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Selected Flower Meanings

Here are some selected flowers and their meanings, a short

Almond flowers -- Hope
Anemone -- Forsaken
Aster -- Symbol of Love
Balm -- Sympathy
Basil -- Best wishes
Bay leaf -- ! change b"t in death
Bell flower, white -- #ratit"de
Bergamot -- !rresistible
Bl"ebell -- $onstancy
Borage -- $o"rage
Broom -- H"mility
$ampan"la -- #ratit"de
$arnation, red -- %y poor heart aches for yo"
$arnation, pink -- !&ll never forget yo"
$arnation, striped -- 'ef"sal
$hina rose -- Bea"ty always new
$hrysanthem"m -- Love
$lover, fo"r leaved -- Be mine
$oreopsis -- Love at first sight
$"ckoo pint -- Ardor
(affodil -- 'egard
(aisy -- !nnocence, new-born, ! share yo"r sentiment
Fennel -- Flattery
Fern -- Sincerity
Forget-%e-)ot -- *r"e love
F"r+e or #orse -- ,nd"ring affection
French %arigold -- -ealo"sy
#ardenia -- ,cstasy
#entian -- Loveliness
#erani"m -- .o" are childish
Hare bell -- #rief
Heartsease -- ! am always thinking of yo"
Honeys"ckle -- Bonds of love
Heather -- Admiration
Hyacinth -- ! am sorry, /lease forgive me
!ce /lant -- .o"r appearance free+es me
!vy -- Fidelity, friendship, marriage
-asmine -- #race
-on0"il -- ! hope for ret"rn of affection
Lavender -- L"ck, devotion
Lemon Balm -- Sympathy
Lilac -- First love
Lily -- /"rity, modesty
Lily of the 1alley -- /"rity, the ret"rn of happiness
Lily, $alla -- Bea"ty
%arigold -- Health, grief or despair
%ar2oram -- 3indness, co"rtesy
%yrtle -- Fidelity
4regano -- -oy
4rchid -- Love, bea"ty, refinement
/ansy -- Loving tho"ghts
/eriwinkle -- Happy memory
/hlo5 -- Agreement
/oppy, red -- $onsolation
/rimrose -- ! can&t live witho"t yo"
'ose, cabbage -- Ambassador of love
'ose, red -- Love
'ose, pink -- #race, bea"ty
'ose, yellow -- Friendship
'osemary -- 'emembrance, constancy
'"e -- $ontrition
Sage -- #ratit"de, domestic virt"e
Snowdrop -- Hope
Star of Bethlehem -- /"rity
Sweet /ea -- (epart"re, tender memory
Sweet 6illiam -- #allantry
*"berose -- 1ol"pt"o"sness
*"lip, red -- %y perfect Love, 'eclamation of love
1iolet -- Loyalty, modesty, h"mility
1iolet, bl"e -- Faithf"lness, !&ll always be tr"e
6ormwood -- #rief
6heat -- 'iches of the contin"ation of life
6illow, weeping -- %o"rning
6allflower -- Fidelity
.ew -- Sorrow
The Rose
*he 'ose is the flower whose meaning we most
"nderstand, b"t here are some details of the meaning of the
'ose that may be of f"rther interest.
'ose, Black 7 .o" are my obsession
'ose, $hampagne 7 .o" are tender and loving
'ose, Leonidas 7 Sweet love
'ose, )icole 7 .o" are gracef"l and elegant, aristocratic
'ose, 4range 7 .o" are my secret love
'ose, /ink 7 Brilliant comple5ion8 the glow of yo"r smile8
perfect happiness
'ose, 'ed 7 /assionate love8 ! love yo"
'ose, Single Stems 7 Simplicity
'ose, 6hite 7 ! am worthy of yo"8 spirit"al love8
!nnocence and /"rity8 Secrecy and Silence
'ose, 6hite and 'ed 7 6e are inseparable
'ose, 6hite and 'ed %i5ed 7 9nity8 Flower emblem of
'ose, 6hite, (ried 7 (eath is preferable to loss of virt"e
'ose, .ellow 7 Friendship8 -ealo"sy8 ! am not worthy
'ose, Bridal 7 Happy Love
'ose, (ark $rimson 7 %o"rning
'ose, Hibisc"s 7 (elicate bea"ty
'ose, *ea 7 !:ll remember always
'ose, *hornless 7 Love at first sight
'oses, Bo"0"et of %at"re Blooms 7 #ratit"de
Multiple Roses
Single bloom red 'ose 7 Love at first sight or ! still love
Single 'ose, any color 7 #ratit"de or simplicity
; 'oses 7 %"t"al feelings
< 'oses 7 ! love yo"
= 'oses 7 !:m infat"ated with yo"
> 'oses 7 6e:ll be together forever
?@ 'oses 7 .o" are perfect
?? 'oses 7 .o" are my treas"red one
?; 'oses 7 Be mine
?< 'oses 7 Friends forever
?A 'oses 7 !:m tr"ly sorry
;@ 'oses 7 !:m tr"ly sincere towards yo"
;? 'oses 7 !:m dedicated to yo"
;B 'oses 7 Forever yo"rs
;A 'oses 7 $ongrat"lations
A@ 'oses 7 9nconditional love
>> 'oses 7 ! will love yo" all the days of my life
?@C 'oses 7 6ill yo" marry meD
>>> 'oses 7 ! love yo" till the end of time

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