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Activity 1: Report on Need for HR Data collection

Every organization irrespective of its size needs to maintain records; the records can be of
wide varieties and of different aspects. One of the major records that play a vital role in any
organization is HR data record. Every organization keeps the records either because of the
law reuirement or for some internal purposes. !or e"ample# keeping records for the
employees working hours can help the organization to evaluate and implement the work
hour regulation set by the government$law. %t also does help the wages calculation and help
the HR to adhere to the &inimum 'age (ct )**+# ta" and national insurance obligations.
Organizations maintain and records data depending upon the need in the future and for easy
access of the data of employees to be able to retrieve the same whenever it is needed the
most. Every organization maintains the records so that it can help the HR during the yearly
review and appraisal of the employee and also it comes as handy to plan ahead for the
business. ,he accurate data held by the organization helps in precise decisions making in
conte"t to employee.
Organizations around the globe either public limited or private limited# for the purpose of
planning ahead and being competitive in the global market has to maintain# record and keep
the HR data. ,his serves the purpose and help in proper training# recruitment appraisals of
the employee at the time of need. !or organization# planning depends on information already
available within# and a personnel planning depends on precise HR data record# thus an
accurate and precise HR data helps the manager in strategic formulation which contribution
to achieve the organizational goals.
Two Types Of Data Collected and How Each !pports HR "ractices:
tat!tory records:
,here may be many reasons why an HR team collects different types of data. ,he utmost
important is to fulfill the legal reuirements. ,he organization collects data from work
contracts# responsibilities and duties assigned to employees# salaries# the contractual
working hours# Holiday forms# perks - bonuses# and from the health and safety records of
an employee. .y law /abor %nspection has the right to and can reuest the organization to
provide data regarding individual employees and thus this becomes an obligation for the
organization to timely maintain such records and provide the same whenever reuested by
the law for checking and to avoid unnecessary sanctions.
Or#anisational records:
,he other type of records that human resource within the organization records is the
recruitment and selection procedure records# induction of the candidate records# training and
development records# sickness and lateness# and personnel data of the employee. ,hese
data helps the HR with decision0making. (ll other that is gathered is carefully compiled and
analyzed to evaluate the current position of the organization and to formulate the strategies
to achieve optimal outcome from the employees. %t also enables the HR to make and drive
different people0based decisions and initiatives. ,hrough successful evaluation of the
individual employee records# the organization can identify major movements in relation to
staff turnover# this also enables them to learn and develop new HR policies.
HR collects different types of HR data that support the above functions in a number of ways.
,hese are performance review forms# which mainly contain the information on individual
performance# individual goals# sickness and lateness# personal achievements and other
details# which are essential from human resource perspective for evaluation of the employee
and to set the goal and formulate new strategies. ,hese data are used to identify low
performers from the high achiever and points out the area of development needed to
optimize the performance and to boost the low performers within the organization. !rom the
pool data# HR carefully evaluates the data records for decision0 making process on
employee promotions# bonus and annual perks.
,he above data is stored in two ways1
). "aper: paper or manual data system refers or storing of data on paper# which can be
kept in a file or a folder and in an office cabinet. However# one may systematically
store the folder and file in the cabinet but is doe not imply mandatory centralized
system for storing such file. ,hese types of data are hacker safe and do not get
corrupt# inaccessible due to power cuts. However# these kinds of data are very hard
to evaluate and a cumbersome job to search for specific file at times.
2. Electronic: on the other hand the benefits of a computerized filing system are
enormous which includes time and cost effective to the company# benefits to the
environment# amplified sorting# finding# and moving documents abilities. Other
benefits include small storage area reuired compared to the data stored in the paper
filing system.
Two Essential Ite%s of U& 'e#islation relatin# to Recordin# and torin# HR Data:
1( Data "rotection Act 1))*: 3nder the 4ata 5rotection (ct )**+# all personnel records
irrespective of the medium of storage 6&anual$paper type or computerized7 type must not be
kept for a longer period unless it is meant to be stored or reuired for specific purpose.
3nder the data protection act )**+ the electronic version if covered by the act# along with
certain types of other manual systems. !or the manual system to be covered under the act it
must adhere to specific and organized way of filing. %t must follow proper 8relevant filing
system8. 3nder this act employee has the right to access the data and employer is obligated
to provide the data reuested and must ensure that the data provide is correct and up to
date. E"cept from some e"emptions under the detailed 9chedule : of the 4ata 5rotection
(ct# these data can be released to the third party with permission from the individual.
,hat Employment 5ractices 4ata 5rotection ;ode consists of < parts# Recruitment and
selection# Employment records# &onitoring at work# %nformation about workers health.
3nder the above all data must be stored and made accessible whenever and wherever
reuired and must be destroyed securely and effectively# within as per guidelines of the act.
+( ,reedo% of Infor%ation Act -+...( NI: 3nder the !reedom of %nformation (ct# people
have the right to ask any public body for information they need on any subject. 3nder the
(ct# unless there is a valid reason# the organization must provide the information reuested
within 2= working days. 5erson can also reuest for personal information it may holds for
.elow is a list of bodies> falls under the (ct1 ?overnment departments the 3@ and the
Aorthern %reland (ssembly# local authorities# AH9# hospitals and doctors surgeries# schools#
colleges and universities# publicly funded museums# the police# many other non0
departmental public bodies# committees and advisory bodies.
(ny person irrespective of age# nationality# can ask for all information held. ,here are
e"clusions where information may be withheld to protect various interests# but under such
circumstances the public authority must flourish details and valid reasons as for why they
have denied information. ,he denial of information due to contradictory interests is
acceptable under the (;,.
%n addition to the above it is to be noted that; when an individual asks for information about
himself# then this will fall under the 4ata 5rotection (ct and will be handled as per the (;,; if
he$she asks for information about other people 6third parties7# then !reedom of %nformation
(ct will apply. On the same note it is to be noted that# disclosure of personal information
about anyone else# which would breach his or her rights under the 4ata 5rotection (ct# is not
Activity +:
!or this activity# % have used the data from the ;ustomer service 6!loor7 department of ;ost
;utter. ,he HR area# % am investigation is the effects of (bsenteeism due to sickness 6using
absence data for one month7. % will be trying to connect any patterns for sickness and
solution to overcome the low productivity within the organization.
,he role of floor manager is to keep the teams moral high and encourage them to be on time
and punctual. (s a manager or employer# one has to develop ways to keep track of
employees to ensure optimal productivity and efficiency is achieved. 'ith regards to my
study it has been found that freuent absenteeism# due to call in sick due to cold or for
personal reasons have greater impact on the business and it also affects the company8s
bottom line. ,his also put e"tra pressure on the employee# who have to cover0up for the
absent employee.
%n the customer service 6floor7 department the team consists of < employees# working full
time# with average working hours of <= per week and a total of < sick days paid per calendar
&y finding from the HR data gathered is that main cause of the absenteeism is due to family
issues. Employees used most of the holidays to attend and resolve family issues. ,he other
pattern which % was able to find was that# the employee almost half of them have called in
sick soon after the bank holiday or just a day before which give them e"tra days for family.
'ith increased number of employee calling in sick before or after the bank holidays# % would
highly recommend to bring in new HR policy where people will be advised not to call sick on
a day before or after bank holidays. %f they do so# they will not be entitling for sick pay. ,is
will also include regularly evaluation of the sick and absenteeism from work for employees
on a case0to0case basis and trying to resolve the issue through meetings.
Below table used to gather data
Apr/10 +.10112
Employee &onthly (bsence
Employee>s name
4escription (bsence 4ays ,otal Hours ,otal 4ays 3sed ,otal 4ays /eft
9%;@ 9E/!
9%;@ !(&%/B


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