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The Road to the American Revolution

State Core Standards:

SSUSH3: The student will explain the primary causes of the American Revolution.

Explain how the end of Anglo-French imperial competition as seen in the
French and Indian War and the 1763 Treaty of Paris laid the groundwork for
the American Revolution.

Explain colonial response to such British actions as the Proclamation of 1763,
the Stamp Act, and the Intolerable Acts as seen in Sons and Daughters of
Liberty and Committees of Correspondence.

Explain the importance of Thomas Paines Common Sense to the movement
for independence.

SSUSH4: The student will identify the ideological, military, and diplomatic aspects
of the American Revolution.

Explain the language, organization, and intellectual sources of the Declaration
of Independence; include the writing of John Locke and the role of Thomas

Explain the reason for and significance of the French alliance and foreign
assistance and the roles of Benjamin Franklin and the Marquis de Lafayette.

Analyze George Washington as a military leader; include the creation of a
professional military and the life of a common soldier.

AASL Standards for Learning:

1.1.4: Find, evaluate, and select appropriate sources to answer questions.
1.1.8: Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and
pursuing inquiry.
1.1.9: Collaborate with others to broaden and deepen understanding.
1.3.1: Respect copyright/ intellectual property rights of creators and
1.3.3: Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information.
2.1.2: Organize knowledge so that it is useful.
2.1.4: Use technology and other information tools to analyze and organize
2.1.6: Use the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills
to create products that express new understandings.
3.1.3: Use writing and speaking skills to communicate new understandings
3.1.4: Use technology and other information tools to organize and display
knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.
3.3.7: Use technology and other information tools to organize and display
knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.
4.1.8: Use creative and artistic formats to express personal learning.

Lesson Schedule:

The digital story will be taught in conjunction with the unit on the
Revolutionary War. Therefore, each lesson will be one period in length
and occur in class only once a week.

Lesson One: Introduction to Project

Present an example of a digital story
Discuss the assignment
Assign collaborative groups
Before leaving lesson, students will decide upon a topic as well as the
roles each group member will complete.

Lesson Two: Research

Students will begin researching, creating scripts, and creating storyboards
with the help of the Media Center staff as well as each other.

Lesson Three: Research

Students will begin researching, creating scripts, and creating storyboards
with the help of the Media Center staff as well as each other.

Lesson Four: Creating Story

In the computer lab, students will work in their collaborative groups to create
their storyboards as well as their scripts.

Lesson Five: Creating Story

Students will be given a brief introduction in how to create their movie using
Photo Story.
In the computer lab, students will work in their collaborative groups to being
making their digital story.

Lesson Six: Creating Story

Students will work in their collaborative groups to finish their digital stories.

Lesson Seven: Presenting Stories

Collaborative groups will present their stories to the class. Each group will
have a five-minute answer and question period at the end of their story.

For Student Use

The Road to the Revolution

The Assignment:

Using media resources, your collaborative group will create a digital story explaining
what led the American colonists to rebel against the British government and form their
own government. Each story must contain the following:

Explanation of the importance of your topic to the Revolution
Be at least 3 minutes in length but no more than 6 minutes.
Appropriate media resources such as documents, music, pictures,
photographs, and videos.

Group Members

Group Member #1:_____________________________________

Group Member #2:_____________________________________

Group Member #3:_____________________________________

Group Member #4:_____________________________________

What goes into creating a digital story?

Step One: Assign roles, choose topic, and write script.
Topics and roles will be chosen and turned in for approval by 8/27/12.

Step Two: Collect resources

Step Three: Select content and develop storyboard
Storyboards turned in by 8/31/12 for approval.

Step Four: Import, record, and finalize story
Final story to be turned in by 9/7/12

Step Five: In-class presentation of story
Presentations will begin on 9/10/12. Be prepared to answer questions from
your fellow students!

Role Assignments

Script writer:____________________________________

Storyboard Author:____________________________________



Story Topics

Choices for story:

Declaration of
Thomas Jeffersons Role in
writing the Declaration of
John Lock
George Washington,
Commander General of
Continental Army
Stamp Act, Intolerable Act,
Proclamation of 1763
French and Indian War
Thomas Paine
and Common Sense
1763 Treaty of Paris Second Continental
Tea Party

My groups topic___________________________________________.

Members of collaborative group:





Role Assignments

Script writer:____________________________________

Storyboard Author:____________________________________



Story Topic Choice:

Choice #1:_______________________________________________________________

Choice #2:_______________________________________________________________

Choice #3:_______________________________________________________________

This form must be turned in before the end of
the class period!

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