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Page 6 Kiai Echo Spring 2009

The Iron Fan

Classical Weapon for a Modern Martial Art
Hillary Kaplowitz
The iron fan or tessen is one of many
truncheon-like weapons used in classical
Japanese martial arts (koryu bujutsu). The
word tessen is a contraction of two kanji,
testu (iron) and sen (fan). Tessenjutsu
is most often taught as part of a larger
comprehensive martial art (sogo bujutsu)
rather than as its own style. In Danzan
Ryu Jujitsu the tessen arts are taught as
part of the Kiai No Maki course
Most of the techniques of Danzan Ryu
Jujitsu are done without weapons. There
are, however, a number of techniques
in the Kiai No Maki course that are
done empty-handed against an armed
opponent. But our iron fan arts are one of
the few instances where our opponent is
empty handed while we hold a weapon
Even though we have the weapon, we
still use it defensively to break holds and
defend against attacks in other words,
to do jujitsu. This training exposes us to
the subtleties of wielding a weapon and
how it can be used to enhance our jujitsu
Beyond recognizing that the tessen is
used as a wielded weapon, we dont have
much information about Prof Okazakis
rationale for the inclusion of the tessen
arts in our Danzan Ryu curriculum.
One thing we can certainly ascertain
is that Prof Okazaki held the tessen in
high regard since he is usually seen in
1 It is important to note that in Danzan
Ryu the list where the weapon arts are
covered is called the scroll of kiai and
not the scroll of buki (weapon). These
arts are used to teach more than weapon
arts, they are a vehicle to forge the spirit
and intention. Having to use empty hand
techniques to defend against a weapon is
integral to that training.
2 The exceptions are the techniques
Hanbo Uchikomi Dori and Rokushaku Bo
Furi, both from the Bo No Maki section
of the Kiai No Maki.
formal photographs with a tessen visibly
displayed in his hand.
We also know that Prof Okazaki was
interested in preserving tradition. We can
see this evidenced in many aspects of
our style. For example, he chose to use
the older Japanese word yawara (written
in hiragana in the mokuroku to maintain
the pronunciation), probably as a way to
retain the connection to the older term.
The inclusion of tessen arts in Danzan
Ryu might be another way Prof Okazaki
chose to preserve tradition.
It is interesting to consider that while
the sword is a symbol of the samurai,
the tessen does not represent a particular
group or class per se. As we know,
Prof Okazaki broke tradition to teach
non-Asians and that he embraced
gender equality. He may have chosen
to emphasize the fan because it was an
implement that was not restricted by
barriers of culture, class or gender.
The simple folding fan was an everyday
accoutrement for Japanese men and
women of all classes. The weather was
often hot and humid and the fan was
a simple way to cool oneself. Fans
played a signifcant role in many facets
of Japanese culture such as in the arts
(theater and dance), social interactions
(greeting and voting), and recreation
(throwing games and refereeing sumo
matches). The fan was also a status
symbol and was regarded as symbol of
authority and position in feudal court.
Military leaders carried a fxed open fan
(gumbai or uchiwa) into battle to signal
and command their troops. This fan was
not only a symbol of their military rank
and status but served useful for many
functions including blocking sword
attacks, shielding against arrows and
providing shade on a hot day. Armored
warriors (bushi) carried a metal folding
fan (gunsen) in their arsenal that had
a variety of uses beyond the primary
purposes of cooling off in the heat. They
could be used as a fencing implement,
projectile weapon and even as a fipper
for swimming.
The tessen was also a folding fan but
usually lighter in weight and worn as part
of the normal attire
. Most tessen are one
shaku in length (about twelve inches) and
are crafted in three basic shapes. Each
type is modeled after a particular fan
style and named accordingly. They are
the sensu-gata (everyday fan style), the
maiohgi-gata (theater/dance fan style) and
the gunsen-gata (military fan style). The
3 The tessen is usually worn tucked hilt
side in on the front right side of the obi
with the tip angled back. Different styles
employ different drawing techniques. The
most common is to insert the right thumb
and grasp the shaft pulling it out of the
obi. Some systems will draw the tessen
by grasping the tip and either wield it in
that manner of fip it over before using it.
Many tessenjutsu techniques start with
the tessen already in hand thereby avoid-
ing these issues.
Even though we have
the weapon, we still use
it defensively to break
holds and defend against
attacks in other words,
to do jujitsu. This training
exposes us to the subtleties
of wielding a weapon
and how it can be used
to enhance our jujitsu
Continued on page 6
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outer ribs of the fan were made of iron
while the inner were usually bamboo,
though in some cases all the ribs were
metal. The number of inner ribs usually
varied from six to thirteen. The paper
that made up the leaf was lacquered or
painted to increase its durability. The
leaf was sometimes decorated with
an inspirational poem, family crest or
representative image such as a sun and
moon (signifying inyo). Very often there
was a silk cord with a tassel attached
to the rivet (kaname). The cord could
be wrapped around the hand to aide in
weapon retention.
Folding fans were most often used in the
closed position for a variety of martial
applications. The tessen is primarily used
for striking, poking and blocking but
can also be employed for joint-locking,
choking and trapping. The fan was
occasionally used in the open position to
thrust toward the eyes or if the ribs were
metal to puncture at the ribs. Also the
open fan could be brandished as a way
to distract the opponent and draw their
attack, much like a matador with a bull.
However, most traditional tessenjutsu
techniques use the fan in the closed
position, which also lends well to using a
solid tessen.
The tenarashi
was a variety of tessen
that was constructed of solid metal
(tenarashi-gata tessen) or solid wood
(tenarashi bokusen
or bokusen for
short). These were made to look like a
closed fan and were used in an almost
identical manner. The tenarashi-gata
tessen were much heavier and stronger
than their folding counterparts. The solid
metal was usually forged or cast and was
often decorated with images of dragons
and tigers. Blows from this heavy
weapon could be devastating. It was
also a particularly effective device for
parrying sword attacks. The solid wood
bokusen was often preferred over the
heavier metal variety of tenarashi. Still
an effective weapon, the bokusen was
4 The tenarashi is also known as a valu-
able training tool to develop wrist and
forearm strength because of its hefty
5 The tenarashi bokusen is sometimes
called a motsu-shaku
more economical to construct and easier
to carry. Bokusen are useful for training
in the dojo not only for safety but also to
match well against techniques utilizing
the bokuto (wooden sword).
The tessen was favored among the
samurai because it was a weapon they
were able to carry with them at all times.
When a samurai entered the house of
a lord he was required to check his
swords and other weapons at the door,
but he could always keep his fan with
him. There is a well-known tale where
an assassination plot was defeated by
the judicious use of a tessen. The plan
was to close the sliding doors on the
victims neck as he performed the
customary bow at the threshold.
However, the would-be victim
placed his tessen in the track
preventing the doors from closing,
thereby defeating the plan and
shaming the conspirator.
The tessen was considered
a sophisticated and practical
defense weapon. There are many
stories where a bushi successfully
defended himself against a sword
with his fan alone. In addition, a
samurai could use his fan instead of his
sword in cases where social status made
it undesirable to use his sword to settle
a confrontation. Feudal police often
carried a tessen as an adjunct to their jutte
(truncheon). The two weapons could be
used together to form a scissor to block
and catch a sword attack. The tessen
was an important part of the policemans
arsenal for a non-lethal response for
arresting and restraining.
The use of the fan for martial applications
has a long tradition in Japanese culture,
but its usefulness in the modern world
may seem obscure to some. On one level,
we can appreciate the importance of
working towards mastery in all aspects
of our system and for that reason alone
it is important to study and practice the
Tessen No Maki techniques. On a strictly
practical level we see how the tessen
techniques can be adapted for use with
many similar sized common objects that
can be used as improvised weapons,
such as a rolled up magazine, compact
umbrella or fashlight.
But looking beyond the obvious
practicality, there is a deeper goal to be
achieved. In Aikido they use the term riai
to convey the concept that one should
develop consistent movement regardless
of whether you are empty handed or
using a weapon. The tessen arts in our
system complement our empty hand
techniques in that same way. The tessen
makes sense as a jujitsu weapon because
it utilizes many of the same applications
of our primary principles of yielding,
leverage, frame, distancing, and so forth.
Edged weapons tend to have a different
principle base and strategy so they might
not have the same integration with
the arts of a jujitsu system. Of course,
Folding fans were most
often used in the closed
position for a variety of
martial applications. The
tessen is primarily used
for striking, poking and
blocking but can also be
employed for joint-locking,
choking and trapping. The
fan was occasionally used
in the open position to
thrust toward the eyes or
if the ribs were metal to
puncture at the ribs.
Continued on page 8
Continued from page 6
Page 8 Kiai Echo Spring 2009
some martial systems encompass many
different sets of techniques as a way to
become a well-rounded martial artist
or warrior. That is a laudable goal but
yields a different result than training in
something that reinforces and aligns with
the fundamental principles that we as
practitioners of Danzan Ryu Jujitsu are
working to master.
Sometimes it takes looking at something
from a different perspective to gain
further insight. The tessen arts are just
one way to accomplish this goal, but it
is a way that is an inherent part of our
Danzan Ryu system.
In addition to personal instruction
from my sensei, Prof Robert
Hudson, the following other
materials were consulted:
Cunningham , Don (2002). Secret
Weapons of Jujitsu. Boston: Tuttle
Cunningham , Don (2004). Taiho-
Jutsu: Law and Order in the Age
of the Samurai. Boston: Tuttle
Jenkins, Thomas (1999).
Japanese Martial Arts Character
Dictionary. The Hidden Symbols
of the Japanese Martial Arts.
Chico, California: Ryushin
Mol, Serge (2003). Classical Weaponry
of Japan: Special Weapons and Tactics
of the Martial Arts. Tokyo: Kodansha
Ratti, Oscar; Westbrook, Adele (1999).
Secrets of the Samurai. Edison, New
Jersey: Castle Books.
Hillary Kaplowitz, Kyoshi, is Sensei of
Pacifc JuJitsu Kai in Santa Monica, CA
and holds the rank of Yodan in Danzan
Ryu Jujitsu under Professor Robert
Hudson, Shihan. In addition, she has
a Masters of Science in Instructional
Design and Technology.
Continued from page 7

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