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<title>What the World Needs Now</title>
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<div id="entry" style="background: #32717B; border: 6px #0B0B3B solid; padding:
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<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="10" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>
The Irony of Sarcasm</span></b></font></center>
<center><font color="#9E7BFF" size="4" face="footlight mt light"><span style=;>C
hapter 1</span></b></font></center>
What is a best friend exactly? Well, to me, a best friend is someone who annoys
the hell out of you when their right, makes your sides split with laughter and
will listen to a conversation about absolutely nothing just because you feel
the need to talk.
In return, you make sure to tell them that they don't know good music, stand by
their side through everything, and when their boyfriend cheats on them, you make
sure to egg his house while his parents are on vacation. Although this causes
the guy's house to stink for several days and you feel some sympathy for the par
ents, you get a sense of satisfaction when you see that it is him who has to cle
an up the mess.
Some friendships are instant where two people click right away. Other friendshi
ps take time to develop and grow before anything real happens. However, real fr
iendships are like magic. Simple as that. Your friendships aren't flawless .
Mistakes will be made, and fights will be fought. Regretful things will be said
, but a best friend isn't one who's perfect. They're the ones who you connect w
ith best.
All friendships are tested at some point or another. Fanciful things may get in
the way such as work, school, money, and countless other things, but if it is me
ant to survive, it will. Now, you might be thinking that this sounds more like
a relationship between lovers, but friendship is a relationship, and all relatio
nships require some kind of work.
Love and friendship are hand in hand. One can not live without the other for a
long period of time. It usually isn't amorous love, but a love that says more t
han a romance ever could. And when you've found that kind of love, you hope th
at other people will find that too, because it's something special that you woul
dn't trade for anything. You can try to figure out where it all started, but yo
u won't, because the beginning of the journey isn't as important as the journey
itself. Even though a friendship had to have begun at some point, and although
all good things come to an end, sometimes the good thing only ends because it tu
rns into something great.
Best friends are the ones who you are stuck with for the rest of your life, but
given the choice, you wouldn't have it any other way.
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