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Air pollution is most important from the public health point of view, because
everyindividual person breathes approximately 22000 times a day, inhaling about 15 to
22 Kg of air daily. olluted air causes physical ill effect decides undesirable aesthetic
and p h y s i o l o g i c a l e f f e c t s . A i r p o l l u t i o n c a n b e d e f i n e d a s
a d d i t i o n t o o u r a t mo s p h e r e o f a n y material, which will have a deterious
effect on life upon our planet. !he main pollutantscontribute by automobiles are carbon
monoxide "#$%, unburned hydrocarbon "&'(#%, oxidesof nitrogen ")ox% and *ead.
Automobiles are not the only source of air pollution, other sourcessuch as electric power
generating stations, industrial and domestic fuel consumption, refuse burning, industrial
processing etc. also contribute heavily to contamination of our environmentso it is
imperative that serious attempts should be made to conserve earth+s environment
fromdegradation. An a,ua silencer is an attempt in this direction, it
is mainly dealing with controlof emission and noise. An a,ua silencer is fitted to the
exhaust pipe of engine. -ound producedunder water is less hearable than it produced in
atmosphere. !his mainly because of smallsproc.ets in water molecules, which lowers its
amplitude thus, lowers the sound level. 'ecauseof this property water is used in this
silencer and hence its name A/&A -0*1)#12. !he noiseand smo.e level
is considerable less then the conventional silencer, it is cheaper, no need of catalytic
converter and easy to install
'asically an a,ua silencer "fig. 1% consists of a perforated tube which is installed at
theend of the exhaust pipe. !he perforated tube may have holes of different diameters.
!he very purpose of providing different diameter hole is to brea. up gas mass to form
smaller gas bubbles !he perforated tube of different diameter is shown in fig. 2.
3enerally 4 sets of holesare drilled on the perforated tube. !he other end of the perforated
tube is closed by plug.Around the circumference of the perforated tube a layer of
activated charcoal is provided and further a metallic mesh covers it. !he whole unit is
then placed in a water container. A small opening is provided at the lop of the container to
remove the exhaust
gasesa n d a d r a i n p l u g i s p r o v i d e d a t t h e b o t t o m o f t h e c o n t a i n e r
f o r p e r i o d i c a l l y #l e a n i n g o f t h e container. Also a filler plug is mounted at
the top of the container. At the inlet of the exhaust pipe a non5return valve is provided
which prevents the bac. flow of gases and water as well.
As the exhaust gases enters in to the a,ua silencer, the perforated tube converts highmass
bubbles in lo low mass bubbles after that they passes through charcoal layer which
again pur i f y t he gas es . 0 t i s hi ghl y por ous
and pos ses ext r a f r ee val ences so i t has hi gh absor pt i oncapacity.After
passing over the charcoal layer some of the gases may dissolved in to the water and
finally the. exhaust gases escape through the opening in to the atmosphere. (ence
a,uasilencer reduces noise and pollution.
1 . M o u n t i n g s 2 . F i
l l e P l u g ! . C " #
$ o # l L # % e & . P e '
o # t e ( T u ) e * . W i e M
e s " + . , # i n P l u g
!he water is a good absorbing medium. 0n a,ua silencer the gases are made to
bedissolved in water. 6hen these gases dissolved in water they form acids,
carbonates, bicarbonates etc,
A$tion o' (issol.e( SO2/0
6hen -ox is mixed in water, it form -$2, -$7, -$4, (2-$4, (2-$, i.e. sulfur
Acid "(2-$7,%, it forms (ydrogen -ulphide which causes fol rotten egg smell, acidify
and corrosionof metals.
A$tion o' (issol.e( CO2/0
!he dissolved carbon dioxide forms bicarbonate at lower ( and #arbonates at
higher (. !his levels 405400 mg8liter. !he form a scale in pipes and boilers. !he carbon
dioxidemixes with water to form #arbonic acid. 0t is corrosive to metals and causes green
house effect.
E''e$t o' (issol.e( NO1 /0
!he )i t r ogen i n wat er under goes $xi dat i on t o f or m
ammoni a, )i t r at e, )i t r i t e, )i t r i cacid. !his synthesis of protein and amino acids
is effected by )itrogen. )itrate usually occursin trace ,uantities in surface water. A limit
of 10 mg per liters )itrate is affordable in drin.ingwater.
0n a,ua silencer the water gets polluted by the dissolved gases As in above topics
saidthese gases are mixed with water to form carbonate, acids li.e carbonic acid, sulfuric
acid, and )itrous acid etc. the petroleum products contains phenols which gives
suffocating smell. !hesulfur gas mixes with water to form hydrogen sulfide, which give
rotten egg smell. !heseshould be controlled to minimum the water pollution.!here are
methods91 % * i m e w a t e r w a s h m e t h o d 2 % A b s o r p t
i o n p r o c e s s
!he water is treated with the calculated ,uantities of sla.ed lime. $ne should have
the,uantitative analysis of water to go for this process. After mixing the heavy
precipitates settledown as sludge at the bottom of the tan. are removed from time
to time. *ime can neutrali:eany acid present in the water. -$2, gases are removed from
the flue gases forming calciumsulphate. !he precipitates dissolved carbon dioxide as
calcium carbonate and converts bicarbonate ions into carbonates. !he e,uations are given
below.!he -$2gas is removed from the flue gases forming calcium sulphate#a"$(%2;
-$2........ #a-$7; (2o )eutrali:es any acid present in water 2(#* ;
#a"$(%2..........#acl2; 2(2(2-$4; #a "$(%2........... #a-o4; 2(20recipitates
bicarbonate as calcium carbonate#$2; #a"$(%2........#a#$7;2(2$recipitates
bicarbonate as calcium carbonate#a"(#$7%2; 2#a "$(%2......... 2#a#$7;
2(20#onverts bicarbonate ions "*i.e )a(#$7, K(#$7etc.% into carbonates. )a(#$7;
#a"$(%2............ #a#$7; (20 ; )a2#$7
Amount of neutrali:ation capacity is limited
0t is very difficult to handle
'ridging and form are formed
0t is expansive
2egeneration is possible
*ime in any form it is difficult to handle
Activated charcoal is available in granular or powdered form. As it is highly porous
and possess free valencies. -o it posses high absorption capacity.Act i vat ed car bon i s
mor e wi del y used f or t he r emoval of t ast e and odor ous f r om t he public
water supplies because it has excellent properties of attracting gases, finely divided
solid particles and phenol type impurities, !he activated carbon, usually in the powdered
form isadded to the water either before or after the coagulation with sedimentation. 'ut it
is alwaysadded before filtration. <eeding devices are similar to those used in feeding the
0t increases the coagulation power of the process.
0ts use reduces the chlorine demand.
!he excessive dose of activated carbon is not harmful.
!he treatment process is very simple and it re,uires nearly no s.ill.
!he efficiency of removing color, odour and taste is ,uite high.
0t can be easily regenerated
0t has excellent properties of attracting gases
!he a,ua silencer is more effective in the reduction of emission gases from the
engineexhaust using perforated tube and charcoal,
'y using perforated tube the bac.pressure will remain constant and the soundlevel is
'y using perforated tube the fuel consumption remains same as conventionalsystem.
' y u s i n g w a t e r a s a m e d i u m t h e s o u n d c a n b e l o w
e r e d a n d a l s o b y u s i n g activated charcoal in water we can control the
exhaust emission to a greater level.
!he water contamination is found to be negligible in a,ua silencer.
0t is smo.eless and pollution free emission and also it is very cheap. !his a,uasilencer+s
performance is almost e,uivalent to the conventional silencer. 0t
can be al s o us ed bot h f or t wo wheel er s and f our wheel er s and al s o can
be us ed i nindustries.

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