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how to teach to people who are uneducated in villages of INDIA

amazing fact about uneducated youth are :

they know how to talk but they dont know how to read and write
they know their mother tongue since childhood , if it is English to be translated to
make them speak English first

now what should one do ???

teach them first speech and give them understanding to decipher it the meaning of their talk
afterwards rest is easy to do by looking at inquisitiveness reading and writing automatically follows
its a slow process where technology if is hated you give them the arsenal of black board type of

give them radio type of gadget and ask them to decipher the meaning of the talk which is highlighted to
them in the form of podcast by stopping and running it as per their convenience telling them the
meaning of the word at each stage

thought of the day :
first speech , meaning and then read then write


Belief system and environment in INDIAN scenario

I read in personality development books that belief system if one copies you can become any person
and have all luxuries of that person in any format of your choice which you can choose from the person
whom you copied
is it correct ???
as per my belief no two persons can be same nor they can have same belief system because no two li ves
go through same set of environment in which they grew
within me and my brother there are no parallel life goes, he has his own set of friends of Microsoft , I
have my own set of friends of Dhruva college
thinking pattern within Dhruva is different and within friends I have different opinions on similar issues
with my friends , groom up of mine and my friends families would also be different

within 24 hours different environment issues arise and solutions given are also different
how can you copy other people lives and become like them , I dont understand
if you want to believe in me and follow

the solution is simple


Purchasing 40 50 ebooks per month or only 4 books per month by an INDIAN

it is common to see my friends purchasing books 40 to 50 books per month to keep themselves abreas t
with current affairs news
to read these many books would take them say 6 to 7 months minimum as per my calculation of 7 books
per month with reading of other books of novels along with them
while pondering over these issues I came to an understanding

that if friends had purchased for themselves only 4 books per month spending only 1000 rs per month
per person they must have gained insight into updated version of books on the same topic by keeping
the current affairs books up to date for current month

example : Indian current affairs sticks to first honorable prime ministers records of
P v Narsimha rao sir
then Manmohan singh sir
then Narendra modi sir
with each passing away of prime minister and working for 5 years at a time current affairs each month
keeps changing so being up to date with current trends gives you finance

hence purchasing 4 books through strategy would give you finance and knowledge and you can
purchase after 4 books other books next month with other books being got from torrent which is als o
knowledge for the country to generate business

thought of the day :
purchasing one book at a time , read it and then purchase next book , one would lose discounts
offered to them in places like flipkart


How to manage online storage in a country like INDIA

with the above knowledge coming in handy now the question next raised by Indians is how to manage
online storage

To read books only 40000 books are sufficient to read in ones life time keeping one book per day
keeping thats why only nonfiction books online for generating finance for the family becomes
prominent in county like ours where books reading is qualitative and not quantitative during storage
purpose where now a days all books come in epub format version

food videos is next which can give satisfaction to a family to store if one is food lover and traveler to
remote places and want to get 5 star cuisine homely food during travel
meaning online storage definition is meant for of a vihari (traveler) paradise
so if Indians want to groom up online storage , think It from the perspective of a traveler usage while
moving where availability of television is always there

thought of the day
online storage and finance earning to run family smoothly without hiccups


Competency of nation and role of central government in it in nation like ours (INDIA)

In todays world where brain drain is talked about under priority basis , country like ours should also
participate in it and give its input to stop the flow

people like amatya sen and other Nobel prize laureates go to usa and groom up nation like ours from a
distance and never even have discussion with central government as to where they want the guidance
to be is my observation
they write revolutionary concepts and spread it in flip kart but if they were little bit closer to the nation
and not in other territories , India can easily groom itself better while sharing knowledge with brothers
and sisters of parent country and not to foreign nations
the knowledge which I gained by staying in India even though finance earning is tough is that
psychology of nation and its understanding by being part of the society gives one insight into nations
problems and solutions by playing a role of sufferings of the nations public through their view point than
being part of a foreign nation who gives knowledge about their country more than motherland
if one gains insight into motherl and problems through Indian media , a student or economic man of the
nation can write beautifully by knowing what is right and wrong for the nation .
without understanding what is being relished by the nations citizens and where the status quo of the
nation is and what technology is being the citizens made to adopt
writers can never succeed unless they are part of the citizens of motherland
this understanding is also seen and observed by me when one reads the preface of writers written by
the authors while explaining the biography of what they write if one has observed the explanation given
by the writers of whom one reads is my clear understanding of the world in which I am part of it
nation progresses with what input the national authors share with the public within the country
because of their mind mapping with local citizens and their religious outlook

thought of the day
by being part of the problem one can be part of the solution


Working hay wire without guidance in knowledge capitalism era of INDIA to get finance for family

where to get guidance in todays scenario of knowledge in country like ours

a) news papers
b) magazines
c) opinion leaders
d) focus groups
e) management ceos
f) educational institutions
g) research institutions

looking out for current affairs issues and solving them you get finance in INDIA

thought of the day
Networking and INDIA ( FINANCE)


What to write and in which direction should a student write in INDIAN scenario as per me

work taken up by the students can be anything and in whichever direction as per competency is
concerned . student should take into consideration set rules before writing which were used by me
while writing

as per my judgment student should

a) know the knowledge of the country
b) know the swot of the country
c) know the current affairs of the country
d) know the friends and foes of the country
e) know the competency and knowledge about the political thought of the country
f) know the knowledge of management which is internet knowledge provided by the nation
g) know the institutions and their knowledge of competency
h) know the student network
I) know the competency of party workers and their development issues

thought of the day :
knowledge of nation is writing on nation
knowledge of nations is swot of nation requirement
knowledge about consultation is knowledge about writing
knowledge about reading is knowledge awareness provided by the country
knowledge about implementation of consultation is protection given by country to writer


Marketing Research and its methodology to solve problems in INDIAN scenario

issues faced by the company is huge and to solve them research wing is used
research employees face a big problems of facts col lected to tally with actual society behavior
to make their work easy and to do it foolproof I came with some terminologies

these are ???

open ended questionnaire : all questions must be open ended so that written text to write on
consistent basis requires time, energy and knowledge without which research analysis is incomplete

close ended questionnaire : as per my knowledge these questionnaires are root cause of inconsistency
so should be used less or nowhere

I use only open ended

number of words : - to pay is my motto so in order to get information I pay to answerer of
questionnaire and pay it on the number of words used by the answerer to make my job easy with huge
explanation which was drafted by me in the form of open ended

duration of marketing research project : duration of one project research and to continue further with
another research to be taken up is usually yearly completing quarterly to quarterly answer sheet with
summation coming up in annual general meeting of industries of all ending march to march

how many marketing research projects to be taken up in a year : based upon number of teams you
possess and they being busy in the form of correspondence and solutions to complete the project wi thin
a specified time of one year where knowledge change hands after 1 year is over

pay package to research teams of the company : consultation fees , group discussions , debate and
knowledge sharing , presentations on research done

outsourcing research : outsource financial research calculations (money matters) as is done during
audit tallying it up with internal research team , rest of the research one can do it internally easily is my
way of looking at issues pertaining to company methodology is concerned

thought of the day :

types of research methodologies other than above stated


How to provide jobs to villagers who live in barren lands in INDIAN scenario

villagers are heard to say that they have seasonal unemployment and dont have finance to run their
houses. these villagers do laborious job to provide food for the nation
suppose in some unknown reason water scarcity comes and villagers cant produce food and circulate
food for the whole states and land becomes barren
villagers leave the employment of barren land and look for jobs in the towns and cities under the name
tag of construction (Real Estate job)
with the increase going on happening and villagers keep on selling their lands and coming to cities and
towns for jobs , how come states keep giving job opportunities where players and entrepreneurs who
are less in number and keep decreasing day by day
one solution is to the above situation ?

subsistence farming (POT based agriculture)

through this method farmers remain in the same place, get their food , education through state and
unemployment doesnt spread to towns and cities and they keep their families intact with food

thought of the day :

those type of varieties which require minimum amount of water to survive in harsh climate


Group discussions and orientation (which one is good for the nation like ours INDIA)

Best way to communicate as per me is group discussions and not orientation one way route
to gain insight into knowledge group discussions are preferred
to gain and talk about current affairs group discussion is preferred
if you want to read books on regular basis create a syndicate and gain insight into nations
if you want to marry and want to have a discussion you can select your mate who prefers group
if you want your children to be knowledgeable and for you to gain insight into youth group discuss ions
should be preferred
if you want to have sixth sense and to know what you are missing in life group discussions is way
if you want to do job and want to know how it feels to take certain jobs which are risky group dis cussion
is preferred
if you want to know who your son in law or daughter in law is you should cultivate the habit of
If you want to know what children and their groom up should be do discussions on all topics
if you want to know darker elemental forces in society and want to avoid them read and discuss
if you want to mind map and dont know where to begin gain knowledge and discuss with society you
would know who your focus group is
if you want to know that your team leader , opinion leader is wise and would give you right direct ion

thought of the day
expand my vision on topic group discussion through talk


type of reading else studying by an Indian in 21st century

everything you do should be recorded inside the brain else you dont get finance
everything which you write should be recorded inside the brain else you dont earn
everything which you say must come from brain through remembrance else you are not respected
everything you discuss with society and believe if it comes from inside brain you are appreciated
everything you ponder with yourself if comes from inside the brain you gain insight into life
every activity you take up if comes inside the brain you earn motivation points to yourself
every book you remember and register inside the brain you earn knowledge and case laws
every contribution you make and register inside the brain you earn prizes
every strategy you design and register inside the brain and use it every now and then you get bonus
every understanding you do about concepts registering them inside the brain you earn PHDs
every area you cover in remembrance inside the brain you gain job works in society

thought of the day :
create your own scenarios inside the brain and ponder over them !!!!!!


when a woman marries a stupid husband who has no brains and wants him to be intelligent

suppose you get married thinking husband to be microsoftian and wish within 3 hours of interviewing
that he looks stupid but must be for a short duration during marriage exchange
after marriage you come to realize with passage of time that you made a mistake and that candidate
doesnt read books of men are from mars and women are from Venus type of books and is still talking
stupid language

what to do in this scenario

check out for his salary increase and create a desire in him to look at family issues solving through
finance ?
during marriage enquiry ask if he has desire for money and if he has how much ?
ask whether his family is expecting him to be knowledgeable ?
check out whether his family has relatives who are rich else knowledgeable ?
check whether he can handle games of team playing ?
check out whether he has watched English films and which type ?
check out whether he has handled aunties in his life time ? which age and which type ?
what his policy is while handling elders ?

etc. etc. etc.

thought of the day
knowledge and situation based handling questions to look at compatibility between bride and


How to save 5 thousand every month in family (INDIA)

draft and get books from friends
pool up the books in one place physical
create a pool of books at one place through syndicate with the help of HR effort
share books by shifting hands
pay 1 rs per book for reading to hr head
share also books in the form of eBooks through dvd
share it through creation from dumb computer client eBooks
pay 1 rs per dvd creation
use it till you complete the books all
share the books you bring to the house with family
save money through cooperation

thought of the day :
relation of company with employees without creating library in the company
think on similar set up with issues


Dead legends vs living legends (who is responsible for our situation ) in a country like INDIA

Do you bother about people who are dead and given us bread and butter for our living
you are right to certain extent but additional story of above is
those who are living are changing the thought process of those who are dead and bringing mankind t o
their way of thought process and giving peanuts to those who belive in dead legends
situation of present keeps changing every now and then and those who are living are earning money
and those who believe in dead are losing money because those who are living legends and changing
history of mankind
INDIANS if are wise should concentrate on those who are changing history by being alive because dead
at any way can do nothing
in country like ours Narendra Modi the honorable prime minister is much more responsible for our f ood
than dead legend Rajiv Gandhi sir
watch out for those who are living as they change history of mankind and leave the people who woul d
never change your standard of living as they are dead and dont talk to you for your state of affairs

thought of the day


Are you an Indian or Are you an american ( what the thought process of an INDIAN should be)

I have been seeing this stupid world from corner of an eye how they try to show off each other by being
a patriot towards their nation . recently the biggest stalwart of usa few years back wanted usa to be
number 1 in every department
I am scared personally would India become like this or not ?
as per me it is stupidity
why ?
everyone is a human being and every one has a family, males take up jobs to sustain their family and
honest to themselves not to lead a poverty life style
people have to be wise , honest, and appreciate each other as they are one that is homosapiens
if you demarcate yourself as individuals that we are Indians or Americans how would you be able to get
finance for your family where the world is becoming one
one should have adaptability and should be able to do jobs in any country
family responsibility is what I promote over patriotism for Indians , get jobs marry and get finance to
have stable mindset
homo sapiens are considered to be social animals li ving on cooperation since stone age under the head
of barter system
society , cities were created by human beings to keep their brains busy
be responsible to your family finance , every one has to eat food

thought of the day
family responsibility and patriotism of poverty when all are homo sapiens


Issue based philosophy and INDIA

Something which I learnt from my father is issue based .
forming opinion on issues through discussion and keeping differences with people to that issue
on next issue another difference of opinion or similarity in thought process
by keeping differences with each other only to particular issue and again sorting out in another i ssue
should be motto of Indians
never overstretch your differences and create fiction by having halo affect and create friction wi th each
other by overstretching opinion difference to all issues instead keep differences of opinion to that
particular issue
if another issue is raised leave the issue of previous to air and take up later on issue freshly with fresh
mindset with fresh opinion
state to others
" in that particular issue I had differences of opinion, to this fresh issue my opinion is this "

thought of the day
how many issues can you raise and solve in a given day by having knowledge about society


How to purchase eBooks in Indian scenario

there are two websites companies I always purchase eBook's like flipkart and amazon which offers
personal library to me and I read them online while purchasing at discount rates whenever offer is
available of books in electronic format

how to purchase in them eBooks without losing money if you are an Indian ?

every purchase made in eBooks should give me finance more than my investment
I should be able to read them every now and then with excitement for further knowledge
each book purchased can be read by me more than once
with each reading my knowledge about society should increase
I should be able to generate finance non stop with each reading of the same book more than twice
I should be able to get appreciation for myself when I refer the books to friends with each purchase

thought of the day
Are you a winner or a loser in each transaction made in eBook's


why books are purchased in INDIA

if you dont want to be guilty conscious and want to earn money without fear of being ridiculed books
are purchased
with each book purchased and read you gain in confidence as books you purchased were from your har d
earned money so you have a right to do consultation with society and earn money rightfully
free of cost books which I promoted accidentally is true only to certain extent , debate it yourself where
you would implement it and where you would purchase it to earn finance for your family
confidence and ethics is seen recently by me is in purchases of books and not free of cost
promote eBook's purchase , read it thoroughly, grasp the essence and charge handsomely for finance
children are taught how to earn money in India through books purchase by themselves , comics
family values in India are gained by respectability which is earned through purchases
torrents which are available is for those who dont want to earn finance through books
why it is promoted freely is not known to me, maybe for poor people to get knowledge
personal library creation is an art by itself and the one who is proficient gains insight into lif e
managing affairs of finance is also art by itself , gaining ascendency through rightfulness is what is
observed by friends , elders


where to do consultation of the books you read ?

entrepreneurship style of functioning would come into existence which can be anything if you imagi ne
and brave enough to follow, timidity has no place , that is lesson books teach if you do it ethically and
gain ascendancy in earning finance for family through rightful purchase with ethics intact

thought of the day
gain knowledge and look for opportunities , reading is a good habit


How to groom up tourism in a country like ours (INDIA)

normally tourism is groomed up by sight seeing which is traditional mode of tourism for any country

if you want to groom up intellectually

ashrams in our country have a lot of spiritual books to cater to touris
international publishing house campuses can cater to the needs of foreigners
food festival seasons and spread of food culture of nation can cater to foreigners
educational campuses and discussions about nation and international can cater to foreigners
rural knowledge is another way to groom up our nation through ICRISAT
resorts groomed up in educational buildings can cater to foreigners
temples of India groomed up in literature books can cater to foreigners
hotels of nation groomed up in the form of library lending house can cater to foreigners

thought of the day :
how many students have got the idea of entrepreneurship in above format in INDIA


strategy to groom up writers in INDIA

usual strategy to groom up writers in world is funding
use the same strategy innovatively

performance based review of finance allocation to writers and making them responsible towards
citizens grooming up
those who perform on regular basis survive and get finance through allocation money
those who fail in performance get no finance after few years

how to know how many years is required to give finance to writers to determine success ?

yearly presentations to panel who provides them finance allocation to see whether further finance is to
be given or stopped

internet funding is another option through voluntary basis collection of money from citizens of world
consultation to companies on pull strategy and networking of finance through them

create website of your own and earn your bread and butter if funding to you i s not possible

thought of the day :

think on similar lines


how to write with success as per my opinion in country like INDIA

in country like ours there are many writers and many students who wish to become authors
to write with success Is the desire of many and gain financial independence

to succeed what is the mantra !!!!!

keep one book intact to read it thoroughly
value addition to that book companion books collect it (author DAN BROWN )
read away the value addition books thoroughly before you read the actual book completion
actual book also you read 2 to 10 pages daily
this way you complete the actual book and gain further knowledge
after reading everything about books of your assigned task then start writing on them qualitativel y
through remembrance power else write simultaneously while reading and collecting data both
primary and secondary of your choice and imagination
do consultation during the process of writing and reading on the books assigned by you
if you complete the project you can lose finance, its possible
stretching the number of years is the key to success of finance as you have something to say and
consult with

think on what I said and form your own ideas of how to get finance

thought of the day :

write qualitative books by stretching the number of years to gain knowledge into what you write


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