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The Kernel Factor in a Performance
Model based on the Principle of I magery

Peter Anyebe


J une, 2014

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Keywords: Learning, Self-Containment, Discipline, Productivity, Spirit
Soul, Mind, Matter Personality, Being, Becoming, I magery,
Value Creation Thought Pattern, Behaviour Pattern,
I magery is presented at once as a reversal and a likeness,
to define procedure and character respectively; and then
conceptualized in the following quote:
A God, who is self-contained
Created a universethat is self-contained
And expects humans to become self-contained
So they can make institutions that are self-contained

8, De - Bangler St.
P.O. Box 1243,
+ 234-808-080-2046
E-m a il: a n ye b e p e te r @ ya h o o . Co m

The Kernel Factor in a Performance
Model based on the Principle of I magery

Peter Anyebe

Commenting on the possible outcome of the Nigerian civil war of 1966, Wole
Soyinka, NL in his prison notes of 1972 titled The Man Died, ascribes the following
contribution to Banjo, with whom he was in a dialogue, on pages 179 to 180:
Whichever way this sort of war goes, the only results will be the
entrenchment of the worst of both evils.
The Soviets fought their civil war gun in hand and political ideology in
their headsBut we thrust soldiers today into the field with just the
slogan, kill-Yanmirin or kill-HausaHow do we get rid of the alliance
of the capitalist adventurer and a bourgeois military after the war?
Yusuf Bala Usman with whom Soyinka shared the socialist ideology, in his 1979
book titled, For the Liberation of Nigeria, gives voice to the core concept of the
ideology with respect to the Nigerian State when he describes the key units of the
political community on page 36 as systems of activity based on:
Occupation and
The trio of age, occupation, and habitation are also given center stage elsewhere;
this time, by the principal proponent of the capitalist ideology, as:
Politicians and politics,
Public and private institutions, and
A disorderly world respectively
In the 1980 book edited by Richard Harwood and described as the only in-depth

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portrait of the most astonishing landslide in election history titled, The Pursuit of
the Presidency, 1980; written by David Broder et al and the staff of The
Washington Post, the following quotes are found on pages 17, 14, and 10
The profound and disturbing questions Americans were asking about
the state of the nation
The steady loss since the mid-60s of confidence in public and
private institutions, the popular disaffection with politicians and
politics, the fears for the nations future in a disorderly world.
The American people believed strongly in their way of life and in the
institutions they had created. But they expected competence from their
What they are losing faith in is the ability of our institutions or their
leaders either to be responsive or to solve their problems.
The connection between these two, 2 sets of triune concepts is highlighted by another
set of three, 3; this time contributed by business, and not politics. The values that can
be created are reduced into the following three, 3 respectively:
People Value, C
Organisational Value, ROI
Value of the Business Environment, E
People value, C connects Age, with Politicians and politics. Organizational Value,
ROI connects Occupation, with Public and private institutions. And the Value of
the Business Environment, E
connects Habitation with A disorderly world. The
implications of these connections may not be immediately apparent. Firstly, the
distinction is made between the first, 1
set of items that refers to the Nigerian State,
which are specific in nature; and the second, 2
items that refer to America, which
are more global. Then, note that these two, 2 sets of items represent opposing
political ideals, socialismand capitalismrespectively, to describe a contradiction.
However, the third, 3
set of items is not only universal, it is at once a reference to
the economy, which is the livewire of any political entity. It serves to resolve the
contradiction that characterizes politics. When politics is organized around the

economy therefore, the social fabric of society can be stabilized.
A more sensitive implication involves the disjointed character of the political
triumvirs. The link between Age, Occupation, and Habitation, may not be
decipherable; neither is that between Politicians and politics, Public and private
institutions, and a disorderly world. But a clear link can be fathomed between
People Value, C; Organizational Value, ROI ; and the Value of the Business
Environment, EB. In this case, given the People Value, C the other two, 2 are
determined. It is peoplewho create ROI , according to their competence. And when
competence is trivialized, then the environment is jeopardized, as summarized in the
following quote:
Society is the product of the activities of
humans in nature, but in time it became a
monster that makes people; according to the
culture, values, beliefs, norms, and mores;
which are not necessarily optimized
If this diagnosis is acceptable, then the solution stands out distinctly. Recreate the
environment, as well as the institutions, and the making of a competent people
becomes a breeze. The solution is simply a reversal of the order in which the
problem is created. I magery.
At Agape Consultants therefore, the work is to build a people, C who are positively
disposed (Attitude?) toward the development of their abilities. The energy that is
required for this process is to be derived in the establishment of institutions, ROI
that motivatethe person. And the success or not, of the endeavor is to be tracked by
monitoring the environment, E
to ensure that the appropriate responses to stimuli
are demanded. Serially:

The following four, 4 scales of measurement are generally recognized:
Nominal Scale,
Ordinal Scale,
Ratio Scale and
Absolute Scale
With the nominal scale, it is usually sufficient to know the number of items that
belong to the set. This is achieved by a mere count. The Ordinal scalerequires more
details about phenomena. They need to be arranged in a definite order, to define
which of the items is best, and which is next, and so on. More details are still
required with the ratio scale. It is neither sufficient to know the number of items in
the set, nor their ranks. The extent, to which one item is better than the other, needs
to be established. If an item is valued at 50 for instance, and the other is 25; then the
former is twice more valuable than the latter, which is then a mere halve, . In all
three, 3 cases, it may not be necessary to know the inner character of the
phenomenon, which is then treated as a black box. So that values are computed by
comparing inputs and outputs, from which the nature of the system is inferred.

With the absolute scalehowever, the phenomenon needs to be described adequately,
to itemize the essential elements of the system. The black box needs to be defined.
At this level, measurement comprises the following two, 2 steps:
Identify the essential components of the phenomenon, which give it being
Map these into the number line, according to the relationships between them
To describe the black box requires effort, which explains the often preferred indirect
approach to measurement, via the inputs and outputs of the system. This is
especially true with the human system or phenomenon. Like the drainage basin,
with rainfall as input and runoff as output; the human being, with respect to
performance, has knowledgeas input, and performanceas output. In the same way
that the observed rainfall usually exceeds the runoff, performance and knowledge
are also usually at variance. People tend to know so much, but do so little. Then in
both cases, the challenge would be to define the memory. How does the drainage
basin memory operate to reduce rainfall into runoff? How does the human memory
reduce knowledge into performance? This question has been more professionally

framed in the following parlance:
To what extent are people able,
To turn what they know,
I nto what they do?
The critical factor in this conversion is discipline. This is the capacity to do things,
in the way they ought to be done. It is the performance at task, by the standard
procedure. It is Immanuel Kant who distinguished between numina or the-ought,
and phenomena or the way things actually are. When he also opined that numina
could not be known, the implication is that the black box would remain closed. But
thanks to physics, which has defined the universe as self-contained; in agreement
with Feynman, who defined phenomena as waves; and Plato before him, who
reduced nature into the duality of the world of forms and the world of objects; as
well as Einstein, who observed relativity as a fundamental principle of nature. Then,
the natural order, N-O would be outlined by the duality series in operations
research as follows:
Maxima, F

Minimax, L

Maximin. L

Minima, F

This actually describes natures system of values, as well as the essential elements
that define being, to open up the black box. The standard procedure series, SPS is
the analogue of the N-O. It would therefore be sufficient to approximate the SPS, as
evidence of self-containment, like the universe. Another imagery. This is
demonstrated on the soul principle, presented in the series earlier in this work. From
this premise, it makes sense to have reduced being into the following four, 4 realms,
in series:
Soul, F

Mind, L

Matter. L

Spirit, F

It would be impossible to be, in our universe, without any one of these features. The
minimumrequirement for being would be matter. And ultimately, it is the mind that

The Black Box Model, BBM:
F = (LA)
3. Energy
2. Work
6. Purpose
1. Work
5. Exhaust
4. Energy

The Standard Procedure Series

marks the optimum development of the human person. For both, soul and spirit
would be required as sources of the energy for this work, respectively. Until the
human soul is defined, the human person, which is the material equivalent, would
remain a mystery. Similarly, it takes spirit, to unravel the mystery of mind. Spirit
enters mind intuitively, as a formthat is characterized by three, 3 features, L, F, and
A; in the same way that waves are characterized by two, 2 features, including
location and size. To translate forms into objects, Platonian style therefore, it would
be sufficient to fission each of the three, 3 features, to derive their wave features.
This gives rise to the six, 6 items of the SPS. To reconstruct the SPS would then be
sufficient evidence that a person is able to turn what they know, into what they do.
And disciplinewould decline with the deviance from this standard. The personality
is defined at once, because the soul is the product of mind, as presented below:

Thus, creativity is about the projection of a system of values. When a person creates,
they project a certain system of values that defines them uniquely. This defines the
personal order, P-O or Kantian phenomena. But creativity is optimum when the P-
O approximates the N-O or Kantian numina, whichs analogue is the SPS. In this
case, a formis reduced into an object, so that the working of the phenomenon is
outlined. These are the factors or essential features that give the phenomenon its
being. They include the minimumand optimumnatures of the phenomenon, which
define the work of optimization that needs to be done; and the energy sources for this
work; as well as the exhaust, which defines the item that is tracked to ensure that the
purposefor which the phenomenon is made is fulfilled.

To calibrate the F-Scale, the first, 1
four, 4 items
on the SPS are scrambled. The task would therefore
be to unscramble them, so that they concatenate
into the fifth, 5
and sixth, 6
items. This requires
that the items which represent work
, work
and energy
are outlined in
that order; according to which comes first, 1
second, 2
third, 3
and forth, 4

respectively. Each of the four, 4 items is scored, according to how approximately it is
located, to measure the factor-Sn, for Sn =1 to 4. These scores are concatenated to
evaluate the factor-f0, as a measure of objectivity, f0.

This is the extent to which the P-O or personal system of values approximates the N-O
or natural system of values. It is actually a measure of learning, according to the
acquisition of the pattern of thought, which outlines the pattern of behavior represented
on the SPS. Recall that learning is rooted in desire, which remains dormant until a
decision is made for its fulfillment. Then all the energy that is available for the project is
given, according to the strength of will and commitment, C. This is expended in the
following two, 2 ways:
To derive the procedure for actualization, C

To overcome the detractors in the process, C

Then, C = C
+ C
. And the factor-C approximates a unity, for C =1 as the
procedure that is derived approximates the SPS, for f0 =1. This requires that no energy
is used up to overcome detractors. In other words, the person would have been able to
rise above the vagaries of the environment, for E
1. They would have shifted from
the preoccupation with appearances, to the perception of the essential elements of
phenomena. They will have become self-contained. Quote:
A God, who is self-contained
Created a universe that is self-contained
And expects humans to become self-contained
So they can make institutions that are self-contained

3. Energy
2. Work
6. Purpose
1. Work
5. Exhaust
4. Energy

The Standard Procedure Series

For organizations to be self-contained, the workforcewould have to be self-
contained, performing at task by the standard procedure. This would translate into a
doubling of the investment, for a return on investment, ROI and profit, Pr that are
dual. Formally:
Profit =Revenue Costs
ROI =Revenue / Costs (ROI is actually profit, expressed as an index)
ROI =Profit / ROI (ROI is a measure of the Monetized ROI)
To double the investment, it would be sufficient that revenueis twice the value of
costs. Then the following relations would define the actual and the expected
measures of the value added, VA respectively:
VA =Revenue CM (Cost of Materials)
VA =2Profit ROI
By the first, 1
law of performance, given the way things ought to be, p the way
things are, b is determined; subject to discipline, 1/10; for b =1/10 p. Then, the
organization would be disciplined, VA / VA. The bill of health index, BHI is
derived from evaluations of the business continuity index, BCI and the value
creation index, VCI .

Selected Bibliography
1. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in
Sociological Thought, 1
Penguine Books;
Auguste Comte: pp63-109
2. Aaron, Raymond (1967) Main Currents in
Sociological Thought, 2
Penguine Books;
Emile Durheim: pp 21-117
Max Werber: pp 185-258
3. Brooks, Harry C (1922) The Practice of
Autosuggestion by the Method
of Emile Coue.
Dodd, Mead & Co.
4. Carpenter, Harry W. (2005) The Power of your
Sub-Conscious Mind:
How it works, and how to use it.
Anaphase Publishing
2739 Wightman Street
Sandiego CA 92104-3526
5. Carroll, H.A. (1969) Mental Hygiene The
Dynamics of Adjustment
Prentice Hall Inc.
6. Catell, R. B. (1965) The Scientific Analysis of
Personality. Penguine Books
7. Coombs, C. et al (1970) Mathematical
Psychology, An Elementary
Introduction. Prentice Hall Inc.
8. Cosgrove, M. P. (1977) The Essence of Human
Nature. Zondervan Publishers
9. Cou, E (1920) Self Mastery Through Conscious
Autosuggestion PSI TEK edition
10. De La Cruz, A. et al (1981) Physiological Basis
of Human Behaviour KEN
inc. Quezon City Philippines
11. Gladwell, Malcolm (2008) OUTLIERS The Story
of Success. Little, Brown and
Company New York
Boston London
12. Fitz-enz, Jac (2,000) The ROI of Human Capital:
Measuring the Economic Value of Employee Performance.
American Management Association; AMACOM

13. Freud, Sigmund (1924) A General Introduction to
Washington Square Press Inc.
N.Y. June 1966.
14. Hume, D. (1740). A Treatise of Human Nature
(1967, edition).
Oxford University Press, Oxford.
15. Kant, Immanuel (1963) Critique of Pure Reason
(1781; rev. ed. 1787),
trans. N. K. Smith (London:
MacMillan & Co.).
16. Maltz, Maxwell (1960) Psycho-Cybernetics: A
New Approach for using your
Subconscious Power.
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J
17. Niven, David (2000) THE 100 SIMPLE
SECRETS OF Happy People:
What Scientists Have Learned
And How You Can Use It.
Harper San Francisco; A Division
of Harper Co Ums Publisbers
18. Pickering, W. S. F. (1975) Durkheime on
Religion, A Selection of Readings.
19. Rae Alastair (1986) Quantum Physics, Illusion or
Reality? Cambridge University
Press, NY
20. St. Augustine (1950) The City of God. Edited by
Vernon J Bourke Image Books,
1958 Garden City, N.Y.
21. Wann, T. W. (1964) Behaviourism and
Phenomenology, Constrasting
Bases for Modern Psychology.
University of Chicago Press.
Contributors: Sigmund Kock,
R. B. Macleod,
Nroman Malcolm,
Carl Rogers,
Micheal Scriven,
B. F. Skinner.

My Links:

1. Laws of Performance, Talent as the Engine that Drives Value Creation
2. Get a Hold on the Soul, and the person is determined; For Productivity, Leadership, and therefore
Self-Containment and Sustainability
3. The Character Model; An Approach to put a Value on People uniquely, according to their Capacity
for Productivity, Leadership, and therefore Self Containment and Sustainability
4. Niche: A Model of Energy Transfer
5. Thought Systems
6. The I dentity Kit: A Measure of Personal Development
7. The Mind:A Perception Model
8. The Model Human:A Thinker and a Learner
9. The Natural Order:
Globalisation of HR Metrics to Optimise People Value for Sustained Organisational Growth and a
Liquefied Business Environment
10. The I dentity Kit:Toward a Cultural Revolution, Driven by a Precise HR
11. Performance Appraisal:
A Talent Management Platform for Sustainability and a Stable Society
12. The Standard Procedure Series:
A Phenomenology Model of Being that is the Basis for Performance Appraisal by the Sustainability
13. The Hourglass:The Shape of the Human Form
14. Endorsements, Consciousness, Productivity, and the Creation of Value
15. Environmental Determinism:
Toward a Work Culture that is the Secret Plan Nature has worked out via a Universal History
16. A Model Of Learning
17. The Value Creation Model
18. God:The Breath that Fires the Equations that Describe the Universe
19. Philosophy in the 3rd Millennium:
The Meeting Point of Physics and Psychology
20. Precision:
Making the Best of the I nformation Revolution
E-Book: The Path to Soul: Toward a Value Creation Paradigm, An alternative to The
Profit and Loss Paradigm in the determination of the ROI.pdf
I nstruments
1. The Productivity Model
2. The Leadership Model
3. Bill of Health I ndex
4. Sustainability
5. Pc Recommend
6. Recommendations
Website: In Progress

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