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A Paper
Presented to
Dr. Robert A. Vogel
The Southern apt!st Theolog!"al Se#!nar$
In Part!al %ul&!ll#ent
o& the Re'u!re#ents &or ())))
Dann$ R. o*en
No+e#ber ,-. /))0
,. Te1t2 Matthe* ,/2,34
Top!"2 Author!t$ 5 e1pert
An anesthes!olog!st too6 the *!tness stand !n a #alpra"t!"e "ase. The pla!nt!&&7s attorne$
as6ed a nu#ber o& 'uest!ons that led up to the ad#!n!strat!on o& a part!"ular #ed!"at!on. The
attorne$ as6ed !& the do"tor had ta6en t!#e to read the pa"6age !nsert that the %DA re'u!res
and ea"h phar#a"eut!"al "o#pan$ suppl!es *!th the #ed!"at!on. The pa"6age !nsert
des"r!bes the #ed!"at!on. proper ad#!n!strat!on. and pre"aut!ons *hen us!ng the #ed!"at!on.
The do"tor repl!ed that he had not. In #o"6 horror the attorne$ as6ed *h$ the do"tor *ould
not ha+e ta6en t!#e to read the !n&or#at!on dee#ed ne"essar$ &or sa&e ad#!n!strat!on o& the
#ed!"at!on. The do"tor repl!ed that he had not read the pa"6age !nsert. but he had *r!tten !t8
In Matthe* ,/2,34. the Phar!sees 'uest!oned 9esus about :!s d!s"!ples +!olat!ng the Sabbath.
:e responded that. l!6e the attorne$ abo+e. the$ *ere as6!ng the *rong 'uest!on. 9esus *rote
the Sabbath be"ause :e *as the Lord o& the Sabbath. In both "ases. the a""users *ere
una*are o& the author!t$ the$ *ere "halleng!ng and "a#e out loo6!ng &ool!sh.
/. Te1t2 , Peter -24
Top!"2 ;od7s so+ere!gnt$ +s. the de+!l
A +!"!ous dog on the loose !s a terror &or e+er$one. Put !t on a leash and onl$ those !ts #aster
br!ngs !t near are !n <eopard$. Although Satan appears to be a +!"!ous dog. he !s on a leash
held b$ h!s #aster. the Al#!ght$ ;od. Onl$ those *ho# the Master allo*s the dog near are
!n <eopard$ and e+en that !s under "ontrol o& the Master. The de+!l !s pro*l!ng around. but he
re#a!ns leashed and *!ll one da$ be lo"6ed a*a$.
(. Top!"2 9ust!"e
In the #o+!e %orrest ;u#p. %orrest7s &r!end 9enn$ gro*s up a *!ld $oung *o#en !n+ol+ed !n
drugs and pro#!s"u!t$. =hen 9enn$ returns as an adult to an e#pt$ ho#e pla"e. she !s
outraged at *hat had been done to her there as a s#all "h!ld. She p!"6s up ro"6 a&ter ro"6 and
hea+es the# at the house. E+en the #ost lost person has a sense o& <ust!"e and !s outraged at
!n<ust!"e. Is !t poss!ble &or su"h a sense o& <ust!"e to be &elt !& there !s no ;od. no e1ternal
standard o& #orals that #a6es <ust!"e poss!ble> To *ho# does an athe!st appeal &or ult!#ate
?. Te1t2 , 9ohn (2,)
Top!"2 Sp!r!tual &a#!l$
In the #o+!e O rother =here Art Thou. E+erett7s &r!ends. Pete and Del#ar. are bapt!@ed <ust
be&ore the$ p!"6 up To##$ at the "rossroads *here he sold h!s soul to the de+!l. E+erett
'u!ps. AA!n7t !t a s#all *orld. sp!r!tuall$ spea6!ng. Pete and Del#ar <ust been bapt!@ed and
sa+ed. I guess I7# the onl$ one that re#a!ns una&&!l!ated.B =h!le the l!ne !n the #o+!e !s
&unn$. the real!t$ !s not. E+erett *as alread$ a&&!l!ated. as *as To##$ be&ore he Asold h!s
soul.B As *!th all o& us. the$ *ere born a&&!l!ated *!th Satan. Onl$ through &a!th !n Chr!st do
an$ o& us "hange our a&&!l!at!on.
-. Top!"2 The "o#ple1!t$ o& theolog$ +s. the s!#pl!"!t$ o& the ;ospel
=!th a loupe or #!"ros"ope. a ge#olog!st 6no*s ho* to appre"!ate ea"h &a"et o& a &!nel$ "ut
d!a#ond. !ts "olor. "lar!t$. and per&e"t!on. The $oung lad$ *ho re"e!+es the d!a#ond !n her
engage#ent r!ng appre"!ates *hat !t loo6s l!6e on her &!nger and *hat !t s$#bol!@es !n
relat!onsh!p to her &!an"D. At se#!nar$. *e are b!bl!"al ge#olog!sts. e1plor!ng ea"h &a"et o&
;od7s truth under #agn!&!"at!on. As the br!de o& Chr!st. ea"h Chr!st!an appre"!ates *hat that
truth loo6s l!6e *hen *orn and *hat !t s$#bol!@es !n relat!onsh!p to our r!degroo#.
E. Te1t2 / Cor!nth!ans -
Top!"2 :ea+enl$ ho#e
In / Cor!nth!ans -. Paul des"r!bes our bod!es as tents. =hen *e are sa+ed. *e need to trade
our house &or a tent. At that #o#ent. *e are not longer ho#e. =e are te#porar$ res!dents
*!th no address apart &ro# our per#anent address !n hea+en. I& $ou are sa+ed. ha+e $ou sent
out &or*ard!ng address not!"es to e+er$one $ou 6no*. Or. are $ou 6eep!ng $our per#anent
address a se"ret>
0. Te1t2 Lu6e ,?2,-3/?
Top!"2 E1"uses &or not ser+!ng ;od
E1"uses are l!6e <uggl!ng balls. As long as $ou *or6 to 6eep the# alo&t. $ou "annot do
an$th!ng produ"t!+e. As Chr!st!ans *e <uggle #an$ e1"uses rather than ser+e. 9uggl!ng #a$
be enterta!n!ng &or a *h!le. but e+en that +alue !s short3l!+ed. =e need to la$ do*n our
e1"uses so that *e "an be obed!ent.
4. Top!"2 D!stra"t!ons &ro# truth
A:ere !s Ed*ard ear. "o#!ng do*nsta!rs no*. bu#p. bu#p. bu#p. on the ba"6 o& h!s head.
beh!nd Chr!stopher Rob!n. It !s. as &ar as he 6no*s. the onl$ *a$ o& "o#!ng do*nsta!rs. but
so#et!#es he &eels that there reall$ !s another *a$. !& onl$ he "ould stop bu#p!ng &or a
#o#ent and th!n6 o& !t. And then he &eels that perhaps there !sn7t. An$ho*. here he !s at the
botto#. and read$ to be !ntrodu"ed to $ou. =!nn!e3the3Pooh.B FOpen!ng paragraph o& A. A.
M!lne7s Winnie-the-PoohG. L!6e =!nn!e3the3Pooh. *e are so#et!#es too d!stra"ted b$ our
present "!r"u#stan"es to see the r!ght *a$ to do so#eth!ng.
H. Top!"2 Ego"entr!s#
AOne da$ *hen I=!nn!e3the3PoohJ *as out *al6!ng. he "a#e to an open pla"e !n the #!ddle
o& the &orest. and !n the #!ddle o& th!s pla"e *as a large oa6 tree. and &ro# the top o& the tree.
there "a#e a loud bu@@!ng no!se. =!nn!e3the3Pooh sat do*n at the &oot o& the tree. put h!s
head bet*een h!s pa*s and began to th!n6. %!rst o& all he sa!d to h!#sel&. AThat bu@@!ng no!se
#eans so#eth!ng. Kou don7t get a bu@@!ng no!se l!6e that. <ust bu@@!ng and bu@@!ng *!thout
!ts #ean!ng so#eth!ng. I& there7s a bu@@!ng no!se. so#ebod$7s #a6!ng a bu@@!ng no!se. and
the onl$ reason &or #a6!ng a bu@@!ng no!se that I 6no* o& !s be"ause $ou7re a bee.B Then he
thought &or another long t!#e. and sa!d. AAnd the onl$ reason &or be!ng a bee that I 6no* o&
!s #a6!ng hone$.B And then he got up. and sa!d. AAnd the onl$ reason &or #a6!ng hone$ !s so
as I "an eat !t.B F%ro# "hapter , o& A. A. M!lne7s Winnie-the-PoohG. L!6e Pooh. *e o&ten see
the *orld re+ol+!ng around us rather than &o"us!ng on ;od. the Creator and Susta!ner.
,). Te1t2 ;enes!s (2,,3,(
Top!"2 la#e
=!nn!e3the3Pooh !s stu"6 !n Rabb!t7s &ront door a&ter "onsu#!ng too #u"h o& h!s &a+or!te
&ood L hone$. =hen Rabb!t deter#!nes that Pooh !s stu"6. Pooh 'u!ps. AIt all "o#es o& not
ha+!ng &ront doors b!g enough.B L!6e Pooh and Ada# and E+e. *e "an al*a$s &!nd
so#eth!ng or so#eone to bla#e &or the &!1 *e7re !n. Our so"!et$ has be"o#e one *here *e
are no longer respons!ble &or our o*n a"t!ons.
,,. Top!"2 Sel&3p!t$
In A. A. M!lne7s Winnie-the-Pooh. Pooh bear "o#es upon Ee$ore #op!ng about.
A;ood #orn!ng. Ee$ore.B sa!d Pooh.
A;ood #orn!ng. Pooh ear.B sa!d Ee$ore gloo#!l$. AI& !t is a good #orn!ng.B he sa!d.
A=h!"h I doubt.B sa!d he.
A=h$. *hat7s the #atter>B
A&ter a long "on+ersat!on o& "on&us!on. Pooh &!nall$ responds. AKou see# so sad. Ee$ore>B
ASad> =h$ should I be sad> It7s #$ b!rthda$. The happ!est da$ o& the $ear.B
AKour b!rthda$>B sa!d Pooh !n great surpr!se.
AO& "ourse !t !s. Can7t $ou see> Loo6 at all the presents I ha+e had.B :e *a+ed a &oot &ro#
s!de to s!de. ALoo6 at #$ b!rthda$ "a6e. Candles and p!n6 sugar.B
Pooh loo6ed L &!rst to the r!ght and then to the le&t.
APresents>B sa!d Pooh. A!rthda$ "a6e>B sa!d Pooh. A=here>B
ACan7t $ou see the#>B
ANo.B sa!d Pooh.
ANe!ther "an I.B sa!d Ee$ore. A9o6e.B he e1pla!ned. A:a ha8B
L!6e Ee$ore. *e o&ten *allo* !n sel&3p!t$ be"ause so#eone d!dn7t do so#eth!ng *e thought
the$ ought. The$ are "lueless. but !t doesn7t a&&e"t our p!t!able state.
,/. Te1t2 / Cor!nth!ans ,)2,3E
Top!"2 Sp!r!tual *ar&are
In a No+e#ber E. /))0. AP headl!ne ent!tled AD!sputed boo6 pulled &ro# Oprah *eb s!te.B
Oprah e1pla!ns the reasons &or re#o+!ng The Education of Little Tree &ro# her A!nsp!r!ngB
boo6 re"o##endat!on l!st. :er reasons *ere leg!t!#ate. She learned that the author *as a
*h!te supre#a"!st *hose *or6 she "ould not "ondone. =hat !s lost !n the stor$ !s the reason
the boo6 #ade !t to the l!st. ur!ed !n the #!ddle o& the stor$ !s a ,HH? 'uote &ro# Oprah that
g!+es a*a$ her #ot!+e. She sa!d the boo6 *as Aa lo+!ng stor$ about a bo$ gro*!ng up *!th
h!s grand&ather and learn!ng about nature and spea6!ng to the trees. And !t7s +er$ sp!r!tual.B
Oprah l!6es the sp!r!tual boo6 that pro#otes an!#!s#. She <ust &eels she #ust re#o+e !t &ro#
her l!st be"ause o& the ba"6ground o& the #an *ho *rote !t. In toda$7s sp!r!tual *ar&are. *h$
do *e as a so"!et$ g!+e "elebr!t!es su"h "red!b!l!t$> Are $ou !nsp!red b$ Oprah7s su""ess> Are
$ou *!ll!ng to &ollo* her re"o##endat!ons as long as she !s o6a$ *!th the ba"6ground o& the
author7s *ho pro#ote l!es>
,(. Top!"2 =hat !s bene&!"!al>
In a No+e#ber 4. /))0. AP art!"le AMore "elebs <o!n *r!ters7 p!"6et l!nes.B "o#ed!an Rob!n
=!ll!a#s !s 'uoted "o#!ng out !n support o& the str!6e staged b$ TV and &!l# *r!ters. :e
sa!d. A=!thout the *r!ters. I don7t got an$th!ng to sa$ e1"ept &or !nter+!e*s. *here I7#
allo*ed to r!&&.B Ma$be =!ll!a#s needs so#eone to *r!te h!s !nter+!e*s as *ell8 =here
*ould the *orld be *!thout the *r!ters> =e *ouldn7t ha+e o+er H)) satell!te TV "hannels o&
#ostl$ *orthless enterta!n#ent. =e *ouldn7t ha+e the "esspool o& #o+!es that are du#ped
on us ea"h $ear. =e *ouldn7t ha+e a plat&or# &or the :oll$*ood el!te to push the!r bad
#orals and bad gra##ar onto us. =h!le there !s noth!ng !nherentl$ *rong *!th
enterta!n#ent. *h$ don7t *e &o"us our attent!on to those th!ngs ;od th!n6s are beaut!&ul and
,?. Top!"2 Se1ual pur!t$
In a No+e#ber 4. /))0. Mogb$ Internat!onal art!"le ANe* stud$ "la!#s abst!nen"e edu"at!on
!ne&&e"t!+e. "ontrad!"ts resear"h.B the *r!ter d!s"usses a ne* stud$ that reportedl$ sho*s that
onl$ "o#prehens!+e se1ual edu"at!on "urr!"ula ha+e an$ e&&e"t!+eness. The "la!# !s #ade
that tea"h!ng abst!nen"e &or un#arr!ed people !s !ne&&e"t!+e !n #od!&$!ng teenagers beha+!or
e+en though that !s the "urr!"ulu# des!red b$ t*o3th!rds o& parents sur+e$ed. Tea"h!ng the
b!bl!"al #andate o& abst!nen"e unt!l #arr!age !s s"!ent!&!"all$ sho*n to be useless. At least
that !s *hat the ne* resear"h tr!es to sho*. The Mogb$ *r!ter po!nts out at the end o& the
art!"le. the resear"h #a$ ha+e been b!ased. The resear"her !s part o& a "o##er"!al "o#pan$
that sells "o#prehens!+e se1ual edu"at!on progra#s to s"hools. :o* #an$ prag#at!"
Chr!st!ans *!ll hear the results o& the ne* resear"h. thro* !n the to*el. and agree that
tea"h!ng b!bl!"al pr!n"!ples !s !ne&&e"t!+e> Perhaps rather than rel$!ng on 'uest!onable
resear"h. *e should loo6 to the !ble and !ts Author &or e&&!"a"$.
,-. Te1t2 ;enes!s /2,43/?
Top!"2 Co#pan!onsh!p
In a re"ent Mogb$ Poll Freleased O"tober /?. /))0G. the pollster &ound that al#ost one3&ourth
o& A#er!"ans sur+e$ed sa!d Athat the !nternet "ould ser+e as a subst!tute &or a s!gn!&!"ant
other.B I& Ada# needed a hu#an *o#an as a "o#pan!on. !& the an!#als "ould not ser+e
ade'uatel$ !n that role. *hat *ould pro#pt people to bel!e+e that an ethereal ent!t$ "ould>
The %all a&&e"ted our relat!onsh!ps *!th ;od. sel&. and others. but has !t reall$ "o#e to the
po!nt that noth!ng "an repla"e so#eth!ng> =!ll there soon be ad+o"ates &or de&!n!ng #arr!age
as a person and the Internet unt!l a po*er shortage do the# part>
,E. Top!"2 Internet
In a re"ent Mogb$ Poll Freleased O"tober /?. /))0G. the pollster &ound that al#ost one3th!rd
o& Aorn Aga!nB A#er!"ans sa!d the !nternet a&&e"ted the!r relat!onsh!p to ;od. The rat!o *as
/2, !n &a+or o& #ore "loseness to ;od. Is there an$th!ng !nherent !n the Internet that *ould
"ause an e&&e"t on one7s relat!onsh!p to ;od> Or. !s !t <ust part o& the &allen #!l!eu !n *h!"h
*e l!+e> A group !n %ran"e !s atte#pt!ng to use the Internet to *!n people to Chr!st and to
report de"!s!ons !n real t!#e"."o#5rtd5t#pG. Are these de"!s!ons genu!ne> Is
th!s a good resour"e> =h!le !t !s #u"h #ore *holeso#e "ontent than #an$ s!tes a+a!lable. !s
th!s an !dea *hose t!#e has "o#e>
,0. Te1t2 9ude (
Top!"2 Contend!ng &or the &a!th
In a Christian Today art!"le ASa+e Canterbur$ Cathedral Appeal rea"hes N0#!ll!onB
FNo+e#ber H. /))0G. the pl!ght o& Athe #other "hur"h o& the Angl!"an Co##un!onB !s
deta!led. The bu!ld!ng !s &all!ng apart and the$ *ant to sa+e !t. The "athedral !s a beaut!&ul
bu!ld!ng and represents a long her!tage o& Protestant!s# !n England. The !ron$ !s that the
bu!ld!ng st!ll represents the Angl!"an Co##un!on. oth are &all!ng apart. Rather than
"ontend!ng &or the &a!th. the$ are "ontend!ng &or the stru"ture. Perhaps the$. and *e. should
e1a#!ne our pr!or!t!es *hen !t "o#es to the "hur"h. Are *e the "hur"h or !s the bu!ld!ng !n
*h!"h *e #eet the "hur"h> %or *h!"h are *e *!ll!ng to "ontend>
,4. Te1t2 Ph!l!pp!ans (2,/3,-
Top!"2 ;lor!&!"at!on
In the an!#ated #o+!e Chicken Run. the "h!"6ens on a "h!"6en &ar# atte#pt to es"ape to a
better l!&e led b$ the +!s!onar$ ;!nger. =hen the others are *!ll!ng to g!+e up. ;!nger
atte#pts to #ot!+ate the# b$ as6!ng. ASo. la$!ng eggs all $our l!&e and then gett!ng stu&&ed
and roasted. that7s good enough &or $ou. !s !t>B The da&t "h!"6en abs repl!es. AIt7s a l!+!ng.B
Are *e loo6!ng &or a better l!&e. eternal l!&e> Or. are *e l!6e abs <ust *ant!ng to #a6e a
l!+!ng> :o* does our da$3to3da$ l!&e !n&luen"e our loo6 at eternal l!&e>
,H. Te1t2 Ro#ans ,/2,H
Top!"2 Venge&ul Isla#
Christian Today. a r!t!sh Chr!st!an ne*s s!te. publ!shed an art!"le on No+e#ber 0. /))0.
d!s"uss!ng the KouTube +!deo death threat o& a London Chr!st!an *ho has opposed the
"onstru"t!on o& a A#ega3#os'ueB !n London. On"e aga!n the Apea"e&ulB Isla#!"
&unda#ental!sts ha+e sho*n the!r true "olors b$ threaten!ng death to those *ho oppose the#.
Do the$ *orsh!p the sa#e ;od Chr!st!ans do> Man$ tr$ to #a6e that "la!#. I& the$ do
*orsh!p the sa#e ;od. then should the$ not lea+e the +engean"e to :!#> Shouldn7t *e> In
*hat *a$s do *e share the Apea"e&ulB *a$s o& the 9!had!sts>
/). Top!"2 Coded #essages
In a No+e#ber H. /))0. AP art!"le ALeonardo Pa!nt!ng has "oded Osoundtra"67.B a ne*
generat!on o& Da V!n"! "ode has supposedl$ been &ound !n The Last Supper. The author o& a
ne* boo6. La Musica Celata. sa$s he dre* the &!+e l!nes o& a #us!"al sta&& a"ross the
pa!nt!ng and then. us!ng the hands and loa+es o& bread !n the pa!nt!ng as #us!"al notes. he
&ound a ?)3se"ond #us!"al "o#pos!t!on &or the p!pe organ *r!tten ba"6*ard !n the pa!nt!ng.
;od has g!+en us both re+elat!on and !#ag!nat!on &or :!s glor$. Is th!s &!nd!ng o& "odes
re+elat!on. !#ag!nat!on. or hallu"!nat!on> =hat !& these br!ll!ant people spent the sa#e
a#ount o& t!#e e1eget!ng ;od7s !ntended #ean!ng &ro# S"r!pture rather than #an7s +a!n
atte#pts at sel&3glor!&!"at!on>

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