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A ship's cost does not include shipboard ballistas or catapults, but it does include
specialized weapons such as grapplers and water cannons. Each standard ballista or
catapult adds 1,000 gp to the ship's cost.
This relatively new class of Dragovar warship is built around a assive agical cannon
that fires devastating stone or iron spheres.
!ost" 100,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" &0$10
#tatistics" hp 1,000' (loodied )00' A! *+, ,ortitude *), -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" * ballistas 0see also arcane cannon below1
Arcane !annon" -anged 100$*00' 21) vs. A!' )d10 2 100 daage. This weapon
re3uires a crew of eight to operate" si. to load the weapon 01 standard action for
each creweber1 and two to fire it 01 standard action for each creweber1
This copact, crowded vessel is basically a obile weapons platfor, ideal for harbor
defense. 4t's also popular as an escort ship for larger trading vessels. A water cannon
ounted to the front of the ship is used for clearing eney dec5s and putting out fires.
!ost" )0,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 60$6
#tatistics" hp )00' (loodied *)0' A! *), ,ortitude *0, -efle. 10
#tandard /eapons" & ballistas, * catapults 0see also water cannon below1
/ater !annon" -anged 10$*0' 21) vs. -efle.' if the target is a creature, it is
pushed & s3uares and 5noc5ed prone. Effect: The target can a5e a saving throw
against ongoing fire daage as a free action. The water cannon re3uires one
creweber to operate.
The dragonship sees fre3uent use as a fleet flagship or a noble's floating palace. Although
lightly ared, it usually coes with a copleent of Dragovar archers as well as various
agical protections. The ship includes a teple to (ahaut or Tiaat 0owner's
!ost" +0,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" &0$+
#tatistics" hp +00' (loodied &00' A! *), ,ortitude *0, -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" * ballistas
Eel Ship
This slee5 craft is designed for patrolling shallow waters, defending harbors, and short
e.cursions, not long7range voyages.
!ost" 1),000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 10$6
#tatistics" hp 1)0' (loodied 8)' A! *), ,ortitude *0, -efle. 10
#tandard /eapons" 1 ballista, 1 catapult
The galleon is a ubi3uitous sight on the Dragon #ea, appreciated for its speed, versatility,
and cargo capacity.
!ost" +0,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" *)$10
#tatistics" hp +00' (loodied &00' A! *), ,ortitude **, -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" * ballistas, 1 catapult
-esebling a haerhead shar5, this large vessel trades aneuverability and speed for
resilience and has plenty of space for cargo.
!ost" 100,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" *)$+
#tatistics" hp 1,000' (loodied )00' A! *+, ,ortitude *), -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" 1 ballista, * catapults
Lamprey Ship
The bow of this sall, sturdy attac5 vessel is e3uipped with a grapple. The laprey is
used to deploy stri5e teas onto eney ships and has also achieved popularity aong
pirates. 4ts cargo capacity is poor.
!ost" *),000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 1*$6
#tatistics" hp *)0' (loodied 1*)' A! *+, ,ortitude *), -efle. 10
#tandard /eapons" & ballistas 0see also grappler below1
9rappler" %elee 1' targets ships only' 218 vs. A!' the target is grabbed until the
laprey ship releases the grappler or is bloodied. (oth ships are iobilized for
as long as the target is grabbed. The laprey ship cannot a5e grappler attac5s
while bloodied.
Octopus Ship
Designed for people who li5e to travel in style, this lightly ared vessel provides
lu.urious accoodations and plenty of space for entertaining guests. The octopus ship
is coonly used by dignitaries and diploatic envoys.
!ost" 100,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 60$10
#tatistics" hp 1,000' (loodied )00' A! *), ,ortitude **, -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" * eldritch catapults 0see below1
Eldritch !atapult" -anged )0$100' 21) vs. A!' &d10 2 10 daage. An eldritch
catapult is controlled fro a agic control circle aboard the octopus ship. :ne
crew eber is re3uired to operate the weapon. Aiing and firing the weapon
re3uires a ove action and standard action, respectively.
Designed for sall crews, this sturdy ship resebles a s3uid in design and has liited
cargo capacity. 4t's a favorite aong pirates.
!ost" )0,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 1*$&
#tatistics" hp )00' (loodied *)0' A! *8, ,ortitude *&, -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" * ballistas, 1 catapult
This heavily ared warship is the ainstay of the %yrthon fleet, and it gets its nae
fro the fact that its bridge doubles as an observatory.
!ost" ;0,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" &0$10
#tatistics" hp ;00' (loodied &)0' A! *), ,ortitude **, -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" < ballistas, & catapults
This subersible craft doesn't have uch space for cargo, but it's swift and agile. /hile
underwater, the stingray cannot fire its weapons and cannot be targeted by the shipboard
weapons of eney surface vessels. This class of vessel is often used for espionage and
deep sea e.ploration.
!ost" 60,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 10$6
#tatistics" hp 600' (loodied 1)0' A! *), ,ortitude *0, -efle. 10
#tandard /eapons" 1 ballista, 1 catapult
#econd only to the galleon in popularity, this ship resebles a fish in its design. 4t boasts
ipressive cargo space and cofortable living 3uarters but has liited weapons.
!ost" )0,000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 1+$<
#tatistics" hp )00' (loodied *)0' A! *), ,ortitude *0, -efle. 10
#tandard /eapons" 1 ballista, 1 catapult
Turtle Ship
This resilient craft is subersible and can hold an ipressive aount of cargo. /hile
underwater, the turtle ship cannot fire its weapons and cannot be targeted by the
shipboard weapons of eney surface vessels.
!ost" 8),000 gp
#tandard$%iniu !rew" *0$+
#tatistics" hp 8)0' (loodied 68)' A! *+, ,ortitude *), -efle. )
#tandard /eapons" 6 ballistas, 1 catapult
After e.ploring the Eleental !haos, #ea =ing >al5roi returned to 4oandra with rituals
to bind ancient eleentals to vessels. The first ships to eploy this arcane 5nowledge
were powered by water eleentals and considerably faster and ore aneuverable than
wind7driven ships of coparable size.
!ost" ;0,000 gp 0not available for purchase1
#tandard$%iniu !rew" 1<$+
#tatistics" hp ;00' (loodied &)0' A! *8, ,ortitude *), -efle. 10
#tandard /eapons" * ballistas, 1 catapult

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