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Oliver Martinez Kandt

projects 2009-2010
Exhibitions (Forthcoming)
Ti tl e: Jack of Hearts and Jack of
Cur ator: Ol i ver Marti nez Kandt
Locati on:
dat es: 2009 - 2010
Art i sts i n
consi derati on:
Al i stai r Frost, Jorge Sosa,
Davi d Keat i ng, Fal ke Pi sano,
Las se Schmi dt Hansen, Raphael
Zar ka, Adam Thompson.
Exhibitions (Forthcoming)
Ti tl e: Fl i ght Out of Ti me
Cur ators: Ol i ver Marti nez Kandt
Locati on: Travel l i ng exhi bi ti on
Dur ati on: 2009- 2010
Art i sts i n
consi derati on:
Kar l a Bl ack, Abraham
Cruzvi l l egas, Si mon Denny,
Geof f rey Farmer, Tati ana
Artist Nationality Lives and
Alistair Frost UK Amsterdam Dicksmiths Gallery, London
David Keating Australia Berlin
Raphael Zarka France Paris Motive Gallery, Amsterdam
Michel Rein, Paris
Lasse Schmidt Hansen Denmark Rotterdam
Jorge Sosa Mexico Mexico David Risley, Copenhaggen
Adam Thompson UK London Bernhard Knaus, Frankfurt
Falke Pisano The Netherlands Amsterdam Ellen de Bruijne, Amsterdam
Jack of Hearts and
Jack of Spades
group exhibition (working title)
Worki ng Ti tl e: Jack of Hearts and Jack of Spades
Curator: Oli ver Marti nez Kandt
Locati on: ---
dates: 2009-2010
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Ali stai r Frost, Jorge Sosa, Davi d Keati ng, Fal ke
Pi sano, Lasse Schmi dt Hansen, Raphael Zarka,
Adam Thompson.
Short i ntro: Jack of Hearts and Jack of Spades refers to the idea to
explore the an utopic paradox: the speculation to
visualize time in form by a purely geometrical system.
This idea of an exhibition refers to the creation of an
elaborated exercise on perception and cognition, a
deconstruction of mathematical calculation of form, of
neutrality and as well of ambiguity.
The progression of recent artistic analysis that dont fit in
terms of structuralist logic recurrently refer to intense,
strong, unprecedented states of form: a sort of tension
that makes a twofold dynamic, seen in the practice and
terminology of many artists, between, on the one hand,
modes of formal and semantic reduction and, on the
other, the gestural and ambiguity of non-lineal versions of
Derived from modern syncretism, post-minimalism and
exterior elements taken from daily life, natural
environments, art history or historical culture. The
exhibition develops the idea of the spatiality and
temporality of forms through heterogeneous contexts.
artist gallery
Karla Black Mary Mary Glasgow,
Gisela Capitain, cologne
Abraham Cruzvillegas Kurimanzutto, Mexico
Simon Denny Michael lett, Auckland
Geoffrey Farmer Catriona Jeffries,
Tatiana Trouve Johan Koenig, Berlin
Flight Out of Time
group exhibition - travelling
Ti tl e: Fli ght Out of Ti me
Curator: Oli ver Marti nez Kandt
Locati on: -Museo de la Ci udad de Mexi co
dates: 2009 - 2010
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Karla Black, Abraham Cruzvi llegas, Si mon Denny,
Geoffrey Farmer and Tati ana Trouve.
Short i ntro:
The exhibition Flight Out of Time is looking for an analysis
of vision, temporality and the experience of images. In
this curatorial exercise I will like to unify the immediacies
of the sensible and the unconscious relations of vision,
with the conceptual and perhaps political constructions of
their identification. Jacques Ranciere commented in a
lecture about the future of the image, that to see objects
as art means to see two things in it at once; a question of
seeing the relations between the surface of the exhibition
of forms and the surface of the inscription of their
concepts. In the research for the exhibition, my first focus
will be in the physicality of the space and the bodyness of
perception, which is as well the very nature of vision.
Committed to the structural alteration of both the image
and the visual, the assembled art objects in the exhibition
work against the interest of what we could identify as
figurative and form, positioning objects within the field of
physical and material visuality, in a particular temporal
gesture of the de-figuration of aesthetics. This de-
figuration comes as a dramatic action that allows the
presence of the visual to be something different from
itself, something that reveals its construction to be at
various places simultaneously, moving around its
particular visibility, temporality and physicality.
Ti tl e: MACO en movimiento
Functi on: Arti sti c Di rector
Locati on: Travelli ng exhi bi ti on i n rural
communi ti es of Oaxaca state i n
Mxi co.
Durati on: 2009-2010
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
(MX) Franci sco Toledo, Dr
Lakra, Castro Lenero, Mati as
Goeri tz, Rufi no Tamayo,
Rodolfo Morales, Gabri el
Orozco, Emi Wi nter, Feli pe
(I NT) Gareth Moore, Sean
Ti tl e: The travellers
Functi on: curator
Locati on: Si te speci fi c solo presentati ons
Durati on: 2009-ongoi ng
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Fel i pe Nez, Mari a Karantzi ,
Phi l i ppe van Wolputte,
Armando Andrade Tudela,
Si mon Denny, Adam Gi l lam,
Dan Shaw Town, Mauri ci o
Gui llen,
Ti tl e: Stacion
Functi on: Arti sti c di rector
Locati on: Temporal exhi bi ti on spaces
Durati on: 2005-ongoi ng
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Franci sco Camacho, Yorgo
Mani s, Ki luanji Ki a Henda,
Ahmet Ogut, Fernando
Carabajal , Ni na Yuen, Luci a
Ni mcova, Ri cardo Cuevas

artist gallery
Gareth Moore Catriona Jeffries,
Context-specific research
Ti tl e: Read i t back to me
Functi on: Arti sti c Di rector
Locati on: Travelli ng exhi bi ti on i n rural communi ti es of
Oaxaca state i n Mxi co.
dates: 2009 2010
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Gareth Moore,
Short i ntro:
General Concept:
Public program to be developed in Rural communities in
Oaxaca, Mexico.
MACO (the contemporary Regional Museum) will create a
series of multi-disciplinary and reflexive workshops to
curate 3 context specific exhibitions in rural communities
that havent had access to the regional aesthetics centre,
the participants of the workshop will be able to work with
the collection of the museum, and make new commissions
to contemporary artists.

artist gallery
Felipe Nunez -
Maria Karantzi
Philippe van
Armando Andrade
Annet Gelink,
Carl Freedman, London
Simon Denny
Adam Gillam
Dan Shaw Town
Mauricio Guillen
Falke Pisano Ellen de Bruijne,
Curatorial field research
Ti tl e: The travellers
Functi on: curator
Locati on: Si te speci fi c solo presentati ons
Durati on: 2009-ongoi ng
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Fel i pe Nez, Mari a Karantzi , Phi l i ppe van
Wolputte, Si mon Denny, Adam Gi l lam, Dan Shaw
Town, Mauri ci o Gui llen,
Short i ntro:
Seri es of temporal si te-speci fi c artworks i n
everyday li fe envi ronments developed i n a
di alogue relati onshi p between the curator and
arti sts. Each artwork wi ll be created i n a
di f ferent si te chosen by the conceptual
si gni fi cance of the work wi th the curatori al
di scourse. The project wi ll research about the
ready-made sti pulati ons of space, and the
nomadi c models of arti sti c i deas and practi ce.
artist Country gallery
Francisco Camacho Colombia
Kiluanji Kia Henda Angola
Ahmet Ogut Turkey
Fernando Carabajal Mexico
Nina Yuen USA, Hawaii
Yorgo Manis Greece
series of solo exhibitions
Ti tl e: Stacion
Functi on: Arti sti c di rector
Locati on: Temporal exhi bi ti on spaces
Durati on: 2005-ongoi ng
Arti sts i n
consi derati on:
Franci sco Camacho, Yorgo Mani s, Ki luanji Ki a
Henda, Ahmet Ogut, Fernando Carabajal , Ni na
Short i ntro: Temporal exhibition spaces in which to present the solo
exhibitions of contemporary artists.

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