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The Importance of English

In the modern time ,many university students who are majoring in English
have learned English for 12 years ,most of them still feel that their English is very
poor .What is worse ,they can not express their thought ,not to mention speak with
foreigners fluently .ow to learn English well is asked more often .!t the same
time ,more attention is paid to reading. What is reading" #eading is a process of
mentally interpreting written sym$ols %&i 'hun ,1((2)It involves a series of factors
that a reader $rings to the test %&i 'hun ,1((2).#eading is of great importance in $asic
linguistic knowledge ac*uisition and English language learning .In English +eaching
,utline %#evised)reading skill is attached importance to. -o we can conclude that
reading is very vital in English learning. What is more, reading is a feasi$le way to
operate. #eading does not demand too many conditions when one is to read and there
are a great deal of materials availa$le such as fictions, newspapers and so on ..inally,
one can read at whatever time and a place wherever.
Why do you study English?
In fact, as a language, the most important factor for English studying is to
communicate with others. When you encounter foreigners, do not feel nervous. /lease
$e full of confidence so that you can communicate with them, nothing serous0 If you
have the opportunity to contact with foreigners, you will find lots of them could not
speak English well, they can only say some simple English, especially for the
1apanese, the 2orean. Even the European people such as .rench, 3ermany. +heir
spoken English is very $ad0 !s I mentioned, the purpose to study English is to
communicate with foreigners or appreciate foreign culture. -o please kindly note,
English is not mark, not the examination, not the'E+, +,.E& .It4s very easy, it5s very
It is a well6known fact that when there were no televisions or computers,
reading was a primary leisure activity. /eople would spend hours reading $ooks and
travel to lands far away in their minds. +he only tragedy is that, as time goes on,
people have lost their skill and passion to read. +here are many other exciting and
thrilling options availa$le, $esides $ooks. !nd that is a shame $ecause reading offers a
productive approach to improving voca$ulary and word power. It is advisa$le to
indulge in at least half an hour of reading a day to keep a$reast of the various styles of
writing and new voca$ulary.
#eading helps in mental development and is known to stimulate the muscles of
the eyes. #eading is an activity that involves greater levels of concentration and adds
to the conversational skills of the reader. It is an indulgence that enhances the
knowledge ac*uired, consistently. +he ha$it of reading also helps readers to decipher
new words and phrases that they come across in everyday conversations. +he ha$it
can $ecome a healthy addiction and adds to the information availa$le on various
topics. It helps us to stay in6touch with contemporary writers as well as those from the
days of your and makes us sensitive to glo$al issues.
What factors are important in learning English?
+here are many factors involved if one wants to learn English in a good way. In
order to learn English a person should $e mentally prepared to take challenge and
promise him or herself that they will $e a$le to complete this mission. ! lot of efforts,
hard work and determination are re*uired when one wants to learn English. It can not
$e spoon fed in to your $rain and needs a lot of practice and understanding. If a
person does not concentrate properly there is no use of learning English.
&istening skills are very important if a person wants to learn English. !s long as
a person listens carefully, he can learn any language in this world very easily. ,ne
should listen to the tones of the English speaking person and try to grasp it in their
minds. +ry to listen to English television programs and news as it has a great effect on
your learning a$ility.
#eading skills are also very impotent when one wants to learn English. It is
important not only to speak in English $ut also to write in English as it will enhance
the spoken English more. &astly it is very important to converse in English with
people around you to practice the language. +he more you speak, the $etter it will
$ecome .7ou might make mistakes at the $eginning8 you will improve your English
day $y day.
The necessity of reading
Reading can help absorb all kinds of information
!t current time, human has entered the 21st century, an era of intellectual economy
or rather the Internet ./eoples4 knowledge is increasing at an astonishing speed.9y the
way of reading ,a learner can master these high6tech and cultural knowledge
concerning English 6speaking countries. !s reading is the only time6saved way to
a$sor$ foreign advanced technology, $y reading, we can learn more and make
contri$utions to the construction of our motherland .In that case, reading $ecomes
necessary and urgent.
Reading can help us develop our interest
/eople in the 21st century have a strong desire to learn more knowledge and read
more original $ooks and newspapers. -o people should $e encouraged to do more
reading in English. #eading English $ooks, maga:ines etc can improve reading a$ility
step $y step, speeding up cultivating and forming good reading ha$its. +hen people
can reali:e how English is used in reality $y reading.
Reading can improve our Intelligence
9y reading a lot, one can advance their English $ackground knowledge and
$roaden his or her vision, inspire his thought, $uild the values, train the creative
performance and develop his intelligence. If a person master the English reading skills
and form a good reading ha$it, she or he can master English forever.
Reading skills
#eading has traditionally $een divided into two types; intensive and extensive.
In $road terms, intensive reading may $e descri$ed as the practice of particular
reading skills and the close linguistic study of text. Extensive reading, on the other
hand, can $e defined as reading a large *uantity of text, where reading confidence and
reading fluency are prioriti:ed. !lthough this twin categori:ation of reading into two
$asic types can $e found in many teacher resource $ooks for the teaching of English
as a foreign language it is not the whole story, as the student4s learning history
clearly pointed out. We need to extend the categori:ation. We can do this $y adding,
first, oral reading or reading aloud in class, where considera$le focus is put on correct
pronunciation of the text 6 and, second, text translation, where correct translation of
the foreign language text into the learners4 mother tongue is emphasi:ed in tandem
with the study of an array of grammatical, lexical and phonological points. +his
creates a three6way methodological categori:ation of reading in a foreign language.

Intensive Reading
When we read the intensive articles, we should make notes of the new words
and phrases and good sentences. !fter reading them, we may ask ourselves some
*uestions a$out them $y using such words; who, what, why, when and where. +hen
try to answer them in our own words. <early anyone who has taken a foreign
language class in the <orth !merica is familiar with intensive reading. =ay$e you
have to read a paragraph. In either case, you5d $e reading something with a great deal
of voca$ulary and>or grammar that is $eyond your current reading a$ility. If your
instructor is kind, may$e the voca$ulary and grammar that is new to you will $e
glossed page $y page. If not, you5ll $e spending more time looking up a dictionary
than reading. !ssuming voca$ulary is supplied for you, the most efficient way to do
this kind of reading is to first drill yourself on the new voca$ulary for an hour or so,
and then read. ?iligent students will $e a$le to use the reading to learn 1@ or may$e
even 2@ voca$ulary words within a couple of hours. owever, even they will pro$a$ly
$e reading word $y word rather than taking in the language a phrase at a time as they
would read in their native languages.
Extensive reading
We must train our a$ility to scan, skip and read fast. <amely, the a$ility to catch
the key words, the topic sentences and the drift of the articles. <early anyone who has
taken a foreign language class in <orth !merica is familiar with extensive reading.
Oral reading
,ral reading is a complex process in which the reader $ecomes the AlinkA
$etween the author and the listeners $y comprehending the selection and interpreting
it for the enjoyment and understanding of those listening. -tudents who read orally
improve their speech and understanding, and gain much enjoyment when they
experience success.
-tudents should $e given many opportunities to practice oral reading, either $y
themselves %with an audio recorder) or in pairs. ,ften, the support given $y peer
changes hesitant oral readers into willing and competent oral readers. !lways provide
time for sufficient practice $efore expecting a student to read aloud in class.
! willing audience is necessary for success in oral reading and the teacher should
prepare students to $e effective listeners. -tudents may read to individuals, to small
groups, to the whole class, to other classes, and to interested adults. -tudents $enefit
from listening to oral reading, and should $e given opportunities to listen to the
teacher and to professionally recorded audiotapes.
The necessity of writing
.rankly speaking, it is highly essential to know the language for communication. In
general, the most popular language is English. In this computer age, English is the
only language that any one can understand. -o to say, it has $ecome as an ideal
language for expressing our feelings. .irst, we have to learn the language and then we
have to gain fluency in the language. Bnless we have the fluency in English language,
it would not $e possi$le to work with the computer. If you do not know English, then
you would $e in need of a translator to do the jo$.
+he first stage of learning this language would $e very interesting. ,nce you are
fluent with the alpha$ets, slowly you can learn many words. It would always $e $etter
to follow the method of reading first, then writing. 7ou can use the picture $ooks for
this purpose. When you feel that you are familiar with the words, you can form
sentences. +his is the most interesting stage to learn. 7ou just think of a sentence in
your mother language, and try to write the same sentence in English. +here could $e
some mistakes. 9ut you should not $other a$out it. 9ut, you have to write the same
sentence using many different words till you are satisfied with your sentence. If you
follow this way, very soon you can create sentences of your own.
+he next step is learning the grammar of the language. It is *uite simple and very
systematic compared with other languages. +here are certain rules and regulations for
each and every topic in grammar of this language. !s long as you follow the rules and
regulations, it would $e a difficult task to make mistakes. 7ou would gain that much
guidance from the grammar.
+he presentation is the most important factor in communicating your feelings. -o,
naturally you must $e sure while you are presenting. what you really wish to say. !t
any point, do not try to write or speak, $eyond your capa$ility. Even if it is a small
and simple sentence, it would reach the receiver perfectly. +his is our $asic idea.
-lowly, you can improve the standard of your language $y practice. If you know to
form the sentences, it is more than enough to go deep into the su$ject. +hough this
only an article a$out the importance of the English &anguage, we have to learn some
of the $asic points in presenting the sentences.
The necessity of listening
&istening is as important as reading. It4s a $it more difficult, $ut also more $eneficial 6
it helps you improve your pronunciation and conversational skills.
isten from the beginning
When you learn a foreign language, you should start to listen as soon as you can. +his
way you will get familiar with the sounds of the language. &earning pronunciation
will $e much easier for you. If you are a $eginner, look for audio recordings with
transcriptions. Whenever you don4t understand a word, check it in the transcription
and look it up in the dictionary.
isten to the same content repetitively
It4s a good idea to listen again and again to the same content. /ick an interesting
recording and listen to it lots of times. =ake sure you can undestand every single
word of it. While listening, try to remem$er useful sentences, or even whole passages.
+hen practise saying them from memory, imitating the speaker4s pronunciation. !fter
a while, you will notice that words and phrases from the recording $ecome a part of
you. 7ou will start using them in your own sentences. 7our pronunciation and
listening comprehension will surely improve, too0
isten every day
+ry to do some listening every day. +he $est option would $e to get hold of an =/C
player. +hen you can listen when you commute to work or go for a walk. I $urned a
'? with my favourite audio recordings and have it ready in my =/C '? player
wherever I go.
What to listen to?
.ind audio content that is $oth understanda$le and meaningful to you. 'hoose
materials on the su$jects you like. =ake sure the voice of the speaker is pleasant. +his
way you will enjoy listening and look forward to doing it.
The necessity of speaking
While most newcomers could pro$a$ly list a$out a hundred things that scare or worry
them a$out leaving home and moving to a new, unfamiliar place, all of these issues D
finding a jo$, choosing a doctor, making friends D are influenced $y our a$ility to
communicate within our communities.
+rue, many people settle in areas near family or other immigrants from the same part
of the world so the language is easier, $ut there comes a time when every newcomer
needs to step out of his or her safety :one. &earning and speaking English is an
important step in the settlement process $ecause it helps newcomers o$tain $etter
jo$s, get involved in their communities, participate in events, vote with confidence
and express themselves.
!ccording to -tatistics 'anada, the 2@@E 'ensus showed that (F percent of the
population can speak one or $oth official languages. In addition, English or .rench is
spoken at least regularly at home $y (G percent of 'anadians. English or .rench is
spoken most often at home $y F( percent of the population, sometimes in com$ination
with a non6official language.
,n the other hand, only F@ percent of the population report English and .rench as
their mother tongue %HF percent and 22 percent respectively). +he remaining 2@
percent have a mother tongue other than English or .rench %these include !$original
+he lack of English can make it difficult to $ecome an active, happy mem$er of
'anadian society. While there are many close6knit groups in cities like +oronto,
=ontreal or Iancouver and plenty of newcomers who thrive within their own
communities, these people may not have all the same opportunities as other
I$rahim !$siye, Executive ?irector of 'ulture&ink, a +oronto6$ased settlement
agency for new 'anadians, says communication Aopens the door for employment,
integration and education.A In +oronto, speaking English can $e the first step to clear,
effective communication. !$siye identifies AH '5sA for new immigrants8 they are five
major challenges, all starting with the letter ';
'olour; $arriers as related to race and appearance.
'ultural 'onfusion; newcomers may expect one thing of 'anada and experience
something different.
'limate; it is often shocking to newcomers that up to seven months out of the year are
spent indoors.
'omputers; many new immigrants are not as experienced with technology as we
expect them to $e and this can prevent them from accessing some information.
'ommunication; not $eing a$le to converse with the people around you can lead to
frustration, isolation and missed opportunities.
!$siye calls communication a key step to settlement and considers language $arriers
one of the $iggest pro$lems newcomers will face when they move to 'anada.
!ccording to a 2@@H study $y -tatistics 'anada, one in four newcomers found
learning English or .rench to $e one of the $iggest challenges in their settlement
process. +hey considered it the second $iggest difficulty only after finding an
ade*uate jo$, which can also $e affected $y a newcomer5s a$ility to speak English.
!nalyses of data from the 2@@E 'ensus on immigration and citi:enship, conducted $y
-tats 'anada, showed that J@ percent of the foreign6$orn population does not speak
English or .rench as a first language. +his group is formed mainly $y immigrants
who arrived in 'anada $etween 2@@1 and 2@@E D close to 1,11@,@@@ newcomers.
+icket to Employment
+he employment rate of immigrants increases with their a$ility to speak English.
<ewcomers with stronger English are also more likely to find jo$s related to their
preferred fields.
+his is why it can $e so $eneficial to attend an E-& class, join a discussion circle or
seek out a settlement agency for help with the English language, especially when
these services are $oth excellent and free. +he skills newcomers can learn in these
classes will also make day6to6day life easier, like communicating with a doctor.
!lthough the 'anadian government guarantees this freedom %e*ual access to health
care) among others, like the right to a fair trial, it is not always possi$le to find a
translator, particularly at the last minute. +his is why newcomers can $enefit from
arming themselves with English language skills.
A+here are healthcare providers who try to accommodate their patients as much as
possi$le, $ut these cases are more the exception than the rule,A says ?r. =arco !.
.iola, an !ssociate /rofessor with the -chool of 3raduate -tudies at #yerson
In cases like that, it is o$vious how valua$le independence can $e. It is a $lessing not
having to seek a translator every time you need to $uy new clothes or do some
=any newcomers make an effort shortly after their arrival in 'anada to learn English.
!ccording to 'anada5s 2@@E 'ensus, six months after arriving in 'anada, HF percent
of immigrants reported $eing a$le to speak English well or very well. !fter living
here for four years, E( percent said they could speak English well or very well. +his
may $e due in part $ecause GH percent of newcomers take training in English.
+his is not to say that these newcomers are as fluent in English as those who have
spoken it all their lives D for some immigrants, English comes easily in some
situations $ut not in others.
A.or example, they will $e completely fluent in English for their work purposes, $ut
once they are home, they revert to their home language, or once they are at the
doctor5s office, they need the services of an interpreterKthey don5t know the words
for things or concepts that go $eyond a certain area of their lives,A says ?r. .iola.
#eading.Writting.&istening,-peaking are very important to studying English,
especially reading speed, skills, factors and steps. -o we should master some good
reading skills to improve our English levels. In our country, most English learner are
worried a$out not understanding English articles, newspaper, maga:ines and so on.
ow to improve our English $ecome more and more important .Experience from
across the world suggests that extensive reading programs can play an important role
in promoting language improvement and development. +hey re*uire a certain amount
of investment in $oth time and resources, $ut the $enefits far outweigh the costs.
With the new introduction of a new sylla$us in 'hina that gives due weight to the
importance of extensive reading, we can look forward to a nationwide change in
attitudes to reading, and to wonderful opportunities for progress.

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