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Meckels diverticulum- rule of 2s

2 inches long,
2 feet from the ileocecal valve,
2% of the population
commonlly presents in the first 2 years of life
may contain 2 types of epithelial tissue

Pheochromocytoma-rule of 10s:
10% malignant
10% Bilateral
10% extraadrenal
10% calcified
10% children
10% familial
* discussed 10 times more often than actually seen

BROKen aphasia (Brocas aphasia-broken speech)
&Wordys aphasia (Wernickes aphasia- wordy, but making no sense)

GET SMASHDCauses of Acute pancreatitis
Gallstones, Ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps, Autoimmune(PAN), Scorpion bites,
Hyperlipidemia, Drugs(azathioprine, diuretics)

(Multiple endocrine neoplasia) Each of the MENs is a
disease of three or two letters plus a feature.
MEN I is a disease of the 3 Ps (pituitary, parathyroid and pancreas)
plus adrenal cortex.
MEN II is a disease of the two Cs (carcinoma of the thyroid and
catacholamines [pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN IIa or
mucocutaneous neuromas for MEN IIb (aka MEN III).

Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteriaPMN infiltrate
Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbes Mononuclear infiltrate

Takayasus diz = pulseless diz, therefore when you have
Takayasus, I cant Taka yu pulse.

Argyll-Robertson Pupilsyphilitic pupil (AKA Prostitutes pupil Accommodates, but
doesnt react )
Accommodation reflex present, Pupillary reflex absent

CAGEalcohol use screening
1. Have you ever felt it necessary to CUT DOWN on your drinking?
2. Has anyone ever told you they were ANNOYED by your drinking?
3. Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?
4. Have you ever felt the need to have a drink in the morning for an EYE OPENER?

P-Q-R-S-Teliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms
Ppalliative or provocative factors for the pain
Qquality of pain(burning, stabbing, aching, etc.)
Rregion of body affected
Sseverity of pain(usually 1-10 scale)
Ttiming of pain(eg.-after meals, in the morning, etc.)

The five Wspost-operative fever
Windpneumonia, atelectasis
Waterurinary tract infection
Woundwound infections
Wonderdrugsespecially anesthesia
Walkingwalking can help reduce deep vein thromboses and pulmonary embolus

ACID or Anna Cycled Immediately Downhill
classification of hypersensitivity reactions
Type I Anaphylaxis
Type II Cytotoxic-mediated
Type III Immune-complex
Type IV Delayed hypersensitivity

WBC Count:
Never Let Momma Eat Beans(60, 30, 6, 3, 1)
Neutrophils 60%
Lymphocytes 30%
Monocytes 6%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 1%

A appearance (color)
P pulse (heart rate)
G grimmace (reflex, irritability)
A activity (muscle tone)
R respiratory effort

Predisposing Conditions for Pulmonary Embolism: TOM SCHREPFER
Ccardiac disease
Rrest (bed-bound)
Eestrogen, pregnancy, post-partum
Ppast hx
Rroad trip

The 4 Ps of arterial Occlusion: pain pallor pulselessness paresthesias

The 4 Ts of Anterior Mediastinal Mass:Thyroid tumor,Thymoma,Teratoma, Terrible
Treatment of Malignant Hyperthermia
Some Hot Dude Better Give Iced Fluids Fast!!!
S: Stop all triggering agents, give 100% O2
H: Hyperventilate
D: Dantrolene 2.5mg/kg
B: Bicarbonate
G: Glucose and Insulin
I: IV Fluids, Cooling Blanket
F: Fluid Output; Furosemide
F: Tachycardia, be prepared to treat V Tach
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve:
Think of exercising muscle for a rightward shift: Exercising
muscle is Hot, Acidic (Lactic Acid), Hypercarbic, Benefits from
oxygen unloading and has an increased 2,3 DPG. Also think Bohr
effect with a rightward shift(_CO2 = _O2). Realize that the
Haldane effect means (O2 =CO2 carried by Hgb).

Back Pain: DISK MASS
D == Degeneration: DJD, Osteoporosis, spondylosis
I == Infection: UTI, PID, Potts, osteomyelitis, prostatitis, Injury/fractur
e, compression fracture.
S == Spondylitis, ankylosing
Spondyloarthropathies (rheum. arthritis, Reiters, SLE)
K == Kidney stones/infarction/infection (pyelo/abscess)
M == Multiple myeloma
Metastasis from breast, prostate, lung, thyroid,
kidney CA
A == Aneurysm Abdominal pain referred to the back (see acute abdominal pain)
S == Slipped disk, spondylolisthesis
S == Strain, scoliosis/lordosis
Skin: herpes zoster.
Gallstones, Ethanol, Trauma, Steroids, Mumps, Autoimmune(PAN), Scorpion bites,
Hyperlipidemia, Drugs(azathioprine, diuretics)
A appearance (color)
P pulse (heart rate)
G grimmace (reflex, irritability)
A activity (muscle tone)
R respiratory effort
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia: Each of the MENs is a disease of three or two letters plus
a feature.
MEN I is a disease of 3 Ps (pituitary, parathyroid, and pancreas) plus adrenal cortex
MEN II is a disease of 2 Cs(carcinoma of thyroid and catacholamines
[pheochromocytoma]) plus parathyroid for MEN IIa or mucocutaneous neuromas for
Acute pneumonia caused by Pyogenic bacteriaPMN infiltrate
Acute pneumonia caused by Miscellaneous microbesMononuclear infiltrate
Takayasus diz = pulseless diz, therefore when you have Takayasus, I cant Taka yu
CAGEalcohol use screening
Have you ever felt it necessary to CUT DOWN on your drinking?
Has anyone ever told you they were ANNOYED by your drinking?
Have you ever felt GUILTY about your drinking?
Have you ever felt the need to have a drink in the morning for an EYE OPENER?
P-Q-R-S-Teliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms
Ppalliative or provocative factors for the pain
Qquality of pain(burning, stabbing, aching, etc.)
Rregion of body affected
Sseverity of pain(usually 1-10 scale)
Ttiming of pain(eg.-after meals, in the morning, etc.)
A-S-C-L-A-S-Teliciting and HPI and exploring symptoms
Aaggravatiing and alleviating factors
Ccharacter, quality
Aassociated sx
note: ASCLAST means let the patient talk first, then ask him/her specific questions
Argyll-Robertson Pupilsyphilitic pupil: Accommodation reflex present, Pupillary reflex
absent due to damage at pretectal area. Also called the prostitutes pupil
(accommodates but does not react).
The five Wspost-operative fever
Windpneumonia, atelectasis
Woundwound infections
Waterurinary tract infection
Walkingwalking can help reduce deep vein thromboses and pulmonary embolus
Wonderdrugsespecially anesthesia
Predisposing Conditions for Pulmonary Embolism: TOM SCHREPFER
Ccardiac disease
Rrest (bed-bound)
Eestrogen, pregnancy, post-partum
Ppast hx
Rroad trip
HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS: Anna Cycled Immediately DownhillGell &
Goombs or ACID.
Type I Anaphylaxis
Type II Cytotoxic-mediated
Type III Immune-complex
Type IV Delayed hypersensitivity
WBC Count: Never Let Mom Eat Beans and 60, 30, 6, 3, 1
Neutrophils 60%
Lymphocytes 30%
Monocytes 6%
Eosinophils 3%
Basophils 1:

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