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Length: Five (5) Weeks Twenty sessions (20) Forty (40) hours.

Focus: Writing, speaking, understanding the grammar and voa!u"ary and responding to
the te#t.
Language modes: $peaking, "istening, reading, writing, viewing and responding.
Content: The %orty hours !asi ourse deve"ops the %our "anguage ski""s o% reading,
writing, "istening, and speaking and onentrates on &ng"ish %or work and soia" situations.
'"asses are o% two hours duration eah and our on (onday, Wednesday and Friday.
The ourse %ouses on students)antered "earning. The students "earn very !asi &ng"ish
and the new in%ormation is presented and then the students pratie and per%orm the new
"anguage through a diverse range o% speaking and writing ativities and games that
enourage the students to interat with eah other.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner

Unit 1: &ng"ish +"pha!et , -um!er
English alphabet
The &ng"ish +"pha!et onsists o% 2. "etters/
H I ! L " #
$ % & R ' ( )
* + , - .
English sounds
+a 0ei1 23 0d3ei1 $s 0es1
4! 0!i/1 5k 00kei1 Tt 0ti/1
' 0si/1 6" 0e"1 7u 0yuw1
8d 0di/1 (m 0em1 9v 0vi/1
&e 0i/1 -n 0en1 Ww 0d:!e"3u/1
F% 0e%1 ;o 0ou1 <# 0eks1
=g 0d3i/1 >p 0pi/1 ?y 0wai1
@h 0eit31 AB 0k3u/1 CD 0Ded1
Ei 0ai1 Fr 0a/GrH1
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
/0 Cardinal #umbers
En %orma" set theory, a ardina" num!er (a"so a""ed Ithe ardina"ityI) is a type o% num!er
de%ined in suh a way that any method o% ounting sets using it gives the same resu"t. En
mathematis, cardinal numbers, or cardinals %or short, are a genera"iDed kind o%
num!er used to denote the siDe o% a set, known as its cardinalit1. For %inite sets the
ardina"ity is given !y a natura" num!er, !eing simp"y the num!er o% e"ements in the set.
/0 $ne //0 Ele2en 3/0 (4ent1 one 560 Fort1
30 (4o /30 (4el2e 330 (4ent1 t4o 760 Fi8t1
90 (hree /90 (hirteen 390 (4ent1 three :60 'i;t1
50 Four /50 Fourteen 350 (4ent1 8our <60 'e2ent1
70 Fi2e /70 Fi8teen 370 (4ent1 8i2e =60 Eight1
:0 'i; /:0 'i;teen 3:0 (4ent1 si; >60 #inet1
<0 'e2en /<0 'e2enteen 3<0 (4ent1 se2en /660 $ne hundred
=0 Eight /=0 Eighteen 3=0 (4ent1 eight 3660 (4o hundred
>0 #ine />0 #ineteen 3>0 (4ent1 nine /6660 $ne thousand
/60 (en 360 (4ent1 960 (hirt1 /66660 (en thousand

30 $rdinal numbers
$rdinal num!ers re%er to a position in a series. 'ommon ordina"s in"ude/
%irst **
e"eventh 2*
seond *2
twe"%th 22
third *J
thirteenth J0
%ourth *4
%ourteenth 40
%i%th *5
%i%teenth 50
si#th *.
si#teenth .0
seventh *K
seventeenth K0
eighth *L
eighteenth L0
ninth *M
nineteenth M0
ninetieth *0
tenth 20
twentieth *00

one hundredth
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /.
$tudent +/ &#use meN What is your nameO
$tudent 4/ (y name is 6ena
$tudent +/ 'an you spe"" that p"easeO
$tudent 4/ P6...&...-....+Q
$tudent +/ @ow o"d are youO
$tudent 4/ E am 20 years o"d.
$tudent +/ Where do you ome %romO
$tudent 4/ E ome %rom 4auau
$tudent +/ 'an you spe"" that p"easeO
$tudent 4/ P4...+...7...'...+...7
E;ercise 3
You will listen to a set of 4 words; only (1 or 2) will be repeated.
Please circle the words which are repeated. et!s start ("ai ita hah#)
%irst third twe"%th twentieth
%i%th twenty)seond seond tenth
ninth nineteenth seventh thirty)ninth
twenty)third thirtieth e"eventh three hundredth
%i%teenth eighth %i%tieth twenty)%i%th
E;ercise 9
$rdinal nu"bers
*. *
2. M
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 2: >ronouns
+ pronoun is a word that takes the p"ae o% a noun, a group o% words ating as a noun, or
another pronoun. The word or group o% words to whih a pronoun re%ers is a""ed its
antecedent. + pronoun must agree in num!er and gender with its anteedent.
>ronouns are words "ike E, me (persona" pronouns) or my, mine (possessive pronouns).
%ersonal %ronouns %ossessi2e Ad?ecti2es and %ronouns
Re8le;i2e %ronouns
ob?ect 8orm possessi2e ad?ecti2e
E me my mine myse"%
you you your yours yourse"%
he him his his himse"%
she her her hers herse"%
it it its its itse"%
we us our ours ourse"ves
you you your yours yourse"ves
they them their theirs themse"ves
a. Personal Pronoun
A personal pronoun re%ers to a spei%i person or thing !y indiating the person
speaking (the %irst person), the person !eing addressed (the seond person), or any other
person or thing !eing disussed (the third person)
b. Objet !ronoun
+n ob?ect pronoun is one whih indiates the reeiver o% an ation. These are
distinguished %rom the su!3et pronouns whih indiate the doer. En turn, there are two
kinds o% o!3et pronouns, the direct and indirect o!3et pronouns.
Direct ob%ect pronoun/ him, her, it, you %orma"
them, you, a"")%orma"
&ndirect ob%ect pronoun/ to (%or) him, to (%or) her, to (%or) you %orma"
to (%or) them, to (%or) you )a"")%orma"
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
. Possessi"e Pronouns
+ possessi2e pronoun takes the p"ae o% the possessive %orm o% a noun. $ome possessive
%orms are used !e%ore nouns. ;ther possessive %orm an !e used !y themse"ves. -otie
that possessive pronouns do not ontain an apostrophe.
'sed before a noun / Take 1our !athing suit.
'sed alone / That !athing suit is 1ours0
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
(o"plete the sentences with my, your, his and her
*. @e""o. RRRRRRRRRR nameSs 2enny.
2. WhatSs RRRRRRRRRR nameO
J. Es 'atherine RRRRRRRRRR sisterO
4. TWhatSs RRRRRRRRRR nameOS T&"iDa!eth.S
5. RRRRRRRRRRRR name is 2ames 4rown.
.. E have a !rother. RRRRRRRRRRR name is 8avid.
K. (aria is %rom Frane. RRRRRRRRRRRR %"at is in >aris.
L. ohn: +nn, this is RRRRRRRRRRR !rother, 8ik
Ann: @e""o, 8ik.
E;ercise 3
(o"plete the sentences with the correct pronoun
*. (y sister has a new ar, !ut she doesnSt "ike it
2. @arry has two sons. RRRRRRRR p"ays %oot!a"" with RRRRRRRRin his %ree time.
J. ThatSs my ditionary. 'an E have RRRRRRR !ak, p"easeO
4. ErmaSs new teaher is (r. 4anks. RRRRRRRRR "ikes RRRRRRRRRR a "ot.
5. 2ane and E are good students. RRRRRRR "ike our teaher &ste""a and she "ikes RRRRR
.. ;ur teaher gives RRRRRRR a "ot o% homework.
K. 5ate "ikes 2oanna, !ut (aria doesnSt "ike RRRRRRRRR at a"".
L. +nna !uys a newspaper every day. RRRRRRRR reads RRRRRRRR on the train.
M. 6ookN This is a photo o% RRRRRRRRRR with my %ami"y.
*0. $a""y "ives near >au" and $ue. RRRRRRRRRR goes to work with RRRRRRRR every day
in their ar.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit #: 8ay, (onth , $eason
'a"endars are used !y 'hristians, 3ust "ike everyone e"se, in deiding what %east or event
to e"e!rate. ?et the origin o% our modern a"endar is %ar %rom 'hristian. This page
e#p"ains the origins o% a"endar names.
/: Da1s o8 a 4ee@
$rigins o8 our da1 names
The days o% the week are !ased on =reek mytho"ogy. The origina" =reek and Foman
naming has hanged over the years to math the eBuiva"ent gods o% north
&uropean mytho"ogy.
$unday / day o% the $un
(onday / day o% the moon
Tuesday / day o% (ars (martyr)
Wednesday / WodenUs day (king o% the gods)
Thursday / ThorUs day
Friday / FriaSsVFreyaUs day (goddess o% "ove)
$aturday / $aturnUs day
3: "onths o8 a 1ear
$rigins o8 our month names
The word )calendar) stems %rom calare (to a"" out), 3ust as the anient priests did
when they announed a new moon. The word UmonthU o% ourse, stems %rom UmoonU.
The month names we used were hosen to e"e!rate Foman deities and emperors.
anuar1/ Foman god anus was the god o% doorways, entranes, gateways,
thresho"ds and !eginnings, and there%ore used %or the opening o% the -ew
Februar1/ Fe!ruary used to !e the "ast month o% the Foman a"endar. ;n *5th
day o% the month was a >agan %estiva" o% puri%iation a""ed Februa and so
this month ame to !e known as Fe!ruaUs month.
"arch/ The Foman god "ars, god o% war and guardian o% the state. This was
the %irst month o% the anient Foman a"endar.
April/ 'onsidered a sared Foman month %or the goddess 9enus. The name
U+pri"U is pro!a!"y %rom Apru, an &trusan !orrowing o% =reek +phrodite, a
%erti"ity goddess. +"ternative"y, it may stem %rom the 6atin aperire (to open),
as so many !uds and !"ossoms open in this month.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
"a1/ This is %rom "aia a Foman goddess o% earth, honor and reverene. $he
was wi%e o% 9u"an, mother o% (erury !y 2upiter and daughter o% +t"as. Et
!eame a popu"ar gir"Us name in &ng"ish.
une/ The hie% goddess uno, wi%e o% 2upiter and Bueen o% the heavens and
gods. 2une !eame another popu"ar name %or gir"s, as did/
ul1/ -amed a%ter the death ulius 'aesar in 44 4' to dei%y and immorta"iDe
his name. =aius 2u"ius 'aesar was !orn in this month, whih was %ormer"y
Auinti"es (%i%th) month o% the Foman a"endar.
August/ -amed in L 4' a%ter Augustus 'aesar, the adopted heir o% 2u"ius
'aesar and the %irst Foman emperor (J* 4' ) *4 +8). + synonym %or UaugustU
is Uvenera!"eU, and the emperor was known as the 9enera!"e 'aesar.
'eptember/ This name omes %rom the 6atin septem, meaning UsevenU.
$ctober/ This name omes %rom the 6atin octo, meaning UeightU. ($ctopus *
an +*sided cat,) This is the month when peop"e start thinking o% 'hristmas
and -ew ?ear parties.
#o2ember/ This name omes %rom the 6atin no2em, meaning UnineU.
December/ This name omes %rom the 6atin decem, meaning UtenU.
9: 'easons
$rigins o8 our season names
+inter: -o mythia" god ... 3ust o"dN The season o% 4ind and white snow, hene
the name UwinterU.
'pring: The time when new p"ants spring up a%ter a harsh winter.
'ummer: From ;"d -orse UsumarsdagU, the time %or "ots o% sunshine.
Autumn: The time %or reaping and harvesting the main rops o% the year. The o"d
&ng"ish name %or this season o% UharvestU was rep"aed !y the 6atin autumnus in
the *.th 'entury. +"so know as IFa""I in +meria, as this is the time the
temperature %a""s and "eaves %a"" %rom the trees.
8ry $eason 4ai"oron
WetVFainy season Tempu udan
$ther countries BAustraliaC
$ummer W 9eraun ((usim panas)/ 8eem!er, 2anuary and Fe!ruary
+utumn W ;utunu ((usim gugur)/ (arh, +pri" and (ay.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Winter W Envernu ((usim dingin)/ 2une. 2u"y, +ugust
$pring W >rimavera ((isim semi)/ $eptem!er. ;to!er, -ovem!er
E;ercise /
You will listen to a set of 4 words; only (1 or 2) will be repeated.
Please circle the words which are repeated. et!s start ("ai ita hah#)
January Sunday March Tuesday
February Thursday October August
Monday September Sunday May
April Friday November Saturday
Wednesday winter ecember Autumn
!"ercise #
isten- read- repeat- and write
$% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
#% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
'% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
(% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
)% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
*% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
+% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
,% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
-% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
$.% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
$$% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
$#% &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit $: Fami"y re"ationship
Famil1 (ree
This %ami"y tree diagram shows the re"ationship o% eah person to another person with
ousins. + system o% degrees and re" is used to desri!e the re"ationship !etween
the two ousins and the anestor they have in ommon. The degree (%irst, seond, third
ousin, etc.) indiates the minimum num!er o% generations separating either ousin %rom
the nearest ommon anestorX the re"o.e (one removed, twie removed, etc.) indiates
the num!er o% generations, i% any, separating the two ousins %rom eah other.

*. =rand%atherV =randpa W +vY)mane 22. -iee W $u!riZa
2. =randmotherV =randma W +vY)%eto 2J. -ephew W $u!riZu
J. =randparents W +vY)mane)+vY)%eto 24. 7n"e W TiuV tiun
4. =reat)=randparents W +vYn nia Enan)+man 25. +untieV+unt W TiaV tian
5. =randdaughter W 4ei)oan %eto 2.. 'ousin W >rima)>rimu

.. =randson W 4ei)oan mane 2K. Wi%e W Feen

K. =randhi"dren W 4ei)oan mane)4ei) oan %eto 2L. @us!and W 6aSen
L. Father (daddy) W +man 2M. $tep%ather W >adrastu
M. (other (mom) W Enan J0. $tepmother W (adrasta
*0. >arents W +man)Enan J*. $tepson W inteadu mane
**. 4rother W -aan (maunVa"in mane) J2. $ing"e W k"osan
*2. $ister W %eton (!inVa"in %eto) JJ. (arried W 5a!en)naSin
*J. 4rothers and sisters W (aun)+"inV %eton)naan J4. 8ivored W $oema"u
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
*4. $i!"ings W (aun)+"inV%eton)naan J5. Widow W Feto)%a"uk
*5. Father)in)"aw W 4anin)mane J.. Widower W (ane)%a"uk
*.. (other) in)"aw W 4anin)%eto
*K. >arents)in)"aw W 4anin)mane)4anin)%eto
*L. 8aughter)in)"aw W Feto)%oun
*M. $on)in)"aw W (ane)%oun
20. 4rother)in)"aw W 5uiZadu
2*. $ister)in)"aw W 5uiZada
E;ercise /
ook at the fa"ily tree and co"plete the sentences.
George D "ar1
Ann D ohn Da2id D !ell1
Cath1 Louise 'tephen
/0a"ple/ +nn is %ohn!s wi%e.
*. 'athy RRRRRRR RRRRRRR sister.
2. $tephen RRRRRRR 8avidSs RRRRRRRR.
4. =eorge RRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR hus!and.
.. 8avid RRRRRRRR 'athySs RRRRRRRRR.
K. 'athy and 6ouise RRRRRRRR RRRRRRRR ousins.
E;ercise 3
Draw your own fa"ily tree and write about your fa"ily.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit %: 'o"ors and "othes
Color or colour is the visua" pereptua" property orresponding in humans to the
ategories a""ed red, yellow, blue, black, et. 'o"or derives %rom the spetrum o%
"ight (distri!ution o% "ight energy versus wave"ength) interating in the eye with the
spetra" sensitivities o% the "ight reeptors. 'o"or ategories and physia"
spei%iations o% o"or are a"so assoiated with o!3ets, materia"s, "ight soures, et.,
!ased on their physia" properties suh as "ight a!sorption, re%"etion, or emission
White mutin
4"ak metan
Fed mean
=reen matakVmodok
?e""ow kinur
4"ue aDu"
>urp"e ro#u
>ink korderoDa
;range kYr)sa!urakaV"aran3a
=rey ma"ahuk
4rown kYr)ka%[
'"othes are the things worn to over the !ody.
Formal 4ear Casual 4ear
) suit W roupa par ida ) sweatshirt W %aru meas
) 3aket W 3aket ) 3eans W ka"sa "evis )
) !"ouse W !"uDa ) trouser, pants W ka"sa naruk
) skirt W saia ) T)shirt W %aru kaos
) dress W vestidu ) shorts W ka"sa !adak
) !a"" gown W 9estidu %esta ) "eggings W ka"sa naruk meas
) tie W garvata ) dungarees W ka"sa makaku
) !ow tie W garvata (kupu)kupu)
) waistoat W rompi
) shirt W %aru
)nder4ear 'ports4ear
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
) ank"e soks W meias ) traksuit W training (roupa 3imnastik nian)
) s"ip W kamiDinhas !a %eto ) !ikini W !ikini
) !ra W sutian ) swimming ustomVswimsuit W roupa haris)%eto
) knikers, panties W ka"sina ) swimming trunks W roupa haris)mane
) soks W meias ) trainers W sapatu kets
) stokings W stoking
) undershirt W kamiDo"a !a mane
) underpants W koekas
E;ercise /0
/nglish colors*with pieces of colored paper in.ent so"e ga"es where students ha.e to
co"plete with each other to see who gets "ost colors correct.

!"ak metan
white mutin
green matak
!"ue aD\"
!rown kYr)ka%[
pink korderoDa
red mean
orange kor"aran3aVkYr)sa!uraka
grey ma"ahuk
ye""ow kinur
purp"e ro#u
In the Department 'tore
Con2ersation I0
+. (ay E he"p youO
4. ?es, p"ease. ESm "ooking %or a 3aket.
+. @ereSs a nie 3aket.
4. 4ut this 3aket is >7F>6&N
+. ThatSs ;k. >urp"e 3akets are very >;>76+F this year.
Con2ersation II0
+. (ay E he"p youO
4. ?es, p"ease. E am "ooking %or a pair o% g"oves.
+. @ereSs a nie pair o% g"oves.
4. 4ut these g"oves are =F&&-N
+. ThatSs ;k. =reen g"oves are very >;>76+F this year.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit &: @ouse , Time
House is a !ui"ding %or peop"e to "ive in.
Rooms o8 the house
/0 (he bedroom 30 (he li2ing room
) "amp W"ampu ) window W 3ane"a
) arpet W tapeti ) urtain, drape W kurtina
) pi""owase W %roinas ) piture %rame W !inkai %oto
) pi""ow W sumasu ) !ookase W "ivru %atin
) a"arm "ok W re"o3iu ) armhair W kadeira ho "iman
) !ed W kama ) ta!"e W me3a
) !"anket W "enso" ) vase W vaDu
) mirror W "a"enok ) so%a W so%a
) wardro!e W guarda%atu ) te"evision W T9
) mattress W ku"isaun ) rug W tapeti iha rai

90 (he dining room 50 (he @itchen
) hair W kadeira ) pot W sanan
) teapot W !u"i ) pan W tasu
) spoon W kanuru ) %ridgeVre%rigerator W 3e"eira
) p"ate W !ikan ) dish"oth W hena !ikan
) kni%e W tudik ) "ad"e W kanedok
) %ork W gar%u ) !"ender W !"ender
) !ow" W manko ) !ott"e opener W savi "oke !otir
) up W sikra ) grater W nu koi
) sauer W piris ) tin opener W a!ri "ata
) napkin W hena hamos i!un ) sieve W redi pineira
70 (he bathroom
) !ath W tanki
) toi"et W !ide sintina
) shower W suveiro
) toothpaste W pasta dente
) tooth!rush W eskova kose nihan
) raDor W "amina
) soap W sa!aun
) toi"et to"" W tisu sintina
) towe" W toe"a
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
) shower urtain W kurtina haris %atin
) shampoo W sampo
Loo@ at the rules 8or telling time in English0
En &ng"ish we use IpastI to say times a%ter
the hour unti" ha"% past, or J0 minutes past
the hour.
We use ItoI to say times !e%ore the hour
%rom J* minutes unti" the %u"" hour.
En &ng"ish we use oU"ok on"y at the %u""
hour. E;ample: &t)s eight o)clock
We an a"so 3ust say the num!ers in groups
o% two. E;ample: &t)s se.en twenty*fi.e
When speaking a!out the di%%erent times
o% the day we o%ten use/ in the morning, in
the a%ternoon, in the evening
4e are%u"N En &ng"ish we use at night -;T
in the night
As@ing the time
@ere are some phrases you an use when you want to know the time/
WhatUs the timeO
What time is itO
+hat time is itE
1+211 / Et is eight oS"ok.
1+213 / Et is Buarter or %i%teen past eight.
1+241 / Et is ha"% past eight.
1+243 / Et is Buarter or %i%teen to nine.
;ne hour W .0 minutes
;ne minute W .0 seonds
;ne day W 24 hours
$eond / 7m)Buarto (minutu sanu"u resin)"ima)
(inute / (inutu
@our / ;ras
;S"ok / Tuku (oras, re"Y3iu)
Auarter to / 7n kuartu paraV Fa"ta minutu sanu"u resin)"ima para]]
Auarter past / 7n kuartu "iuV Tuku]].. "iu minutu sanu"u resin)"ima
@a"% to / Fa"ta minutu to"unu"u para]]..
@a"% past / Tuku ]].. "iu minutu to"unu"u
a.m. (ante meridian, 0*/00 *2/00)
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
p.m. (past meridian, *J/00 24/00)
E;ercise /
Con2ersation I
+. &#use me. 'an you te"" me the time, p"easeO
4. ?es, o% ourse. EtSs (a!out) si# oS"ok.
+. Thanks.
Con2ersation II
+. &#use me. What time is itO
4. ESm sorry, E donSt have a wath.
+. -ever mind.
(With a partner, draw "oks on a piee o% paper. (ake more onversations).
E;ercise 3
*. This room has a !ath or a shower. >eop"e wash in this room.
2. This room has a so%a and a T9. >eop"e sit here and re"a#.
J. This room has a desk and a p"ae %or !ooks. ?ou an work or study here.
4. This room has a ooker and a sink. >eop"e make mea"s here.
5. >eop"e s"eep in this room.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
.. This room usua""y has a !ig ta!"e. >eop"e eat in this room.
Unit ': @uman 4ody
The human bod1 is the entire physia" struture o% a human organism. The human !ody
onsists o% a head, nek, torso, two arms and two "egs. The average height o% an adu"t
human is a!out *.. m (5 to . %eet) ta"". This siDe is "arge"y determined !y genes. 4ody
type and !ody omposition are in%"uened !y postnata" %ators suh as diet and e#erise.
The human !ody is o%ten a""ed a I!odyI. The !ody o% a dead person is a""ed a IorpseI
or IadaverI.
Glossar1 o8 human bod1
*. @ead W 7"un 22. (outh W E!un 4J. +rmpit W 5a"i"in
2. -ek W 5akorok 2J. 2aw W @asan (rahang) 44. $ee W @aree
J. +!domen W 5a!un 24. =ums W -ehan) isin 45. @ear W Fona
4. Waist W 5anotak 25. Teeth W -ehan 4.. $me"" W @oron
5. @ip W 5idan 2.. Tongue W -ana" 4K. Taste W 5oko
.. 6eg W +in 2K. &ye W (atan 4L. Touh W (sentuh)
K. Foot W +in 2L. &ar W Ti"un 4M. Tooth W nihan
L. @and W 6iman 2M. 'heek W @asan
M. +rm W 6iman ("engan) J0. 'hin W 5ei#u
*0. $hou"der W 5a!aas J*. &ye!row W (atan %u"un (a"is mata)
**. 4ak W 5otuk J2. &ye"id W (atan) ku"it
*2. 4uttoks W 5idun JJ. &ye"ashes W (atan) %u"un (!u"u mata)
*J. 'hest W @irus matan J4. Thum! W 6iman) inan (po"egar)
*4. 4reast W @irus matan (peitu) J5. Fingers W 6iman
*5. &"!ow W 6iman sikun J.. Fingernai" W 6iman) %uan
*.. Thigh W 5e"enV +in ke"en JK. >a"m W 6iman) "aran ("iman) tanen)
*K. 5nee W +in)tuur JL. Wrist W 6iman) %ukun
*L. 'a"% W +in)ka!un JM. +nk"e W +in) %ukun (ain) tu!an)
*M. @air W Fuuk 40. @ee" W +in) tu!an
20. Forehead W Fentos (testa) 4*. Toe W +in) %uan
2*. -ose W Enus 42. Toenai" W +in) kukun

Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit *: +u#i"iary ver! (am, is, are)
5u0iliary (he"ping) ver!s are used together with other ver!s to The"pS them e#press
partiu"ar grammatia" %untions or meanings (%or instane, to make Buestion, or to %orm
sentenes). En &ng"ish, a "ot o% important meanings are e#pressed !y hanges the ver!, %or
e#amp"e/ Buestioning, negation, time, omp"etion, ontinuation, repetition, wi""ingness,
possi!i"ity, and o!"igation. 4ut &ng"ish ver!s do not have many di%%erent %orms.
^ (o Be
Am D used with the *
person singu"ar.
Is W used with the J
person singu"ar.
Are D used with the 2
person singu"ar, *
, 2
, and J
person p"ura".
Full Forms o8 the 2erb to be
A88irmati2e sentence
B' G (o Be Bam, is, areC G $C
#egati2e sentence
B' G (o Be G #ot G $C
Interrogati2e sentence
B(o Be Bam, is, areC G ' G $C
E am a student E am not a student Am E a studentO
?ou are a nurse ?ou are not a nurse Are you a nurseO
@e is a teaher @e is not a teaher Is he a teaherO
$he is a 3ourna"ist $he is not a 3ourna"ist Is she a 3ourna"ist
Et is a !ook Et is not a !ook Is it a !ookO
We are students We are not students Are we studentsO
?ou are pi"ots ?ou are not pi"ots Are you pi"otsO
They are po"iemen They are not po"iemen Are they po"iemenO
"1 sel8
(y name is 6isa. EHm *5 years o"d. E am &ast Timorese. EHm %rom 4auau. EHm a student.
(y %ather is a dotor and my mother is a 3ourna"ist. E am not married. (y %avorite o"ors
are white and pink. (y %avorite sports are !asket!a"" and swimming. E am interested in
E;ercise /
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Put in am, is or are
*. The weather is nie today.
2. E RRRRRRRRRRRR not tired.
J. This !ag RRRRRRRRRR heavy.
4. These !ags RRRRRRRRR heavy
5. 6ookN There RRRRRRR 'aro".
.. (y !rother and E RRRRRRRRR good tennis p"ayers.
K. +nn RRRRRRR at home. @er hi"dren RRRRRRR at shoo".
L. E RRRRRRRR a ta#i driver. (y sister RRRRRR a nurse.
E;ercise 3
6ake 7uestions with these words. 'se is or are
*. (at home V your motherO) Is your mother at homeO
E;ercise 9
(orrect the sentences
*. Fome is in $pain.
Fome isnSt in $pain. EtSs in Eta"y.
2. 4ananas are !"ue
J. Tokyo is the apita" o% 'hina
4. The day a%ter Thursday is Wednesday
5. 6ondon and >aris are sma"" ities
Unit +: 6e#ia" 9er!s , $pe""ing o% third person
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
+ le;ical 2erb is a mem!er o% the open "ass o% ver!s whih %orm the primary ver!
voa!u"ary o% a "anguage.
)sed (o Be (' G (o be Bam, is, areC G Ad?ecti2eI#oun)
E W am /"amples/ ) E am a dotor.
?ou ) we are students.
We ) They are hi"dren.
They are A $he is a !eauti%u" gir".
?ou ) +nton is a !oy.
$he ) Et is a dog
@e is A 8og is an anima"
Et ) 8ogs are anima"
)sed *erbs
A00irmative12ositive (' G */ G sIes G $ G Ad2)
) E go to shoo" every morning
) $he goes to party every $aturday night.
) We pla1 %oot!a"" together every weekend
) 2ohn pla1s %oot!a"" with his %riends every day.
) 8og eats meat
Negatives B' G DoIDoes G #ot G */ G $ G Ad2C
/0a"ples/ ) They do not p"ay %oot!a"" on $aturdays.
) $he does not go to party every $aturday night.
3nterrogative14uestion BDoIDoes G ' G */ G $ G Ad2C
/0a"ples2 ) 8o they p"ay %oot!a"" on $aturdaysO
) 8oes she go to party every $aturday nightO
$pe""ing o% the third person singu"ar
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
) (ost ver!s add 5s in the third person singu"ar.
) wear wears
) speak speaks
4ut go and do are di%%erent. They add Jes.
) go goes
) do does
) @owever, i% the ver! ends in Js, 67, 6" Ash, or Jch, add Jes.
) kiss kisses
) wash washes
) wath wathes
A E% the ver! ends in a onsonant G y, the y hanges to Jies.
A %"y %"ies
A study studies

4ut i% the ver! ends in a vowe" G y, the y does not hange and add As.
) p"ay p"a1s
) Ha2e is irregu"ar.
) have has
E;ercise /
Put am, is, are into the gaps
*. E RRRRRRRR &ast Timorese. .. They RRRRRRR %rom &rmera.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
2. ?ou RRRRRR a student. K. ?ou RRRRRR students.
J. @e RRRRRR 2* years o"d. L. 6aura and 6uis RRRRRRRRR Trainers.
4. Et RRRRRR a dog. M. 6aura RRRRRRR an &ng"ish trainer.
5. We RRRRRRR happy. *0. 6uis RRRRRR a omputer trainer.
E;ercise /
(o"plete the sentences with these .erbs2 study, go, 0inish, wor8, have, read, teach and
*. E read a nove" and 2oana RRRRRRRRRRRRRR a newspaper.
2. E study &ng"ish !ut, she RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !io"ogy.
J. (ary and E go to shoo" and he RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to market.
4. The &ng"ish "esson starts at ha"% past three and RRRRRRRRRRRRRR at ha"% past %ive.
5. E work at &T8+ and my sister RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR at 'a%[ ;!rigado 4arraks.
.. E RRRRRRRRRRthree sisters !ut she on"y RRRRRRRRRR one sister.
K. 6aura is a teaher. $he RRRRRRRRRRR !io"ogy at high shoo".
E;ercise 3
8ill the gaps with a suitable .erb in the third person singular0
$he works in a !ank. (work)
*. @e RRRRRRRRRRR a uni%orm. (Wear)
2. $he is a pi"ot. $he RRRRRRRRRR a"" over the wor"d. (%"y)
J. >eter RRRRRRRRRR two hi"dren. (have)
4. En winter +"ie RRRRRRRR skiing and in summer she RRRRRRRRRR go"%. (p"ay)
5. 4ernadette RRRRRRRRR in a %"at in >aris. ("ive)
.. (y son RRRRRRRRRR te"evision a"" day "ongN (wath)
K. (y daughter RRRRRRRRR her hair every day. (wash)
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 1,: Auestion Words
&uestion 4ords are used to ask a!out spei%i Bua"ities, times, p"aes, peop"e, et. They
are di%%erent %rom yes V no Buestions (8o you "ive in FraneO). This hart provides
Buestion words, the use and e#amp"e sentenes. $tudy the Buestion words, understand the
uses and then "ook at the e#amp"es. Try to think o% a %ew e#amp"es o% your own.
What W (saida9 s:) is used as the su!3et o% a Buestion. Et re%ers to PthingsQ, asks a!out
identity, hoie,
When W (wainhira9 bainhira) is used to ask Buestions a!out time o% some events (year-
day- ti"e- century- etc).
Where W (&ha ne!eb;) is used to ask Buestions a!out p"ae, "oation (city- country- roo"-
Why W (tanbas:9 tans:- tansaida) is used to ask Buestions a!out reason.
Who W (s;) is used as the su!3et o% a Buestion. Et re%ers to peop"e. +sks a!out the
identity o% one person or severa" peop"e.
@ow W (oins:9 halonu!us:- nu!us:) is genera""y used to ask a!out manner.
) +hat is your nameO
) +hen do they go %or ho"idayO
) +here do you "iveO
) +h1 do you ome "ate or 4h1 are you "ateO
) +ho is your %atherO
) Ho4 are you or Ho4 o"d are youO
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
Put the words in the correct order to "ake 7uestions.
*. do V do V what V you what do you doO
2. are V this V you V do V what V to Vevening V going RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRO
J. year V ho"iday V did V on V you V "ast V go V where RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRO
4. "anguages V do V speak V many V you V how RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRO
5. is V university V studying V at V she V what RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRO
E;ercise 3
6atch the 7uestions and answers
*. Where do your parents "iveO
2. What does she do in her %ree timeO
J. Who does he p"ay %oot!a"" withO
4. When do they go %or ho"idayO
5. @ow does he go to workO
.. @ow many !rothers and sisters do you haveO
K. @ow o"d are youO
L. Why does he trave" a "otO
a. Twenty) %ive
!. 4eause heSs a pi"ot.
. En sma"" house in 8i"i.
d. @is %riends.
e. 4y Ta#i
%. En +ugust.
g. Five !rothers and two sisters.
h. $he goes swimming.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 11: $ingu"ar , >"ura" -ouns
#oun is a word that names a person, a p"ae, a thing, or an idea0
%erson : teaher, un"e, niee, sister)in)"aw, etX
%lace : garage, ity, park, shoo", university, etX
(hing : gira%%e, paw, !iy"e, ie ream, etX
Idea : demoray, %ame, "ove, disappointment, etX
-ouns an !e singu"ar or p"ura", depending upon whether they name one person, p"ae, thing,
or idea or more than one.
(ost nouns add Js in the p"ura"
!ook !ooks
student students
ta!"e ta!"es
hair hairs
omputer omputers
house houses

E% the noun ends in 5s, 6sh, 6o, 6" or 5ch, add 5es.
!us !uses
hurh hurhes
!ush !ushes
tomato tomatoes
!o# !o#es
E% the noun ends in a onsonant G 1, the 1 hanges to Aies
ountry ountries
party parties
4ut i% the noun ends in vowe" G 1, the 1 does not hange and on"y add As.
!oy !o1s
day da1s
$ome nouns are irregu"ar. 8itionaries show this.
hi"d hi"dren
woman women
person persons
man men
po"ie po"ie
tooth teeth
%oot %eet
peop"e peop"e
For most nouns ending in <f or <fe, hange <f to <. and add <es.
wi%e wives
kni%e knives
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
"ea% "eaves
E;ercise /
isten and circle the word you hear
*. um!re""a um!re""as
2. !"ouse !"ouses
J. oat oats
4. omputer omputers
5. shoe shoes
.. e#erise e#erises
K. dress dresses
L. restaurant restaurants
M. !e"t !e"ts
*0. wath wathes
**. shirt shirts
E;ercise 3
=rite the plural
'ingular %lural 'ingular %lural
4rother >rothers Woman
$ister 4o#
(ath 4a!y
5ey >erson
'amera (an
'hurh 'hi"d
Teaher $eretary
=arden $tudent
$andwih 4us
8oor 'inema
6ady Foot
=ent"eman 4oy
Tooth Ta!"e
Festaurant Window
@ouse 4anana
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 12: 8emonstrative >ronouns
A Demonstrati2e pronoun points out spei%i persons, p"aes, things, or ideas. +
demonstrative an ome !e%ore or a%ter its anteedent. $ometimes the anteedent is
Demonstrati2e pronoun
'ingular this that
%lural these those
We use this9that9these9those with a noun (this gir" V that gir" et.) or without a noun/
(his hotel is e#pensive !ut itSs very nie. With a noun
WhoSs that girlOS PE donSt know.Q
(his is a nie hote" !ut itSs very e#pensive. Without a noun
P&#use me, is this your !agOQ P;h yes, thank you.Q
This 'ingular e0a"ples/ ) (his is a pen
That ) 6ookN (hat is my !rother over there.
These %lural e0a"ples/ ) (hese are my students.
Those ) (hose are some tourist %rom +ustra"ia.
(hat W something that has happened/
TESm sorry E %orgot to phone you.S T(hatSs a"" right.S
(hat was a rea""y nie mea". Thank you very muh.
(hat W what some!ody has %ust said/
T?ouSre a teaher, arenSt youOS T?es, thatSs right.S
TESm going on ho"iday ne#t week.S T;h, thatHs nie.S
We use this is ] and is that ]O ;n the te"ephone/
@e""o, this is 8avid. (this W the speaker)
is that $arah (that W the other person)
We use this is ] to introduce peop"e/
+/ 4rian, this is 'hris.
4/ @e""o, 'hris p"eased to meet you
'/ @e""o.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 1#: There is , there are
When we te"" peop"e that something e#ists (or does not e#ist), we usua""y !egin the
sentene with there is- there are- et, and put the rea" su!3et a%ter the ver!.
*. 7se there E$ %or singu"ar nouns (one item).
2. 7se there E$ %or non)ount items (group nouns).
J. 7se there +F& %or many items (p"ura" nouns).
There is a spider on the wa"".
There is mil@ on the %"oor.
There are pencils on my desk.
* * (hereHs a !ig tree in the garden.
) (here is a good %i"m on T9 tonight.
) +/ &#use me, is there a hote" near hereO
4/ ?es, there is. V -o, there isnHt
A (here are some !ig trees in the garden.
) (here are a "ot o% aidents on this road.
) +/ Are there any "etters %or me todayO
4/ ?es, there are. V -o, there arenHt0
(here is and it is
) (here is a !ook on the ta!"e.
) E "ike this !ook. ItHs interesting.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
There is ].. (ThereSs)
Es there ]..O
There is not ].O (There isnSt or
thereSs not)
There are].
+re there]O
There are not ]O (There
E;ercise /
=rite sentences with there are@ choose fro" the bo0es
*. (here are se2en da1s in a 4ee@0
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
se2en twenty)si#
nine thirty
%i%teen %i%ty
"etters da1s
p"ayers days
p"anets states
$eptem!er the so"ar system
the 7$+ a 4ee@
a rug!y team the &ng"ish a"pha!et
Unit 1$: 'an, ou"d and !e a!"e to
Can and could are moda" au#i"iary ver!s. Be able to is -;T an au#i"iary ver! (it uses
the ver! be as a main ver!). We in"ude be able to here %or onveniene.
We use can BdoC to say that something is possi!"e or that someone has the a!i"ity to do
something. The negative is anSt (annot)
?ou can see the sea %rom our !edroom window.
Be able to is possi!"e instead o% can, !ut can is more usua":
Are you able to spea@ any %oreign "anguagesO
' G Can _ infiniti.e (an do V an p"ay V an ome et,)
E V we V you V they
@e V she V it
Cannot BcanHtC
Come et,
&uestion statements/ To %orm a Buestion, the %irst au#i"iary is p"aed !e%ore the su!3et.
8or e0a"ple/
A88irmati2e 'tatement &uestion
$he an work. 'an she workO
@e wou"d !e working. Wou"d he !e workingO
They shou"d have worked. $hou"d they have workedO
E ou"d have !een working. 'ou"d E have !een workingO
#egati2e statements: To %orm a negative statement, the word not is p"aed a%ter the %irst
au#i"iary. Et shou"d !e noted that the au#i"iary can, %o""owed !y not, is written as a sing"e
8or e0a"ple/
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
A88irmati2e 'tatement #egati2e 'tatement
$he an work. $he annot work.
@e wou"d !e working. @e wou"d not !e working.
They shou"d have worked. They shou"d not have worked.
E ou"d have !een working. E ou"d not have !een working.
Can/ (i) @no4 ho4 to, be able toX
E can swim
(ary can speak Frenh
Can/ (ii) be allo4ed to/
?ou can sit here.
(y mother says E canHt go out tonight.
Could and 4as able to
$ometimes ou"d is the past o% an. We use ou"d espeia""y with these ver!s/
see hear smell taste 8eel remember understand
When we went into the house, we could smell !urning0
$he spoke in a "ow voie !ut E could understand what she was saying0
We a"so use could to say that someone had the genera" a!i"ity to do somethingK
(y grandmother could spea@ %ive "anguages0
When Tom was *., he could run *00 meters in *0 seonds0
Could/ !ne4 ho4 to/
&mi"y could swim when she was %ive years o"d.
CouldnHt/ 4asnHt able to/
ESm sorry, E couldnHt ome yesterday
E couldnHt go to work this morning.

ReLuests/ !oth can and could are used in reBuests0 Could is a "itt"e more po"ite.
Can E have a g"ass o% water p"easeO
Could you open the door %or me, p"easeO
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
(o"plete the sentences. 'se can or can9t A one of these .erbs2
come 8ind hear see spea@
*. ESm sorry !ut we canHt come to your party ne#t $aturday.
2. E "ike this hote" room. ?ou RRRRRRRRRRRRRRthe (ountains %rom the window.
J. ?ou are speaking very Buiet"y. E RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR you.
4. @ave you seen my !agO E RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR it.
5. 'atherine got the 3o! !eause she RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR %ive "anguages.
E;ercise 3
&n this e0ercise you ha.e to use can or be able to. ?o"eti"es it is possible to use either;
so"eti"es only be able to is possible.
*. =eorge has trave"ed a "ot. @e an (is a!"e to) speak %our "anguages.
2. 2ohn RRRRRRRRRRRRRR drive !ut he hasnSt got a ar.
J. E RRRRR ome to your party ne#t week.
4. E used to RRRRRRRRRRR stand on my head !ut E anSt do it now.
5. +sk +nn a!out your pro!"em. $he shou"d RRRRRRRRRRRRRR he"p you.
E;ercise 9
(o"plete these sentences. 'se can9t or couldn9t A one of these .erbs/
eat decide 8ind go go sleep
*. E was tired !ut E couldnHt sleep0
2. E wasnSt hungry yesterday. E RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR my dinner.
J. +nn doesnSt know what to do. $he RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
4. E wanted to speak to (artin yesterday !ut E RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR him.
5. 2im RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRto the onert ne#t $aturday. @e has to work.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
.. >au"a RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR to the meeting "ast week. $he was i"".
Unit 1%: >reposition (at, in, on)
%reposition is a word that shows the re"ationship o% a noun or pronoun to some other
word in a sentene. >repositions !egin phrases that end with a noun o% a pronoun that is
a""ed the ob?ect o8 the preposition.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
Put in in1at1on
*. 8onSt sit on the grass. EtSs wet.
2. What have you got RRRRRRRRRRyour !agO
J. 6ookN There is a man RRRRRRRR the roo%. WhatSs he doingO
4. There are a "ot o% %ish RRRRRRRRRRRR this river.
5. ;ur house is num!er 45 the num!er is RRRRRRRRRRR the door.
.. TEs the inema near hereOS T?es, turn "e%t RRRRRRRRR the tra%%i "ights.S
K. E usua""y do my shopping RRRRRRRRRRRR the ity entre.
L. (y sister "ives RRRRRRRRRRR8arwin.
M. ThereSs a sma"" park RRRRRRRRRRR the top o% the hi"".
*0. E think E heard the door!e"". ThereSs some!ody RRRRRRRRthe door.
E;ercise 3
Put in in1at1on
*. @e"en is studying "aw at university.
2. There was a !ig ta!"e RRRRRRRRRRRRRR the midd"e o% the room.
J. What is the "ongest river RRRRRRRRthe wor"dO
4. Were there many peop"e RRRRRRRRRRRRR the onert "ast nightO
5. Wi"" you !e RRRRRRRRRR at home tomorrow a%ternoonO
.. Who is that man RRRRRRRRRR this photographO 8o you know himO
K. Where are your hi"drenO +re they RRRRRRRRRR shoo"O
L. =eorge is oming !y train. ESm going to meet him RRRRRRRRRRR the station.
M. 'har"ie is RRRRRRRRRRR hospita". @eSs going to have an operation tomorrow.
*0. @ow many pages are there RRRRRRRRRRRR this !ookO
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 1&: >reposition o% time
%reposition o8 time Bat, on M inC
'ompare at, on and in/
They arrived at 7 oHcloc@.
They arrived on Frida1.
They arrived in $ctober. V They arrived in />:=
+e use:
at %or the time o% day/
at 7 oHcloc@ at //057 at midnight at lunchtime at sunset et.
on %or days and dates/
on Frida1 I on Frida1s on /3 #o2ember, />>/ on Christmas Da1 on m1 birthda1
in %or "onger periods (%or e#amp"e, months V years V seasons)/
in $ctober in />:= in the /=
centur1 in the past in BtheC 4inter in BtheC 8uture

We use at in this e#pressions/
at night ) E donSt "ike going out at night.
at the 4ee@end ) wi"" you !e here at the 4ee@endO
at Christmas I at Easter ) do you give eah other presents at ChristmasO
(but on 'hristmas Da1)
at the moment I at present ) (r. 4enn is !usy at the moment I at present.
at the same time ) 6iD and E arrived at the same time.
We do not use atIonIin !e%ore lastIne;tIthisIe2er1/
ES"" see you ne;t Frida1 (not Ton ne#t FridayS)
They got married last "arch0
on time and in time
$n time W puntua", not "ate. E% something happens on time, it happens at the
time whih was p"anned.
The **.45 train "e%t on time. (W it "e%t at **.45)
TES"" meet you at K.J0.S T;k, !ut p"ease !e on time.S (W donSt !e "ate, !e
there at K.J0)
The on%erene was very we"" organiDed. &verything !egan and %inished
on time.
The opposite o% on time is late/
4e on time. 8onSt !e late.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
In time (%or something V to do something) W soon enough
Wi"" you !e home in time %or dinnerO (W soon enough %or dinner)
E must hurry. E want to get home in time to see the %oot!a"" math on
te"evision. (W soon enough to see the %oot!a"" math)
The opposite o% in time is too late.
E got home too late to see the %oot!a"" math.
?ou an use P2ust in timeQ (W a"most too "ate)
We got to the station ?ust in time to ath the train.
at the end and in the end
At the end (o% something) W at the time when something ends. For e#amp"e/
at the end o% the month at the end o% anuar1
at the end o% the 8ilm at the end o% the course
at the end o% the match at the end o% the concert
ESm going away at the end o8 anuar1 I at the end o8 the month.
At the end o8 the concert, there was great app"ause.
+"" the p"ayers shook hands at the end o8 the match.
?ou cannot say Tin the end o% something.S $o you cannot say Tin the end o% 2anuaryS
or Tin the end o% the onert.S
The opposite o% at the end is at the beginning/
at the beginning o8 the anuar1 at the beginning o8 the concert
In the end W %ina""y
We use in the end when we say what the %ina" resu"t o% a situation was/
We had a "ot o% pro!"ems with our ar. In the end we so"d it and !ought
another one. (W %ina""y we so"d it)
@e got more and more angry. In the end he 3ust wa"ked out o% the room.
2im ou"dnSt deide where to go %or ho"idays. @e didnSt go anywhere in
the end0
The opposite o% in the end is usua""y at 8irst/
At 8irst we didnSt "ike eah other very muh, !ut in the end we !eame
good %riends.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
(o"plete the te0t with at, on, or 3n
There is one !us %rom 6ospa"os whih gets hereRRRRRR ten oS"ok RRRRRRRthe
morning and then another whih gets in, RRRRRR%our oS"okRRRRRRthe sunset. ThatSs
RRRRRRRRweekdays, !ut RRRRRRRRthe weekend the timeta!"e is a !it di%%erent.
RRRRRRRRR$aturday there are sti"" two !uses !ut the seond one arrives RRRRRRR%ive
thirtyX RRRRRR$unday there is 3ust one !us arrives RRRRRRRtwo oS"ok. +nd RRRRRRRthe
wet season, the servie doesnSt run at a"" RRRRRRRRR$undays.
E;ercise 3
(o"plete the sentences using at the end A one of the following2
the course the inter2ie4 the match the month the race
*. +"" the p"ayers shook hands at the end o% the math.
5. To my surprised E was o%%ered the 3o! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.
E;ercise 9
Put in at or in
*. ESm going away at the end o% the month.
2. Et took me a "ong time to %ind a 3o!. RRRRRRRRRR the end E got a 3o! in a hote".
J. +re you going away RRRRRRRRR the !eginning o% +ugust or RRRRRRR the endO
4. E ou"dnSt deide what to !uy (ary %or her !irthday. E didnSt !uy her anything
RRRRRRR the end.
5. We waited ages %or a ta#i. We gave up RRRRRRR the end and wa"ked home.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 1': >reposition
(under, !ehind, opposite)
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
Role pla1
Beacher will ask so"e students to co"e up in front of the class and then ask student to
practice by using prepositions ne"t to, beside, behind, in 0ront o0, between, et.
E;ercise 3
=here are the people in the picture, (o"plete the sentences.


+ W 2ohn 4 W 4ar!ara ' W 2enny
8 W (ike & W Frank F W $onia
*. 2enny is standing !ehind $onia.
2. $onia is standing RRRRRRRRRR Frank
J. Frank is standing RRRRRRRRRRRR(ike and $onia
4. (ike is standing RRRRRRRRR Frank
5. 2ohn is standing RRRRRRRRR (ike.
.. 4ar!ara is standing RRRRRRRRRR 2ohn and 2enny.
K. Frank is standing RRRRRRRRRRR midd"e.
L. 2ohn is standing RRRRRRRRRR "e%t.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 1*: >reposition
(on, at, !y, with, a!out)
$n holida1 ) 2ane isnSt at work this week. she is on holida1
$n tele2ision ) We wathed the news on tele2ision
$n the radio ) We "istened to the news on the radio.
$n the phone ) E spoke to 6isa on the phone "ast night.
$n 8ire ) The house is on 8ireN 'a"" the %ire !ridge.
$n time Bnot lateC ) TWas the train "ateOS T-o, it was on time0
At (the age o%) 3/ V at 76 @ilometers an hour V at /66 degrees et,/
6isa got married at 3/. (or].. at the age o8 3/)
The ar was trave"ing at 76 @ilometers an hour when the aident happened.
Water !oi"s at /66 degrees Celsius.
B1 car I b1 bus I b1 plane (or b1 air) V b1 bi@e et,/
8o you "ike trave"ing b1 trainO
2ane usua""y goes to work b1 bi@e.
4ut on 8oot
$he goes to work on 8oot. (she wa"ks)
+ !ook b1 ] V a painting b1 ] V a piee o% musi b1 ] et,/
@ave you read any !ooks b1 Wi""iam $hakespeareO
+ho is that painting b1O >iassoO
B1 a%ter the passive
E was !itten b1 a dog.
+ith I 4ithout/
8id you stay at a hote" or 4ith 8riendsO
Wait %or me. >"ease donSt go 4ithout me.
8o you "ike your o%%ee 4ith or 4ithout mi"kO
E ut the paper 4ith a pair o8 scissors.
(al@Ispea@Ithin@IhearI@no4 about ]/
$ome peop"e tal@ about their work a"" the time.
E donSt @no4 muh about cars.
A boo@ I a Luestion I a program (et.) about ]..
8id you see the program about @E9V+ids on T9 "ast nightO
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
(o"plete the sentences with a preposition (at1by1with etc.).
*. En, tennis, you hit the !a"" RRRRRRRRR a raket.
2. EtSs o"d today. 8onSt go out RRRRRRRRRRRR a oat.
J. 8o you know anything RRRRRRRRR omputersO
4. (y grandmother died RRRRRRRRRR the age o% *MML.
5. @ow "ong does it take %rom -ew ?ork to 6os +nge"es RRRRRRRRR p"aneO
.. E didnSt go to the %oot!a"" math, !ut E wathed it RRRRRRRRRRR te"evision.
K. (y house is the one RRRRRRRRRRRRR the red door on the right.
L. These trains are very %ast. They an trave" RRRRRRRRRRR very high speeds.
M. E donSt use my ar very o%ten. E pre%er to go RRRRRRRRR!ike.
*0. 'an you give me some in%ormation RRRRRRRRRRR hote"s in this townO
**. E was arrested RRRRRRRRRR two po"iemen and taken to the po"ie station.
*2. The !uses here are very good. TheySre near"y a"ways RRRRRRRRRRR time.
*J. What wou"d you "ike to drink RRRRRRRRRRRR your mea"O
*4. We trave"ed %rom >aris to (osow RRRRRRRRRR train.
*5. ;ne o% the %amous paintings in the wor"d is the 6ona isa RRRRRRRRRRR
6eonardo da 9ini.
E;ercise 3
(o"plete the sentences. 'se on A one of these words
holida1 the phone the radio tele2ision time
*. We "istened to the news on the radio.
2. >"ease donSt !e "ate. try to !e here RRRRRRRRRR
J. E wonSt !e here ne#t week. ESm going RRRRRRRRRRR
4. T8id you see 6indaOS T-o, !ut E ta"ked to her RRRRRRRRRRRRR
5. TWhatSs RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR this eveningOS TThereSs a %i"m at M oS"ok.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 1+: +rti"es (aVan , the)
Articles are the ad3etives a, an, and the. 5 and an are a""ed inde%inite arti"es. They an
re%er to any other kind o% person, p"ae, or thing.
^ Inde8inite article D a, an BsingularC
:se a 2
) For one thing or person.
e.g. ^ +"ie works in a ban@. (not Tin !ank)
^ 'an E ask a LuestionO (notS ask BuestionS)
^ E havenSt got a car.
^ ThereSs a 4oman at the !us stop.
) 4e%ore a word !eginning with a onsonant sound.
e.g. a book, a pen, a teaher et.
) For things we an ount.
e.g. a bag, a boy, a cat, et.
:se an 2
) 4e%ore a word !eginning with vowe" sound (a, e, i, o, u)
^ 8o you want an app"e on a bananaO
^ ESm going to !uy a hat and an um!re""a.
^ There was an interesting program on T9 "ast night.
) 4e%ore a word !eginning with a si"ent h.
e.g. an hour, an honest bo1Iman (h is not pronouned/ an (h) our)
) For things we an ount
e.g. an app"e, an egg, et.
) 4ut a uni2ersit1, a European (pronouned yuniversity, yuropean)
+e use a1an ] when we say what a thing or a person is.
e.g. ) The sun is a star.
) Foot!a"" is a game.
) 8a""as is a cit1 in (e;as.
) + mouse is an animal0 EtSs a small animal.
) 2oe is a 2er1 nice person.
+e use a1an ]].. %or a 3o!s.
&.g. +/ WhatSs your 3o!O
4/ E am a Dentist. (notS ESm 8entist.S)
+/ What does (ark doO
4/ @eSs an Engineer.
) +re you a studentO ?es E am.
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
^ De8inite article W the (singu"arV p"ura")
:se the 2
) When itSs "ear whih thing or person we mean.
e.g. the doorI the ceilingI the 8loorI the carpetI the light et. (o% a room)
the roo8I the gardenI the @itchenI the bathroom et. (o% a house)
the centreI the stationI the airport et. (o% a town)
^ WhereSs TomO Tin the @itchen.S
(W the kithen o% his house or %"at)
^ Turn o%% the light and "ose the door.
(W the "ight and the door o% the room)
^ 8o you "ive %ar %rom the centreO
(W the entre o% your town)
^ ESd "ike to speak to the manager p"ease.
(W the manager o% the shop et.)
'ompare a and the
^ 'an you open a 4indo4O
(there a three window hereAa window * or 2 or J)
^ 'an you open the 4indo4O
(there is on"y one window here)the window)
^ ESve got a car0
(there are many ars and ESve got one)
^ ESm going to "ean the car tomorrow.
(W my ar)
^ 'an E ask you a LuestionO
(there are many Buestions)an E ask oneO)
^ 'an you repeat the Luestion, p"easeO
(W the Buestion that you asked)
^ >aris is an interesting cit1
(many interesting ities and >aris is one)
^ >aris is the capital o8 France
(there is on"y one apita" o% Frane)
^ 6isa is a student.
(there a many students and 6isa is one)
^ 6isa is the 1oungest student in her "ass
(there is on"y one youngest student in her "ass)
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E;ercise /
=rite a or an%
*. an o"d !ook. 4. ))))))) airport K. ))))))) university
2. ))))) window 5. ))))))) new airport L. ))))))) hour
J. )))))) horse .. ))))))) organiDation M. ))))))) eonomi pro!"em
E;ercise 3
=hat are their %obs, (hoose fro" the list and finish the sentences.
dentist electrician nurse photographer pri2ate detecti2e
shop assistant ta;i dri2er
*. $heSs a dentist. 5.
2. @eSs )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). ..
J. $he ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). K.
4. )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))). L. +nd youO ESm
E;ercise 9
6ake sentences. (hoose fro" >o0 5 and >o0 >. 'se a1an where necessary.
*. E want to ask you a Luestion .
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
E want to ask you 4ar!ara works in
Tom never wears +nn wants to "earn
E anSt ride 2im "ives in
(y !rother is This evening ESm going to
o"d house artist
party Buestion
!ookshop %oreign "anguage
hat !iy"e
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Unit 2,: $ynonym , +ntonym
Synonyms are words that have the same meaning or near"y the same.
+ord '1non1m
o"d hi""y, oo"
%a"se mistake
home house
sik i""
avoid ignore
%urious angry
id"e "aDy
3uveni"e +do"esent
"eave a!andon
mad %uriousVraDy
pause !reak
stone rok
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.
+ord Anton1m
hot o"d
wet dry
happy sad
open "ose
sweet !itter
man woman
!"ak white
good !ad
a"ive dead
%a"se true
empty %u""
%amous unknown
%irst "ast
%ai" sueed
hate "ove
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner
Ridhercom, haforca ho teknologia
English For Beginner

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