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P9 - C++

1 Computer Science is study of

Computer hardware
Data structures
All of the above
2 Data object integers is
{#,1,2, !!!!!!!!"
%one of the above
&he 'ig ( times for traversal of binary tree with any
method is
()log n*
()n log n*
+ &he disadvantages of se,uential storage allocation is
-npredictable storage re,uirement
%eed of an inde.
/.tensive manipulation of data stored
%one of the above
0 1ow many objects of the lin2ed list class are normally used
to implement a lin2ed list 3
/,uals number of nodes
%one of the above
4 5n the C66 code that pushes an item onto stac2, should you
insert the item first or increment the top first! )when top is
initiali7ed to $ 1
5ncrement first then push
%o need to increment the top
%one of the above
8 9hy is wrap around necessary for ,ueues but not for
stac2s 3
:ueues grow from one end and shrin2 from the other and Stac2s
grow and shrin2 from same end
Stac2s grow from one end and shrin2 from the other and :ueues
grow and shrin2 from same end
%one of the above
; 9hy is recursion used 3
'ecause it is more efficient
<esser function overheads
Simplifies problem conceptually
<oop approach does not wor2 in all situations
= 9hat does it mean to partition a number of data items in
:uic2 sort
%umbers are divided in two e,ual halves
&o put those with a 2ey greater than 7ero in one group, and
those with 2ey less than 7ero in the group
&o put those with a 2ey greater than certain 2ey in one group
and those with certain 2ey less than 7ero in another group
%one of the above
1# 9hat three tas2s should a recursive function e.ecute to
perform an in order traversal 3
>isit the node, Call itself to traverse a nodes left sub tree, and
call itself to traverse the nodes right sub tree!
Call it to traverse a nodes left subtree, visit the node, and call it
to traverse the nodes right sub tree!
>isit the node, Call it to traverse a nodes right sub tree, and call
it to traverse the nodes left sub tree!
Call itself to traverse a nodes right sub tree, visit the node, and
call itself to traverse the nodes left sub tree!
11 5n a tree with % nodes, how many nodes must be e.amined
to find a given node 3
% nodes
<og2% nodes
% log2% nodes
1 node
12 1ere is an e.pression in postfi. notation? A'6C$! /.press
this in infi. notation!
A ' C 6 $
6 $ A ' C
A 6 ' $ C
A ' 6 $ C
1 A graph represents a
-nidirectional relationship
'i$directional relationship
'oth unidirectional and bi$directional relationship
%one of the above
1+ &he main logic of Depth first traversal of a graph is
analogous to
@reorder traversal
@ostorder traversal
5norder traversal
%one of the above
10 9hen the class member functions are defined inside the
class body, by default they may be considered as inline
14 Ariendship is transitive i!e! if A is a friend function of '
and ' is a friend of C, then C is friend of A!
18 BthisB pointer is passed to the non member functions also!
1; Choose the correct option?$
Abstraction of an object is defined as
1iding unnecessary attributes of an object!
@rocess of 2nowing essential attributes of an object!
@rocess of 2nowing attributes of an object!
All of above!
1= const 2eyword is used for those objects?
9hich canBt be instantiated
9hich canBt be modified
9hich need not be initiali7ed
%one of the above
2# 9hat is the difference between struct and class in C66 3
Default scope of struct is public and class is private!
struct do not have functions as their data members and class do
a and b are true!
%one of above!
21 new and malloc differs by
malloc can not be used in C66!
malloc does not call constructor when creating object on heap,
while new calls constructor
malloc is function and new is an operator!
'oth b and c!
22 5n C66, static functions in class
Can be invo2ed only after instantiating an object of the class!
Contains CthisD pointer implicitly!
Can access only static data members!
Can access both static data and non$static data members!
2 &he conversion operator functions should be
A class member
Eust not specify return type
Eust not have any arguments
All the above
2+ Assume the class String)having the data members character
pointer str and integer length*
StringFString??operatorG)const StringF s*
deleteHI strJ
str G new charHs!length61IJ
length G strlen)str*J
&he above overloaded operator G function for class String will
not wor2 for which of the following assignment statements
String a)LhelloL*, b)LhiL*J a G bJ
String a)LhelloL*, FbGaJ a G bJ
String a)LhelloL* ,b)LhelloL*J a G bJ
All of the above
20 9hich concept is represented by the sample code below ?
class Sample
int num,denoJ
Sample)int n,int d*
operator float)*
void main)*
Sample s1)8,*J
float resultJ
result G )float*s1J
(perator overloading
5mplicit typecasting
Code is not valid in C66
Conversion operator
24 9hat will be the output3
void f)int F.1,int Ky1,int 71*
.1 G .16Ky1J
Ky1 G 71J
71 G +#J
void main )*
int .G1#,yG2#,7G#J
f )., Fy, 7*J
cout NN . NN y NN 7 NN endlJ
1#, 2#, #
#, #, #
#, 2#, +#
#, #, +#
28 class A
static int .J
int A??.J
void main)*
A obJ
Cannot have a static data member in a class
Compilation error
2; &he constructor and destructor functions never get
2= &here is only one virtual table per class!
# containment is?
Cis a 2indD of relationship
C is a part Cof relationship
both a F b are true
both a F b are false
1 5n C66,
Dynamic binding is used for all methods!
Dynamic binding is used for public methods only!
Dynamic binding is used for virtual methods only!
Static binding is used for all methods!
2 Class m? public n,virtual public o {"J
9hat is the order for constructor call if object of class m is
A! Constrtctor of m
'! Constrtctor of n
C! Constrtctor of o
A, ', C
C, ', A
C, A, '
A, C, '
5n the diamond inheritance,the data duplication is avoided
by ma2ing the base class OOOOOOOOOO!
@ure >irtual
%one of the above
+ 5f members of namespace are accessed outside the
namespace, then its scope must be resolved with the namespace
name and scope resolution operator!
0 &emplate functions can not be overridden!
4 &he e.ception handling mechanism is supposed to handle
compile time errors!
8 &emplates can be for?
; 5f a catch statement is written to catch e.ception objects of
a base class type, it can also catch all OOOOOOOOO derived from
that base class!
/.ceptions of objects
%one of the above
= 9hen objects are stored into a file
Data members along with public member functions of the
objects are copied!
(nly data members are copied!
(nly public member functions are copied!
%one of above!
+# void main)*
istream finJ
char buffH2#IJ
fin!getline) buff, 2#, B!B*J
Arom the above code how many characters will be read from the
given input file till
All 2# characters!
&ill user enters the new line character!
&ill user enters the full stop character!
&ill user enters the space bar!
+1 /very function in C66 is name mangled!
+2 A constructor can be used to convert a basic type to a class
type data!
+ A OOOOOOOOOO is a type of random access array that
provides fast random access to array elements as well as fast
insertion and deletion!
++ class yourself
int intelligenceJ
yourself)int great*{intelligenceGgreatJ"
yourself)yourself F y*
void main)*
yourself yourghost)1*J
yourself you)yourghost*J
Peferring to the sample code above,what initialises the object
you !
Copy constructor!
Default constructor!
Single parameterised constructor!
%one of the above!
+0 A member function that can be invo2ed by class name is
+4 5dentify which of the following function calls are allowed
given the prototype declaration
int sum)int a,int bG1Jint cG#*J
1* coutNNsum)1*J
2* coutNNsum)1,2*J
* coutNNsum)*J
+* coutNNsum)2,2,*J
1,2 and +
2, and +
1 and +
2 and +
+8 comple.{
int i,rJ
public? static void display)*{coutNNthis$QiNNthis$QrJ"
comple.)int a,int b*{iGaJrGbJ"
void main)*{
comple. c1)1#,2#*J
1# 2#
# #
%one of the above
+; Abstract class cannot be instansiated but references and
pointers of the abstract class e.ists!
+= 5nput iterators are used only to read from a se,uence!
0# class person
virtual Rperson)*J
class student?public person
void main)*
person K ptr G new studentJ
Peferring to the sample code above why is the 2eyword
LvirtualL added before the person destructor3
&o ma2e person abstract base class !
Aor inheritance atleast one function must be virtual!
&o ma2e it possible for this particular destructor to be
&o ensure the proper destruction of the derived object!
01 class Animal { "J
class Eammal ? public virtual Animal { "J
class Amphibian ? virtual public Animal { "J
class @latypus ? public Eammal, public Amphibian {
Animal aJ
9hat, if anything, is wrong with the sample code above3
Animal is not an abstract base class and so cannot be virtually
inherited in Eammal!
A multiple derived class cannot have an instance of a base class
object )Animal in @latypus*!
&he 2eyword virtual in misplaced! 5t needs to come before the
access specifier!
02 9hich data structure grow or shrin2 during run time 3
0 9hich of the following is the feature of stac2 3
All operations are at one position
5t cannot reuse its memory
All elements are of different types
Any element can be accessed from it
0+ %ew $Q data G 2# J %ew $Q ne.t G temp $Q ne.t J temp $Q
ne.t G new J
&his will OOOOOOOO the item )%ew* in the singly lin2listlist
00 first $Q ne.t G first J first $Q prev G firstJ
&his notation is used in OOOOOOOOOO
Circular lin2 list
Singly lin2 list
Doubly Circular <in2 <ist
<in2ed Stac2
04 9hich of the following is not true in regarding the singly
lin2ed list 3
%odes are lin2ed in one direction
Address of the list is the address of last node
&he last node is pointing to %-<< indicate the end of the list
Searching for a node always starts at the first node and traverses
through every subse,uent bodes
08 &he set container does not permit duplicate values!
0; At what point would you say a program is prevented from
adding nodes to a <in2ed <ist3
9hen all the nodes have been used!
9hen the computer runs out of memory
9hen the <in2ed <ist is <onger than Specified
0= 9hich is most powerful iterator
5nput iterator
(utput iterator
Pandom access iterator
bidirectional iterator
4# the BfindB algorithm ta2es the parameters in the following
iterator to end of the container, iterator to start of the container,
value to be searched
value to be searched, iterator to end of the container, iterator to
start of the container
iterator to start of the container, iterator to end of the container,
value to be searched
iterator to the start of the container, value to be searched

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