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2014 (I)
Time : 3:QO Hours Maximum d4arkr: 200
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O k A I I ~ ~ P ~ Sheet N~..GSA.? .CI .?
1. 5 Jcrn 2. 5 a c m
WTO cm 4. - l oam
F Bi 1, 0 c 5. Andrcher climbs to the top of a 10 m
high building and aims at a bird atop a
P V D ?
trre 17 rn away. The line of sight h m
the archer to the b i d makes angle of
1. P K
45' to the horizontal. What is the heighp
3. J 4. L of the tree?
1. 117m b ' 27m
\7 4
2. Consider a right-angled triangle _-ABC 3. 37 rn 4. 47m pa s \7
where AB = AC - 3. A m l e APOQ
is drawn inside it, as shorn. such that the 6. Consider P t h e set of 1
height of the rectangle is twice its width.
(17', 17', .--, 1 7 ~ ~ ~ 3 . HOW many of h s
The rectangle is moved horizontally by a
rlumbers end with the digit 3?
distance 0.2 2s shown schematically in
1. 60 2. 75
thFdiagram (not to scale). 3. 100 w 150
Find the missing number in the triangle.
1. 16
Area of AABC 3. 50 4. 80
Wkai is the value of the ratio
Area ofPOST
8. The time- gap. between the t~vo in:;tants,,
2. 400 1. 625
: o n L~ e f o r e and one after 12.00 noon,
3L--2Z -3. . i25 when the angle between s h o u r hand
and the minute hand is 6 6 O , is
3. 8 0 gsm paper is cut into sheets of 200 1. 12 min 2. 16 min '
; rnxx 300 mrn size and assernblz in
: 3. 18 min
. . 4. 24 min $
pickets of 500 sheets. What will be the
weight of iTj5iEket? (gSm = g/rn')
9. A m-ant-s eqyal numbe~s of shirts
and t r ouser r ZZpays- Rs. PmO. If the
1. . 1.2 kg 2. 2.4 kg
- 3 poa1
c o s t w h i r t s is f & 805'ana that 9
3. 3.6 kg 4. . 4.8 kg
. - trouser d R s . 100phen how many sh~rts
were bqught? 3-3-8w
4. Three identical flat equilateral-triangular 1. 60 b50 ( & me
a r
p l a t e i d e 5 cm each arej l aced 3. 1 5 . 4. 10
together such that t h z form a trapezium.
years of a child, the height
I j2
it~crcases as the square root of thezge &.0.0-(
vlltlile the weikht increases in direct
... . . .
, . .:....
. . . . . . . .
. .
. . . . .:....
. .
. .
. .
........ . .
.::i*!.,..c ;:.
.-_-.- T~-.-_.-I.-. . . ...,... ?..%*A::..?
. . . . . . . -. .
2. reduces with age.
L3/ increases with age.
4. is constant only if the
height at birth are both zero.
. .
11. In 450 g of pure coffee powder 50 g of
chicory is added. A person buys 100 g of
this mixture andadds 5 g of chicory to
that. What would. be the rounded-off
percentage of chicory in this final
shorn (units at arbitrary)?
1. 10
drawn, wit&out replacement, so that you
blue and 7 white balls?
1. 140
13. Suppose
+, - and x have their usual mea~liags..
What is the v a w f
((197 315) - (197 A 315)) . (197 * 315)!
17.Suppose n is a positive integer. -then
/ /
. - (n2 -+ n)(Zn + 1)
I . may not be-divisible by 2.
2. is- always divisible by 2 but- may not
--. . .
. .
18. There is a train of length 500 m, in which
degenerate, while the others are non-
a m.m is standing at the rear end. At the degenerate. The average., energy at
instant the rear end crosses a stationary
inverse tem~eratuie 13 is -
observer on a platform, the man starts
walking from the rear to the front and the
front tor the rear of the train at a constant
speed of 3 km/hr. The speed of the train
3. zero 4. -E tdnh ( : )
is 80 lun/hr. The distance of the man
from the observer at the end of 30
23. For a particular +hemodynamic system
minutes is
thezntropy S is related to the internal
energy U and Glume V by
1. 41.5 km. 2. 40.5 km. c /-
3. 40.0 km. 4. 41.Okm.
s = c ~314~114
19. A rwtangular area of sides_9
is a constant. The ~ i b b ~
, .
is to be covered by s Gr e tiles
C = U - TS + pV f o s this
2, and 5 units. The minimum
system is
files needed for this is . . cu
2. -
1. 3 2. 11
, US
4. -
3. 12 4. 15
24. An op amp-based voltage follower
28. If all horses are donkeys, some donkeys
1. is useful for converting a low impedance
are monkeys, and some monkeys are
source into a high impedance source
men, then which
$.- is useful for converting a high
impedance source into a low il~lpedance
y1. Alldonkeysaremen. source
t2/ Some donkeys may
r - 3 has infinitely high closed loop output
7.3 .- Some horses are men.
. - impedance
4. All horses
4. has infinitely high closed loop gain
25. A particle of mass m in three dimensions
is in the potential
21. One gram of salt is dissolved i -er
~ ( r ) = ( ~ r < a 3~
that is filled to a height of 5 cm in a
:cc r 2 a'
Its ground state energyis
beaker of diametei 16 cm. Tbccur acy
of le,"gth wsur ement is 0.01 cm while
.,. .
- .
- 7T2 ii2
. . - n 2 f i 2
. -
, that of mass measurement is 0.01' mg.
1. - 2. -
2ma2 . ma2
43 6;"
; Wh~me a s ur i ng th
: the fractional error bC/C is
r- 0.8% . . 2. 0.14%
3. 0.5%
; 22. A system can have t
I E = "0, +E. The level
! -
-7--m777-.-.-,-- ~.
....... .. .. .. r . .. . % _ . . . _ I... ...I-.... ,. ._.&_ _ __..r_._l._,~_ ~. ..~--. .. ~ ~ ~
, . . .
, .
37. Consider the matrix
.. .
33. A particle of mass m and coordinate - . q
has the ~ a ~ r a n i i
tvhere R is a constant. The Haniltonian
for the system is given by
The eigenvalues of M are
1. - 5, - 2, 7 kd--7,0,7
3. - 4i, 2i, 21 4. 2 , 3 , 6
38. Consider the differential equation
with the initial conditions x(O) := 0 anii
~ ( 0 ) = 1. The solution x ( t ) attains its
. ~
maximum value when t is
#--1/2 2. 1
34. IF^ = yz i + zxj + xyk and C is the
39. A light source is switched on and off=
circle of unit radius in the plane defined
c o CGGq u e n c y J ~p c ~~s q r v c ~
by z= 1, with the centre on the z-axis,
+ +
movin --f?--- with a velocity c----- u with respect to
then the value of the.integra1 $c A. dt is
t u g h t source will obszr-ve the
frequency of the switching to be
35. Given
EL, P,(X)P = (I - 2xt + t2)-'I2,
%2 f/Z
3. f ( 1- $) 4 . . f ( l - - - 4
, f or I t J<f , t heval ueof P5(-l)is
C .
40. If C is the contour defined by i z( = :, the
value of the integral
-z--r >
36. A charged particleis& a di s t a nc e s om
an infinite wnducting plane maintained
1 at zero potential. When released from is
distance d/ 2 from the plane. At- what
41. The iime period of a simple penduluni
under the influence of the acceleration
. .
. . . ;>:..*.*.*.+,?i?fp@:~..~ ,i.;Tp'?'.i--:: ,I; 1.
. . . . . :-"f&s.&5:.. ,;, ~*$p>.%%??..: , .
magnitude f i g in the ho-mn,, .. .:.,,.<$.,* +.
<. ,
direction. Assuming small osiiU&ons.:
a ,?-2,' .-,-
the mean position -and time period -of
' oseiIlation, respectively, of bob::hll
1. 0to the vertical md *T
2. 30" to the vertical and T/2
3. 60" ta the vertical and ~/fi
4. 0" to the vertical .md ~f f i
Which of the following graphs reprnsents
the cwent is in the sewn ary coil?
4%. Consider an electromagnetic wave at the
interface between two G n e o w
dielec&ic media sf da-consmts
.=---- C
s s mi n e2 > el md no P P 9 1
- 4
chsarges on the SUP ace, the electric fieId
vector E-and the displZ&iment vector
Bin tEie two media satisfy the following
q E 2 1 > 1z11 I141 > llill
2. E < 1$1 and- p21 < lEll
45. A time-dependent emen: (r) = K$
P/I&I < IEII and 141> lql
(where K is a constant) is* on at
4. E l (Ell and 161< lEll
t = O in an infinite cment-carrying
wire. The magnetic vector potential a ,
pe~pndi= distance a from the wire is
43. If the electrostatic potential in spherical
given (for tmse t > a/ c) by
polar c75tZdEnates is
-,----- d c T G 2
q( r) = tpOe--r/ra
.t/ zG , POK
c t - 4 2 7 - 2
I dz (a2 +.2)1/2
where cpO and r,, are constmts, then the
' charge density at a distance r = r o s
be "
/ *poK jl t
2. z- dz -
ova e ~ o v o 4n
1. -7
(a2 + 22)1/2
2. - -st
era 2 r,Z
. . . . . 3 . - 7 Eovo 2eeov0
. . .
. .
L . :
:. . . . . .
. . . . .
.'. . era
4 . . poK .f d2 c i ~ - --
. . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
. . ~
. . . .i.;.,. : . .
:., , .
3. 2-
. .
. . .
. . . . . . . . 4nc
. . .
.... -ct
(a2 + 9)
44.. . . A current iip flows through the primary
. . . . .
-: :
coil-of a Gs f o me r . Ihe gi-ap=i,(t)
a s a functionsf time t & shown in the
figr;;r^e below; ' .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . --...
. . . -- .: .>,.,,, : .;1..:-. :.: ' >: :
. .
. . wu
PART 'c'
The pressure of a nonrel&vistic free
Femi gas . in three-dimensions
depends, at T = 0, on the density of
femi&n as
$1 Tn5/3
2. n'I3
k3- n2i3 4- n4i3
47. A double slit interference experiment
weaa laser emitting IW. of two
adjacent frequencies vl and v2
(v;: 15). The minimum path
difference between the interf&ing
beams for which the intergreence
pattern disapp'ears is
The recently-discovered Higgs boson
sat the LHC experiment h m e c a y
mzde infOa photon and a Z boson7 If
the rest masses of the Hig@-and Z
boson xe 125 @e'89/cL and 90 ~ e ~ l c ~
respectively, and the decaying Higgs
particle is at rest, the energy of the
photon will approximately be
1. 3 5 f i ~ e v 2. 35- GeV
3. 30 GeV 4. 1 5 d . e ~
3. Decreases by 4 .,
4. Does not change- -
-. Far the logic circuit shown in the
figure below
a simplified equivalent circuit - is
52. A spectral line duk a transition from .
an electronic state p to an s state splits
into three Zeernan lines in the presince
of a 3trong lnlagnetic field. At
intermediate field strengths the num6er
o9bectral lines is
49. A permanently deformed even-even 10 2. 3
nucc&w with I P = 2+ has totsional
3. 6 4. 9
energy 93 keV. The energy of the next
excited state is
53. A particle in the infinite square well
1. 372 keV 2. 310keV
3. 273 keQ 4. 186 keV
O< x < a
4 . - = I : otherwise
-.- 1. _ Increases by 2
The expectation
the particle is
54. The average local internal magnetic
field acting on an &@n i s a = '
af-re M is the magnetization and
The dispersion relation for electrons in
an f c.c. crystal is given, in t h ~ h t
%&ing approximati&, by -
kya k,a: .
-k 665 - COS -
2 2
+ css - cos ,-
"" 2 "a] L 1
a 'is a positive constmt. At a
tempewtu~e T sufficiently close to (and -
where a is the lattice coilstant and q, is
abovz) the a5tical temperat~lre 'Ic, the
a constant vvi& the dimension; of
rnzg,s~etic smce~tEb1Ei~y at zero external
energy. $h.e w-component of the .
field is proportional to (kB is the
velocity of the electrons a? (: , 0.0) Is .
BsHtzmann cernstgnt)
'1, -%soar~fi. 2. 2&,a/A
I. k,T-a 2. (kBT 4- a);' 3. - 4~, a/ & 4. 4roa/h
- .
@k,T -- a)--" 4. tanh(k,T.$ a) .
58. The f i ~i ox~i ng dzta is obtained in ail
59. En om di rn~a~i on, 8 rmdozn w&er experima.ra. CBhdt measure~tht: visc~sity
t&es a step with equal pr&asiify to q as a G,'sn.crisn of moiecular weight M
the left 0r.right. W" %fie p~obability fix a S ~ I ~f p~lyiners.
that the walker re"brmrxs to the s:.ziijrag
point aAcr 4 steps? fid fDzj q (Wa-s)
,,/3/8 2. 5/16
3, 3./4% 4. 1/16 990 0.28 f 0.03
56. Csnsicier an eleciro-rr In a b.c.c. laitice 5032 30 f. 2
with Initice - constact a, i%>inglc
n ,
partlie v~avef~inctisn that saisfies Lbe
10191 259 -t- 10
Bloch theorem wiQI have the f01-m
f(?) erp(i6. f ) ; with f(i) ki ng -
I. l + c o s ~ ~ ( ~ + ~ - z ) ] + c o r [ ~ ( - x +
The relation that best describes the
+zj ] + cos[:(r - +z)]
dependence of q on M is
1. n - lW4j9 2. r~ - i V3I2
cos [? (z + .)I
59. The integral 1: fi dx is to be &wed
3. ~ + c o s [ ~ ( x + y ) ] + c o s [ ~ ~ + z ) ] + up to 3 decirnal places osing siFPsoo's
cos [f ( z f I[)
3-pcGnt mle. Hf the in<<mal [O,i] is
divided into 4 eaual Darts. the correct
. .
4. ~ + ~ o s [ ~ ( ~ + ~ - - z ) ] + c o s [ ~ ( - x + a result is
1: 0.483
Y + z)] + cos [E (x - + z) ]
- -3. 3.057
In a classical model, a scalar (spin-8)
meson consists of a
antlquru k bound by a p
where a = 200 MeV f m- ' b~~d b = 100
MeV fm. If the masses of the quxk
and antiquark are negligible, the mass
of the meson can be estimated as
Let y -. - (xl ,+ x2) - -/A, where xl and
. -.
x2 are independent and identically
d l s t r i b u t e ~ ~ s s i m rz:dorn variables
of ff&n ,u md starxiarc? deviation o-.
~ h E - - { ~ " ) j ~ 4 is Y .
?'he gaph of a real perit.Bic frariction
f (16) for th.1: razgc: 1-33, cc+j is shown
satisfy ihlc curmuiztiisn relibk3~1as
9. [A, li] = B + C, [B, C] - 0, [C, A] -= 8 i- C
2. [A, 31 = C, [B, &.I = A, [C, A] = B
3. ; ~, a] - B, ~ B, CI -- a, Ec.Aa - A
/ /
41 [A, I?] L= Cs [a, C] = 0, LC, A] = B
64. The fur~ction @( x, y, z, t ) ==
cos(z -= vt) + ~e(si n(x t ly))
-the equdibn
65. The csordicates a d rnctmenta Xj l Pi
(i = 1,2,3) of a particle satisfy-the
canonical Poisson bracket relations
- .
interface at normal incidence. The
refractive index of the dielectric
medium is n and that of the metal is
n2 = n(l 4- ip). If the beam is
polarisedl parallel to the interface, then
the phase change expxced by th;;
light upon r e f l e c t i s
1. tan(2/p) ' 2. t an- ' ( up)
1. {C2, C3) = 61 and 6631 Cl) = C2
2. (C2,C3I = -Cl aqd (C3,C1) = -62
3. {Cz1C3) = -el and CC3,C1)= C2
4. (C2,C3)=C1 and {C3rC1)=-C2
A canonical transformation relates _(he
old coordigates (q, p) to- the new ones
( n j by the relations Q = q2 apad
P = g/ 2q. The corresponding time-
independent generating fiuacti~rr is 7 1 . y
scattering grnplitude f (8) for the
1. P/ q 2
2. q" '
potential V(s) = p e-Pr , where P and
3. q 2 / P 4. q P2
p are positive constants, is given, in the
Born approximation, by
- -
' 0 Ir2k2
67. The time evolution of a one- (in the following b = 2ksin; and E = =)
dimensional dynkical. system is
L 1. -
4mPP 4 mP ~
described by ~ ~ ( b ~ i $ ) ~
2- - fi 2 b 2 ( b 2L
If this 6& one stable and two unstable
f&ed points, then thi parameter b
I . o < b & 1 2. b >
3. b < -31 4. b - 2
92. The ground state eigenfunction for the
potential V(x) = -6(x), where 6( x) is
the delta hctiog, is given by q ( x ) =
~ e - ~ l ~ l , where A and a > 0 are
68. A charge (- e ) is placed in vacwm at
- the point ( dl 8, O), where d > 0. T&
regiozx _< 0 is filled lrnifmly with a
metal. The electric field at the point
eonstants, If a perturbation H' = bxZ
1. -
a a z
2. -
"1. A thin, infinitely long solenoid p W
a e t h e z-axis c o n i i a n n e t k f l u x -
4. Wc h of the ' following vector
potentials corresponds to the mag~etic
69. An electron is in the ground state of a
fiel- an arbitrary point (x, y, z) ?
hydrogen atom. The probability that rt -
- is within t h e ~ o ~ a d i u s ---- is
1- ( ~X' AY' A. ~ = (-% ;r;;; . ,
azoximately equal to 4 Y @ o ) 1
70. A beam of light
reflected .. from
of frequency w is
a dielectric-rn&l
is designed so that at a fieqrtncy
-gas is given by
w = l o7 rads the intemity of the
external radiation that penetrates the
room is I% of the incident radiation.
pressure, volume and temperature
respectively, md a and b are constant
parmeters. At the critical point, where
its minimum thickness should be (given
all the roots of thz ibove- cubic equation that 1x1 10 = 2.3)
are degenerate, the volume is given by
1.- 4.60 mm 2. - 2.30 mm
. . - . . . . . ,

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