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The HSBC group is one of the largest banking and financial services
organisation in the world. The group has around 10,000 offices in 8 countries and
territories in !urope, "sia pacific region, "#ericas the #iddle east and "frica, serves
over 1$ #illion custo#ers has assets of %S & 1.8'1 billion. HSBC (ank)s fifth largest as
a co#pan* in +orbes ,lobal 000- it also has the distinction of being one of the leading
co#panies in banking. HSBC head.uarters is located in the /ondon0s Canar* 1harf on
the HSBC tower. The founding #e#ber of HSBC is The Hongkong and Shanghai
Banking Corporation, which was established b* Tho#as Sutherland, a Scot, in 18'$.
HSBC origins in 2ndia date back to 18$3, when the #ercantile bank of 2ndia
was established in 4u#bai. The bank has since steadil* grown in reach and services
offerings, keeping pace with the evolving banking and financial needs of its custo#ers.
2n 2ndia the bank offers a co#prehensive suite of world class product and
services to its corporate and co##ercial banking clients as also to a fast growing
personal banking custo#er base.
HSBC has a histor* of helping #illions of custo#ers globall* to #eet their
financial goals. The* have understood the i#portance and functioning of different
#arkets through their e5perience in international trade. "s a result, HSBC has grown into
a co#pan* or banking institution that has the deepest respect for different cultures and
people connected to these cultures. Their #otto is to look at their custo#ers as
individuals and strive towards providing the# with a personali6ed service that will fit
each of their specific needs.
HSBC 2nvest#ents draws upon a long histor* of serving clients of the
HSBC ,roup, tracing its roots back to the foundation of the Hongkong and Shanghai

Banking Corporation in 18'$. The HSBC ,roup has identified asset #anage#ent as a
ke* constituent of the HSBC ,roup)s wealth #anage#ent strateg* and at HSBC
2nvest#ents- we have been dedicated to #anaging assets on behalf of our clients for #ore
than 30 *ears.
2n 1778 the HSBC ,roup recognised the increasingl* global nature of financial #arkets,
would create the need for a credible global asset #anage#ent organisation to ensure
deliver* of the best possible solutions for clients. 2n response, the separate regional asset
#anage#ent businesses of HSBC were unified to create a single powerful invest#ent
#anager ai#ed at delivering global invest#ent capabilities co#bined with significant
local e5pertise.
2n 001, following the integration of CC+ and its invest#ent businesses into
HSBC, a new global strateg* was launched for asset #anage#ent. The strateg* ai#ed to
create a core proprietar* global invest#ent #anage#ent business 9 HSBC "sset
4anage#ent, operating alongside a series of Specialist invest#ent businesses, na#el*:
Sinopia for .uantitative and structured products, HSBC Specialist 2nvest#ents for
propert* and infrastructure invest#ents, and HSBC 4ulti#anager for best;in;class <open
architecture) invest#ents and HSBC "lternative 2nvest#ents
for single;#anager hedge fund strategies. 4ore recentl*, in 008, following a strong
period of growth in HSBC)s invest#ent businesses, a new strateg* was announced for the
invest#ent businesses of HSBC. The strateg* is intended to position HSBC for #arket
leadership in the provision of invest#ent solutions that #eet client needs and involved a
reorganisation of HSBC)s invest#ent businesses including HSBC "sset 4anage#ent and
HSBC 2nvest#ent 4anage#ent, leading to the creation of: HSBC 2nvest#ents.
17=3 HSBC for#s Hong >ong based 1ardle* as a wholl* owned #erchant banking
178' The !uropean ar# of HSBC "sset 4anage#ent is conceived with the purchase

of ?a#es Capel, a leading and well established international securities co#pan*.
The addition of @ew Aork based 4arinvest establishes the %S ar# of HSBC
"sset 4anage#ent.
177 Consolidation in !urope with the ac.uisition of the 4idland Bank ,roup.
1778 (egional co#panies are brought together under the na#e HSBC "sset
4anage#ent, a single invest#ent #anager offering global invest#ent
capabilit* co#bined with significant local e5pertise.
000 HSBC ,roup purchases CC+ Bank, +rance Capital 4anage#ent in Baris Coins
HSBC "sset 4anage#ent.
001 The #arket for asset #anage#ent solutions has grown rapidl* and investors)
re.uire#ents have beco#e ever #ore sophisticated. 2n response to this, the
asset #anage#ent business of HSBC was re;organised at the end of 001 to
provide a full range of sophisticated services under the na#e "sset
4anage#ent Services, co#prising the core business, HSBC "sset 4anage#ent
and several specialist co#panies offering co#ple#entar* invest#ent
#anage#ent services.HSBC "sset 4anage#ent co#pleted its ac.uisition of
China Securities 2nvest#ent Trust Corporation, Taiwan0s pre#ier asset
#anage#ent co#pan*, in "ugust.HSBC "sset 4anage#ent D2ndiaE Brivate
/i#ited is incorporated in Fece#ber 001.
00 @ew invest#ent and #arketing office established in 2ndia. Co;operation with
HSBC Trinkaus Capital 4anage#ent and its parent HSBC Trinkaus G
Burkhardt.HSBC "sset 4anage#ent D2ndiaE Brivate /i#ited, the 2nvest#ent
4anager to HSBC 4utual +und launches its first four sche#es in Fece#ber
003 2ntegration of Bital0s fund #anage#ent business in 4e5ico following its
purchase b* HSBC.
008 2ntegration and develop#ent of invest#ent #anage#ent activit* in Ber#uda
following the ac.uisition of Bank of Ber#uda.
Hn 1st Fece#ber HSBC announces a reorganisation of its invest#ent
#anage#ent businesses as part of a new strateg* designed to drive further

00$ HSBC "sset 4anage#ent is replaced b* HSBC 2nvest#ents and HSBC Halbis
Bartners during 00$

S K Green, Group Chairan
"ge $8. "n e5ecutive Firector since 1778- ,roup Chief !5ecutive fro# 003 to 4a*
00'. ?oined HSBC in 178. Chair#an of HSBC Bank plc, HSBC @orth "#erica
Holdings 2nc. and HSBC Brivate Banking Holdings DSuisseE S". " Firector of HSBC
+rance and the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation /i#ited. ,roup Treasurer
fro# 177 to 1778. !5ecutive Firector, Corporate, 2nvest#ent Banking and 4arkets
fro# 1778 to 003. Chair#an of the British Bankers0 "ssociation.
D ! F"in#, CBE Group Finan$e Dire$#or
"ge $. ?oined HSBC as an e5ecutive Firector in 177$. @on;e5ecutive Chair#an of
HSBC +inance Corporation. " non;e5ecutive Firector of BB p.l.c. and a #e#ber of the
Consultative Co##ittee of the /arge Business "dvisor* Board of H4 (evenue G
Custo#s. Chaired the +inancial

(eporting Council0s review of the Turnbull ,uidance on 2nternal Control. Served on the
"ccounting Standards Board and the Standards "dvisor* Council of the 2nternational
"ccounting Standards Board fro# 001 to 008. " for#er partner in >B4,.
KG Mor%an
"ge '1. " non;e5ecutive Firector since Hctober 00'. " #e#ber of the (e#uneration
Co##ittee. @on;e5ecutive Chair#an of S@C;/avalin ,roup 2nc. " #e#ber of the Board
of Trustees of the +raser 2nstitute and the !nerg* "dvisor* Board of "ccenture /i#ited.
" non;e5ecutive Firector of HSBC Bank Canada fro# 177' to "pril 00'. +ounding
Bresident and Chief !5ecutive Hfficer of !nCana Corporation until Fece#ber 00$ and
Iice Chair#an fro# Fece#ber 00$ to Hctober 00'.
D ! Sha&, A'(i)er #o #he Boar'
"ge '1. "n "dviser to the Board since 1778. . " Firector of the Bank of Ber#uda
/i#ited and HSBC Brivate Banking Holdings DSuisseE S". " non;e5ecutive Firector of
>owloon develop#ent Co#pan* /i#ited and Shui Hn /and /i#ited.
The banking industr* has changed fro# a conventional banking to a new age #odern
banking. @ow a custo#er doesn)t walk into a bank Cust for depositing the cash or
withdrawal. The* go to a bank to avail entire financial planning services ranging fro#
investing into a e.uit* fund to reducing there ta5 liabilit*.

HSBC was one of the first bank to understand the ever enhancing need of its custo#ers,
hence HSBC ca#e of with its various products and services which are focused on
providing solutions to there valuable custo#ers.
Our Vision:
To be the leading international Bank in Turke*.
Our Mission:
Throughout our histor*, we have been where the growth is, connecting custo#ers to
opportunities. 1e enable businesses to thrive and econo#ies to prosper, helping people
fulfill their hopes and drea#s and reali6e their a#bitions. This is our role and purpose.
Our Values:
Hur values describe how we interact with each other, with custo#ers, regulators
and the wider co##unit*. Hur business principles set the standard b* which we
set our strateg* and #ake co##ercial decisions. Together our values and business
principles for# our character and define who we are as an organisation and what
#akes us distinctive. The* describe the enduring nature of how we do business.
!ach e#plo*ee is e5pected to bring these values and business principles to life
through their da*;to;da* actions and to #ake a co##it#ent to put these values at
the heart of how the* behave.
2n addition, all e#plo*ees are e5pected to act with courageous integrit* in all the*
do. This #eans having the courage to #ake decisions based on doing the right
thing but without ever co#pro#ising the ethical standards and integrit* on which
the co#pan* was built. HSBC0s values and business principles are underpinned
b* this guiding principle.
HSBC *a"ue) HSBC Bu)ine)) Prin$ip"e)
Depen'a+"e an' 'o #he ri%h# #hin%
Stand fir# for what is right, deliver
on co##it#ents, be resilient and
Take personal accountabilit*, be
decisive, use Cudg#ent and co##on
sense, e#power others
Open #o 'i,,eren# i'ea) an' $u"#ure)
Co##unicate openl*, honestl* and
transparentl*, value challenge, learn
fro# #istakes
/isten, treat people fairl*, be
inclusive, value different
Finan$ia" S#ren%#h - #aintain
capital strength and li.uidit*
Ri).-Mana%een# - be enterprising
and co##ercial, understand and be
accountable for the i#pact of our
actions, take prudent decisions
Spee' - be fast and responsive, #ake
principles;led decisions
Per,oran$e-,o$u) - drive leading,
co#petitive levels of perfor#ance,
act with urgenc* and intensit* ,
prioritise, si#plif*
E,,i$ien$/ - focus on cost discipline
and process efficienc*

HSBC *a"ue) HSBC Bu)ine)) Prin$ip"e)
Conne$#e' #o $u)#oer), $ouni#ie),
re%u"a#or) an' ea$h o#her
Build connections, be aware of
e5ternal issues, collaborate across
Care about individuals and their
progress, show respect, be supportive
and responsive
0ua"i#/ - pursue e5cellence
Cu)#oer-,o$u) - provide
outstanding custo#er e5perience
In#e%ra#e' - align the ,roup and
break down silos
Su)#aina+i"i#/ - take a long;ter#
outlook, understand i#pact of actions
on stakeholders, brand and reputation
O+1e$#i(e) o, #he $opan/
/ike all banks, HSBC is in business to #ake a profit. Aet returning the #a5i#u#
invest#ent to its shareholders is not the sole focus of this global financial institution.
+ro# its roots in rural "sia to its advance#ent to a global corporation, HSBC has
#aintained a core focus on basic principles. "chieving its ai#s and obCectives b*
adhering to its values has allowed HSBC to #aintain both profitabilit* and high ethical
HSBC Capi#a" Guar' Por#,o"io
The value of a fine piece of art generally increases over time.
HSBC Bortfolio 4anage#ent Services has introduced HSBC Capital ,uard
Bortfolio, the first Capital ,uaranteed portfolio in 2ndia fro# HSBC. ,uaranteed b*
HSBC Bank plc, this portfolio is ideal for investors who wish to gain fro# a potential
e.uit* upside, *et seek a capital guarantee on the invest#ent a#ount.
The key strengths of this product are:

o 2334 Capi#a" Pro#e$#ion Guaran#ee' 9 100J of initial invest#ent back at
#aturit* Dafter 8 *earsE. +or the guarantee to be applicable, the investor will need
to re#ain invested till #aturit*
o 2334 Ini#ia" E5ui#/ E6po)ure 9 1e offer opti#al allocation to activel*
#anaged e.uities ai#ed at Capital "ppreciation

o Pro,i# Lo$.-in Me$hani) 9 The portfolio endeavours to capture upside b*
providing a 3J lock;in for ever* 10J increase in initial portfolio
o Ea)/ Li5ui'i#/ 9 8 *ear tenor with li.uidit* provided through the tenor of the
product DsubCect to applicable e5it loadsE
o 4ini#u# 2nvest#ent "#ount 9 (s $ lacs
,uarantee has been provided b* HSBC Bank plc subCect to ter#s and conditions. Blease
refer to Fisclosure Focu#ent K Client agree#ent K (isk +actors before investing.
1.1.1 Principal subsidiaries
The HSBC building in 4anila, Bhilippines
A)ia Pa$i,i$
HSBC Bank "r#enia
HSBC Bank "ustralia /i#ited
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation /td
o Hang Seng Bank /td
o HSBC Bank DChinaE Co#pan* /td
HSBC Bank 4ala*sia Berhad
HSBC Bank Bhilippines /td
HSBC Bank 2ndia
HSBC Bank 2ndonesia
HSBC Bank Bangladesh
HSBC Sri /anka
HSBC Bank Bakistan
HSBC Bank Iietna#
Ora%ani)a#ion )#ru$#ure

7 Mar.e#in% S#ra#e%/
HSBC should i#ple#ent the #arket penetration and product develop#ent strateg* b*
capturing current account #arket share fro# other financial institutions that have been

weaken fro# the econo#ic crisis. Besides that, the launch of the new prepaid card would
be a step towards product develop#ent that would be useful to counter non;traditional
financial institutions that are poise to enter the current account #arket.
The #arket develop#ent strateg* can also be carried out at a later date b* bringing the
new and tested prepaid card product into other geographical #arkets like China and
2ndia. This would be in line with HSBC)s slogan of being the <1orld)s /ocal Bank) and
would also take advantage of HSBC)s global network in #ore than =7 countries.L1M 2n
relation to the Borter ,eneric #odel, HSBC should ai# at using a broad based
differentiation strateg* to capture #arket share fro# ailing financial institutions.
87 Tar%e# Mar.e#
8727 Mar.e# Se%en#a#ion an' Tar%e#in%
" #arket seg#ent should consists of a group of custo#ers who share a si#ilar set of
needs and wants D>otler. !tal, 007E.LM " #arket seg#ent #ust be accessible,
#easurable, large enough and profitable in order to be worth targeted b* an institution.
The new prepaid card should be offered as a <naked solution) that all seg#ent #e#bers
value D"nderson G @arus, 177$E.L3M 1a*s of seg#enting the #arket should include
geographical and de#ographic seg#entation.
The new HSBC prepaid card should be launched in the %nited >ingdo# first before
being e5tended into other geographical regions. " ti#e lag of half a *ear would be
enough to test the effectiveness of the product as a #ethod to obtain a higher #arket
share for current accounts. Fe#ographic seg#entation on the other hand should be
focussed on age and inco#e. Special attention should be focussed on *oung individuals
opening their first current accounts and high net worth custo#ers.
8797 Mar.e# Po)i#ionin%
Bositioning is the act of designing the co#pan*)s offering and i#age to occup* a
distinctive place in the #inds of the target #arket D(ies G Trout, 000E.L8M Fata taken
fro# S1HT and B!ST!/ anal*sis of HSBC enables #arketers to define the points;of;
difference and points;of;parit* associations. Boints;of;difference are attributes or benefits
consu#ers strongl* associate with a brand, positivel* evaluate and believe the* could not
find to the sa#e e5tent with a co#petitive brand. 2n the case of HSBC, the bank is known
to be a trul* global bank with an international branch network.
Boints;of;parit* are associations that are not necessaril* uni.ue to the brand but #a* in
fact be shared with other brands DBrunner G 1Nnke, 00'E.L$M There are two t*pes of
points;of;parit*, na#el*, categor* and co#petitive points;of;parit*. Categor* points;of;
parit* includes HSBC being a reputable financial institution and also a bank entrusted
with fiduciar* responsibilit*. 2n ter#s of co#petitive points;of;parit*, HSBC #ust be
seen to <break even) with other financial institutions in ter#s of service .ualit*.
DSee appendi5 E
:7 Mar.e#in% Mi6
4arketing for financial services pose distinctive challenges to #arketers because services
are intangible, inseparable and cannot be inventoried. "n e5panded #arketing #i5 is
re.uired to full* answer the differences between product #arketing and #arketing for

financial services. The e5panded #arketing #i5 ai#s to capture the distinctive nature of
financial services DBoo#s G Bitner, 1781E.L'M
DSee appendi5 E
:727 Pro'u$#
The product is the heart of the fir#)s #arketing strateg*. Boorl* designed service
products that do not create value for custo#ers are destined to fail regardless of how well
the other ' Bs are e5ecuted. The goal of the product ele#ent is to create a service concept
that would offer #ore value to a #arket seg#ent than co#petitors. 1orking to transfor#
this concept into realit* involves designing a cluster of different but #utuall* reinforcing
The product #ust be a #eans to solve a proble# or satisf* a want in the #arket. To date,
overspending is a #aCor issue in the 1estern world. This is the reason wh* the new
HSBC prepaid card is included in the new current account package as a #eans to ensure
that custo#ers do not overspend b* ensuring prudential budgeting of financial resources.
:797 Pri$e
The pricing co#ponent pla*s twin roles for HSBC in the sense that it #ust be able to first
attract custo#ers to purchase the service and also generate revenue for HSBC. "ccording
to "drian Bal#er D008E, there are five #ain factors that influence pricing decisions,
na#el*, profit #a5i#isation, #arket;share #a5i#isation, survival, social considerations
and personal obCectives.L=M
1hile pricing strateg* is highl* d*na#ic for other products and services, pricing for
current account services have beco#e rather static in recent *ears. 4ost banks do not
re.uire an* fees to set up a current account. Banks instead rel* on the #one* that floats in
the interval when the* are deposited to when the* are spent in order to profit fro# current
2t is unlikel* that an* increases in interest rates would be able to attract custo#ers to open
up new current accounts with HSBC. The base lending rate that is now at 0.$J provides
little roo# to #anoeuvre for banks and other financial institutions. "dding to that is the
credit crunch and declining asset prices that #akes borrowing at a higher rate unattractive
at the #o#ent. The initial prepaid card issue fee should be around O10. This is in line
with what co#petitors are charging at the #o#ent.
The catch with the prepaid card sche#e is that it encourages bank custo#ers to save. "n*
#one* that is saved is held within the custo#er)s current account and re#ains available
for banks to provide further lending. This #a* prove to be highl* beneficial to HSBC
during ti#es when raising new capital is e5tre#el* difficult.
Capi#a" S#ru$#ure ;HSBC In(e)#Dire$# ;In'ia<<
Beriod 2nstru#ent "uthori6ed
; B " 2 F % B ;
+ro# To
D(s. crE D(s. crE
Shares DnosE +ace
007 010 !.uit* Share =$ =0.$= =0$''==3 10 =0.$=
008 007 !.uit* Share =$ '7.88 '783'=3 10 '7.88

00= 008 !.uit* Share =$ '7.88 '783'=3 10 '7.88
00' 00= !.uit* Share =$ '7.88 '783'=3 10 '7.88
00$ 00' !.uit* Share =$ ''.7 ''70=1' 10 ''.7
008 00$ !.uit* Share $0 3$ 38777=1' 10 3$
003 008 !.uit* Share 80 3$ 38777=1' 10 3$
00 003 !.uit* Share 80 3$ 38777=1' 10 3$
Ba"an$e )hee#
D(s croreE
Mar = 28 Mar = 2> Mar = 29 Mar = 22 Mar = 23
Sources of funds
Hwner0s fund
!.uit* share capital 8=7.81 8=$.88 8'7.38 8'$.3 8$=.=8
Share application #one* ; ; 0.30 .71 ;
Breference share capital ; ; ; ; ;
(eserves G surplus 8,778.8 3$,=38.' 7,8$$.08 8,711.13 1,0'8.=$
/oan funds
Secured loans ; ; ; ; ;
%nsecured loans 3,'=,33=.88 ,7',8'.78 ,8',=0'.8$ ,08,$8'.81 1,'=,808.88
Total 8,10,81'.10 3,3,8'1.13 ,=','31.1 ,33,7'$.'= 1,88,7'.73
%ses of funds
+i5ed assets
,ross block ,737.7 ,=03.08 ,38=.17 ,1=0.'$ 8,=0=.7=
/ess : revaluation reserve ; ; ; ; ;
/ess : accu#ulated
; ; ; ; ,$8$.1'
@et block ,737.7 ,=03.08 ,38=.17 ,1=0.'$ ,1.81
Capital work;in;progress ; ; ; ; ;
2nvest#ents 1,0,7$1.0= 1,11,'13.'0 7=,88.71 =0,77.3= $8,'0=.'
@et current assets
Current assets, loans G
$,18.'0 ,$8,=3$.0$ 1,=1.'8 18,'01.08 $,7$$.1$
/ess : current liabilities G
81,388.80 38,8'8.1= 3=,831.8= 8,77.8' 0,'1$.78
Total net current assets ;1',17.80 ,3,8=0.88 ;1$,=10.3 ;18,371.=8 ;18,''0.=7
4iscellaneous e5penses
not written
; ; ; ; ;
Total 1,0=,'=1.17 3,38,18=.$' 88,117.8= $8,=08.3 8',0'7.'3
Book value of un.uoted
; ; ; ; ;

Mar = 28 Mar = 2> Mar = 29 Mar = 22 Mar = 23
4arket value of .uoted
; ; ; ; ;
Contingent liabilities =,88,07=.78 =,8','.37 8,83,78$.3 $,88,$$0.78 8,8=,1='.3=
@u#ber of e.uit*
sharesoutstanding D/acsE
3770.$0 3=78.17 38''.88 8'$.' 8$==.83
Prin$ipa" +u)ine)) %roup) an' 'i(i)ion)
HSBC organises its custo#er;facing activities within four business groups: Co##ercial
Banking- ,lobal Banking and 4arkets Dinvest#ent bankingE- Bersonal +inancial Services
Dretail banking and consu#er financeE- and ,lobal Brivate Banking.
HSBC provides financial services to s#all, #ediu#;si6ed and #iddle;#arket enterprises.
The group has #ore than 3 #illion of such custo#ers, including sole proprietors,
partnerships, clubs and associations, incorporated businesses and publicl* .uoted
G"o+a" ? Mar.e#)
,lobal Banking and 4arkets is the invest#ent banking ar# of HSBC. 2t provides
invest#ent banking and financing solutions for corporate and institutional clients,
including corporate banking, invest#ent banking, capital #arkets, trade services,
pa*#ents and cash #anage#ent, and leveraged ac.uisition finance. 2t provides services
in e.uities, credit and rates, foreign e5change, #one* #arkets and securities services, in
addition to asset #anage#ent services.
,lobal Banking and 4arkets has offices in #ore than '0 countries and territories
worldwide, and describes itself as Pe#erging #arkets;led and financing;focusedP.
,lobal Banking and 4arkets is currentl* being led b* for#er fi5ed;inco#e trader Sa#ir
"ssaf, who was pro#oted fro# global head of #arkets on 10 Fece#ber 010.
G"o+a" Pri(a#e
The #ain /ondon office of HSBC Brivate Bank in St ?a#es0s
HSBC Brivate Bank is the #arketing na#e for the private banking business conducted b*
the principal private banking subsidiaries of the HSBC ,roup worldwide. HSBC Brivate
Bank, together with the private banking activities of HSBC Trinkaus, known collectivel*
as ,roup Brivate Banking, provides services to high net worth individuals and their
fa#ilies through 73 locations in so#e 8 countries and territories in !urope, the "sia;
Bacific region, the "#ericas, the 4iddle !ast and "frica. "s of Fece#ber 00=, profits
before ta5 were %S&1,$11 #illion and co#bined client assets under #anage#ent were
%S&878 billion.
2n Septe#ber 008, HSBC announced that it would co#bine its two Swiss private banks
under one brand na#e in 007, with HSBC ,u*er6eller and HSBC Brivate Bank to be

#erged into one legal entit*, under the newl* appointed C!H of HSBC Brivate Bank,
"le5andre Qeller.
Re#ai" an' @ea"#h Mana%een#
HSBC provides #ore than $8 #illion
custo#ers worldwide with a full range of
personal financial services, including current and savings accounts, #ortgage loans, car
financing, insurance, credit cards, loans, pensions and invest#ents.
(etail Banking and 1ealth 4anage#ent Dalso known as (B14E was previousl* referred
to as Bersonal +inancial Services DB+SE. This rena#e was announced during HSBC0s
011 2nvestor Fa*.
Group Ser(i$e Cen#re)
"s a cost;saving #easure HSBC is offshoring processing work to lower cost econo#ies
in order to reduce the cost of providing services in developed countries. These locations
take on work such as data processing and custo#er service, but also internal software
engineering at Bune D2ndiaE, Bangalore D2ndiaE, H*derabad D2ndiaE, Iishakhapatna#
D2ndiaE, Calcutta D2ndiaE, ,uang6hou DChinaE, Curitiba DBra6ilE and >uala /u#pur
The HSBC G"o+a" Te$hno"o%/ Cen#re in Pune, In'ia
Chief Hperating Hfficer "lan ?ebson said in 4arch 00$ that he would be ver* surprised
if fewer than $,000 people were working in the centres over the ne5t three *ears: P2 don0t
have a precise target but 2 would be surprised if we had less than 1$ Dglobal service
centresE in three *ears0 ti#e.P He went on to sa* that each centre cost the bank fro# &0#
to &30# to set up, but that for ever* Cob #oved the bank saves about &0,000 DO10,800E.
Trades unions, particularl* in the %> and %S, bla#e these centres for Cob losses in
developed countries, and also for the effective i#position of wage caps on their #e#bers.
Currentl*, HSBC operates centres out of nine countries, including- %nited >ingdo#
D/eeds, Ha#ilton, !dinburgh, Swansea, 4anchester, Coventr* G /eicesterE, Bra6il
DCuritibaE, the C6ech (epublic DHstravaE, 2ndia DCalcutta, H*derabad, Bangalore,
Iisakhapatna#, Bo#ba*, ,urgaon and BuneE, China DShanghai, ,uang6hou and
Shen6henE, 4ala*sia D>uala /u#purE, Boland D>rakowE, Sri /anka D(aCagiri*aE and the
Bhilippines D4anilaE. The 4alta trial for a %> high value call centre has resulted in a
growing operation that countr*. "n option under consideration is reported to be a
processing centre in Iietna# to access the +rench skills of the population and therefore
cut costs in the bank0s +rench operations.
Re$rui#en# Pro$e))
Making the most of the recruitment process
@ha# &e &an# #o )ee ,ro /ou
Hne of our #ain priorities, when selecting people for roles here, is to #ake sure the*)ll fit
in with our wa* of doing things. That)s wh*, when it co#es to *our application and ever*

assess#ent and interview that follows, it)s vital that *ou show us #ore than Cust skills,
e5perience or .ualifications. 1e want to see that *ou)re an HSBC person before *ou Coin
/et us e5plain what we #ean. "t HSBC, we)ve developed three core group values. The*
define how we think about business and how our people work. Hur global success is built
on this approach. Aour goal is to de#onstrate *our abilit* to put our values into practice.
The (a"ue)
HSBC people are Hpen. 1e e5pect *ou to be honest and straight talking. Aou treat others
with respect and fairness. Aou listen to their ideas, show genuine appreciation of their
needs and collaborate effectivel* for the benefit of the tea#.
HSBC people are Connected. 1e e5pect *ou to build relationships with custo#ers,
colleagues and the co##unit* in which *ou work. Aou e#pathise with others, take care
to understand the i#pact *ou have on the#, and act with their best interests at heart.
HSBC people are Fependable. 1e e5pect *ou to be co##itted to .ualit* in ever*thing
*ou do. Aou take accountabilit* for the results *ou deliver, and *ou can alwa*s be relied
on to stand up for the right course of action, even in challenging circu#stances.
Ho& #o )ho& u) /ou )hare our (a"ue)
2n interviews, we)ll ask *ou to tell us about occasions when *ou have de#onstrated the
.ualities we)re looking for. Start thinking now about so#e good e5a#ples which
illustrate *our openness, connection and dependabilit*, so *ou)re well prepared for those
.uestions. Think of one strong e5a#ple for each value. These don)t have to be drawn
fro# work.
@aturall*, *ou should also show us how open, connected and dependable *ou are through
*our behaviour and co##unication with us throughout the recruit#ent process.
1e want to #ake *our e5perience of appl*ing as eas* and straight forward as possible.
To help #ake that happen, we0ve put together this guide for each of the different stages
involved in the process. 2t #eans that at ever* step, *ou0ll be aware of precisel* where
*ou are. "nd when we contact *ou to confir# if *ou0ve been successful, *ou0ll know
e5actl* what to e5pect ne5t.
Ialues based telephone interview
+ace;to;face interview
Trainin% an' 'e(e"open#
Bui"'in% a +an. o, .no&"e'%e

Hur ai# is to e.uip *ou with a detailed understanding of HSBC, the banking industr* and
the business area *ou Coin. Aour induction and onboarding to HSBC will onl* be the
beginning. Aour education continues with our co#prehensive /earning curriculu# which
co#prises a variet* of online and face;to;face activities, which are all provided in an
environ#ent that supports and encourages e#plo*ees to drive their own develop#ent.
"nd *our develop#ent does not stop there. Aour #anager will help *ou set perfor#ance
and career goals and e5pectations, and evaluate *our progress towards achieving the#.
Aou will also have the opportunit* to learn fro# knowledgeable and e5perienced
colleagues, #an* of who# will be e5perts in their field.
A$$e))in% our %"o+a" ne#&or.
+ro# the outset, *ou will have the support and access to develop *our own professional
networks with colleagues and clients around the world, which will be crucial to *our
There will also be a variet* of virtual and in;person interactions available with colleagues
fro# other countries around the world through opportunities such as rotations, short;ter#
assign#ents, as well as the potential to Coin our ,roup ,raduate Fevelop#ent
progra##e in the %>, or one of our (egional ,raduate Fevelop#ent Brogra##es that
focus on providing *our further regional e5posure.
Con#inuin% #he 1ourne/
Throughout *our earl* career at HSBC, *ou)ll be inspired, challenged and developed.
"s *our career continues, *ou can choose to re#ain within *our current business strea#,
change direction or potentiall* Coin our 2nternational 4anage#ent Brogra##e. This
progra##e further develops highl* talented and #obile international #anagers to work
in an* business, in an* location around the globe.
Tran)"a#in% CSR in#o A$#ion @i#hin #he Or%aniAa#ion
To translate these policies into action, the organi6ation laid a lot of e#phasis on
having robust internal s*ste#s and procedures.
These internal policies, standards, and procedures applied across business units
worldwide. The* were co##unicated internall* through the ,roup Standards 4anual, a
1'0;page internal publication that covered the roles and functions of ke* depart#ents.
2t also had detailed instructions for individual HSBC businesses, which took into
account the local circu#stances, relevant laws, and regulations.

!#plo*ees were e5pected to take personal responsibilit* and accountabilit* in adhering
to these policies and standards. These s*ste#s enabled HSBC to conduct their businesses
in a responsible #anner...
Business !thics Case Studies R Case Stud* in 4anage#ent, Hperations, Strategies,
Business !thics, Case Studies
2nvesting in !ducation, @ature and Beople
HSBC reali6ed that a successful group of their si6e and scope could #ake a
significant i#pact on the world b* ensuring the flow of social and econo#ic benefits
through their business.
The bank therefore, began supporting a large nu#ber of local co##unit* proCects.
!#plo*ees at HSBC activel* involved the#selves in volunteer work for various
co##unit* progra#s. These efforts were supple#ented b* contributions and fund;raising
efforts fro# corporate houses. !#plo*ees were also encouraged to donate fro# their
salaries to charit*. 2n 003, e#plo*ees of Household pledged #ore than %S& 8.' #illion,
resulting in the "#erican Cancer Societ* na#ing it as one of the top contributors through
the 0workplace giving0 ca#paign. HSBC0s fund;raising efforts in 003 resulted in
donations of %S& 8=.8 #illion that were used to fund nu#erous proCects in education,
environ#ent, and other areas D(efer to +igure 2E...
Business !thics Case Studies R Case Stud* in 4anage#ent, Hperations, Strategies,
Business !thics, Case Studies
HSBC - A So$ia""/ Re)pon)i+"e Corpora#eB
"ll these initiatives notwithstanding, the HSBC group faced considerable
criticis# in Hctober 003 due to its decision to shift 8000 Cobs to less developed nations
as part of its global resource restructuring drive. The trade unions were outraged and
sla##ed the group0s clai#s of being a #odel CS( co#pan*. HSBC responded b* sa*ing
that this #ove was necessar* to re#ain cost co#petitive in the global scenario. The

co#pan* also said that creation of Cobs in e#erging #arket econo#ies definitel* #ade a
positive contribution to societ*...
Pro'u$#) an' Ser(i$e) o,,ere' +/ HSBC
Ban. A$$oun#)
Bank accounts can be #aCorl* classified into four categories:
a< SA*INGS ACCOUNT : This account is suited to those who want to deposit their
s#all savings in bank, which the* need to withdraw onl* occasionall*. The interest rate
on savings account is lower than that allowed on fi5ed deposits, but higher than that
allowed in current accounts. 2t is calculated on the lowest balance kept during a #onth.
The rate of interest to be paid b* banks to depositors on saving account is prescribed b*
(eserve Bank of 2ndia. "t present the rate of interest on savings account is 3.$ J.
HSBC saving accounts #ake planning for *our regular e5penses convenient,
acco##odating *our financial needs when #aking big purchases or #eeting une5pected
Savings accounts with HSBC can further be classified into 3 categories:
i< Preier A$$oun#) C "n* relationship Done or #ore custo#ers usuall* of the sa#e
fa#il*E where the cu#ulative relationship value is (s. .$ #illion or #ore is eligible for
<Bre#ier). Bre#ier is a relationship;#anaged proposition. "ll wealth #anage#ent needs
of Bre#ier custo#ers are serviced b* dedicated Bre#ier (elationship 4anagers, who
t*picall* #anage 1$0;00 such relationships. High;end Bre#ier relationships where the
cu#ulative relationship value is (s. $ #illion or #ore are also referred to as <Brivate
clients). Brivate clients are serviced b* Senior B(4s, who t*picall* #anage '0;=0 such

ii< Po&er *an#a%e A$$oun#) C "n* custo#er whose cu#ulative deposit value is (s. 0.1
#illion or #ore is eligible for <BowerIantage). BowerIantage custo#ers are serviced b*
BowerIantage Hfficers for their banking needs.
iii< Ma))-ar.e# A$$oun#) C "n* custo#er who is not Bre#ier or BowerIantage is
referred to as <4ass;#arket). 4ass;#arket custo#ers are serviced b* Custo#er Services
Hfficers for their banking needs. The #ini#u# balance re.uired for this account is (s
Ke/ Fea#ureD
1E Aou can auto#aticall* transfer e5tra savings fro# *our savings account to a fi5ed
deposit, through a standing instruction, to enable *ou to earn higher interest.
E Aou are also eligible for a fee waiver on HSBC credit card.
3E 2ntroducing card;to;card transfer facilit* 9 a funds transfers service
that enables *ou to transfer #one* in an eas*, fast convenient and
safe #anner using the visa 4one* Transfer service fro# visa.
8E HSBC Fe#at "ccount services with wavier on account opening charges.
$E >eep track of *our account with free .uarterl* account state#ents.
'E +ree personali6ed che.ues book.
=E Bu* #utual fund products offered b* select #utual fund houses.
8E Choose fro# a range of 2nsurance products offered b* T"T" "2,.
7E 4anage *our account, #ake transactions, and pa* *our bills and #uch #ore b* taking
advantage of HSBC free internet banking facilit*.
Ser(i$e Char%e)

4ini#u# "verage Suarterl* Balance D"SBE
(esident Savings "ccount (s. $,000
@(H Savings "ccount (s. 10,000
@on;(esident Savings D@(!E (s. $,000
@on #aintenance of "SB (s. =$0 per .uarter
"ccount not operated for #ore than *ears (s. 1$0 per .uarter
State#ent of "ccounts each .uarter +ree

D#ailed to account holdersE
Fuplicate State#ents (s.1$0 per state#ent
Standing 2nstructions
Dout of pocket e5penses will appl*E
Setting up +ree
"#end#ents +ree
Transactions charges
DCharges for draftsKcouriers, etc. will be as applicable.E
"ll transactions +ree
"ccount closure in less than ' #onths (s. $00
2t is usuall* opened for custo#ers who are into business and re.uires lot of transaction to
be done. 2n the case of current accounts the bank incurs the obligation of pa*ing all
che.ues drawn against hi# as long as there is enough #one* to the credit of his
The custo#er is allowed to deposit or withdraw #one* as and when he likes no interest is
pa*ed on current accounts.
The ter# fi5ed deposits #eans deposits repa*able after the e5pir* of a certain period.
The* are also known as ti#e deposits. 1hen it co#es to assured returns choosing the
right t*pe of savings sche#e #akes all the difference. HSBC fi5ed deposits lets *ou #ake
the #ost of value added benefits as *ou create wealth at low risk.
Ke/ Fea#ure)
1E Aou can now open a fi5ed deposit with (s 10,000 onl*.
E !nCo* high rate of returns on *our HSBC fi5ed deposits.
3E Choose fro# a wide range of tenure as per *our convenience.
8E "vail of our special rates for select tenures.
4anages *our securities portfolio at *our own convenience. "s so#eone who is
interested in regular trading *ou need a well resourced account to #atch *our needs in a
d*na#ic #arket scenario. "s a leading depositor* participant, we offer *ou HSBC Fe#at

accounts, ar#ed with an entire range of convenience speciall* designed to #ake *our
#one* work harder.
Ke/ Fea#ure)D
1E Aou can purchase, hold and sell shares in electronic for#.
E ,et *our holding state#ent ever* three #onths, showing current portfolio of shares.
3E "vail of a overdraft up to (s 0, 00,000 available against de#at shares through asset
8E "s an @(2, *ou can easil* de#ateriali6e *our portfolio of shares in 2ndia with HSBC.
$E 2f *ou alread* hold an HSBC current or saving accounts there will be no account
opening charges and no #ini#u# balance re.uire#ent for *our de#at account.
'E Aou can save on transaction cost with .uick transfers.
=E Sa* good b*e to risk of loss, theft and #utilation of shares.
8E @ow, stop worr*ing about bad deliveries, forgeries and duplicate shares certificate.
Ser(i$e Char%e)
"nnual Charges (s. =$0 per annu# for
Custo#er who #aintain a
4arket TradeKHff 4arket TradeK
2nter Fepositor* Transaction
Burchase @il
Sale %pto 10 2S2@ sale transactions
per #onth
per transaction thereafter
@il- (s. 100 per 2S2@
Custod* +ee @il

;a< HSBC
Creation @il
Closure @il
2nvocation @il
;+< Thir' Par#/
Creation (s. $0 per instruction
Closure (s. $0 per instruction
2nvocation (s. $0 per instruction
Fe#ateriali6ation @il
(e#aterialisation (s. 100 per certificate
"d hoc State#ents 4ailed "broad (s. $0 per state#ent
"d hoc State#ents (s. $ per state#ent
Bersonalised Feliver* 2nstruction book @il

Bu*ing a ho#e for the first ti#e can be daunting to an* person but in toda*)s ti#e bank
like HSBC is lending a helping hand to the people to purchase their drea# house. Thus
people look forward towards choosing a ho#e loan. The pri#ar* concern of bank is to
deter#ine the loan a#ount that the borrower is co#fortabl* able to repa*. The #ost
popular #ethod of financing a ho#e purchase is with a #ortgage. This is a loan that is
secured over the ho#e. "s it easier for *ou to #ove in as soon as possible without putting
a strain on *our wallet.
Fea#ure an' Bene,i#) o, Hoe Loan
1E Loan Re5uireen# C1e offer loan ranging fro# (s $ lakhs up to (s 3 crore.
E Proper#/ #/pe) C1e offer loans to (esident 2ndians and @(2)s for read* propert*,
under construction propert*, self;construction and ho#e i#prove#ent.
3E Loan #enure C/oans are available for tenure up to $ *ears.
8E Repa/en# op#ion) 9 Choose fi5ed and floating rate ho#e loans. Aou also have the
option of switching fro# a floating rate ho#e loan to a fi5ed rate ho#e loan once a *ear
at no e5tra cost.
$E No pena"#/ op#ion C Aou can opt to pre;pa* up to $J of *our loan
ever* *ear. Bre; pa*#ent is per#itted after a #ini#u# of ' #onths
following loan disbursal.

'E Free Go"' $re'i# $ar' C Hn approval of *our Ho#e /oan. Aou get a ,old credit card,
+ree for the first *ear with annual charges being waived.
@ever stop chasing *our drea#s whether it is renovating *our ho#e or *our shop, bu*ing
a co#puter for *our child, or celebrating a wedding in fa#il*. Aou can now get a loan for
an* need.
Fea#ure an' Bene,i#)D
1E Bersonal loans fro# (s 10,000 to (s $0,000.
E +le5ible repa*#ent period between 1 #onths to 88 #onths.
3E @o guarantor re.uired.
8E !as* docu#entations and .uick disbursal.
$E !as* #onthl* repa*#ent through e.uated #onthl* install#ents.
Per)ona" Loan $an +e u)e' ,orD
1E Ho#e renovation or other ho#e related e5penses.
E 4arriage e5penses in the fa#il*.
3E !ducation e5penses.
8E 4edical e5penses.
$E Burchasing consu#er durables or e.uip#ents.
'E (etiring other debts.
=E "n* other personal need or contingencies.

Fifferent people look at our credit cards differentl* with special #one* saving features
and ti#e saving services, it could #ean the perfect wa* to save #one* for all the precious
things *ou all wa*s desired or a convenient wa* to #ake ti#e to do #ore. ,et read* to
enCo* #ore. Two #aCor credit cards that HSBC offers are ,old Card and Classic Card.
Fea#ure) an' Bene,i#)D
1E Ca)h a'(an$eD ,et instant access to cash, round the clock, at close to one #illion
"T4)S world wide.
E A''i#iona" $re'i# $ar')D ,ift *our loved ones the freedo# of spending b* availing of
two or three additional cards.
3E Fero Lo)) Cre'i# Car' Lia+i"i#/ Bene,i#D Credit card holders have 6ero lost credit
card liabilit* after the loss of the credit card has been reported to the bank in writing or to
the visa K #aster. Card global e#ergenc* assistance helps lines. However, *ou will liable
for all the charges incurred on *our credit card before *ou report the loss of credit card.
8E Cre'i# Shie"' e6#en)ion)D This feature provides a life insurance cover for an a#ount
of (s 80,000 for gold credit card holders with Tata "ig /ife 2nsurance Co. /td in the
event of death due to non accidental causes.
$E G"o+a" a$$e))D
aE ,et a cash advance at close to one #illion "T4)S in 2ndia and overseas
bE 1ithdraw cash fro# *our HSBC account fro# an* visa plus or 4aster
card in 2ndia or overseas. Aou can also en.uire about *our balance, transfer funds fro#
an* HSBC "T4)S in 2ndia or overseas.
cE The HSBC visa credit card is accepted at over 18 4illion establish#ents over 100,000
establish#ents in 2ndia


HSBC debit card #akes shopping a whole lot #ore convenient, b* enabling *ou to do
#uch #ore than *our "T4 card. ,et electronic access to up to three HSBC savings
Kcurrent accounts, wherever and whenever *ou need the #one*. Aour card is
internationall* valid and co#bines the benefit of do#estic and overseas usage in one
Fea#ure) an' +ene,i#) D
1E $u Shoppin% Car'D Aour HSBC debit card can be used as an "T4 card at
an* HSBC or visaKplus "T4 across the world, as well as for #aking purchases at
#erchant locations. This card is accepted over 3, 0,000 #erchants in 2ndia. Aou can also
withdraw cash fro# an* of the 0,000 HSBC KvisaKplus "T4)S in 2ndia.
E More )a,e#/ ore $on(enien$eD Aour HSBC card is e5tre#el* versatile and eas* to
use it. 2t allows *ou the convenience of pa*ing for *our purchases directl* fro# *our
bank account, without having to carr* an* cash beside there is no worr* of tracking and
#aking pa*#ents for bills ever* #onth.
3E 2nternationall* valid and ver* hand* when *ou are traveling abroad. ,et access to over
1 #illion "T4)s 18 #illion #erchant establish#ents, worldwide.
8E @i'e"/ a$$ep#e'D Aour HSBC debit card is accepted widel* in 2ndia and around the
world. ?ust look out for the IisaKIisa electron logo at "T4)s and #erchant
$E I#eiAe' Bi""in%G Aour HSBC debit card allows *ou to track *our purchases on a
regular basis. The details of the purchases #ade on *our card, long with the date,
#erchant na#e and a#ount are #entioned in *our bank state#ent.

'E Lo)# Car' In)uran$eD 2f *our HSBC debit card gets lost or stolen, *ou are protected
against fraudulent purchase transaction fro# the #o#ent *ou report the loss to HSBC in
2ndia or the visa global assistance help lines, if overseas.
=E %nli#ited free "T4 transactions at non HSBC Iisa "T4)s in 2ndia DBower
Iantage and Bre#ier Custo#ers onl*E
8E Two free "T4 transactions at other bank Iisa "T4)s in 2ndia Ddebit card plus
custo#ers onl*E
2n toda*)s de#anding world *ou need instant solution for a better life st*le. HSBC
presenting onlineThsbc, HSBC<s internet banking service that gives *ou co#plete
control over *our accounts. @ow bank fro# the co#fort of *our ho#e or office
an*where, an*ti#e.
Fea#ure) an' Bene,i#)D
1E Iiew *our bank accountKcredit card balances and transaction at *our convenience.
E Transfer funds online to account with HSBC and other banks in 2ndia.
3E Create and #anage fi5ed deposits.
8E Sa* good b*e to .ueues and #iss dates. Ba* *our credit card and utilit* bills and
insurance pre#iu#s online.
$E ,et cashiers orders and de#and drafts free.
'E (e.uest for !; State#ents for *our bank account and credit card.
=E 4anage *our invest#ents bu*, redee# and switch between #utual funds online.
8E Aou can also stop che.ues, order new che.ues books, redee# bonus rewards points
and #ore.
I< Se$uri#/ De(i$eD The securit* device, one of the latest technological innovations fro#
HSBC, takes online securit* two even higher levels. To log on to *our account on internet
banking, *ou need to enter *our e5isting user na#e and password or as usual, followed
b* the uni.ue securit* code generated b* the securit* device. The securit* device
provides *ou an enhanced level of securit*. Since the securit* device is in *our

possession and the user na#e and password is known onl* to *ou, onl* *ou can access
*our account online. Si#ple to use and eas* to carr*, the securit* device ensure *ou can
access *our financial infor#ation online in a co#pletel* secure environ#ent.
II< Bi"" Pa/en#)D @o #ore bill .ueues, no #ore #issed due dates, *ou can now use
HSBC)s convenient and fle5ible bill pa*#ent service to pa* *our bills. Aou can pa* *our
#obile, telephone, gas, electricit* bills and insurance pre#iu#s.
III< Mo+i"e A"er#)D HSBC introduces #obile alerts a service that allows *ou to sta*
updated on *our banking transactions. ?ust register for *our free #obile alert service to
receive S4S alerts for select banking transactions, S4S re#inders for *our pa*#ent
dues dates and ter# deposits #aturit* dates, and even *our #ini state#ent.
Fea#ure) an' Bene,i#)D
1E >eep track of *our accounts, loans and invest#ents with HSBC even while *ou are on
the #ove.
E +ast, eas* and convenient ; no need to visit *our branch or call custo#er service.
3E @o #ore forgetting due dates. (e#inder alerts can be scheduled for pa*#ents due
dates on *our HSBC loans and business overdrafts.
8E Aou never need to send us an S4S. Hn *our register, #obile alerts will be sent to *ou
auto#aticall* as per *our preferences.
$E 1hat)s #ore, all this co#es to *ou absolutel* free.
*I< PHONE BANKINGD Bhone Banking is *et another banking service offered b*
HSBC under this s*ste#, like in "T4 card, a secret code nu#ber is provided to each
account holder. " custo#er wanting to know his bank balance or an* other infor#ation
relating to his account should dial up a particular phone nu#ber indicated b* the bank.
1hen the nu#ber is dialed, a recorded voice will ask *ou to identif* *ourself with *our
account nu#ber and code nu#ber. 2f the nu#bers are tallied, *ou will get all the
infor#ation *ou want to know about *our account. Bresentl* #an* foreign banks

provide this service. Aou cannot draw cash or deposit cash through phone banking. 2t is
basicall* an infor#ation service.

The ter# foreign e5change #a* be defined as a #eans of pa*#ent of an instru#ent of
short 9 ter# credits for various countries with different #onetar* units, when looked at
fro# the point of view of their purchase or sale against the national #one*, or that of
their holdings or reserves. 2t refers to foreign #one* which includes notes, che.ues, bills
of e5change, bank balances and deposit in foreign currencies. 2t is often used to denote
the process or s*ste# b* which the currenc* of countr* is converted into that of another
+oreign e5change transaction arises #ainl* fro# trade transactions a#ong residents of
different countries. The foreign e5change is the clearing house through which the
purchase and sale of foreign e5change are offset against each other. The #ain link
between the bu*ers and sellers of foreign e5change in the foreign e5change #arket is the
Forei%n Fa$i"i#ie) ,or Re)i'en#D
1E +oreign e5change up to %&& 10,000 in an* calendar *ear for touris# or private travel
to an* countr* other than @epal and Bhutan on the basis of self 9certification. +or travel
to @epal and Bhutan 2ndian currenc* can be taken without li#it e5cept 2ndian currenc*
notes of deno#inations of (s $00 and above.
E +oreign e5change up to % & & 100,000 on the basis of self certification. +or students
the li#it of & 100,000 is applicable for each acade#ic *ear. +or #edical treat#ent in
addition to %&& $,000 can be taken for #eeting boardingKlodgingKtravel e5penses of the
patient and also the acco#pan*ing
attendant on self 9 certification. "#ounts in e5cess of the li#its can be released on basis
of docu#entar* evidence of re.uire#ent.

1E 4eeting e5pensesK#aking purchases while abroad without an* li#it.
E 4aking pa*#ent in foreign e5change for purchase of books and other ite#s through
(esident holding a foreign currenc* account in 2ndia or with a bank overseas is
also free to obtain 2CC)s issued b* overseas banks and other reputed agencies.
(e#ittance can be #ade upto %S&$000 for an* #iscellaneous purpose with out that
production of an* docu#ent.
,iftsK Fonation can be #ade to an* bod* upto %S&$000 ever* *ear per re#itter on self
+oreign can be freel* drawn for all other bonafied current account transaction Dother than
those which are restricted or are subCect to specified li#itsE on production of
docu#entar* evidence to the satisfaction of the authori6ed dealer.
+oreign e5change up to %S&000 in the for# of foreign currenc* notes or traveller)s
che.ues DTC)SE can be retained indefinitel* for future use. "#ounts in e5cess of %S&
000 have to be surrendered to a bank with in 70 da*s and TC)s with in 80 da*s of return
or credited to (+C LFM account. +oreign coins can be retained indefinitel* without an*
(esident can open (esident +oreign Currenc* "ccount with bank in 2ndia for crediting:
1E %nspent balances after travel abroad.
E Currenc*, TC s, bank drafts received as gifts fro# or for services rendered to non
resident while in 2ndia.

3E +oreign e5change earnings received, through banking channel, ro*alt*, for an* service
or towards e5ports of goods.
(+C LFM accounts are @HT interest bearing and there is no ceiling on the balances that
can be built up in these accounts. The balances held in these accounts can be used for an*
purpose for which foreign e5change can be bought fro# a bank in 2ndia.
1e find two t*pes of custo#ers using the services of banks, such as general custo#ers
and the industrial custo#ers as given below:
Genera" u)er)D persons having an account in the bank and using the banking facilities at
the ter# and conditions fi5ed b* a bank are known as general users of the banking
services. ,enerall* the* are found to be s#all si6ed custo#ers.
In'u)#ria" u)er)D the industrialists, entrepreneurs having an account in the bank and
using the credit facilities and other services for the establish#ent and e5pansion of their
business are known as industrial users. ,enerall* the* are found to be large si6ed.
Pro)pe$#)D it is also essential to clarif* the ter#, prospects. The general or industrial
prospects do not use the banking services at the present but the* have the potentials to
beco#e a custo#er if induced or #otivated in a right fashion.
@ea"#h Mana%een# Ser(i$e)

HSBC 2nvest#ents develops appropriate invest#ent solutions using invest#ent
#anage#ent e5pertise fro# within and outside of the HSBC ,roup. Hur approach is to

present the appropriate co#bination of invest#ent capabilities, dependent on the
re.uire#ents of the client.
HSBC is able to do this b* working in partnership with clients and their advisers,
tailoring solutions to their specific re.uire#ents without a bias to in;house active
invest#ent capabilities, drawing on our own invest#ent capabilities when appropriate
and e5ternal #anagers when re.uired:
" full range of invest#ent solutions to #eet the needs of clients around the world
" focus on what is right for the client rather than what we #anage in;house
4ulti#anage#ent fro# our 4ulti#anager tea# is a core option for active

2nvest#ent G 2nsurance D2G2E Services is a part of the 1ealth 4anage#ent thrust of the
Bank. The various 2nvest#ent G 2nsurance products #ade available to custo#ers include
#utual funds, fi5ed inco#e securities DbondsE, direct e.uities and insurance products 9
the for#er three are #ade available both under advisor* as well as non;advisor* basis
while insurance products are available onl* on a non;advisor* basis.
1ealth 4anage#ent Services is spearheaded b* the 1ealth 4anage#ent %nit headed b*
the Head of 1ealth 4anage#ent who in turn reports into the Senior 4anager Bersonal
+inancial Services DS4B+SE. The Head of 1ealth 4anage#ent is assisted b* a central
tea# that supports the sales of 2G2 products to various custo#er seg#ents.
The various units in the central tea# are:
The centrali6ed 2nvest#ent "dvisor* %nit D2"%E is responsible for:
aE 4aintaining research on invest#ent products. Their views are e5pected to be
unifor#l* disse#inated to custo#ers b* the front office tea#s.
bE Broviding custo#i6ed invest#ent proposals and advice to advisor* custo#ers. The
advice broadl* covers e.uities, #utual funds, debt products and ta5;planning invest#ent
cE 4aintaining proposal te#plates for standardi6ed client profiles ascertained through
client responses through the >AC. The 2"% updates these te#plates for the front offices
on a #onthl* basis 9 these updates incorporate relevant changes pertaining to #arkets,
product develop#ents and product ideas.
dE 4aintaining the list of approved and reco##ended invest#ent products. The approved
funds are reflected in the #onthl* newsletter +unda#ental that is prepared b* 2"%.
eE Supporting the wealth #anage#ent salespeople with sales #aterial and periodic
updates on invest#ent products.
In(e)#en# Re)ear$h an' A'(i)or/

The unit significantl* draws upon the knowledge and research that resides within other
ar#s of the ,roup ; #ainl* HSBC Securities and HSBC Treasur*.
HSBC does not distribute all #utual fund sche#es available in the #arket. The
2nvest#ent "dvisor* %nit D2"%E tracks suitable sche#es and selects the# for distribution
after a fairl* rigorous due diligence process. These sche#es are then placed on what is
co##onl* referred to as the Uwhite listV and are open for distribution b* +ront Hffice
Staff, subCect to sales franchise li#its. U1hite;listedV sche#es are also referred to as
approved sche#es Dor as sche#es distributed on an approved basisE. %pdates on Uwhite
listV are co##unicated to sales staff and custo#ers through the #onthl* newsletter
2"% is also responsible for the production of sales support products like #arket
co##entaries, event i#pact notes, e.uit* reco##endation notes and updates, newsletters
and #odel e.uit* portfolios and the#es. !5tensive use is also #ade of infor#ation fro#
electronic databases like Capitaline and Bloo#berg in the e.uit* research #aintenance
The 2nsurance Broducts unit is the #ain driver of the insurance business of the Bank. 2t is
responsible for liaison with the underwriters, develop#ent of suitable products for Bank
custo#ers and follow;up on operational issues with the underwriters.
HSBC is the corporate agent for Tata "2, /ife 2nsurance /i#ited DT"2,E. However, we
do not distribute all life insurance products fro# T"2,. The 2nsurance product tea#, as
part of its #andate, designs, studies and selects suitable insurance products for
PFS $u)#oer)

The B+S custo#er base pri#aril* co#prises of individuals Dincluding #inorsE and H%+s
holding bank accounts and is seg#ented as below:
Preier C "n* relationship Done or #ore custo#ers usuall* of the sa#e fa#il*E
where the cu#ulative relationship value is (s. .$ #illion or #ore is eligible for
<Bre#ier). "ll wealth #anage#ent needs of Bre#ier custo#ers are serviced b*
dedicated Bre#ier (elationship 4anagers DB(4sE, High;end Bre#ier
relationships where the cu#ulative relationship value is (s. $ #illion or #ore
are also referred to as <Brivate clients). Brivate clients are serviced b* Senior
B(4s DSB(4sE.
Po&er *an#a%e C "n* custo#er whose cu#ulative deposit value is (s. 0.1
#illion or #ore is eligible for <BowerIantage) .BowerIantage custo#ers are
serviced b* BowerIantage Hfficers DBI(4E for their banking needs.
Ma))-ar.e# C "n* B+S custo#er who is not Bre#ier or BowerIantage is
referred to as <4ass;#arket). 4ass;#arket custo#er is serviced b* Custo#er
Services Hfficers DCSHsE for their banking needs.
Re%u"a#ion an' Gui'e"ine)
G 2 salespersons #ust act in accordance with the laws of 2ndia. The finance
4inistr* through the (B2, S!B2, 2(F", "4+2, Co#pan* /aw Board, Fepart#ent
of Co#pan* "ffairs, (egistrar of Co#panies oversees the various seg#ents of the
financial services industr*. 2n addition there are other entities, as well as various
legislations, which #a* affect the sales of 2G2 products. 2G2 salespersons should ensure
that the* have the necessar* knowledge and skills to render such services and are
properl* licensed to conduct sales of various financial products. This section is designed
to provide #eG#e salespersons with an overview of certain legal ter#s and regulations
that i#pact their business.
The section covers the following guiding principles
/aw of Torts
(egulator* re.uire#ents for 4utual +und distributors

(egulator* re.uire#ents for sale of insurance policies b* corporate agents
S!B2 2nsider dealing regulations and Staff dealing rules
"+B Brofessional Standards
,roup ,uidelines including Cross;border #arketing guidelines, vulnerable
custo#ers, inherentl*;risk* sales and blank or partiall* filled docu#ents.
App"i$a+i"i#/ #o HSBC
The banker;custo#er relationship is a fiduciar* one and the banker significantl*
influences the custo#ers) decisions relating to his finances. 1ith increasing consu#er
awareness, financial industr* representatives will also beco#e liable for negligence and
#alfeasance. Care should be e5ercised in the following aspects:
Bankers should ensure that the* in fact possess the skill and knowledge
that the* purport to possess 9 salespersons should ensure that the* have
undergone all training prescribed for their channel and are appropriatel*
certified or licensed.
1here a banker provides advice Dunder a advisor* propositionE as to
specific invest#ents, it is his dut* to ensure that due diligence has been
carried out before arriving at the reco##endation 9 it is vital that
salespersons rel* on the central +BS tea# for an* reco##endation that is
provided to the custo#er. "t the sa#e ti#e, where <infor#ation) is given
during a brief i#pro#ptu #eeting with regard to a co#pan* that a client
was conte#plating investing in, it was held that the banker)s dut* was
Bankers should not indulge in #is;selling i.e., pro#oting or suggesting
financial products, which are either unsuitable for the custo#er or which
the does not full* co#prehend, #erel* for their own selfish reward.
Du#ie) an' Re)pon)i+i"i#ie)
!ver* salesperson has a responsibilit* to Custo#ers to act within the scope of their
authorit* fro# the ,roup and ensure that the custo#er relationship is #anaged in
accordance with appropriate regulator* re.uire#ents, professional standards and

acceptable industr* practices set out above. !ver* salesperson should be #indful of the
,roup)s >e* Business Ialues of the highest personal standards of integrit* at all levels
and co##it#ent to truth and fair dealing. The following, although not e5haustive,
outlines such responsibilities:
Hone)# an' Fair Dea"in%)
Salespersons should be honest and fair in all dealing with custo#ers, staff #e#bers,
inter#ediaries and third parties. This includes all interactions with potential, e5isting and
previous custo#ers, as well as those custo#ers who have contractual arrange#ents,
transactions and other for#s of trade via other branches of HSBC andKor other
C"ien# Con,i'en#ia"i#/
"ll infor#ation gathered in the course of a salesperson)s dut* and functions is
confidential and salespersons are responsible for protecting the confidentialit* of their
Custo#ers. This includes the collection, use, storage and distribution of the following:
2dentit* of the Custo#ers, including docu#ents pertaining to the sa#e-
Fetails regarding their personal, fa#il*, financial, health and other infor#ation-
Fetails regarding the reco##endations #ade to the#-
Co#puter records regarding the Custo#er-
"ll infor#ation held on the Custo#er files-
"ll custo#er files #ust be #aintained in a secure location at the HSBC branch where
their accounts are held or where the salesperson is predo#inantl* located. "ccess to
custo#er files and confidential records #ust be li#ited to those staff directl* involved in
the provision of these services. "ll staff #ust be aware of the Brivac* re.uire#ents.
A$#in% on Beha", o, #he Copan/
Blease note that no salesperson can sign contracts, agree#ents or arrange#ents for
services on behalf of the bank unless authori6ed b* the bank b* wa* of a Bower of
"ttorne* in favour of the salesperson. 2n the absence of such a power of attorne*, B(4s
and SB(4s can onl* sign correspondence to clients or service providers. Copies of all
correspondence to Clients, whether for the purpose of prospecting, #arketing, financial

planning or the provision of services, #ust be #aintained on file. +B4s are not
authori6ed to sign correspondence.
Salespersons have a personal and professional responsibilit* for #aintaining the integrit*
of the ,roup. 1henever a salesperson beco#es aware or suspects that an* of the
following breaches have taken place, the* #ust i##ediatel* report the details to their
superior. The superiors would in turn follow the laid down procedures Dstated in /ocal
Co#pliance Hfficers Handbook of the BankE for reporting such breaches.
2nstances where the applicable codes of conduct have not been followed-
Sales which are not in the best interest of the Client-
>nowledge of a Client being disadvantaged, #isinfor#ed, tricked or #anipulated-
Conduct that has been driven purel* to generate or increase an* bonus or
Sales that shows an* unfair and unwarranted bias-
Sales which have been done without following the due sales process-
Appearan$e an' Beha(ior
To our clients, the salespersons are representatives of the ,roup. The* are thus re.uired
to proCect a professional, well;groo#ed i#age and conduct the#selves appropriatel* at
all ti#es. This includes dress, punctualit* and honoring of co##it#ents and pro#ises
#ade to custo#ers.
On%oin% Pro,e))iona" De(e"open#
"s part of continued professional develop#ent, salespersons and their superior)s
salespersons are re.uired to ensure that their knowledge of 2G2 Services is relevant,
current and accurate. "ll 2G2 salespersons should undergo refresher training once ever*
si5 #onths.
Se""in% #o ,ai"/, ,rien') an' )#a,, e+er)
1hen selling to fa#il*, friends and staff #e#bers we should afford the sa#e
professionalis# and courtes* we do to all other custo#ers. 2t is not acceptable to short
circuit the established sales processes in these circu#stances.

Finan$ia" P"annin% Ser(i$e)
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation /i#ited Dthe BankE shall offer
financial planning services 9 details of which are #entioned below:
1E +inancial planning services entail the preparation of a +inancial Blan based upon the
#apping of financial goals and resources available and e5pected as specified b* the
E The Custo#er shall co#plete the Bersonal +inancial (eview 9 which shall provide
HSBC with the re.uisite infor#ation on the Custo#er)s financial goals, available K
e5pected resources and risk profile. The Custo#er certifies that the infor#ation provided
in the Bersonal +inancial (eview shall be co#plete and accurate in all respects.
3E The Bank #a* use a financial planning calculator that will arrive at the rate of return
re.uired to achieve the Custo#er)s financial goals. The assu#ptions #ade regarding
various econo#ic para#eters and the e5pected returns on various asset classes are
indicative in nature and #a* change based on #arket conditions.
8E The Bank #a* suggest an asset allocation for the Custo#er 9 using the risk profiling
software that has been internall* developed for the purpose. Based on the asset allocation,
the Bank #a* #ake available to the Custo#er #odel portfolios that have been
constructed based on a ranking of #utual funds Dderived fro# a .uantitative anal*sis of
the funds) perfor#anceE and the Bank #a* also suggest other securities.
$E The Bank #a* also #ake available to the Custo#er insurance products for the
+inancial Blan.
'E The +inancial Blan is not an agree#ent but a su##ar* of the details provided b* the
Custo#er in the Bersonal +inancial (eview and the asset allocation derived fro# the risk
profile of the Custo#er. The Bank cannot be held liable for the achieve#entKnon
achieve#ent of the financial goals identified b* the Custo#er and the +inancial Blan

cannot be construed as securit* for ensuring the achieve#ent of the Custo#er)s financial
=E The Bank will review the details provided b* the Custo#er in the Bersonal +inancial
(eview, including infor#ation on the Custo#er)s financial goals, available K e5pected
resources and risk profile, once a *ear.
8E The Bank will not provide ta5 advice and the Custo#er should consult the Custo#er)s
own ta5 advisor as appropriate.
2 hope that this proCect has sti#ulated the reader)s interest in the ter# IPro'u$#) an'
Ser(i$e)J a) a Ban.7 2 have certainl* found the task of organi6ing #* own knowledge of
the subCect and #ore of the infor#ation fro# the secondear* sources to #ake this BroCect
report, a re&ar'in% one7
@ew instru#ents are being developed at an e5citing pace <there can be little
double that i#portant. @ew ideas and new result will continue to e#erge fro# this
BroCect. 2 had co#e to know about Bank Broducts and Services such as various Bank
"ccount and different t*pes of loans and cards. Banks are providing services to attract
Custo#ers and to sta* in the Co#petition.


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