!e) !ha! !he e5i)ence presen!e) here, (hich sho(s !ha! !he a*rup! )ismissa# of +ank
of "merica &enera# -ounse# Mayopou#os (as !ih!#y corre#a!e) (i!h !he es!a*#ishmen! of crimina#
prac!ices in +ank of "merica, s!an) in con!ras! (i!h !he unsuccessfu# in5es!ia!ions of !he same
ma!!er *y !he %e( Eork "!!orney &enera# an) !he :1 -onress2
"## #a( enforcemen! aencies, #oca# $+e5er#y Hi##s Po#ice -hief Da5i) 1no()en', s!a!e $!hen
-a#ifornia "!!orney &enera# Jerry +ro(n', an) fe)era# $Fe5in Me#son, !hen Direc!or of :1
"!!orneys Office, an) Fe5in Faiser, .+9 "ssis!an! Direc!or for -rimina# 9n5es!ia!ions' effec!i5e#y
pa!roni0e) 1an)or 1amue#s an) his co##eaues, rear)#ess of conressiona# in/uiries *y 1ena!or
Dianhe .eins!ein an) -onress(oman Diane @a!son2
.rau) in !he cour!s *y -oun!ry(i)e an) +ank of "merica in Los "ne#es -oun!y, -a#ifornia, (as
one of !he focuses of !he <=1= Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' su*mission !o !he :ni!e) %a!ions
Human Rih!s -ounci# $HR-' 3
4 for !he firs! e5er Perio)ic Re5ie( of Human Rih!s in !he
:ni!e) 1!a!es2 The Human Rih!s "#er! su*mission (as incorpora!e) in!o !he fina# HR- Perio)ic
Repor! on Human Rih!s in !he :ni!e) 1!a!es (i!h !he no!e6 >-orrup!ion of !he cour!s an) !he #ea#
profession an) )iscrimina!ion *y #a( enforcemen! in -a#ifornia>2 3
"!!emp!s !o pro!ec! -i5i# Rih!s aains! con)uc! of 1an)or 1amue#s an) his +e! T0e)ek co##eaues
in !he :1 cour!s (ere fu!i#e2 The :1 Dis!ric! -our!, -en!ra# Dis!ric! of -a#ifornia, refuse) !o issue
#a(fu# summonses in !his case, an) !he :1 -our! of "ppea#s, 9
-ircui! summari#y )enie)
Gmerency Pe!i!ions, askin !o or)er !he :1 Dis!ric! -our! !o issue summonses in !his case2
.i#in of )e!ai#e) e5i)ence of !he frau) in !he cour!s *y 1amue#s an) his co##eaues 3
4 (as
un#a(fu##y Bre!urne)C *y 1upreme -our! -ounse# Danny +icke## (i!h no au!hori!y a! a##2 3
The syneris!ic corrup!ion of !he :1 8us!ice sys!em an) :1 financia# ins!i!u!ions is a! !he hear! of
!he curren! crisis, 3
4 an) 1an)or 1amue#s shou#) *e 5ie(e) as a prime e7amp#e of a key fiure
in es!a*#ishin such con)i!ions2
@i!h i!, since *efore !he onse! of !he crisis an) !o !his )a!e, 1an)or 1amue#s has ser5e) as Presi)en!
of +e! T0e)ek, !he Los "ne#es >House of Jus!ice>, an affi#ia!e of &rea!er Los "ne#es Je(ish
.e)era!ion2 9n para##e#, 1an)or 1amue#s ser5e), or ser5es on !he *oar)s of o!her ma8or Los "ne#es
Je(ish ins!i!u!ions as (e##6
H ")a! "rie# 1ynaoue
H "merican Je(ish :ni5ersi!y, Los "ne#es
H 1ha#he5e! schoo#
H Zie#er 1choo# of Ra**inic 1!u)ies
%one of !he +oar) Mem*ers of +e! T0e)ek, #ea)ers of !he &rea!er Los "ne#es Je(ish .e)era!ion,
or !he Los "ne#es Je(ish ins!i!u!ions, (here 1an)or 1amue#s is a +oar) Mem*ers has e5er
ans(ere) on no!ices a#er!in !hem !o 1an)or 1amue#s con)uc!, an) urin !hem !o !ake ac!ion2
Like(ise, no response has *een recei5e) from Ra**i Laura O(ens on !he recen! no!ice i5en !o her2
"DL has refuse) o5er !he years !o respon) on a##ea!ions of moun!in e5i)ence of racke!eerin *y
1an)or 1amue#s an) o!her +e! T0e)ek officers, $no!a*#y - '2
@i!h !he passae of !ime, !he appearance of 1an)or 1amue#s an) his co##eaues as #ea)ers of +e!
T0e)ek an) o!her Los "ne#es Je(ish ins!i!u!ions, (hi#e !heir con)uc! in !he *ankin sys!em an)
!he cour!s is fu##y a)5er!ise), (i## sure#y *e remem*ere) as !he scar#e! #e!!er of !he Los "ne#es
Je(ish communi!y un)er !he curren! socio-economic crisis in !he :ni!e) 1!a!es2
Like(ise, !he refusa# of "DL !o a))ress e5i)ence of orani0e) crime an) massi5e 5io#a!ions of
-i5i# Rih!s *y Je(ish orani0a!ions an) Je(ish communi!y #ea)ers, com*ine) (i!h !he repea!
sprea)in of nonsensica# )a!a rear)in an!isemi!ism an) in)oc!rina!ion a!!emp!s, #ea5es "DL a
Je(ish orani0a!ion (i!h no cre)i*i#i!y a! a##2 3
Gn) no!e6
"s par! of !he pro!oco# of !he :% Human Rih!s -ounci# $HR-', !he au!hor (as re/uire) !o su*mi!
)raf!s of !he Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' on corrup!ion of !he -a#ifornia cour!s !o !he :1
au!hori!ies2 -onse/uen!#y, in !he )ays prior !o !he )ea)#ine for su*mi!!in !he repor! !o !he HR-, !he
au!hor (as souh! *y :1 Marsha#s, Dis!ric! Threa! :ni!2 @i!hin )ays af!er fi#in !he Human Rih!s
"#er! su*mission (i!h !he HR- an) !he f#in (i!h !he :1 1upreme -our! of papers )ocumen!in
frau) in !he :1 Dis!ric! -our!, -en!ra# Dis!ric! of -a#ifornia, :1 -our! of "ppea#s, 9!h -ircui!, an)
!he :1 1upreme -our! i!se#f, !he au!hor ha) !o f#ee !he :ni!e) 1!a!es, af!er his neih*ors (arne)
him !ha! arme) :1 aen!s appeare) a! his resi)ence an) #ooke) eaer !o shoo!2
Like(ise, af!er fi#in !he Human Rih!s "#er! su*mission !o !he HR- on corrup!ion of !he 9srae#
cour!s, 3
4 !he au!hor (as su*8ec!e) !o re!a#ia!ion *y !he 9srae#i au!hori!ies, aain !hrouh a ma8or
9srae#i *ank I +ank HaPoa#im I in co##usion (i!h !he 9srae#i cour!s2 This !ime, re!a#ia!ion (as carie)
ou! un)er !he pa!ronae of 1!an#ey .ischer, !hen &o5ernor of +ank of 9srae#, no( - %o < a! !he
.e)era# Reser5e2 3
To)ay, !he au!hor #i5es in !he OccupyTLV camp, un)er pro!ec!ion of !he &erman o5ernmen!
aains! *o!h !he 9srae#i an) !he :1 o5ernmen!s2 3
Joseph Zernik, PhD
Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O'
H The Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' su*mission !o !he Human Rih!s -ounci# of !he :ni!e) %a!ions
(as incorpora!e) in!o !he <=1= Perio)ic Re5ie( Repor! rear)in Human Rih!s in !he :ni!e)
1!a!es, (i!h !he no!e6 >corrup!ion of !he cour!s an) !he #ea# profession an) )iscrimina!ion *y #a(
enforcemen! in -a#ifornia>2
H The Human Rih!s "#er! $%&O' su*mission !o !he Human Rih!s -ounci# of !he :ni!e) %a!ions
(as incorpora!e) in!o !he <=1K Perio)ic Re5ie( Repor! rear)in Human Rih!s in 9srae#, (i!h !he
no!e6 >#ack of in!eri!y of !he e#ec!ronic recor)s of !he 1upreme -our!, !he )is!ric! cour!s an) !he
)e!ainees cour!s in 9srae#2>
i 2011-12-2? ,upplemental Declaration of (oseph 6erni! in ;3@ ;ac!eteering " -.A8$;B9:D3, #A87
.* AC3;:-A, #3$ $63D37, -alifornia and A, (udges and -ler!s, and cover up " *#: and A,
Department of (ustice
ii 200D-12-1D ,amaan v 6erni! 0,-0?D4001 David /asterna!@ )rant Deeds in re@ F20 ,outh /ec! Drive,
#everl 'ills, -A 90212, opined GfraudH " (ames 9edic!
iii 2014-05-15 Arging ;a""i Laura .wens to dissociate herself from #et $%ede! - a Los Angeles (ewish
rac!et headed " ,andor ,amuels
iv11-12-F1 $he Latest *rom -ountrwideIs ,andor ,amuels2#et $%ede! /roductions@ -nical 'olocaust
5 2014-05-15 ADL is urged to challenge statements on #et 6ede! - a Los Angeles (ewish rac!et
vi 2011-05-05 Addendum to reJuest for opinion " ADLKs A"raham *o4man in re@ -orruption2;ac!eteering in
the Los Angeles (ewish2Legal communit
5ii 2011-05-05 /;3,, ;3L3A,3@ Anti Defamation LeagueKs A"raham *o4man is as!ed to opine on
allegations of /u"lic -orruption, ;ac!eteering in the Los Angeles (ewish2Legal -ommunit
viii 2010-10-01 Anited 8ations 'uman ;ights -ouncil /rofessional ,taff ;eport, referring to 'uman ;ights
Alert su"mission with the note &corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination " law
enforcement in -alifornia& 0page E, paragraph 451
i4 200D-0E-20 ,amaan v 6erni! 0,-0?D4001 #et $%ede!Is we" pages featuring ,andor ,amuelsI campaign against fraud
4 200D-0E-22 ,amaan v 6erni! 0,-0?D4001 Letter 'and Delivered to ,andor ,amuels in his capacit as
/resident of #et $%ede!, on the premises of #et $%ede!
7i 200?-01-0? -ase of #orrower 'ills 001-225D41 - in the A, #an!ruptc -ourt, 3astern District of /ennslvania,
/itts"urgh+ -ountrwideIs $hree &;ecreated Letters& and a $ranscript
4ii 200?-0F-05 -ase of #orrower 9illiam /arsle 005-90FD41, D!t L24?@ (udge (eff #ohmIs Cemorandum .pinion,
re"u!ing -ountrwideIs litigation practices, -ountrwideIs false outside counsel scheme - appearances " counsel who
are not -ounsel of ;ecord, with &no communications with clients& clause@
4iii 2010-05-05 -ountrwide, #an! of America <8B,3M#A-=, and its /resident #rian Conihan -ompilation of ;ecords
3vidence of ;ac!eteering
4iv 2010-04-0? 'uman ;ights Alert 08).1 su"mission to the Anited 8ations 'uman ;ights -ouncil for the
A/; of the Anited ,tates, as it appears in the Anited 8ations 'uman ;ights -ouncil site
4v 2010-04-0? 'uman ;ights Alert 08).1 Appendi4 : to su"mission for the 2010 A/; of 'uman ;ights in
the Anited ,tates, as it appears on the A8 site@
75i 10-10-01 Anited 8ations 'uman ;ights -ouncil /rofessional ,taff ;eport, referring to 'uman ;ights
Alert su"mission with the note &corruption of the courts and the legal profession and discrimination " law
enforcement in -alifornia& 0page E, paragraph 451
4vii 2010-04-20 ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount 009-A?2D1 - Dr (oseph 6erni!Is Cotion to
:ntervene - face pages of five filings " Dr (oseph 6erni!, with stamps showing receipt " the A, ,upreme
2010-04-1? ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount009-A?2D1 1 Amended Cotion to :ntervene
2010-04-1? ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount009-A?2D1 2 Amended ;eJuest for Lenience " /ro
,e *iler
2010-04-1? ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount 009-A?2D1 F Amended ;eJuest for -orrections in
A, ,upreme -ourt ;ecords
2010-04-1? ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount 009-A?2D1 4 Amended ;eJuest for :ncorporation
" ;eference
2010-04-1? ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount 009-A?2D1 Dr 6erni!Is 5 Amended Appendices
2010-04-1? ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount009-A?2D1 5 Amended Appendi4 :N "@ 6erni!Is
Declaration in re@ April 1E, 2010 search for records in the -ourts microfilm Oudgments archive
75iii $he papers were filed in the A, ,upreme -ourt was as a GCotion to :nterveneH in the case of ;ichard
2010-01-21 Attorne ;ichard *ine - dissidentIs false hospitali%ation in Los Angeles -ount, -alifornia
4i4 2010-04-22 ;ichard *ine v ,heriff of Los Angeles -ount 009-A?2D1 at the A, ,upreme -ourt - Dr
6erni!Is Declaration ;3@ -ourt -ounsel Dann #ic!ell and *iling at A, ,upreme -ourt
44 10-0D-01 :n re@ *ine v ,heriff 009-A?2D1@ -omplaint against A, ,upreme -ourt -ounsel Dann #ic!ell
Alleging /u"lic -orruption and Deprivation of ;ights
77i 11-0?-0? /;3,, ;3L3A,3@ *raud and -orruption in the A, -ourts are $ightl Lin!ed to *ailing #an!ing ;egulation
and the )lo"al 3conomic -risis 5 presentation in the 1Eth 9orld -riminolog -ongress, (apan
77ii 2012-09-2E 6erni!, (+, &Large-scale fraud in A, court records is lin!ed to failing "an!ing regulation&,
77iii 200?-10-15 -over Letter to #et $%ede! - a Los Angeles (ewish -harit, AleOandro Caor!as, Cem"er of
the #oard, and Citchell 7amins 5 /resident
44iv 2010-0E-11 -all for Accounta"ilit " the (ewish -ommunit for ;ampant *raud at Los Angeles ,uperior
2010-10-05 $he Los Angeles (ewish legal communit again as!ed to assume accounta"ilit for conduct of
#et $%ede! G$he 'ouse of (usticeH
2010-10-11 'oll *uOie and #et $%ede! the Los Angeles (ewish Legal -ommunit Again As!ed to Assume
Accounta"ilit for -onduct of #et $%ede! $he 'ouse of (ustice
2011-0F-1D 8o shame left in the Los Angeles (ewish -ommunitM -ountrwideKs ,andor ,amuels is again
/resident of #et $%ede! - G$he 'ouse of (usticeH
2011-0E-0E /;3,, ;3L3A,3@ #et $%ede! 5 the Los Angeles G'ouse of (usticeH - a (ewish (ustice
44v 2010-0E-11 -all for Accounta"ilit " the (ewish -ommunit for ;ampant *raud at Los Angeles ,uperior
44vi 2014-05-1E &8B$& pu"lishes unvarnished ADL propaganda@ 9FQ of /alestinians are anti-
2014-0F-1D :sraelIs 9ar on American Aniversities
775ii 201F-01-01 $he 'uman ;ights Alert 08).1 su"mission, as incorporated into the A8 'uman ;:tghts
-ouncil A/; report with the note &Lac! of integrit in the electronic records of the ,upreme -ourt, the district
courts and the detainees courts in :srael& 0page 4, paragraph 251
775iii 1F-09-25 )overnor of #an! of :srael ,tanle *ischer Acted As a *oreign Agent for A+,+ ,ecurit
Apparatus #an!ing -artel
44i4 201F-01-2F ;eJuest for protection " the )erman Am"assador to :srael of a human rights2computer
science writer in (erusalem
777 201F-0?-22 ;eJuest for protection " the )erman -onsul in :srael of a )erman citi%en against simulated
court process

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